of- nt. sti Wlu Sta lait in t etv VE LA <QIJNTY "NEB~Zr MAY, SEPEMBKB 4, 1908 A Cool Refreshi Drink of and ing- Cream Soda, Olnger Aie, Lemon Soda, Strawberry Soda and Root Beer Bottieci by Libertyville Crystal .5 FOR SALE BY J E3LI TIR -IBr!RTY Vlu Sprlng LIGUS IiEADQUARTERS' for Teas and Coffees We respectf ully cail the attention of our maîly patrons in Libertyville and veicinity to the especial quality of the teas antd coffees we are now off erintg at most reasonable prices. Japan Breakfast Tea Extra Special Quality OnIy 50c. per Pound What iii more ref reshing and de- liglîtf ut than a good cup of coffee? Our Twenty-f ive cent Coffee witli its Fine Flavor and Deli- cate Aroma Fils the Bill and Serves the Purpose for Which Coffee is Used. S1TIIH & DAVIS LibertyvIlle, 111- it a ts .1 id !ACritical PO, SMAN miay be particular about *bsdresa. but ilbcnget * bis neckwear he wîll spot] t what otherwse might be a * splendid effeci. -..luta the becomting neck' * ~Wear fluat makes the whole suit a suc. *ces., What the ordinary mortal at Ois this harmonY, Our novelties are attractive being of excellent texture ami beatîtiful construction. __________EVERYTHING FOR MEN * .B. MORSE & f HANBV BLOCK, LIBERTYVILLE B r ~it O O O i. e I YID'DTVIIIIP Items about LIBERTY ILLE pou .know I ~ Il and some you jAN IDEAL 8 UBU RBAN VILLAGE dont The W. C. T. U. wil mee with Mre. E4dîlbEHerrick, Sept. M at 2:80. Election of affler. J. H. Sbottman, oftMountrofi, lM., @peut this week in Libertyville and sttendod the fair. ]me. W. J. Warren, otf San Benito, Texas, is visiting Mma. Editb Warren snd other relatives lu town. The oId town hasnamumed a festive air and reekîssi abandon in written on many an atherwîae sober countenanoe. saturdsy le "Derby Day" t the Lake Caunty Far. It le gaiug ta be the big- gelda"&of aIl. Many sepecial attrac- tiong. Core. Mr. sud Mm.ý C. H. Jobuston, of Rogers Park, @pont Saîday at the borne ot C. 1. Casey.Mr@ Jolinston was tormerly a resitiet of Liliertyvîlle. Mma. Wm. Statlor asud taaghter, Mrs. Thou. Burcows-, ot Clorado Siprings, Colo., 1e yiitiug at the homeofaIher daughtor, Mms. D. A. Young. Scboal beglue noît Monday, Sept. RI A number ofthte pedagogues arciveti laât wook ta, attend the teachere lusgtitute and make other preparabione toc the caming terin. The Scret 1roration hy heat bre thiq eaminer happeniet Monday. Il was s Teddy bear in the Smith & Davit, store wiudow Under the tender care ot Wm. GeHfinge the patient lem mproviug uicely. Farersalug he letr --cAr ig- Tho@. yle tndbomeofhicago,er t Jnaes FuthehomWe ond. B.Ete bi graudpsulrof. Mi andacs W. J. Fulle this waek. M. n rm .J.Fle Loht. Atkins, of Esanaba, M ic., pent Stmdsy st the home of him unele, E. E. Ellsworth. Fare@t wore closed &Il day Tbursday an accounu of tie Fair. Boy. J. Van de Erve ireaciedti u the niomlerof a a tanner pfletrate at Grand Rapide, Mic., lasI BondaY. Dance every evenlng St the toicu hall, Thuredsy, Frday anti Sstnrday. Bg orchesîrs, big dance and a big lime. Mrg. Catherine Heldomantsud tiaugb. t.r, Mrs. Flsd fammoud, of urlington, Kansas. sre gueet the4111OmaIber dsughter, Mie. E. C. Viiulig. JakeGoldenburg's betmtii acînswsy stant blirougiliths croictieti treete Tueq- day atornoon wlth a nurober of nilrac- nIonsq escapsa a&H along their pati. F. A. Jabuson, roatinaster ou the C. M. & St. Paul R. B., bas parciaeti af W. Hi. Dymoud a h<îitoc anti lot ou Stewart avenue. Be xiiituke possession Immediately. Mtcelîs Military Baud ail gtve threo Fair iaces atîbtven hall Tltnmday, Fritiay sud Saturday ýiicrîrg of this week. Everyoue le nul exîuctcd ta at- tend but il la likety that a great maux mili. Dont iqave your u-aluable papers sucb as notes, iboule deeda, abstracts, insurance