~TY' I' NYEPENDE. NT. and -MUKEG* WEEKLY SU N LIBBUTYVI*.XiI LAXE ,ÇoUNTY, ILLJNOIB, FRIDÂY, O(MOBER 23, 198-2 'Bgfl II.ÔU I'ikt~ ~J1~AI1 liN AIJVA. E, pip. er,' suprffle scribe et Eal uLoaffe. vwui >edqurtr ChcgVaslniD ae triday *y- and Sonsulsed thtie mebui e i local cound eii of the headjeos body ni .in se Rue tarin la Plus- and wvib voswuml.J f the Lague.. It wus4~t -Would seeud & repetie suprome b 0dy to 4se rU vtb sombers of 04Bau -àjso Woodusen andi 1reeoI 'miers, imalte-a týp%>gI tor thé nilssglàhi4 eS ".nd other Parts ot the badyte In- lions Chus fer bave broight ta iîgi5pecclar crcum'tances. Robet Orme. F. W. Maxtcd sud Mr. Hetier, Il of Racine. vere at the Ri- loy fOire itrldsy. Where the body 'was lound tbey picked uit a collar batton, buttons off tue v500anai aso a backie front a st; a bat baud, but no boues. Tic>' searcobti for bai or tiree quartera of s ealle la ail direc- tions la hopes that If doga or pigs bal earricti away th i eng heati snd limbe. they rmigit be fouati. Farmers andi others living around that iocallty, coulti not remeipier ever havIar seen any stranger vthilu sixmontha anti tic>' believe tiat the ean,vister Clope or no. vas usrdered, uatlnli tht vlclty, but Jar away anA ihat the. body>' as brou it there In a box. ater the bead. les andi ares vers resoseti. A C. 3udd, one o the committee vie usmade an tavestIgatlonsa es: *it louis lx)meilike a case o! murtier. whcn tic trun o! thc body vas dis covereti, It vas separtethfle two parts beian&six test 5part; tie beati bud te il appearauce been ct off vitis a kWeie so su h ie legs anti arma. one ieg below tic knee andi tie oties' abose; thse arma boti beiov the aibgrs. IL loolset as if tihe bodly iad bose, iluas sail box. afler tic legs, arinsansd boati Wre rernovoti. Close beside Lie place viere thc body vas founi ticre vas evîIdence of a tire bavlng been mut; a revolver, -eUh one cbaiuior enipty vas faetnd. bt il dîId nt bave Uic appearance of iavlng been long explodeti. Standing 5lp agaist as eg vas a pair o! sioes. In one of tiese ahoes vas a reti pock- etbook, wIi tie mark of a St. Louis &mreasd in Uic book vas 11.25 lu sul- ver. This pocketboci dld ont look as ifexposeet to lie elemenîs a groat vile. Wé ascertaîneti that Mr. Clope wore a irnas, vli a net band attacheti. To tuis truzs be always lied a bsg con- tlaming viat mono>' in migit have. Tiere vas no trace of tiIs trase founti or of tic mouey bag. Tic commttee also learned thtat about two months ago, durlng the niglit, a wagon vas seen tu enter thé vootis on tic Riley tarin snd It ta beleveti tCeiody vas duupedt tere ou tiat nîgit. lirtier tic Ides presails tiat Clope eay have got lu vti a gang sud 1014 thein that lie hati maonoy sud where lie carrled il and tiat he vas kilieti. Tic revolver sud tbe pockotbaok may bave been ieft to indîcate suicide, On SundaY a large number ut members ofthte tirée lotiges te vblch Clape helonge.] veut dovu to lic Riley fare asol madeteUc closegt kinti o! an inspec- tion. Tier. are saine Who stîl l dt tiat àIlaIsascase or suicide sud that thc miesang parts ofthli body yere carricd avay hy animais, but thos Whio have scen thte body adiere fo tie monder belle!," Saturtia> P. W. Maxteti, an olen Ot tic Royal -Leagne, receiveli a letten, the tepont o vitici te can nul malle out, Itlaisdateti Racine, Oct. 13, anti eads: "Dbean Slr.