CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Sep 1908, p. 1

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LÂAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, and WAUKEGAN WEKYSUN VOLý XVI. NO 50. LIB-ERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER i1, 1908-8 Pages $1.570 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. LAKE COUNY FAIR WELL AU!ENDED Piogeant Weaihsr, Large Crowde Murked thé Grondent Fir Ever I4eid in Lake County. As tbe hors.. in thse teele fclisse ut te fair groundo Isat Saturday eveung cleared tbe lant iturdis aud went under the vire te immengie crowd lu tae grand stand rose t10min, siook te wrlnkleo out of their clolies aud wlth sighe of relief aller remaining Po long lu one position began unakung their way tu tiie gate. Thse Laks Conuty Fair va. over, Iu a lew bourmte Tant Cityhbail-o lap.ed aud hy the next evening the grounds wers practicaily denertesi. Thse Iity-hlti soannai fair was iiy far superior and miore muccemsliiun every respect tisai any tisaI has ever before been iteid in Littertyville. The exiits vers on aarger seale sud much botter tit" any previons year and tite atten- dants wa equali, as good. Thse extra dey, Saturday, was a. nwell attendeilas any of te other days wîlh lite exception of Thursday visichi liway ite banner day. The total receipts viii sîso loouuu up big sud vii.lfar in exom ofo!any Jear. Tresaurer Partisural 51815. taItte r"eptfroin thei.gale sud tse grand- stand thii year antount tu $7,021.60. Reipts iron thie Rame source laet year antounteil tut *5370.P5.. The total gain over lait sear froxu tliS.receiptâ beung $1650.65. The eutran,-e mouey, @taail rant, privîlegets, etc., are yet tu ho heard fro)rm sud it je estimateil tisathe total raceeipta vwiii h. eveen aune andtoni thousand dollars Six tlîîtîsaîd upeople uuiscered oit tise Lake county fair guouuud WeNSuies diay of ast weekt'k icoecrale the annuai fair ses-k ai llbemlyvillc. Tise main 1, attires of tht day were tise hturse aeuîug. riscgrandî staund wsc acke t luit'. caî5u It Tise fetîcea alîîug lbh' irastssîre lit cd wilis bors-ae ubmers. Tietiac,- track sas fast.'rThe is"als st, r cui off li fine shahs' Msr. H. IIl Siooli oI Natlutul, Teîtuu au sd as te ' îfilah stirtr. Exhubits Were Great. Tise stoc k hot ut utr-s. hotusanîd îuîîltry e iit. i su 'ý- 'il ttititg piitietrd i I te hast uiimîig ti,luits,' rtce-s a troaupeîr ui laIts enlî'u attil Itie ganîd standulw is w tuderbil au ruttaie au la 'Ihelr work Tlie hittl b IIlantd lurnîîslu-d lise lusic.t Il toot Ilirteen besa 10finish tise Isee races ai the oleulît of t'- fift fiflis anutal fair aI the LiluerI> sil hat uile îrark N'edujesdav afîcu iootu 'Tie 3:Oit trot aîtd 2:20 lace ecrisons0 is,' bard coulesled heats sud kelul lie crosd ontuthie ragged esige before tise wiuncmui sere a4nounci'd. Charle> Dean utf Palatine, Il. beisinsi Fidue- cilunbbhe rot, anud NI Hayes, sîtis is gray geiding J.N'W' Fitzgerald lu tise pace carried off flrat moueysa lu tise trot Dictaton ,uwued suud driscu by M. M. Roys of Chiscago, caplured the Oiral1w-o heala, but afler that Dean rame bacb vils tise dangiter of On- ward Silver aîud annexed lise uexl tisree. Maj. Las., vito wats wecl thought of lu tiese cartI andtfittlisi'd secondtinluth isralieat iii t hut fiis s'ils Dclation. sas seconiniitht'fSuai heat. s-hIcs sas acrsre. lui thIe judges set hhin arkt bfouitu h losî. tim .for breskluug buJtîtC.1usd il horst of aîeed tu tise flîsi bals e, tut feui to fi ti s ion :ttautdiu5se lrtasn lu tise final eumoutrî's 2:20 Pane. J. W. FItzgs-mahd g. gbut Actwooî (Htates)h 2... t b b Alice C.. b. m. by Etdswin V' (Vogel . ................t h 1 14 4 i BilIy Moak, 1lu g.