z4~T~J5L~ NDE,,PENDE~ andi WAUKEGAlN WEEKLY SUN ___ VOcT- YViT NO(5. '.L.tV - LIBERTY VILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLIiNOIS, FRIDAY, OC-TOBER,90, 1908-12) Pages ROMANC TNDS INi QITWËDDING Joking Aemark of Frierids that They9 Should O.et Marribd Accepted Sierlously by Young Couple. "This la my wife, dau." "Thte dicitens his i! 'Wiho tbld pou to gef murrtad. ion s'intia rseai?" "Wit Itiat h or, we- Theta a femitatin voice lntfrr'otteit. "'e'\' thoiglif aat i, îr-we dilii't wunt bo waiaoy longc r aîad we aere ai raid tbaf mo-" " Atraid ntouina'('orne lier", girl, and getaîl te leai'itetst1ancutbetua on you-luofh of you, for that utter"- Titîta"dad" op.'ni'.cl iaarmi, ad pretty Mrjorl"9 Harper Pnentiut e fuî over tutu tîen. ntittod a eorty ieuid onulis ahioiader, anda wasa as happy ag a bride of ta' lvi' bours, aho lied jiasi recelvci an unxc'pecti'it 1arpailah btessing. ((iii d Ici' Defy Parental Objection*. h i amallii Pt' ce Ir., of 'uuke- gai. soli cf L.IL i.Preatire, pre- fcditii nift.," ('hiwcao Sl'um litater Mati ofactciiîg t 'c,îlaîanî' n d I la Marorin tinrlpîr, daaghuccr of R. C. ltartier, a ritreýitChicago trokiýr. 1?(1 Ian ksiinbiîiîtcc.rd. a'crýý' arrI'd by the R." ýJoicii'ton Mnv",rs at titi Iiii tauaI i aîti,'t ciriî cn, Chictago, i. dac'adsy i ituT lh' aýterntaOOO i i - hi' wî'ddiucs. l1. tIti'and grooma d"tccriiar'd ite)îay ii mue ieed tic paar.'tîal bijection, Mr, Prenilce se cnred a itarriage tîcense and Mise liart,, r îoin1honî'd bcr idate-r, Nliî Aliacu Harper. 10oeet bar down lova. The tire" tîmade tliît) te veidins'part,. Pasrentti of thi' irlàe ad otaji" i ta tiea'nd<ing oaa aca'oîittof thi' yoîîuh if tt'iithe lîcOici' Titi ,ril iài just at >îars cAd, sud thebi ,!ct lu Atier flic weîdlîao Mr. utid trst'rcîî lice we'at luthi. Strattord ihotu . anud ItaAilce iarîî"ýr aent hîoito i tei the" Itîku abutîi hi Breaks News at Hom.e Thuixrsdaý' bride anîd groicotramtia c Wautkegan f0 break ti'- oea" Tlry rtrn'aid bu Chicago noxt rnniuhag for Cars ta Mihwaukea Soon. MOTIIER IS, TOLD Interurban cars on the Chticago unit Of:THÉ MIJRDER Milwaukee Eteoti rtu rilway proiaîîll aita be operuted bets'ecn MIIs'uk'ee and theIti'nîîaois mefropol iîc lil. Her Husitand Now Chauma That He Inn dua. iaaf t toDie.-Will ite Sent tb GeocraI Manager R. B. Stearns, Chi- Elgin. ,ugo, ahîl arrive la Milwaukee titis __ unornluag ahlh e part>' of tic roadas of- "tieho, Johna, I havet git te ýlie." fichela for a conîcrouîce alti rcpra'soni- Tins apokço Peter Lilonuslcoum, ail ativea of tie Fideity Trust Comptainy, jndged InasaneIci' ncuoxmner's jmyu recciior, and tie trust conintuis ut- Wedaaesdap. ns Mr. Johnu E. Hait, is tormai'>, T. %V. Spence. . neigitior axnd fnccxucn, eiti'red tite Actat date of opienitag oaI nterur- itulhway adj<îiîclug is ceillumîthbie Lake ban service atht tue deferi'rnn'dd an Ounty jail thxîat mhos'. tuasino-s pLueies dlacusai'd. Mr. Hal. are'iican.ii'd blii i.1. PACK Or WOtVEs .IN LAKE COUNTY Last aof aa lrn and pertecutedl triteive woives are ravaglng Laite cGunty at varlous points