AUG4UST 14, 1908 à.2àî-l à àta 1-1Ites &but AWTHtORNE !ARM LIBE TV ILLE pelpleyou know ~~ I LIBERTYVILLE and tem iou BAJItLSAT A C o l ndN IDEAL SU BUR BAN VILLAGE dont President of the Commonwealth AYCoo l 'dd ' fmlund Edison Comnpany, of Chicago. lia$ Y sed ya candidate but today a Tom Drair pent saturday a d Su- Farm that s Mode rn in Every0 dead u ne. day in Maison, Wis. Respect. f R efre h ing ig reduction ou ladies' dreu s krteat Dîd you exerciée that divine right [Mu. PROTu<u's. 462 given evary Am.ricau citizen! Of the many beauttful country homes D rink f r and lie. F'red Barle, of Waukegan, Soiled white airtwaiets t about hailtbtat are dotted about LibertyvilIe shore D r n fcalled on relatives bere BandaY' Ciri vaie ut Mite. PaROINiýS~. 4k3-2 Jenon@ that, urases th t toin- _ _ __ _ Twooy-fve ur enton il rimed r. ad Me. ohnJoran inison ofthorne fsirm a lew miles south of the Creani Soda, milliler>' at Mms. PBOrXIN'o. 4- Austin, topent Sunda>' w . uoovllg.Tecotg hreh n i M re Brt Faulkner Je spndlng severalan wilMaire their home dnring the Gln er leweaks with relatives iD Wlmington, 1IlI. Mr. and Mr@. WiII Johnson, of Wau- nmmer la fnot a large dwelling aud ta couda, epnt Sunda> at thie bore o!Mr. the farm hon.eethat stood ou the Barr MrsiWager Aie, g o Nrt A ami dMie. J. B. Gray'. farm remodelled. A large porch hoa Lemo Soda, Mass., le 'isting wth Wmn. Fuller and i rigPrba ui bu he ie !Ct os III~I8 iesBeloe, ailerand ia about itteen eet lu wîdth and famt>'thi wek. iîSoderaradparentsM. d<~ vr100 lest long. Entireiy enclosed trawber Soda ~~~~~~~~~W. J. Rowson, of Etuadala, Ill. wa5A aWuî. FullCieeo.wi cen, ihhamcsndbg viior at te homes of J. J. Porteous lhsres ih amcoadbg a d R o e rand Bd Hubbard thte week. J. Eli Trigs bus been confIned te his deep, high backed bouche@ it maires a Warrn Haththereentlyeletedhome wlth a llgh* att.ack of tonifitte mostet comiortahîs spot toe pand a sum- v 1 ays hm wek.mer day. The porch le pareil with brtck precînct committeemau, and bipaiysa'ead iped for bot water radiators eo Bottled by Libertyville Crystal Sprlng ame camping at Drute's Lake. Ladies are welcoiue uit ail tintes at the that lu cooler waathar it caui boetecosed À nuewspaper ase"how mauy cloChes boIin&l1 ercseo!an. Imuesnt. with glass and stilIkept coruortabla. should a womafl hava?"'Ilithawauta acs u msuet Ail te living mroe on the lower inor Cleari FOR SALE BY ber pictur lu a magazine, alhe shouldu't A number 01 YOnng rpe enroyed a have beau thrown togather by archwayis bay an'.moonight pieute at La tIBluff Thursday onîy the butlerspatry, kitchan, etc. Mrs.Wm.Wels, r@.Wm.Layoekeveniugý "A. loel y time was had.' being saparate. Tha stalrway le open -L I R IG G andMrs.IN and descend@ te a dan ou oueaideanad E 11Mr . . pringer loit Tueeday Mns. L. Men elut several daye h anhl uteohr.BgCraa ais 30 J ELI TR IU G S M:o efr ianwhrn.Ly t ti we C afl nfd rheativsin fireplace iech of tboeroornsin whteh 2.50 LIB!RTYVILL! pet to, spend a wesk. Jolietand Chicago u, 2.25 u@.wo euh bre wl ak he Wm. Jeliey went to the Jane MAliter day. roome cheer>' on dark evenluge. The 22 hospital in Waukegau, Mouda>' aud was The Lake COuuÊy Teailwers' luttote windows o! the dan and seveas othar suûcesalfully operated upon for appeudi- couveute@ at the WaukFgani high school roole have leaded panes which give a Misses, 1.50 ________________________________________________citie§ there ?jLuesday morninig. building Monda>', Augumt l7th, for a lattice affect and wida lFrench doore open 1. 