(t ilel brandt.................. :; 4 2:t 2 Delta Claire, b. m. <Dean) t .4 3 2 3 ('ountesa 1Louise, b. m.<(Ier- phy . .....................,5u5îdr Time - 2:181/; :12.7 i.. 2 19 1,. 2:20%; 2.22. 3:00 Trot. Fiduclel., by Onwarîl Silver <Dean)............ 4 2 t 1 1 Dictation, br. g., by Norvai- son <Royal ............... 1 t 2 2 3 Vanuiessa Girl, hI. m. (Hlilde- brandt) ............... ... 3 3 3 3 2 Mai. Las, bhI g <Eliott .... 2 4 4 4 4 Johnî C., ch. g. (Vogel) ..5 5I5ldr Time- 2:201/; 2:2014~; 2:21%; 2:22%/; 2: 29. 3g Vear Old Trot. Direct ~ rog ress, gr. g., by Lord bIreot (Ayrea) ..........i 1 11 Lemalb. ut., 6y Sol>on" Grttan (Wltotratol-) . ............. Twelve thonaand people attenîied the L.ake couuity fair Thursday. This Is a large crowd but nol the largeat. The grounds were througed and the largeat number of hootisa, attractionus and games a L.ake county fair ever had were liberally patroulzed. The free for ail trot waa the fea- ture event aI the second day'a racina at Libertyvîlle Tbursday aflernoon. There were only three starters, ail of tbero being Chicago horses. Gratitude. a bay gelding, driven hy L.evi Turner. stood hast binbte sunîmary at the Olftb hast, sud was declared the wln' uer. Blscek 811k, driven by Charles Dean. was second, and Almeora under flarry Putmans control, was third. Gratitude won the first two beata. but on) a break dropped a third tu AI- mneora. The stretch drives were close and initerealing. Dean had been keY- lng ui) Black 811k. aud bail no trouble lu te fourth heat in stepping ont sud wInintg handily In 2:15Y4. When seven thorougbbreds put lu an appearance aller the trottera bad finished the crowd woke up sud took a lively lnterest lui the threeuarter moile dasis, Ienora, a bay geidlng. rid- den by J. Cannon weîît to the front at the drop of the lag aud neyer was headed. altbough Oid iiutcb looked dsngeroîîs and fiulaei a close se-cond. Abusive sas thîrd. 2:2 5Trot, Purse $400. Ceclitan Blaze, b. m. iRliott I..1 I Isabelle, b. m.(Deani .......... 3 2 2 Dan Range, b. g. IPutnam) .... 2 3 3 Aorta Graltan, hI m, (Trner. . 4 4 Tme-2 21%, 2:22%î, 2:211/2 Frefor-AiI Trot, Purue $400. Gratitude, b. g.(Turner) . . .1 1 2 2 2 Back Silo, b, m. Dean)... 32 31 1 Almeora, blk, ni. (Putuami .2 3 i 3 Tlme-2. 21. 2 15. 2:21 ., 2:13. 2: I8%. 2:35 Pace, Puise $500. Gypsy King, b, g.I at 'a. 41II1 Ethel M., ut ni (sMrris) . I. 1 2 "4 Manda, b. ut tCoi nish Yt ... 3 ?,3 2 Kiddeile. b. ut. t1I 'tîîtard t .2 4 i 3 TIme-2:lita, 2 17, - lb 2.15ý Thrse-qiarlir uile dash lettors (Cannon),tî irstI <(]liii iehlb tRobbins i second, Aiittve i nieSIlIff, tird, TInie-I1 lK.MIs s -'ciKboea, Port Royal, Yoitig Str andî Waxhaw rau. The îrot'rsîî tor titis fternooulu n lude',s a:3 ear (,idi are, wltb ti, eneu fitles, s tri,' loiiIl tare. wilb usef ciiiries.a ouI ' îIisb titda a1eclal clas itn lab,- the 1,12- of t1lI21,15 lacs- a hîcb diii til]. tri shuctu t. - -ii.tour aiglstîs .iartigtu,;, 1- 1-t ic toitirli' pî grainu it tb., It ,i ii . tu ti t t ait [*ilh at illtti îi t sa, -sil utcg t'..îîîîîî,î- hue.. cilng lt- tIraS baifIltbi, t a r. tîuelîd luia htoirtatu cliaii tut NlIiztuuta with Brook, ci- utu.iho-, î i t t li' ut'Iso ls Ihi' h' utu itIs uiti parl 'T'ie tute tvtî I4- NS ilt, (;rîitiuiîu i titsutlu>Glu Elloî ti of Cictagot%%ouitl-fiee for al lu stattltt liai,. twltIuîî'rt>tille iii iri. Nuit alus ult uIli, istul 1coulesl. lto tl uititri h lut, ji4ýd li, Chances. Three Yean OUI Pana. Panse $200. houienic lf, -iilu .: I I Abidallahl. lu s t .1 t 1I2 Phiarioi),i,..hlu . i iiu t.t t '-, : 3 GfloInge I lurig, il1latu1si 4 i4 4i 'huit :273,2 2,,2 -) 25 Free for Ahr Pace, Punse $400. G(ttI iialeutit. lu g t ltlIul u I t. . I1 Aitul rî'îsCoi-, l. g. SI ipsou)i 2 22 NorNahîs,1n. tt înNt-iitl -lit ).3 TInte-2.15. 