Y lp$UPRNUiîw, IrRWDAY. OCTOBXR 2,10 ai jft publie auctinon Prlday, Oct. 28, tho old, hultl1 yr nid. Harpes horme .yrs tîvator. One new Prairie C'iy aceder. 1 fN folnwing persouÉI property: Live nid, wt 1350, brood masse, yearlings oit,,Crie Twentlcîh ferîtiiry inanure - bit ir ahnery, toole, bey, grain, gray work bors@, cult 4 mo oid, br.îod lir-n uk lw w ak I sin O AE S=ýk.bod furiture ilit-Iuding piano, mare»8 i-s obi, 2 yr aid Coach colt, u Io icie u-slypo.Tnwl Five Cents Par Lino Each Insertion Unis,Bills Are Prin.d by Us usueî termeof sleS' bilefur par,-8 ein ducks, 100 boe, 7 turke> s 9-' One Dee-iring 1L ft.bay rai.. One 1 u , îticlar. M,18 ANA B FRTKH Prfil 1toua timotby hay, lîOacr.ecsa-n ut ; tiui eering nmo%.-,-, G fort i-it. 011- i PulIcAucion.Auclon ala. ~ jg> Voot. Ancioner.bloder, Cbampiion grain binder. lis-rhiîg Auto. utonBi. io VGL ACiter orn îruder, lerigmwa eri con. sliîî-ler. lîatd or pilaIsr, One I 13&Bviag dtbd ta qut fariing 1 vil Hvteg leated iyfartefore termi o 12 hay cmue10.LOît by rako, aide o;I. lî.y'! ilniaiîiii ,ei i îîl Ciiiii. Onef--l sell lot pub]li.. uI-tion on Ch rxkiaoub hulàYsera tb4 uulormigued wili el ai pulc-Auction Sale. bIl rots-, iîey loader, 2 truck tiit~ Lit gare i-ci-dît.(Cai' burît .uanasii J%01.trtiiNorth Chicego. on West 0f Libertyville andJ miîlecelui; < liai dscided ta qut ferrnîing lb. wagon, pliaeton, mut veagis, 2 st.ý Oinwdul jýI Lx 1- ~Ms~y Nî,î iii os, cnlcmeunigaet flendms platfîîrin, ios &loday, Nov-. 2, uliderrigied tvill asil et publice uition on cultivotora, waltit.g cultivacor 1% lithigraîcl lbox. Ciii- hisrack.l.: l-iiT ii M es ofthii e luilowing decribd 190M, bginniung at Ioa.in. ahuri, th, the iim Mconnedy fart, futur cii.toeé e )aaî st utîi ,iii ai.'u ssd i. iri- '~prvpI îîey îsu rsre:flswli ecsibed prolwrty: 14 cItait-s. nsrthwta-cs î3ilmeiraud tbree miles we5llrde ulg 10,3 akn .ia n c înl-lai.s u-lrl .iig1isr 7yeers I od, wt 10,0;1- lsy coWr s-lî cîit eaiy Bide. lbalani-e.oifiIvanlure, on Toesday, Oct. 27,1908, »-bs.re p r go1)oliou alkngengerons-an.i mle, l) 3 -ir. aId, wt 1150; gre, nie. Mill iuîgPmo and milliers, 2.yearlinig b1iIsr, !t lIII iirockthtIe following descrilrd new, GeicornIlbuster, 8Hlaitrl il Ji ater Twent3 ,îv, i rr,!ni aae 10yaars ,ld, ast 12.'1(4bey borne, 6 v- 2 'Ad sîlîl Il3 an. t l,,eesa mt-eabout lîrsli-rty 10 wsa:l19io ouif eite. 10 12o lb scails, ae bo~ ast, gritoltlîs-Togeîber wilîhi i iA!~Iil-,rinîl on 7051V tls, w t 18540; bey more, 12 yeers 12iJ>i> îr 1800 lhseu.ub, jUnIy, 5 erîgîill iw,4 spriflgo1,2.yroldhoifers 2 sote o î-giCti~tbb i lbu ls o - id ' W t 1150; bay sere Il yeiar.. ttIi. choisI, 3wti îe Peksn durit,, btiCltruîîu-t 12 a-ys, a ul yî id, arey stuur 11lors. 2 eté double harase, 2 singl. i-. Ternis-Sum - (if $lîî iv, air(] les-i Wvt 1500; 15 cows now militer, eand cIa-sa grain biîîder, M"Crriki-k camn hairv.st.,-r. 1;].(11l, ît 26W40bey mer 4 y resd, vitnBfs okr utizr aprineesbala=emiltera. 