CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Sep 1908, p. 1

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LÂA-,KE C OUNTY INDEPENDENT.- and WAUKEGAN. WEEKLY -SUN VOL XVL NO . LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER is, 1908-8 Pages $1..50PER YEAR IN ADVANCE. MEN WI1ll LONG CRIMINAL RECORDS ARE CAPIFREB. ReWle fo FHows failure to Establish Speciric Évidence or Soie Blowiog at Waukegan. One is Rearrested and Ild by Chicago Police. Three suspects n lihe Waukegan The IoIIce bave at ieast captured postoffice robbery wers capttired us nitorlous crooks, IL l8 atsertedý Fourth Lakte Baturoiay afternoon In a Noted Dolectives Here. darlng police raid, Sergeauit Bidînger la known to the Thret of thse gang of six escaped and pîublic for is daleclive exploita. He thse thrs captsîred wcre hemmsd In ns la own cousin te Alderman .iullus F. they nerneil n 1he laite. They sur- Bidinger of Waukegan and the haro rendered wllhout a show f reaîstance. of scores of really great captures. Thee hp was gven by cne of thse Detectives Blaul and Dubach made gang whom thse Chilcago police ar- the captures of the tamous car harn rested for mnoir offense and wiso' bandits, Bauls partner being shot made a statement in whuch he sald down In the streets ut Chlcago.tlotb tisat h. belilh ie postoffilce robberi PartIipataîl lu the battle on the Indl- were at Fourlh Lake. ana wastes ai the enîd ut whlcb the ARMEO POSSE MAKES CAPTURE. bandits were lorccd In corne onît of thelr dulgeut and surrender. At 3 Saturdoy afternoon Detective OBrien, a nepbaw 10 Capt. OBrien, GuJy Bîddlnger of the Chicago police ba fteCîaodtcieb force arrlved wth four etier Chicago resu, of tne Ch iso e iedienu detecives. ore cea naeofthesudlea a n wn Heaviy armed wtis riflas, &hot ýntecnrldti n aas nw gunsand evoversthe art aftr athe continent oser for is exploite as s pno. olice officer and detective. conference impresaed three autoao- Engaged Cottage for Next Vear. bile mb ervie Hicksfr1hWak. The gang le said tu have made Chiets Tyrrelliand Hci ak- F'ourtb Lakte its renter tor Oive years, gin headed thse postes and Aldermanladbinomtn iie Sury JuliuuiBidinger and Frank H. Just of tsudcttygeinformatondesictei atrda the UN lanedthei car.îcen engageul for naît year when the TYRRELL MAKES CAPTURE. raid tots place anul hoptes of tepilng Thse captures Salurday atternooni weremad by hie Tyeli.oneman the bide out were lasted. weremadeby hiefTyrel, ne mn,,The ganîg poscd as "good fu'lows' Chief Hicks, one man, Detective Bud- dînger. one man. The rest had fled. inon g the fermeresud arc resuty Names of Men Taken. ix hila r.ithe iîeighbors reuasiîîg to1o u les ee i! of tbem. STIi' yniht ititret abus sîuelitas Used Women on Jobs. bli niîl:, îihî isîhu rt. euareas Accoruiiig to esîdence gatlîered Sat- folloqse îruîay on te grouDd theiserrbem rs uof FIANK \KFVi AER. 'aid iîy (hicago the gang used women tu gelth- tl'l (0 cii s 1- lu' îîî-'futh1le bi'st iiiuiidc r avas rona Foui ti Lake. liau iu'.n on tii he î'oiiiti .i lias ai That iv îbhey vuld guîo ont01 il iîul u.uîrecoird. Auuu' 2! . aiu '.J nîsti'a dean liii. contie lîsi ici uuuuuclon pinterîc. !... w ..,. it.