Mrm. Bort ut], visite,~5~ rlatives bore une d*y Wles t .k Mr M0 22aa2 pt m. #t 0oeoi8put Adae Kubker and Atis Paynea apan1t Mr. &>U4 Mrc. oa. Kennedy. . fast Scinday ai thpir rékpective bhlges. Mtrs. A. 0. Nelson and ArthoutTetsrted t Grandn.rus ielr le et botn. egain froru ther western trip laat TbuIeday, HarVig was good, wei-ioi-V18it wi h relaives Mla.Charleq Mathe-x- eeitt ucçupy ber *l Ayer's arVgrwsod in Chieago. cogaeeon the best that wes mnade. But Mr. sudeMrp. M. C. Deeker,ri Norxhl b sud Mm.. W. 0. Thorn raturned last 'WaI ~4 Ayer's Hair Vigor, new lm- iîtiah- o iId emli F--Thumday lion Nebramka sord Mr. sud iîi protre formla, I bettr. tMrm. Win. Thon)i rcîurned bc, LihrtYvilloid pro*d frmua, IXbetershIse(ai-.Pccvi icretrieel Saturday leet woek. 81i la tshe ontgreat speclfic forfall- trum ataîl i- i it aitir hem-'e, LMr aud. Mrs. Height alid cblidreut are» ing hair. A new preparadion In AirEd Hewem.if ulhifago vxtit t l atter'a surit, Mrm. 0. A. tweiery wa>'. New botule. New i-mu t î~ lie, -t lir, thd have i-eturuéd t<eto tieirepeît a few deys, VU14 contents. Ask your druggist to ependiug the pai.t uuner. hae th ber août, Airse dwa rd Druoet W, show Itto you, "the new klnd." la ui c-r 1ciîi-,'îî$aueday rom'Oraetlake. o LAM mi cha p. iwe c q urofthe bccir- hie trip tii Sonîthtiakota whertî-ui b n -m41 ,1, L i,jî. tfWankc,gau, vlisied 'Mat 5puOi itS.5 robtU* bud ii- orthe cueii-lg ut the Rose- gr. ,end Mmajoln Bouclner and eailed oni po ncs ol u eeerc ation. fripede in thie vieiniy ronti-um iudayuil o eh île ' Io uir ttioue %i8sionary Suiet.y Wedneeda.v outhibjeweek. ta=duic h il-ateno-.thuîl i lîiihitot. a buday I. B. Weed r.turned trou, Lake Gi-ceva j taie do5.h1 .y5 attenoor.-'i-i thie jeu be saan iti rmnafi,,bei-e a eiîurt tjme. lu newHaî Vior t ~.~eed ube Misses Vjvian Bouner and fBertha Setu As,. o, nske Cr preent.White went as delegatee fi-om Miltjnr uT does e lt ave the slgtcst efectu uron Ourii îetl co)inisineirAsa .joii-etut the Suidayeciot convention et CW the color of the hair. Yeu May uset il lc]he l-. i--nru lipù, havie bei- ertvtd. pue treely and for any length of ime wth- dring Riue Fine %aurk on the rouds for Mr. cd lirs. I. B. Tower arm to have Sudi out tear of changlng the cOtor. Stops th, i- cpt Neek. Tîi-y avegraded ahout F tilling flair. Cure& daridriiff. thi-et uiuleîs ud a hall ut ruade, a .sa it luthe future. Tbey have neit M -yd*ibl ci» .jC. Ar" where tbê.Y ciigo. ,,.-aie AMi-. éi soirHal au Peli-wathe ore of The driver brulere have been -buey th@ lita LAST DANCE of the SEASON evenirig. About thirty-3-rung g is c uhthi iinit tasîak wer aiî a lere ae u. eRejrhucvie,,Iin, to MgruM. Hitlue. but was Stof ~ un udepeut a vere ed anbe veiùg, tuiguiohjedlalulime witbri14 pertous M AI-l!damege. ~spahi J.Obituary. u Eari White. of.Ui-baua, @peut Sunday pare llI I1 2 h FMrm. (Carulîra Wrtz, a-ieofPe with. the hume fuik8 sud callirxg on stait Wlrtz, dl,-i at the Eî'auiienl Dtieeu 1ees relatives. nt I-IALFDAYEl.sil, lichiago. Iletieber il, fi-us the Cari Hughes, of Libtrt3-ville, vieltadb u a uS reteuto au up..ratjen fui- tunjur. AM. brother, R. G. Hughie, ut Loua LLake. Wiiruwibuu aliiio-îian. G-rîiarv, Mrs. Chirteuidaiîauj