:-Lindsay's Standard, cash pr4ce by the bale, per lb.81 Wlib an average of 27,000 tons 0! wazerf alliog lu the tom aof raja on each us». o public ruadt inthe Unitsd Stats. &auwnaly, le i.scarcely to bc marvelted *t Uat the tan counuandments of tbe .roadhulider ean be eummed up aueinctty in the word "drainage." The ma~g bas truth for a hasts, as god dr4dps la the primar requisite for miiil ro&lý Even in sand rondq this bouea true, for the, "gond drainage" mns asuch as witeately relove îthe storm watsr witbaut érosiion orgully- lng and till retain the surface moaturs' To mecure gond drainage one muet taka itutuoconaideratian bath the surface water and the underground water. The audace water mnut he reruoved qulckly &1W couîpletely and witot iubjecting IM. roëd ta, excessive ecour or eraian. For bis rmason, the cnter of the ruat &bWud ho raised and the slope towarde thé side ditebee shonid he rom % ta 1 Wiih ta sacb fot distance, or su that the water will rureely tu tbhe sîde ditches aad not fow down the rond or rt-main In puddles on the roadwas. The sde ditcheoshsbuld be ai ample size to curs for the eeveet stornis witii a fail o!f ot leua than (1 inches to encli 100i feet. Fre- quet and ample ýrotsedi uîn@sbeould be eanstructed and every. opportuuity taken to got the watt-r away train the rondt a8 qulckly asdposible. Any rond along wblch you see water tanding in tht- side ditces mor ou wib puddles oai%-ate-r hare collscted or which bast beeni badly gallied and oroded by the raine bas pour drainaige and le lu uieed oI immediate aftention. Su tact erb ronds ujenrly #Àways require q#IttIe attention alter osbai a. The split-log drag la essen- tihaliy a tout toinaintain gond drainage 00 our ertb ruade, and sbould be uéed alter eaeb rata. On a heavy clay or. *gusaba sai the drag wheu properly used ls" u puddle the rond surIace, keep it ilis rous rute, dense, sinooth and bard. Ihua s.ering the besi surface drainage lýetIn umany places the uuderg"iuiid wMat e toc, near th surface nnd inuit lis r.noyed helors a goad ruai will he poeslWs This nasans that soins tariof .dialnasumusC h. resorted ta, usuall.y "s dns, 4of! ay or cocrote. Water k~m wbatsver saurces iut be gatten rid o lell vsly, for water plus clay or gmbo Invariably equai ianud uben axedlanaprlng and esommer, Water bicornes les ln wlnter and au water lu beetlng expanida oue-elghtb Ifs voluine, thée road heaves out ai shape ani w bon thaïe molto the rondt dimappears heoeath thserlabag tide of mud canstantly ted by mine, melting euawe and underground sa-fle lu seepy and boggy places the euh- drsinage lu arder ta, he tully effective ahouild lower the wter level ta nt les@ tIsai three feet belaw the raad surface, 9Ilies are used they îbauld be caretuliy idW, tun. tagrade. Most tailures lu ile drala sag c be attributed ta carlesi- m nl islu or toa fiat grade. Tile leu. than 4 luches in diameter sbould .rMa"I.Yje uied, nar should a grade of leui 6 n inches tu th 100flet he used ame.abelutely necessary. In a verY 40M..",i tis always adviiable tu caver 195the s"tuoat lent a defitb of 6 ta12 luhe wttb coarseind or fine graveL. -1 -0"6 hould alwayi be talion to mecure a - 40»OUtlt for ths(drains and ta pratsct .tÏb OUtIet Witb a concrets hulkhoad or 'eI" bain, wblcb eau always he kspt %46D and the outflot free. Ts klnd 01tile touedifdepedeaon lacalcondltious. Concretetileil properly Mmd. are equally as gaod as dlay tile. Wbleb klud te, use in etirely a local qustion at dollari and cents, Sf concrets - tilema he inade mare rbeaply than dcay