îî.u lis rifl.ut on (;FOuRGE STîTZLER. agi 24, saiti olicxlii rt sasti'bina ou alsîl ilai ms Le is a rasilrti cl-rit sud îaý,s hi' liail,. rIniNi-a' Yorkt ('ilt litas S fImlutSilii [lRl\lul'lXEI( altis T'iun Martin. ti", i'lauiui ,i. ýa alitet also utuil ;,î lutuillu t Fuit Vieiîs'u'r. ('hi vaut, '11ilte uhi- liwa along ut ttitutt. iird, Mate No Rewstance. 'u -s Sl(iii andl Nairin acre Cali lut i uhuitl rtiibli' lîs the'1ossee luusýtailld Itr serai vî'cts lasin lu-' ruîtl.ugu'tu ,t he Sheluloil tarîuu Ithi:, tiar,'ul i1i0 lutrulious lus office. s and --, r' ls t abloit t 10liih a ru. atiu frutîi It,-lauding sud go uts a ihing tlu v buithlii, laders cf the îîusssc til lîiîsguî aîd uaukegan detectlvs'e, lîtîttu' ttînicuiter altb dravu restîls' îr,aud dashoil vo the flier. Ilids uvît. uasthie vorl, aîîd the lune v î'ru tutd,.ieut d 0 -rreudet Tbcy liii su vIlIout a straggle. Weaver wais baîîluiffeil The thrc e uti rougbtt le SIUN alItomoittl e lit aluehic the:,came iotob Vu ,tkeguiii Fînid Little Evudence. lttll,-ut or . s tli tuu' vs fouuîd lu tue cottage ltut loirtiltLaite. A ail uitluia'î il lait i'rl. ut 44 re- au isiu, asd m-cuti l ,îr lot.sharkt lu tîticizo hluldu'it. lii,' woiuu'u s ,vltJî'lv li (hi. vas tlii'yavciil-'ib suisili'lii t11 lii' j oluti eiing I -gatul. .1a'. iarn Su-lghlîoitoîtgave It,-tin Seet Hard tor Evdence. Aru exhtaustiveesî-arch van nmadle ai Foarlb Lait.-Sunday for et itîcicu, i vi-ii theiî-idges of thle ilIer lîcuiat h the v atî-r lug rolieulfoi"lit t utOit erin or weaîuouu coucelcd. 'rheccuttlage faleul tt s, i' d att ublu or vaille. The Shu'idîîiî, suho livn tIti' tarnu rould not tell nîîuch ablitt thei r calil ,Jseuscult ihat they thloight titi acre ail rigbt. How Capture Was Made. Actinug oui a lut) ront an u01(1 al, blouser a hcî s la s,-r.gnn r inthe Chi- cago centrailîpolce station. Otectise Scrgeauui Guy tldiuîgcr arcompaled luy Detocivse Haul, tlI-rieui sud tIu tîach, Satîurdey came mu Watulegau t thru'c and Intormed ('blet of Police Ty rrcl hat the Vatitegan liost of- lice sate blowers rould lie ceîtured lit Fourtb Lake. Chiet Tyrreil anîd Assistanit Chief ilicits slj"iliy orgauîlzed a posse sud ifihsiresed tbrec attomobiles whlch proceedcd In te senre ofthie capture, W. C. T. U. IN CONVEN- TION AT GURNEE Mui" Loba Shepard Eiecled as National Dlegate ta Denver.- FulliList of Of- ficers The annuai convenktion oftihe Lake Cointy Woman's (b',ristiaii TenWjer- ance Union was bld at Gurnee Frlday with a large iunîher lna ai tendansce. Reîresentatlve workers bead to bide il or lu aid hiemin suuuff- QUAYLE BIJSY REFORM- Iuug oat itascarca bagueixstence. IGP O L A Woenan aI Hospital. IG P O L A Rnsluiug trrom tisa spot, ahieb la jusî nortis of tisa sugar raflur,, the offilcar Overlooka Greater Eis and Earns callad for tise Larsen asud Counad am- Salary by Attentuon to Lesser bulanre, and thse worup vauernovad tu thse bospîlal, tise lksdy uofte chilIdWitis Ove ieer vagona dolug sa1lund Laier the vomnan, v b, Ii lie- llevad to ha aightly craul v, as put under guard. as It isl'su that she may have kiiled ber chid anud may try tu escape from the h-i uIal ward. The cblld was dead wh' o tîîund but trom al parts of the county wr hr r omrst .