2 venir aid &iCortik miver, M,-oriict bIrl 1fil fIIIlhby t>wey, boy borne 9.M'a planter Iatining miii, Leedcttera. (ii- cash; o- arger - .a (e.-.îiîîor ais blfer. 3 yearaold bul,2'inbus1helswhite rats, III iln ridiug plow, 14 in walkiriig aIt, lvi 1001), 14 pige 8 ma o W iOtt sadfi uba sIe - i îotawllh .c iaîîrx- OO-t, 60 tan teaue boy, 12 toan upleud 1110w, Il section teel beriw, etioni bo -ai, 201 sprrg Pigo we 100 *-8e acb, gsals-nzd ant6 8 bhlle bl,1all'aI l i Ibnklila Wie , bc aie i-,x "r Oei bey. stockt atraw, 12 Pa.rencsainlu hot, aI-el lsorrsa, 4 sl)i e ultnî-atar,2 milJersey rei boar 1 yr ald, Chempionugrainn ýagssti i lix doublefil 2 ban-si-blerîcent, PMring grain blnder, l>serirîg tori;s eiovl ulti atui i, Jiiricaille eyriipian ter biiluter, I>s.sring carcberve«ter, 10 eiiivel leatlier couru. Esîgliab uîat boio.k -.iIiers-st lier Oiiiiili .i oîîi. f0 lie Uolâ, r i)gerleg bore.rake, l>.--hiag witli l) rdo ieli.slpulver- mflulflzo(,tbillltivatur, B&.t-keefflils-r, fiissîtos-esmlehdiir; IIiiifoh-f> rio i asily loader, ilraiiisey l,' Inchi cuter, faoeing LmîlI, grain sooedr, eer- ville pulverzrpew, MecGaiiiek îcower -44ed»tsadm, chîffauilr. buratcir ide: Lunîchlî nooîl, :11~»ow, 4 weli.itsgploase, 2 îîîa- uîîts-r gPe.d wndmill, 12 ft whesrl withlfanparloiiistandsi8ypiaws, 5(111 lb N ractîiig chairs, titchen taih.-. t-rehic siîand koIr citivator neari.- ie, I liovel 20>fi oI tomier. grinsiiýle,cgood faern luînar wagobc and box, truik l wagon. Homesewing mac-llune,bas. Il, lriKINIsale1RR CI - kcultivatar, sprlnigto-ltbultis-oi-r, waugonî, iîuck wagon 4îtu tire, 8 spricg met bah ,ieigha, c-altliglilua - luirgefort rs ai LNI&B--NR *a ogclirtr,1 Ji!nix wagons.,rond buîggy, ésurr-sy, stmcine r nd130 tiri-p.., dsouble wo krt land c oalone# .iiêbi, 0 iîî.-g.. P rlCtyaeder, Bradle-yî-srn plaîîîsr,j cuta-r, bob mleîgbo, iosy rai-t ansi waloid artiffl, aingle dricg lîorîis-es, buggy ruPadsrrl iil usa11>i u '-prietors 2 3aecrllon YbArrow, 2 me-ian iaraw, sc- met oigrand piauts, 2 aeti dourble Pole. 18 ton% npîoîîîî îYn brn 2,r s ariuet, beating stuoea, 20 mut -lin-, 1.11llakilFore-st, il,. 8 ft Irou fond rouer, airons-I pîse, ("able. or't bernass.,1st light driv!eg bar- aplir]dboy in t-adk, 15- acres bill coinItie -op n uly, e ak, V H inlAicine.Po 1111 stcker witb pulleya and Topa. Nlnch oa', lgbohre s,modifie, 95 tan t4nm inaback, 100 bu gcscd Oate. stock ni traw and ather a trfio réw 2, lt on ad ayfok,2 uie n 1 'e«con n Ihck 8 lgni eriscumnerona tai mention. 3582. soa $boter f ogrd cbteyrt, 2 nh tle buy iarIf,15#hacresgrare sbat 0 Usel Uoal 'termae. Oce par Cent die.->Unt W6OU shelber , 4.nc tewgci tir e ieîr alwa liisbw.ppingtecana, gaalk sW. iiEýrz, Prop. forcoati - agnvih o, oc tr wgo,élv naryua. satig tOa mt At<oE w Àosli1, Aurtioneer. -J .BuE r~. ANNUAL MIEETING 41S lotire trou truckt vagan. dumpcrt patta, farten, abovele snd other articlles ____J.