lise.Alaerturned utiu Mairh 12, 1 s66. lu 1M 1 e.inre te tu %3aukegan, Wednesday cAl rhis week. colon Aturie l 1910 le a-i uariejtu Juhu Boulierci lit Pave for biestiew Th D AC E Fri-d Iliriz. Aler ttiîs tlîi- etri- aujd-bhune thi e -ik aceoiîupanierl hy (cordon tarin lînlît a luin- iii tRugie Krk, fl. tt-Ipe hourier, averý Mrp ived taile a itti fler oi the C. Ktile"Foreign Miionus."Mie. Id [,fhI' 1,iiîînaue E vauiî-l Lutheranhri hî 4:17. Minettae rluire, leader. tarir ___ __ ___ _d il Rger8 Park. lii. wai iîet aloi.. a M. and Mr. Sutturd ai-e euterauuîiîg yeer dpiot*ii-jiîeniberof i- t îe burh ibut achu tw< iscti(iliAtr. i-attîiid, oie- tri..wn tire, tf te fiiuers. Site leavei a huit ut Altouna, Penn, andujeefioui ltutklii-d, thal Uê tLéfrieridisud relativeci whcî mounaber fi- ,unN EUU1U~U -d.-aVjîwith gr.-it srioa for ohe was Mrs. Johni 9. Jaiîîiso r. i- amisone f *iimii ai-l liked mai lu-d bliv rvryuuie with muther ietc-ced ru Cherry Vall-y lait Witt a-humsite camîe luaecontact. Vie de- week tu etay a %vhril wth hi-r sou, thei -a-i leiivi- e hi-r biaudtii-o etlid-eîî. Gerigi- ici it ---- An-hiet iEmtIt4. ac aagi-j îîîuthei- auj 1liuEd ward Martine ai-w hune.. stands bell une lurther tu riuuru hi-r deati. a woi-k beuclu ut historie lauie. I t une. lta O CITI.'Efl Thtenmortel remai,. ai-r.. iteri-edhi-mreiugi-d tu Rd aai- tiiarn..,Mrp. ferf ______lu tvtiîboe. Servltiewi-re hled rut the 'Slîaffoi-delu.rien.tei-ameti-um Lo)uchon T hue-, 501 orme avenue, Rougers Park.,F.aglad, aend s-ag a Piano uaker by ball »auclug Evee-y Saturday Nlght tMi., Oetuber 11, ti-uxu ahicee the tumeratt-d i a uartti wokrjtO Pirucession suvi-d boe. The funerai si-r- Wood aud made beantiful thiugo witb eut, vice@ we-m curidtiitej hv ber pasitdir, Rev. mortise aud glue. He deepised oaisire 1 MImC by lHesrtel. orcbestirla 'Suil F. Si-hueler, ut Rogeric Park, iu 11i8 The work beuuh de tigbty i-aluni lu th,*, an Gi-i-nu&cd Eiglisb tanuairem..Tics Spafford teaily sud s-jll be kept as asufait M £ea7Accuumdat lo uuerihdiseoni-eeswere based on uttne 7,heirlorcum by bis grainfeons Arthurfou, Evejr cco modtio 1117 ndlia. 57, 2. r. Wirtz an Attred aud RalphSpefford.MrëSpaffogrrist _______________________ tmily wieh tu express; their muet heart- 'ivey iudly ltx it te Frauik Yul. aud har feit thauks tu tboe- aWho assite] himun Fred Haedji. whou thi-ycosmeuced buid- cil' QEI4ERAL tbe iuur ofdeath "' iig Ed%%,rd Matiné tou"-, eaviug them W ý,mnoviug their hi-nih froun Soinere, t %. enty the Auctioneer i Dmo_____ile t0ysi irs. Wm. Eraman reltcrned home hoKflPe 1 bg. hbd over0 e xprTbnreday att-r having @petit two wceki ________________ emesisWkl g es n uarMntet to wrh ber pareuteiu Waterloo, la. Ars. Jas. Male, ut Waukegièn, visited peuf SÂeMgo al a ti Mr. andi Mns Fred Towner aud tamîly relative. hem e xo >1 co.I& ob la ie cuny' duteMs. in.vat L lberit. lhter Mm. R. J. Tyler bas eutflientiy te- an- owim'a biàL Mrp. WmocWfaet r-covered lrum ber receut ilinegs as to h. 10 ~ - a rhL ats fr ai M ad Mrs. C. Steats @pont ThnrsidaY about towu again. tien pt CCDt. et Autlochvengritve Chas. Lusakaud family were visitons ofl l i-iAf0I~; . Kano bas liaditsi barni and heu- Mr. aud