30 ________________________________ ateroouheb wliug , efflion. lrom the dianng and other rooma outo ____________________________ ext Wedne@day feno h oln the porch. . alley@ of 0. 1h Luce & Co. wlll bie hrown Mie. S. W. Penne>', of iSîae'ville, la., The electrical feature@ of the cottage Meuls' L0 open to rte.-ladies v.ho wlilm eallowesl te visiting relatives lier.Siteî.arriredaswhasIlCibudngaotte the use of the alîvys Iraes o!charge. laestweek e attend tbhe lierai ut ber asrm makas artbilaingsyaiut eing$LOOStr Mim e Ilia Croker as. aeepted a brother, C. W. Taylor. studY. Electricit>' will be used ln every o s' position as ti-aclier o! tii,' primerr cuni The premium liis for ti.lj.îîakeCeint>' way Iliat modern invention bas made Boys 25C and S H O E Sin th, Higlîwood public s-liool anid wîll Fair îîîay ix- eecurad t aBiiý,I li,,, tîîlow-îpoesible. Cooking, beating. hurgiar take ut, her work tbere Cth- firet of rSep- iîg etore: Ja>' Morse. E. lý*I'artih urst ai rmis, ,ail belle of every description 25c and 20c Wein ee ofS ESc=ian spc ustc, tember. or the I'.iEPENDENTot aih have tîjeir place lu hi8 wornderful When i need f SHOE cornean aOî anspet ou tocklte home. The lighting ie very elab-_______ Airs. B. F. Wolridge returneil Monda>' Geo. Quetin, of Long ;rove. îamsed orrate adteau elaba eigant ail M!N'S fron t Iorchester, ie-b ,where asitest through the village Monidai .-îrîîut teCo e thesecarndlobes ee several 'Veeks. iir. Woîîlcîdgr- lias l.een Wauk.gan, but @trange t, say did not Che giare and shîed a soit glow over Ali America. Patent Leather ..S... ... 4 00 there for sometime and the.v will malte aseui m uch de remeoc iis delet Fit roome§ in whivh white predeminatea. Ail America. Superior Kid 3 50 it their permanent home. tha primAi>'ée ction. Cozy window seats and other odd nooka Euaos. ........ .. ...... 3 25 Tite open air concert o! MtC'hell'a Mr. andlira. G. A. M'rgit, Mr. and niake the bouse musC interesting and MltrBadwill ho gîven nit Frida> Mra. [t. C. -Higgiua, M. and Mrs,. J. S. honrielike. Hartford ................... . 2 50 evening. Thiseaveniug haq been set as Oridhe>' and M. and Mrs. E, H. Smith The panaIs o! the diuiug rocin walls Great Western. Box Caff........... 2 50 the reular evenîug for the open air cou- eompoe a part>' who îîrove te Lake enloabnane are asig hch Toiles' Work Shoe ..............2 75cetdcighesmemoCa ZuihltSna>atrou violet. Faint, suggestive and producing The Alpha Literar>' Cub gave a men- A. F. Sheldon bas a nuinlerof studeuta a muet harmonlous effeet. Whistler bas Velî's Besi Work Shoes-........... 2 25 lighc sopper et Lake Bluff at Saturday atLake Bara wbom he isgiving persontal thus far faihad Coe turuhbis master band te Shsrk Ska. Wster Proof 3o eveu00g. The part>' iucuded the laies instruction in salesmanabîp. The.> wilI dini*gruen walls but nevartheles some and hir tohue bu wuysvnha sent through the wet tCtis a loa ng bubado aot weto!ee the suhithe quaities o! hie work ma>' ____LADIES_____ lu number. whio enioyed a mot pleasant campalgu for the Sheldon scliool. ha raprodnned lu a meore lu picoures evenmng. W@ are tu!ormed hat lirayslake le te hat ornament the ever>' day fie. The J h l ideaD Paten3 50 Patrons.o...rural.d.....r..routes ar50have gas for fuel hafore thie enow files. lueboad C hie room as wehl as ever>'jJ jj Tsibly,, Via di................ 2 50 warued against a citaptwbo le travelling mains, it le sald, ta Chtia vlage.