S OM01OAL PAPER 0OF LAItE"COUNTY ~~5TaboeI5No. 1 l. tr'tResience Teiepaolié No. 1141.. taértyvUl>RExchangé RoeeedA tthe pooswice .stlbértyvMe le.i., aà Secon ies. lmater MMUNWRBKLY. ADVERTISINO 5&TUS &05 KNOW5 ON Api-LICAi-tON. ,BUSORIPTION PRICE 81.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE PUANK M. JUSTý .............................................................. Editor I. M. ÏKELLEY_ ..... ..................................-........City Editor FRIDAY. AUGUST 14, 1908. RALPJtnýAbY. Me r«eévea theo éndorsement of the sepoblcen voter@ without pledgea to aty'faction or lement. Mis firet duty t. the publie la plan-atricter enforce- *Intt of laws governing thé liquor -tr«Mr_ H e wil bé n a position, fter Neesénhér, ta comply wth the éver laér.ielig demand In Lake county feW thé aholiahmént of blind pig, and té work In conjunctiorl with the next ocit>' administration for properiy reg- ulatéd s"Iconseand suppression cf ev. ery torm of gambiing in Waukegan. He wiI have thé SUPPOrt Of a1l right minded citizons, bé thia hi& ef- fort. Waukegan, by elécting e mayor and councilmén next spring, disposed te enforce lavis governinil thélilquor traffic and abollch gambling, will ma- terîaity id Mr. Dady ln the campaign for cane régulation, which la éxpécted of him. MARCH 0F PROSPERITY. Henry Ciéws sy.ln hic Wal treet latter: -'Thé crop outiook la especialy mast- ismcory. We are now almost sure of full cropa o! cotton, corn and whéat, ail of which wilI commend good prices and for which there la likely to hé a p.od home and foréign démand. Thé government report Indicates a large c rop of corn and s good trop o whéat. Thé cotton trop ls éxpected to reach ~ au 18,00,00 balec; and, m airady , polMetd out, the mufle> valué of our éCtfpe wiI certaini>' éxceéd ahl records. It- "hsap mono>' and plént>' of it la a 'er lu> nfléntil alarlment in thé pi-sent ft Adâlionel LibertyvMle 1M J. Pwc i ',ng everal U.Ema 01084ansd mom, Harold, sud i " iémo! Prairie Vew, viited 1110e lée 'WAidSociety' of thé Préeby- t séMa. eharç Wini gi-, a melon social e.vecistale, Aog. 19, at thé ~juIors.ÀAcordial invitation le ik ifr ancis Trlwaprstnrné Waéto nvéée -ait werfllb cb o" ar' & irovor. Andhls in apau lautauquao. N -4s1At tebUSchwtz T osaheatr - *.'P ai he Shatztle vte ora P1.Tedaé hle tastai N ulooko T o! t Zl M",al8, aniaS, é, ha"eattenio 'Pot osto gits avd efulu>' tacs ud iior. hAad WgédlWW go3nd festec ubpoIlie. Wart th e Schwr Wby la p5kfd M? il that vomén, as rleg idhsi-rthéy go dorlngth vbm Ounda>' conuthé>' b ot ruéet vidébrimnied bat lie>' »>i'sd vîit thé varm ton ds isud fétbsrsgo 10 aurcb sud uiag théemrvlcé to thé dicomn- uteÎav v.ahd a&l thoes vho are uâeats osto hé eatéd héhind Card of Thanks. We «vlsh to thsuk thé frieuds and asibbors for thir kinduassistance durln tbe aekuese sd deatb of our husbsud sud father and for their Moral cotil. buttons. Mdes. Il. ELFHGiîAND tOFANILY. Who Wsnts a Lyon & Heaiy Piano? We bave learned of an unusuat bar- gaa ln a Lyon & Healy Piano. This instrument la one of thé regniar style Instruments. It le of thé vry latent design, sémi-colotial. ana thé cane ii o! eîqolsilte mahogany. Thé musical Portion of thé Instrument le fuly of) -10 the igh standard of ail Lyon & Héal>' pianos. This particular instru qLeut vas in théelpossession of a pun- -lsti owuer for a few mouths oly sud uà09 o trace of wear If you are iterested, write 10 Lyon =~ay, Chîcago, for au illutration ot p~imnsd also for thé low net prieé arvwlling to naine on thie and op" bargalnc lu lîgtiy used iiffo Aee.for their épécial sales it snob bsrgaaue sud their olier of sale ~Wdi cout for 30 days. t prigbts -k #10O 0 $175 tint were originally 2 p pr morethan double thèsp lrie. Adjuication Notice. aeIWS a br gn t lba thé theetate of ;îfUlîl matend dvancé. In spite of thé approach of crop mnoving demanda, both cail and time money are unuaualiy chéap, and such low rates naturaliy make good stocke and bonds look attractive as investments. Bank réservés are about thé highest on record for thie period of thé year, and thé monthiy currency statement shows the amount of circu- lation in thé country to hé $3,f46,- 000,000, agant $2,781,000,000 a yer ago. An increase of over $260,000,000 n twelve months, chiefly in gold cér- tificatés, in, of course, inflationmry in character, éspecimlly in viéw of thé di- minished activity in business which lessena thé demand for currency." STrAys 0' ILLINOIS. ýs COousl'I 0FLAE. lu thé Ciruit Curt of Lake (ontr to thé October Term. A. D. lcm. Minute Meikié Ys. . jrsnk Wreitrustée. Addison B. Panldue, Charlotte . lrenzan 9 a.ls LPrtidUé. Horaoée 1. Partridée .tua Partrd ogénr. .Carter. M know ho etvfa of em i nc ., " deeeaséd." "UaLngéo OwnerMd hork.,the noté d4seéélbéd lu thé mqtasseceg4d"dla Book O o aotegs ce M ad -Uuk»u owlwvurs est of a tyalavit hM on due Iconl eso ofIbmcad dc!adaa. Addieon ?mm .da.'Unkov h Ia rdevisés e! Leist réeh dlea."Uutowtiholr lu okbOvouesad hoi 09utthéealé deséribed ta thé mortasis reçorde.i tu Book et o!iotm.pg s aUnknova onnu ofrperqasiat~s ;.,lathé rc ama«obc.!auud 0 t11« promuecansuo sud hbdeau té ot dééied ti l I n a dte a i s a m o n bih b euEo eresof. DteU ou frtrM eéof cotA lsa sdbottier ofte n" emloLsntuisthe PALm OU e IN. dla ook aCo ltorj. Alîce dlth Laa.d19 lar . asti CourbueOhg gaet Tunîga. 1 tedwc"ae ed auM ck. Hale on- bhcgol Tecs:m est ortn & eorgeuHop, laukega, légl age teClaa B =tache, legaiagé.Du io Jhon H . Meran, hicgor, 230;a belle L. Parker, 26. Peter L. Ballariiî,Iliighland Park, 45; Annie Anderson, 45. Ray W. Ilanuson, Detroit, 25; Mary Anderson, St. Paol. 24. Reinhoid A. Klarstroin, 26; Jejînie C. Lndberg, 22. George Hluse, Chîcagoý 23; Anna Maxîcl, ,2. Ne-wton E. Fiiiiî, '26; Laura Frances Sylîîeîter, '2 . William \ III Nor th Chicago, 22; l Itouira Rollir î.iî2. uon H. tis,-on, Roiktord, 26; Ma- How Hé Was Curéd. roo tbuîîi',runrbNiaiehaié a edder sud a~n abernies noon by t!i mimer of a friend of bit, and aiter show ig hlm ch- faînîl>'album, sud thé vie., aid oîîîý 1 r tw(iotiier thingé, Ias a lat'resort, tbei girl ebîîwëdliîlni ber 3uoletmo1 fdrled irasses und i i.b Bot ua quantity ofi dried grags yiîu bave colictel, Miss Jackoun" éxclaimed Jouée, .%agging bis head lu stbe satisaction of a g od tbing ta cames. ;Nice place, n0w, foradne ' e lnto 1 ra ok> rémarked thé girl. in lueWhéu-.cured, qulte curedi The. lisublèeplaysd mWO-E.sÎn lut Suaday aud won thsmc bot. ThéeI6-0 on. Win wth a. teaof Pt. Sb-id"n sOWkIe. Md vas a wallohwsy for th*, local tuas, the s*ore biu for 7inniagét- Ramblers -a200 0 50 1-8 Fet Siuridat -2 o 0 0 o o±-R « Deerloré s&d Seller and lée ansd. Yowl wele tihe bbtteries. The. second gaine vas a ffisaine tresi for te .bg rb#d o!fan"s Who bad toril.d ont to seé thé battls btwe.n th@. Rarnbles ansd Bigb"ad Park t$ais.-; wus the bé omt nd, moeit4dwg a played bers t"a s«On nsd Iltbook 10 louAngé to decide IL. Bose "d F Oiseler vote théeoppo lngp andreou botb dd splendid work. Boyaebowrevsr lied osai]>'thé bet Of t, as OuiY 38so" bite vers made off hlm sud héoeruck out 15 mon, the tret Men facing hM m ut onstrikee. Oiseler llovîf rclg.