Tii. effect of malaria Iasts a long 6im. You catch cold eaily or become run- Jown because of the. after efiects of malaria. Strengthen yourself with Sco1t-'ai Oncls kfor. It build new blood and tones up your nervous ALL DftJOOlSTS 1S00. AND 01.00. dl' -A- ÀA.AL...*&.1 rww WAUCONDA DEPARTMENT Il.EF. MMUN. Cenrpondent&AnS et wlboiS, is golng ta the fair tii taking possession tuis week. Mr. »ahl camts eirs vel recomniended andS ve1 IL Wmch. at Waukegan. te spending visi hlm suesasl. s'eek iii relatives and friands in The village board rnseta ouit Mondai' lge andS viiniti'. aud bille for the pest mrnuh sbouid bu e",andUMParmi' Jobnson andS son, banded ta the clark so ihaitbey tan bu »dAli wer e eguetsaof the laters passeai i bis meeting. gite, li. and Mns. Jas. Nevile, Sat- Mr. and Mns. McCormick andS tamiS' q- retunned ta Libertyviile Thunedai' ater ;ýssss H. J. Sciaffer andS P. Clair', ipending iwa veeke at iheir cottage on . spw qent Tueeda i vii Mr, snd the lakes@hors. W.7 ErakandL. Patatedd Mn. Monian via bas beau slck for W. ros on meet.ngait aucoda the pai vsek is reportaiS convalescent. sgo Cait IÀbryvilli FriSai'. Wrn. Burneti lat for Toledo, Mandai' à* Ser. returned te the ciiy Son te attendie.A.Renmp n. a tr îpending tva veeko viii sMis. Mary hionev ane of aur olde@t Ï& lu Our Tilage.setilere andS a pionear oi ourcoonty, . dS =7 à"sn etuned ome on-atiber home Mondai' ai 1:15 a. n., at eIè p mda Mana rw atsihomes Mon. the adv'ancesdâge o aisali 89 yeans. eSe aednuady nbl ci'Fuierai vas heliS Wednesday ai Oa. nm. _i.so.L. E. Maman, trai he Transfiguration Catialie citurch Wa B ciem oashow~ lu aur vil- Rev. Father Wonife officiating andin-lu ,hst Thureday teas goldcravd. tenaent vas made in the famili' latinl *rom DAi, of Irving Park, bas the Catholic remeidri'. Complete obii.- M4- th C biaksnih shop and l lan' vy il appear nexi veat. ýV BOYS DROWNED At flIGILAND PARK< loUtile boys vers drowued ai hisAM Park beiveen sieven and Ëw, thus morniug andS ans di ha- MO01 hii efforts te save bils alrsady 0 brother. %Uktle-Iti ntermat la lent bis casa sit is learnmd ihat the boys are î qm of William P. Wslmers, ex- *ter la chanceri', a blg Chcago P7er an" lite bthe deteudaut lu au msd mmeaout aon. re du- b0ffAl= WHIMERS, aged 15 years. gdWA"D WIMEIbS, agad 9 yaars. lig WBlmers resldeuce la lu eass M'el avenus sud froni ibIs place I-gornlng ths ivo boysst oui or S1mvwilch la not far distant. L'es iai' vyent ilu avlmming, the ly svinimere of bis morning as fur *-. #M kuovu. ISistesald liaitich p#«er aniS veaker ofthbe tva wenb < bis depth aniS tallaiS ta the $o to ald hlm. $#oua1daufivered tLe cail aniS for- ýWe bis ovu liSe, as ils iroihenas ýàgle are saiS ta have borne i Wbwn irresstbibli'. Ha vas pullsd ha- *b the ti bngri' wabers aniS neyer "«a again. 