CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Sep 1908, p. 1

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LÂE 'CoUNTY INDEPENDENT, and WAUKEGAN 'WEEKLY SUN VO. XVL NO 49. LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1908-8 Pagee TEACII!WS INSTITUTr VERY SUCCMSS!UL Large AttendSflct Lengt*i of Institute, Two Waaks, and Specîi Attracins Are Festure. The aunual teachiers' Iintitute heid at the Centrailfichool lb Waukegan fat week was unique wttblis im- miense attendance roli, 160, and tea- tures that make it remartabis are as folloas: 1. it w@4 the longet ever held witis lit two dalaly sessions laatiug for two Waeeks. 2. Its attendance was tbe most con- stant ot any ever beid. 8, It was bat ter atiçreciated than any la years especiaiiy by tbe yoonger teachers deirlng normal instruction. 4. Ihie big leature was tise normai work for the younger teacbersý 5. lit bad the greatestnuhber ofi specli eatures and attractions. 4 Speciai isatares aere the pýearanjce or Professer White, a£sst- nat educatioal. director for the Ufnitedl States goverument ln the Philippines, and thre appearance of President Fratnk L. MSQofaIthe Lakte C'tsnty Histori- Cal Society. Thse detailed enroliment. UAst of teachers, lnstàtuts. August 17-29. lbertyvlle-Mrs. Myra DuBelis, F. Jessie Thomas. Ada C. McLaughli., Della M. Croker. tta Carney, Ade- laine Miler, Flora Churchill, Martha James, Mande E Wbeeisr. Amauda Hazemano. Grace Wheeler. Geritrude O. Diciterman, Claa B. Stewart. J. W. Bugg. Olive ilugg, Grass Mullen. W'lntbruît Harbor-1il May Scîtuite Maggle MIOtera. Lakte Villa-Harriet . Miller, Olive E. Nelson, Florence Watson. Nellie Ni Hawkins, Gertrude Miler. Mm. L \V FeIker. L. W. Felker, 11111e E. Darfîs NWauconda-Eliz5ttb D. Frear, Kathryn M. Nirbelia, Olive dents, Myctt' C.Mlien. OneaetsRnie Myrtie Murray. ttarringiori-V'irglinla fi. Allî'tî Eut nia V. Hager. Mertli' Kuelîker Minnie Meyer, Alfa M. PoworsMadgs lýie net tJen ilt' 1) niA Xi rattîlC itclaniuilaî k-VW t C lîtt Letitla tots. Karfirluts Tiîrnblo Abl bIs il. Batiaiit Grass PE.Mî\Ili lnglmsde-Fdith ltter. Roctefeller Paul G. Ra>, A i, Lake, Bertha M. Meyer, Roy T itacl, estweiler. Cora \Valsb. Itondaut-Isabel G. Bradey, Kitti4 Carroll, Grace itradlev Graylakes tth ttley, Eva Dot IItt1pe Gertruide Lester, Mars E i-ol Elizabeth . Abart. Fannie Smith. VI ola Martîi, mablclsMîllsn, Edtb I Darîy. Prairie Xiew-Aune L. Rockne. C( cilla E. Geary. terttia Hîtfis.Mai Kpougb. North Chicago-B. K. Tbacler, Ai J. Shea, Catiarine OMahoney, Ma generite Kerr, Cors \Whte, Mîrled t Chapelle, Eva Esty. Mas Dalsy, Anil McCreds. Laike Forest-Elizabeth M. Kem] Anna Johnson. Lake Bjuff-A. G. N'ltiigfoo, l11sf Gowdy, Jennie Polîneteer. EmIlY Mi ter.1 Waiitegaii Mary E. Dasîlti. Miuie Grahami, lierrubte Gittnoee, titi-a Eti -wards. Magarmf Reit. Edos Dabrnugu-t Myrtie Dahriigir. tdltli RirmalieBelle Doraetf. Lors Perrinî. dosa Edwarsu. Amnanda .Liett. l-anuie Pratf. Lucr Flatis. Msy McCIask? - Nellie Deiatuet Laite Zurich\V. 0 Ccx. Wadsworth Clara M. Nelson, Pearl A. Clevelanîd, Dabat Faultkner, EdiCli VanAlstins. Miagda Johunson,.Gertrude, De Laney. Rtssel-Mary ' Hats, latn-ah J. Pat ch. Deerfielti G. N. Maxwel, Emma A. W'alsh, Ella C. Dawsaon, Harriet asat- field, prances Gastfield. Antioci-Lena Oaggln. Teasie Cun- nligham,. Margaret White, Malinda Nelaon, Barbara Ebert, Lauts Canon, Blanche D)ennison., Lilile Watson, Jonr T. Mran. Minnte A. Lux. Zon City-J. H. fSayrs, Nora D. Tir- rier. Kathryn Jeues, Esther G. Paf!, RebeutS Tabler. Lois Teetrick. Retti A. 1-esz. 