wtb, atllte ferocty of their ancetors, of wbomn old setiers tel so mary fables. When, lait year, a woif and ber cuits were saan in northern Lake counby, il was hought abat vulpine kcnd waus extinct, but creditable wtnessea cul five or six instances bave seen tbe glarcsg fangs of tbe packt of fise and are ready to swear on a siacit of bibles thaltbey are ini existence. hast Sauurduy atlglt illme tti'cuond of near 1Eaori t nuPasthuaI ite ana Il fiai' ncahc'bItlarnyard, just In îlot.' to ot'Cs r"' chc',ni matýe awaat aIi a finc'fati iiti i,. Thure acrc ctlargc a iIf ant four i bre o ;îîrtba groahu amiihali'.of tht' sanu.' lIt iincîl1dy Lakis ForenFt ait iottilt c tu uheâladilhi'W. ut fi ur. a lî Ici lý, Wtilt -I h Iti.' a l afatsuu of' saant" counaîri' , araflet theni- ut'c .tii iun trks id uci l,t gîca- cîi d s'ai il c ' , l ' 't 'Thue at .'of liduii i ccl ilei licutad tV i ik i t'ili c'.î"d iito tke t.' i i any ian, Nc'ur Bhadlt'î 's, socilu0of tLierty- tle i i tarwic" anaI.lia lcc'n i,i l bcî ic aIalle ILi'ic',ft liItnvin g sHen tient ".cc'aicocit i Sd tton,"r lcac, .acar 11"i it'aili,) wtic tcuae'l a sbort sfay t theoHarpirhorne iiiaan ztaie cî' actnî thaaeare maclaco Jackson boulevard aaadIetn alî tec'aiiing tu e sta ,bct ut theit tinir bore n e va0 Et îsîîm Thetgroom TheI t1c.'areciclc'cribela lîctn . iîaiigao Io ansuoli'tuti'dvlîtbis latter lia the lt. c" tht'e " l if utcruss, breedîtîs steain -it"flag lsili i's, NMl ru hî'a at ih chia, tice lsa citoIel ifutiliîeappla Dlta _______h______ Poti sorlrialu t he JohnutMarsh-lu at iicl school.CÎILD KILLED BY l'lite inlauriuofclti the akc sai.t iai A L FOnA L andithIii.'('lira 'ic it foltowc'd a ruA LfR M T BL otantir îccrisiclc s'uihbailaa t ill lri at l Sn mol r~'nînulc Iginiitg. Dcli the' irti auda sSn di'r uoand t.' Preo'îcr famillesic fiî', chiSiccala.k. agi twi, i ciii oiiii, buve aîîînsor boisesautThid Lake.u't 1, ouiit u¶dnîuglr fc ruttar. andci Mra.s Titra-e sunia go Pr'n tire ait] Nian J. S cl,)iitk o oliciTî'îii 'î liif'I t Harper awe onf la a aîlîout v lacitfront te ut li ns' abl' cii aich ieo cupslzed, and It aus aitt i lk 0t liaî tila tcac,'d 1li.tber noher ate iseon- Ife titat hi' suveil the girl Frlla a afi eraoo, i l ainî ii ira- fron droninutalInjuriesa ahiclu cauise i lier de îih Frorn tiat day on freads (îcthetii'tlre-' iticti5att-r. couple reminîled tera contînuaîly thiu Coutd Watci Babe on Table. the only propor fblng for them t0 do Tite nîtther ut Ile child, h unuc ru. ln vina utfte Situbtion, vas 10get oîted. bud jplacedilthe bulie on the married. Thouagliatiti'advicen as cf' table' so thut she aofldîalenii'te fered oat ho et, It s'as accepted si' wtch ber aitile sisewaus aorknlî rhoulp and te weddhng hoChilcago rtc-sholierm aîlted.1aottercu The Way it AIt Happened. Tic baie wasa Siting la the middle Few people he io sa ite amitit of tic tuile auckag lifs fixgera ahiet boy and htuahing girl aie tood 1n0 ast te molier nothccd l. te lobbyi'of e dcasn tban tieutre, S,îddi'îly the mother heard a crp. 