-To gIve you thie ativice of F.'Clope. if iils hie, lnvestigate." Mn, Maxtoti Ceset a a s 10 uav visi hie letIer maiLns sud wvitebuIL came froin some une 'shu buova sumtiing or 'sas vritttcn for tic pur- pose of aranina excitemect, .Heur>' Rue>, a fantoci' eiting near 'sora te boti>' vas ounti, tateti Bat- urtia>'that egrY anc ýmrnlnnabetween Reptemben Il anti 12 ie I up earîy to attend lie state tain anti ville valk- Ing along the tracks of thse Olbcago & Milwa 1ukee electriC roati vaittua for a ,c'Ile m te trAfimt, ot a buggy eoui-eausiiliven dv - T i wa» found, nmatalus that It was not there duulng the tiret part of Septem- ber. ms t that time lie et, bay wtbin a tew feft of the spot and wouid cer- taily bave dlscovered It by saine odor bad IL lalu the"e aithe tiUre. and the belleI cousequently grows that lie was kllled elsewbere and the body later coeved tc, lie place where It wag "~qd. woRRlY !ARMRS Stict Requ irenselala EA>dW ln thse New Or*"auc itemydyl ThetarÏ«jý W eieéfiaiiy the #~k as p Pèef*$ O1 who de- ,poon bicl; aù a tst for their tomk prçanct, are Mlle aroused over the meer and rtgkl requretu o f fixe beaitîl departinent of Chcago and tic quffltion as ta whether it will hc 0rys orTait atter Noveneber cIcr- lon Le o! mach bmall4r coneequenc'u to thora titan the one f om oPlYlng ta tie aow regalations anti soeurint ait sticuîate price ffor thoir dal,'y îrod- udt. whtci le the lite blood o!fte farming intercala of tbis count>'. Tics' know fouveil tiat Chicago viii vaut ant il uiisec eulk vilch oser va> thc ciection goca. Ibut they do naL know If they wi!!be îiomeittOt ta slip mille to Chilcago afttr next Janitar>' 1sf uu12ces f bey inake unteroas changes ln lhe cotuduet of tbu'!r dam>hîr iee.Titi v arc 1501 atisrse o t te uleaniug up proposition ar-t ta tic complance of umsuy arbîtrar>'regtilations but îlot are opîtaseti t0 foiug ail vithout a fair i rA 'asunable compnsation for te- adtloual tlme coasumced anti ex- pense entfaleti. Tice ilk sippers are ,ealiziiig that If is bigi tinte for tbem Lu organttte anti work iii unlaaün for tic protection of thilr rigits asuI nter- "its. Tic>' sece Lo ho o! one mînti and bIer Influence wiii rie fully felt, evec n he Ucgrealest ciLy la tU iddiitle 5051t. The Chicago beati deparîmient lias bati agents vsiting Uic daIrnes, not 50 mach as ta offer suggestions te rie milk shippers but ta colect data ý,id make reporta upun conditions founti. IL lq salti saie o! tiese agents, trom their acte anti sylugs. knpw littIe of tic dally trials andi varleti conditions o! tic average milk %ipper, but scern ta Impart thoîr knowiedge front books arbilrsrlly. The tepartinont makes a grays mîstabe ansi dues Lie farmiot caniennily an nupardonabie injustice 'sien il sentis Lu Inapect dainles any- oune'sho is flot a resnable anti sen- sible juan anti vio kuowa the buli ness fuliy, nol fronhouks sud pnînteti freports, but true ados! experlenco long lu tle business. CLOSE BLIND PIGS NEAR !OIRTII LAKE Avon Pettctlve AssociatIon isLaLy- lng Hot un Their Traula le Lie Re- port Recoeved Here. Tucsa t' las relortodt tat a nuiut ber ut alegeti blutti pig upenstons wlio are supposoi ta