217, 2:1- Fise ultIoiigs, luals, luitts- $130- Tutlît,fitlb nut(Lion),t Iirst , ilurLt,, tir. g. t Vîrgot aud Hob-imI (3G. Lansing, bir. s.tChaptutatt . dîvluleul se conud and ihird iuiuiicy. Sllet . lit. in. I Iiru i. foutluIote O , uli ile dash, luirs- 1'e aotal ut. IBoutktori . firtINI tsco s 1ull, bluni. I Sshh: .si 'eoîtd . on'iiugSitli«, lu g. ilinii itlud, Bttal,îi lutust. lu9 (hbal) ni a ui. ), fouirlît Iit h 1 4.7 At t bu. hort ,jut lgi utgs aI i liiLabe cuutubutt fair l-ridat tii lutîluts ir it as arul-d li, lanaîd su cuutuui Tandem, I NI e illîl 'trt'uu tutu 2 KonutBu tulirs, liuîttla Single Carniage Horse. I-Plile 2 Mm'. ISedul NeColitiickouit hu Fîtrest. Carniage Tcam,. t Mis. Nedili ýNlcClori nleit 2-Arthuur Neuker. Gentemen's Druvung Single. h-1 F. Roney of X atucotîda. 2-XW . . Hulautd tuf Vatkegait Gentlemen's Druving Double. I-Rooni Brotisers. iile rtt Il lu. 2-RamuelIlit,itI. Three Gauled Single Horse. 1-Koon Brohers, liiet 1, tille. 2-Oakwood Stock Fat-ni. PrairIe Vies, President Miller of tise Lake coutt fair executive commitlule. aîîoounreu Saturday aflernoon lisat lise combined alteudance aItishe anuai connty fait* for Wednesday, Tbursday sud Frida> excelled any ttendances iu tise past. Fise tbousand were lut attendauce Sa- lnrday afternoon. Hlgh Jump la First Event. Oçuaoosisoq PRIZE BULL KILLS WILLIAM CALDER Caught lu the Corner of Stock Car and Gored. Injuries Received Resulting Faially. Tuesday uigbt aI llîcrtyvile stock yards on the Chicago. Mlwaukee sud St. Paul raiiroad WVilliam tCalder waa toased In the air snd gored 10 dealb while releasinîg front slanchiona It a stock car a $45oo p rize holl belotg- ing 10 Artur Meelier, Arcadia Farm, Lake Forest, The Inîcidenttfuok place au quickiy that although Frattk Brown, a bolei keeper of lihertyvilie. and J. C. God- den, a brakeman ou the stock train, were Jîit oulalde of tbe car. tbey dld onut have lime to sel before Calder was dtsembowclcd, The bull, wilb othi r stock front the Meeker farm, was bcbng transitorted 10 the Lake coutl fair fromn the fair grounds at Whestou Ill., here the stock bad beeu ou exhibition. How Accident Took Place. Calder ls a Lake Foreat man wiio la lu the empioy of J. Ogden Armnour. He bears the reputation of having been au expert stock mas. of yeara' experience at the stock yards and at Armonria. Armours place weat o! Lake Forest. He hadt been loaned, s0 to speak, b> Armour t0 Meeker espe- claliy lu transport the cattle from the fair at Wheaton 10 the one t Liberty- ville. The bli was cbaiuedA'n one corner of the stock car aI Liberîs ville asat eseulug shorîl> alter six. a balter wllh a snatat athe eud of the rope lîeing Antmal Gores Calder. ('aide-r, asslsed b> lirîwu anîd Godleu, bai l utoaded the cutîre car load (tf caIlle 10 te admirationi of tîtose wbo saw hîm at work and final lv oîîly the gatîtitbol], kîiowzt as a b,îd ttte. was lef Iin the car. Bruowntiasd Goddetî were oulside sait ('aider entered alote. He tried 0o ui- .sîap the baller end from the ring lit the litor after baving reieased te luth froit the iuuîîrovised peu w heo ssildeniy the attimal gnred hlm. Receuves Terrible Injuries. 