CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 23 Oct 1908, p. 5

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* if 0 more l a , UlarosSCHAEFER L&SCHUETTE ip s! ', tYoor dispo a !Our store at ANY TIME. * STRANGIS FURN5ITURE STORE GEO. . STRNO ' LICENSEO UNDERTAKER GEOp. TAGAND EMbtstMER LAND SEEKERS NORTHERN NEW MEXICO IRRI- OATED LANDS ARE TiHE BEST Dont buy any àiigatcd lands tgli you sece otlr literature. 20,000 acres sold so far thia seasn. Excurtiops every two weeki, BEST LAND, TITLE PERFECT, NEAR R. R Special term~, prices and4 inducements during fuly. Write taday. rRANK E. WIRE & COMPA14V Suite 40, 121 La Salle St. CHICAGO, ILL. Or FRANK E. WIRE Lock Box 457, Libertyville, lit. ]Russell Ltmber Yard -5 . 1 IL 1T mal FARM 'MACh INERV I of ail Kinds 15'U RIPAIRED IUmber, Cernent, Goal with Posta and MiIIwork Thoroughness GIEME A TRIAL AND F. S. HIEAD, Dispatch RUSSELL ILL b- hscun GrayjsIake - Bakergi lnd Resilaurant Mealsand Lunches Senedj at ail Itours 1 CE CREAM SODA', AND SOFT DRINKS lad ore o* 'tI im se. 31. Md ma- cid- 01k 10-0 7.00 7.20 2.90 8.70 140 ou- [Mt WILLIAM LAYCOCK CO. LibertyjviIIe, lu. Opposite Si. Paul Frelght Depoi Specials for Cash N l A per cent O. Discount on Men's Pants. The reason for this Big Reduction is that we de' sire to rediice our stock of trousers. Tn9Men's Best LU54Underwear S40 cents a garmunt. N .3Tennis 8 cents per yard. Kerosene Oil for 40 cents. N S10 bars of Swilt's Pride 05a for 25 centm. 10 pounds of N ,6Corn Meal for 25 cents. NO 50C 7Golf Gloves 7 for 35c apair None better at- 50 cents. m dimance to gelt a seumoi.weddeaet 1-3 off of regutoe. pricz. kUgB NOM ÀY LkkE DEPÀRTMENT p. J. DitUCE. Edltoe Pimn No. Il1 Ordeni Takeon for Job Worlc Advertielng Rates On Application Miss Ieab Loftus returnet list Thîurii- Tirnes Soit Out. day fluier ber viei wiltc iuds il, Wis- The fi rot ef thea is-kîta business tnans. cýOnKlu action toek Place m i.' rely Etîtor Frautk Eveybety is gîing wlere' '170îirelîB. lIesoler coldtU i Tîî,-e 10 Wsllac-e lancest Amann'slial, Satu rtn2 es-eu g, Stmat, of Milieu llii,,tien. Ws..Mtir Octohier 24. Geler puc-baseet i -e I ic> hfast ejing et Etitor Ssveny i-AI l'ee euiiiiOur Franîk Wuikte wliîu b heu-tu iinîg city buta ew iioii -, lie tiatitiue hi- a tee seu-uks' vacation i t F"11,uu and ichst is famil.y bai' Ie iulany frients V. s.. w-Rh fnipe îleins cciiinid e) u usw-liew iîî ffr~get i ii,- vîîeîleste. î,ucrk at tlie toe i-lure. IfloweveecMr. (;,l, , for a icihm smmucb -i ud Uti. OriiuluY, ci(Iulue- sent l,i-tt- san Ager L t,uo lie bas put--, Tu-.îiî uitb frueîîîi bere. chuaedt )w - 'lrrci, i ,,u at Barron, tics. Awielia %% iiutle v1eut Mcnifny W'A ix - ieading r- iii lîuet- cf that sithu lier witc i tK i i, 1 !