'Praucas Murphy, L. H. Tutti' Edîts McKiney, Wnitred Frye. Morttue Gaiagiser. Dalsie Frye. (fira E. Dit erncb. AmeliS MCQrdiIc, hj4O e Mtni Nias C. Starkt, Edith MOrto*BI&4Ors m. Wesanar, MN BrookS5Ida IL 5 i. e ir E'i p eni fil cafEma tuer M%.E. M. Mce-IIEATUIENS WAR IN Wade, Forence Lodeski.NO T HC G McHenry-Alice Knox. tR I CIC G Beginninq at a dance Saturciay ANN IL REI.NION nght and ending wth a viclaus as- Or BROWE SCHWO L asuIt Sunday morning, a fcin fight between Potes and Russians at School Teacher of Ffty Vears Ago in North Chicaga termlnated In seriaus< Honored Guest-Old Fiddie Again Injury and posaible death ta John Scraped ta Air of Maney Musk. Korz, who resîdes on Vctoria street - between 12th and Thrteerith streets. lrowes chooi pupls of elxty years Involved in he allaîr la the name ago---coUnt 'Sm lty-sat on the front gteps ni the hiatorie nid achool bouse of OffIcer Joe Johnosasd to lie a at Wasswortb Tbursday and bad their special North C'hicago police officer pictureal taken by the son of a pupil sworn ln for the dance, wbo la allegsd of forty years ago, Attorney Coral te bave commltted the assanit on Heydecker, son ut A&ttorney C. 1 ý Korz. aithough dental la matis and Heydecker. Tbe nid men were Roderick A es four or lise jîollsh people are charged Rosecrans, Ike Winters and Samuel wlth tbs da8tardiy work. Mller. near Wadsworth. Tbe dance waa in a bail at Thir- On tbe grounda ofthte achoni hougs eetan Vioratresilaad wicb bas endured for over seventy enhadVcoistei Ilaad years. maklng it the oldest achool In a St thibs affaîr. In the saloon down the county. was alan Mr. William staîra. Russlans offsred deadiy affront WVells f Kenoaba, grandmother ta to Poles b> calllug thent *Germana'" twenty. The bit of the day waa made hy somethlng that Potes rtsent becauae Frank Wells nf Kennaha and bis big recently tbsy bave Itee forced to touring car, In whlcb he tankt seventy adopted the German fanguage as Cetr five out rlding along the country own against their willi rds undred atteniîsd the re-FIlwKrUp union, wicb was tbe fourfh an nuai Korz was among the Potesa but. lis- onue and tbe most neighborly Ot its lng by general repute a sober man, kind. The oident living teacher. RO he lett the hall befors othera only te derick Ames of Rosecrane, wbo taugbt be followed b ya gang of hait drunten pupils ef the flrowe scbool fi!ty years ago this wintsr', was a gusat of bonor. men anxieus te pick a ight. Tbs bars between the stiool Io, Fight on Own Ground. and thseilsydeciter torty were letf tif la ad that a general fres for ail dnwn and people of ail ages and con- figbt started on the grounida of Korz' ditions in Illte rambled about tbrougb the grave and grounds. There werehousIn which pickets wecs tora Cbe usual sports, dancing. retreah- fromn fentes and broten ag-ain8t mients wit babt cottes, music trom tbe heada and bodiesa nid fiddle. Te tI adta orNrhCl Attorney C. T. Hsydecker. Fîdella Ts tl adta orNch(h Dletmeyer, Enittma fHeydecker and Ed, cage extra policemen lîscame Invoît- Sgar Ames wers re-etrcted as commît- cd In the matter and bere s lawbept'r tes uinaulmnoiitlt and if watt dsclded a sasd Korz got the wncat uf If. It la that tht' lait