'lie satimal toýsed Calder lu tlite aur ouit il ong borna, shicis sank lotto te fls -itIihii the preelsion of needI, a. talus-t shen îicked up vas gored ini tise groutn, rîglul lhrouîgb one leg anti lut vîler llaces sud seema to have been gnred sorstIo! al the fral lime, is rutgîthtie groiît. Tht' Incident raioe sua qulckhy tisaI Brown snd Godde liadt no, lime to entme tbthe ecue. snd sisen tbey euted the car aIl tises eould do was to lift the d> iug man from the borna ofth lie amputta bovine snd conse> i iiii tut turoitc r Tayt ors officu, Dues un Coroners Office. t ali, i tIi 1 ticre 'a few moments sat.c and lue titquest sas beid NSed- u-dat it uîîîuig, a verdict beiuîg ren- t t iii li l, iatis' I -.bis dealis lu> heitî.- gurt-d lu>a bllI îehougiîug t10Ar- tur 'tIesk,-r rutLake Fourest. nia one luiug hied rti.stills entitige a vertdict bcbng rendere t ta he camie 10 bis uleatis by bltig gored b> a builu-eloigîig 'o Arthsur Meeker of Lake Forest, ito one belng lueid re- sponai hie. Clader seets t have made a Oigbt on lise animal Ihat klled hlm. strlklng aI tise bull fOeces-ltui tlu ivan s nuitu borcf times. 'aIder ws aboauttforly scars old sud not much is bîisow of lits suIe- "d-îentsl. LAKE CO. BEIIIND IN PRODUCTION Lake cuunty, whiih abounds un aand of a fiue qualty for ail punposes, rang- ing fcom building sad ot ail grades to fine torpedo aud engune sand, whicis bas vasî deposuls of gravel of ail sizes and for ai uses, and whtnh s beluev- ed bo have valuabie cday deposîts, la negisntiug ta naturai resournes twhile men lu other couritues are conng money wilS lest producla o! tise kind. 'hes state googicsl survey is jut tfinisiseulauud issneîd ituansual re- pourlt uder tise dirctionu of F. B. Van Ilortu andtul ie liuuet tir,' amazIng, as while In Lake couuîly ssîîd sud gravel î,odicers îîetted oîîly $72.229 ast >ear, 1907. In McHenrc county tisey ntIer $335.378, or ise limes as mucis. Tisere are four prodtîcers In Lake couînty and only six Iuu Mllenry counly. What Figures Show. Figures ludicate that L-ake coustly la the bonora lunj electing a fttve chance to make soute Bere la the tabulallois, of varions common itroducta b inte Ibrescotun dits, Lake, Boone and M lrr Lake Cou nty. C'lay, Lake conntY, Iri' lrodacers, valune unatalted. Limestone, no producers Building saad, value, iltuS. $51,825. Englue aand. $2500. Grave], $18,904. Producers, 4. Boont Couniy. C'lay, i producer. Lintestone, 2 produs i McHenry Cousîy. Clayy, 2 producers. Limestone, 5 producers. Molding aand. value, 1907, $13.507. Building aand. $165,861; Englue, $600. Other sanda, $87,912. Graved, $67.493; 6 pr( dîtccrsý WILL GUARD AGAINST TUDERCILOSIS Physician States thai Chicago Will Not Allow Milk from Diseaseil Cows Shlpped There. Dr. Evans of the Chicaîgo Board o! Health, in an interview witb Dr. Wat- terson. head of lhe Waubegan colony for those suffering from tulîerculoels, atated that ater tbe rsI of .lanuary. 1909, the Chicago city coucîl soi the Cook county officiais wolilti 001 aliow milk porcnred from caille suffering from tuberculosla to be shtîtped loto Cook county. Accordîsa t Dr. Wal- lersons tatemeut Chicago doctors fear thal the farmerz wbo lisve lu the past sbipped mlik from caIlle attfer- Ing front thia dread disease iîîlo Chi- cago, yl ahip large quanlilles int 'tVukegan and other lii lbtbsore ci lies. At the meeting of the tîtemîters of the Tubercuiosis Soclet) h' dIdnl Dr. Tomlbaughs office Thur, lai' Y csiufg, shere fifteeuî were pre iii, a sîtecial r(tlttee was appolnled bY the mcto be rs of the executîte rcoîittle wbose dîîly il will be 10 stail auy utovemeutl tpon the Paît ef the farni- ers of the surrouodlug county 10 push ose over MWaikegaiîansu .ll te dls- easci nîilk. Dr. Gasîi lsa soember of tlis('hi- cagot sociely aîtd they bavec .sked Ihat heiel lu niti soit witb thci r noi e- otetîts and aId tbem lu bavîta t r liernt of raIlle aroliud Chicagot ln- specled snd tho resulta recorded. Dr. Evans also recommended Ihat the local socitl procure s Chicago lectrer t10 vhs-ah on tbe question of the dread disease ai an open meeting held ber,ý if for Ito otber reasou thaît tu get the cîlîzeus of Waukegan fl tere'ite, Dr. Gairli prottosed that the cils- couricilItlit t intio ithtbtht' mavor he lnlersis-îttd snd adviaed to appoint a apeclal tertîiart- vwbose dut il wlll be 10ii-.