îu iîlpa preseut and ail cxîîîesed the 0ipl11110 and îhneenav he ntis h u that Ibis convenutionu as the iargest and mont enthusiastir anar beid lu the ccunty. The reports show a large amount of cariiesit. consclentious vonkt durlng te lîast ear vhlch bas re- sultad lu a splendid increase in mem- bersbip tri the local uionus. Two new unions were organlzed daring the year. nune at lîîgleaide and the Nortis Shore Pederated Union, vbich draws lis membership tfront Highland Park, Laite Forest snd Laite Bluff. lu the eveulng s diamond usedal coulest was e bd. Those comîîting for the prize werc. Miss Vida Taylor of Waiiegan Mrs. Sosie Brown of Gurue snd Mies Mary Hlawkins of Giirnee. Misa Vida Taylor won the4 covpeeulniedal.1 The music vas furnisbed hy Gur- nec talent sud wauu excellent. The Gurnee W. C. T. t. wss very gencrole lîuri osptallty, serving dlîu uer and eui1iper li the Woodman bal. The officer-i and sîîperlntcndcnts four the coring y car as an tolloas: i'resideiit-Mrs. Jeîuîîie Jusl, Viau- k egari. V'ice Presîdeut-Mrs. itatti. Vu thi r- stine, l.ake Bluiff. I-te. and Corr'.Secretaru \l1-i. Je'!' oI A. iller, Wauitegaiî iurîîee. Auduu îeAls u Gulo' îr Supe runIe ndcnts. Xntl Narcotu'v Nirs. Mary Rousan, %u' auie gari. Evaîigciistic-Mru, Louuisec Kahler, %Vaukiegan. Assoclate Eauulsl isVilau Borlge, Grayelaito. Fairs Mre. Carrle Metrait. Gurue Flouser NhlssuniuîîNîaVcra Metealf, Franchisi'-Mrs. iue C. Rogir". 'auiteguî Assilciate Franichis,,- MissAima Mledal Contcst-Mr-.iiulcSheli) arul Gîîrnec. 3Assoclete NMedal ('oite,1 Mrs. Mary l'ale. Guruce .Niedicai Temiiersiuc,,-.Nrs. lertha J.1uli' s, Go rue Moral Eîlucatioiî Brs ,Lettie Viest, \\'utkcgaiiî Scieîuîlllc em-ti ciance 1I tvirli îu MIru, EiiIIuuii lîveu ua ukegaîu Soldicrsanaîd Sailors Mrs. Mary R. Seulga îrk. Ilîghliind Park. Suiiday Sehool Nîýru, yM. u.Persons. 1 'apkegaiu Ten. îeîaucu' ite Iallure-IM rs.1. B. tTîlîbetue Lake' Forest. preas--Nlru Icuie R. Mlleir, Viau- tegan. t Mrv Jî'îuîuie jujot van cecti'd le rep- rasent the coliutIait he siate Wi C, fT U. coîuscntiolu 1 be hcld at Mt. 1Carmel, Oct. S-12. 1 Miss Lola Shllard vas clected deie 1gale 10 tbe iîotional counvention ta be eI .din Dene. iuIîOcOt U'28-11 der theory. Hislory of Womnan. The woman bas been vorl.lng ln the famiiy of S. Meyer of Markt street for two and a haif iiîcnths- She im a Russian and bas hîs'n ItiIbs couîntry sînce Chritmas Onte brotb' er rasidas on Market aindc siIan- other on Tentb sireet. Th, ssîînîis about tonty years oid. Went There Deliberately. The woman iseema to have chuiscu the laite front deliberateliý as the spot for the birth place of lier habe. \X'ith the tears trictîlin down ber checits and beads of iusrîpirain standing prominently on ier forehead as site iay on a cot in 1h. .laîuc Me- Alister Hospital, Mary Koitzvslc btld Dr. Taylor, six jurymen anîd a SUN repiorter allthe facte out.ciit1h the birtb sud deatb of b'- , nareiess ch I lî. _.The jury atter welgbîîi ii thefints serelated b:, the pouirlu-I .iîcalcd 1 houughtlcss snd lu tact gi . igrl. dt'cideui 10 ester a verd i t 1iiifanti %vaas char2i-d vitb the deaili noî,îr i IIlall. luit viii not b ,dl Iîuulad 'he corou"1> gsi-il ihal abe be deluoi 1 i iiul î a. anisiiudesirale Mis, Koivtsie toid tu' 1nulIi ot lie r iroulul. oliiih' in- l o-c1liii îuui s it lui th., ,an(Iis at the laite t l, r Site l'o ituseli tatedl that li, iillut.uu cd aukiiug permission t10 lu. takt i the hosiietal aîullo te Iýcrudi- WC that site (md v.utud t100 iluti Shl blaiuues Frautnk ruut'for bu u lîîss fl. le isthei tier ut the ,lu], 