policies, etc., in the itouse where they aay blctroyed by fire or taken by somne tramp. Dont worry yonreelt with î arr%îng thora around with you, you mnav lbe themn or have them stolen. lut -aIl and put them iu a Satety Deposit Box inruotr Fire Proof Vault. Tiiic' c au absalute pro- tection for your valuables at a very low cost. Your money mav at the samne finie be sately and prniitably invested in aur Savinge IYepartmýent, or a liberaI interest boaring l)crand Certificate .t Doposit. You eau profit by transactiug your banking business with us. TIE R!RST NATIONAL BANK Of: LIBERTYVILLIE Nast Door ta Pest Office WITII VICIOUS BULL Caught in the Mddle of Big Pasture sud RoIIed Along the Ground to Make Escape. took place betweeu a man and a bull nat long ago le a tale that i. truie but le not generally kuowu. The sceneofo this battie wao on the Peter Nelmon faim about six miles northweet of Libertyville aud the bero, Joseph Flannax, toremas of the tarin. fera he crtainly was but most bedraggled and painunlly inuacd betore ho eacaped. The famons Spanlsb imatador neyer put up a more clever aud gaine battle than did thie Lake connty man andi it waa only lhrough lerernesa and strategy that li eoecapeti with bis fils. It seemes that Flannax attemp)teti to cross the big paature in wbich hi@ bull- sbip was kept and the animal belag lu s peevish mooti immedltely took alter hlm. The only thing Flannax could lay bis bands ou to protect himoelî wad a email stick about tbreo lest long and with this ho began a battIs, royal. Wth tbis ho battedte ball acrotsethe naoe andi dotigeti. This etayeti the bull but an instant sud with a below of rage he would agaiu charge. Flannax tought on sud ou losiug gronud aI every charge util at last worn ont by the continuaI -ui- -fi. t he--et.da-n nroreIlu iorous ouslaught ut the enrageti For moie u5tîown reamon the bull iu- cati tf turnîng upon themoan ani gorinu rii to deiath witi bis borns begari tu eiltiple "bu bitan wîth lise houle Flan- lx in a seiruiconscione condition again Sgi a gaine of tag witbh 1eath but stead o1 using lbis teet wss li oul0m wlIed to roll aloug the grouud. fils legs ere Mo badly lacecateti that lie was un- île to regain hic teet and iei arme s cell wero lori and bleetiiug. Lite la eweet andi the aîmnuet exhaucteti aàn saw that the oulv avenue ot escape ;bt lay open ta hum was ta coll along :he gronnd ta a corner 0t the field iu whidi wasi a large pond of watec. Over id over he rollet i wth the sreaxuing istrils of the bull close ta, hie face. Now îlii @idie aud Dow that attempting ta ivoiti the cruel hoofe§ that crushed and bruised lit eeoh at overy turu. For aver a hudred yardsehoralli and saw upon reaching the water that abscb wire fonce on ans side andi a waon wico fonce on the other were bar- ors Ihatliho could nover surmount lu bis weak condition. Into tie water ho roled. The bul stoppeti sesmiugly tireti of the s«part stood off ta watch bis victim, .ecvausly pawing the gront. Flannai glad ot the relief sud the sootbing tbnci of the water upon hie wounds lay pec* sctly stili sud lu a short tinto the bul aorgot bi troubles sud began ewitchlng tho flile-sud then ta grazs. Fianna' ostching hie opportunity qnietly wadsd throngh tbe water tb the tence sud crawled under. He reacheti the farin- bouse more tiead titan alive anti Dr. J. L. Taylor wac iînmediately calloti ta dcess bis wounte. fie bas heen confined ta bts bcd toc the past wsek but wiUl rorover witboîit serions îujury. Obituary-Mrs. Hoi. Thte tsmily of Wtn. C. Hult was snddculy calleti lasft Fridsy night ta inouru the unzpected deatb ut the doar wite anti niaubr. Au ilînefflothut bres days brouglit this good mothor tu ber cuti. Mrs. Halt'e m&iden nains ws FMora A. Huhbarti and