Mrp. lBent Lnsk at North Chi ar W ,H. PP EY boulse whitewmshed. cage rnsdiay. A Ubrtvue jM*Ar, and êr. Ws. Rneman aud M. M ru. C. A. Hepkae entertaiued the Oni sud Mms. Wm. Lenîp4r @peut Sunday La<lîesy Aid Society Weiinasday. le with the latr p ame,Mr. and Mmr. W. Nehrlich and famiiy eutertaiusd Mi Win. Lempker, of Lîhertyvitie. «DetsfrntEvauston lest Suday. Meu G ETf READY TO BUI1LO A coucher front bere attended i-ha Laite MrpAn aho ndon arFi 0 county convention atDeerfieid lest Tues- s - Aunvea l a8le kvthrp idnon, arry, Fi 1 AM READY FOR THE WVORI< day sud Weduesday. sMaivra aelstwe iitu iyW relatives. M C. Stast8 purchaoed a tierce at Wau- Mr. sud Mmp Leou Ward bave returueut Kit kegan oua day iast weak. tro am asscnstts where they bave C ,Ju1~4L.IRVIING H. flormsas ale was;wal atteuded becu fuor teariy a year. They are at Wu lesMoney.hne piwin ~ h. i-wpreentwith Ih e trtere parents, Mro -F farim whieb he has pnuhased or W. E. SI r, aud lire. Oea. A. Rose, the latter cer Sa d mat « cfolriuerly MimesLilinAynsley, sud infant repi Sidealk &M emet Blcks When the notice of vour auction sale son bave giveen rp their resideuca at mi, ROCKEFÎLLIER, ILL. ls pninted in the Independent it reaches Edgewater aund wI makre their humne e 8,000 roadéra. What more do you bise. duricgr the s-inter with Mr. sud h -want9 Mrp. J.' H. ýyt.eiey. hrx tWt Me Estimsate Upon the Job RUSSELL 'Carence Kuigge was a recent D'es tr Mn. Woriey was etertaiued at Mnm, Plaines visiter. the un -Geo T e rd tivr nd"ale. wl te Mr. aud Uns. Win. Nabrlich, S., are ü ï - he hrd tres ociale ws wel aten-vusîxîug relatives aud triends in centralan AM dad. The prism es re swardod te jeu Iliiie. They expect te he gones oeveral w Mville, firtfor tehres okn ek.Ir outit Mm. C R~ e R, 0. Murescound; orW Shaw, of Crystal Lake, le the I ~i DrID I E" i7~ hildreu, Aicas Si-ar, Srot; Variuees gatai sWho purcheedtht hardware q i qLjJ 1I C U I Young, second. Rveryouaeriuoyed a very etc tJ J ph.HtbsrEuips~* plea@antavenîniz sessi on sud heguri businèe. AMr. Shaw LePLIN OR ASSORTED The Ladies' Aid Society iili si-et with issun induetrione. steedy upright citizen St tuce MgArs. Will Melville, Thuiday moiriig, aud si-ime te rae ,lihe bas, durits te o 1maire a Ilpecilty offrim'gt Nov. -. A turdialinivitation la exteuded pi-i-oi-ni ini tiis cocuaction wbicii il par- M ather Britk or Bntk let, Cream t tu ait iuterested. ,lunided i- îll result lu great banelfit te Pis etturcla Sociale, Pinies aud Publiec Ara. A. C. Worth sud Carlton, 01 bispeif, his ueighbors sud the public in M atuherbniga. Wankegau, speut tie lest of rite s-ek gAlnersi. Île anjdlis fauil.y bave soi-ad bhc wjîh tIrs. A. C. Curris sud attarîid te iG nte io f tht Hoicomb teoideues onu te MITCHIELL BLACK sociahle. Mr. Worth caine Seturday Lake street. We are very giad to num- - t Tai. S l Lbertyviltle cght sud aoipaitd ibes homne ou ber Mn. Shaw- aud famiiy ariong tue N ROCKSEILLER. ILLINOIS Suanday. 