'hi riainius 1lt uaulsu rcrcs oîf Vuaukega i tMid '-e.ided i rîccuitliy ai the cornet îof Nbjajîon anud lîîtuwîiug aveunue. Miss Kttvitzskh l. ui ri lste senti alter lui an isal iii îhis rîUnirY Site svill asi that hi' te u buuuli.'l lawi s 0 it uîI bier slp sayi. The case lias ,iuîraid lcîîïiderali atteutiont, niant ltuuiul Ihat the y ouuîît foreugîuc v ouldl, rallud ipi<ui 10 an swer for lte a îisinu coiiuuîted. t s hoiued thla!j,' sii!li e sent borni. as n'u, l ut .Ifron thtîe hou, A post nîort l î W11t'Iuîve"'ut. mains eftte I l. alt ),O jitos llilat the rbild bad piitat"tof uhe hitath of litc on lliti nut bili boii dead, butmuslia- uete i ci roît los ut blood or exitiiuli, Miss Rot tz-sl.l ~iated that te (u1:11 v au.alise vheu boru and that Il nu i died sooutafîci. i lad seabocît ut1 1' lue luart initcîdeu t0 leave the luul ...uIîilue saitis and nad tie nhill l c lj' lelutt. 'would ba ve g 1aI i -d Ifol>il 1,, as mtutto li Forest, If reporte au ii liu' tcru'died Quayle the 'reformeric"lsald lui lasve slngied out a grpy halred old veteran as tbe target foi, bis "reform" worl., as a resuif ot wbich Ihe aged mari 's ho possessed of bis oirly borne snd inulst seek refuge vith bis son o1nt lui Ore- gon. Accordlng io the abory tld Quayle ailegesetaat Norman.Rurssell, who bas occupied the obdiuefflage calahoose ai Laike Forest for >ears rent free bn consideratlon of actlng as a sort ot watcbmau. bas been keeplng bmer on sale. Quayle, it 1, sald. comlpined to the clty eîtohrlîles of Russelle ai legad practices and an order of ex- pulsion bas been Issued. The oid man loses bis onl hornue. Ha bas no oth er' place on earth te, go, as ho ls wlthojut means, and therefore must take refuge with bis son, a ho lu' bn the state of Oregons. Ruissel ii-à ICa at Quayle la at the bottom of lita woea. He has îîever been arresi.ed or prosecutcd for bis aiieged offense. le denles keepîng a blind plg. Meantlîne the tise beer wagons are alleged tu dîliver beer by the rase and hotle. wlilî or wthout order, ln the sanie village liu whlcb the oId man vas deptlil id of hlIs place of dwelling. Tried lu Stop Fights. il iJ, learil i hat Frlîlav Qîax le alsn trif d 10 1put1a stoltuîî t he prlze tghî at Fort Sherîdan, appicaliiig to sherljff u ,ffîc to aid hi. lie v as reeu lli juuteccsfor warrants ln whlcb rase Iii uibu uwouîld base aldeul hirn \\ luI' a primlin. anpalgn nmeetinîg was hlîlîl lii iktiiigari ru'u'u'uly v 11h Qu InI. li uiîî'îilxie, a îoxlig exhi- I.1 ut Si aus guilul,_,on01 vi îbn threc blo,li of th, ar nîoî y,1te lplace of nicti n_ i anud lu tMade 0o1 effort 10 'topi Il W! WANT STORIIES Of! TIIE "fORTY=NINERS"l Talas Wilise Couopietlaiid Pauised Fro. Tune lu Turne VIlttu i t i ulilic- itheii,' orts' t 'ut * i li,u _'aniiiiut.] Lakculî u nuty ,lî,t\ 1,ui, ,i a i tu il thei'SUN bIde li, luI a' t uul titi til e atul ii Mii.ft utlriee, uuîcie lu GLi,oiol'utv c idi'uttysheriff, vent to Clifituîtuu c' uitboutî lie year 1849 andlbtullitntiî'sr.