Thurstiay In Atîguat of dni*d)ht hbdbeî it slth s i-scb tsar aboutl be the reunflotidat , ,, itttatlihad i-i'nrtmtstt Fi i i tighit seari; agoit alî'îîAidrea lifýlertrge-r of XX attegan mais a husky Vs adsworihla iî t ilti'e ytSat- ferîlilrg tf is laorit ldowe achool. theri newit huilC s near. lie bld a swite Oak tisse bîail liat thut he liadt rut lu the atoda hliveî,,f tîtder tise achool hous fluor. Tbursii5y au the reîîîîluîifil'schOtil stuidensIsMr, leu bergi r ut bu Fl rîn a rot unul aîtd poi tIi tuant Of slxiY. crawîed îîîîder he scbouul bouis sd rlumithautly drea out tht- idi-ottal fisse lbail bat, a hIle is e-(1100l bate.s ut that tisê. teste lliiu ,Pat Tircie r and ti oisrtu t ,,iii- îî ia i uit foui. iot d on) sud asi1iaîidi 4. Mr. iterberger b id tuuutt su Iool September. snd ibe daî lie finîi urftoui he tut the stick. hlilii it C îtcaiuv If was sucli s gîuoî onutie luui-I 'tnt aîv te part aithfitC ii ciuebt-Ohr-i baves If If t emajnîNl ini li, tahIe foir Ciii i siglîf 3ears atui i-tiri. lait a SUN -ta sid. that he recelved Cheý danger- eus itjurs sbîich confines hlm iti the hoslilfal trtzi tue clati of an extra io- licemaît. Jos ebohsoti ut North ('hi cage. Tell et Assauit. Stanley 'aojton sud Korz's brother tolîl the tull sfnrY Monday a-heu t-ey sare ouC s warranit for John- aunas arceat ou the charge et havbug îîualîed te the grouîîd Mrsý Nellis Korz. aifs nf the injursd man and salid to lie ihi a delicats condition. *'Jonîsonîblt Rota over thse bs.îu ail fi li ilubi ater tîeiug Ciiid i lhui Korz sasnt iting pat fluitIti figlt ,-'dt'claied-l Wojfon. "lie hattîr- edt-il cboirner of te frontal lieue bi -Kiir'a beau The lîpeuleaboutshbout- ed that Korz bail iot issu dolug soi hartît sud sien warned the efficer a bsn lic had Is clIt ralaed 00fte bit Clii-n,u. t bhbithiC hlmanisas. arîd n0w lie may dise. Brother Gets Warrant. re 1porter 555 if If 5 .is si-i iitIcu asi Ilic " " oi ieswi soîîuîd as the 45v ILtia c'ilIti fîs-adtidiirnugb V\%nîtîn snd iuthsr lsd a helug a-boIt' TIti - st-t a iii s ou iii sarirartif li,,tid belote Juîstice- \Xei- sateri andi nioldi The Itib Iv un tutrtse ai Feu et Officer lobtîson on a hein shesu t alotCatlil. "Ir. lier- chaigi- tf aitig aSsaulted Mi. Korz. bergers dlapensatil iion tXithuigltiiii ailst -.ild n le ililubed. street.Johnsonimas aret etd Meuday snd EMieriMcEwen î sa a eter ai ith, accordtuug te W'jttîiîthue vllsge ot sceol at tise lime sud iniutypromni Soifh CIitîcago sult le ued for dam- netnt Wautegantis ser staudeitfa ag- bt ficalli'ged assautitouiKorz Iii flic ffictit Atention i ialIîd ci otflefct thaf ENTERTAIN PARTY Entawasiai li s t holme ciri i os t gri oîîud. s A T IAWTIIORN !ARM The Police Statettiaut. z Fullomwlng ivý tht- sltfet of tise 3 tmve Hundred Attend Celebratuan at Noitli Chicago polile isgi mît eut this ti County Resîdence Near Laite Ca-an- lnrîîîîiîîg- ty Town. la a Poliîh tactional figbt n which twenty five or more particupatcd yes- r l'FieuliutSaîiuel \\Vin luso f th,,terci I maiung niear seaien, Johnd Comonwutealt Eh-su rc i'nifuaiu. Chi- Korz, etf ltenh treet, North Chi- cage. Saluîdtîy ,tit-rtaiuitl ite ifîs eu cago, waa vciously heaten ad les at lloycuoft ife ctuiituliuand itul ir fa- deatha donc at the Jane McAliter ilie rt î tille. Rncz la vîtfferin g tliotutti tllool dol A suecil afloit riti'('luhigo. Mil ou t helirai ut. Su-fsiluaýtt' issutatsn