î'cIhe herds of caille lu Lake coîtîti i. r'eport thelr physical condition ait! baîý tbe saute recordcd In the clly pales Dr. Tay lor fritîtLibertyville and Miss Durand of te t'rb Tree Datte iscre lb" r ils oit? de residents pres- cul at 'ihursdat t îgbl '. meeting. BREAD FAMINE AT FOX LAKE MOTELS Final Crowd of Resset Season Causes Scacnty of Staff of Life. Aftpr a lucl iite wisiclu had ex- iated sîtuce Sat t lu utuot. Fox L.ake and nearl> fihi ýL Iof I bal îîtigIt borhood s ete,- tI t l - MNotuda> igist a heu 6Otu iiii,-. ,treel us I froit Jauessle. Xi> Attilfux ofi .i ati(o ntuitîtber uîeariy 15,00(1 îht i ici dfoi liii sck end s itis ji-tuu. iiof rcîuatuiuug over LaborlDa, i tts-l ebcfamne.t There sas -tuu' . iut r îltg clsî lu lisewast uitt ei ucudlsg iarg,ý quantîlles cul i, it tutu trs-ad or crackers. Mayor Biiiut. ii 'famîtu s vîltai ed near tues i,id lI aat b, cutld 10 relieve the * .i uuuuu uolule> ltut sas abue 10 autuut uti uilte ututati tit ted number 14,Ho il tasmaul suîîuîu of flon at theflii tanud aI a luin csn bake gooti -lui inuself Corouter s Verdict. Foiiowlîug uit ih.- lu ilt itotilt e,~ aIe Sutellung oftii(i/uî lt> stanîu-s was iseid lili atiiîty Fridai lî Dcpnly Coronert luuucad sitis lie re- suit tisaI a verdlict uit deatis front s complication ot dIi-avec ihssened b>- Inflammation of lts- low'Is w-as reut dered. Tise voman tbadlhuetu 111 of varions complints for niait> itoa but grcv vorse 10 a crilical puoint just latlt sud not receivIuug utedical attendance site dîed. Sise bailbeen vsited I y Healtis Commissiouer La Roge but au inquest va. doeçuted uecessary. MOTlER Of FAMILY COMMITS SUICIDE Mies Lizzie Pain, mother of five children, committed suicide laIe Sal- urday evening ity means of paris green, one of the most deadiy of pots- one, whiie Insane. Mra. Palo. wbo %îls %i'att kegan. bas besu uniweIllfu oi ame lIme lier Étiiand siales ilitI sbe bas iteetialllng for tbree nitlt., At limes hier relatives sud tutmbera of ber owu taîtîlît fesred Ibat sht' waa meutali> ileritgcd. Tbey were re qîtired to keeli a contatut ci over ber moat of the ilote Saturday miiiniog, howevcr. M re. Paro annoîtîirs-i a ilesime 10 leave ber bcd. to wsiteti se bas becît confined ai Inlervala fuor te usaisevîti wecks. sud to aid lu the bouaehold sork. 1icr dealre waa grauited. For the mosi of lise day Mrs. Palo alded lu the mauy dulies required of tise mîstreas of the bouse'.lBer bita band returncd from work abolit seven o'clock lu the evening "i Arn Tired of Living." Noltilg that he wlfe actcd mutal. ly trange, Mr. Palo asked ber what she had been drinklng. "I have laken poison, i am tired of living. i waut 10 die,'"sas the re- sîîonae o! the soman. The tale o! the drinking of the poison waa borne out by tise staina on ber boaom front. Stains orutIhe ileadly pison sere vie- Ible. Doctor Hope& for Recuvery. Mr. Palo Immedistll>dilatlched one of bis datigiters for a doclor. Dr. Baker sas cailed inluand after a few hoîtra prououîîced ber conditiont as hcîpefuî. A siomscb pump was bi-ittgi t ititouseand te crazed wsu niau*s conditiont sts soon auiuouticet as boîleful. Dr. Barber left tise honte staliîîg that ber isearl waos greatiy re- Ileved