îtirîedl sitlî aulstan- til i t . sH e u'bS'reeldes uscar 'u i o i s uigittî three years oid, it ulth ue Irow v uhool uear Viadu, a ..rlb sus' e nat o agît uand Is tise îld- est us Ite ciild Ii Lake couuty. lic has .u nut'utuuu ythlaI alîuuds Itv ild veý cu xp lueri cesund lii tu-ls sto ries G3eor gecG. Fei'glunol. rela icul iiSaut e'ut IL B-radbutry , aclut 10I'alifuruua ln the day n of te nrustittndtut'ruuî i ure ai lalorsarîsL gt riu s taikti uv tart buailul t iRuAtît' 1 ati l ii adulothers. Nr.F tutt îluud y uars ago as did 'ilrlcuiii hce sireet, Highland Park u'ariy Sun day mrnln ghadPr -lySn desîmrtos tJonngth rry On Satiudof morning the rke w Ossnlard bsihe ingS srocenws a sFoxr edanbtelU.gSdesros ot s For hriuapiatin as a rveleof s, rung oitoysa.rvteI h li fledolasth xaisio ieroi mald onie eeliyin a isn ila iragcmd nhamener dguted ita the ùwirla l atge nid wibSgusrocith lier Attempts to Suicide. eroM, iltaîlfii r fci iT.flE. I IIll s. rcs- Iderîl of 1h.'IChica.go Tractionî Com- pany, whiiu iia'vlîung he resîdence at wblch Sîbrouket vas boardlug, was startled wbeîî he hearil lhree revolver siiots ired luiiqlclksuiccession. He stopped the car and rîîsbed tu the rear of the resîdree where he toîînd the despondeit mnu yliîg on bis hart lu a pool of blood. One of the three lîîllets had laken effect. Llmarey plcked op ilie irostrateul mnsand lhrew hMilDo the million- aires automobile and basiened to the offices ut Dr. Bergen. An examlnatloîî proved that une of the bllet had burrowed Ita way througb the skuil, the othars bad mieraiy lnflicted ekîn wounds. After the woundis bad been dressed Stbrockt was takesa by train te one of the larger hospitais wbere naxt day was isald that Sthrocket was resllng casl:, and I hat be wouid no doîîbt re- ros'e r. SMOKE PAIL DARK- IENS LAKE COIJNTY For Two Days Overhangs this District as Would a Heavy Fog. Laite comîîty vas deuse vilhsemote froni uortherîî forait lires Saturday af- terîîooîî andu eveuîlng, a llghl haze ill1 lîsg tho air at tîst and grsdualiy deeps cîîliig uîtll ohieccle vre dlsilngiîleh- alîle oîly a fcv rods awy4 Thîe Mauiitgan fog whistle souuid- cul al day andîl al night and Suîuîuay murnini u Navlgautiîuu gi-nic. lly vas lmîueded. I-Up n r Taere Ici Suti l iardtuettea(il uu raltaigtii,,rs bau a iaroa siuase anud iutrîdTrauverse (ils îlot 10go out -igalîîltutîl Itere vas a clear up. lue us unîuuîu Is sald 10 have beeu liu- uuircd i îd a car was hadiy damageul Saltluds eeounng lu a roillision on the Chicaugoiuand Milwvaukece Eleclric road at lIas hua Part. Enîiîiuyes at the lover luuuîîe at llghwooii ister de- nîrd lthai there had been au accident. il is vald that a car had been left utandilng on the uortb bouud tract and uhat atutubur crashvd iuîto It durlng the. heavy fog. The voman vbu waa liijturcul is a 'aident ut Evauston, and Il iv said that she was Ibroan agaluet lbhe atoveý Liter siteusas tatu'u to ber home, uit Highulantd Park resideubv assert lthai tuso oturs claîuscd before traffic mui lteheuie muid be reeumed. 'lue conibined sutoite and tog seri- esi'l interfered vitis train scbadoies ou the Milwauktee elecbnlc lineasnd tise Nuit bvesieriî elevated road. Trains voeeur'ported te, hietrous lltteen 10 bhit 1:' mnunites late. Tise îsowcrul s eau chiigîts usually seau at a distanlce uot hait a nîlle vere hlddcîu bv the sntoite hisuilet Satîîrday uightat a dis- s isr ailu llges.this rolît hesv-al visere ihree aluustispccctî utofthe'- uelu u en il -. - t- -lual-i i waes huý(I ght foithtis cil:, Saiurday postal rolbcery acre laken _____________get a wva ntt 1, I c ie-"t o oh o hnîulî .ulîLuguaîd of V utuu'uis t iltalutce of u ie lk. Wigt uoste out