.. ............ ...................................................Edtr - - çR1LEY............................................................. City Editor FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1908. Sécause h. blleved that he had the gift of caating out devila by prayer W- itylng on of hando4-Harold Mitchell le s«Id to have tom mad twiated the .t o aged Mr*. Letitia Greenhalgh, Avon breaking ber necit, until ahe fell ««,desd on her bcd of twenty tien years of lnvaliduam. WasaHarold Mitchell s murderer? Are hie handa reddened wlth -the bloed of unrghteous maalaughter? -If ho really dld the thinga that Walter and Jene Greenhalqh and even i.n #w fe and Mr*. Sc.hmidt, a devoteti followem, told et the Inqucat 40 many ~qUsmol Inon City, THEN HAROLD MITCHELL 1S A MURDERER BV VIEfY CIVILIZED STANDARD 0 F JUOGMENT. Nor observýe how clvilizotion acta, civlizatil oo the state of Illinois, one the mont progressive tates in the union, a *tete noted for leadership in 94lion next te Wiaconsin. *THE GREENHALGH CASE 18 $TILL ON THE DOCKET 0F THE CIR- UFT COURT, ALTHOUGH SEVERAL TERMS 0F COURT HA6VE ELAPSEO #6I, SEMS TO SE THE GENERAL OPINION THAT MITCHELL WILL SV Vt E BROUGHT TO TRIAL. bilire than thlel, th« state board -of health refuse to net sgainst the Par- ita or la ut loit inactive qgainît the PEOPLE WHO BELIEVE THE ILU AS MITCHELL, and probably thec mre ferocious pack as Mitchell led, m « Ok. l, la howing, throwing opileptic ft. and tying to cuit out desils Ilr Viey l9t. SMor lthon this, the county authorities romain inactive againat blond- b4ety and madiaeval bellet la "divine hcaling" and even whiie SUN aub- Wilbffl ore readlng tIis edtorial poor sola of Zion City are being deprlved Vhdlcalad surgcai care.. 4téayen grant tluat Ziort Cty may soon be thmown open te modemrn ances and practices And taken out cf MER SLOUGH 0F SUPERSTITION, «SEtS SACI< BITING AND MORAL IF NOT ACTUAL BLOOD SHED. sa there anythlng more beantîful thon -a comploe understanding bot. c.g uabaid and %vie? Thottla te say, that degree of! Nfitual confidence that 04lfté.comploes applnees »0 e ctop ta conélder thé influence car prononce has la the householal or*Wl m os o tlerwimé. lm the coi. may be? - Thé average mian warks hard ln thc fsctory or office ali day, gnon home t 9gbt tireti out. If i lvenlng mént ta roady lhe consumes il, as amotter Il tas., if It la flot rght thora on "tip« doe ho over-look te fact beir "l é wite and give her a ch.éry word of encouragement, or dos& ho get li. 00 Is bled logsand let out à atonumental roar that would make Niagara Owsml.und ilIe the tioking of a lady'* watch. The worid dislikes a quarrel- 0 'MOAan. the man wth a chronlo "Peeve," the chap who alwayastecs the lsOM àtb dougbu44the i pawty who tries te pasn off an aggravated sttack e r Ipeo"s fer plaus wiadou. 11814 6are ma'wba are big eaougb te say te their wives, «1I love yeu" .p ie. on lav" and Affection, and juat atarves sithout it; if you came W en t b. ashamed te admit it We do hot think thét the hcney-moon O.,d MW ter Yeu bâve Ptid'the first montha mrent. SDoe.you sacre ÎMeî YO saauld prance up to the house ln the evening wlth s box 91 abook, perhap. A bundi o!fioc juat how often have you dons Mrà Mtn.have you treateti your sife la sucýt a manner for the pait five 00M Usé Yeu vwould have thc norve te asi her to marry you, eh* knowIng O*M' wfl mas5h.d oOS, if pou sare bath single? ý'ýýTboat ser. la the. chaps who will trust his, honor, hi@ pence cf m(nd and elgowis of hie children te bls wîfe, but sill nat frust hçr wlith a dollar. ,ýWsaaét16go0dOwn 1tewn andi buy a fcw thlngs, and asu" for soin. mcney 4 l1l0man frodt thet mouth and lets out an Eighty dollar "bolIer" "bm eur te theite ak. î HO Il"Promptly makesas boggar eut of the wioman hoe cave. at home i. r,04 1. fsntliY. sîsays forgetting that sho