r= *y, Auausi 14. lmQ A'Family Beverage t Summer DrinkS ~O.O 10 uaè91 dt wg inspuru GummSina rh Ben treamrislss, Inlet*m. eheers. PosiitablaSusd 9suuitiin Klin, asGina' Aie s Md 0 se pquurs Bld svoewhmls. P. G. KLEIN CO., IIJRLINGTOH. Wl,. DO YOU WANT 'A PIANO ? If »cmc crein &Md &y thse farousSCHABER EL SCHUETE Piano, at your &Wsosa at ou>' tore at ANY TIME, You wiilbe pleamdwith ih STRANG'S rURNITURE STORIE GEO. E. STRANG LICENSED UNDERTAKR Pnop. AND EMBALMER o Tickled? 0f course, why pot--- We sei the SC1IAEFFERP, IANO W. conalder ourmeven very fortioato u Il l. a n strument no one hestitates to buy B 1CA USI RST-The price ta flot low (ym eryw people want a cheap Piano. o we won't lame guch buainema on thae aecouât). SECON-Tbe pricc ta not away up (people heitate thma they're doubtful as to gefing hfulvalue), Bo yos mue when the toue la heard sud the price anounced kt mnueanother SCHAEFFER -id dnt aoth.r homme %sud. happy through ý Alden, Bidinger & Co. 209 N. Cenesc Street i j i% i W AUKEGAN, ILLINOIS Rusel Lumb Y ard F. BAI RSTOW N O0w MàANUFACTUR&R 0F IS TUE TimE TO Marble and Granit B U Y "Monuments Lumbtr, Cernent, Coal Cemetcry Work of Eve Posts and MIlwork Description GIVE ME A TRIAL FS. HEAD RUSSE.L L ljra¶jsIke - Dakeri aod Restaurant Meals end Lunches Served at ail hours, 1 ICE CREAM SODMI AND SOFT DRINKS CIGARS and CANDIES LAUJNDRY OFFICE Phone No. 19. MISS8 EMMA GERLACH, Prap. M6 Mir, and Mm. Androw Whie.o! Grays- I laits, vlsted Mr. aud Mr@. W. j. Whte. Mr. and Mm. Jaune Ker and daughter, of L.ake Vila. wsre ilîburocalera lit Ladie' Aid Soeity. MliiGlayiSarBt and Baby Hughes,T h o!Grevatdrelativus the lster parth e-H a of the week. Miii s MaWb oÎiner and Helen Safford NemI Post Offie22N n s SW u eg HM M viei the fornie's aunt, Mms. Stewart, olurnes, laut week. A number of h yugpepefromn here attended libte soialatPî le Born, toi Mr. and Mns. Deckerman, a baby Aug. a.WT A S PICL Miss McGinty, O! Chic", o. ) John B<nnr teel font a Joad of oats lait week ansd broke a rib. He iq getting Mr. . Ban addaughter, Doroth< FOR 3 Days, beginning Thursday, August 13, and ending Satu 4b-y, Augs tibltdyprty of Frazier Hollenbck at1 m w .,ZI.se 1 4o atfekvlst IThblulisd ay ,at 10 m., w will put al of LL4 seasons reauy-to-w ar -ppml on Mru. W. 0. Thom andchildrenreturned 0 Od lsl tpie h twl ea pecae yo tp to s n h t wl e home gaturday from their two weeks seilsl tpie h twl xapeitdb u arnad ta iIda Mhs. aieoSnand adagtr . u tables quickly. Every womnan in Lake Countv should avail themnselves of Cale Anderson, o! Kasa, visted sieral days with the formers@ son, this rare opportunity to secure goods of the season's latest production at sucli George at Marsbfield, Wis. rm .kby Iw rrcs Misse Seavey, of Kansas, nieee of Dr. > rrak by lw p-cs Jamison, and Miss W leux, o! Liberty- ville, visited Dr. JamisOnan d !amily , recently. Chas. Anm and daughter, Min Ethel th n s u td-nu w l id eciie o u Atklnson, Neb., lait Snnday. 0 Miseh Vinnie Jamisan rturned ta 3 jumper Dresses, $125 SURk Udersllh'ts, $2.98 Ladies' $5.00 Céas, $2.5@ Mms Emma Hughes returned home j Just arrived--one lot of nice jumper dresses Greatest bargain In'line cf siik underskirta Ladies' $5.00 coite and jackets, - - Tueek's wt hiael atv here. tt made up in fine lawne, neatly trimmed with ever seen In thse hlstory of thse mercantile speciai for this thime days I wekswtErltve)ee business. Genuifle $500 annd $6.00 unden- sale ........................ 