Vu' i ..ih, ic lanit shuu 1- l h o uuilcfciily "tuIcui. Il tiriu h Paîuu's tatOu Iionithtiseun i om- Frauk'«caver, Fred\Viaser aud Baba Born. iu Busises cisngad by Mait sus 101 landv ii lu.' aroIo lite s-ail" lutCICtRS it tut luis prse'Trulîîuîuî' usittisu tecluuand George Sîetzier. aleî as suilta Aîid lise siriels otfioiday lac- ing tise fIlhtoftil,,infnlît hitoîni )liv-chu a:,laid and ul i ue ilant. ie il, ~ C AS OLD reieîs. unote lbtok,. -atli octet boots fl stise Wauikegaut poil fierobiten:,. tory ahisîles ahddthitS natter of lîs55 tise sanda near I i ý lIIat Wvet saitu1 icibalu. >ý-ituaiî' lui a 1 l Tutur o lcri ieSadt vih semal uniitaere Tuesday uhornuslg dlscbargec- a IC trains a uev fllte v-as uuuiercd in oieigial]oie rfouil iet.' tluifOleil clT as o lie tLForat t There viiinotltlîg it t ifihiatiuig. fore Justice VWisdown trithlitbislucuonithIe laite warrant as tise ui" idu'ula ilul George aîid l'tu' Stralg also"v titi Sheridan- Sieldon Professes ignorance. No writ of habeas corpusi., as nec- front near EînmstletTisuundu move te prosecitc é,î ' if lue is the tiite goid Ie ofsui the' vu I 'nd ai- George Sheldout, oit uhosci lartis e el arTisachief ut police and bis The mother il Niant Kos'ltzlle, a man wautad, wvuuii I, o linîu itebnu ter îplacer mnhig fuit a titut'-utl teti alleedlbaits venu'caîtuordptio- aida. Assistant Chiaf Hickts, together domeetic employe d lis tise S.Mayer pyfrbs îlîuî tlt hild iluuî aims frlu III tui llîrce tatitdî te.] Tissu carsî-thle Chicago snd Mil- il goac tib twnlyo it îlsState'e Attoruney i-anna and ot' lamly on Market sîncît. and site le îîg bsardyforu, ther ulou.uluiIfiulre.'Ct aîitieEl' trîr raiiroadare sald teo na nd eays that îicv itave crmp.]ers lu tise case, eluupiy came 10 the being cioaely guardcdoh. uuspiion ot Tise voman ils -ut tli t 10havebeur Oison forts lîloîls ul-lui tofiti'at- huteso ulildeil at Font Sheriîdan near o ui b is p la c e f r o u r o u- lus e y a r s . c o n c lu s i o n t i a t l u t ie a b s e n c e o f i a v i g u r d e r c u l e r c ui d . a s th e s îe g d l o v e i i r i r uta lou10 17 t 'i t i tt o u lie S I N ti t , v u . I l r e i i l o v o ib o u îse a i e lg h t F r d a y n g i t n Thte guine ot tise six acenot fouuuîd, defilute evidence, or identification, or baby boy boru lu sohci straiigc sur- friande say they e uli h:, tu b.uug titis "M. Shephubî'i.l fallîsr uitFranki vuitiuuutet lois reiults beyoud theA itor uera ani' axll9sivc.v. a confession. it vasvIleseto carry roundinga iv deld about. Sbeîthu'uul u i.]liCalluirnla duriuulg ulatiîug tult) fntatuy iaeeengere.c Deny W noie Thing. lise cava father, Offcer Nichols' Strange Find. __________________ t le cllsin n l The trio Saturday laisglsed autishe Tise tiree prisouens msintalsied About twenty mnuteIcale lve Mr. Rhîs fuiluer ofl u-r'i Ray of .iltii t t'e oeSuîîday nigist. accusations agaiuat tem. ich Iuli-IluinInniocence lethe iast and Stetz today visile Officer Nîchols vas liasBanker Buys ludian Point '\ilîlugutut IÀ c-il , I of hl 'I Itu lutli *.ufg atlti sabte cloud ila clude participation lu a big Chicago ion In leaving tsted t10aa PUN report- Ing aloug tise laite shore near tisa Frank Fiaisahd i.]Ithit Lasber have lIte In talifluila.sald to have citsed tise reported scel- salle cracking, and dlaim teliebonie er tisai the party