__W.H.J. Ry ucioe r T A KE A ,.io bernon.a, rdbbeo-itir top bug"7 tao lamerans tLI, mention. - juoi termes,W.H PL, ctoe.AT AU EC N usanî,ry lneu, two nsel ssrrey, îlin No gond@ tu ha lemaved uahli settled for. Auction Sale.- _ ___- =gni, 8 at@ double berces.l. single FRArvO NiCiIOLA, Prtip. Hevng given np tire farm 1 am onu UBI UCIN President William fR. (herly of thre ar..,double fly nets,, isgle ily net, Oga. VouGE.. Auciuneer. -Witt oeiliet public autin wnu rte- ULI UTI lilinois Staf e Chriotian Eniso stect cvor 2f>mut<rae. lrti ras,,serve an thre Premlse of the aid Richarde Havlng decided to dissolve portos-r- Union Frdey evening Infortned ('ahîr- .-eboVe1f«, boas, log s-ains, hsueboid Auiction sait., laite, 3 mile eat of Prairie View, and Y, 811h1) and quit farmirag, tbe undî-rslgn. mac Lester Moody or the local origan- lurniture and airer articiea LOOintimer- Having said my feri, 1viliiBealI ttmile wtast ofiBall Da.on Seturday,, Oct. ed yl Bel et public vendue, wir hout lrat-lot.ofthte awardiug oft he onnuol nos tu mention.)l I. ssiluncb ai nna, pbile auction, 2 miles sahebvesofnI24. 194)8, eomnrencing et 10 oclqcit reserva, on tre Kline famm. lîcaîied I[liouisstaoi..oni,itioanfor 19t0 to Tertes af sale: Ail ..uiiis of $10 ;md Itartelliler sud 1 mile nortblva-t Of s.arp thsefiliowlisugirolrty to-vit- 121 Waukegan. uSder ca on ai it urs lîver Jk10 a crodit Diansoud Laite, Wedneday, Nor. 4, 190>4i, chaiee cows, 3 covs witb calve. by sida, on tihe Telegmapir Roudi, two and oce One -huaddlgtswl ted 09 One year ciii le girs. sn good bat- atl2:8Osharp: 3ehoiceeova,ouawitîi 2 sprînger@, balance mlers,. ytarlieg baîf mils weot of Laite Forest anîd Thea union vlI meet in .lsly, îîrobahly e enot a 6et 1pr -s-clinîcreat. Osae<cuit hyber ide; bey mare 7 year."aId, blimier, biact bar.. 9 yre nid, wt 1400, !u.e mile souto! the cheese tarrtor> the second -week In th ii.nonth. r cet off for irali. Nous liprty nit 11540; bay bars. 9 yasre aid, vi bioci mare 7yre nId, wt 1600, ](;hbars@.nteC .Eett y eio hnh a nevee hswe vdulîtil settied for. 1100; set dosuble bai-casn, sngle baruna, power traction gamolîce angine in WoodInthC.&M ltr Rw-îcf Wen..osncrs-cl sw-k JOHNsC G4 naMU, PiOp. 4 aboat@, îrî,ad sav, suantitsyoo!bay wîrting arder, crniboit grinder goad Laite Bluff, onuMondaY, Octobî r 26, Lester M.îody otateu tihaiIt wao biis OGo. VOUEgo,,Auctiî,ns..r. in bar-niluatit, of bey in atacit, 5 ad new, 4f> IL hit » in wide, 50) gai gasa- 1908. commenclng ai 10 'clacit A S intentisonand ieiiitoncrage f theva acesofco 0fi Ooc het iîLnder. isse tantkl, McIrmuickc rnbinder jgond tihe followîng vraperty, to-vit: nsupocal of etnis l Intherait- lii Ascian Sala, barritawagon witb ,xti-a set ai r05 steel workilig order. pUlverizer and ,s-ederflo akgnndi th cutyf wis-l-., set of hleter spriage. iowéeimu i is.iitg lîutnasulky pisw 16 Inct-, 36 fiue doiry rat-île conslstIsrg ii1o Lauke a u ntemn>o TIre, nderaigned lisaing tusîlsd ' mac-ine, bey ratle, bey rock, ridiîug isîthit: wagon, Moliue poîato digger. Pa ir COswtIr alves hy their aideil,1 h xctv omte eddh -utfarining cili Ws.mit pulilieisî(ul tivtisar. naltscg cutirator, esliuiclh i esiglsus, rnbbsr ti-ed runebont rn-y.. ail heavyi aprlngers. 