base been oper- atlng lu the vîcinily Fourtit Lake, have loseti their doors for te scasouthua aibuwing fie Avon l'raîcctive Associa- lion , la gain at easî tic frst point 'shîci vil cvenfuusly meàiithâtIem down- fail. An officiai o!fte association via vsitcd luin Waukegan statoti thal tie association vas net unfrlendl>' ta their neighbbun hut tiat tic>' intentiet bein s0 te thos3e iloa metreim Chil- cage anti otiser points ho operate ilinti pig. - ,à îâ ýsuDDiENLY Sister-in-Law tn et of Lhe Diamond Word vas ecelvet in lut lîlgtîstt Park Sanda>' csening îelluîg ofthtitj suttiden death ut anc of thieir beloved ( reeientff. Mra. Cara Warti Sois!!, t1 her a5upeer borne. 'Tite otidera," at Tvin Lakes, Wls.. frontiteant disease.i Mrs, Besîil lsa aSister-in-iav otelie Moore trothers, of te Dianiotît Matcht Company, 'sho are aiso boas>' stock- holticra b tic Rock Islanti railroati. The remala s ere shipqeti froni Tvln 1Lakes ho Higbland Park Manda>' vaarutrg n theticGreen Bay' flyar. Mm Mn lmil icaves s husianti, Et- *ar A.,ÀfUm5,l 9f Htglgiaod Pari, aud VOLIVAP _M OT IL KSPOONING Young; Main DICO5OrOd COmmiitilng Helnous CtIme lu Given a "ýCali DouWn" by the Leader. jammsWliama of Zian Cty, aged seyeuteen, who waa recently puilicly1 chargeti b> Overseer Wiiburn Glenn1 Volisa with 'spooniug" la the 'Zion City Park, Stînday, according ta re- ports, accaoti Vlisa as lie emergea 1 from the tabernacle at whlcli time hoz forcily Informet the "Overseer" thatj unless ho contradicteti ailegeti lan- tierous statemnts madie publically froinitie plattortu or te tabernacle.1 ho w..ld 'tako a pýk.* at hlm. Zion CityS la Atousea. 1 A( la't Zion Cty bas beon arotîset.i. Tie young peopie of 'the cty are camping bot on Voliva's trailI. 1 was reported andi vien Voles heard ot the boys Intentions ho stated that ho woulti aiways ho ready for hlm. it aplîcars that the boys of the cil> have takon tiis statemont upon the pîart of their leader toa usu tat hoe wouiti slways carry a gun for protecc ion. so il vas reported ilesweek, ilat any ot thie youiigsters utofthe White Doye City have purcitased i su- Ilar weaju its th which ta Irotucr ls Mere Factional Fight. Tuie ctire affair lsas factional ilght tialinîs a nou-iterested hart> wio ru- t IZian ('ity. The- VWilliams boy, Uic non-interesl-j ized for spooniung with a Zion Cty girl lu the park at night by Voliva fruoathe platfaria nutacturers are w far behind lu their orders and Itia 5go necsarythat the buttons exaotly Maîch tri ciotit used ln the.garment that th-- retailers are using their owf l ods for malclng buttens and jobbers art. rushéd witli orilers for these button mîolds. Garmenta for tke comhugseoaaon are trimmeti muci mo;e elahorateiy than heretotore,ail kins out truing ho-1 lu'g useti, vith ruc4lugs in partîcular1 demauti. Bo Insistent lias been the demand for Lie above m,'-itioned ar- ticles thzt an eclargeiiue ut outhlese alresuly great dcpsrtm it bas been1 necessary.. --Laec of q des tie.uîtlonsansd wld.liaare iastng excel:(-Ilî sales, ho- ing usdetetcuiveli Ilthe new style eeeves. Our Znon lar,. mills, work- ing oighteen hCurs est L day, are un- able ta suppîr tie derin for tiose popular goos" DESERTU 'Rom IFORT MEADIE Clarence M, Flkc, out ,i niîsny C, Fburti cavaîr>', viase