'Me iodles vers recavered off the but of Ceitrau strasi aud ut faon itttlc efforts vers being made ta re- 4vtthe tva boys. Tien, vere hopes l th -iIder. I1*tée. t lÎ learned liat scores ot n" ndsotSelîdren vîtnasand tLe ,nlng but vers paverless, heing buMe togo ta the aid oaithe **R$tesn. Thai' sav bhs tragsdy ïVM048. ave bsalanm, andS bis m4les - vere ricovered. Time Inquet vas haiS aI five ibile Y"Dng la bis Piar uudertakfng Uems, the verdict hsing onue aiacci- New. W* WSU ou" saiS the otage mal, 4W "tW plai' thc pari ut a tanker. t Ansa to atri' ta playi itvi gIitgbt." AmsPOUded Torlck Hamut. VOOf hae ofImmuton chopî vhisk. Ciy Journal. Aust lHave Nid Exporlmee. ONever uslxd, dean,' ha saliS reassur- i' as thbm niseS ber aveet faîce Mi shioulder aniS bisi'bath eau' 4ý-vIlte îlot- on île coal; "lb yli H 15<05 Ciaricu" sib bonioui,eoblîîg 09% bar face again apon ils whlteN bguMr "boy do you knoov?"--So'.n- SadS. &II tMU yan a funny thing lhab hap- -gd mai'be yau tan vonk it up joe, vites a correspondent. ervmtimamnt in a mainimon- &Dd gota au sser ibm nexi .esnrmponded viti th, lady, but an- nRonymos.Finalli' vs a Umting. AndiS ilwRi mv -- do you knov abotthati?' litvhaii i'ohava taiS us, L Sut, AniS atm ouI' -sliaubeihthla I h lshanS ji two Scla in ans ismili'. lm"suff laentjiltaiing relatives U ow-mdibem mrrlag M"dof0eonFfiitter. edauber of lM. and &Wn la tu asi'fil-de vimling vitl rative. An Exponieucu in Advertiting. Which ha the hast kind ot adver- tief ng. Tuat la a question thatIn-u teresis every business man, lu thase iSsys vian advertlsing leliteralli' the lite of rade. A saaistactory ansver le given hi' the goverument bureau of navigation, hilci lait yaar spent $50000 ln aiS- vsrtteing ton al kinds af ncruits !-ar bis uavy, aud conduiSes bilai daily nevepapars afford hy fan bie mosb profiable medioni. Betare dialrihuti;g bis year's ap- propriation, the bureau debermbned ta analize the resuibe obtaînad aset year and finiS ont viensilb had gai the mosi for lis money. Investigation shaved biat magazine aud periodical advertiiing praduced anly tram ane- fourbi ta ane-sixieub as mauy naval recruits as nepaper advertiaing. muab profitable acverising vas biab undar the isad ot "Hep Wanbed,' which gai recruite ai an average tasi of ahoot $3.68easti, viereas ncruias ohtined tirougi magazine and pari- adicule tout tram $15 ta $65 each. Tic daily nevapapar lu bis greut medium tor aul kinds of adverbslng, tor lb la read iy the viais popuation everi' day 1n tie yeur. Weuld Fol w Hiei Exampîs. ian bisthebattis ot Prestoupens a viittyScttisi fat-mer anmaisedi-lme b' wrlttug a bablaS opou lb, whicb so sboung ne oftii Boghei officers. vbo baS hebaved ver' haseli' ou bis occa- sion, ibat ha sent the poe s challenge to meet hlm ai H. for marial tom- bat. The second toond the armer bosy vith iis bayfork andS ai once delivered the challenge ofthbi redoubiaile haro. The good nalured fermer, bumulng ta- vs.rd hilm viti lie agricuitural Impie- ment. culiy saiS: "Gang ava' back ta Mster Smth and tbail hlm 1 bas naa lima ta coma ta H. ta gis hlm satisfaction, but tiai if he likes ta camne ban Il tak' a lok ai hlm, and if I tblnk 1 tan fechi (fIgit)hilm Il fech inmandiS f 1 tbink 1 canna fechi hlm l'Il juai do as h. dIS-l'h ruu avai'." Hie Inspiration. The negro brase baud tonnecimd viii tihe travelIng troups vas hiattbng a tue In its ciaractenitie eiap bang style lu front of the tisatar vian a duski carnnai player wvi adiSbeau sulkIng ail dii' suddenli' quit biovtag and dIS not nsume. "Sai', IMass" demandaiS