16 1el r.Mm Cherly vols-il to ardtec) on th l irasbBrixes taiti, 2 iiis il i5itb- IsIsw, set su irai .14 mciwalking iiecar ivi-w, tioesated bulymet- i-on ail wth clt, 1iHlsltein Bull, (3 -,îr - eiotîn Waukegan' t itelfast eat ut(if brtYt uë In u Wdeeepluin, s-a .ts-esn taop eîrr. ruaei ta5(.al,11s-I i c-te, I1.ring grieusblinder, bld> icclgwbc a sli-Ion. ed sels, Oc, 1-, 5OiîitOsi~ t i1s- Il lît itdoubî-le osojgi cuiter, a quasuhililit ul Iuiîioini ta Misuîlîîl aiîi 1fi L cs-l acmede tgwhi-s-, tb, illoiswtu.cdci-ri>cil.s lîr-p-ty: i~ie stars-a io.i, s>utiti- sait lcle lusits, N ii ia, I-r, Iitlolulýiil bey lîsder, l Iogo 2 flue brood cava, 9 1) .a -coe-r hun.'.(i-wa adce 151: ls.Prairie itv ýe,-,,calsirsîi ui-lIt., Iîg- sn tî-kfIiiiilcailu. Pate b-ar, u-ehghiîîg about 75 Ikunds, 10 8ta-M It lnsmoaeî s-nd liiir i Vii k-ai. w i I mares. . di I 'e l t -s>ce, l-lî-îa ua- 2 la,,u --a te, li -iu i..ilk t buîulîiIg tusIIl 5S i- t oI, toloilh i d pgo- imoti iesd .int, a-t a uki te i ct Millo 'Wilb fasi lf il ic mies-, 5 .1 s-si-c 1aio.iverta-ci-, îa muil lis-ssii sig 51 st-s-,2i s- ulpi u itiih Id rut, r îims, '-lu I s-rici i s-luiiejiiiug c-saor we 1o000 hiru, c tmg -lrosî u nîtlus id. r#sàge- c-uuol iisal, gislis.nuuio-, 2 2.,au-m-s guuuîri itni luelslit n itî iorsea-2 dapple gray moru- u îuIicroai least iuii delî-gatî ,. 5 n.lt t, eo . smun isg .les insth. lie , ,r. 4 , sîiîiitalles. ela s, daria te 1-1I- li1,i.e, l fisi i .tiii n fin.- i l, -sut îdouble yeas-ors nd. vciging 2600 ponnîl, 2 Trit.'con vont]iii willi uni abhi, ei-1:1 B dszs e sks-u., 3 il ikls ri ck s-t Isuîlb. .uî- î,u iiiuab tb,-m a I II,'s-I.-.nu , u.su tiueui. iir,,iiuiutotit- Im liowu drvieg matii i 2 î,iriiil if; w ll h fi t n t hri bu- ocal s-a 8Ë acres co-ris iii ebi,-Lu, 7 tsetoi. bt ' nv i ,i- ui.Iii.siui 1 t-onu,.t ifi-' ituH-- > - r e n sst cdio-uuit , i -i- i, bouise an .ilidallî---ai, tal.2 tutik nain.,2 -s-iedI iiîîioeî Ti, r'- ui i c ,11 tol .outs f f11 r huor -luh ,il u c 1it . î sr ý ia rs old, w. igliîng t110 poirnd' i le bot-la willI i- aU,,d for the nio-t ,utnhl-r tire tssp ls ,2 e-t lisavv- 1 , %VM- î.i uiotl rr~ 4 i suitioWiLuiAls Prap. I-35 tonts gol tami-ehîy, 400 hau, l'rt barnees inrglP, lioriees, l)- ticeý hîsecd i 11:1 ilsu'i -si ,îîI (ailtsi bhi W [fi- i,,k v,-Au, timnuc ielter. 1are oubtr l, . LclsCîie ilaîhiî tda ver, h t s-t frMs4'arulsl.nuS,- î-unuîg~i isr cc m ~r.or is- wht.ct,' ce onl ho, ,îuLocalts sletce tîr i w aiulili-l -rk wagan hl uttruitoh. iii'nrf;tii-tont fi-ouoiiiaiiulsc oncih)raeaoîheî. kwh mac-c I 1-4 l m l iyi nîtivti sii i- ci-i t, ut i-iiutl n ii-i- ,, u- it Aucîhon Sale. (ltwt ,id rb fr rs.flled n hsMsot .Damcî tssl ul tivauîs r, ssc ta ali. rgH.