ututs resIde nc.ar Libertyvîlle, Ill., is îi porîti ta liase teserteti frein Fi, 'IeNade, S. D, on Lic Lrt dal' o!fttionti. Fike culisted t h leana,on Uic lUfth day o! June, l5ut tor tiree He vas transferred tn, ttlite posL ai Fort Sheridian ta that s, Fort Mfeade, S. D., soan alter bis onlit i anti hç bas nul vîsitet inluthis ima otif t'ý country sînce, Local frientsvis lutii1'iof lils rasht action ibis momrn-, il r-,Itre- tusedt la eliese tic' nepi flike vas iseenty-tva years of ago î imas torn L anayut uwas i'u epo u ,-',u.eundt raisodIti uhiis countiý * ,uansu..'hat xsilar stal 1 - - .t bu vilci he cargeti he WIÎias bu>"y wihi spoonfing' ln tic park. . t WhVhoVlIsa lef lic tabecrnacle as- ter lie attennoon service bu' vas stoppetib>' Mr. WWII.amu.viaInforiii- cd bile ot bis intentions af licking it namy be tiat a bodlyguart i viibu' tormed tu pratect Votiva agalust sortie o!fliese vitalit appeara do ual vîsihlMotvoilt. 1 Tie yonug people'a club of Zion Cit> la leating tic ilgitaiat Vol- iva il was reportet iIbis mrnina. COLORED .BARBeR KILLED BY TRAIN Was Taken to thse Ellus Home Where He Dieti at Ton O'Clock Last Ev' Coi Cg. Benjamin Bronm, caboreti, a barber b>' tratie, vas tounti on Uic tracks neer tic Chicago sud Nortivesteru rairuati depotlaI Lae Bluff Sunda>' evening aI 8:30-. b>'Lako Bluff reat- dIen ts. wh.eît faunti Brovn sas beedlug badly front a gai lu ishieast. He was tabou ta tic RlilaHome, viere lic dîcti aItcu o'clack. He vas mer- rieti anti bais a tamily 11liIng la Cil- cago. One ieg itat been sepArated. froin te body>. j'bis vas foussi qscr tic fonce about sevonty-live fieO't roua were the body>'la>'. HIs relatives acre notifiedti ts mornnin. Il vas repartedtal lie bai been struck by theteocati boundt North- yostcrn train aI clgbt thirty last os- coing. DEMAND SATIN rINISIIED ARTICLES Lace Works t' Zion City Are Being Worked Day and Night. Conditions Ara Improving. Marshall Fielti & CoIn hel veek- ly rovio's f t he dtry Boletrade, stale: 'Thte inut eriklng feature of te past ew data bas hecu te exîraortl- uary tiensant for salin flulaluet iells. Whie isalycar taffetas vere lnithie greatest tiesetti, thîs toar for tic comntg season- tic sattfiniailseti ar- ticle is lu higbe'st favor. A univrsal tiemanti ls nutîcet tor cold-veatiner iierchantiisc--fiannels, blanbets.ui- dorwoar, etc., flecret uniervear beluîg osîedliy sougit. The ticinut for tadie' fors la excelent, the inost no- ticeable teatuneofa te tratia being te calis for hetter qualities 'shîci keep up remariahl>' 'sdi. Newiapes anti styles are being siovu lu great profusion anti are fintilua a neati> market, TicetiirecLqIre stylea ars resap0n' an olti frieuti. "lie vi r n ttfaIisc 'tedton outhLe country, asu I lavce heard ropesteil> tat lia, vas ,.,t pcasoti witi te tcsiluations ahFout, esde orr vl lie are>' lite." TOOK A flEW RAPS AT JOË CANNONl Speaker at Illinois Convenstion Wanta Obluvion for iUncle Ros' H.builr. reslieut outhLeg Illinoiîîs State flaltist Association, lu prcaetiltng the itu-w presileut, Res. A. H. Hlarnie3. utit a gevel Tuesiay , siait: 'Tic gaivt-. is ugerans vea- pou, esî)ediall' s huit iiedtoiohu- sînauct pragnoca,, as a detaln gavel bas been vieldeti, titi vilcila ikoi>' ta go batily wlti ni certa