anîd thal be lbought ibsl aise woîtld surs ive tise toson wbirb wss raply affecting the hcart. Dies ait Fîve inlthe Morning. Mirs. Palos conditionî scecl tii coîtragiog b ber relatis ethmoughîîîîl thte ulgitt. i-bs î' î'î -st y I n the mîîîuiîg ber conudititoit îecaîîîe' mori' serions sud before aid eottlî lie stm- Moîîed ilie iiiadI>' apison bial gilliiitýd the ds-stî hîtîl tii lîî'u ittitt d vs- tiur's-til n ic ,t fiii il tr oltd otttsý Coroner Haîds Inquet. ('itii. I tialoti r le, cItai gi' tf the cas,- ii .3'id iiiittt itttîîîg. Anii ms. belli Isis' Sîîndsy ev- cingi,;ai s lthlis liiit'tsîrosed tîtit Ii if iilli a tîl gi utsn despoud- ett tîittigi ilîitesosud taI seehad ctitttiiitiid suicideý Mtil'alo i ,tified Ihal 1' sas bis opiio titi liabs wl te bailbeen Itnsane ftîr lu- i asî .veiweeks.Oliset rela-. lites testiled likewlse. Bt'siiîes sabtîsband Mrs. Pain leases it" chlldrî'îî 10 uourti ber deatb. Two tif te îîîcuîlrs otf ber famlly are oîtng menu hut w iII lie able 10 came fer themsieItes. The otiter three meut- besioftIhe fanîihY are coniderably yoîîîîger atnd wai be comîîelied 10 worîs logelbeî for their owu welfame. Mca. PaIn was ifty tbree yt-ar.s o! ag,,ý Shi sas iîorîî lu Fiuland sud bas umade tiîl state ber resîtîctce for l1iv past fotîrtecu yeama, Feared for Sous. At te inqueat il eonte ouI liaI tii - Palo sas morbîdhy fearftil tuf souite til kuîow-tidanger, consatul sliixivssci fear ltaI heu self antdllier s luitigect sud oldest sotus aouid lue kilied lutsoitie ouvaierlous uersonage. Sheasekedl blat thte sous go hack 10 Fiulaud sith lber. QUAYLIE TIESTS THE IELIXIR Of LI!Ejý Su t taisI itas Quaîvl, uOf the Lakeituiiul .uts awandtul ti l eti agiuu thrtig uugl iwetldsuc' ,uîrs-îlutm ujvinîty aI udtdcus of i lii' NotIitwestern Uitu - versity, soîugîî lui tave Frantk Suow, su en i il ovetu Itn XXWebetr. deceasi d, posecuud uit tuu ltatlleged srt of op~- eraîtunga ubhlhuîd ut w ithinth ie hturu- darjes Oful Ltu e cuitîtîl> Secrit au> Q iai I'dl ilottI huwe ver sutlte cutise Attorney E. V. Orvis reltresett'Mi-,îtSaut. Tise jury huutg ni) on a verdict sud ibuts tise case was dusîsseul Mr. Quauyle lias snnoun- cul lts Intentions ofut tartîîug suolier slituiar suit agaluat tise detetudat Tise case waa iseard befome Juticîe Maltisews of Lake Forest. Quayle Drinks to Testify. Accordiug 1u statemenîs fîtrnlaheil tise SUN Il vas iearned tisat Mr. Quayle isad taken a aip of booxe froin a plot botîle offered as esIdence, Quayle teatified tbat be vas acting la lte capaotty of'tise assistant 1 1 177=T Ambutînus plans for aut automobile speedway, a new trolley fiue, a public boulevard andl a freugisî higisway be. tween Chicago aud Milwaukee becamne kuown Tuesday wheu Waukegan cap- itaiats received leliers urging themn 15 take shares ntrise nete company, whiich ls calied tise Cicago-Milwaukee Road and Reahty Company, aud wviun ha&s ieadquarters lu Chsicago. Tise project cails foc tise foiiowing immense plans, ail of tiseroade de- scribed beiug combinedi mb une mag' nificent wide thoroughfare maiutaîued as a toi road betweeu the two cuties: 1-An automobtile speedway be- tween Chicago and Milwaukee on which it proposed lu have nu speed lmt. 2-A separateiy arranged noad for automobile teucks andl frieght .e- huches of ail kinds. 