the leadier lu te eusuiug pause, "lain't yo' workin' Eani Mo'?" "Ai laevan Ah is t de luapirabon," retorted the sulky niosician, tiroving bis ite8 af bis eyeacross ait the leader. "W'en amn dat?" *'W'en Ais gibs a ala' veekms puy." -Kansas Ciiy Independent. Mies Flîuy Havkins vent ta Plat,- ville. Wl., wvian theviii attend sehool. Mies Georgia Hook andS iiend irom Lo,n Lake sersest« ai tbe Daiziel home Suday. Mns. John Melure is entertaining lier abler, Mr. Wheeasu ram Wacneiu. M. aniS Mn. H. C. Haines and Mn@. R. T. Mliii@Pont Saturday in Chicago. The Modern.Waadmen are husi' pr- f in on the annual Harveut Bomea esItival ta be hed the lesnt of tii nîonth. MM lunham entertained compani' froin Graysiaks Saturdai' andSSondai'. Tb@ snnaISondai' echool pieule vas hld Thndai' t Drues Lake. Sciool viii hegfin Mondi, Stp. 7 with M;T. Corbet naiSMiseEnmeS dr F. M. Smth spent Manday luian e gan. The Misionaii' Soletv mt vwt IdrM Brainerd lasi week Iledneeday. Lewis BaSte hae returnad tram hi$ trip 1 Texas. Mi8ssAda Kuebher @pont las Sudai' ai ben home bers. Dean Wells, of Oherlin. Ohio, attended chunch bine Sunday. Dora Darfier @pent one day lestwvesk at Round lsite. Mnr. Henni' Coudrey, of Wâaukegan, spen lut Turedai' vîti ber parente. Misa Avis Payi enteniained a youug lady friniS frainCilcago aven Sonday. Mns. Henni' Van Plev bas been enter. t alning a sister tram in eebusiu Sor tie pai vesk. i Mn. sud Mns. James Davis andS daugli. ter, oS Libertyville, apent lest Sundai' w>w viii relatives bers. - Miss Mari' Payne let Satandai' moru. Ing ta epend a vsek vith hernîese, Mns Virgiia 0.'d Midred Zeigler returne< to their home at Pak Ridge Saturday alter opeudin~ two wee"E witb thelr eryfied e. The mefliera of the Junior and Senioi choir made a complete surprise on tii chorister, Frank Dolph, in hanor of ti auniversari' af bis ui, Pfiday, 1AU1 28. The Junior choirpreSnted bîm .1 a hanidoome watch lob ta show inu @mail way that tbey appreciated tii help he gives theni in tbeir choir work The Senior choir presented him with4 subetantiai rocker, mission style. Caký and tee cream, were served during th, evening and the many guesta departe( at a late hour &Il uniting lu admittinl that Mr. and Mr,. Dolph were roya teutertainers. Master James Mitchell tram Jhlcagc la spendlng a few days with Oeorge Os1 Master Eari and Leroy Kane ar ypending a fsw days with their aunt i Mm. M. Pouiton and children sa Weduesday with ber mothsr, Mis Rous The achool bouse look& nIe with il new coat of paint and new bell. Mr%. J. Liii aud daughter Ett returned to Chicago alter spending couple of weeks witb ber brotber,M Rouie. 1ILOU IS J.a THE 01 MieArnanda Keiler bas returned bar born at Elmioret alter spending I sommer viti ber sont sud oncle, N aniS Mn. Henni' Kane. Miss Carrie Whitney @peut Butidîti Chicago. A number Sioni Larw atianded t garden parti' ai Rckefeller Frid eveniug. Wm. Williams visiteS ai Wm. ilous Suday. Everybodyi'8lethis uaigbborioad planning ta attend the Sair titis vaek. Mn. anSMn@. Robent Liii, Jr., ane praud parents ai a baby boy. Mir. Koch anSaismli' bave mcwved Rockefell8n. The Diamand Lake Cametari' Assai tion yull meet witi Mn@. C. A. Hilini Tiîunsday, Sept. lOti ai 2 p. ni. members cordîili' invited. DEERFUELD Mn. and Mn. L.C. Pries anSdiSaught Esiher, of Wsukigan. visiteS ai Maxwell'@udai'. Mrn.d AMne. John Graves aud chi reu. af Dowuer*j§ Grave, epeuijiound vith Frank Mayer. - EvArbodi' dance@ nexi Saturdai' as ing ai Anans hall. Round Lake. F musit sud aïood urne. Tickets SOc. Sciool vili begin Tusedai', Septi. 