- - . (lelen i1 1ciaccuitoinet Lee Williamus lIcit ti -ftfIbis e-k i niga [ai-, iii B oucu larirer ton a viuit et b hoir î,u- I- iu ~ i-,lhe lathie Tîn Ailfilsmors at Juulge FitulhiI aW ile" ecritony te work. lî, îsb lasuccees bncifff awlm-,u 11 5'1 l lit ii ew pajs-r. MiStrait wobas lod(l,1 diru 'hP, hilli (-i 'iemployait Ion t e ti ne by Editmr tins. Dciic' . f ibe,.rit ci,Ius liegutesti,, - l. c un the Tîri- - î îcgbt, buetling etfhecersi. 't i l î (W, F Ii ucu,-m ycu ug îsî Pî-rîîi, it î ci iederalule j- BlSii.u-l ý,, uchiagî. vcia-îat expenrie u,, -uoil!ii i,î,îut any doubt hustucei r ' , tî P,1 et terth every ',. ., t-lepthe 'rimes Eti lit îî r e uChiii lge lîti bus:iuesani) te ite Pest t"hu ' îe wîslu the Tu-daý.new editor sasu' ce-iii S.- lui-t li, i s iruîg a uî1, îiî10 ,. ei tîs l.t îî,u u I leislioivlau ah - tleI Lî,.uulîcm Cc ,,. sic v i'i: c- ...- &I . %u11e t lite 'i l pi ce ont id the@r pplildahi-e n I(it. 30, Halloiseen' ec v . 1- îîik rleîaofL i.berty- ville lois -[) eliengagu-îl î, play and lthiis iai,- plr,,iils-s 1,, Ilîleiof 14e ,eî-t f ic sliel,i Vîtlîî il] s, I luîîun t,, gi%, c euî lîand -'iiiy ille IL g iiitiiie It i.rýt-r-I Ot AI,,î,e Fox1hbas on -hrad 'tsî,la c0lntraiVou next Weduesda2 ni. I 'llîursday svening wîth bis coloesd stc ..lî,te,n viw-s and moution pictures. I--i-ne el-y intr ssting arid imistcu 1'- 1lth for cl and yonîg tpeople and iii aîrthv' uofalag audience. Rendii d I îlu naîitlîer colui aud then î - , t,, il,,-sleî îld hie lrîl-i Ii, i lîoctlîida el m aneIuîii h L' ,uî.unie,1 of<UlatLusk inî th,-sur] 'v sl ic IBlert .l,îoii. DEERFIELO Mur. Foxu il i Il. h'gt ivwill niove lbai-k te Etouuîl L.akie Eletion retuci, , - Iv>,,il î,,. gi-en tir su 'd,- t I Ai-IlIcî Saur-by telepbone lit il- f,ornîer ,i Lin- er tnd Ms. NI. , t I iîlîftSatu hr-elcoin sd Deenhelîl Ai . Ci -on iistate îlay foahi ti ndcifrii r cou tiley wilsiid th, % il1tlî u ur S.tF.laede- uty hall, tei- i.îd acnl laîiîly a i I 1-c i p,îthe fhous,- H. R..NiS er and îîîsjlttSundnyv îlîî iîîg thi r aeti-iaiChicago ai SIMi. d tirs. L. B. Tî,kess are about ail eeld out for tliem aîhfs r eecrviencutefoc hotlîîîe talent Pay.- lIra. Gee. Karch iu iig inIowba. M Ir. .,' Frilny evsiniig. Coinesutnd A unionewrvice " fIl le lî,1d iinite cet une lielre îbey ai-e gîîîîe Pre'yte nchr 1'uul' ay cvenug. Fus air lams iîeliîg oît tîje vry Mn. irubekr, ci, re the ".w andE liglitcstomplimienlts for tluose w ho are Order League, wîll Il--- charge of the takiog part ,Ltb ini the play and spsa eting. Ail are i,1,l.Heiur 7.45. 1 Niue Catberine Do6weIJ, of West Fre- mont, speut Sunday with f riends bers. )Are. John Hogan, of Elgin, vîited relatives and trîendo ln Volo last Tues- day and Wednesday. Will Dillon made a business triP to Wioeonsin lat week. NONE RECEIVED OR LESS THAN, Watt; 25 CENTS REOR SL IwIlS.TATEîl ai, ieîgri>ie h s work. MSuC t'H. BOYU,4 WANTED-Seve-ral girl. & wÏl Mr adbe. rtyog tte Raugt arof day or twe last week. MissaCaorgia Kapple, of Orayslate, cailed on frienda hHreSýatu rd ay afleoruoon.- Mr. and Mrs. Amos Crempton, of Elgin, mpent one day lamt week wi th thetforîni-ra niother and simter hiere. Miss Lu.