tiantee & St Paîti siîîutu d wsto e ruote if asud ih is îalîîîd that a brorigh lt tutuIt-vice fttitt i utstheclef as arge a--i a tuait bE-C bas hesut iarti f e! tua iv ie Ilîuîuîru-ulChîicago csmeved sud tseaurofît tilld op cesidenis te the Iîîautitîuli esldeutte agalu.a near Liberfyvile. îSluggers" Not Known. A large ent had heen i ceci îd oit the Kerz. ahe bas bu eciildrîrî. was grounuds lihicbî flic ity partitiPat- uoîght f0 flie boatutal i-ilt yesfec- ed bu dinner. Chilcago chefs sud watt- day moculng lu ext reunelti ldaate.t era isad charge. The attair waa 5 t IFour Pouash suspects, clint'-of threm ela6torate reception sud ail aîîîîared ef hbgh standing., se tiaiit îrder to lie enjeingtbthiiieltî'5 arret lniedilat-y &iilbau i a ifttîé The Insuli country reelîfeuce is oneS aas adîbed. One ofet fsuspiects ex. et the meet besutittil ln Laite cotiiity- pecta to beceme a beniedînt usitin hree dais sud font hua cîîîîlrientt Recelvers Reach Agroamnent. ln the vilage calautuinii ttbur liard. Au agreement hetween tise receivers Dca. Febey and Cuturîtl are lu et the Chicago and Mlwauktee Elect- charge ni the case. rio raliroauiandi tise (enerai lectrit The pofice story la thai the liglt companiilwieahy tire latter regains toot place ou) ifbteentf street rîsar sapomw tfJn aesprits tKorz' home aud that clubsia amIe asbd' tl 49upmOats, wasaFrlday Siguatilcd util inaiiy eue powsclul member e'i «e poil roeupp, chiÇtago. of tise gang fore off a fente picket i ~ ~ ~ ~ r an eQTe* -sd ails it bit Kerz over fise head. the club and Inflictingthtie an4¶hsd 11We ebldren. Johnoon in Interview. CRUSIIED BU WE~ Monday aiternoon Officer Jonson was placed under grrest atnd brought te Wauksgan where a SU N iepotei obtalned the firet intervIewý fIdd not strike Korz," be ald. "The three police officers with wbum I tormed the fourth went loto the crowd and almost the first thlog they dld tbey handed Me two ic touera to take cars of an 1 couldnotnt mx Ii. i dld flot bave a club or att klod of a weapon to strîke witb anysay. "How Korz waastruca or b, shom i have not the fainteet ida sxcep' that i had nothlng te douv.lth t. was hus wlth my two p1rîsoners. Korz said at the police stationi and on the atreet car afte:v.aids Chat a man bad bit hlm wltb an Itou bar lu the figbt before the police got there. Kari Has Sorne Hope. At the hospitalfit la stateit that there la anme hope for Kori .attt that he la gsttlng along as melI as ctttîld be sxpected ln a patient woti itîJurles lite bia. ru wil wil ga thl ta] eV C. H. C Éti IERBY DAY TI GREATf ST [VER The annual Lake oounty fair openis iesday ait Libertyville wltb a great' string ot teatures tisait -et before. lbh more hase hall gamma. abth iarg- .exhbits ut borses anîd t(aile ud ish more speclal avents. The fair will this year lasC nier Fýat- ray. wbich ahilha Derbiy fat. A Japanese troupe te gîte Ires ioa. Orientai dancers. burse mat- 'e, cblldreu's day. ttlia>e btail amies a day and other atîractîte lungs are listed. Secluit il k airi iing great lotereat lunlte ,ýdîîîlîîg enta. Tht D)erby Day enlîstonit Fugîîctha. in,, by Oit-oaru Si1tsi, E. Dean. Palatine, Ill. Isabelle, b. ni., by AIllit (' C.E HlenryIlH., b g., by Ct- gisî tbe test,. CE. Dean. PaIsttie .111 Major Las. hi. g.. bu Il. ir ai lýas red ltafi. Chitago. 