8 viti G. N. Maxwell anSMim Olive Jec a teaciens. The outlook ion a go year'e vorkwva neyer better. Mi@@ Cacelia Landau expecta 10 aiLe se-booab a Wheehing lie coniing ymar. Coder the skiilful bauds of the B lie school hanse te takiug ou an appe, auna of cleaniinesanS camion vii eau be imparted ouI' hi' pait barut iooîly coloreS ani kilUfull-Y applied. Chas. E. Maxwelil, of Chicago, viiit at ths homsaf i@isparente bi e et. Miss isabal Kisi, of Wimtte, vii aven Sondai' vith the Galloaai' ami Mise Isabel Bledersiadt le îpeoding1 ea aihome. The IndustrialSoli'yaifibmeEvi geilcai bchi ili give tel sau bazsar anS supper Mandai' evenir Sept. 7, an Reim's lavu. EvMronx invitaiS ta came. Mn. WillISmeizer andson "ut @oses deys titis veet vitb Mr@. L. P. ToSiS. Mn. and M ro. ES Blimehi aiSdanl ber, Alne, and Mms. S. P. Hutcbl visiteS relatives in Anlington HwIg Thuredai'. Word rabed boe FriSai' tiai M Weileit, of Canada, bad id. Be I beu living vuIb bis brother, lticis lu [bandaiSfornosanelme ud vas ti vitb consomption. Be hiendodiiayl lu Canada vie is Ieparents. Re iea tu mounubis Iass a vifs anS one ci aud a nurnher ai relatives, Mdiss France. Biederstaal intentair bar clai, ai piano studenti hy i'gvinl musica a ber home Wednasdai, Iug 26. Sevenlasu attendiS s a n lu- esîlug prograin vas glve. Several ber pupils vere out ai tova ou tbhr, cations aud W) wfves nabie tu atl r Ster the pragra. a adint' lDuCnc of ce"a-Sice crea. vas erveS. Fltoy' Orin L.azatiea a W rerne an mupnovemet n uthe laxativ foreryeare, mas hdonis ipp r aumatu anSIspimit to *%e lt guas.tfed. Yu.êug B. - *"0*9 iilS- lai' sun- cts Ood And ici an- ied led the ;an- oe.l ing, ral igb- m îad iriS' kTea lua ruat à of 1va- en mu' 1Ot 1 t framPie'icae i. atertaiuing a cousin Are. E. P. Siver vas a Chicaga vliior Mondai'. Morris Bras. are aiteuding the fair viii theirneanni fine isplai' i ofhrses. Ms.. J. IL. Carnie enteriainsci a cou4in tram Lake Forsut a iev iSays lest veek. Myrtie Corrls bas retortwd ta ber echool daim .ai Kenosha. AH illiiattend the grand pienie Labor Day. Elmer Boys bas bien ecalîlgon friands He has meut ibturneiS fram a tva veeks' visît in Michigan. r-PALATINE Mr@. T. Catitiw aniSUMss enietia, ai Evanstan, vire visiting relatives Iu Palatine recèntli'. Mdiss Deila Oroli. daugbter ai Mr. aniS AIre. GroS i ftii.place baiS tsermis- fortune to iail aniS break ber anm, a compound fracture. hShe "l ei go aa bospiti in Chicago. Mn. aniS Mr@. Eartltîtentaiued their nepbev, Alvin Plsiffer aniS isîili', ot Woodeiock, retenti'. Mn.. Walter Tboiaaa met Maod Marrie. a former nusiSent oi Palatine, sud cblidren, ai Loulsana, are vhsithug lniends bars. Mns. B. Schierdinq Je vislting her aister ai Povens Lakre at preemni. Miesa Berha Baitenmanu au