'Lursthup fteriaoon Imaginnd thtey Tii' bai' bud fatteta from tbe tuile wnri' vewhng an ntopmi't lhoifa hoch Site rusinctl Is assistance tut even pency. Thep oiht havei' en o-tien ifwaus evident fiat fhn child vincnd. boanver, if tiey bad heerd te conversationt ahici tîook place a was aoffeirns'front Interna iInjuries.1 fea miaules lter aiten anothter pon g Hemorriagois of thi'Ilsfolowed. aornun, acconîpaaahnd iy a man, aigt- Dr. Foley s'as auntmoned and ai- ed troni an automobie ad jotned tbougia everp remecty knocn ta thi' fIbent. "Conte on;ît tlus gel our tickets," phîshehana cf America s'as brought Saltd the girl a-ho arrlvcd ast. ino service fie lttle daughfer dhed "Nt isit yî'f---fia is, h dont tirce heurs hâter. beieve ws'ailudgeter get any," statu-terl ruîo mercd tie souig Oan. "YtitSec, Mte aFatc Marjorie and I hai' decid t get The nofier of thi' chilit a ck ho married auad aewa'nl you ta get itaeied, Titi shock of the cbhd's deutit te nachne nd igo aitit us,"lhaiused mas tic cause of bcr sîadden "Wiy, Heatuhu, ion dont mean it?" a urmn responded the yuîîuîg s'orniaddress' slcknes. A physiciatn cnîot ed. "Who ic gouiig tbmarry yau?" ed i'xt rornlng te care for tii' s'as titi next 1racticah questhont. mother. "Titi'neureaf preacbnr. t1teltevi'e Cna reaIqel lie Rev, Joinaton NMyers lvesa mesnear Cna resiqet as anybody,i sald the maxa addressed Di'puty Coroner Edwaurî Coxnrad as Humîho. s'as sunumoned. Autnîiles sas or- Tic Harper somrmer realdence la on 'dered tjiut thi' ixact cause cf tii' lo- tie South 'Shor'e'of Bruce halte. _ Nt fantîs deati mis'bt lie iearamed. muany mile uwap la thIi iaaner bornme_______ of the' Prentices, an tbe shore cf Tiird Lake. Several seeaison alugoupang out Arreshed in Texas. Pren Ice ran a newtefr hoat down ftun luke and -pied on ei shore a girl Faa ilr g 2 iosa r -then but a chld-wio sited pnas- rested at Fart Worth, Texas, at aek antty t hlm. Ever sinci' tiat fine ba for assaint ad iatterp on th itifIe of bas heen fond of, runkins own ta an 01(' Woman wiosi' homene ii'aus Druccîs and returning wh thtie girl,rbbagasiealdnhedp'ti- noua'Mrs, Prentîce. rbig a enletfe yMai Bridai Trip te Wgukegar. kegan residenta. Pide hetimota? boat titere were About eght mentheaugo the o 'nig u'itciaioiBfe fr»s aand ~n1a ultIle pic- man ln question.,,waas workhng hali ti' aics loto tihe caunlry. H*wever tihe parents tooked upon the ; ase as a MoArtisur livery 'on Madison Street. ciildreil's affair and tlotght notiing He l' a wll known toeitorsernen of thte of fi. CitY, a great Many af wiom ha bias - The oew Mc. PrentS w*gnt quite WOrked for at varions Urnes. He ha sure itos her new' palt>t1inlaw aitould ite apprIsed of heir Marclage. i>6n 11014 o tii.