would leave t once Standard 011 (Company tanks ou bis soid Indien Point ilu Fox Laiete 10Mn. .dent. Dîtuulis are fiwl laborluîg men tatlng a holiday lit tise ton Fourtit Laite vbvre thai' bava a regolar ieat as speclal poicemasn ton A, Cook, a baîlhuuIli Chicago. Tis e 'in olrman vas isadiy crusised. laits. Tbey deny eJisy had compal crailtise Elgin, Joliet and Eastern raiiroad, land courilres abocuut twcnty acres ATTEMPTS SUICIDE BIE- 'fT'cuir rau upoo ah open evItrhIs n- ions. Tbay aleo assarted tisat thcy Iilslesaid tisat Stetzlar le out nov at Elm treet ie attenliit vas tsud projecte tar outi. ntisahelak.iti lUEoSOU A E icudof a collision. a'oudiuîbsoon ere and lae>hiuug at on bail ot $6.000 for a bisg sleged vire tracted isy tise sigist of a voman lylng bas been ovncd lin the Ivo Elgin Mens'CAUSE_____________ tise iolice.' tapplng dealinl confections viti s race on the laite front benealis a campî of for tise past six y'î'.us and vas ronsld- Long Recorda Against Tisem, tract. husise. ered a good lut'cstîît Thl ie pnopeity Highland Park Man Would Join Army. ueisrRbtonBc Howver Ditectîve Sergeaut Bld Tise tbree vere grid natured Ili le veut over bu the spot auîd foiundla so ituated tît ut is cousidene.] ti Failing Shoots Self, Will Recover. Mayor Alexander _Robsertson ansd l*er and it., aides lnstaoly Identi- site of their enforceul tay ut thrit c at tha vomnaus vaisiightîy delIrlous lbe tise Ouest li tîtat reglon. vîfe baveetarnued from ni uEuropu'au Oad ltisa prisole'rs as bg men bu tse days In tIsa cty jail. Thay have iecu and hsd jusb given birtb to s chisld. __________Dcs1ondeni'y breuigiloun tbrougb s trip ot scvi'ral nsotsdonation. Tisa eiminal vorid, expiert safa crackers, ted sud enterbalned veIl. 'lhe criîluilay van antd vhite, del , hifilrte10passa UnitediStates armi' trip vas tndertaiten for Mrs. Robant- possibli tisa bet gang on tise conti- Nonday p1owerfuil naucl Intel- han ide. Tise offitrer did not realize Scisool childreu vito bave aisyluesil- physical examinatlon cailu' Otto iîtîî s bealths sud ber mauy friands viii uent, Weaver ielng tuie "big chiet." esteIluChicago ntainad Attorney E. comîuetely visat isad happened u ahoubd consut BelwkWe si- ltbroctet ut Higghland Park tbnlce 1 bu' pleaseu to1 iear flthitvie be improv- otlamine eye iythe latedt methodg with - and their long records may be Ile V. Orvis te sea tise tbree men Qroogis ho toot sway e stîrt titat thse vorsu out expenoe 10 you and telli you vhat try bu end bis eartbly canree ity ne cd materlallW and bas galned in agalust tbem. (Contiaued on page 8) bad eltiser plaeed over the Ild'swe van do St Bsvigk's Studio. 50-2 voivOr abots at bis borne aI 360 Latta- velgbt, HOPE or CAPTURE* Of BRADLEYGN Clueom ~Colorado Falls Fiat. Re- .vard Stlil Stands The olfficiais of Keriosha county have gisen iiialil hoie of the capture of .John Bradley, wanted there for the murder of Clifford Smith of Liberty- ville. The elue f romn GlenvIew, Colo- rado, seems te have falien flat and il Bradley la in Gienview It seems that he has hein able to secure protection troin the iuople Who offered to tuTu hlm over l0 the sheriff of Kenosb& county. Bradley, It has beeu iearned, ws« working on a farma near Genvlew and It was the employer of the mmn wbe cormmuiicasted witb Sheriff Pfennig. it le possible that he was