- »I Oans iriip. T i iiýi lTwo i-o a Ide fi r-wagons,. it, onuw -eis rn pilsaun-er, e -lu- Iill -.u. u,,i.tîeîîrr.Ti, nesgi-lh 1dbiltr lave mlsg,1 ui uîlm-usr 5liulsh _____ itutt i- J. iii slb.uu- fai ,utrise - - Isr two s.itul rio'a( - wagon. One , lI-à-1îudrd0,Mi, -2ithi li-. .>ttsîs-s, C.nitilionen-w risiris ca Aclon Wits-Il it bic ,1ilsui.. i i usil Mosi(a. iy-rart. fOite tls'erîug corn inder . y- r yigfo ueasi ir laya mî,em, 18 g-i .graSinte 0 Ii> aîîuu'îelg<S ( 'tr aysexil îm lliI-r u J>l- h,stý' ween twîs piaeec m, r.bJohnn Baguier terme o[lis -iig-siLakiladIsul, iuu - i u.hce is oftoa, tiilsut. - :;s p ,uru -iti rsiîc5rt>ville t lvi row rlding itvao.%Il W. , As'srv ,tritiius--i ioslifr a t-rîiuittu-lia1ill]iii-lcal! luu 5eî,lu , 5 u nis , l bsit ul1 erdigchistr-,Oc -aiî cul- M aei' asccyilnt u. ' W. B APLEY Aiti(i-ryrgridng ciitvatrs.One alkng a-i i..to t-be pour houas-, ,**+*****...,,., *******....,,,.. **********...*** *,******** THE ALEX HEIN CG Near Post Ofie QEiEAT Dargins in Ladies' Suits One lot of suita, a perfect fit guaranteed, miarkcedcdwn specialiir for this _ Beauti-ful broaddloth and serge suits, guaranteed positive $1 5.00 values. Every lacfy knows that the suits shown here are nobby Iooking garments, this &go lot goes on special sale Saturday, AIl alterations on these garments abso- lutely free. 10.00 Coats 4.98 Ladiet' - and -misses' 10.00 'coats, very pleasing and perfect fitting garments, a very special bargain for this 498 sale at . , . . . . . Furs- Reduced, ~BeutiulOppomgn set, worth 10.00. rièhly linedwith hçývy satin, -an exýcep- ,4oIal bargain, opportusnt,, 212 N. Geuesee St, Waukegan SATU, Phone 145 1 >AY W. have recebdty Il g. sime big purchases of the la1itrrs in i Est, and have new ôWhand the mont select and excbui#e, stock of Ladit*s' and Misses'? a~~M that SPVI,ý8ALE we wW.lffft,»e wonder. fui bardalus, ihe laiest la oal f many ïim îqI "5Jrn;cedfer ibis r;,: MW i 1h few bar**-s bhm lisîeil are but a ïMow portion1 of the wisS -values that awah ýyi« on ihis GRLAT BALE DAY. Mucb smey wlll be saved te Fou, especially la the purch". of a Fali Suit or Ceai on ibis occasion. Ilf.rfriends along thai ihey tue may b. ene db these money-smLving valses. Chiidreuls Bouuueis---$ .00 values, speciat sale price . . .50C1 25e Bose, 9c --- Ladies' heavy fuit fleeced hose, 9 Worth 25c; speciai .9. Heatherblooua Undersklris,,1.39 --- Black genuine heatherbloom underskirts, a speqiat lot for i3 tomorrow, ority . . . Wd art kept very busy these-days. 1v Vellinds,17c--Aflvestmgswilbc ma~edj 1.50 flouse De*fflo7$e---Houte dresuçai iade up In fine pertaI., nutg een*,, 'Wuld b ffAN .