-y Dunnili ivas at Round Lake during the paet acck. Nlrs. A. J. Ray rîonid entortined 34e.- darnes B. Duers and WiVn. Cleugh, ot Wauconda, laet Wednesmday. Mrs. E. A. Gale, of Elgin. called un friende ln anîd around Vole Saturday and Sunday. Mesdames F. Itunull an . Kirwan were vecent McHcýnry visiterm. Once more WH will give you a good tiqýH-l'orne tu the dan-eHSatuirîlay even- ing at Ainanm hall, Runid Lake. Tic,-kets ,Oc. Miss Hellen Rayrnond spent Satnrday and Sunday with friendm at tjraysln. Mfr. and Mrs. John Sutherland ami rhildren, of Wankegan, were guests at the Raught farni Saturday and Sunday Mr@. Jini Kirwan entertained Mr. andl Nlrp. Birdie Comnpton, of Woodstock, SuLîidu2 Mesdames !Sahel ami Wagner were récent McHenry calîce.p Strs. Win. Hironiinns wxas ini Round Lakie Saturday atterneon. %Irs. Augusî Mill-r andson. Nick, have gene t,, Vreeport, itinu., where they wili aiit relatives for several weeks. tirs. Ed Lusk and Nlies Elsie Walton eî,cîît Monday afternoon in Wanconda. len't flau t, be at tt l aî-- Saturday evenilig ut Xnîann',t hall, Round Lake. ( f)edjilusi,- aud a good tirne. Ticket44 LGAGE'S LAME O-car lBrooîks Iît fhi hieune iu Tex as Tue.sd1ty aller an exiend,-d îieit witli trieiids and] relatives. tirs. C. C. Ainem lm ,)vonl,-5,eit. Monton Date entertaineil IÂH brother and farnîly frîiin Chicago Sundny. llolî,h Chard vimited relatives here the last of the weck. FOR SALE--Choe lots ln C. Frank Wright'@ addition. 50x130., for $210000, $250100and *800.00. BD rsoro& Aîe'Se. FOR SALE-Aire lots on Iyimond's subdivision. clome te town and ele,-tric ar.Prîc@$300.00. l>enAii 1 -ti FOR SALE-7 rooro bouse. nfarly new, :tard wood llnish, electric lights aud ituod ksprlng water. CaIl or write J. 'R. MAcC, Libertyville, 111. 111-tf TOWN AND COUNTRY PROPERTY groivth cord wood. W. El. Apsi j LIVE STOCK.ETC FOR SALE-Two thorooh 1ItII Pstelîl oas. Inîluire o!D. i FOR SALE-Threegood muIwvj'J ing about 1300 lbo.. @Wh. A~ G. L. Mos, Mgrr. Lbertyrlflé: tis Rii n ce u aedeiîîg fiue Mns. Wili Sinsîzer ýml , of iicChicago, Mcs..Will Strong r-tucnd le lier home -01 ail inds for smis. Lome anti seeFR ^LE-tifrobie XJ. ait the releur'als. @peut several day8 lu-t N ise thîtirec, in Ecansleîi Tiursdîuy alter a two what 1 have, you ivill ftud sorne fine at Win. Nebnlc's stove, Bc"s Ses Mnàt. Bol,' aut the opera bouse L. P. Todd. weese vîsit Ni itI lfi iends bere. bargains. J. A. Gaàvte, Libertyville. or HrUGe NBIIEL", one mllj Fi iday ueuiug. Heniry Segrt, cI l,rt, ville, visited Mca. lie Hawkins, et Libertyville, 43-tf Rockefeiller. Tues1.,-aiisebewee ate, ut the at borne Sunday. elient luest week wîthî relative-s bere. shw .mdy vnngwilI aurelv î,ake a Me .Zalr u rLsîidee adisAd j-eyxîinest (In F OR SALE-Il rooni bouse, !4 acre land, FOR SALE-âiert-ohe bhrý,w bit. and Ur. and tirs. K,-île, et W auikegan), Tlîureday, Nov. 5, with Mrs. kciltî hmwihrüi(or3brs h ay andtriefrabgeft.OBul Cat,-ly -icuge sud prettydn-e can be spent Snnday.with lî i iitcbison sud Zaudt. Visiter. welcoîîîe. grain; weli ait ciolern. t Wiieeer's Leithtou. 