ândtrukottl in;beis a i ho% watsr inning aiter inaing, buý t;V. spofled Out o the tght hol unilthé fatal lotb, vbén'bite bh jobuson sud Bock and 2 wlld throws omt iu the deciding run. For te Bamblera Dooflor ecored in the firut innlng ou a bit, a stoiec baso and a wld throw; Higbland Park tied the score lu hé6bbut altliough thé bases wer 2à't'tied almot si-er>' lunlng b>' su ad fHi hlsnder@, goud pl*ch- ingan suel field% prevouted another rua until thoe ed of thé lOthi luine you rnay have been wouderlng Vhaiti ham cauoed the may hose vo" s In town thha veek, it ja a sale bot tha" 'thé owuorestrained their vocal corde ai that ball gaine. Ramblérs -1 0 0 00 0001-2 Highland Park-O 00001O0 )0 0-i Batteries: Rambl'-rs, Boyee and John- son; Highland Park: F. Glader and Maroney. The Palttine Enterpriebauds thé following bouquet to Lihrtyvîlle about the gaine witb, Palatine: The Liberty - ville rooters were the MOt rabbid bunch ever een at a base bail gaine.- Thé>' mnade somne of the must person&an sd ineultug remarks to the Palatine players that a baln teain ever had to stand for. Obituar>' Notice. The followlng sketch of Charles W. Taylor, brother o! Dr. J. L. Taylor, le taken froin thé Jeffercon (Iowa) Bée at whlcb place vithln thé short 4pac ofo two yéars hé made scores of friénde wbo witb kind sud thougbtfui attention did everythiug possible for the tamlly atter bis ced death: Ch&"léeW. Taylor wae bora lé 8tacyvillé, Mitcell count>',. lowa. Jue 25, 1867. He lived witih Ie parent» on thée farm n otil hé grev 10 inan'c étaté, going through thé public echoola sud taking nome work lu the. V oaUniveosity' at Fayetté. W>en about 21 joars o!fsus hé voit 10 St. Paul and took op vork gos a& apront inl a drug s10re. He llked th work, c10died pliarnacy lu a practicr ay a>' nd a fsw ye saaclter toot the Stat. Board éxanination lu Iowa, sud vue admîtted toprantice an a régisréd pharmaclet. me eroéd lra busineé vth llehhbrother,J.- L. Taylor, at Carrollinl 1891, sud the. Sarne year vasuited lu marriage witJ Mattie Taylor, vbom hé bad met In St. Paul Tvo children vere bora o Cie union, Ruth, aqed 15, sud Tru- in, aed 6, vho vltli thé vile sur- ivle hlm. Ater a fév _yeasu of bosié lM at Carroll, Mr. Taylor vent to CocibiBluff@, thén 10 Nora Springs, vhéuce elter a cbort later-al, - hé carne b Jefferson npwarde of two years H h s as been very cucceful he-,building up by pro<gresive etbods a busines W làVas beSomlug more eatlefactory sud profitable evér>' day, sud hé bac beau crsdltsd durlag thé pentéw months wt bhaving oue of thé bds mtdrug s10re lncentral Iowa. Whou &yout beh joiued thés Mthodlst churcb.lBs Was a msntber of the blue todge aiso a chapter Manou. Mir. Taylor Vas a lqvable inuof munI>', frsuk ntur sd séil>' atWaced 1to =slf lare c.aIMo vert varin friénds. la shert, boy- ever, van vmappéd up lu thé littie ircle that gatboed about is flr"ed, sud no deélre of tbeirc, if vithin hie ranch, Sver vent long ungratifléd. To thés. poor coule, no enddénljr sud vIofli>' siricken, thére MM&meDo adéequats Va>'of axpresolag thé déep cypathz vw h ail wboé knov thém fWé. Bueh coInce as lepossible, bowver, le fréel>' sud tenderl>' proffered. May' thé great Fathér o! os ail mms thé pela of théir overburdened heurts. A Good Samaritani. Thé North Shore Newe-Lettér, of High- land Park, says: Maeer Foresi (uin- mingae sffered a very painful accident thile week. Wileriding on ahlgh wagon near Liber"-vilie hé fei[, triking thé tongue o t-hé wagon and théncet10thé ground thé front wagon wbéel paéslng over his ankle, presing ittÉtt. Thé driver yéléd" Whoa" stoppinu the bornes hfore thé wheels of thé reur touchéd thé child. At the drver'§ requet thé cilîd rolled under thé wagon and the drIver drove uhéadutil théeblhld vas rleas,-d. Thé accident happéned lu front of the hanse of a trained aursWho 10ok thé chld in, preosed thé ankîs hak to prolwr shape and bandagéd It, hlred a carriege sud took thé child t0 thé Street car sud dld not Ipave hlm util hé vas sale la blé own home sud when prOssed b>' the gratéful mother tri taire pay tor ber trouble, refuséd ail romuneration. We are glud 10 know that thé '1good Samar' Iran" lîvés Ioda>' sud that Forent le doing ulcél>'. Obituar>'. Henry Elfring vas bora lu Wesm, West Falia, Gerinu, Dec. 14. 