sbe was bora lu Coleeburg, Iowa, about thirty-eigbt yoars ago. lu ber girlbood the IamilY remî,ysd ta Boimoud lu Ibat state wbero tlîey, liveti ntil the desth ot Mrs. HalI's father about eigbtson yoarse ga. Thon they maedt taCbicago were lu 1892 ebe wsemsrried tuoW. C. Hait. Thoîr . rgows blesmetiby four ubldren, Bath, Howari, alertsand Ina Toîboi sud la ber hueband ithip atfbul waman gave anu useîfIdeb swhlcb W" lmitet onî'y by lier streugtli sud ber appar. tnnity. mm. Malt waz coaceti lu the Methodiet churci by ber parents andti t tbis chncch eho sent lier chiltiren. No ane rejoi-ed more eiuicerely than ehe wben bier daugliter recently toîîk upan herct;,Ithe vows of nientherahip lunttiat cburcb. For bier children Mcs. HaIt did everytbiug tiat éshe cuît For their fture ehe baped aud plauneti as oulY a mother cau. This (i1iet wrian il11he reinenbeicti ly lier ueighbors tuc lier ticrotian ta ber homine. By ber tantlly eue will be rîieîibereti as the muet faithtul andi oiselllh eh mig tbeY have ever kuaicu The tuni-ral service icaslitelîloat the bîorne on Firt-et troot, Sudaj, aiternouti at 2 a'clock w-hlen Ïms. ire sud Mrs. Hanby sang a 1e v beantitul selections aud Bey. H. F lsawlerrcaithoecripturpes andi spoklite wordm c onsotilationl ta 7 he amily. Methodîsi Services. aThearînual mecrutîtu aeducation will libe preambeti tiy the pafltor noir Sarîday 1îîoruiug. Evening snhlî-ct. 'Have Yoii Forgotteii'Y Miss4 Davis, of (lenua, Ili-, icill Ming aIt tiis meeting. Thte League ewili bavesa rally serv ieta4;:47,. tOing ryoîîr uisitocs. Straugers always wel- colite ,fwav between hire sund Rociteteller .us bFiu n atl icmrtr mutlain ot Huscian thietie..Thy -are tii Zion Cit, wbere lhe an it-ltevi-ae i t unrteroie a 1irseli lui if intereetet inruan oitieeëuî:ît l otit. ai lt ueti thcy atre-titbavlrse itan -eMunile,, of the J. Eh Triiizu' 1n, tl-vrv baca 1atda ttisteio. rrse tba urclased the bousde atii lu tl', îîirlyI anad thutlueti pdby Mr. Frien nti i -r-t etreci. Io Ecîna St. Aubit. ageil six mot,îîlî, who Thl eiroular bueili-vs i tiilg sud hi vs camîping wiît lien parente iii tihe electiiuof tfficiers ofaI i:,late Aiiitr tats cottage ai Diamonî Llatkeuhcd socie Lv il tieNM. E. ilîtî, 1, il[1Il e belni it Friilay iioruing. The ttitily ri-cide at tiie borne utMis. RIlh ,11tesdtav n Chirago sud rthe romnain' tire taken aît.-rnioii et.S ui:tai:u, stIl lic tic crs or urla. a ti lotr u th : h;se cl. il a i 1uc ctii Mcr friewh arcvot svig ig sartahaIom o dathe u la tltoW'a ic t a i-crto tarete sudir-utgctting uot w hst a ttend. mdteaý lowiht îî ie reu vindntzaeti1>utSerot aene lg bsuî1tellumtara vU ie taselect tran atae 0-isl ber bop i thobas e-la nlew bl.-I ies o fe ulîromsti a eiEial IW b ae 3bintre store i t ,f iat-e, e0 'mtNE Ca., Libertyville. 45-t lixtares sud batbslu c'iîi-io:n mate it Grain thieves bave not touflueti their a veryrnmtocernuan up-tii date itîtie Fehop.ln iscratiaus tii the viuity ut Wsitegan The location le a gootilt)e andti t ,one anti have a sI ben wocttiug ln thie 3ýoung toneoril sari w sm-tii îdî,btodlv oality. hast Thursday niglit ahut euijoy a gooti tratis. .il ilrty bushels of oase a#3 etolen Iroin Two probstionors frlac elicrlpin w e latrni Of C Hamel. Na trac'e ut the the M. E. cborci were immmersetdinl the a, 1ivee bas yet been touai. lake ait Lake Bluff iset Stuîitay moraiag ni Ae ruruor afluat several tisys ago by Bey. H. F. Lawler. The usual ta rdK olI a acoibsmethot of baptisai lu that iîittrci e y ti D-on oubstantisted. He mas united inla prinkliug anti immersion oîîly pertocutet a rniago Wetiuesdsy, Ariguct 12 to Mi-oeilwben requesltd no the ccreny was une h e ra r ait Reid,. Sa. Dakota. Hie that due ua occur very iltcu. tany i..ed e re unite iu their