CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Sep 1908, p. 4

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'&'Uhaoqe No. 1. i.iiorà smencea Teaphone No. 1141.Lihertjvlfe Exchange l "iWIKLY. AYRRTISIsO 5&T M XO5 KiOW5 O19 APPLICATION. tVSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTL~Y IN AOVANCE M~~H . J ..... ..................... ..... ................... Editor F. $ .. KELLEY ............ .. ................................................ City Editor FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1l, 1908. STEVENSON HAS NOT CHANGED. .kthough hielise bean more or les la the puollc eye ever since bis r #VM hal manhoods estate, vblcb vas A, tond many years aga, on accounIt «f hi, racont years cf retirement ai' mut everyliody lad forgelten yeur -Urwe."atli Stevenseul, Who the dem' *«tt have nomlnated for goverulcr ot IlinotsIn bact. probably baîf the lub&bîtauts o! the state. if questionied m inthie venarable gentleman named. e 'wts9 bave sald, "Stevenson! SIev' 0OUM001oh. yas; used ta lîve at Bgomnugtcfl. didn't lie? Mev long bb h hen dead?" But Ibis haîf o! thse lulabtants Who would tati îles 1Weld lie misaien. for Stevenon ls net dead lut le again in Ithe limeiglit of politici as said above. Tlere are "nme things about ibis candidate thiat deumocrate are nottlehing. One of tbem ie lis age. Me lise cone ciller pelitirties Ibat 'silI be coliced i a sîtteli of is life that viilnt apîîeat 10 the voter Who la looltiuig for stsùle- egs or conservatism of cliaracter. VStevaou vas bore aeventy'tbre- l'Mr$ ago comene xl Octeber. In Clrie' ~tIefl county, Kentucky; Ibat var the y"r 1836. Be came ta Illinois wlien -17fTeurs aId: settled with bis fabers UmStl1y ln Bloomînglon, vliere blie vet » Weleyan collage avhlle; tudied Uw aer, s.nd vas sdmitted ta the la '6 18. Ha then vent tb Woodford rîiqsy. visera ho vas successful le »botly gottlng an officiai Job, that cf ter. ia cisAncery, vhicb lie held !41 ite, '65. Than lie vas made igý%Attorney, vhlch position lie wail '69. In '64 lie vas an lec- .on the McOiellan peace-at-sor' ti&et. About '70 ha retureed Unesaingion. In '74 lhe vas defeat- *for congress and aiso Ib '76. But là v8ias succesofol. as It vas the bM t the greanhaci. granger, and -»p ¶bWcrase perlod, vlien al liese )91»"ugt itis democracy. or rather 4orucy joiued wvhl aife!them. » an afaîn lu '80, and the fad bav- BI-IULD CHURC -e nwbther or not cherches sliouid ad- depusda upon the anavars 10 tkg"otlsar questions- as muany people atlendiog services reguiarly as cao ha 5i45d te do an' 1O-U fnotviii advertisling prove an ý,«tUve means ln sccompishing ibis 5ý-Boas experlence prove that ad- 'slagW more than pays for lseif? YetisahefiraI query there enulie but ;* 755,. fIsere are bundreds cf ,trqoas&dlo! people ln every part cf w utry e! ours vho are ect, but 'ëe couid ha, lnterested le Ourcli ,met*. Ferbaps ail f thesa coud net bse gulliciently interesled that tley ing ended lie was defeated; and agise ln '82 he wae pot up by democracy to lic knocked deo by republicans. M'ien Cleveland vas lected president he made Stevenson firnt assistant postmaster genaral; and If the heada cf thie fourtli clasa posmasters d.deIt iiy îles a iity. He would lep off the heade cf a hundred cf these whlle Cleveland vas changing one of the fIrst, second and third clasa. His liandiness and avldity ln thîs line o action was altogether eut cf bannery wîtti what lie novsasys hie wll do vith the charitable Inîstitutions cf Illinois, If lie la only elected governor tbis fatI. But this le wantbering. le 1892 he was elected v ice presîdent alcng wth Cevelanîd filing thie position willi perfect commonptîce aiity. Theugli Cleveland hadl eothing but disgust for liryan an