1837, aud vas uarriéd ln 1868 ta Mury'Bage. Hé b.d a faml>' ofaeveu chilidren vhs. the ma thér dlsd Mar. 8, 1881. Re vas murried égain ta Mary Pitta, Jué e27. 1882. To thén vers bora iwfln'e child- ren alof whomurrlveexcept tvo. He hes liéd berse ver mae he caine froin errunny andi vos a vél-kuovuad higbly reépbcted itiSen. tdpright Lýad banet ilu ail dlgs witb is felov mon hevas hsd lu thé igbest estei and wl bégrtotiy msdin DacmmimiV~ vbsrehba dlli-sd @0omn'jen Tb esral v.L Isd n, S.~75p churclio vliébé v mmsa i, la- termeut aet.,»;tim. May' éfoUi1SWZ F.,-ather Pleas ure Mmoe is oy for Pathet Timin àa stock of tii». pieces that rds7 be depended on for ail tinte, It ie a pleasure to those who insist on fireoclas tinte pleces to get into s'place such as ours whee the docks enti watches may be ýdepentietiupon. W. e Bthe. hst tii». pieces at a pvice you nmight expect to psy for a'poor one. ANDREW IIUSS JEWELER LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS I l'I 2th Century Cash Store Only a few wceks before the. Lake Co, Fair. Leave your measure for a new suit or a pair of ponts made by the Royal or the Internationa Talion. Made to mensre and fit guarnnteed. 1.000 amnpies bselect fromn Suit, made in 5 to 6 tisys Pants matint 3 days Mens BWak anti Brown Derby Hats Young Men's Nobby Style Hats Shirts. Neckwear anti Collas Shoes duat fit anti we Florshesm anti Meyer make anti Menzie Bi& Skia ork Snoms E. W. PARKIIURST Schauck Block LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. I cin, _______GQod Eal If orbidn8ne painting now, don't put it off until next spring. "DO IT NO W" Lt wUll be money saved to protect the lumber against winter weather. Then, too, the fait la a fine painting aeaaon, weather conditions right; no heavy rains to, soak into the lumber; no gnats and flies to, stick to, the freah paint. OUR ADVLCE IS: Paint.-No w and Use Our Paints Covers moat, wears longest, lookg beat, most econornical. Young & Lynch Bros. Undortakiug FURNITURE, PAINTS AND OILS LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. SPECIAL. ATTENTION To out of Town Orders And Shipping Trade FyTouh Tvineq k e ,tii.best a&Micheaeo twine on thie Marldet off Moout of Plyomth Twine Vi l Mn moVe=raitbetswoth of p0ei tag twlne. F«r aleby H. B, EGE R LISERTYVILLE, ILL, To and figure on Lumber, poSt Cernent, Brick and Fln. ish -ail have declined and we cau save l'on Yournoney. EMMONS -MERCER LUMBER COMPANY PHIONES 47 and 1171. E.A. BISHOP, Mgr LAKESIDE BRAND THIS BUTTER 18 MADE OF PURE CREAM, PROU SELECTE») DAIRIES IN THE ELGIN DISTRICT Purit>' and Welirht Guaranténa Bold b>' CORLETT & FREDERICKS LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINUIB -Teephoo 30 E. W.PROICTOR E. F. SWAN R. C. HIGOINS TH THO11ME LUMBER CO. AOo.vartnérsip 1 Ouccce..ore to 0. H. 8CRÂNCK Lumber, Coal and Peed LIBBRTYVILLE, ILLINOIS PHONE 50 IIAPPINESS TIIATF OVERFLOWVS la bestowed on the inusic-loving woman when ebe secure a Schiller piano for lier home. Education has taught the twentieth century woman that the reflning influnes .1fImusic ou home and family cannot hc over-eetimated. Let your boyaiand girl8 grow up under the rélfing in finance of a Schiller piano, and they wil show ils effects in manhood or womanhood. 1 iCbIçIC-1 VFfArN WAUKEGAN ILL Go to LEO DRURY te New BARBE3R SlIOP Bo-ohmnBuilding LlbertyvlUe, Illimiela CI GÂF R S ANI» ÏTOUACCO i.MND~ orio!AMIag Téléphone No. 46 Libertyvillé Exchange- Cigare mand Laundry BAKER Tobacco OfIfice and CONITCTIONER CLARE~NCE FLAGG Libertyville - Illinos TONeSORIAL PARLOR LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED ____________ WE DELI VER TO ADJACENT TOWN& Orders Taen for Ragors Maainsid Puti nOrder ffl