not the Bradley wanted in Kenusha, but Itt u certain 1ha1 the man ln Colorado dl4 some iouîd taiking ln regard to kliI- lng s man. Sheriffi Pfennig bas hemad northing from Ithe Colorado man ln the past two veeks. When ha received the last letter from the min he de- manded that sonie aecurity be Sivena tbat the reward of $200 would b. Polid for Bradley If turned over to the of- ficlals trom this county and lhe pher- Iff n.,llfied hlm ai once ta cause the arreet of Bradley and draw on bhl= for the amount claimed as a rewardê This plan seems nol te have been sat. lefactory te the Colorado man as the sberiff bas beard nothing fnrtber rifl There la soiie doubt a3 10 whê wouîid îay the reward for Bradley u reward bas been mrae by the connty board and tue raward was oribnIl offcred hy former Sheriff John H. Vealins There Is soma doubt as tôs whetber Sheriff Pfennig could b. held for the reward. Menibera ofthIe couuty board bave declared tbat they vould ha wIlling to pay the $200 sud a largar sum If »i>- essary te g1t Bradley, but they wa tu usake sure that they have the ribt mari. Suent! Pfenni@; hascommm- cated with detectives near Qlenvrw with a view of having lhem wor ont tIh,, cieuicv'ich ha bas raceised, IE Na wa vi be si b) 'LECTRIC WILL ENTER MILWAUKEE OCT.1 o Trous n Reports cf Esrly For$. il closura Earnings Increase- liy iti i exclusive Interview lbe U'tN lesrth lat tisa Chicago and Ml]. watuke Elecirlc Rallroad Company wibi hase ouîtered Milwaukee hy Out»- oer i.,when I it vii haready 10 open s Uînes.n The general date asalgnad bas bei Ictober Is1, but tisis Is cbanged and th opeung for tise fitteentslais aid W> e asaura proposition t Earninge Exceed Last Vear. The eame authorily Ibis Wftk -- tated tisatishe earnlugs o! the roa& ' fa ëeceed thosa o! iast year nmonth by montis aud show a flatterngin. , crease of business espectably as far an he soul¶isend of tisa road, frott Wan- kegan lu to Evaoiten, ba concerned. No Truts to Forecioare. There la no Irutis 10 reports of an early tuireciosure. Tise report cama out Saturday at s hIcs it vas decidad ho make for anu early lureciosureand sale This la denied, Tise road stock - aolders ofthtie Wlsconsin division only- bad a meeting and came 10 no decWil Ion. Thay are baaded by John V. lante of tise Hiberulan National Bank ut Chicago sud others. Flamnea Tisreatned Houae* Tise colony of Chicago and WS'.b.n, gan people at Silver Lake. Wla... tougist ail nigist tri Bave their sUI- mer homes trom, dest»uctiont by 6ea. A grsss blaze vas starteil bY a WW* cousin Central locomotive, sud bvrae over a barritory several Miles square. Tise sommer viabtors formed bucket brigades sud tisalianes wera atobppOd in some cases almoat a! the stepe Of their reaidences. Tise farmers lu lb. nabgisborbood wera inot 80 tortumate, as a great quantbty of bey and gri» Was destroyed. Amtoog tisose viso boit part In fdgbt tug tisa fire vere lise fambillesof J. IL, Krouaa, a retired brewer; F. C. BOO' son,.58,15 Nidwsy park; Que 114V. E-- dolpis A. Johnu. 654 I-'ullertou aveuU«.,, and EnstW'einisoeher. a rettred fl- bel, visoliteiceîaIFHighland PIak. ITise big ira bouses Of lb.eKaloIBP- 7bocten and Jefferson comp@WnluS , tise hanite of Sulver Laie We» e gar for mRny iboums id 1 ý ýundav an ait. i

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