CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Oct 1908, p. 2

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Blt. Waukegaa, IiL lOums J. Ouai<u, Sec. 7.1. W J.A. Wallace, lot ubBentoni Twp. W. D. j Smith asud wlle ta D. W. acres east of Green B&Y rWM Sec 17, Etields T-p. reyman 10 Mary Zimmer, S. , 6, BIk 5, Highland Park. 1.nham and vilee b S. J. Lt2, Gonam'a R. Sub. Iu box Sub.. Watikegan. 'W. D. tibel to Wrn. Shiel. W 75 J.4 fi., Lot 6, Western AdI, 1 anti if. W Wm. Friable, IL, B. 112,14 ft. let 6, Weat- Lake Forest. W. D. $5-600.00 r4eeke r and if. W B. a. et 1 ta 7, 44 Wa 47 Bk b. Bau.. Lake Premt. Q. C. of H. i. BuryittI, decd., tW <5rtUf, lot 8, bloc 1, Wau- àke Park. W. D. $360. fflley and ife to WGenbard lot on vet aide. Milwauke rlyv1le. W. D.. $1.200. à"o t6 B. A. Metcali, part N. w, . 1.,Waren ýrp. Deeti, $I. r.'adt. anti vite W C. W. PU lot 1. block 11. Original e. W. Dl, $200. raSimonti and vif, W Mayme am, lot 14E block 9E Bordgon Éa. North Chicao. W. B., Preàk and vile W A. S. L»ooun ' 1%j4 IL vest 143 IL. lot 11 rua sal. Hghland Park. W. J"m and vifete l Mary J. 5.0e.& Waukegan. W. D., $1. 1. Kollb and bui. p Francia 9 a. of Washington ai., near t. W. D., $1. Lae anti vite b W. D. Dun- [ vite. 90 acre, in Sec. 1, Baut %tIer andi vle W F. E. Trot- cm. In 9. W. qr. Sec. 30, New- tIlei anti viet W S. J. Mouer W~& sa ub. LUbertyvifi. W. 2eret &L tW Peter Ois- ý%5 1, 17 andi 18, block 2, RAvestub a. Nort Chicagr. iN MmUmoe Ba-Ir of Jacksion " Un.L.Mass, lot 1 (except oo .O. Wl, *"«mr Ù&215N. Osaee t., aj n i tet WJoseph Kol- ~êt,80 acres la 8. W. qh1. 'AissTu.W. D, p.- -st imlvitetf. - PC Bren- 1.' bk le. t%'-k&Dunes Oncà% amUlanti atjolnlng on , Dl . , o . Cruveil t. Eilsbetlu G. 1 exume baln lot 2, sub, of O il, .avlnla. anti land ad- Oqf1e î1 e.16. Waakegaa OgJ0sMeu aUite t . 1. À M~1. BtSenluidk&J=naon' W.D,$1. auvite et ai. t 1. . seram a t0 . ]IL417.SmC 1 m"T W. B., e »bd 11I, b1ok 2, INlxo-W I W~ Dl.( $710. Nixon f. Peter I&raRL. 1% I. bloek 10, Oukianti iab r Mfmsfrqm vborsities at rwue <fTnhstreet andi Leaux 4 At aix o'clock lat .venlnsg rd bla Infant go, Pul Blom- Sby straugling, ehoklng sud I*1l7beating teIii. 111e yoth's on te bard polished i flur ofthle eOM abig borne. Blornatrosu OMe adJutigeti Insane by ail whc seu lm sî5nce lthe tragedy. n, Cbld From Mother'a Arme. iýIag from the. chair lu whlch h. as ý.tlirie whisUe blew . ix. Bmtrorn grabbed. m. rnlsioters arma. R e led lu tterror from the. r for belp a% she raceti ~-n* help lni ightat the~ ven2t tiitherean door -4 WU at t1 h, plant bs -7*to 'tj wred thes li INFANTS COATS -Made cf. a qplendld quallty curly bear alun. veil lineti, six.. 6 tW 14 yeara.Splendid 24 off er aI.......... IN di en bl ye or Women's Coats 9!5= These charming new wiiter coa are nmade exfreinely pratty of superior qualîties of kersey and melton. The styles eiubrace the Empira and other ueMI-fitting models, uew higkr collais or regulation shape, elephs.nt lapels and trlmmed with satin or braid, 50 to U4 luches lu length. Gresi;values at $15.' Special at - . Aa.e.r Cma fUgua40 498 Both vorneuls. ad mias«i*MMas à iM " Od ln, tht* lUns, materfais a swrpa u osa asti black cieviots,5 a. m oceslog. sum la. larleas. nock anti culte tnlmau.4vit*» braiS and rvelK. Pnlceti oly- Flne HndiomeFs Are 70ion gt f liy a set or taa-U Ibs vin- ter! If 90, yoa vaut lu o ee ti 500 oiitbook- nýIfu! ni ceeio belore deciding, ai tboy are ofth i ot seleçt quality anti are extremeiy buw priceti. Amoug the more beautiful sets tint ve show are those conaiting of tbe nev rug muf, wtii elther auman shivl or tbrow, lI mnk, fox. black lynx or sabIeconey. Piffl $5.00 to $160.00. The, separate plecea coins lu the varionss kîns sud range tnom Pic lu $25.00. E4~I% 8ro.tCar Fare, e onIt1~FUN DILD gold ihlnlaed nioutlngs Wth I varions atones, others plain, Te. ln .out.e ' I: uaî0to 50c, tl25cto*r ..ho ..... 