Sm. au be hal, use concrete; if not, use Clay tu. On. great advantage af the caucrete " e l that they raiu be easily made by IhbeloW o sere apr uer the place where tneY are ta he plneed, 80 that the reight charges are dlspeuied with ne well a@ the larg breakaglasses due ta hnnding. Placed lu th ground. bath are durable, Il cancrte le uied, great eariehsould he 1 ta&ken u amsestbat ngoad grade utfPort- land cernent is slected, and that tbe drains are praperly c0otructed. Ttte, Imnpresion, whicb prevaile ta sanie ex. lent, that tile disintegratte s 1 erruneous. à bulletin is nawin lucourdes aiprepar- *#m bta y he, t.ited Stateâ other aI JPahle liads telling bow tu mae con- .s>1-' olef drains. T1s1 bulletin will tr-at the 1 11 ,sbet fully. explainng caretlly every , - , - ht tht may arise lu makiug d rain à 'ips ao&W culverte. Oh, Geargel fAn Important Feature New tal merehandîse cantine.ta arrive dallY 1. the ready-ta-wear, the shoes. dress goods. trlm- înlngs and accessary sec- tions interest ruun- uiually htgh - it bslng caused hy the firt glîmpas of faIl fashlons. Ws In- vite yaur Inspection Durnig This 3Sale It's a most important time of the year for both parent and child., YOU want your boy or girl to be just as Well dressed as your neighbors, don't you ? Most people do; that's the reason this sale now going on at the "Lyon Store" should appeal to old and young alike, Throuaglout the entire which signifies a radical reduction from store you wM f ind huudreds of IUtile marks like this here reproduced.. the original price asked for the articles Children's School Dresses Mode by a'manufacturer whe la notait fer his won- derful abillty ln prodncing garments of the very htgh- est character. We have several 1assortinents. each embraclng numeroug styles, tnexpenslvely prie- ed at 69c, 98c. 1.49, and 1.98 School IRose Big ssaortm-ut ata 25c, 15e and lot 1~~~ M LADIES' CLOTH SKIRTS-Tbey came blnlgbt grey cbecks or plaids, bave values every onîe. Magie Mark Price ............... ..... LADIES WASH SUITS-They bave .10 Incb semi fitted coats, are tailor stitcbed, bave turned back stltcbed cufs. The skirt la ftull gored with a five yard tiare and Ia trlmmed witb a twa inch bis fold. The coloa are Blue, Tan, Brown, and White. Ail fo be suId at une third ot their value. 29 Magie Mark Price............................ 29 LADIES' 'GINGHAM PETTICOATS-They came ln att coloa, are made a! a splendId grade of glngbam, deep flounce and wide dust ruffe-the ltlnd that Io warth double the 9 Magie Mark PrIce.................................49 LADIES' DUSTERS-Made full lengtb. Coat tailor stitched, patch pockets. turned back cufs. Colore are white and linen. Coats; that are wrth three timee mare than we ask,.29 Magie Mark Sale.............................. 29 LADIES' WASH SKIRTS-Several Iota o! the better qualties that have been collected tfor an assrtment at a price-plaln white, stripes, checks, and colarsd effets-are Included ln thls assortinent t the one Magie Mark Prier' ,..............................."""""' 98e EVERY ITEM HAS BEEN -REDUCED TO THE- LAST NOTCH--FOR QUICK CLEAIRANCE A SeptemJer Sale in the China Section LOOK FOI THE MAGIC MAIES ~ ) ODD CHINA-Al discontlnued open stock patterns, Vegetables, Bakers, Plates, Sauce liishes, etc., re- gular prices iOc to $2.50, reduced In price for Magie Mark Sale..................... CUPS AND SAUCERS-Blairs Engllsh China. reproductionis froin original Engllsh scenes, S0c values. Magie Mark Sale ...........................23 DINNER SETS--Regular $10.00, one hundred piece Dinuer Sets, decarated wth sinali pink roses. Magie Mark Sale .................................89 DINNER SIETS-$19.OO bIne and green, 100 piece China Dinner Sets, special this 1 O Magie Mark Sale ............................... 