d lts crazy-borse ibeories one riîrreîîcy, and other questionis, Steven- son seeied te lhave the abîlity 10 10 îrim is sails thatlihe swaliowed Ilien arnd keîît orthodox rvan. 0f course. lie roîîtd do Iis easli. for liadn't be proiijouinb coaiesced n 11h grooclack' ers 'il)ops." and graîigels' Ideas and idosyncracies. With Iis flexibility cf opinîion, il is not at al difficulit for M le nov aniîuunce, for pirposc cf gel- tiing repubicati votes, cf course, thal hie wiii enlirelv ignore liolitîce In ap- poelments for the sdate charitable in stitutions. "if oniy eneugli cf you re- publicarna vilI vote for me to maie ume gon'crcor,' and ccupling the elate- ment witli an Insnuation that lie la nov toc old te be partisan or make misieading ante-election promises. But tlie soier truthlale dear reader, Uncle Adlai Stevenson le lest as partisan and mossbacked as lie vas wlien lie fougbt Lincoln's re-leclion onder tlie surrender te the confederacy banner of democrscy in 1864. and lie leaa 1dozen tisnes lyer and politic as to campaign promises than ha vas then. 7Âge hasn't changed bis nature cf bis partisanshlp. It bas only sdded cam- paign v.iedom. CHES ADVERTISE? vould al liecoma churcli members. but a very large proportion c! tham, lu say the leasat, ciîuhd blinduced 10 attend one or tvo services every Sunday. No one wiiili e so pesimistir as 10 argue to the coutrary. Granted, tIen, Iliat our congrega- lions are not as large as tliay mighl lie. viii advertislng lielp te maie theni larger than tbey nov are? V/lule- vting people te churdli through an- nouncements ln the newepapers, through posters atthîe treet corners. througl Iimitating the methode cf busi- ness men. tend te increase churcb ai- tendance and belld up aur reigons institutions? tn ansvering tii ques- tion let us tere to the experlence of others-Judicieus Advertlsing. EWO are anme reportad tacts froni ý,,emCIs xprlence le anti-duel treat- 'imt o ails. A long course of axper lisit la France seema to shov that thus Jar the oUl sprinkllng trealmeel le tsa least oiJectionable. Prom ail parte ot the country arc tompiaiets ef the daieterious affect on ývèetation sud foUiage o! the tarred rods. sud theie nister o! agriculture - bas ordered the dlscoîtleuaece cf thc u»é o! Iis substance. le Paris the tarrad roadesare 10 lie given up, and the sîreeta rapved. Aong the fine avenue cf the Bois de Boulogne tracs have bean killad by the tar particlas Ilrown Up liy the inotor cars. and grass pots, floyer lieds, etc., have su!- fered; 80 It la said. "Agaînt the cil spriniling treat- ment lIera seems tole leno serinîis compaint.' Freel t( stimony le vou il veighing, ai ail evntus. thougli adve- rates of tar wili douibtleus nov pro- ceed te taie cii ibeir parable againet Mr. Rockafellers prudurt. ll' a spiIy sheni tcoees drug the Chancar, Notice. stoneaci or tiuniate tItheîcart and STATK OrP I.Nni5' kidecys. 'rbah is ail se nîng'.A weîuk' Couw r FL&az ie Iltemacli, menseseak touîîacb ervfes lutahe tii-salI Court of Laki' Ceuni' alwas. nd hiete lmotru oftht ohrý-ermA. D lieu ahvys.Anr hu isale trc r ti'.Catauine Seheller ,and Eenuan )ieb,i,r1 hbert and kirînP-n Ti4'-veak ierves ine Mary ai,,I1d. M-1,b' laafited sud Doua ara lnslaad rrylngon't ifr hi-h1 Tli@ Dlie. In ta la--ri- No ais " ni hyDr. iiwuî' iaritie ISatitaclory tf1i ilu liai th.. dfedicuise 10ponpîiy belpîng sralî'îiîeuliuarî sud re-.'ul i I ta, t ilel.fut k -dey lmenta. Tii'- t.-turrtive1 ne s ý&ýaosien lue e-d upori ituentor o i. nt fr tire situaI eaue, ofthe chu-r u 1cmlis,ýn fSrd lu lIoofile, f tho! lb. Crie Mi..11 iJ'run ,;,tloanl-tbe affîing *"unmide rii.rves. *Nol iR th b-',, 1i.