old tume frend le ai prent vleting lu Palatine sud Elgin. UmssEmma Beinricb, ai Pluni Grave, eidauon iende bhan Wedneiday veiug.i Misi Mariha Benieh islvWlngiriende lu Cloverdais aniS vili attend the Wbeatou tain. Miss Mary Stangordestsrineud fienSe lt-rn m eciy -aven Sunday. - Mr. aniS Mr*. Simon D)avis @peut a da4' wlt* f Ieude I lultri' cuunI'. qSu Mrn and Miss Cors sud Enina - ged re4mtivesat i mo j LAKE ZURICH Nirs. F. Krngel, her two d atiglter Misses LidSie anS Agaîha Kiugel anâ Mn. and Mr@. Fauloii, of Chicago, were visitons over Sundai' andS L.abar Day ai Berman Schneidersm. Mis. B. Techentien; af Chicago, spent a week ai Mn. snd Mrs. Tilimnanis.' H. Schneider, H. Hilimanu, Thsa. Tii>- Manne andS their respective famulias vent in a bus ta Bensonvilie, a distance ai 20 miles, ta attend the annual relebration ai the Evangelicai Orplîan Home. R. Baller provided transportation lei a gnat number aifILake Counu Fair attendants Thuredai'. Mission services are ta h fimelud Sept. 13 At st. Paters ciorci. Thers vas a emal attendance at the Sunday echool convention butîthe axer- tises vers very intereeting. Blanci Oliver bui4 been euterbainin the tiree Misses% Speck, of Chicago, an Vida Taylor, of Waukegan. GertoiSe Northrop, ai Lake Forest, is @ponding ber vacation ai home. Everybodi' ia going ta the Sair this week. Elmer Faulkner bas returued irarn Tae andS is very mach plea»ed viti tue3 Panhaudîs. Lins Williamsion is home for the soin. mer. James Oliver ieo ick ai bis home ai hig iSaughter lu Richmond. Mr. Webb ^ud wlSe, oi Aurora, are visitiug Wm. Oliver. Mn.. A. GouSd, ai Chicago, is vio3iting ait Elmer Faulkner's. I viii seil At public auction at the (ii- mer ceameri' Saturday, Sept. 5, corn- Mencing ai S o'clock s. M. the foilowing deunibed prapart', to-vit: One carloaS chohos Wlsconencaw, 16 nev muîker, baeano. aprlns, 4 stock bulle. Usu4I s..' ~ ( wo.prop.- T tua~ Roller Skates FR E E Write tor Tennis, etc., RICHARD L. WILSON I54th & WCla AveI A wChical iovd 'Voucanputt I n the top of your cook stv sud it yl blacken tiose lids a dead blaekand tic %viistay-buk for montis. Von don t bve ta poluah STOVMN; Just paint It on. * vi S umOf Yon can'trteff or ilI u of one application lata from onc ta tva mnonia. STOVINKIs not explosive aud vii l ot lu y'vi injure your stove. Onu' coul 2kc SctiANCK BROS. J. J. SPOIIN 1 LIREltTfVILLE, ILL ROCICEPELLER,ILu.1 Adjudication Notice. Pumbilo notice la hennir given liaI tis 9iîbecrll'er A.imiAtrator ni tie seatesof E,uenson J. Phîllice d@sosaeed. viii attend the (tounty Court of Lait@ <ouny,.ai a tertu tisrsvf te hu holdon ai ibm CourtRoue ln Waukeuan. lu mid Ocunty, en thea irai Monday ai Oclober umit 1908,. vLnan ad whsrs ai] vemns bsvîna eaim s ainsi saliS kestatoe naotted aud requested ta ureseut the "mielo sit] Onuifuar Adjudication. OTua J. Pntta.ms. Admitunc). Waukesan. l1.. Autuit lth, lues. m-4 Ci'y Nepbev-Now, viat kiniSofai shov vanta you lH4 10teseuncle? Unel-Wuy. ans ai hbeinkinS that the ICE CREAMi IN BRICKSI PLAIN OR ASSORTED 1 makea aspecialti' ai furnishbing Chanci Sociale, Picoles and Pub- lie Gaihaninge. MITCHE LL BLACK Tel. 02» Libentyvilie * BOCKEEFLLER. ILLINOIS