wSwed in thenosua iovers. boweeor, are the l of such embroidery. Tliey are or etretes of awite tafets. goth 9vc a bit of cottan, sud wh.o ta the wock gtve the effeet of. hs.vy ernbroidery. A bandsome dres, French inlui[s hUe, seen receutiy vas of appie red elou. llgt in welght sud suppie it texture. The krt vas cut walkng kagtls snd wss tritomed vîtis broad bOindeof black broadclotb and lraiS. Th eloak vas empire lulits tendeucy. wftt short bock snd 1008e front TaffetaL, whicb bas piayed such a baffl ad important part both lu the msking and trimmlng et clothes, le " essaian being supplauted by satin Or th same purposes. Th muet popular ekirte for mornng ame thoe of a severety plain desgn, WUU wlth a simple blouse of laval or bgtiete. Tne ilusration shows a sit wM gilve gares, wth an under box t flaithe . cnter back. 1121310 CHOLLL'T. INTS HERE AND THERE. Q~ Dos»Ions iUmbellîs Mnies. Pouage.Was" te il the.Mode. Imtolia &M iparasol handles to nu** oe's pet dog vere thea craze tmlfobgmable Parlsian circles early [a ab nsummer, but on meny or th arut pasos jut nov bandies rep- »MsMtILa prt ittIe roster. 8u the bueru' xsl vmuetI b. hlgh [n favot. Mdl the pet dog wlUl be &Iven s rest. Pigfet wasiesarm mde ap wftt I l yogesuof white ttnen or vItis hand let hasMeroti or barudmade lace. This co- temeion ta very attractive when car- zw out l[n creain or ln the naturel col- fol lace sud [breni *Ohamois gloyes are tihe oidy ktnd per- .b@elbitiis summner wlthtalobred lin- msuite. It la besl to purchase yeiiow Chamois iu preference tu the white, *M tht>'stfl>'cleaner. to Pink stocklngs are vorn vîtis rose cuoreti couvas lies. whlch match thetrue foulards. pongees sud summer @Ulm Bik tockiugs are voven in two se three toues tu match the gtrdie. Dar» w and green silk stocktngs are la l pte of the tact tisat modistes are trying ta Introduce the ttght sk[rt, the p.laUtedmodelaare stil tovured for stct suite The desliu shw n l.h ilon yl ho pretty malle trami bloc serge. The bauds on the mmy e>'homtted If preferred. The sbt hould lbe msteriai covere à h motai er bons rim. IUDIC CHOLLET. -. Acerding to History. ? À vemin Who beiula roUI ce.Uied the Bitters ut St. ohn "Baptst not long ago allent a ruuntb, W akwuuds district. Shortly after "rnival th. vent t t h localpot "dl inquired If au>' letters baS *sc liter Bernardine. Thse rurai leehi bewildered. tbr eaaeked lucreduiousiy. Senladitirepeated lise M ofn.John the Bap- - beo .anilwerel TVieil Usrosection, ie h e l -as. bel dpretty ut-ar ,i but, mhw Sr New Stockl We pride ourselves on the increasing volume of new business due to, the splen- did advertising of pleased customers. Waukegan's Most Magni- ficent Collection of Eall Skirts Our best previous efforts surpassed in this collec- tion of skirts. Every ap- proved style and material, Empire Sheath Models, gored and plaited skirta, coat effects, button down front, habit bïacks. Every1 skirt 4 yards to 5 1-2 yardi wide.. They corne ini Voile Chiffon, Panamas, worst- eds, serges, broadcloths, mixtures, cheveron weav- es and stripe effects. A FEW SPECIALS FOR OUR OPENING $5.75 Chiffon Panama Skirt ..5.98 $10.00 French 79 Voile Skirt ....79 $7.50 Wirey ....4.9 Voile Skirt. $20.00 Voile krane models,137 at ........... 37 We make a specialty of large women's suite, coats, skirts, waists andf petticoats. A complete stock. Sises 40 to 52. New Ealland Win- ter Garments FOR CHILDREN No other store in this sec- tion of the state show such an exceptional large as- sortment of stylish gar- monts for the littie ones, and flot only are our as- sortanents large but our prices are fuJly 20 per cent lower than those as- ked elsewhere. Just a Few Speciasý $3.50 Curly Bear..19 Skin Coats . 