5 Mnr. John (Jerry nec iSarah (Jrplip. D silk and blue pipngs, etc., for skirts, made up in heivy taffeta . wife o!l John aJerY, a former reedent of specisi clearance during sksecafrthtred this viinit> died at her home in Cash- oe THIS 1H REE DAYS SALE .... 125 ca ,ecAuto CravtetteCrats $2.5 mene, Waihington, two weeks ago. She Auoj...eeteC t%$. ' leavem a husbmnd, Jour boys and anLaisfllngh rvnte dat vicinty tu mourn ber 108.z 5SUR Dresses, $6.98 $8.00 Panama Skirts, $4.98 mobile coats, worth ai hlgh Miss Pearl Cleveland vsitd Tue5day Gada lc aaasltoe hw as $1000, go special for this sale Granestblac Paama kir eve shwn t........................30 ut Edgar Ami>s, of Wadsworth. , A speclal lot of heautiful sik dresses in for thia prie. Ladies' black Panama aiirt, ______________________ The C. E. society gave a lawo social Sa most handsomne desigila, worth, more than hutton front, made up In beautîful the home of J. El. Banner Thursday z double the price asked, chiffon Panama, worth $8.00, £ eeeiing. ,muet go to make room4 98 for OïCat, 8 Mm. Tukey, of New Jersey, bai been other goodi, at .........6.98 hr- Yyosecalprcechile s56 C oats, 98 visiting ber @on iu Denver, Colo.. and on___________________cotmigoranîs lier returnoin viitiDg lier iter, Mn. -cneme g earie Geo. Jaîniion. of______t_.................._9c___ Mn,,. Gea. Grity andaiter, Mm. $ 20.00 and $25.00 Sais, $7.98U ..'t l Odett axe Chicago viâitors tins week 4 Mothdoeltofais'ut mem t Mis. Mary Yoe epent lait Thnreday oe o nfie anaa m o fde itboe mser Great LadIes Nigtgowns, 29c wihbrdnheMrs. (erry, o!M pInfnPaaaadhrigbesg, waok er angt f Worth from $20.00 ta $25.W0,mut Ladies ~muein night gowns, large siga, Vi C. E. topic, Aug. 16, Lessoon fram the > odvn heeredy frTua w wfl tnae fl, etytlmd Sea," Po. 107: 2,3-12. Mabel Banner, a pela Ceaane t lo etMaeie MS"- euar7 vaus leader. A Sffpe _________________......... Bert Trotter, of Ch«&gOn lpending a Net Waists, $148 .t estta mis?,evesr lew days vacation wlitfi relatives at W. Magnîficent lot of net waiste, aîlk licd, aIl ew a et thlàs pICC., extra Milburu. &orne trmed with blue andmupecimil' bbsou ny::SOC Corsets, 29e Mm. Cremine is etertaining Fred 0 dot silk, sonne embroldered in llk witlac Al Occose; White and wi!e, a nephew from New Ali 50o g ontssl, York tate. trimmings, goi___________________sais,_ Glad to have you use the Independent ùj a very special bargain, 1.4809 r t ............... Tent as s rest room and stili "gladder' .. to have you paf yaun subscription ___________________ thone.0 CLIARING SALE ON SHOIS3 Barn tu Mr. and Mis. R L.Strmng. AS AG IS£00 W .e hrs$9 lg lc a roe batnmtlcbi Tneeday. Ang. 11, a 10% Ilb.daugb ter onTBRG IS 40 W oenS s LS Hg lc a hobto n ae M. and Mm. B L. Taweratwended Two DBaraii Lots of Wai5t Al cur ladies' $4.00 wooien skirts welt, modlffid freak ton, w* e atensi »W4,'I Ithe wedding a! Miss Laura Sylvester. go for Special Clearance, 9 Cuban militai>' heel, rogular Mine Ale Nelsan returned Sundmy LOT .-Handsome lot of shirtwilets, nomse t CenngSî........................19 re Meeiifrti romn Indiana eccampanied b>' several with embroidered, fronts sonne with lace Clearing______________ p Sait $ ......p..........t.. frienditreuedspcil.o Ladies Oxfords In light and devis tan, p~ls Mr. and Mms. J. C . Chope and children this Four Da>'s Sale,C $2O $25 Uneiit,9C ddulfihklbto mdachd Sonda>' Great lot of white undorskirta Judt arrIved, turned and hand welt, modfl fie iak tee, !! Mr. and Mm. Elmer Cannon e3pent LOT 2-Most beautiful lot of shirtwaists, trimmcd with deep embroldered flounce, etenaronvsle,*. Sond>' t Wucada.ail high priced gooda, a ver>' Worth $200 ta $Z50, apecial bargain, 9 C for this Specil Sale caygdrîng ale t.... M LA" at ..................99............ Oui long wihed for rain came Tueeda>' nigbt. Mr@. Payne returned Monday rom a two wek's viit at VWnnetka. Mrs. Orgard and titres chlldreni ofWipe ersneiv !teSae~~ eNorth Dakota, are visiting Mise Amy MD E M E reprwasnem Wedofte awth m EeeseIevalei Matilaphans hiag,.pnteeerE AYSP ANT EP NRT aid T 1 i@vdle nddagte, fe hiao.Mr a&.!ve Chicmg t11160 days o! lait wesk at the Croker home. lWanSdA K AIRT h ba urcmsed the ies o!ave adie'ay. a m êe Mm. Sage bas retrneed !nnm ber trip F. J. RCE Editor hn N.1 John Wicke and wlll orect a modem not largely atitended.l ta northern Wicoesin. bungalo on the same. Isr. E. P. Siver nd adwhildi Mr. and Mmr. F. É. Lyon and Mr. aid Onders Taken for Job Work Advctising Rate& On Application Mi el alwsaCtcg iia rma'eksnll a~ Lincon Park. Tedy mi.Cwa !I* Min Flona Churchill, o! L1bértyville lGga, o! kntiach, wms a tusi Woi Griffu eutertalned bie brother o! Mise Mandia Wheeler speut Suuday Mrs, ateCwa 91*,b viitd vn noa wti iss Onae hre Sunda>' and accomPanieid isse Wanketgan a couple o! days lait week. wîth bier sien at Chicago. vWsutintie Sver lamil. d Critover Saa ihMn Mahel and Liii>' Turner ta the Lotus OaTosa i~ bso tMm. L J. glocuaà urs Jane nd augter ar ener-Novel Entertainment Coming. aitRM 0. Murries.. tmning a Party 0! twelve sommer Mie Besee Strows o! Boston, l% the Carlyle Drucesaid wile aid B. J. Loltus Thte ladies a! the Eplicopal MIson Mm. IL G. liurs ie "~ ' bamders. guet o! Mrs. D . . hite. andi !amlly took a trip ibroogit the wîîî give ai entertealnment & e bmGry.. îocumaad"IR> ae0 The lawn social which was beld ai the Umii Laura Lotu8, of Wilmot, is the southev part !oWiicosin Snday innngAg j", home o! M. and Mlra. (roker waaaA t of ber cousins, tvali and AIda Mr. Dnuce'sauat.o. 28.o bes rtida> enwlng I;au ae occSi in uver>' wmy. The evenng wai frit.s. Clarnce MacCawatnd wlle. a! loteresting oanad willlp> you ta Myrtle Govria rimurnél Iromi penleci, the program fine aid a gaod H r ube n ieseiSnayRviiad eegct !A . Har- fesrve the date. Pmgram w:,y,,appean vwiluKenoalsa Sahda. .- ateuaie atoete mkig it re ativs tWaukegmn. ve>' and wi!e Saturda>' and Sonday. lu aur flsue. KMm. JneElleyspmge p7 occasion long ta te rememberd. ihrltvsetran Dr. W. N. Clark who underweut ain' Mr*, A. C. (J<>rifr - Misi Murel Cannoin aid Normée M. Schiaiser and !amily are eu8ti-operation et the McAllter bosital lait i PALATM he N HIs n Cannon, a! Zion City', are viiltng rela- lng relatives rom the cit>'. Sonday Jeiimproving very nlcely. igh e lS>.mdak ss=."1 tivebem r.ind Ere M Douglas, o! Sand L. Baker and lady !nlend spent Sonda>' MIss Jeannette ]Paddock was a-vryday n i. -An unueually large auidienlce came ont Laie, veeg gu.ts at the Ceira Allen with tfAends et Rockefeller. peaeant cailer n anienda In Palatine ta bear Dr. VnWinkle, a inclclng9 home Sonda>'. F. C. Wilbun le ttendlng the conve-Monday. R. E. Lewin apenta o , cbyochSuedfaChicaong T hs or as MissUlmEva Culve,o! monaiville, le the tion a! the Wilbur Lumber Ca. at Mil. Mms. Burlingeme le entertainieber witb bis fautber.