-Oraye- nctiono ready te wbich a wire eau ho U lEIE Cown .................. 2 50 arouud claiming authorit>' from the (letaire Times. Wake up' 'i cure dream- attached at;au>' ime for beaters, stand ........................ patimet te nurubar rural mail boxe ing, uotbing toit. lap., fans and il need ha miady's ..... partaientlbas ne au.b agent.Charnce Flagg wlU open a new barber curling ro a na'ha heated. LIM,................ 15 shop lu Che basement under he O. . Light and air>' describes theamrom on PlagiOxford ...................l40 lir.Farmner why are jou Payiug hlgh Lur. Furulture Co. New ixturas bave tbe ripper Sier. Woodwork finlshed la Llberty-v1ll pries for leur. and notgettiitg jat what beau ordered and tera wîll aise ha twu white and lgbt ebuttar-Ilka door@ to te Adama' Oxford@ ............... 2 25 you ike when you eau have 50 différent baChe in counection. Lekw Flagg, te sleeping mroe ht permits a fras cir- Plain Wjte Caias............................ styls te slect troin At a epécial low senior mamber, wll continue business at culation ut0 eh i.fme idw "' SeS our ad. AmEILicÂN WIRE the OUi stand. added te te upper stor>' am ver>'aep A4. sip . . .ý .. ...............1 0 O., Lihartyville. 45-tf Natter. te ha conoidered lu selectug a table additions Ca the os uinae ad Penne Slippars........................ .... I1 50 About fort>' boy@. who ara members of chool: good instruction, gond librrteC the outaide appearaur. o!fte bouse Ardnore SIi~pea. -.......2 o0 the Knights o! Daniel, o! Chicago, are and equiput, good nieral atinoaphere, There are mor eelegant and expansive ___________ Ardre U"M................ ...... 00 camping at LakaeBara. Tha>' bave a Iow expeuse. For information about bomnes in Lake couint>' but noua botter Reniait.OU Ladi................. 50 druat corps aud marched Crougb the Bochieter Academy, Bocheelter, Wl., a onted and as ful>' np to the stand- eteeoTeuatothircapnggrune oe cholwihtbase advautage, : of a *ountry' home as this une. It * . f .ié --- O Y'S AN'~D OUT IS- whera the wil spend a two wek' addres E. 0 Toan, B. A., Prin. la, bowever, uni>' temprar>' and a achca e C n outng. 44-« r L and fur mer@eaborate home will L Q~ v u Vest Point ...........................$190,2 50 LihartyvWe hm- jcured &other new jev.J. B. MarGuffln wlh preach ut the ia'ruI; u. Chis ae ni.yaar. The School Shoa- - ........... I 50-,2 25 lndustry-the Phillipa & Hicks type- M. E. cburch net Sund"y moruing. At audtrongh heewasloniret eforts 2 0- 5 rltar. cash register, adding machina, the Epworth League Meeting hehd alter m ethrhas w dou e t d effrt Mag ...................... 2002 40 etc.,factr>'-b>' paylng a bonus et the open air service in the aftemuoon th lmgrou n sAve>'uaard _iync ad donating a factum>'site. It MisesSella Maxhaam and Laura Hïawk pndW t lu at a ctnoî01eveýaW s CafBlnn ...... ...... ..s.b>' cocu2acuivit>' aud eo t mise hat mil Z.. O.i ~O > h usauihare. Artificiai inonCaias cail Canvas.......-~s 90 or na-gbori ct>'le boilt ng Iteeli Epworth League instituts held at Lake have epruug up near Chie roadwe and ~~jj~~ UbI oav 5 90 u. -Gra>'ie imes. Geneva. trmasnd hrubs are growiug luxuanti. SokoW' ib6 ________________ The Cathulle fraterual eocletie of Lake On Suda>', Aug. 40. the local Evan- The drivewa>' sw@eps round wlth a wde Srp sa FIID E ' 5I4 ores, conistin othe Kight of gaica Luthiaran congrégation caebrates curva httJe deceilg as well as peaing j SuII ad P<oritsc mcia Bufo Kid ..... .......... 