98 $5.50 Chinchilla Coat, for girls up to 14 29 years ......29 $5.00 Fancey Mieure Coats, for girl up to 14 ......22 A ver large assortment from i.98 to $10.0 Perfect daylight prevails throughout our entire store SOUVENIRS .4 r. - I ( I 'w 4 10.5,107 Genesee Street1- Higley .5 l~ t t, v WAUKEGAN'S MOST IMO Thursday, Fri&ac REME1BER THE THREE DAYB1 October Isi A Most Beautiful Dispia, Wearing Apparel, Tailored Suil Gowns, Streeti:Dresses, Silk, Lace aný Furs, MusIin Underwear, Cf ~I1IyK~ EVER SHOWN INs WAUKEIGAN 4esdprtlm 5flWr y lhti me ont hwfg wC have ever made. Every new style là shown. The Isclitieu of our great buyiaz engeLisionsesa liberal asargin on the cost of the new 'amaterlas. W. 154e neyer started s.seeso. wlth a flner sssortmeft, nor have th5e values *ver bef 4 botter tha.uet the preseut tinte. EXCEPTIONAL VALUJES FOR TIIS SALE. The large variety of modela ve are showing lns tires the selectlon of a su it becoming 1 to ry type.' ~iWomen of tamite desing exclusive styles wiil Sund our lue of plaliuly taiiored suits for gE.eral strt'et use wortby of their attention. They corne ini tue nt'w sultings, isergeit auit cheviots, the' widt' wale %tripes and broadcloths. Many models extremely plain whilie thers are aftractlvt'iy trimnwrd ln satin, button tralding. Fanncy waistcoats, etc. Tite actitai valtues of these siits are front $2750 to , $5000. Our price, $1975 ta $42.50. The cuoring fr fail shows a preferece for taupe, Wistiiai, Mtberry, Brwn, Green, Blues, Grays V-hi and Black. Speclai for Our Opening 15.00 36 lncb Broad COoth Suit 10.98 Plain taiiorcd suits of fine &Il wool Broad Cloth with watin trimmlng 11usd through ont with grated satin. likirts are the ft rlourd itrIb.twn front and fin shed wit wdefod pelaý ......ni8a Suit 16.50 These suits will be the talk 01t tiis saie flot alons becau.e of their higlier vrado materials used but because o!f$iîe carettîl tailor!ng and the connection of their St le Coats are luned with high grade gatir- anteed Satins aud sl< ris are either su 1h full Pleat ed or their fu lored eff ta TI ey nomne lin alcolo-s and ail sizes Special for our opening........16 5 ALTERATIONS FREE OF CHARGEI We Invite YO Again we ask the kind indulgence of the towns to attend this Grand Opening, th New York and Paris models, and the é. ation that we have carried out. The seen at this opening have inspired' suits, it will be a showing of e take this as the best means A Word bou Your wants waiI be attended to courteously by know that "HEIr4-ORNSTEIN CO.'S" moU1j what the cost. If you watch our advertlseTn our ads..-.We give what we advertise. WedÔi follow our sales wiII take notice of the fact th spect as to what we say in explanation of garn W. have the Largest and Most 1 Fur Departi in Le lle County We lia establiRhed a special room to show eli oif Furs in. if thiere iii anything in Furs tbg ested in, we have iA. Newest maodels for tii nor on display. A Great Saving for Early I 25% 25 per cent discounewill be alloi. DisOOUtT Cola Stýrage until caîled fori iiiinks, foxesl, Jap sables, oppossum, marN miiîks, natural and blendt7d equirrels, etc. - REMEMBEI4, NOW IS THE TII aiove Departinelit j loseoy Depertmmat Agi tht Late5t Corsotà/ - oieeDrse mankomeb1o S ' Clid b O 11 alAIrta 5. la ka la music Afternoons and Evenlngs Thursday and Saturday rfýlll