111. s-a-n and beard at the opera lieuse Fi- Bleinl ailles. ~~,Frank Nîciiola.. bas renled his tarin to wcce Il eýjrler,'cas tuo signayvl; ONY O day evcniiig. lie e 10te present îiiv-lai Ander- tir. Phaunetteil. wIreaieler ecail rsetpnsilvery et LO lIen t fuirget the dance alter thne show &oenshall Tussday - il Iig. Oci. 2d.a ti prsat rsk nr fhla ree telpheno me el iveryofi Fcîdy svnîng t-ioidO~k, ongrs-îîlii uîsi Edmnit old his farti te a Mn. Meton, cf Dixen. village school district. Alise 2 gee o Ni O ON-u Frank chîin, of Antiocli, le the guest <'osesud other proîlîl cii speakers will IfrmIîc.l. l. 5ELS ib My-scNIEYTO LJ.A. Gaevs, Ubc at the Turner hbeî. lbe preanl. Music , i:. [-furmniseil hy fvilleor gl. S S3-4 - Liery-- riý' J.A.GavoIb Misis Pearfl Genned spent Saturdav sud the__________________"IlleIli_3- 8unday withblber relatives t Atiech. Mr. anditMr». J. L. \ -1t,r svho bave 1GURNE._ _ - _ MONEY TO LOAN-Ga 141 Win. arke amiwifeentetai 51 sput the paâtsIthii,,i Kiîua with Mm@. Dilley suent tîe hast weck in CELi OU Vu . Prlut sifseie eteraiiedthe thein daughter, Mrm. . >Sçîg, turned Waukgan ICIIt'uU eIett< saiet tvnîene brether sud sile, of Chîcago, boeneTuetay H omefren fne ame D ia Nanjt tluaday. Ale uhswshm rmUbI NUAC- t ie ad onaoBssX, lins.yclake, Ill. Il.Il.Wbie sd ol.More wre tre. Eoward Bei,.-î,î, îî,rtaîned Mes- ou-en Suntaymesut-ane. J. A. (<sÂvas&, Lihertyvilis. Mlwaukee thîs wesk w-ers the latter d113 ksnMtse uîI fslen t lrs. James Dady l. entertaining ccmi 43-tf baig i cc teist fe b n Waukegan. Isat Frida3. pwny frein Chicago. FO__________~R RENI baviig bi eye treted.Hetbss ju.lie ubent, an odicîldeîît of North Geo, Daiziel seas in tieclty on busIness SIUATlIN WANTED-Manieit inan aiuet totally blind the paet two yesa r fI and bis frienita hope tesees hixu bock seon - rhfeld, ded ,t bis toii- Saturtay. a couple of day. recontly. d. Iu w bîde;stsl nit releT-W tuly rcovre frin heafficton lie bait heu-n sîck but a Ic,- da3 a witb Prof. Harold Hughies, sou ut Hl. D. general tarin werk et anykintIqute FR ENT-m e an hiae ab- flyrcvrdfottepauuloia. Funeral secsices scere beld Huhse bsllss esinrîi eE ,KisnArment- arin. 4-2 echus udfaaoru, Hanry Panesky, et AntiOch, callet nTusaoecen . Huhso Âspae a are oE .KNI USTIN<. frind brsMouayonbi wa t MilTea aen sdsupergnc.byt Miss Lulu Lege lu New Oleans en Wed -________________ fisena boe * Lonbs a t ad i es' Aiard sci gietyo b heneeayeofl amt week. hie f iends in this ra w d-a co ison, W e8. McsnaaLtRus1 adie s idcetyA fSt- usurnchviiuity extenid bearty congratulations. WANTEO-A sin2 FORcendNT-50soam FRaReN'-0 etent Suutay witb ber parents, Mr.present sud the lvdera incite bout s The Ladies' Aid Soivt illt3 se d m~ teve. nuiea