90,2 25 esters and Ladies' Catholte Benevolent ha Cwo services at Che church, at 10 a. the bouse frum iquisitive observer@. Deposlits ovem' Association. wilh giva a joint picule ut M., lien the Rer. W. Mueler, O! Mil- The tarai buildinge are large aud Tta Rsorcs v Nenati Lace ............... I 40,1 50 Lake Forest on the cbumch ground wn .attires, wilih ccupy the potpît and at modiou8 and a wouder o! modern con- oa eScsoe sun~eam.......................I 00 Wedneeda>', Anugust 19, froam noon untiI 2 p. li. in wbich service Prof.C.F tî eiue eCoeiuteroted ilaeuch mindugt, for tha hanefit ot St. liary'@ao! Concordia collage, Milwaukee, will hinge. A young creamer>' wltb a fuli -T Ploe................................... I1I10 and St. Patrick's cemeterles. There wilhsPeak On Chie miscionar>' work of Bans equipaient o! machiner>' akes cars of Trynt ........................90 ha good music. dancing, retresinente, Egode, the apostie o! Greenland. themilk. There in a gaagetor Cheuto and ail kin2deo!famusements. u n c eli hoaserved iu the church mobiles. A large barn for tihe carriage Kati .......................... 00Ai frieuda af the mission areburseanad oua otoChie work bonse wha If t..................... h ave made nip yeur mnd telira , rihlu vited. mutti n wa o hi andllypr Juniors ...................100,1 40 lu a town, then stand up foc ltand i Att>'. Paul Macufflufi and Mises Mahal tien o! oats. Cow ebeda, silo andbid . . 70 y ......... Peck ware unitad ln marriage et the luge to hanse the farmi tm~emn. te olen 5a'5anexeana.Do ail >ou home o! Che brides lu Ottawa, Kan., Eveythlng hat le needed in are and Sot soles.......... ................... 25 50 euta belIp oear>' man aloug who Je Wadnesda>' evenlng, Aug. 12. The>' wlin 1>'povided. Moccaina ................... I S enagd in legitimata business. Do noC tallitsa houeymouu mtri ofsevamal waake Te build rp are grouped nemi the nd wayforeveythng iceyenwa th trcughi the wstan wilh viait Denver hlghway and at firet apoc h Lot of nuW Broken Sues, to close out. $LM c ut ad stillexpeet tha home men tekesp a and other pointe lu ChieRockies. The travehier hinkb ha iust boecoming Ito sok te suit the whian o! une or twol tq@oltel away last Sonda>' a towu and a sinall town lit reailal for frca$50ad 22c ustomare. The succese of yoor felow Lv ngbt hnext day Che rumor wus it akes man>' people to properl>' cars - - .~ . A Y wtowuamau willhayour succee. No man oonsaioaut ht the expectad was going for a tarin o! hia ktnd. Work bas beau ~.r *~* iveh te hilmeel!, and no man domshuai- te happeu-and it did. The>' will make fuisbed hers for Che ummer and naît S ~II Il 1& D A V i J ne needn'a I hsiestheir home on Bramnerd Court. He bas @prIII llhprobabl>' se activltlse ra- friands whe are auxiausi>' await- soined here lu the building ins. The LibertyviBe, III. The past wesk bas beau a bue'an mu u ae rtoro home aud au laborate Ërenhoumesara a feature hat sbould heatracal circles. The medicine show réception Je beng planed. net bha overlooked. Four large hothanees bas beon playtug e packad tente and equlppad with a he&ting plaut wblchW the contat for the mut popular younug Spatial Town Meeting. likewlse supplie@ the chatean, the super- lady in the village bas beau a cass ana. Notice la hec-hy iven hat a pétition intendanCes cottage and ail buildings Misses Blanche Pester and Agnoe Tucker 0utlélgal voters utf the own o! Liberty- Which raquire heating. The>' are filled nih a aaernih lîie « has been tied wth the tov;u wil aloo tumush the table wIth garden A e W va beauniChi aam eunsi the nd5tcinlla, l he oo>'c ak n Saao!wt lers !a vec>' descfiption and AI + Fred Jae>', Jr. and seniorhbrouight duwn jerk . said town of Lihertyvilie, aoking spheaali'sth>em I the bouise wftthhloir log daning. The tebave Che proiposition t. aboliahiChie pries was awarded ta he junior member oament in labocur moue, of the district Board____Meeting.