-grand jtury et the ,Prentice, itowever, set1l44the muatter clrogtt çotftO ort Worth county 1p&t~. ' " uuda $10 bonds. Phonsiront, 'ter's Irotiter. Mc. Borts andîl lic'îay Cocotner Edward Conrad, fotioîa igt:tciîî quaoaiWednnstay vhs- lied aith Bluaiyitrom t bis cc-lt In ti' juit. Air. Biini.trom miade thei'statc'mî'n luhîtti no credîbea ici hlm buît aller tiai ho refîta,,d(c. suýýiv naicrcli. le ru'iied fora ar I au If tii gr,'ct hia vhsitors as (hi 3 eitt'red hici dccci maenît, bat ah iiu lie obst'ryed aie thep Highwood Notes. The Htgitwood foot hll toain dofeuf- ed the tnam from Trocci tIhîiientit cavaary. Aoy Lake ciic ' î.aîîî lock- lng for a gamne wilbci'ccciiîiodated by the former eteven. c ic': Ara'et W. ttoiînrg, Htgitwood. Mr. and Mr.i. J. -M. *iicîîc'îtt are on their hoiteymnoon trip, c î;iigignlaCin ciniabl, O. severat ,ýi 'inia ûciles, and Omiatua, Neb.it Mc 'uicetis ta- i tion agent for C. & N. 'c hý The' Macflowel er, i t ttuvilî iast week were exc : t atd acre weit attended. A pursoniage wahia']ia' iimei pl ment and tmprovemc la,> l.nr crected tbrtsugit the c'tjis of ttc'. J C' Wtuker and Bs oc J Iepers. UNKNOWN RUN DOWN BY ELECTRIC CAR Was Lyiuag on the Track i Apparentty a Drunken Stupor and Atempt' ed to Crawl A.aa. acri' hi' catîuîty sut doa t on tic loor fi, Att uantown. itliet anud reLîîsed taclo e stialucticlato a nresldoiit of Citicag-, c'ieak ti aiiuhon. tice street car frack c ta tii' pr'iseiicFofut-tr .taic' die'd leet sobtit of ic Ighor anI relative ofhîru l1tcni- V ' auk'egun on te ('Ici 'trowineWeitaesîhay hîatot'nec iher otfkc'1'etectric igittOfci thc' calaulrcjîiian ad cf t i llhttg of tn Isvei h(er pouigest chiid, Mrii. iomatront Titi Racine car whi,î ýau fraitit.ct thn tinte ad et trst i egun i ttwetve ci,. ". ptcccted inc hlaîg aoîld hall- tua uthle rate ofti utIt1 lit'r. Si'c arinicI (c lie uîtfel' a han hetm tcs' troua e ýIiiar fit, bttutc'wr Iliitct sreet eand Grand a'ý 'h doan oiîtti1to droa'a ier aorroa' cîniai, not fifty feet ý a iih tears, cotualuts car, the moi,ý Tiiarudu'eea'îiag au 8S cloccii Peur a bumun -iodY liii tIutt'tiroti tned ti auma alta frcun tacis- 't iiosai,c , "I iin h lu c'itohi The irakek; acre sa' ha% ti aritcu ti iand came h'ci'tt (-icycibrake sîpuied. Hlfe. Ai igit icat 131011lis 1-t rIi i csaas Itît îossîtîhi' b 'aon iittIartoonk utthe fut -t sicci , j i istît fils car. Tic, a t Siaurflai' viîlica N'ait tcchts,)i uicd. c ry effort cuig tl i' ýaiui hi' ua i up ail c 1, ilie Inclmtcrcw 1c abouÏ~,it I i s cn... .'n ai t.1,, . Stc Ilcil 1 1 . ic ' n ca ti,.1d a n a heu itad Lwii'. it Mihîced lunecrazed man' i, ad ati n droc.sd. Hoialiie'urectsau"nrîad r,' fresbi'd. Alibongl lte slcitiit wa' able to let lim out of hi'. coltfior a tua itoor about noon lie fontd If icecessari fur lhua to lock hiit i, eguin. Blomsu'oiaii as retused to muhe ayic utatemecta relative to te killhi tt bis son. -Nirs. Blomstroi has ri'used to I - tu the fîtul Ilyt'hoî ef bte cernuert c l'e:iaii anud Letiox avenue. Siencr iti' tîight uftti miaîer Mrs. Bomstrtiua lionitronî's brother. uThetueraI of bth abe Paul BShoot 'l -I aveane &--Milwaca c ai cli'VOl lus raa'eI c ' twc'ety ciutitsud' ttcf te on- the' -IIi lu' c'Iiiîrg- t ic' )iriian iiacti- c'l sc a il t i'ti, iii tur fhic.c' i i tic die had cornu. 'flictraini ans Stüj i;' i li tcacî it teci frontte Ili i i c' accu- denti. 'fic' a ctiit iad ii t'1,î:icloguni îcuai' u'the aie us ou tic' car jasi aiovth le Iciae. 