Ii ffc. 4- «. nAn ou aîîd Mrs. Walter t*edtrsy. $300. Ab,-I Puvinan, et Highlanid Park, cbhi-ken slipilr at the homes of Mca. Toultl Mrss Iley, primant teasher, suenit gave a vry liberal donation. ' McCullciigb Friday evcning. Nov. (t. WANTED-Te take tsnÎIY washiug te Saturda.v in Chicago. Eeyo dne etSt dyee- MisseîlessilsStraiig sehi hkbheen verY lbedoue at borne. Msis. LSJGIro5TO, 7 LOT sMd Eveybil~lacesJiit atrdaF ilI suvb ty1hoil lever is a littîs btter at Lihertyville. Mr. sud Mris. La Porc, otCblcage,sîuent îug at A,îîaîîî e liall. Ronnd Lake. ietelrectwiig Sunitay wîtb Mn. sud Mns. Arthur Ricb, rmusic sud a gioil tinue. Ticket 50c.i. te-ren wiig LOST-BetwSUi Pe--mlmi1 Mn. Slmith, et Antibetb, cahldot ea- iHELP WANTED ylrcn o nof,= * tic.. bers Menday. GRAND <1 one ain pin t oP (<e. WWbb, ot Antiocb, was bers ou LA.KE ZMRCH SLSAENSI eD116000 NK FRYand SAiflO Iep buie»Montay. Mcr.uatdtIr- Louuis Kuigge. tof Liberty-[AL WE N BAI per wsek or 400 per cent Profit. Ail ____________ tirs. Ernnet Wald sud son vi8iteit1 Illieviitd îi liives bore Su adsy. iA L W lË BA L samplesl, stationery, and art catalogue icîud bcs'uVdnsty.Mca, Irel uSýil, trein, Sylvia sud ires. Ve wanteepevmaneugn t utereraswnngto as Mc@. Louis Pulmnan is viiting Mc. sud Jaunie Seîl îîcIited tfrieîuîs ai Riiectîs, -At- Ibis locality for the fargeelt pictilce sd LOSTSra yewad wloré tins. Birman, of Libertyvilfe. Sunday. trame bouse in Amreica. Experisuce un- Lbnlrwr ilb a4 fur. aînd Mca. Robent Richardson, o Mr$ oft . Iivight, vi,ited lber mou, l-fp ncsayWcitutyobwteelcm.Na DUI,1W hvanbhoe, seereguesta at thue L. Frank Eî itetae.Gravslake O ea nouseadfuns tecpia.I Sus aeeyalene awek ud EsEil i 1wee ndfmi. J--d - ou nt a permianent, honorable sud LOST--StrYed or 460olsmWI1 ; Mis Msse attnde a ook nd chanibrg, ondy were r. llpan ticulars, catalogue and saruplas. Resear g offereul for returu c p sco ty tKeuceba freinfollet Friday until i@ empîcyeît l latteuis cueairy. c3 -Eve. O t 0 IIN .WLINsCmA4>11 W oNBgTriSALl 1 tondav. Milie Alilgi ,îî, eturnv nui e Friday Taylor St.. Chicago, II. Mrs. C. AlIeu aud daughter, Belle, ater speiiîli i uwesk luPalatine.MLuit by tira. F.ui e,, su ad tireCulver visitaie rs cI. a-n-usd son, Harry. of------ at Wautcganî, Wedestny. ________________________Il.__________ Cary , sani rday sud Suuday with McCormnicks Orchestra of Libtxtyvillie M r. H izi-,ee, et Antîech, suent Tusdal Ha r Àc u .11F E H Mii ai the homei o f Mr. and tirs. H, Wbeelock. tMr. anud 't,~ Burne, of Highland Baggage checked f ree. "0DJCIII LbryisE tirs 1. Vu.illuum and daughten, Doris ct-<e., vieil, -l î,îeîuds boe Sundsy. ilverybody cordially in- seere in Chitiage. Tbursday. Miss Eiiiii,î S laeter spieut Thursday vtd odtm ur PCA TETO A~ tirs. Win .Kaijle sens a Chicago SaI Wancci,'liu s an;oote- SPCA TTNIN A E . visiter Wediesday. Hnysl n ilBcnm rn ned PMr.. H. J. Wieleck Ict Wedneuda Heranedi et illBicuae tan