1 sdft 1Orvilage. ti ______________________ Myra Steen, ot Perle.,(is., came home Thae ubjeu-toftthe pastoras sermon et tiv ________________________with Alyrtle Corrîp, Friday end stayed the Rockefeller chuncbhnextuday morn- à util oriday. lug wilu lie: "The Lina of Douht; e vil Gens te Hie Roward. Wil Bonret, fMliuru, sud Roy RaiOual Consideretiori ut Doubtul B The gales of the great hayond swng Dodge, of Peoria, callid ou their aullt, PracticeSsud Questlonabilndulgeucem'" fro ..rbwad ad noherpot bs nta-jM ra. L. Md. Banner one day lent week. A Àspeciai invitation ls extended te mses- ttia .r te ouTha ell teLnr IrendMn ribvemvdbers oftthe congregation s-ho 1eideaat h Osove witb te mournutlvoicestollad lthe to oecracn..R. B. AMile wiîî moreD berLee.h naut -mes,.,ge that Fred J. Giase bad ont. ltse Streog tari. WEST FREMONT,1 C taitis -ite. Decaesd a5hum Mr. sud Are. Joe Harbarger adM.nul borbeld, Mervh 1, 18169 sud die u-jani mi-. Chili Siver aud W oen f asl lrch i hcg, pu uf Oct. 18, 1908, agad 89 years. Hl' leaves Waîîkrgsn, speut Sunday at d . A er.dywith liauds bers. ta muorn their lo@bis hi cit, Ida Gase Mr. aud Ars. Jeu n Crawford, Jr., sud John Hertia made s trip ta northeru MC Sort two dilu' two bjruthi- t teusoaie bis parents. daegbti-r spi-ut Su nday witb bis parents, Wi.r-onshuin at week te bey cattia. aui bro 's n tou s iiter " Tihv ri MnM. and Mn.. J. Cnes-tord. Nick Stoifie sud lemliy tram Nebraska hloe hlmm " ' lec-are ego. tI-iesai-i reýricusju. are hehng made for Raily vieited wlth relatives hare receutly. Ar hiautt ii-idli thjp xeihhurhood lois dey, ý Or. M-. Rosi-ranis cburch sud Wm. Frost sud MisesAima Meyer were chiliibooj sud wases-i-l iwu asi aSunday ii-îîîul s-îl ioie udbelp ta make Chicago viâitais Sundaýy. klnd and loijg hupband audtxher. a i-i-y lueurit auj profitable occasion. Joa Frear @pont Suday-at home. May these that weire dear te bisniai-ýt There wailte' a local option nlly - Iemeuuuhar W. Diatuze sale Oct. 27. lat tublè he ad hberavemeut with furtitrude sud givu-u liv t..e îiciaoption partiesFriday Il faitb rrating ou the e promis- of Ood. ciglît, Oet. 221, jnfu Ihush hall. Every. 'IMr V., he aienily oetthe, deeased ai-e iratedah body sae assreiyataued Th ta SU for hslp rnuuered and gym- Mn. Cl aewmlrpyatne itueh( pstlry sluosn during thelr hout, of everYtiug meilliîg eta igh priea. M Ai r, sud Mrp. Tom Cuonuey and Umsln. Cuiuy saud faiuîly willi suon leave for lispeput Suuday wlrh Wmn. Joyce. à Colradoom ber,- they have taken up -Th. Missies Katbryne Nolsu, Isabel sud W Calut cf Tlanks. landu.Frhielron putudawtbs- Tlîe ladies are îuîekiug jireparations îahve lu Lra entuff.i el i W.-ýubis to «tlîauk the friands aud luîr a bnvaan te lue iîeld the lastuiNv sI aeBuf ~frM Ars il TOyrabâan d ason .51 1 isFera Hutébinsoif vistd s-tft >Aves at Barington Suinday. - tei taillian antid eulir-,M sripaut iudey sud AturidayMiat ý*gnýiîtuMr- edu AMr. 1P. J.1 r if W. Hug.he-s auj t-biili-eu. pent wrday aindlSuday a lth relativeg lu littKIt Riity,îof L.iboityville, is ldiug îài i-ie-k with relativtes jl Our ulg auj vutlulty. IV, .lomeFuandi sou Eau. tufNunda, te bmns(!al-îler& iii tur village Or.,anil AIs. L. C. Price anti tamily, r.tok-got,,elitt datrirdy aud Sruu- Lü-'wlth re-latives auj frieudm inur %w- Ni-tti- iMurr-ay, cul hbicago, speat turdày auu t Snuîay authi-r h.omee i r iruage- tau Vi¶-l.u-.ou IePliia. sas the es u olH. Mfîîiieiuauu famiiy