'tc îqîuesthoîmed bh i Clu'ii ctO< iii of latthic tic' aciirtnetli, ti' itotot- nua'tiaicci ubat sien ho firat oh- scrv id ilice rmat i c o n tii traita be 'ectit.d t, lia%,inotci'd cthe rer apt truatîtingan td nia le an eftirt to wila g1I ai,', i Ici (c aek. tndoigso iii lit, t c t iii" i tated. V.ct w an Unknown. .liiti i itiim m'an rushcd bi siroxI, ' theMo urdernd chBd, wasa tueJmî ciX1rHosî1iilh, ainri hr'Id traintheinfamihi resîdence ut Uton eii'cooîîccucc sirtican, tir. F. C occtk Satuuady nioroits. Knighx, va, n cccii idunce,tue ws l',n, Dionttroni, the ili rostr alto lat i ieday murdercîlbils fiuy soit utla lt <f emoflonal tîsanity, s'as iîcîîday îishtiohd oaIbils crime tybils closecua triend. lobai E. Hall. Hlall, aho l isteeanîy one udmtted te BtotnttroO's preseoce, recied tal huni la Sandisi fie detaitu ofbils dt-ed aner igiit test olgit. Blomtront dld not munîtes' uoiy gri-at surprishe, ie accoieci te havi' had aci mer coumconmsns liat ie iad.kiled altîler bis aifi' or ils soit. Whthe ii'storî itud béen tld i' anBeireinh a torrent of Swedihi ex- pressive of ils rernorse butf dd mot break dos'îansid tn tact dhdnoct shed a leur.' WilI Not Swing for Crime. Bliomstron xny tiot swing for bis crimea. Titi'poasiblilea are liatIif If la It- decd aitawn fiat i' Is Insane i'ai' go free', exceîct ton u commitrment to Bartanville, titi' syluana for thi' crIm- Inel Insane doan sathi Deeda committed bp lIsane persoxîsI are flotoosidered ln tii' sauie clas as titoee iy saoi' îeniouas as tep cati flot tue premedtebed aacd planxnd niai. la Not In Single OeIl. Blomaftroma mlatul lunov' fahiy c leur and ostead of bung hontic' sol agie of te fait witlc ctlieu ir1sonilsý bnyond ail cccciaid, ie diod fr00i tiei jllý rolsu h i rccclautfour orclock- ibis noraultia t lhfauiltuhe mai uaa itich or asheep on i!'ciýýtiarls tue iiotef titi accident. Palier Plt'i ci ta as stiunlonc tic titi toapitîl ccii atter tIti'accident but fie vcct c n rcsi'nhclt, schousneFu,, cc'ci'-pntiy t wacaloi posible for oi., li-ii cln attenidants t. t'ain bils ixîntuc Titi'crewai' cc ic- trait'-alîmih tel tihe crner of Xl 'tliingfon ad Geni sec treats a-fî0w il c- confitas auhf trufo frorntthe aocciic Inîlfor fie font' ootlfied te pcicrc'ofI aving seemi, Otan stting oui the'trueks in tls a cînty. Officîr Snccîrer s'as dispaiCI ed to fie aceni ccci hi' did net arria, la tîme teniaI' l,,he rreat and suic t'.ae man's ife. VL. A Y LJL. e- h WADSWORTM BOYS [ INED BY JUSTICE Boys Were Cbarged Wlth Havlng Per- sistently Bolbei'ed a Wadawortb Resîdent Even Tbough Warned. James Caddc*. ,po Sciuurr andu Ray Lux, boc ni'ideots etrtt'uha aortit, wi're naclit llced ten dolltarsansd aotas by Juatiu Vilhiarn F. 