Ll- CALL ON ,.J. SPOJ-N ROCKEFELLER, ILL. ______FOR Hardware, Stovea, Eave Troughs, Rooflng and ilFPsrace Wore- Mnr. e la '~pleaankU blrthday Party BSui-.a rro ad Mis. Pops and ebildren, of Chi- fi adein this la ntbyr anit elshome 1.1 Moé ft es Ciss cago, for2we.Mr. and Mis. Fred Converse. A pléasant MimsesBelen Safford, Maille Bonnet, Mtne wae enjoyed li ail pissent. H ALF DAY, ILIL. DR . JL TAYLOR, Marg.rt White, Ethel McGuire and Wnile playing base bal Sundai' at oFFICIu 0TIÇ J. ELI. TRIUB LDG. M=si.W. Bonner, L S. Donner. J. 8. Spring Grave, Lee Benveil liait bis arm nu:7t,1 .m u4ad6t Doman and Vicor S:rang àttsnded the hurt. George Davis and Leslle Paddock 8tI P7t 1 . . 21 n it concert aitBavinla Park laut TuWeeai'are getting adong nlcsly. Sp.m.o radaopoie ak nlgh. Gone mors we wlll gîve TOU a god deoonra appiePrk Win. andS Stanley Anderson, of Lake tinie. Coins to ths daaceSattirdeay even- D A N C E Libertyville. Illinois. Foruit, vlalted wltb Mr. and Mrs. G. H. lga Amaun's hall. Round Lake. Bonner. Aliso Win. Findley vlsited at Tikes 500. uuDR. C. R. GALLOWAY. - Wm. Sonne'.. Miss Viviai onner entertained ber > DMVUTW OII W IEWO TiOU VESLOVELLI DIVa STOCK. Srimd, Mies Edti Mjorebead, of DeKaib, R V WCW W 7 ouua-from 1 to 8 and 6 o 8 p. mn. iss (JBnie Azt0li, 01 Rochester, Wh'-,TomejSer. 1,a d Mn . MobtflUunylla Ilnaa la visiilng forea wesk witfl Mise Helen and ¶i . 11addauihter.JjIf «Safford aStheii.parsonaKe. e1Mies Emma and Clama En , o R.aiADV.S T A. B. Stewart returned home Saturdy (hica«o, &»dDesPline,,spont unday ' DR. EDW AV.SITH fro i bisvisit t4fCanada accOuipan'e witb tieinparent@, 1Mr. and lMrs. Fred Offic e oer Lce &CoStre hi' bis don, Libumi. Kulgge. O . POfiT vr us o.sStr Mr. andS Mm, Balretow andS chldren, Mr. andS Mis. John Aibrechi moyedS E*.aSpecia] AttentIon to Diesses of the Eye of Wbeston, 'rlited Mr. and Mrs. John fini af the steek, mb F red Stuckhs Lb_____,Illui Bonner Satitruay and Sunday. vacant bouse. B. B. Koch and faili, -Lbriie Iui i. snd Mms W. 8. Stewart left Tues- of Diamond Lakté, are now occupylug Dancing BverY ilamnrdeyNia das for a two weeks' visit with Mr. andS roonis over tbm market vacated b? Mr.- y igt DR. EL FL SNUTFL d M JhnStewart, of St. Paul. ndAlbebî. Anl, a 'undt ui y etl.Oceia <iE ÂkDENTIST. flNE y MU. and Mms. Lyburn Stewartan Master Floyd nlybsrtre o FUI yHreOcete OE AhCOITUTY NATIONALBAK Ir daugbtsrs retitined ta their home in Chi- lËls borne at Mukwonago, Wis. alter - fousa-e to 12 a. m. andS 1 ta 5 p. m, cago Sunday., spending seveoral weeks bers. Rs watt Bvery Accommiiodation I DAILY. )r B. F. Yole went home ta Sorners Sat- aocompanied by Paul Blouse.________________ LibertyrlUe. IliSts ie urdai' ta meet bis brother froni Iowa WUI Knlgge and famuiy spent Sondaes - SWho le vistting hlm. at Racine. C. E. toplc Sept. 6: Songs of the Heart. A large bas trct oaded with young DR. GOLDING ALife Lîved Ith God," Po. 591. Pearl gpie irom ntu village attended the DENTIST a Cleveland, leader,.If Day dance Saturdai' sveuing. Houri 8 to 12 a.m-1 to 5 p... le The Hockaday sebool wiil open Mon- Mns. Hennry Kuhlank Ws a recent J. Eij Triygs Building day, Sept. 