î3~nMAN H ii b NO RIELATIVES Orner Gearman, fanatîc bollng trou. Priniceton, Illinois,. t sll. belng beld by Sheriff Griffitu peudlng au exom- uatilon by tIre couofy atilboltles, Uile3so Geormaîrs parents Ictercede and offer <o cane for hlm Ih moy h. tiiot lie will le s-ntintIrte Insane asyium ot Elgin nexi weeit, lors-man Tuet niofitheAmerican SteelI and Wire Company viuited witlu Geitrnion Prlday eveufuîg, Tus-lt nos hformesi that Gearman bud planned ýmumderîng hlm hccauae ho expected that Taett was gonng to "lfire"u hlm, Today Gearman appears aomewhat better, lie leeps osua of tIre tne and lias vcry litle to say ta theatier Iiiteoft-s t'lie jail, Mur ..Ii Lyoini ufthe'Lr istore la laîîtic, lau a, tellng outhtes-death of Sîrs Soi i tu-oliui lawkts at lier hîonte ini loua ounr ije t crutiiday-of t tu aîoîuîthî,Mis, lIas. t, svoi, t-us-lot., D. F.' lHa,uîî k, s ali i SiilMMu ut-of t ibIs it-y, dinlg lbuinessBvintder t-he nom. ut Lyoliîand lliais i., 'îi was NMr, G. R, 1, * ono fter, Tlicy were il usinss front 1W5 to 1869. Auction bills prormplly prsnlad et thes Is-dependasl office. Notice of 1th@ salie trinled inlthe peper, which la os-tIr more Ihan the prit-e of lthe bilas ait-nu, We have the circulation. Yen vISel -eheop-senss. éA~À. A A. À. À. À. À. ~ - -V. ~ V~ 'y' -y- v Cdr Fare Refund- ed on ai $5.00 purchases or overý saI Extra Values in -Skos These shoes arc guarantced by us absolutely. Boy's shoes,, made Up of finest kangaros and box caif leathers, footiorm last, up- to-date styles, hand welt, sigle and double role, extra quality waterproof -sock sites 2 1-2 to 5 1-2, regular price 5< 3.00 and 3.50, sale price 260 Girl's shoes in. patent leather vamp, cloth top or dull leather, button or lace, low or common sence heel, sizes 2 1-2 to 5 1 -2t regular price, 3.50 and 4.00, sale priced 298 The famous Julia Marlow tadies' shoes in duil leathers for fatt and winter wear, hand turned and wett, heavy and single sole, high military and commonsense heel, up-to-date styles, 3.00, 3.50 and 4.00 values 24 go for Saturday at .........24 Mllinery Specals-The greatest plume in the United States wilt be sotd tomorrow i our mittinery department, regutar 2.00 plumes, black oity, Siturday special . . . ' . .. 8 c Seeour nobby line of fait hats before purchasing. 5.00 and 6.00 Chlidren's Coats 2.98-One enor. mous lot of children's coats, nmade up in aff wool cheviots, tcerseys and chinchfilas, regurar 5.00 &M5IETANT T aT TErVMÀUtÂN Uibertyvtlle. Illnofs. OsîARLga WasrTBY HÀx.x J. DÂXs! wHITNEY F, DADY LA WYERS 8045 Wesbington StreBet Wauitegan,Ililinois PAUL MAt: GUFFfN. ATTORNEY AT I.AW. Lirorty-aifle, Illinois -maau 8 A.-Y- STEARNS L.WYER 213 Washingthaq Îtretsk Wsuitepub 'Phone 2191 IF YOU ARE CURABLE WE CAN CURE YOU We w1lII'lcnwya. .wru.ah write .Ibu.ou a, we wili) odr if pou w.