'ut ei',' w-nn in v uy jei i i oiliv b a la io'ci i i the court omndttuc are reinasad, tu report lt coucrt Friday. MissS'chutrraftinformeul a StIN ne- porter uthabo a a deurous of r'- turning to C.cruttciy atd fiat sie aonhd tiayiter oaa tririaporiatton. Abcout taeve'scact Sîauday eveatlau rc'ahlnt s iving' lui ube ucinity oethti lîgalts store hecîrc a crash and tien a Bampnrlng ti ftn. Atter binai' acuuads dled ouuit a- as ns quiet as ever. Neuf îuorntîag at uaIphreak ils'as diacovcired titat burglars tîad fbros'n Frithay uuoxiig Shein Elviti Griffn enbertanîd ithe memiera of the "white alrercwihwihdfu n a quarer ptcnnds. lirouagi le ie nados', slave" ceiony via arc nos' la thi'cula- ralgaoe utagenuhfr tody ofthle sieriff v-tIiamnauto ride oneaki u a bis aturge enugh n di o iii lie Whitc Dove Cip. lien suohe tic SUN dhehonds vicî The iveymin wonen ereloaddacre on uisptay ln tbe alaîdos'. uîto tic sberiff's oewauaitonmobile so 500Oehnde ada a effer fie sun aose ovor ahe horizon Lo, rs.udrd ya h aIntub They rciurned tle 'iaukeganx tîfor Tithe oua fiurreutb i Su n 11o0x1. Att speeaed to havi' u'ujopndIshiîg and L'rinting Companuy aIltue ther trip. Sienif Grihfinloia dm0 ncovnnî'd hp cati' uarnddautd forty del- nuore resîdonts of lie clfy a ride titan nas. hgaits hBrothcers' tose amounta an cter iteooer i heuscîty. to sonîolliaa uketenL'x dollarsi. Oui'of mIle dhanîunulritnga stulon aus vuhued ta the Unitedl States district court ut ohuîîtî cdollarst. ho otiter s'as a the meoinu fcîaîîî guilty were Joacîti ut,,aller rIig, aithIocughl 1h vs valued OcrIstuc'r andilJoseph Keler. Ortuner ' t 1fi>docltars. Oas fluic dgîiltir eter tic lestluuucnî Ttic,'liratti iiii ne ut utorniltg an or- -iucc't't tiet ihttd desertnd hils a Ife dc'r mas a'îcccîfotr uotier pair of titi chclud inahli Gerxaîanyr amd canme toi cincct(oI(ah e lie aplace of tiase tisci' ouatra uith MtIte Scbulkrefl,-cliianîd na uelction waun made thisîu n out laIlletti'Lakte ci'Octaijait. 'hc, hcthîuuixcîutchcd un îearty as 21 yia i '.otut. ahotut h.' riit llt cc '. C he n uu gs tohex. Tiey ami' lu vo aii lu ic ut 5h IS Coititcial e anc t acocior bitter and Liii' uothng 'a aho do not four hihiatnxd aa'ttcclte tY Conduct chartli, South Cii cgo. utfil go rigitioua as merrhîy an If thte fx'elp li t hmTii' boys viiit lncged a-lit txtut ics' Kelrtîr a uru'îtocl bienlc witloi crgiar bad nat co'a'i'ed lie gemisu _______________ - îisturited t 'the 'ofîthfi e .tigi f 'tlavop" raiîd madte cy fie gos ccient ic ut sei'ti'd ad decîdeil la appuopri-t Stornucittrouble a'ouilnmore il 'uý'adss'rfi c),il tnrtuhg tihe rilli' ilhtonutJutît" 2x-. tic' ansarnîcutei ate tiem forhilsaw ou' digaippi'ar if tie idi's of trealing thet sud itappincs c 'tMartint Lux, alto la' cs îruciietcîm ou e nscrt nt 9214 Han The tisa damonds ailci hauve icen ratertio tc liefaotd ~ asoa esieac f te ilage hm aî'u Sou bth (Chicauto. 'uomeut oitexhibtition et fthe Yeonman Ii'elry cause, rte h teIfcwudon loa eie(,ftevlae o vne ino practive, A tiny, inide tiiiilcîa Cuddy and iccîculd finir fites i t 1armoated thfintin acre tiacitas i at-tone acre depoahfedi n titi'stone sali' narve, maya Dr. Sioop. gtivei'r anti girea ' Sciuerer s'as 'c iitiieil tto stuc10juil iiio'tes aixust tir o jrocn ulun hi'lais tatnrday afteruoon, au la lie cus- streagtoit hestomaci. A brandi nîso atuere he aiI î.cncî otut filtet'îluit- hn rtîored thatai, knowi'aîs teia te tom of local jes'elcrs, via have n001i gons taufieeiteart andoue tauflue kidoopai lursi fitne.have beco lu thfluacountrlr sa itha a nnîi'd It advtsasle I ho ie pat t0i peutee"nmd evm ai huteyr. * eave valuaitle jewehry In tinir ain- orgae mstilte. frShopufeatra' TîsJoseph tciiîman,Kentiers purtner, doas waithestone lu losi'd. Hud tive is directAd spec.iital)y ta lieue T-ewse fermer geis is sale billsa ivili te lrougit ho triai on titi sumve tii' diainandu iteen lut 1bclteYeoman fallugnarures.