___ e(tCha teani. Sunda>' night a 'aercd lbor aud pruperty road Cai aubmitted BadMen._____ n t conce-rt". was sgiven whiichi was welI te Che egal %î,ters o! said tecen at a Au adjoucued meeting o! Che village C r itiW" that theaggregation remained enot cialetcait u seadtiibhoiedlun the ast Monda>' evening, Anguet 10, 1908. The week. esa> in Augupt. A.1). 1908c. JL spee- elerk called the roll and Chie following Tha maînhera cofh-t. Josepha chburcb lIs town meti..g e- thereloce callad menibers arnswered présent: President, farin, Saturday, )Aîgust 22. The place own house ln a ,itio!o Libertyville, and Wells. D)avis and Kaiser absent. t ybc iulne abot i.auaidéal O. r sh il o tgth ere ac'ocTedgy twl.«2 dii d beof Ast, C hie 8ar fApoice proetn rhgC haang a fine grove ahîîng the batiks of D. 1908, beinig tii, last !ueeday ilierso!, te thie Lake Count>' Fair ceas diecuoded dres, ut l h nelecsChe DesPlaines river. The grounda are at whiî Chelecgt. xxtecs ci said tewn b>' the heart]. lin motion of Corlet and Ws tcwer e wll$pilaut acres Che river f rontiithe village and nia>'vote ho iballotîforcr ucitiainet secondsd b>' Allemau Chie hiîing o! eciai whtotherwise cight be a eoreached lu>' the vara te St. Marys aholisbio3g tIi,- , pxîient in latuîr or ýoIies ovas ie!t Ce the presîderît o! Che- wstaio as he>' are ut adîciiufg the moue>'ofetChe ie ,i, t labor axnd propertv oard. Moton carcied. effet. I istisebeccnin nec- aem>' There roruseate pl u tt>'a ax. Sai -pex-li Cwn meeting 'The appicationi o!O. 1. Luce-& Go. for * splendid efcI O h eonigncacamemTe rmitsesathe ibnfeh e lî aclen, htibtYnti'hue iesao u ilicltbe w o Another lot of hesi wear tisai irakes thse whole suit a sutc- * sot.Gn ui u'H e'e band ot aight anud ii-,- lock fl t hie oenoou tables anîl twu hbowling alleys wu@ read.AEBIjCA.N ceas Wha themortl wats 1efrashirnta of ail kinîls eil b.- sevadof said day. Besolutions ceere dracen up and pre- esa Che grund. Dnnerandsuppr clîlGivan und,-r i ,ti,l thîje eighthî dayseanted te the board by Lynch, eliairman Coreibleadwt, j hs hmony. Our noveltes are o te'runs.o!nr n go"w" eA. Ilu )iio! h licence committ.-e, ixing he Consi leadwt, 15 titiS ~ha served ou Che groundseaAreaâonable ofAu et aîî $2)fu-ndti seond aoedd>' lla atta ti ve b igonsru c n t ex ur a doie s. 45 -3 44-2 aiieys at $25 a yeac foc the tr eC allay whitle hie lt lasteyau ec _________________________n____s___________i___i__ an a$0oitie recoton ha ept ied- Phone 29 Dulnois <Vf41041D miuk M§* Qe"' over cr- solo 390,0 5000 are he mahers et thbm moet reliable engines ln tbs and visen lu the mkei fdî b. wam .nd Sot my pues. I have t presai io 2m 9 englues wLaich have bm la but are as goqd si no ai, b. sold at a great rodu.otioas Lichtfeld, Agent BERTYVILLE. ILL. [licoes 5ca yard it brand ofai calicaeo jiu s Wd and SIMSON&Shutrdy faut ýblua and red, black and white, gre>' en& lie. You pa>' 7 aud 8c for thetnu#uaIly au. Cake youm pick At 5c a yard --AT-- EFAI q aince Sale ..i. L75 .. . L20 traw Hats . ... .50 raw Hats ......... .25 aSoc Straw Hats - -.As Gingharn ... ... A