cougran. mThe union services that bave been helti tAlons sud wiieb lie couple muclii the shatie of tbeold Union churri mee happînees. tilecantinuet let 8unday sud noIt a Young George Webrenborg bat s vecy Suulday ovsniag lie regular evening M naro rom instant deatb lait services wil bereaumed atbothcbitcbes. c: riday. W ile grazrng ans of Koon The services wereznuchbebtter attendotiv Brothers runniug hones at thbe fair Ibis year Iban luiit anti bath pastore are ronds the animal got his eades and mach pleaaeti witb thoir oucceso Tbey ru aolteti. Bnnning np Fair sîreet ta wdl be helti turing tie sainrîer mouthoa c Milwaukee avenue lie baise elippeti in neat yeur.n th boss gravel at the corner andftilli. AH kindq of people attend a taai" Tho boy kept going-but aoido froin tbree ot une Iinti got on s car at Lake several bat braise mss not seriously Bluff the allier day to corne ta Liberty- inînreti. ville Two ut thent were nut broke but The Iguiting of the carbide in tho jnst hstily bout. Oas bat tour conte, I oeneratar ot Dr. J. L. Taylor's auto- anather hati aine sud tbe othor mointer nubile Iset Satctcday nigbl caneoti a ut the party protiveot sevelibsen cents blais tbat for a lime tookot verT mblcb mate up the deficit sud paiti the bhreatoning. The auto mai standing in tare ai tireta imihrtyvifle. Mural.: the barn anti the laines haret ont sud Thcee pocktooka are bottor than une. buot ta the ceiling but tbe machline wam The Baniblers rroeed bats miti theI pueboti ont af the building botore sny tîiggest buncb ut muffg that they bave scrions damage was tiouo. The Sir playeti this season ait the fair grounts departmieut wasaloi out and responded Ilt Sniay aiternon. The Chicago- caomptly but choir services wore nat (Grays provedti b b a jolie aud about the requiret. only Ibiuig thaltbohy diti roaI weII wmsto A fakir ilî a pountiug, knacklng or kick-trrmetart to finish. The scote whatyounaycalIit machine was oper- was 13 lu 2 anitIhbb gaine was en easy andi uffereti s prize ut @ne dollar for team that couldboal thei n ay day in inockiug the top weigbt. Thehilgb mark the week. ws reacisti twice andi horetusedti ta y. About eixty itcrttbom ot the Business The ccowd ubîccltd. Ho mas accesteti Science Club, ot Ilticago, sVont lest Sat- aud taken bu the village bastile toibthe ucday at Laite Fara. Tboy more ati- delight ut the epedlaburs. Friontis dresedt by Mr. SicItou lu the amphi- prumptir reinoveti the machine tearing theabre sud gîven a banqouet royal it that samnellhîng miglit accîdentaily Camp Vagabondie. The Businees Phîl- happoti tO it.oopbec lis ru le eniargot 16 pages anti The musicîassou the Mtchelles Militacy wiIîla inhe ftutre -,ontin 48 pages ut baud banqieteti at the Chas. Austin reatiing matter. The subeription ut ftanIset Thréday evening. Macaroni tii budget of informnation le shortly tai witit tomate, sauce turniseet te rnc. oraletitu $2,01>. pal dish witb other necoeamriee t-h-.blîl- F. J. Atlennan.avlili toc tire past tbcee aI tare masl complote. "An ologant foed" yeaff m bheen tue agent of the C. M. & mas the verdict uf thase wbo attendeti St. Paul R. R., leStes this wsek tor Miles sud with music anti sang the boys City, Munt., wbcrc he bas sceeptet a enjoyeti a geucrai goodtlime. A namber position l tie autiiting depsrtment of ut the baud boys went with Leader lie Continental Fn pres cumpany. The Mitchell ta Lakte Foreet Ihat oveulug tamily will rerîtatît ler for the pressaI wliere tbey playeti miti the baud there. Mr. Alleman bas been a muet efflicient White driviug about the race tractkaIati accamruodating ernploye uft tue tie talc groundse Tuesday atternoun Dr. roati heresuad tit,, genecat public milI F. H Marin nd wfe wre hrow fr mise bis services Ht- bas