Sfor s viit wtb ber sîsten, tirs, Lamb at 855ctd b IîIu'- I Waukegan, Thnrsday. TandesC75C. SuppCTExtra pColoradto Springs. Mrg. Wagiî-î -, idehildreuofGrays3lake, Tces7c uprEta Mat Sugan. of Lakue Vila, tcsnsacted spent a feu liii, -ia-tb Mr.. Hooft. To oui of Tovn Orders Liber tJvle - I business bers Tuesday. Mesdaiiue, \ Frelick aut O. Frank Doolittie & White Mm. Fleming viitet ni Chicago, Tues- WOe Barriiîî.i au viitocs test wesk. cdsy. Miss RoseEi limaîîn, speut n lesv days Proprietors. AdSipa rd OESAORTI.R ~ Mm.. Adanîs sud taugbter Ethel, et witb bier -is.-,trs. tie. Knîgge at And_________Tract_______AND__________SU Bristol, Wis., seere guesîs of SIr. and Diamondl.aî,'rW ELVRT AJO tins. Chas. Tueken tlîis week. Mises Sui, Kubîrnan vistet in W______________________ Geo. Strang was lu Lake Villa and Chisago, Suu,,I.r r- Waukegsn thie wesk on busineses. tteetaiii--11l Seip andt Fred usepseere T a e Dr. J. M. Palmer l8 expected berne a Barringlel î -ns ____________________ weak frein Snndsy. 1 Doland Buti,r visiteit trients here last -t ou o I& Benj.. Suyden let Wetnesday te accept week. onanMadw81ek1 a peitionwith the liraietfAlbert Pick M. u uti-. tSbaefer autertain dC n reato amCilh oeauety of baud C. He as atcompanlt by Jimmry aaut sixîilIty uts ý d@aIthein home 1eg to a h rhcntnl nbn 4b tiegg. S8tud »,î.,în.The eveing was oetmre rS& t Mr.,sud Mns. I. A. Fenlon, et Gumues, =put incacIî Iaingsi acig i Y LAKE, IL. lasses ofmanke pri 'oi were guesta of tlîeir daugbten, tira. Chas,.rpotla M .îîbe i.mfujtbiuk tir. anai E, ILL. xjý Wighîrnsn. Tuesday. al m iI.e are royal entertainoe. ueu n riý iuý Mn..sutdtirs, Johnî Leter, of Liberty. Colored Stereopticon Views 1600 lb. 'Pri» $ O tffl 1 ville, wers guests ot relatives boe.IGED n Mto itrscerne te mouotma t Md Buaday. I_________andM t n d. hersbrseswork outbe.tU M There ww,Ii- a I)erncratic rally at the Two Nih tndun'vldratof4&Q Stomacb trouble sonît moe quickly Inglesiet.- tii hall on Tuestay, Oct.ssetodtlrysrpnsl 27 pa fth dao retn h l 19ci. '1iî iglt -ni. Speakers for Wpedn'sday Lve., Oct. 28 COL. I. disapea If he deset lcatiig the eveiuilgiLIVîî: on. Win. H. Hoily cause, raîher than tbhettfect, seouli coen d Boni. 'u -eenu Starr. Demecrats ".Through lHonduras"- into, practive. A tiny, lsite bitten uneta1îaetleseutmtig Central America. IWARREN. tn 3 it, aeso nerve, says Dr. Sheop. goverm n utgi.. Iglei a îiip 8989-, M. W. A., meets rd awS scttet l.seab.Absc ac vr fnvîiithritTueeîlay o ue'cbThursa2u Fuou ()et. 29 Miss Purdy, et Mil waukee, la vidttlug Ot 0.The rar-ffl o i geste the heaansd eue te the kidneye.mot. uIl hgitNighbberRsud meinhersi l IC.~M ia .MCuîlk u tr aeydy I Whn thse incie neves fai the th aresori. vite t teattend. oEgW osî asd e v @ a tt o _ re Co la O HWA , C u n-il. - G old, rom iM ine to M int." Mr. andt U n s.B. F. Sh pa d ave rb- senîction ry, o m-bak lld I= tlat r. SBhoopshlestora- 314f H., aENDmCuhS, Clerk. Cturue. t -dtrotulthetx eMiern trip. office sWln b. sw5JUU4tbe. tive la dirssted pecffisallly te theme _______(jnral Admision 2US. Cidrn W@ an' glad!te hburtbat ia.Beeie the affl 11111 failing tiarves. Wthl 48 lbeurs alle tere '""gJielhty mpI Od (ther .