tridv 6Saturday uual lueirk. iathé grueu(e of Mn. nd Airs. Thoa.. -u'y and lniuîiy vSiia. Mr. and MAre Niuk Sitfcl. eut Neraîka, ir the gn,-i ohlMr-andîlMrs. Matl ifs)l aud tauuîihtlait ai-ik. dir. Rfuth Suuîdcilin, who Il"seAien tuding the paet souil i -h lier éSnts, Mr. and Mir. AM. C. Smith i-tedton Ni-w Ui-x,,o. Tueasday sori- an saifa rnuil l i-lutewestern part of a tate s-fi-ne tlui-v cll ii aks i-hein use honie. (Vs xi iîi.i-tbev cciili lke the uuitry aujdce îh thenui luh- bs-t of tees. .- rha sale of Ja.. Vougt, Si-.,uun tfhe Bates n Mouudayclui-uva lange i-nu-j ald etythiuig -1.1uc-il. Martin Brîîs., ci iîu î luuui- eueîted the re Atonnlulîîrufai lon th, plait ti]" are su-s pluîiiîiiitlic ilîlil ig t. hehri nu tarilu tii- un-ar futurniud %illelf sir sompnue sui ork. fi-i-, etc uIt auctimn Monday, Nov.2.- Wullie Rui-lI îîlîpbs en i-u taptuu bt Mr. aundl (I . Il tL irenthain for - paslt six w"ikîulilrejng e bronlo tg ucwa e-tu le- ai-uidag~uill with the pi <if crcuiun-e, anit lSuidayaeiuit ta ay celix îIle -i. rttît-ioui lis.old Slitum ~Te fies-cisti-ru lu the rear et thietos-n I la Diows- iîiniiîlited, 1h. lutakre Pli inecticg it e-li.thahenesenvii in t he fine rueun bejuîg laid -Rnndsy sud thé ie ffmpany camue ont Tue#day eveuiuîg id pumpeul lute thaeeteru Irest the ke forcan heur and a hall pespiug ln urfe testcIater It 'estei ilaled the ternd urieslproir wilthoitiüoir 200 irrels of eraten a bu-h ehoctd be àufi eut tr u i-ecbauy ordiuary line. - Mr. sud Mrm Wm. Baeey - - 4 bmaru1iage ut thiinughter, NelieA. nd Joepb R, Doweil, pou o ritairnsd4 in l>uweli, s-hicb took plae a t the :)me of tht grouse lsioter, Mmp.0- L. tAk at WtodFtock, II., ou Weduesday, et. 21, '08, the Rev. Basai Bey4 eorming the tr-irony. Bath are4 tpced voung peoploorourcmmnity ilswe 1 iu lb elr friands lu extend- i tileul our mroët hearty congratula- on@. Atten Nov. lot the Yong couple4 Il hae aI home- on the Z. H. Osman -m. tAotharprettyweddiagwasgolemuiv id the Transfiguration Catholh chuneb nWednesday, Oct. 14, '0S, -ban Misse sala Mantin, danghtar tifMrt Elizabeth artin aud Loo K, Warnsley, of IHenny, s-are ut.ited lu sarriffe, 1Ber. ather Woulfe officlatiug. The beide rad attended hy her @Inter, Mise Viole artim p@maidfrithonor sud Misse, itty Reilly, of Libertyurll and MIes" athrina Nicholls, rit Weucondeas ýbride- tip. The groom bail Walter J- ialslh, oI Mlenry, ton ibis h astnan d lwerd Buttas sund John Gibbs, aof bicago, as nehere. Ater the mariles areny swax -over -the bridai party epaired ta the huma ri t ihabridea uther wbers a eueddhuig dinuar s-as erveîl, ouly relatives aud a lirw friende iug lu attendaee, alter s-bich the ids.icouplé toft tur a short weddhug p aud upon their retjsru will malle iinhume on the Wamxléy tars thne rle@ teste! Mciry. lirtb arepopular id highly raspectedi young pi-opAieuad s join with their many friands agd ishicg theri a muet happy sud pros- nrous jeuney througb lite. PALAINE Mr. sud Mmp. J. H. Schiending speutE ýuday with relatives inri eage. AIr. and Mrm. Bans-si-tertiued bis êter Ineun Cbicegcc over Snuday. Mn. Musumens sud tamilv wili h. at ,se te, their friands lu tht resideuca oreriy os-uid by Mr. Liuicnul I- ha