i nimnuln Ilinois.", uerit. a $tory' about a kicbîng gun. luiiiid e bc uloet 'Joc' Cannon voulti1,--t ut bcd Into oblivion. Titis waapjý ! t], Tic asuodIaf ian, wici openedti tut t cotun, I., lu sixty- forti annual stt represoutîs 141,- 000 Baptissiilu innt, 1200 churcies anti 1,100 pttt The nominating cumelîlce prt.i I îLJ es. A. Il. 1Haro bey o! Austini t,;- rut et clanti Ros. C. Hi Coffmu ins id for secrelar>' WANT TO BOOST REGISTRATION Counhy Commttees Of AIl Partie& Sand Out Ntces Lo Workera Tirosîlb the City'. The leaders onfitite count>' corno initees are ceîudî t - ot notice lu vorkens lunte cnt[ -tutIcount>' nrging thal evcry posuili t ffort _be_ matie h o While tierc vas il trry large registra- tion athe ic ut el- t tils lIOt sprng t la clainedtihiat fi, te are silîl eau>' voteralu thie cti,., viahave neyer bati ttetr nantes n aced ou tic lista anti an effort viii t, matie to gel thoin out f or lie flutai registration day on Oct. 27. it,,Istration wIii be uccessar>' hils e tir tut arder '10 allov a voter ta cast a 1,llot. Man>' of tic ]W.hfta - . bI ,.iut il be CANDIDATES FOR CIRCUIT JUDG& Interest la alrosdy being talten ln ,Lhe'quegtion of circuit judges froti tils Judici circuit, sys thceiHarvard Flerald, Uie termis of Judgea C. H. Donnelly, A. H. Frost and R. W. Wrtght expirlng next Juste andi as ssci la a candidate for re-election if su naturai that the matter cnuld 00w attract some at.tention. Prîmarles ta nomînate circuit jtidges wîi li e iold next Aprl at the regular Aprii oiec- tion and they wili bu riucted ln June f.oiiowlng. The \Voodstock Sentinel of last week ha.! the fallowiog ta aay on the suhject to der conelderation: In Wlnuebsto. Boone andi McHerr counnues petîtlons are becbg clrcuiated by thie attorneys at the bar wberein the present )udges, Doîînelly, Wright and Frost, arce tronîtly endorseti and their re-election la ttr1ed. lit Winne- hago coanty we learai every attorney, llfty-two ln itumber, ha, signeti 0ne of these petitlons- ioote ounty le near- ly unanimotîs. on or two attorneysI holding ouf, s ho wil! support Couf!>y Judgo DeWioit, shouid he deeide ta ho a candidate. In McHenry coujity tbe peltioti as heen generally sigiieti. utîough a few o! ticemmohrs of the liar, led by C. P. Barnes, ar, wlthholdlng thelr sig- natures. Last week a report corne fron W au- keganti tit Lake rouuty will have a candidate for titis olaru it the perýoîi of Attorney Charles Vihitiley, (tauoft the Lake coîn*ty bar. Mr. Wbitney wae a candidate for thie office tive yeare aga, but was deftîated hy Jutige Wright uf Belvidore, nçw a candidate for re-election. The Lake o (oity bosters of Mr. Vibltney's canîiidacy ntilk. saine try dosver argumîentîs ahy they elîoald have a resldeut otite, astull îow.: "F'ret-'t liat Lakeo runty bas the necossaryvotes to do Ji Secon Thatthe îoutty's lîgal busince as comîîared witti the ailier connUies aarrauts il t avittg a Judteý. *Tird-Becaiise Charles Witney lse m1ientl> quialiîiegl for Uhe place sud would make anit deal man for the position-" Now, of courîse, the Sentine] must concetie that those argumente are aIl good unes, but we can sec no resson why each andi every onie of theni eau notle ho ppiied ta cxci,> coutyluthe circuit or Lu the partictîlar jutige wbo