3-A trolley fiue. 4-A public boulevard. Tise Icîters ulevrliug liseluroiteet sre aigîîed lut* F. P. Lapuutit of Cisi cago andl îîtîatae fronithtietoffices of lthe fiscal agebut of lise corportion, A. I1 Dtugo tf 'Muonroe strept. NValîks- etitilles are 5sIsel 0 tovevstigte ils a sIe le otfut I)iug stork antul Ilu ut nutîoî s oiftbe'luit e,]afin Ilit tplans t and conditiîonus oui shIcs the gruat Wie lI ssysuv wlu,'hou osutumt d hIl litir,' prt iectintîtutas at,retru XXi lb uchl ,etu iarelui et uru posa iuad tIioilti aruî,,uIbiiit Ini fur uiClîuîs sî-1aritlid luoit osac oliser ibt fi',ýce0f lhou andul redît for bthe de- sigutI isog tut Il. D)îand1K V l'a vutaî stress vI slaihall uuîoî lie fsct tthal buet JusIIIhcnotshuecuil il itfor attoinciitle, atntikiti, 'steciah aîpepal seifli stut lune t,,ii nusvîers of ma- chtitnes'Thiv s i lnidiction tisaI uhe î-uu,îul a h l,-a ttI! b If Il were ttir t thav ise 10 sutuntth ie soie, ulul tillig4e sîtetulordltuace. XX ukîl,î'gtuîles seet, he greauneasstuf tht- pi ujelhbut liik tiat Its rosI tuai lu' lt gritl 'The sustei u lanuî'ru'lclise oId Sheri- dant roais l iente eluîborated. and uod- einitzeul tuttI catIs for a systemn of lio- ls-cîd rottulays luetwcen tise ts-o great eltica of tise sidulle w-est. NNbetber the eleclir ronîd s-Il e a new one or sisetier lthe niuht o! w-ns o! lise Chicago sud tilwaîîluee Eiec- trie road, 100 feet wIde aI]thtie way froin Chsicago te Miiwaîîkee, witI lic made availabie, la not known. The pruijectora urge Ihat Waiukegan ls bound f0 gros' wjth sncb a road lut- stalled. Started By Oue <Fromt Monday's Sun) Il la said tisaIt nerolît dealer ai Iast la net sticking lutthe Septemiser achedulat o! prices but la coltina froin elgst t1i seven In suite of Ibreals on the part o! tise olisers to eut 10 six and force hlm out. A ceabter Informed s SUN report- er o!ftte lmpending rate var tisat t ooms bsndlcated by titi*. eDISASTROUS IFIRE NEAR ZION CIY r B 0 s from ZIon Slty smoking ciar. e ttes lu the tsood shed in the reair 0< 1Est Benton church are believed t* ;have been the careless cause of a IHA tastrous $10,000 tire at Benton. luit oulaide Zion lCity, Saturday mornlng. The losses. MORRIS AND SABINE M"AT 3MARKET-Burned to the greund uni sis a total loas with sfiqek and flituweg.., FAST BENTON METHOD$ST d vCHURCH-Burned to the ground L rla a total losa. HIRAM FERRY PLACE-tDmgMàek of triffing nature Incurred but prae ress of ilames la checked. Zion City young men and boys 12,11> Lgregate ln the wood shed, In the ruer of the church that burned, as manys tfifty at a time, as the shed la out of the corporate limita of ZIon Cty, &nd' It la believed that a match or cl5ar- ette huit dropped lIn the wood "Yia- Ings started the entire blaze. Men ln the Morris and Sabline muet emarket were apprlaed of the lire wheg- K moke began t.o corne into th*e bWk -- door of the place. An Instant IatW the butcher ehdp and grocery vous- also ablaze and a pillar of Ste, ea"l amoke ascended from the r* , states attorney, iuasmnuch as the state's attorney had foundil lmpos- sîble lu attend sud aid lu thu Ir, s"ti'lon WVhen Inters lewed ou the matter flu the aflernoon b> a SUNS reporter. Mr. liaonsttisated that Mr. Quayie had uot be-ci authorized to art as hie as- sjetant . Atorney Orvîs states that Mtr.Qtal ieaiiled ibat lhe was sel- log tu thia caliacîl w heu plaçed on the stand. Mr. Sites bild been eîuî,ioyedl as a clerk lu thbî lliard and pool rooms oIperate.1.