1I1. Vanîtessa Girl, hI i.ii., b'l'aciaI> lias. Allen, Keîîcvba, Wis. Partions Vlncieiit. fi) - lib11V bîtteliîi'ibîmîn ir Bra.. Tnuetsd'll. jobîtCt lit Edwin V., el tigel, Sulot Mîlîs, bIb. Xl1ibin's. b g.,lit Cliria King](, Di- li 'ui, C(icago Ill. ticitît imi litNiit îbson, H. M itoîs Chicago, 111 Cîso M.. (coin,) cli w -ni.,bHoiidira'. R.B S, lff. t, Li il s11, Ill. Eiîbalia Qui ,, iii1-111-h3 Pelloti, H E.NViiterasti ii ititll . I Caf.i lIte-. 1,,, i.Frank Aýi i titilb ngton, '\\ta Thies quaril r iiiili uni nulg One and ni ei, iititmîi'.le. 1at Ceuuty Derbi titi iii ig, entrles îlot aI in af tume utof ,o iIesa [WO MYSTERIES IN LAKE COUNTN While the police ut Wautegan ar grappling wuti te easy mystery o tha disappearane au Hymnan Fînkel stein, south Gencse street glazier. th Mlon City police have a kaenec one t face mn the mystery that aurround the evanishmcnt of J. C. Van Der Var gospel worlter tram Louisville, Ky. S Finliel u teii I i ý"'i i u'atîiiuula te, Consabileai Il iof Itie l"Iai iisappeared lfi it litN tîluîuuii ai iiuuliîtiig i liii i niditii ti.inlt ails and setsiluriu l fîsîtîtuî Il la not beling eo1ulI I I. -t.îtiuuitlh i piclbe Bay liili lai. iii v11U sineitrilt hefore te avotlil- -iuu i TWO !fREIGIT CARS Injutriens n Ihe rds oiedFt l Corn Producîs Refining Co. Xaugho FlCcb. 21, aut electrtclanas belper at the Corn Proîtucts Refinîng Company, sas Thitrslav mornitig caîîght between two caristit the car unloadlng traýŽk at the îîipîtr botts of the piant and later dled at he boa- pitaI et hia Injuriesa He la tbe soit oft r. sied Mrs. R. V. Fitch, 40t8 soittî Park avenue aîîd a youog mnwi niist ios n about Wau- kegan. Haw Oeath Came Abaut. Fltcb's poiation took hlm ai] over the plant.1-He was on the daY sblft and for soure porpîoss îînknowtî had fo cross the car tîîloadlng tracita. T'ie are afwa>4 cars on these tracta and as fast as tlîey are tîîltadbsi they Ti hoedac o uc he aydneou. n Tha he plcomp uc, accodnge Sue jîmrtstthe Leudes, ad ctnttctSu-t s intie foremploýs a onderucthel acksnnea fr tempscee t 'tcb' tacc deaknt. h cll rFth' ci Hoent. r l hframe tso croae te.Ftcts fortoe srae lu hwtacs clitthesufaen-ao cirda. ndfb imas bbughtbrokeen taud tarhe t peli muse rk n th plis re tHopt. Th iyts mn as o«ia ne ee eCThe ugl a aisMAsterioceltal un ede ca itDJieF. cLlGise hsud ived- debre ofsCiDcid. . e sand lie jtîst alter set su hia mornlug. Fitchas parents aie bt-art breken. WILL IEXPURGATE A FIEW PASSAGES Master of Westwood Faits to Stand Gaff of Crtticismn and ta Maktng Changes tIla sSaid. Jo-sph ieMiltiPatterson. a îalffîv Chicagot socialiat anîd aitibuir. ola Ctv lu retiremnt t ht is tarnt Vistaood ait ilîîertyibis.sCier ct sorîîg the first edîfiontof bis -ietinalOOitis titotel,*A Lititl rtthit uftheClisRcb - Aller the book.-o lîcbt is a savage ai ralîugeiiimiii nii nit it Ni w York. a a ied ii i u ls fi-t I î'ttiil i. Nir. Paf- letton dt tii'- i- doit i tonte oi thi, u i'ti îe i .it It crittî t/i-il iand tutl t t Ii i b iii iin 1efl lsu4 t Ci . h, t. l i i s)tu as pt- tiittail1Kýwl -utIiutlit ii int' ilgbi attkiioiiilit aui , sîiitetstlly cor- Censnrsitip a Revcaled. i latit istoit t t putdiafet Inbtervies 11111liI f(1iiit ilhi Eaist, atd decliiîed fi îtî aI' aiti firt btsr s tatemeita. His i i ts oaster, acre tottifl- catîi(.îîanb tir. Rsblly outhibmfirm 0o iteilli & tiots.n, ade puiblie the tact tif ithtchaiges ini the text. ILLINOIS STATIE FAIR OPENS SIEPT. 