happons ta hall froni that county. Lt la an unfortunate, situationt, foVir connues anti oiy tlîree butiges. Per- haps hefore we gel ta quarreling among ourseives about i we ougit ta go ta thie legîsiature uînd ssk for one more judge. No doubi every cuunty ln the circuit would -uptport that plan antd we could atl be' happty thon. Bot joking aside, 1suit il truc that fie gentlemen w ho ai lîroseut honor the benci of titis circuîit are emnentiy fltteti anti perforiîîîug tie duties ta the entire satisfaciou if theic tîople? 0f course Ji)Nelleitiiv couity there la a certain tleiiicit ýwlll be amail lu nuinhers. lut iiiobabi y Joudtla vuice>, wi'th suit oppose Judge Don- neiy, in BIoorie coity Judge Wright may nieet saine opîposition sud even Jutige Frost niay iiot gel every vote lu) %Viînebaka rounaI> but It la bard ta sec wbv ancofthtei present jutiges i bould bre doteated. eren ta maie rucon foir sa eniliient a gentleman as Attete>, liitney of Waukegan. CONDUCTOR DIED fROM INJURIES Etiwarti Sheahen of Highlandl Park, a Condutor oit the Clhicago and àlu- waukce electric railroati, dîct wile heiîîg tabou 1talite Evanston Hospital Tuestiay after lîaving iad bath of hie laser linîba severed froni his bodiy as the resuIt ut raiirau'accident wici occîîrred eouth of Winiietka ai seven tweîiiy-two ti iforning. Sheaiten lu comîîsîy witit otiet 1members of the work crew, were s'Wltching cars near W'iîîietka auitoas s1detrack. At that tinie he was stand large tinmp cars ued by ti cocnstruc- tiont gang on lis' aorb train. Falls Untier Wheels. lu somé tlutdcottnaile nanner Siteaicît la supposeti to base losthils balanice anti falicîn diroctl>' tnter tic vieis of te atsauîcing a-ork trahit. Ttc braberoaui who vas assisting Mc, Sieniten vas tic fIrst bo observe Uthester. He gave andeî's for tic englucer l topoli tetrain. Titis sas donc sînd healen sas lat-r plîldist up front tieneatit anc of te vutrbcars. His iower lImita ati bu-gît scvured frac bisbody>. iHe vas llacoti oui tie worb trai a sate plap lu fiii îtt roan to lte poil-VTe race for lite s'as on. Tic mîttor- lng lace 0Octttltt t 72, anti make mr ftewr rh undo h suDe liat yon ar i tt;icny registereti. fulil powe tr bual 1 no asuil. Siteaiten 'Tie registration !n \Vaubagan for Ibhetieti rfiete Ioreaclueulthiundesîl- coming presîdei nil Iecticn ylbe unation. s Itird larger tîn, t uthle former prols Wieuintervlcswed Tuestiay nîorulng idential 0lectiotu. Neanî>' al of tbls b>' a SUN reporter Clutîni Agent Vi. ativauce ln regi-inini sui elu tiec itl vlan gave tic bitto rulutediaccunt dIstrcts.of Mn. Siehoiies tiati Other Reporte are Circuiatlng. Monda>' aftrneu t oneut 0 Iîrty Hen- Tien e lasotier rueur anti report r>' A. BihUmas ut Utova Punit, Lake as ta lhc mauner lu vitl Mr. Sihein count>, Xnti, sectieti a liceusa tram met bis deati. athongi tiers la nu tic couny çler'k's office ho-Mtarry Ada touit but tiat Mr. Viviau'a acconut o! N. Grsbawu- Mr. Billngs ga6ve île age lie sai accident la correct. i5bride .- e 4 .gnig lng the aecident. This repiort wasacir- M RET1E~ culated throughout Highland ParkRO A ' Tuesday niornlng. R B M 4 Was Oneof EFîrat Employes.