-r-b,r gin te eRaid uAstywaytflest Ile esteratine .14m1 liuro. Mary CARal.I d Mrrie CantehciI drf- *ý,o' eueâo tonagt.t u v uanl.sse ,abr' sel-I liai teLb.' er nannili -po't ure'.' arui a"lia. hit "uL'..unuaaiu-i-rmtofsr,- i.-d tse, i-llîuof eafloreiy know tIsaI br1j)le i-cmîuîgCopila li "" C t. o"ah.Lbe Ciert, -AqOd biidelbarcof. nul itlat ar-untmoaasIlianupn leeaod uît el-ail Court sgain,.l lb..abnse ALL DEALERS. nuddef, 'h'sutun_ lrsno l ie __________ 'ay 00e lrot i(,.'--CI,'.'it Court or Lake i'oilunir. t lu e-t il]" -Ceuni Houa..le WsukcgsunIn lu ssi LIe 0-uiy. on thsefir-I ER'NATIONAL CONGRESS Meiday of Lit 5t- A. 1D lice a , s lul ss reureil sud iii i u ltil p.nimilir. $fMadhae, Ws...September 24 in 30 'a Las uni) SaOCcauanCIire -- ~~~~~ELÂN L i(i, i u,.ia,5lullo Wauki.ýIn.LiAudvli s . A. D. use A»70n oing toattend the vonvrentioe 5- aler@' National Cuir gress at -Wlsconsio, vhie w-4l v rehed Bridge Bonds foi- Sale. 24 to 30? I s(.-anc lIaI 8jTATE OF ILLINOIS i ticket 10 Madiaon reasle Coi aveorLAt,182 Mivska& St. Puîui Tee utidIreiud urremervi su ad Town tran orvie t Maiso Cl'rekf le lova 0fVeraon. vii Offer for t trin srvie 10Madion ale le h.hîlesits.d bhatbidder li-o aIh gW"j Ire= z:xt z'-o bolb nd$i ieseS duec u Mac-h 1e.19. u~.t Compeayabrieaio ans sa elo take Placé atthe %are rainservlu, t.-..cvhlin alai! Day aI un'! 0'uiouk on - lca oan. F A Mllrreberve t t t i~o ..~ orah'I G~ Att, Cle5q. 0 e vuSuperisor. 50- 0 U.Gssss.TwuVlrk. bien, s"ifito5 ocemp Waut. State oe tÉlnola, Connty of Lake, as;- In the Circuit Conrt of Lake County. IIL To the October '1orm, A. D. 1908. Henry A. Smith, va Lucy D. Eaton, Elliert Howard, Racbael Howard, 'Unknown heirs or deviaCes of VWil- liam Fleming, deceamed." Wili&m Fleming. Hians Bien. Henry Krlckmmn, Henry Schmidt. John Barbaras. Sr., Rchard A. Smithi,- rederick C. Smith, Lau& Anderleano, Louise Hodgkin@. George Andermamn, Henry Ander- mann, Annie Smth, Clara Smith, and the "Unkuown owners of or persoa interested in the real estate decribsd ln the Bill of Complaint." In Chancery, tien. No. 3939. Satlsfactcry affidavit that epon due, inquiry each of the defendants. "Un- knevu heirs Or devisees of William Flemling, deceaaed," Lucy D. Easton, Flbert Howard, Rachael Howard, Wil- liam Fleming, Hans Bies. Henry Krickman, Henry Schmidt. John Bar- haras, Or., Henry Andermann, and 'Unknove owners of or persona in- terested ln the rosi estate described in the Bill of Complaint" cannet be found. so that process herein cannot be served upon tliem or ether of them, having been fied ln the office of the Clerk of saidt Court. Notice Io therefore hereby given to said "Unknown heirs or devisees of William Fleming, deceased," Lucý D. Easton, Elbert Howard, Rachael Ho- ward, William fleming, Hans Bies. H'enry Krickman. Henry Schmidt, John Barbaras. Sr., Henry Ander- marin. and "Unknown ovnere of or persone Interested le the real estata described ln the Bill of Complaint.' the defendants as aforesaid. that the above named complarant fiied bis Bill1 of Complaint tg sald Court cou the Chancery side thereof. ani that a sumnmons thereupon issued out cf sgid Court against the above namned defen- dents. returnable on the first day cof the Terna of the Circuit Court cf eaid Lake County. te be held at the Court House le Waukegan. in said Ccunty oft Laike on the firat Monday of C- lober.. A. D. 1908, as la liv law re-. qulred. and whicli suit la euhl pending. LEWIS 0. BROCKWAY, Clerk. Wallkegan, Illincis, Augîlet t9th. 1908. 