7, wîtb MisesCara Nelan as Chicago visitor. on ber returu ehe w5S wjth Dr. .JL. Tai'lar-Phane 19 ateacher. accompanisd las two uitile nephews Wbo 5,. Phone 1092 'e Win. Thom licft Monday with et-ck wili remain for a short time.Lbetile Io àfor the fai ai Libertyvilie. Mms. J. M. Burdick, of Chicagoi. _________________________ ig The DoiS e hool wili op<on Mondai' ipendlng a fw wsewt .L R .F ITEFED alwlth Miss dii Van Aistine teacher. Burdick.DR0.P U B E . Ed Dodge, of Rochester, W., ae a Mr. F. Kem pe, of Chicago, iâ a gust Mr. Carnie Wright, of Evanston, is a Kramer. aSBIsTÂNT STATE VETINAIAN. .guest 'oi Misse Carrfe Rater tuis week. C. Dean Wells, of Oberlin, Ohilo, lisee Uerti'vlle. Illinois. MdmsDM. White oaaW.J.Whte0"'lit ta bis grandmotber, Mn@. E. ______ st-),o Mdmes D. M.White, Gand . J. A. Dean also other relatives snd friende. CHALES W BIT31 XLPE .J. DÂD n vipited Mm. John White, oS Micigan E. B Watson visitaiS Chicsgo Irlends lest WV IITNEY L. DADY at The LaWdie' Aid Societvy iilme n ~Tbursday andS Fridai'. 1 LAWYERS the. churcb parlote Tbnrsaay, Sept. 10 Mrs. Louis BatikseIo entertaininq ber, -36Wsig.uSne nt The meeting vas pouiponed the fi;,matter foin Sharan, Wis., the presgent 80OUAE5URBE EWashingtonîlinois se. week ln Septeinier an acecount of the fain. week. FYUAE CRBE W akgn liog !ts Mr. and Mn. Cale, of Pleasant Prairie Mises Luella Hehberger viaited CAN CURE YOU Arthur Carke and Miss Edith Van Ai- Eeetired-lsto b ws. I We IJ tell> ou wh? and boy Fou osn Le A. K. STEARNS bel atine loftTuesdai ta v isit Mr. andS Mn. Mn. Specit auccompanled hi' ber n ues raed If "u >cai'î&atOur iliilti. or. If YODUgrillLAY SClark, of Miigan. lis. Will Masser, ur Palatine visii write aU bout your case. we will enid youa 218 h W. Mn. and Mn. John Trotter andS famîli' at Diamond Lake ane day lest week. et 1Wsugo Sra loft for the veet Tuesday. The social given et the home of J. à. ur = .1,ime.11iiitell rTm ovuila. nWaukegan Rouge, FriSai' eveaing was a succeessp tl.ç .5n hQ,¶niatI, 105 'Phone 2761 boti sociali' and hluancialy. wfthut asî>ne iasinaitein ve s ilii ______________ Mr. an>1 Mm. Joa. [lor-ler attended a d«"')ose pur dise&segmn eli thtI rouillii very pleasant gatbering at the houle iii do,,,)-l- r 1-tprliiIMCGUFN the latter@ ireoth, Mr. and M ts. Yore Thoctirabie oen fIodai e i. >In-t1 ATTORNEï AT îLAW- at Everett, l'unday. The occasion belng cuabale.aof toiow and hil all'L 'l 1 "'Po'>V a famili' reuniion at which the ianiily soul h"dthewarnion lu UmJ.Libertyville. hIllnuait wer & pAse is r tratmeut. It le easy o r . .lmp,. PFaez18 Y E O M A N29atWaksandisoar. .lr ol:sr:llîiay doutîýr "r Broadbead and .Jamies urlingarne bath remedies t,, vanqjnlh 105>0. Our trqatM,îti )ESSE S. HYATT a. erapýd wlhýheliffro âan ti"v of ibis village. To the haPPY Couple We suai>ght froins taliowi candi,. Ililo- U.. nt (1%IL ENiJINELI ANI) S(lltV'EYt)l PC A Nextend bearty congratulations. take AIT»I, dons ni-toi..l'CONFIDENCUE Iibert.nîville, Ill. TelI. 'l] dois Dot toit. ev..s BOFE to gst rrl.il mteM.J ihréofPrairie wOtietesnfrnt.lefiut"c, ~.