25 of e ad oAaiturC etaMile for Trips la Capital. lui- gi-est Illnoils Stiti- tantti ub o1,i-tu 011 Sîenuhmer 2îLb sad tuti luth ei-glîit ufax , cfoslîîc fciuilîuî '11ifL .Niet iituteIb bu ory bhtvse iitsposu pio. cibeut as briuhittis tutrii tof vasue OCfibis oleiSiuuiliai Applicat ions for t îuu.tlltuand ait î-ade uî'îîng liis vliY aii' $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. bate prepared '"The Greatest Fair on Earth- for voand YlOJ 0 we it tO 3,,urselves. lu the State and tu the management to make preparatlons to attend, and ses wbat bas been pre- pared for )oi. Even tbreatening weather need flot frlghteîî you away. for you cau be tittîtr coter frnOt the moment You step off the cars tîntîl yen get ready te go bonis, ad tan ses evecythlng. raln or abbne. The stats Iboard of agriculture suc- ceededin obtabolttc a rallroad rate for the rotttl trip, ot one ad noshall tthe regular rates, or :1, cents a mile front yoîîr home te Sltrltîgfield BLACK MOSES TO DELIVER MIS RACE Sdx feitite charatemiptoporaton- and goad nature of his race, Richard Willlamnsan ofZion City, a negro, is preparlng to tend hie people oui of bandage in tht. country and colanize them in the black repubUc, Liberia. Juat returned a week &go tromLUt- tle Rock, wbere he was employed at bis usuai vocation as water. ha bears a letter trom an Influential southerri millionaire tn King Ilmberto, bead of a trîbe of Liberain savages et a peace- able disposition. and la acfnaily plan- ning te tound a separate unît tate lu the hilack republic. Quoer Contracte af Life. 'Order, ir?" No eue who heard Willllamsen ast thia qutestion o! patroes et Eiijab boa- piin10Zbomi City would Judge bhlm to be satîrotîbet of bis race and a leader of an important movement. it la characteriatlc of the manti hat he la the heat waster in Cbe piste Ini ahich ha la emptoyed. and has woîk' sd lu evsry great hoeile the United States. The surprise tomes aben the white patron fearus hat the colored mnt aho se dettIv seryesabis steak sud a>' ranges bis table la the bead of the Lt- berlan Prtgrsssle Society sud a afu- detto!Briihjutrliprudence. Telle of Hia Plans. SIN reporer Xiilmo bdnIh- t 1 tam the local head ni the Liber- fait progressive Miovement." he sulti, sand aîî i tri bugfto rgailzs a colOnt tif negros luleste ibis coutinry aif go et Liberia. 'WVe have afready receitid asstur- ance thaC as may takeuit homne- steadsansd torn a selîscute state bn the cmîuîbllc. ail et our eau îpeupile, as large as Laite cce.nty. "I aîîî hariîîg s leftmr te Ring Cm- hect tof0 uarantee bia frlerîdhip as lanîd se plan te fatle up la osar bis terrbfory aîîd be la a hait savage frlheamanî 'Vi'e aie îîew orgaoized ti Zbon City, Laite Forest, Evaustîtr anti oth' ec iiocfb shore tfuaîîansd cîfies. sud Wiattkeari la fthe orîly pîlace ahere as baie auî dlfftcuify. There the boys st-ni rather Indifferenf. Tell thsm ihat I ani coming dowu anme evemîlut te tait matfeui over wlfli theni,' If la îîndersfood Chat XVllllautsoi ebas itîus fai lîterested abolit au bib di su lni the isa lîroieci. Tht' sclîî'îîîî i oarfllîgi Ilsiv tîn i Iiiy au sv. ille W a lk i'g it fi5 lia iH e l e bit s vagît'way of achemes f0 colon ize rîtgrues lui 11iberia ftseuîîovenierii bas isser befot e rearised thla viei lit- or gaiîîsl î aiiý t iuigif Studues Law After Hoîtrs. j f e r I f i n i s h b î o y b î i î v a s w t î ir lfuir fht-e suîî sîib \Vblllatiaouil. le iturs the giaiîbi-st eXIlîltui tiOf IlIt roit il 1ru-oui Kiglisli tas - stock.t îf i.