- amisted b>' the Misses Buter and Um goqet of!lber gradiothen, Mrs. Culver. waukes this week.sserM.RortnfotAkia, Mdae GaD P jChurchilli 1S~ving some excellent munitc Judge Fitch was in Cicago Satunda>' Miss Mioanle ea, of Bine Island In the at prement. Melvin* and chlldr, Ulm whlch vas ai0 appreclated. ta caeîult a 1îbvsicÂaO. The judge bas guest of!lber grandparents, Mr. mnd Mn,. Mn. and Mre. H. C. Langbaret, Wm. gaturda>'. Mr.Js hraoîf yelake, spent en snffen*n grt' with rheumatsmGelc Langoe ad Mis Emma attendort Mesdamss L M. Boalu Mn. as.SheranOer'mh.tisainlutbe sights at Font Sheridan Sun-Cilavstdis.oa Soodmy with Mre. Jorgenoan. anmd bas been al tu cbtaili but littie Miss Amelia Wlnkle epent Manda>' le day. Cri o dM ou o Chico oceelrilewt r.rele ,ao. Stuart Paddock, the edîtan o! tite A-SvenBnr la ipseisa Latbop a chaeronare ait tbe Mn aiM J. G. Rowling, o! Lake Mr. and Mre. Win. Sping speut Sun- Palatine Enterprlse, Jsejoylng a va- otty lat.Ville, were guc l o Ed Rowling and day with !iends st Litertyville. cation and MiseJeannette taiescharge Mr. and lMme John Dmw faînil>' Frida>'.s al n r. od f ans.o! the offi63 in the meantime. osa,, selt Bnd>'vuIls lake. ______________ tIrs. Hall aud atlre.Wood, o! Hns. Mms.J. B. Schieiding aid Mm. T. Cmi- lin, and Mm . J. 3Cmlt rhistie Notice. Ev nhady al,Runei ada'e.vie-ville. epent several days at Antioch thfis :o pti hrae i Notice le bereby given ta hlghwmy moI n ama good tolns. Ticýkets 3Oc. week. M [B oy HZanni n Ailegtn Belgitt. Mspet Lit. Wedse day . Mi commussiaiiei5 o! the townehip o! Liter. iso ! Mee MDratmnfonalo Miss Amenda Barmo lug l8 enter- John Sonner of MMbur. tyville tO natil> pthmnasters ta dlean up The ladiesc' o the EpiscaPal t""'e Chcago, rturned Sunday evening mlter tmlning ber niece this wesk. nreoioaifntKm thein districts, higbwaye, railîoade, ,Osake bldah etng4e true o! nding several dmyo with Mms. Allie L.TResvitdrlieseLbrt-oiimra> litaae larme and lots o! Canada tistles belons Weekst whicb Mise Flornee ) ic a pple. L .Rwevstdrltvsi iet-ot"udyngttt= th>'gotaiedast balee talth ppoiutud chai' man aid the folIawing ville recenti>'. initiation o!fseveaaw lahey. 'obseved. oi1ees ereapposes ta rragetMhe illie MeMillan and lamil>' bave Pay etAt1he tent. Thatsa the place ta drill on tesireet wvAs Sue DEN-IC LimBERRY. for ai entertainmeut vb!ch -wll occur arrived Irons Witchita anw . m get square with the Independient. crowd Seing prpsuenito itMII Canada Thietie Commissioner o! the Frida>' evening. .tug. 28, at the Grays- McMillan and lamily ill malte their tawn o! Lihertyville, Lake Count..iii. laies apura boume Committee an enter- haome at Grysiake lu the future. We 'WÂIRHN 39.t! iaiumsnt, Mrm. ltto Waldmmn, Mies are.glmd ta have tiiern in oun midst Ingleside Camp 3989, M. W. A., monts Mn. anddUMm. Afred llwd 1 Aura Battersball, MM. Spriuger; cons- &gain. ener>' rsi aid iird Tuesda>' o! each vîstlng relatives aid !Iisail luititee on eresbeti, Mn,. J. ttolland, Mr. leming ls entertalning rilensis montit. Viitlng Nelghbom and meinters nervis git weak, then thons organe dicoretian, Mios M. Wheslen, Mme D. G:IrinChcga this week. are Cordal> uvtdtaated M.Aa htmn bat alwaya ail. Do't drug the stinsacb White, Miese Annalsil Whitinore, Mise Dr. VanWinkle, a! Chicago, viii con- 0. HOWARDu, COuncil. Mr. aid Mme. Fred 4sep no stilmalate the heat or klduiye. liael'Tumner;, advertising, Miin Bertha duct the senvides et the Gage's Lake M. 131-t! H. HassomiceS, Clemk. Wiâ., aid eidria, 0a419*M Tht esRpl mkesif.Get a Dr@. &, linsOtoWaldmAn. MisestFlorence E. chsrch eext Sonda>' svening.~- Aliare a ve g "tm )". ___ ý1 scnlpiOe nownodrogist enuyvitee Drce crdial>' nvitd ta tten. Wek vaen s1-ldrWarren 'ook vii lin. J¶issf le en Correspondence %§oliclt* 126 Genesee St Wankegan FARM MACH INERCi of ail Klnds REPAIRED wlth Thoroughnes AND Dispatch woTII NEW SANITÀRY I bh Witi annoonce tisai Disc Ilarrows Sharpenel thé>' vili open up ibeir bev!ts>try _ ____ Sat m*ty, Eay, 23 d ve Z> u ea o! em ent viii e , r LuRffl . 1