utre. AIr. Hopkins bas rerurueil fros ber ,ip in the eat aujdileten etsuiuig rais- riv from preseuit. Airs. Grigg .aIited lnieudp iin Jsues- ilie recently. Dr. Henry Ablemacu la expected humé rts bis travelo in Europe ve-y scon. Mrs. C. D). Taylor spiut sas-esk witb ie nui-ber In Barriugton aud bi-iped ier celebraesber 52ud hirtbiday. ,s @are sorry tesay Bey Wilson dose zio meover as talâtIrest hie sevre lltnses i we couut wlsh. Mes. L. T. Sanie had ftriebr guese ouday Mr. and Mmp. Taylor, of Aurore, id Mmp, Hopkins, rit Palatine. We, are mors than soril to say O. . 1 ipo id sicketb isityphoid tever. EAfT FOX LMCBL Mms. Chas. Lut* aud son s-are GraSys- lait viisiti-m Mond&Y. The Fax L4ka(Ç' emet-ny Society mat St nm, Mae White'@ aet traysalake lest bhursday for dtiner. Ovar 100 people rok diuîner lAiera, ovar $16 s-as teklen Mr.Eru Hook vistad relative@ at Waau feone ad alst wesk. Jîns Broiru IfLihartyrtîle vlsit.ej hi. mother santd ;t,;e re ast 'ihnradhy. Win. Caine - trande'eted business in anuid Laka, Taéday. Mise Balle Allenanauj riaud, of Grays- uke v1l44 gt Everett Culver's, Sund"y. We're Not Near, the Post Office, but in the Main Block, OpLyons, Four Stores 'APR ciom' Four St oe ThrootedwithS1it4Bu& I Thev MLL WE Advei SATURDAY is the LAST DAY of oùr Big Sale. We have added many more bi galins and guairantee to save you money on every, artIile you buy at our store. Remember we- pos- Itlvely guârantee ail alterations or refund money. Nuns,'Veing Waists Heatherblooln Pink, blue, White, tari sud g -y, wîth aîlk sin- Undgrski[ru, braîdery fronts anad tht n.D, ',g;g" 9 In hack Blue, andl tan. alaat.aipe. leeves- The maîne waist yon nlr lioited number-while wouid pay 3.00 for el*ewhere ..theylane....... SAMPLE SUITS' "0 00 saite un bine, blacki-ad aud tIios-n and the new iAule of gi-ey, s-itb tbre- quarter ien g t b coats, i-fig antty tnimmaut. Tht siirte ara fuît 13 gai-ad, trimmed do-sn thé front wi4b buttQns sud han a wide baud st bbîoma. (Our piice Excellent suite in mixtures, ean. flot be best 528 SAMPLE COATS in mixtures sud pt.iz materualp, black, blue aud bros-r, hla! fit- tted and l bse, ai- se tight flttéd Great values. A Fine Voile Ari extra spCiai 7 .00 vaiuie The Season's Latest Millinery! Childrea's Bats misses, Ladies» Street Bats Trîimed wilh rosettes and School Cot day H?;ts 1.98 other rxbbon trimmed, very Newe@t style, also other ~t 1.48 2 48 u~~ Ladi-s' rimdDe nobby stylesHttw.pdi 1.48y ne .. 3.98 . and . 8.50) Children's Céais Great Sacrifie Curlybearskin coats, in white, tan, green, bine Extra fine coats lu mix- tures, alsi> plain materials size 6 to 14 years; latest styles; $6 00 values for 2.98 Childrcn's One- Piece School Dresses, In f ancy plaids and plain colors, sizes froçn 8 to 14 years, special j98 w .-.--~.-.------- *. ___________________________________________ r FUP have acomplete U RS ad qm»,e ,u 3 FUer R. Fine Sabeine Fur Sets . . 2." 1 Naturat Squirrel Sets . . 89 Broo Mk*Sets * . .5.981 Nce 45-nch length t hrowIn blackl<a Euack Lynx Sets 12-98 alzo brown fur, wnd*tkinner satin, I .airml lu b«usI St t gIl 9s41d ua-tlW. 4ea.th1i.iiao CAR FARÉ, REFUNDE TO, Otl-OF-TOWN CUSOe, It -f eul 1 -, ',vvv 3098 lW.ý