wil give a botter steount of ýut, hotffnt thton ho cvcr can. î tJOa het neccsasrY te have a complots kacieletige of daw poker te be a 8Sfhte mon act ms thougli LOVE was. a sort of "bird lIrme" to e iiusod 1> -eh lb. irl alt, Andi la bd dlacarded after te la "hocked.1" ~ 11v. neht.s torif 0"lat the American heusewife, let us acknosal- =o..trbehiéïvéninta and Ulv her the honor that la ber due. ý0RPH4ANcmgafftive tuberealin taest ithin one year; RRr»dIG MIIJC çrûvided, boweveP, that from jacuary a -until Jénuar> 1, 1914, butter made of1 3 mcsRoqulrlng ruberculin Tst m-l obtamned f rom cowe not tuWrcnlin teéted or Dot froc frin tubercnloeté may iF AI1,Oowiý Supptytng PàlIk andi b. solà la thé City ef Chlcago if thé milkc Mi Producté la City cf or tream froua which âsncbobtter vasE chitage. matie vas pwtearizéd aoeording to thé -ruI., anti regulations of the D)epartemat9 09 Realit aIut Jt t (Chcgo. t - i MtL 8erioa 2. It -bie anlawful te VMtG 1. No mllk, Crea, Ltter. oeil aay butter lu the. City of Chicago,s Ohoim cresua ohal b solti, offéred uulmeéthr. lie stampe 1 on the packagec foruaeo kept with in plalnly legible letters or net leu, the. W-en .10, ti ng vithin ÏthCid t -ighth.lirch type: 1Made of mjlk (ore alter Jasauary 1, A. D. 1909 ,Creauà) froua coaafresefrouu tuberculooià iê9à mnlk or crésim or the mllk or ausahowo by taherculin tet," or "Madeb Ï eWialned tai buttermUlk antik-, froua mllk (or creaual panteuiuzd accord-t OW é obUàlnd froua cowà t"hbave lag toe i.mtleé and egulations of the VMsaua#sfactory negativé tuberculin I)ëPartm4co t cfHealth of the City of WbMn u testeti" anti éhaihé sale, expooi for sale or kept with the a"da certlreate ahali bu ieti latentioaofsellingln the City ofCbicagço, t Of Relth o h iyo ilto 1ti riine hal éi n frme furniabeti hy thé forth wth seizeti, canideuaaod and des.- ofatb, giving the tmo.vud bY thé mili anti food inigpectoru S brisfdsmiptioof theanimal, or othér duly antharised agente or i Of henei-. aicerfcaté the CitY of ChicgO. b iw*r =- however, that froua la foll force and effect froua andi atr . t, Jana 1914, i iCES or butternilt a iecrea S(Tin1N omii em haai *U fllkaso obtaineti froua coie be eold or offereti fer aaIe or kept'iwlth@ lin 'teotéd or Dot Ires froua6 the intention of selliag lu the City Of1 inay bésolti vithîn the City Chicago alter Januery 1, 1909, uniu1 q ftiiemilie r creua froua lid hdi eese lie- matie fran mutor creaua * mteurlzed accortiing to théeobtaineil froua nove that have glren a Meglatona of the Departinent matila~ctiIy negative tohérculin test - fteClof Chicago. tithin one pear; provideti, however, that AYmilk, crea, butter. froua Jaauary 1, 19119, for a peioti of lecrMaint Ofereti for W, t ive pes to-vit.unatil Janary 1, x o ale or kept vith tIei lten- 1914, domestice e~ matie of mutk -~ wthi th Cit o1Chiagaobtaiutod froua ccv. flot tukierculin -ibnd vbitCbin uic cebitmygla tested oronet Ire. tram ,tahercalosis, imay * d 08CUea 1, shah l be orthvth le éald la thé City nf Chicîago if the milt deso aie atidesiriiyctiby the or ereaunfrouawhieh sncb cheeeé vas iCspectera or other duly inade was Pateumlzed ariccrding ta tIi. sasoy émployem of thUic e@ andi regtlations tof the, Departtnent 0(f13 i of the Cty -of jof lieath of the City oS Chirago. i Sc-ioN 2 It shah hé nnlawfel te TW* rdinanc. shall e 111aDiaY sncb Cheege in thé City ol Chicego and @11M frontand alter noie... thére b. stauaped on tbe package lu plaini> logible letters of net blm than- on-lglttt-ioc type: -masde cf mali (or b creainl ront cow Ires froua tuljeuluoss @hal ».old vas hown by toberculîn test", or "MasS. télurfrom Ua l (or Crean,) P&atenrlaed accord. q~ <ie~ la te is lmotsand nrs tions cf ths i b9ttor ~ Of oSRalth of thé City oI ooi th of Suciix 4 fi ~Orinaffreh"hah b. la NUilfore ;d, eet f rom iandi alter January 1, 1 9 Ti,e Lak.e«ide eteyAoca.s wniinceet with bfro. Anheta on Frlday afternoon, Oct. 23. The baag.ar sud supper of the. Cemeter'y Aociatifl uwtll.ho Iaeld a&the Uow hall on Thuredey evsnlng, Ocl,. 