- Conductor Sheahen le well known The Professionala Have 9«n * i wberever a brandi uine of the eloctrie Succesafui in Thtir Opereto operates. He waq one of the first cmu N iintoTerI*- ployes on the ie. ~tity Found. Mr. Sheahien leaves a wife and two children to mourti bts demnise. lie tre Operations by a biand of'pro<W eided et Highland Park. al horse thlevea have teriorluel reaidents of Dundee, Agonqul Bsrrington, and fariera l3 thal WIrr WELL Off cinity have armei theinseivus la FINANCIALLY tl- thmselves against fnthev' of property. Court Rullng sn That Mrs. Ruth Dow L&st week Tues4ay evenIx4,âi4 Wright la n Botter Financial Condi- entered the horse haras .-a the 1 tion Than Hu4band. Brewing Company lù gast DnnId stole the fine drivti s orse, 'I The flrsI round in te Wrighit di- and harnesa belongllig to MBb vorce case. fougitt before itidge L. w. Charles A. Sebrooder, andmade* Halsey Tuosdsy, was a victory for the hubanut, Walter H. Wright l'r., WVau- watosit. Mrsý. Rutht Wright, datuhter of Nirs. W. Il. Dàw, Waiîegaiî, Ill., who la te weslthy widow of a cash sud door manuacturer, haît iraleti ber husband ino court ta show why ho shoulti out puy lier suit moite>' snd temoînrary aliuîoîiy for itetself andi thoir two ch!!- dren. tan. The court detîleti itur eo erytbing. Sbq la lin much biter finauciai couditiaut than ber hushand,' sald the court, 'anti besides, ho bas sbawn that siten he was wiling ta provide for ber -ho acoriied lits offers." Tue marial froubles of tbe Wrigiats Scbroeder had been aut deri'li tic clvening. aud p.t , ilsrit 9: 10 oo'ü]s 1lie ocked 'the bard ctirtil. NexI ioring tih e (*- lîroken troor the door snd tic bo% buggy and i iaruoss e ne. lmmemo y Mr. Sclirootior noîlibeti p0lOm thoritiet of ail surroundhlg tel andi iniseif dlrocted thc work - scarci. Passes la autamobil"mi ecoured lie counîtry about, larm with or ders to grress or eboo4,'e psrty was ioaded for Clkaegoi' another was on the rosit tovardv Conslu. Ou account*of théee« l start of te tlles, l w»a e niattor ta catch up wlth hem. ii-7 -eau ulcvtttt htuaantti, baitie3 lu Wisconsin bave bo anl accoualtant ln Muilwaukee, sueti bis tîitiantilte state linsei la61 ut ailltStiou of affectioas.-MiIwau- bec' Journual. PUBLICLY ACCUSED AS A 'TIRE BUGi" MaIs. Milton Wilson ut Higisooti pnitlicly brandeti ber bustanti as a 'fine bug" lu tic presence o! a dozen or su Higivoudti tzens on Saturtiay morning lait as sic stootiinuthec street walcbing tic Hîglivooti lire ticpart- ment figit a canflagration lu ber uva resieuce, Il la saiti, ciarged bler busitanti, Milton WIison,i a returneti soidier, vîith'living" tic dvelllng wvilie s lept on thie edj li licamalroonn vere theclire vas supposet intohase origlualeti, Itlaisre-i porltd. Accortitng ta, Mra. Wilson sic re- centl>' purciaseti a suppi>' af furul- turc. Her hubaut acteti as thougi tilletasot b>' ber actions anti lu s "rcscngofui moud," sieclcaima, he 551- urateti a box vlth kcrosene ou Satur- day after vilci i. ignitet it under tp bcd lunvitlch sice leptI ilaissaiti. b v as awake, bowver, aItich time," Mrs. Wison la repurtedt t hase statcd, "anti I lied froin Lie bouse anti natified tic lire deparluient.' A Wsukegao resident vas preseut at te dIme anti heard Mrs. Wilson's tatemout. Fîre Marahal Moore ot Higivooti, viten Intervîeveti t> a SUN reporter laIe Isat evening, ststedti tat ho