tatou a pramul- F.e H.uggty.atiMite Mrtrwo w om nent sud active 1part lu the affaire ut tirivlng aItichetint, asthrown ta the village baan acretitw bermcou ien 1grontistcikiug un ber lace sud mas cvillgee otnti a menathorut niatiyed 1badl 'y cnt fi tle falI. Slip mas laiton He mas wiil lit, i anîtpopular anti 1imediatm'ty ta lier borne mhere she le Libectyvilie lavses a gooit citizen. recting uicely. Thec lhorde, a spiritet Iblack,. icuicli clii' iae driviug sprang Anothier caeisli t:- itreati diceate tîtat en@ddcnlt tiuemtiI. iramipingtio buggy las etriikeu t iiiii:il.er ut thilticu bore, 1anti tiirtuirîg tii' couple to bbc grautia.ths pas et ot-v, leuclapot Sstnrdsy. Tic tartor grablui t tines anti bang Thatout ittI, iîtl: [rit-e, tic eiglitýyear- u on s e otellstu1:ping thbohre anti pro. olti taagbtcr (I Mi.. Neally Pt-tce. lu (s iventiug tirîagerti the eltie. caaris phlasesit i 5 allet i euritîs. invietis, but it-i ttI t t-ictly speakiiig Ohne ot the eaglne budescitcthe Late sVinai wreli>iriic Itis, hiowever s ýCîîurîty liravel(Cuiîianyc 1)iits-a btaliy tisease tînt i-il,-' .titiiiinalcoiamu anti I iletcoyeti by lire early Miiitîai -morning. paralyses bte tutu tr Iitîtbsmakîrîg blîat SThte englue andtti oer v.eîc lîauly dam- totaîly aseheex Itittle Rolandt Millet- aglti, a large nuol ber ilfttls thcstrttyetianti Ray Weclls \ItîttuLave boti bocu anti ai-ar tond tut t-al '.hidi liadi jasIsufiorers trountIIlu:- iseuse arceclîowiug becu put ini ias als stiuuiiet The slighr imprîîuîîîeîltnt btarc uiaîta tict -!os lus iestiniatet iut mee-rilItutreti stand anti it II ililue ýsuine tirte behure ,dollar. Th, cîrigin outhcle lire 's un- rboy are cutirly I\,t1.lThkeecases are t-au t w.aslîttoi iet-overeti nali nc commun iit1iiu h r urînsuai antI Pabout 4 a. m. andti bit uitldting utchat coueeqnitly mut Il ittrettîi tatou in 'tlne mas a rMe1,88of Ilaite anti tua far thein. Chiltiren i lait are ajîpareiîily as gorte toi malle the 3avitg tif anythiiug ru healthy ant i tîîîî:îias a chIti shoalti ho Iit possible. Work was ililayeti a Hhîurt have beeon tutu t: uli anti hettattfor > is ou ac.coant t ofthe acîciet weekg. Wlle uuludiug ,a car Inycatlle a k th lcyards Tnodyoenn a af lie meu lu charge o!the car.11011s badîy igaret by a bull, recivlng Ruch injuries that ho died a lew boum later. Sfr Libertyvile Phone 29 Minois capital . . - -. 5.00.. StockhoWdr's Liability 0000 Surplus and Prolits ovem' - -2*0C . Deposits over - - = - 300Q0 Total Resources over - - 50.0004w Bar Out the WinWI-fn Whn in need of a Heatlng Apparatus for 7M> hoie it does not, matter what klnd or make you pro0b bring me your plans or dimensions of your roome = will give you an estimate on the material and fenýM specifications for installing same or wiiI Install ft you at a price that you cannot afford to, be wilhout Heating System. A. W. LICHTFELD LIBERTYVILLE. ILL. BIG BARGAIN In Fine Napkins 20 doz, ve"ylarge size (27 inlles square) fi=.. &WUIDMa Napkins. assorted quality, oniy ane or two dozen of a pattema.e lot we closed out 33 i.3 per cent. below usual blseprcu also 4 doz. extra fine mercerized 27.4nch Napkina. 13M0 grade t,.............2, 00 perds 3,50 grade at... ... .... .....2 25 - 4,50Ond$500kind et .. ........3 00 » -AT- THE FAI Libertevlle, Ili"ou r Il Clearance Sale Ladies' $3.00 Tan Oxfords $2,25' " 2.50 ..." .2M0 2,25 '.. . L75 Misses' .5 L"120 IL30 "....o0 Chida' 120 . .90 Men's SLOO Straw Hats........ 50 Il O5c Straw Hats.......... 25 Boys' 2 Sc and 50c Straw Hats .1AS 25c and 20c Ginghams.........1 f 9 Vil (V cx We misi tu tuank tho mauy ricude for their tint tonciderattuti anti syn- patîy uring tic hur ut anese taI bac visiteti anc banie anti taken away a lovet 011e. 't. g w-ý l qwo 1 -à i 1 vif 1 Ao-