2C UPOlh puftha... of FAGE POWDER-La Bigneke face povder, Io refreshl»g to the asun andt Improvea the. Complexion.$5Or M ore MO soc0ebai for.......73C Wauk.gsn vieva prLInteltmI" sôi andg nov antid eaei sbeet, nice satin , vodermnl lclprovement o finish PeIelsl ..... .. the al styloenulierÏ. They BOXEare gnsrante-ewd"" tocrl thehur i aehot a ofthesft ,wih atiegn iew ad it he Ist lioWlt wd Only pr box....... 25Cor 5Wfr ... thia ntby aret.lred n acp j onnga, s eth a. ie r broderd, leaedast tisa unirauuuuuîaa Of ntheisa WFItan waists ot taffeta silk aud ail over lace, values at $2.50. Specially priced at ......................l dous to save on their fail and wlnter suits? Thé antwerià easy, cevoy ager crowd ce.="r g to get 'thexe suits because they aretbe greatest uon, and every eomm,16. this localfty knows that when we adverthe a thlng as a bargaill great varicty of gtylet represeted 1w tIil, lot, the. dirtoire lnfluuu*e pr.valig .ttSeuwyi li wd chevrons, cheviots, broadclths and herring bouts, a"sO a*n materials, tome ton ti front, others ln tthe back, gored and pl«tpd anid trim med at bottom a.nd busttons. Thcy arc made to sel for $22.50 and $25.00. For a specwia- matoenly . . . 98, Flue Tailored Suits Eeautlful Walsts a t' 98c « iprise These suit@; ean't be equaled eisewhere for Ilandsome new. *styles in women's flnely baking less than $25.00 and they are great values tailored waists, offered at a fraction of their at that, every one te a stnnning new mode], range tailorcd in the most creditable manne r, ail reai w-ortli. The maaterials are exceptionally whïte, the, uew popular shades are represente(î, i- fine quclities of striped poplin, tancy mail- .e eni- luding taupe and London greys, blues, ras, crcaîîîwhite nuns veiliug and fit ury cot- 1witlî greens and browns, ln plain roaterials, ilîso ton rh<vit. iere are a great seeto f ,e il o tancy mtripes. 1,Àng Emopire coattfanad rnodl(ls tii ehoose froiîi. Trinîîned 1w 1h i t- greadt other styleii. If yoîî ar- iiiteremted conte 0 tonsg, tiii-ls and algaiio jplain li iiir .98a nd sec them. îuîdfe uefets. Vailles 111)to ....1 Speciai offer ................ 22.50 $2.00. Your ehoice........ 98 Chfidren's Coats at 2.98 MMllnery Special 2.98 These are warrn durable garments and tailored in Vlues Worth Nearly Again Thli'iffce -an unusually ~o manner, mateirials are beaver ThGlb'miierdeatenlad t and cheviot, in înb ronad re, i y ouly in the authentieity anidcorreetnessl of triimod. Sizes 6to14 yoars. Spooîally prioed ut styles, but aiso leads am the giver of greater values. (-'calparision m-itli our înany bea,îti- 98 fui bats displayed with tiiose shom-ii eeue- where wiil prove that our prîceg always sa% e 2 you f rom J to *. As an illustration of olîr CHILDRENtS CO ATS '$4.gs8-These are stunningîr made, of greater value. giving power w-e offer a roîn- chinchilla, eurly bear skm, plaid'sultings, cheviots, sud ker- prehiensive collection of Xelt baîts in.ail po- seys. Tbey're supenbly tallored anti attraetlvely fialuieti. pular colors and blaeki, trirnmed