14.95~ CUPS AND SAUCERS-Lnrge asortment o! regular 50c values, go during the29 Magie Mark Sale ............. ........ 29 VASES-Beautlful silîver irridescent glass Vase, artîstie shapes, 25, 35c, and 66e values,.0 Magie Mark PrIce..... ..................... ......... ALL GLASS SHAKFRS-Far bath sait and pelgper. no metal ta tarnlsh, no narrow neck ta clog. Magie Mark Price............................. 15C MAYONAISE SET-Large suze ripe Tornata on green....C5 Lettuce Leaf China plate, Magie Mark Price ..5... MAYONAISE SET-Large lefuce leaf green bowl on a lettuce leaf plate. 50 Magie Mark Price.........50 FOOTED SALAD BOWL-Embosaed China, wlth large ripe Tomato and lest . 9 Magie Mark Prie .........29 SALAD BOWLS, 10 IN-Madeu of high grade China, witlz emboîaed lohaier decuratuin, Magie Sale Prices...39 c?) OLIVE TRAV - Lettuce leaf Labster decorated olive tray for plate rails. Magie O Mark Pries.........25 SALAO BOWLS - Beautifully decorated imparted China, se- veral patterns and caîorings. Magie MarkIAf Price ............... 14 Boys' School Shoes WVa offer below one Of the ilneSt and mo1t sers iceable lots of sbaes @uitable for boys atlA.1'îdiîîg acîîool that arc ta .rocured. e have paed the lîttie mark un them, sutnd tcî.l certainl they wikilnat tay witlî us long. Extra w'cli made, tbvy Include regular and broken Unes, ait sîzes. V'alues that sald at $15o. $1.65 and $190, ta make roam for, cam uItte tati stock tht-v bave been reducertot are ne.trice 1.35 I INFANTS, WEAR W.. C TS orInfants,' made of v. 2.50 xand Ins rlt n ed.........ace. 1.29 W PlOQUE COAT wlth blue Linen 1 Nw )75 nd fancy buttons. Magic Mark 175 wm (Prices............ .......... Ws (White Brilliantine Coats, double N NW 2.0 breanted, turned back Cutis, 1 f neatly trimmed ........ ..... 15 All Infants Straw Bonnet*s if1/2price. Ail Infants Lawn Bonnet@sait 1/ off. LINEN CRASH, TOWELS;s of the beter qualities re AT A GREAT SAVING. 8. HUCI< TOWELS, COTTON, 5e>--Goad size, tblrty by fitteen loches, regular 8c qualiy, Magie Sale 5 Price .............................. 5 10e HUCK TOWELS, COTTON, Se SplendId quality, thlrty six by elghteen Inches. SOc quality. Magie 6 Mark Pries......................... 6 18e HUCI< TOWELS, 9e.-Extra large 40x2O, made o! an extra quallty of cottan huck, argie Mrade......... ...........9e 20c BATH TOWEL8, 15e.-Extra heavy sud large. 39xl8 loches, apecial during...15 the Magie Mark Sale ........ BLEACHED LINEN CRASH-F'ull sîxteen lo- ches wide, an extra heavy quallty pure linen Crash. Magie Mark ll Prie............................. O ONE CENT ï Glasse s for Jelies <& Preserves We purchased tram a Chicago packer sev- eral tbousand Tumblers sud Glass Jars, aonme wltb and some wthout cavera, these glasses bold troini6 ta 14 oz. sach. those without cavera bave a fiange on Bo that they can be covered wtb paper. PrIes for each le from 2c to lc Muslin, Feather Tick- ing, Sheets, Pillow Cqàses Gingharns,- Etc.' 18c AMOSKEAG A. C. A. TICKING, 12o - veryone knows what Amskeag A.-C. Is. Il stands for what ls best nu1 tlcklng. Magic Mark Price, yd ...1c GENUINE SHERIDAN MUSLI N-Unbteaclied fu 36 loches wlde. Magie, Mark Price ................... 