47-4 State cf Illinois, County of Lake, sa; In the Circuit Court of Lake County. Julia Louise Smith Slyield S'tacy vs Evelyn Slyfleld, Emerson Slyfleld, Henry W. Stacy, A. J. Abbott and C. Werner, Gen. No. 3376. Public notice legiîereby given that by virtue o! an ordered and decree e-. tered ln the above entitled cause ln sald Circuit Court at the October Term A. D. 1907 a.ereof, the undersigned,, Mater in Chancery, yl., on Tuesday the 22nd day o! September A. D. 1908 at the heur of one o'clock ln the ai- ternoon o! said day et the sat Main entrance cf the Court House in Wou- kegan. Lake CoujýV, Ilîlinois, sei ai Public vendue tb the hîglest idder fer cash the following descrlbed land~ snd reai estate. situated ln the Coun- ty cf Lake and State of Illinois, te- vit: The North twenty six and cne third (26%,) feet cf Lot Nine (9) ln Bleck Twelve (12) ln the Original Town cf Llttle Fort, nov the Cty cf Wauks- gan, betng knovn&as Number 218 Northi Genesee Street, situated ln the City cf Waukegan, Lake County, Il- linols. Dated August l9th, A. B. 1908. ELAM L. CLARKE 47-4 Master ln Chancery. Amazing loddieaa Cure&. As great as vere receulcores in Europe tbay are greatar ln Amarina today. The cure of Rupture, Cancer, Piles, ete., villi- cut tie koia j, noiW'ae accompliabed iact as cae le proved by the Illinois State Specialists of 628 W. Stata St., ilackford, Ill. Thc vaidity cf their ciaini can ha teted by ail whc vrita 1crrmppitmt card. Thir ad stating lima toecure dis. eassa appeare elsavhare le Ibis papar. Auciion S.ale. The oadersignad viii seil at public aoctien et Long Oroas, Saterday, Sept. 12, at 1) a. m.nhe Ils iiicing deecribad prcperty: 2 car ioads Wisconsin cutIls ongisting cf the ioloving: 10 iresh , -ows, 15 sprin*e§soon te o or e , 25 uire Wisccnsin stock ballera, 6 stock hile. "î-rmîs ciSal--Six mno s ri-it on goo imlniabile notes beaing six per lent. interesl. JUFÀSI E.IERS, Prop. A pieasiuîg. good, iîigb grade. lr'eiy tarurred, aiher colored cup ci coffce cao b.. had-and siltbnutthe rital coffe danger, or daniage ho beaitb-bY siînpiy tîiig Dr. Hhoope eîiew subsîltute, iie -"Health Cofleea." Pure whooiee toasted cereal, iuit, noute, etc., niak.- Dr. Siîoop's Elealîli Cofice bot elbatuclc aînd matisf.ving No 20 tuo 30 miutelîs ir-uliios brilieg. "Made in aminule. Rays Dr. Siirop. Il served a celles, ils tase wu ien trick an expert. Testbilanidsee, CORLETT & FREDERICKS. i5EN4J. PARMALIE. Attorney AdjudicatioW Notice. l'.1,110 Notile aharaby gIven that the Suit,ncritu.r, James L. Scayer. Publie Ad- ouiultî'atýorf the Bêtate utl Mslthew Katiirinbargmr. dcoased. viii attend tha l'ouatte court of Lake Oounty. at a tern tliîr-o-f 10ulie holden ai th e i-t Flouse la Wauke'gain tl ad ocuty, cen14efi-st Mondai, of Deffmber next, uses wh.e sed ,ehere ailt'arse bavinui llasafaîi8t Raid E-t.- are notifiait sud rausuestAd 5le preee 15,- %aeau..Ruasid Court for adîudcatllne JSmes L. Svsyxii. Publie Admniitrator. Adminletralor of sidEBoite. Wauk"Rau, i1i1, Auguet 24. iO5 48-4 When Trifies Become Troubles Il any person suspects lIaI blair hkide- r..e deranzed tlcy shouid take Foisy's Kidîivy ReunWsy ut one and not risk baving brigbt'à diese or dialiee. uDelasy giî-ea the disease a st ronger lol-. lbohd sbould net delay taklag Foeys Kidey ltemdy. FiAass B. LovELL. Father Tim e 's Pleas ure There i5 Iay for Father ime in a stock of ftue pieces that may be depeuded on for ail tume. It la a pleasure te those Who insiat on fh-stn.laasurne piecora tegel mbt a place auch as oura where the dlocks sud watches MOI. be depended upon. Ve seli the,. Lest lime pieces a a price you miight expect to psy fè .