-î- iciî,iict s titiv,,,eueuîf at l bliase ru-ad for- ars anti seara - O!f LAKE CO. !AtiR Great VariaI5 of Exhihîts in Every Deparîment and the Crowds- Somelhing Aw(ul. undsr meet favorable cireumtii. Siem serene and a balmy brase we? wel corne eatures of tbeday. The show. oîn the grenade thia year are much more aunieroue than fst and the varions eohîttita ilied rapidly. The exhibits ln the new buildings are mucli mors easy of aces.l than 8-12' befors, and are very.- conveni9uolY arranged. The new building neatet l gate centains the display of fruit M.d vegetabies, tbe cuiinary departuisol flowero, etc. la tbe ether will b. 100134 the ornementai needlework, worits et art and natural biatory diopisYà. The live stock departmnent is fillind up larger than ever bera and lb.h,.. sbow wiii please the mnoet exeetiuga. Fancy turnouts ni avery deeuriptiola SE* arrlving et the grounda and the paradle will ba a very daahing affair. Farm implemeîts, gai englue. sa" maehinery ni ail sorts are thon 1% abondance. Tbe 1oude arn botter qovered tbla year ihan tley bave o~e been and witbot tWelkiffl a * distance the midway and aHlla » .plut ripai sibibits may b. sean. The et room at tihe rigbt of the* a*W la for the use oi the general pubié 8"a iadies who, desire a place to rest sud ÉO away frnm tbe crowd aGillflnd tise .ap oi acces. at ail times. The raciag prngram la asil filled »dl good evente promioed each day. At o»a time il wan reported that serai 01f 1w races did not f611 but sncb le Dot lt- cases. Thora are a numbar oi bora.. ho every race and avery purs wiil b. bÏO* contested. De>rby Dayp1 Saturday, promioui erowd that will rival tisai of TbnYsd", weatbar conditilis permittflg. IV& àk lîig show and the crowd w!U ftnd Itou and that le ths day uany Of lté' straggisrs ad oters who bave beO unahle te go during tisa woek w attend. UNCLE SAM AFTER SA!!V ROBBMR$ WhIle net a statement bas beeni git- e eut ont for publication. it la tisa gnni» bu certain quartera that the police sad - feibetal anthorities have oansuft~ sîîofted blnttrînectioui with tise crac-- lîîg et the sale lu Wautegau post of-. Iti lînw bebieved that there was ,. stool pilgeon lu Wautegsn lu cohn"e~ Ëieut uith tise robbery. hat haoatappe out the plan efthfie ieaer fluor oftbt». pîost office. tisaIise gave thea hp os tO the iglît time for the cracking et the- sats. anti that he acted as a lok ce ou the nlght etftisa affair tbat nettts4 tse perpetrators $1500. Have Eyo on Suspect. Iri addition te tisis 1h la saifi tisaI tb* police arîd federal autisorities baie their eye on a csrtain Waukeg" fl a aio se tînntu bave disappeaet severai days atter tise sale was crack. md anti aho sas able te flash a rçlU aben he caroî back,. bat a couple Ot Neilher tht toient re ite spector MA- tb ailîl oakm atîs admission snd ap. itareuft înofblng bas isappeaed 10 tgîte a tcaceof tise gang of craolii. mni. Tise otly statement giveneUt. L-i that thete la ne turther ncas et itheîrtîhry. t NEAR LAKE M However li Zîi - ui lcii ('f'\ tue u adhinliry.lotîotic ait iluoechaical aunil uvisut t t-r.-int.Li'rias s-Ibisouir O.S.