-re boe.. Our tma ,. ont nili teii clu its OVO DÎisI sten', a sry ibat b4m me-.nt coort, eat .5.1 h.ppIns-e lu mongando. Wiîh.ut askioR aaA810!10Q7tiaion ve VII b.. ý wl,.lsia T f adoue wit b aeel tuAtilîîgingtruroentousaibrfoootberdooto... The cunibW.,caées nt today bonous e t.. ». curablea 0f lomorrow andi ait ambted g>5Opi ah-nid b.witheb.ri.Ona iglp n. Extrw,rdioary iiu.,aaem requin exiBr ordiz.sry irostluete require oxtreardlnar raisedies)io vaaaiisb Usea»..Our tr«erni, au eom pare.! wit ,thers diff, nea» drap the aunlight ?rom a tallow ,.ndk, Il4po tahe FAIT#. dos" uni; .ksvuNFI»zNv du.., DoOt talc- ven R E. e T'AXES 0O4LY A TItl4j.ai Veasak. Itoa wtstber the oufferera boie,. ln Il;or flot. AVERAGE TIME TO CURE RtUPTURE ...................... YOACLU ..... ..... ...t O CATABRTS.................. 3 S CA NC ER. ..Io 3 Bal1T8 gto. ..Ito l LS'il &BITOUI..... 1h S OSTJILI .bBi LADDH MISÉEa...... eu LOOD POISON £14c..... t: NO KNIFE, BLOOD OR PAIIN Yo. .111 b. .urpriged hb quiai j si ilser, spl v 628 W. Mme s .. Cm. abch*ooAM~ ROCPOM HLU Gea. Effinger andi farilys ai Wei**- gan, spent suadey et J... w:n'e.. M ro, B. Hall, of Nabrta, lma o dg sanie time with ber sister, Una. Mils Lux. Phil Wella, Jr.. and ltB, Du L a i e , a l e d t J o h n W l I'ak i i y B:ý P. Hill le daing eats ~qacs î,eceer wor t trougb thée ounhis. iMrmBons- chlosser la vigitiug Ire nIat-ber e aiVaukegao. tOIr-, <sun lra. N. Brovn, of pisesmant Piairie, epeut funda bhers. Eugs-re Ravitineond mim i,, lîh. of Lakte Villa, viaitesi ah Bs-n hîiuir TIrect-atiann ueiMSur.us îd wiloIentend maî'ing inýot1wîle MKIDasi -vemidence ,uan. Mr. RantI Mro, JO@, , îsuîrgir rallod aon rebativ-l-shi-i-s- erentY A pair nicoons bliuugiuuu filOco. latt eoi-aped f romtIrohir vuga 8uus evennaigond no tram.. aoflthe liebas lira. ,T1'o&and daugbi'r, We Guaranitee Satisfaction with e ve ry' purchase LAKE 1 r- 2 WOMAN KNOCKED - - - ------ k-DOWN BY TRAIN, Professionel Cards jt j While Bending Ove. - PCking up Coal Fast Train Hits Her on Arn,, Twist- DR. F. H. SNtiTn ing Her Around. DENTISIý j (iEU 1i i SOCOUNI-M isNL Ai. Nilr4.\'sindilichf. 192 kHO .U, ai0 , L M t,,112 a. 1ni. aîiî ta ]p. n. aaroaesrai--froîiî -iIk IlVl 1,srits-ath tihé, glanit div e %Vo I. ii Lllîi-rîyville i l olléi F ile laîi Nîflî,as, a hn, ' JESSE S., -YAT r nirjiewheh îasi-l ii ai. . \ I. Iiill-tANlI)SIitEYOR whii liewa X îes lfronuîî i -i i bit Onlthi'dflIl as lie itol"id ]" I ij101, î h.I l .x\K A.X INIlES 10ý pili îîî p a i. of ciaI, bl i ,ç cI-eni c ,îtclIcr oft 1.- tri,iç l Oafis l let(i tast x M r. îîIjgl i Fil sait lds-lî _, DR. EDWARD V, 5SMITHl} CIaiîian, ua. ,nt i r h. huome Fl a 1Iîî M îi r-ah hiv ilt,îtîîîîîALI, ) 1, heaO(1h,- ,ii- 1~,1- ý I i.'si tîr- At Ihat i li'si. - h. i lîiaiîi- . Spvr.ial hti,li, i l.aio o f 1tii.Ey, -ha,,j, pains là br ai*,,,,Luierîj'i-s iii,, )i alca-. s 1t Cailî ii olpnl 1DR. GOLDING Todai îrV ii , l e-liîilzI)ENTIST îîîîrh i -ll, ttr it îaî 1ii uF liiiu-,8 to 12 &M.-1 to 5 pým« '1h.. aceli. r t h.-il J a t ,îlov, .1. i iTrigge Building 'IitII lir .J. Taylor-Plione 19 Clayton i-tiiri. \h i.-i, orhmre llîî h~Phonie 1092 ecitizenis witneau.ed ithé!accld- ît The llertyvilie, lilinole company was not orfoiIt ail l aii. DR. 0. F. BU1TERPDULt. *RONC *le ma a."AC t ~VL"FUl'1 50V TTPOOMN 'w Ir .1 ;l