& poor oee ANDREW JIUSS JEWEBLER LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Have You the Factory Look There le nothsng that compromises a man in1 the respect of the world iike a suit of clothes that doca flot fits a suit that sagsand baga and hanga awry after two days of wear, Arc you content to accept the arbitrary styles and sizes cf readynmade, factory-made clathes-when a tailormade suit ordeied through me wil cost you no more? Are you satialied to wear a suit cut ta, fit an average manl? When no average mam ever eziated? When the Royal Talais af Chi, cago and New York wiiltallai you a suit to, your own ind&- Yi"iMi m sure withaui taxing you more than your u"ua clothing autlay? Vhy net le( me show you the complete Unme of anapy- dressy, original falrics waiting to bc made up into a suit for E. W. PARKIIURST 'Taiormnx af a Theusand Little Refinenients" Behauuk ittibe lIBBBTY VILLE, ILL.' [I!~ , - -~ -- iii North Shore Musical College 132 North (ientsee St.. Waukegan, MI. Offeis the betof instruction in ail branches of Music sud Dramnatic Art. by experienced teacheis only. The faculty includeS Charles K. 1in ay P, B. Newcomer Olive B. LaCkapeile Wm. J. Sockrnan Mrs. John Bullock Kari B. Stein Mr,. Kari B. Stein Robert C, Fulton, BRANCHS TAUGHT- Violin. Voice. Piana, Organ, Mandolin. Guitar, Banjo, Clarinet, Cornet (AU Band Instrummet), Harmony sud Composition, Elocution and Dramatic AMt Teacheis' Certificate sud Diploma Iasued. Fail Terni opens Sept 8.,1908, (althaugh Students may enter at any trne.-) Studios (Suite of Six Rooms) Overllloffman's Grocerq. 'Phones 1282 andIllS4. Par Termeansd Information. please cal! or write ROBERT CROSKEY FULTON, Director. A BOON *thatE *cottage you g : WaukE * NORi *230 N. Geaew 4 FOR THE CC' Kpensive is electric Iight everybody can afford. , and mansionalk *ot it in your homeÎ ,gan 258 for details. THl SIORt E LECTI iStet )TTAUER, it to-day, 1it, i n L Have ?Cali zic CO. VAUKEGANI ILL 'The INDe !4~ T aid DaIIg Tribune or Inter. TUfIE NE2W MI3ETII"OD Tuhe Quaker l'rMac gives larg voluMe of warm air--the old waq was$sMd i@ to give a s Voloufe or' bot air The Quaker Furnace by its large heating surface from domo to base gives a. large volume of warm air. Furn4ces not base heaters try to make up for this lack of heating surface by glving a small volum~e of hot air. The Quaker oays 140 at the register 18 warm enougb. Otherp dellver at about 400 degrees; this is scorched, not warm air, with the oxygen ail bnrned out of it and not fit te breathe. H. B.'EGER LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. COAL TIME IS JIERE We wash ail Coal at our yard before (le- livery, after weighiiîg. Nothing' bat Clean Coal put- in your hixi. . Nut, Range and Egg, Cannel, Washed Egg liocking, Splint and 1 d. Block reeding Question Sie Pioneer Cow Feed, Sugar Gluten, Dalsy Dalry Flour Mlddlings, Bran, Corn r1eal, 011 Meal, Red Comb Poultry Feed EMMONS -MERCER LLUMBER COMPANY LIBEinTYVmu .... . . . H.2 LAKESIDE BRAND BgEflOnnneinStrz Nnn«n TRIS BUTTER 18 MADE 0F PURE CREAM, PROM 5ELECTBD DA1RIFS IN THE ELGIN DISTRICT Purity and WeiKtst Oaranted sold by CORLETT & FREDERICKS The Difference3 Between Cows is in the Feecling YeS feed a eU!mii 69,=5Dhry Feed lmslucpeen pn earauhy hlne o ii edaple. uaoaDalry Fe Unike cc eafail , int psrey for flshe paiyf or muscleansd pardy for mil-SUOIrota Dairy Feed is lll for mlk. g.t.ff. ie Fo. a hs.e C.e elF.. . eeflHm» . F.d. 5acs-e Shteca Feed W. . . 4. .dS.g. .k.e., FocSad Sg Ci.11ciiM.&I . b... 4-4 ..d. sehI.toi el. cs:PUIPM .1 la,.5 b iI. b . i1. a VFOR SM£E DY HOME LUMBER COMPANY Lumber, Coal, Girain and Mill Feeds Telephone 50 LIBERTYVILLE, 11.1-. Cigars and Laundry -r t Tobacco OfficeGot LEO DRURY CLARENCE ILAGGthNe TONSORIAL BARB3ER SHOP P AR LO R Boeisna Bniîdîiag LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Lîbertyvîlle, Ilhînel. .%Jdsr Taanfer Razrs CIGARS AND TOBACCO MaIes&ad Pub ie Order AUNDRY OFFICE RAZ H ONED Perioadîcýala Guaranteed1 CURED WITHOUT THE KNl NoMoe lisai Flsne.Be~tNo 1 bng nory OILED ROADS THE BEST. - 1 iý

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