àtysMI0MIM> utrbgthe Beetoradîve trestuient kyetpgteu he'r a ue tw-i--nst.mung UtheWm rnie a e bQ9ed u Ipatientas myt.realtacagain. SoId by î,smuueal.1u~unell srcl<under the &sic flPeetewreOm pfwlb t4w AceOLRL ~t the5 Pnuine in a yeflow nxt" cetery Âoeiton a socal called OoUntrY iater tu thb. s-vuue I-s i a - M - CIOARS and CANDIESj LAUNDRY OFFICE Phone No. 19. MISS EMMA GERLACH, Prop. TUE NEW SÂNITAR'I ICE CREAM FACTORY Webes to announee that they will open up their hiw du ie factory Saturday, Ray 23d i du iefor orders for Decoration Day. The very best of cream will b man ulactured bers at prices rsaonabie. tht grayslaIIQ I c ream Ç». L. FRANK', Manager Telephose 36 GRAYSLAKE. ILL. If. BMIRSTOW MA14UFACTURER 0F Marble and Granite, Monuments Cemetery Work of Every Description Correspondeilce SoliciteO1 16Genesee St Wankegan THE Wgg!KLY IfITER OCEAN ANo tItDipgNtwNT soTM ONE YqeAU FOR e.85. Warren t,,wilîhil, n,-ur I)ru"es L.,ake oeil wages. ClAan aisy rool» sunin,1,r reairi I île24) ilrcl-swl tlî in.T c. FOi-LLe Mi1LLes t buildingi, , o, -10Ia. r-îvilî,,îîtbuîldî vl ]-,ge fîle . al.o tw(i ,,lîcc tr,,,-O1,aî"are,________________________ both witli Iuî,îig- iîriiiî' eInquire of JAIi F.,- Ii , t ,Il , u O-FOR SALE rick St., Waukegan, 111. fFOR SALE-25 acres of ehs~ FOR RENT-242 1are d,îî,y iariîî. I -ii 5-c W. 1). KAPPLZ G0 IIl- ;ne w !) rooi u îse. humn. -cil,ma- hiv.shedf; wind-uîill, tîîi'ec udImnq FOR SALE-Relier top doit a waîer uulergronnd t,, cattle yardl tank; î,,ii range, *10 cacti 50 fscbo-1 iail laindlwell d rained; 201 acre> i l e , G cI, 1 îii-clansoos bos4l Hol îl itr; frsbwater, pond; --ciî lv, *1b,-1sand epringe,1 1reîît t - iileeion bMarch 1ev, '09<. - vîIot > taIs 2 lanîps, bsd om, sb,, hnly 3tîme. BR. T. H. SA',ix. - sk -72r ne let odto, lclfismie st., tChicagos, MI. A3-I ot Tîîîili a:ex aAuz, 100 Vdlita FOR SALE-Weil iproved and nicly Jg îuk loot. 210 (-rf-rnin asernl"a OR SALE-lîanpees Cnesm S a$7 jai -apac . (itv) 1h.per h ur 9 t17 .ls-vtyviîle, 111. .iîtI -tpp to izive satisfacetion. Jo. I Moeunt Pro>spect, 111. jTWO FARMS FOR SAt E-N.-arRîinn Lake. 111. (elarie în of 135 acres and an FOR SALE-7.5 corilsolwood. adjoiong Iarn ofî,52 acres. To Le sîilîlE. 0,BI ,Round Lake. A meparatelyoîr tî,geher. No beiter tams - a in Lake conntY. ARTUURt L. STÀ.FRIin, FOR SALE-Oood second haud1 Round Lake, 111. 47-tf ton pianoi, l inle clan conditiOÉ-1' -ss~ er< ~ ~ < cheap Inîlîlireat this ofkie. FARMS-We fine <large lîst of tLake --.. county lariîý, l h l anIl I-iFOR SALE-A gîool roll t0V00Iký lu village. V¶lvuîîsî& Al 1-t I Ifie &FHDDC FOR-AL-Soe--.--dr-- ed 1

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