titi not rel>' on Mrs. Wisona alatenients, id that ho f houglit tiat aie muset have been tiinklng heavîl>'et te tîme, Wlleou lias for years e 00n onslId ereti a muaI respectable Higivooti cit- Izen aud liose via hearti te atiresa o! the ite eere groatl> sturpniacti. Tic lire ah hie Wilson home or' curret i a elevent oclock Salurday morulua. Tic fine departmcut vas suaimonetianuithl ire vas quencitet 'siti plenty o! walor. Wilson le voîl knoan ln ibis rit> wiere ho bas visitoti on trequtentîor- casions. PRINCETON MAN -ADJUDGED INSANE Omir Gierutia o! Princetan. Ill., vas atijudgd 1insane by s jtury ta tic coun- t>' caurt Tucada>' attennoont Glerrnîlua father vas placeti an ttc vitacs stand anti daclared tit he thougil tial hilsboy w's aout ef Ils mimd. Glermmn vas a heavy tirinker sudl iîad frequenIl>' made timeats ot homi- cide. As vii banecuihbereti te vas ar resteti b>'Chie! Tyrneli anti Assistant CiltefHicks h ou local Pb»yidan's Out lice as ha vas sseing neadtie1mur- der lte forea iunter 'itum e ha va luoployedasiaite mer'iai StBeeland] Wire Coinpsay plant. 1e Elgin. SiertIr CM" ISviill ae Mun te Elan tomorme x*t~U4sag& niL.. L5...1. *1.,..a8~5ta tic roithers shouldti le> t" cross thUne. Tic robliory l9 tic liftis fil ut htorse tiiesing lnthle' pw weeks. Two .. eeks asiq $vetA liorses vere stulen froinc fpe sldiug near Crystal Lake 4gk4à ton. A week ago Snaj : William Brandit, tic ea*t »si* in lunDutice, hoa i orWe, anti harnezS tolon a"dila -* robes isicu. ljaturday nitt. Schuett, a fariner Ilving neat- quin anti norti f ut disoe W atolen, anti Tuesia> ni dve 1 makes tUifatht thumia#ter, Lie hiorse ownerg et Lie coUUi Tic profesonals have "o auccesaful ln Lielr sqprolUd dlue tuo hein Idantfttu Ifasi suspicion points tu a MW '4~ heen accu about I)uodee qd6 quin. He affavens Lhe om a man accu lu Algouquilut who diappearei lateffurtui, Ing. Ho vas seen agaiesn I Montiay eomnntg snd Tnqt counlît lbe foundth lat eV , next eorntng He liat~4 Swedish or Norvýegian birê. i very ligit ycllow bi.. of Ltcemau base beau »riÉtA nuiated througbout théilem hopea a! appreien&nlg hi*.' SIIOT IN BAC K NMrs. Thomsas Cw~e ~_ was sitln Lb.beqi1 Mn a as sic onteraier O e 4 Planb ruai tramti lay utorning of at vo*s,ý Excitement reignOl sicluit- soo afte L titat au stteinpthe some cavardti o, mn, butlutser Ibis ' - 4 atives o! Lie viothui. -. Mrs. Curie>' bail apsu4 part o! the uqofolng vaf*ýOig. igarden Lthe re oc et aie galnthe 'itop ateP04 sic vas obeerveti te tgeOo m ihougi lu s falot. ' 1. ý Nelgbbor$ ant i fi=va $ lier aid. $ho vS arêU ions. and a gs.piflg w*Md 1 toldth ice tery, Tihesunconaclous vOlua tua sdoctor's oce, b. to locale -tisv'bùÜIet U 14ougih iglAiwod and doclons proi fothe times, Ui>'fale 4 tiols it ber ioôflt The question *ff epolice are tn t 'sietier an e eolt igiettlw'sIMOM , aSuspicions, Imesictlate frianlie t «the N of tic ujaIWtliai a sair 'bdI a isnrs rlit. luacti4"ise As Mrs. (loy reoisic la twa oif tbtocouuty occuaslilY 11 r huRters tiis concluglin "0 inuit plauile. - - it A varInt Itlarp*e,1 f-oud for tiecako.. r.Police hase taken ,th'e ts hange andi prom-i180 .5rt leged murderer.se-' age. Her huabitil it Tiers are Ochilios i vii kugtu-as $1.50 PER Y-EAR ]EN ADVA à-wo 1 Aý 1 1 it -.. V.1t,ýl' 11