- WithIn 48 boucs aller' Pirai et the Independent office. A chaerges asu ahi Bernard tiaarkel, an alaudos' tien, ta no douit but tha; ttaating te Reetorative 'treatinent rumber of intelligenticoies have notices uiheged aId of tic fao mecn, they would have met tic same faite patisail saythqy realiseageln. Sold by f'their tolles In anoiher columan. Rsd 0ne of titi' soten arreated iu fie as did thome ahicit vere IleftIth ie ALL. OgALIRb, sheam. 'raid. Mrs. Louise Movro, a Hofigar' alandos'at bngaihs. 1 . MiecNaotn eeelds~ îend, fadte anute baa 'and fadtitreendster, b tm«Ua ersat Tenae s of.ersbe -U uhath.r he ar set-foetowt ,M sitîrs aeasll e"nd,- %)V Dun, is El Kennedy, Alexande, eioaurdKennedy Aexnder'ou. txowdy Kneyan.hw ben u iteyeu.e eKn ttedy ao t no Manweao!Keney sNadt.l kat aosdhof ec nd trots tI hipaclnd it ufion rm fl Mrs. l4dotny van bota =s4 e'ila infls' chly. 811. WB B of tite WauhýeXan lalg sebont s'ihhing worker Jolb.heCathoiJO$" miettes. Thoosands of triends 4ire tti' lasi ettheir friand. Mre. s'as tweaaty f5v.e yas (Xi dhed so00 alter a prayer 4tl4 Iered ho hec behaif et toihuh ut fie Catitolic church by Rèý Guvin. ýCtIICKEN 'af*ytt Thtomas Wenis and M,Un. af fte Bernstein lats *.. titi grand jury by Justice WibIï$M Weiss Priday morning on a w"t~ charge. Thte twa de'tendsints n he cbe ieb canfesaed tlhotIng the vOlt 1 cickrin'roosta. bat neititerS cîi derstand wity theew,,' netotaieW tq> go Ire.e ad pay for tht uý The phatlif ata 8,1804eer* ibuving lte malter emtiedi 4ý b oth have =, n*h. a3 of tealing 'tw$t#M è4 tivepib CuflOM i 1 f IRST SLAVE CASE fan. aho is stillict' m'thl Sheriif ACCIDENTALLY St# I N U. S. COU.RT ceinit, inay hlw,. ec' . ci\' Atorney for te, Defense Threutened rantn l)i, il1, i îb t iý- hrHcXhwood Repident iasTakelitl : with Conterript of Court for t, t" " ' latý!-II' noua 1lltîri' ,to - Au'ustara Hospital I i Airig ot the Law. a n.rrî ciu' it cago by Hia inýt. s h'r fa.il ( o tell h,, aime ofFather. The fini a alan"case !ii l Ufftit',r hî' Ilt bi od('r thai lit naine Rcttiatî(oeda 0 cd States Lisaii, t i rtE~ dw'luicn"hlit c1, im ghict m the trial. a I,àt.,teelct0 filns, vceer r ý ,i z::-oi fur tri 1,'i- Rond oic ur MrCai thy of lte Chf- nthedittic <t i ccci ti n 'h Ira9o i4'orOi«e(c it"1lS 1 Jhliia " ' and tIIi a ivaii'elertric rallroad ~ J adge B' t' a T' iii n I '. icIcd i li îii.c i fa h .1 o ç vi c' c cr.teiI iay 'was t ilai resîcte i t fi gîwoolilaccidentally ah l'honiin'tr aa' i t ttlti, %ia 'ft"'cr'. a ;Ocr oeh, cltorf-d iimnleI'wiith a rifle wih V 'Ihge 1ittlti t aatiii i i,( ii to ltdttî iiîîlcaa ti' i t lie was uliiag on a farma afew 11l lienry tRoth, attoirney for Il Pt r , i;,g()il i i'-sve'rall oiii tiP.ilw wet of tlighwood. fo lait Ili er;o' 'oipt of court. ijury li . tua"'n'ait a rdIntai raîywsfct h ngm' P inoth i , rwttisti' airgilltitict nVas (Mc.i It. ia est t ci '((1 by wc ound oing lna ut icforn the 'Ir.