29. Dn' forét to éend yuîur articleafor the. bassar etrry a@ the betaar and . upPer begin at oive O'ciuek. &cott & Hiddleéon have opened thé hoardlng bouse satheii macaroni tactory arhich lbas been cloied for saine time. Tbis wl i ve tbeempltof othe. factor.Y &id railroad men a buarding house cloeA to, their work. Hon. George Edmond Fosé addreéeed a large crowd et tho town hall lst Weduesday evening on the l)olititat hsée. of the -day. Thé program waa i rîlpî indlaby Mitnheil'e Military d ndti.Waukegan Mâle Quartetle wutbaten takiai aaosui %e part in tica aluand givifla excellent catie- faction wberever tùey have énng.' Thé quartette Ia eompoéelof IL .F. Longr, finiret uor E. E. Bloomfield, second teor; Prof. Gilisoo.era as; ndC. H.Ke nTheir seleettona wele enthnaia@tically receivéd le thé audience. DIL 1. L, TAYLOR, OSFICE OVEIK J. EU. TEZOS LDO. ,iomm:-7 to 10 a. m. 2 to 4 and 6 tý 8 P. M. &ésldence on Broadway, opposi te Park Luherty-vite. ilinola. DR. C. IL GALLOVAY. t osuma-frm 1 tu, 8 md 6 to 8 p. m. UbertYvIDe. Iinis. Voti rach over 3.000 people when yen advertîse aucion sales la the Inde- pendent. That lé just for the price 9f 100 bills. Don't forge. You are getting somsething for absolutely no- Sthlng. Adjudication Notice. k Public notice la borebé uiven that the Iubéerlber Admliatrattlx of tiie e.tate 01 Borse@ J Nfdde,îdnri deaeséed .111 attendt the (JoUctr oours 0f Laie bounni. at a terni tiereof to bu brilla t the Conri taon-e ln Wankecsu. fu laid Crient-. on the. tiret Monday of D"oimtwr rxt. lies. whon said allere ail persona haviez.g daMl audant éMid Astate are nor4ied aed reqoumtat 10 Drréent the. Rame te sud Courtfor eAiedletIonj. TBEIM¶tt>iaEru»wosw. A mlnâ" WIMLogib L.OC s. rtir9M 2-4 BM M. ILILLR. Attorney Adjudication Notice. Publie oUti a bomebéétron tbat tSi. ub- eriner Aduiuiatra±rlx of the estate of Fred J. Glas.dM@ceat. vili aten th e Coucty Couirt et, téCours iotam e lu Waeéan lealnd Oountr. ou the Oiret Kodar of January »EXt lim.wheit adl viere ail tiersons bavt ie sL&*aaIéatl Mdestato are neti- fluai antid eed eueetthb sanie to =d or-er .14n1teatte.1, 1sa. LGraî.Adnlnistratrx. e W.ne. II Oiber .L Me. ti-x To quickîr check a cold, druggiata are dlspenslng everywshere, a clevîr Candy Cold Care Tablet cslled PrerentWc Pre- veotics are aise afin te ever1oh chuldren. Take Proeuesiaiatthi e .. atage tW head off ait colds. Box of 48ý-25c. ALL DEALERS. Notice of Sale. Public 'noticé la herebj, giien that pannuant te a resolution Auly passet by the. board of trustees of Grayalake and Warren M. E. cbtireh, tii. sli trusts wlll on Wedn.day, October 28, 1908, at thé heur of titres o'ctock of .ald day offer for sale to e th hgbeet blddr thé old Mthodst chorch building sltnated on the. sonthetat quarter of the north-. est quarter ofS ction nîne (9) it Warren townohlp, Lakecounty, Ilinois, fortnerlv known as Warren M. B. church. Saiti sale will lie helti et thé front door of sait Chu reh. Terme of Sale: Terme on. fourth<) caeh, balance a credit o)f six (6) monitîta wili hé given on good hankable notes bëaing 6 pler cent interest. Settlement ta hé matie on thé day of %ale. L. A. Briflos L.. J. LOEDELL Omri$ Otnieav R. W. CuunarULL iSaoay AD)AMS HANtiraK. olEmÂSuu us. BE. J. WangOuî Truatees, Grayolake and Warren Id. E, cburch. 