- withFRANK A, WlNljE Huingu heno îserv, lMim.uW.avL. AVERAGE TIME TO CURE VnekIi Hut tge fGlnve%, ef Tesavfor RUPTURE.........Onei 'd'lt Richmond, Virginia, ta viei ltivs YDBOtCiiî.V..... ..... ... ....n, VI-it__________________ -. Tbey viii be gane caveraI weeks. <IÂTA(YOTd . ut iD-Y U l ta RUSSEIL CANiJKB - 5t l>at uiui the OÂTARItH........... .....to. a bas L< f M . W in . W or fey va s ntertai ed e t M ns. E1 9 0.pi iht. . . . .. . . . .t 0 D i A__._______________Sondas.______ P i dL'.ITUi,..... ..... iDs LiAlteS. DRAINS. ete ....- 5 t '.0 D"r in~ Tier va not a latge atandance at Biorn tiv Mr. end NIrs. Fred Mau ('nLItIUOR HABIT... . .. lo.taele Days Visa k rdnelààs, sonsi in e&k.rsa idiis the Sundai' echool convention at Rse«Sundai', August 30, a baby girl. PROMTÂTIIE TROUBLE8 .....-tu t10'3u D)baI ervis, The K1 .120. itiseHEmit n.d the REIPUbMATISK%. 1<bUT - loto.. _ D.1 lnse, dtsuzsaisse. m n tAulh e hecrans. A number of aur.. îown people Michael Yore is qitle sick at present BEBVOVs OEBILITY-...1_.0 ,10 * bi tseS btn lDur.,tiaies sAas jy1attanded. ovitiong. STOMACH DIHEAMSE.....i-,1t' , fn b.iys m edsmuthu1flDr. St.s Eu iloeBvi aiIDB EYT DIC.ABE4 ......-----b toon fraysa modicin feeiliy propared g rau ne hse b The Mount Res Cemetery Society wilii Misses Ma,î,îc .Joyce and Liiella BLADDF.R Di$EdS ... ....0Pt. ro DOam sco=u l e, ndocto teildnmysaioes S n'cet vithMrsm. C. C. Ames at Cge@sL.ake Herschberger aet-o .tînurng a le'.'.daysRLO()D POIBON Etc s- 1.- 1 0, o bans t isufl. ut1laa a i fni, " 0 IX1 esu meou WednesdaY, Sept. 0. Ail interested viti Mrs. -4 ' %I NO KNIFE, BLOOD OR PAIN zW Yj'omr %«ki aches or Au weak.I~ l ths 17111 -invited. John Kho. o pnt uoîlay withî Jlî ohn Yniyi l- '-r0 a,' rrsî.viie,U tnlkao1xi andl, rdaavne Mrs. John Ilanner vieited lier smter, Caralati andfily>lîîl. boc.rn ,îIi.11 1,rm,,d a 'n,>rGLVig Our iiw E dli rDr ShocesBsagoc5va month- Mme. L. M. Banner. Fidai'. Master John 1Convuv, ho lîad the T esats yi i i hàteu.a trSdhapa T5itif5 Ifd . d the Tii, Misses Kensella sud Sayle u, mimlartuile îî bueak.i eg aolît a wek v.. en>rans .'r s thorsitF. hs urd o o dlezgh gem ad» turued ta tireir homes in Chicago Sunda, 550o is gotlng alî,ug nu-l. m uolcine. Il sou wil'n nov for date. wivti aur to aiernon. .of our doetoro. PrIvaI,, han ta imi afieroon.Mies Ilyrtie Coone, of aChicago, le musemom f Atiatono> ln oooectIon. W ite Joseph Aieock, or Chicago, and Mrs. vi@iitig with rlati, - lwîr,. to-day Io ci-Annie Baird, af I rhana, Ill., visitaiS ut Joseph anîdILb 1). Laîî-,aster are spend- ILLINOIS STATE SPECIALISTS A A.C. Cornes' andS tallai ou iriendi lest ing a mlîîrî vaaionî hr, alter whioi 68W isel. o. ato v Alweek. tiav will tale u ni eir s-hoai wonk ai ROCJU1O9D, Ill. Id Is. Deffri' and Miss Thomas, of Ken- Techusi'. osia, spent ihe day viii AIr. A. C. Cris The Everets played the Lake Fores> --- teýThursday. luit Suîîday an(] heat tîleru vii, a o-re . - o t r t v br, Rutb Clisese,oaiMMlwaukee, le epending ciîT ta 1. The batterie were tbe Moran Bo s and ii' L EAES soisme tvh ber cousins. boys.__ ________UAL ELRS GET READY TO SUILO i AM READY FOR THE WORK JOHN L IRVING CONTRACTOI( adBUILDER Sidewalks and Cernent Blocks ROCKEFELLER, ILL. Let Me EstimnaIs Upon the Job ii'.~ A B 1