%.l l it Ir. Vher. v.ho died re cen I i lu a C hicage hosptlI Suow waa ebarged wili hasiiig s'ild liquor to the dîviolt etudeuls. OISON I1!LD UP IN YELLOWSTONIE PARK Senatorîi Candidate and Wife Meet Lone Yellowstone Hîgh- wayrna n. Albert J. Oison, republican nomi- nece for the state senale fromib tis dis- trict, was reiieved of $3,000 by a loue highwayman ln Yellowstoue Park about ten days ago, Mr. Oison being 1one of the victima of the feliow who .slopped eight park coaches, made the passengers ail get ont and line up wbile he took ail their mouey and valuabies. Mr. OIson la reported tu have hadl wiîh hlm $800 in cash snd a draft for $2.200. The hlghwayman did not forget to take ail of il. Mr. aud Mrs. Oison were tourbag the park sud happencd 10 be ln the party whlcb was victiinlzed by the holdup mIan, wbo statiotied hîmacif at a tom lin he road sud ciopped the big coaches as ihey camne along. The coaches are double derbers, driîwn hy four horse teauts, sud ssill carry Sif- teen or twenty passeugers. As the c.aches rounded the tuirulu the road a thin man with a lbick gen aud a handkerchief acros% bis face ordered the driver to hait sud tben ordered ail the passeugers out of the coaches. He linedti h etu tp sud liimisci oe of their uumber as es-Istaxit volleclor, aud w eut lhrougla lihe ci osil. BIG COMBINATION ROADWAY PLANNIED 4: chnrcb, which lu a very short timé vas a smoking mass of ruina, a toWa boa uncovered by insurance. The fIre vas fought lneffostxally bZ a water snpply pumped by thie HRb* Ferry gasollue enginasan alarm bddo4 tnrned lin atZMon City at once vbé the diacovery o! the lire wos màaiuî, The stream of vater vas 100n&W and lacked carrying power, notb- efforts of the Zion department Mm;,. to make reaulîs. Tise Ferry barn and baystack vous scorched sud damaged. Wull Not Rebuild Church. H. Ferry, Jr., lu an Interview ith, a member of tise SUN staff stuli Ihat he !eared the bass tu the church would amnul 1tu omething 01er tbree tbousand dollars. Mr. Ferry ou Ms own reapoItaibility had basi the ohurcht property inaured for nins hundro4 wits the Miliburo Mutuali imrWaflue, Company. It was announced labote tta week by the E. BeItton church eool-. mîîuIy Ibal il would 001 rebuild tii.. medlately. The giaust brick chlmney tellaIet te minutes afler one. No one vwa W itîreti at the lime as it was sut impos. sihility for even those ligbtlng tlifre to gel close encage to be bit by fa>- iuîg bricks. Mm. Norrîs, o! tiselirai o! Norrig sud Sabine, stated thal aill hal ha4,ý been ssved was tise cash drawer, la-. surance certilicates sud titi ccouUn books. Mr. -abine bast bis forty Il»o dollar watrb lu the lire. BUILDINGS ON IIOLT fARM DESTROYËD, Fîre la Suppoa.d lu Have Ben bSirI ed by Spoutaneous Combustion lie Hay inlise Barn. Iiptîîerty valued aI oser twenty flve iuoîustîud dollars vas consumed by bic, ar the C. D. Hoit farm, tva mile ttuh oItuf Rutssell, at elgt thlrty Tues- ila, t ut -lug. Thte mastsivie beautiful resldence ot 'tIr. Huit, six harns fOlleil vit graitu atd luay, and several onîhouses, ver sittirel> i-onaumed by the flarnes. Tiselire was Oral discoverd bf,, iîcibers of the famiiy as tbe taieW were seen isng !rom the loft of0< *, large îîay barn. Farmers frai»m gtIà aroîîtd hîîrried 10 lise sceIte. À buekam- brigade was lormeul. Every eftort va» ruade 10 cxtittauisb tise ilames but to The origîn of the tire la a mystety. il was mciiorted that the fine had been slarted fronithtie boit of a cigar or cigarette droîuped by a fanas hand. This reptomwsas corrected howcver sa Il sas ister iearned that smoking waa liovitiveiî îorbldden on the groîtutla. The tari tbuilings, some of lbe test lu ibis section, s-as praclically diestroyeI. The builhdings arc 'Overed by maturante. 1Spoutaneour combsislonî la assigo- c d as the cause of lise Ore. Cisosen National Elocter. At the uo.etlng of the congressiouei tcontentIon iii Chirago Wednesday tise aisi] tumiier of delegatea prea.a- chose Charles V. FarWeIll o! ,àW Forest 10 be the national eet the Tenlitoh sa$sa 'T-iesla ail lthe vork Qib $q t eutlon wbLcsk li a F t ti 7a e t( t t c

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