3-2 Servel asScotes, thé nov colte ob stitute knva te, grocere evrywbm aas Dr. 8hoop's Rlut (Jfle, ilit"ciaeue a coffft exprt. Mot a grain 01 cofe 10 telther. Poreheathtntowsted grain, malt, flt, etc. haro boeso m clerérlr blendéd as te gi rd o woodermlîly matlafying cnflée teste and laver. And lh la "matie la a minute," tool No tedlona 20te 80 mIonte.bottin«. Test It andi ose. Dr. Shoop created Healtit Cotfe@ that thé peope njgbt have a gennnecoffessnhttnt., and orne that wonît b. throughty satiutylng ln every possible respect 961d by .CORLETT & FRUO<RICI%8. CLARENCE FLAGG TO4SORIAL PARLOR, LIBERWIViLIU3,ILLUMOS Ordsrs Taken for Nz, Ma aîs nd Pùt la ordow Perlodcaîs trantsed Welcomî the cogulng, SPced the parting gucat; The football haro coenl glory s queat. ,Games niay cone and gaines may go, but bmilnem' goos on forever. .And we're glad of it, -oopecially 1wken we bavei the ploasure of aatlafying eustomers as we do witb our DjfibAJ4O[)S. Tha t sounds ki ud of!1 chesty"- -Maybe. but 1 weve the goeds 'to tàlk for us." And you'l think so the minute you make up your mmnd to try our Repair Work. Don't put off that minute! A. IUSS, WATCIIMAKER Repais. Work Lib*rtyvitle - WaJtos and Clocks, Illinois 6reat tbing for busineses that waterway to ihe Gulf. Just imagine what it'il mean to' the American farmer. And, of course. to us ail. Meautime were not "restingonouroarm" tili the flood tide gets us. Our UND!RWÉAR is a big factor in this part of the country what- ei'er happons iu this state or the next. You had botter 1 get whe " to that fact and make up- your mind to try ont our WHIITE CAT AL WOOL IJNDREAUR E. W, PARKHURST Schanck Block LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS CHRIST IAN SOCIALIISM Corne and learn the truth about it. TOWN HALL, Saturday Eve., Oct. 241 AI eight o'clock, p. m. Chas. F. Hlughes, Lecturer ADMISSION IFREE! ~WeII ArePi t I I I P Dressed Men 'articular About Their Feet thile lime te cmli youparticular attntot Men's Hilgh-Cut Shoes During the winter tenaon no mïn cmen ai real heelth tuies bise et eie emceued inan mtetl sbom Witb the fée dry mnd bbe W right the bealtb lu ssumrod YQUIl1 §a OSestock o et Mn',Shoas a fine onet youI luain the shectote utIyoes bore-- Vobave th= ain Patent Liatho, Vbour Caif and V ici Kid andi pnces rang- -ing from $1,00, $3.50, $400#' $4.50, $5. 00 and $6. 00 Mens Work Shçies, buit stron g and durable, from $2 up JO Ur sock of Milend1 winter furnisinm lifte.dy for 701W Insecton. - VERYTHtNG FOR MEN IJ.SB MO0R SEý Ihave got themp in ail styles and aimes. Car" a large stock and buy in large quantities pnd can make prices as o ae the lowest. THE UNIVERSAL in. onie of the best lunes in the country. Superior to all others in Operation, Quality and Finish. Evey Stve Cuaranteed. Ho Bo, EGERO j COAL TIMFE IS I-11RF We wash al Goal at our yard before de- livery, after wefgtiing. Nothirig but Clean Coal put in your bin. Nt, Range and Egg, Cannel, Washed Egg liocking, Splint and Ind. Block Feeding Question Solved. Pioneer Cow Feed, Sugar Oluten.," Daisy Dairy Floi4r Mlddllngs, Bran, Comr leal, Oit Meal, Red Comb Poultry Feed iEMMONS - MIERCER LUMBER COMPANY SLIBERTYVILLE ..ILLINOIS USE Washburn & ýCrosby's GOILD MIEDAL FLOUR Tried Înd true Iý ts mde for Vou. for sale by CORLETT & FREDERICKS LIBICéjYVILLE, ILLINOIS Telephome 30 S URED WITI4OUT THE KHI'E ~~ lIuaPlau,' B.--îii. tehîria. UWle,at on. MvoflcV PILESlt.aaiaeSecait,61W iaaS.Rcir, Tilt Cured Coutas tîpioat i eal I68.tàftl R.lseaasave III. * "ThePr0fit .si 1 D Diry and Live S Buds uarmi e Fed Sugtat. Diii snd l-reStcck Fe-d4 o-mig the mctmrine (mno1s.s) @&*OUMt in just therlght proporticon 1 Menthe minala Unke litn, var lislied and c.ahy digcsted, snd go to increase imlk production, baud deba or crctteatrength, accordling te the clan cf stock for vhch they fte te be uwet. Fmee ront vccd sécdé, the rnamtur. front Sugarota Foots in au ideal fertihhaer. Sugarota Dalry Feed, SugmotCattie Pecd,.- Sngarta Horne Peed, Sugarmt icpFoot SogarotsSérine Pied, SugaPeaçLcomd ïl SuaosCHMmiarblam e Msd mlicmc forliecct purpose fW shicài ltA b. LWd. TM- E HOME LUM13ER COMPANY.' LUBE~.COAL, GRAIN AND MIE'L PIS2D. VTleépom eb. 5RYILLL a 1 - ce t