«Broan aud son, o! MiI.laak4e. eetp. Van Dei ii tutus f01h- cip aris, dab r furt ns. ut ut lias ei-r culouiy expiifu irtfl Is hiete srs ictinia litil anautomobile adt-' tom da-a go lisiiîlî lîaggagt ýa-, îîigtiiui;iteîi i Tt.tltu ire îtsts1ublilltiii an Engllsh pr- dent' on Fbah F1111. mat soutis of L- s batd bac. Il- i,-iil .immrifti',Star,,'fatlcgîîuuîîîîî -tecînrate Fra hrdsase iermcle hospice sud staidi it lue tuas a gos Titilfaitlsi ut--tgri ttrii tlif- [ast I'listve fouir childreîîo yo! i ieaua ruaispurcisaed oue, rau over an' pel worter froîui I ijville. KY.. sud but ut ilIlihe vîuisutliiu lua iui. snd hres of nus brotseras. One brothtemhauteu bt su ybbespea lta hafi retelved lic ut ia l cri Thotblleîurîluîî ioftotItilltîioisistuufu'rut la 5prattiOit attorney at KingflsBh- lanotbing short ef s miracle. tise tteeftcornert fair i l uuuts îruiu'ul luite sîhlittuîîet. Okia 1 bat-e many relatives le Brown sud bis son were au relate Tise îîxt nunimli-,. lu c suetdliig athantu titi'lletu'iblluuuuuotutail t ter Lberia sud Rila thelr letters te me boen thelr nea purciase. TheY uight at Lieb.c --lclîsclef lis airs cîîuiluuî udthu le $iJ.u.ulliilin cash. Chiat have aonsed tle me a spiritte hoad heen sctempanied as fair as Fart gril) and stu,ýtti t ii, tie- -- lia ioff-cilItriîîreuuîlîuuuu. isbrig do soniefblsg for nus people, te lead moil cidan hi- nd toa or t aito-e been no rac- i.1 ir pire ihnor a îng fo use thit lui tttthe l. thernieut et thias tresatol country sud coutldenguser tise dea fer tise taxst caeful searclu Tisere ila unou tuuufoi, tht-sxetest fhute oesonitheir own ahere they mai- et the distance. There is a gins iii l ellet that bu ist'etouuîuuug faili.- andlsi avorable base su squai show altis their eau The umachine baflied aibis Une uea disappearanice iasyýiia -tuicide otrttsafluut.and los lit uîd rates, as tlud." oauer on Fiat HhlliwhlchIs laIauket foui play msateu3 aitl tht- sarnh uit ui iussr-od îîsîgafnl y a deep ravine at tise bottonn et fer a due oabisaai cre aiîuîîta la testanti-e aic Is la scrssk Brown wOnt --e tera ile o is lirebciis I kpi, llr.Buildings Auciened Off crant the umachinetit' athtie cItth lie neyer maids goulun bIs tpternit lu Ir 1,t starct-ly iceuisary t ntîiiloni AiIday Frldsy thes United States Crown n. 0Tte machine starei 0«,- preatît lu th t i-tii ttIte'facilît les oettlis ate af ir groundsl-uauîriouîed off builidingsa standing onuIl îturally. asufitbmhesont, Browen, JX., _____________fuî tfakinig cre of aur immenuse rrod lanudWestf o!tise Fort iSecrIdan , jtnmped bute il. servalion, couulsned on land bought Tise machine camied hlm lin a al)u Moved te Montana Fort. as fisc large sud tonitoodieus buiid- for the extension aftie tort, plonge oser tise embankmeltt. j1ei Fort Sheridan soldiers aith thle sx. iuîgs.fths tovered wasis, toliseutui. Houssa sold ail tise was front $35 teo as nut setienSIY initreti but reti0 ception et B tronis, 13 Cav5.ry. lett grand stand sud the oiler mnaguittcent $250, aheve valuue some Bay, aud pur- s severe dreuching le tise creek * " frFrBejmnHrio dy fo chasema bave fe mamove sisat they tise machine l0 B tOtal wreck« 1t: For Bejanin arrson FriiaYiscîdngaareesuciaîs uiatet fe hught. There aere 200 ah the sale., rge pfaiatctV4 sf11 ite hack. refurîîing te tise Lake carîug for cortisean thuussnds. uide n kgut. W. B. e nto a dray, dpla4 - counts pont October 1itis.udn neWrkeaie.,n Tise tort la practicaily deserted. Te the people eft is great state Smiths. bec. - i 1- Il 1 1 1 v e 1 E - lý

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