5 GENUINE AM08KEAG GINGHAM-AlI the stalecheksfor scboal dresses, 6 aprans, etc. Magic Price Sale... 6 GENUINE LONSOALE MUSLIN-Full yard quallty. Magie Mark Price, yard .... C Bloached Seamed Shet, 72x9 In. Bîeoaehed Seamed Sheot, 8SisOin. Lace Bîeaehed Soamîesa Shoot, OSO In Curtains Bieaelied Searslesa Shoeot 8IX90 ln 75 Matha'Pairg _______________ Sample Curtalos, two yards [ long, t per yard 59C cluster tîîcked. Tht- regular prire for hem is 5c the- lîsîr, durlng the Magie Mark Sale .......................... .... 3 c LADIES' MUSLIN GOWNS-DainilIy trImmedî witli lace laser- tlan and tucks-they represent the- linîlt ut valut- giviug at the- lîrce for whlch we ofer tht-ni 39c % Magie Mark Sale .................... ........... 99 6 CORSET COVERS-A large asartment of styles ta select froni al are trhmnmed wth lace and Insertion and made witb full fron ts. Maglc 'mark Prices..................... ....... ........- 19e perfect freedoin They have deep itounce and are sîîlendld values at double the prIce39 Magie Mark Sale........... ....... .............39 CHIORENS FRENCH DRESSES-Ages two ta six years. Every dresl finI rnarked in pla n figure. and prîces have bpen ri'duii-d f1mai one thîrd to one-haîf. The reduced prces are troin $200 dowa 5c ta . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 5 J r Il Ma c Mak Price 49e l. Magie Mark Price 49e l. Magie Mark Prie 75e 'Big Savini in the Basernent SEM LECTED AT RANDN ENMEE IO KTLE-N'l(ýluife, gay 9 ENAMELED IRON KETTLES-Whlte Inside, gray outlde, ligc value. Magie Mark Price .......................... 69e WINDOW SHADES-Most any clor. AIl six feet long.23 FIBRE LUNCH BOXES-L.arge mize, regular 20e box. wlre haudles, me b un , i .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .lO c LUNCH BOXES-Oblong shape, Japanned, « FS j enameled woad baudîes, thts sale..... M AMMOTI4 TAB3LETS-Tbe largest tablets ut the prlce, speclal............5 PAPER NAPKINS AND WAX PAPERS- Per hundred ... ............5c GRANITE SINK STRAINER-A splendid f 25c value. Magic Mark PrIce .........lc illts TURKEY FEATHER DUSTERS-Made of body ketsfether,8 Inches long. farced rira, MaiMakPie............ k acb MOUSE TRAPS-The Blizzard, the finest made. Magie Mark s Prie@ ................. 3 CARTER'S BLACK INK-Regulai ___________ 5c size bottîs, 3 'Magiec Mark Price ...... VUDOR PORCH 8HADES $350 values, size Sxg at $235; sîze 6xa $2.50 value. Magie Marke Prie .. ..................... . 13 SCRUD BRUSHES-Made of tbe best grade of white fibre I 25c values. Magie Mark Price _. ..............1 c KYI What Shoe Barg;ains--many of theni ustinludîne for school CHILDRENS AND MISSES SHOES-tIn lace or'-button styles - some wttb dull kid tops and pat. tlps. Oak tanned soles. Wedge, low, and medium beels. solid caunters and firmly stitcbed hack stays, ail sizes tram 6 ta 5i/2. ibe prices for the different kindsansd sizea are tram $2.00 ta,......... ........................................ 75c OXFORDS AND SHOES AT 81.98-Tan, patent leather and vîci kid Oxfards, black and wbite, Pumps and Sboes, wlth medlim, bîgli or 10w, some with French heets; every pair made frorniselect. ed leather; values up ta $3.5019 Magie Price Sale ..........................19 GRAY CANVAS DX- MORDS-One speclal lot f gray cao vas o' ýr'ls. Magic Mark Sale 79c Ready for the iffunting Season ARMY DUCK SPiORTiNG BOOTS-Made of brawn dead grass color canvas with leather isole, wa- terproof and the only- comfortable baots for ta wear. Do not draw or sweat the feet. ALL GRADES IN .RUSUER BOOTS BINDEI TI TEN CEN1 Splint Bushel Bas Well made wlth a reinf speclal whlle tbey laet, ea loc --N -N t-I --N s. 1. 'f1; e,' - 4 4 4 'i i 9 1 e,,ý e 1