in a variî'ty .Bi 6 We 14 year.a. O of pretty styles mitlî riblhon,f teathers uiîîd Specal ofer ................... ...........49 r met T yaeine1uusavals NFANT8 COATS - Spien- INFANTS COATS - Materi. at the price ldly matie of su exeeptional- ais are ail vool chinchilla, y guet qualty o! plain andi trImmeti vith exnbems, lier- xurly bear sUin, vhilte, grey seys, bnoadcloths andi novel-8 lue andi black, gixe2 t 6 tles, lu ILI popular colors,2 .3.98 s.i1gle anti double .49 Sul ail, the thing 'i menta t stylefi Mind y tlhe suit'lO! areggl and we tersive medium and ex prove i Ls and Overcoa ts, where The Globe outahines te y can't keep pace wlth Oroui aiues, they haven' theéar that wil compare ln quality and , ror so littie nwney o« $15-00. yon, you'll lind just au good clo- athese elsewhere, but they ae" ., priced, yes, lots hg>r if Its a ran overcoat or both th#t you Lng to bny, corne to Tue Globe e wlll save you money. IfÇS n Oz" Coletion ofgarment tIaý.we . t ïbis price, finely tailored, 4d quality, the suif. comin i the ddtrpes, in ail the;Waored co- id black, as well as nobby igtripes m and long lenigthî,,coneryBLtive traîe modela. This prce sslould' a'strong buylng inducemnt KAUFMAt<4, -uhles' Offer in Woinen's Shées liJera hafi a great bargain lu Womeu's stauneli, Berviccable foot., wear. They are extremely dresy modela, made of pûtenpt and gun metàl leathers. Potay and broad toq et .fec., utton or lace, exact models of $3.Ô0 und-IWO01 values, ail sizes and widths, ? , i . spcia8l t ......... ,........... r ..,g,. Petticoat Bargain, 77c Theme arc extreniely attractive petti- co)ats alli otTered at a deeided gaving, they are actually worth $LM5, are mande of a fine quality of Hydegrade petticoat fabrie, flou sce stitelhed and trimnjed wthEd embroidered rufile. On 1EC Chlldrens 2.00 Dresse at 9&c At 98e we offer an extensive line of Chlldren's Dresse@, made in nobby new styles of plaid worsteds, yoke of plain harmonizing material, trimmed with soutache brald and buttons. Sizes6 tol.4 years. Actuel1$2.00' 1 values. Specia at ..........98 boys' OvToeBts andISits Yen SPOeIl at .k1 8&93 yoid have a b.ard time t»i duplilste tuese oys suftz *ndoverSo e, ven for $500, as the.qua- lities are of iinuoualAl ienea. and dnrabllty. The. overcoata are made, of heavy materlal tu, popular plain coloreansd novelties. ehort and long lendthe iots pn cosrcoalorea.frhe longvethndchetpioats artlclora. Tii. suite are nobby, made of the. neweeat ancy fab- rics and also plain blacks and blues. Diouble breasted, agels 3ID 17 years. lvery ufotiier should take advantage or tus l f?er ute outflt ber boys. Speclal price.only .957 Tape Girdies at 319r Camtu nbie, pink andi white, ail sizes. ex- ceptlinally veli made, regalar.50e c klnd. Veryspeelally priceti aI only .. 3c Popular .Indian Gloves Indian gloves are very much In favor at pre- sent. Ours are nteely fInlsbed an4T corne ln ail deqirable sbades, any six., f exceptînnal values at ................50 à i , 41 -.4. ý+ + .. , -------------- 1 0' Buttericki Style Book The iiew wlnter lissue oait he antenlck style book ls now ready. Il hows a healt,îl coller, dion ofthle lateet tashlons. The. priee of thil bsook is 25e witiî a cenlficate tint eîtius ,yoju toaii ny5e pattern. Tii. apeclai auhus.rlrtop prico fon the Delineaton anti Style lloejk lz li< wlîh tour Butterick patternis gve lîig I1,,,.t ushave your rden. ýainsi; eam w is are mmed 1

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