îf At,'tiaiîl 'iiitetl Ol iiil,', '.'t airan','9tof. fbýolb onpnoswoa Staitns AtiorneyPairk in. Itlaester!itinned aid. ia(nt sermnîcids and lt rotct, d (o hc ire boit 't' i i c'falttiti.ior th e le aas talken f0 the AugwètU tbh' shorteat on recordI In federal court jury 10InisIici (>ic i Ici'vidî'oe re' put" iaIl Chicago, where au * pîirciîre. scîted tlie ,cIn l te fart of the Josaepuhi<>csnnr of South Citlrci t îat wnîtdwus nmade t6 extricate te bulIet. was rciarg, cI Nw liii lii rtiiz iii liie I ltgî nwas repîorted tht thtie gtM t'nied Statie's MI ai ta Sl-illctraftt il b. I nillosed îhntd. rtihelaiw for convie- hc n dGt ,lîarged witen the .bol' $ Stuittgart,,G- i ina ti',Hi ci> l jiton utiof the i'ît '>eci'carsed. The ialwillo aaît.iîng tirougîî the wocf fonid in ti', 'i1t t ili Ma Wui Iiiioer't reiu,,'dtl tlliscia nIr ma r r'es- ici' H i gîtwood. Iegan and a Icc ' i laXci oI 'ic ugo acta.foîr lnt ait*cIlii, ltIl I Ibelle', MC rlt i antIknown Ili'W'aui 'Thuralaî iilu i' ch cî, I a \ltt a 1 id filtat. alîlco rîtlichegîîlli an'nud oias \ Iîtas fiiiNorth Chicag, OI 14 l.V'O lîntot. anid u tcic'ti!tci icii'itihr lpositivei tiC fatt the ochild ausBlf.adIghn Fvb -Il liB-tliaitIil wifen îlautîditlifilenj i an hic unile,' lititi i tcliwf mar'dla cci thih tr>' II' tîi Tf,1ic i n itic' i, " ciii ; ttails--I ht'Chicag.o and Miwaukee eleat Ing Ilit thi aithit'-,,laie (cassaau ih( i uc iau 'o n, nd Moni 1 ~for .,olieîitilno. shciials ir ilut c uing t hci t iaci'. " ilcî a iii iiit tfhicago for Itilr I Rfa McC'arthay, tiitrteen yesra4 nifititullire ati)i tri cwot tnci'oi nul 13'1 scî e' 20atstihott atîi Aiîtt iIIO'ii i titit oa of""fsIOl'on of Daniel McCartiiyro«dM*d Pa duo, a ho pioscucited Ilt ae'. ii 'rc' étiîit HiH ioltt on of th e rderai of t i Chilcago & Milwauakee tetià were SjSpcial ut tioîgrailoc ii netoi i iaw'.bO t'H( t'an td oi~t.tyc'ars jrailroud, woacîetat btI Seraiihie nof L)li r.n, 1).i hI)hoacdnly bti Oavi" e"i ad oflthne Imigrîatiocn hiiî i) he îîu'iPJiiilarî uaîd pasta fine ortetf. aswas excluivety related la rouata of the mIdi" av e 't; Vlc' cc ; 2.,i, îdIîi ast lissue of tbi, C fN, Saterdev ait Aua't cltlt i'i"andt \s'î,tnt ic Ds-ito rvs.ult fl ia fit in uihe t'nited wîîeoi1i Iicntin t SS .' ri c Ilt"cil ît"s s ir i. i'tîout Ic îc 'ut in COu A. L gg aýd i'g' ii th, sLittioialiy (l [le lav. clisi t' .,t ot lita home Ilo Highwoand, 1 court roua. Dti t 'giad( a l uitîîaiv îîtu'la.os ieru soien ociociSaturday eveID4, Att orne y A lciîit t aimipildt h,),ý,a as a xi"n iiii ,elieImpi soted lit sAusanu îîospitat, Chicago. '1 o legrl 'ans ftrc'î t toconte bo t li ,r'tr tiF( m iotlowing tie ver 'McCai'fîî' an', înaling bis country titi, >r tIi rcat'c(f heltîs' 1,1t i! t GI',tli t ,whlîciawau retuîrned Iinhnd0 tmae bwada~ tc, deauili clvtitariciti'if 'sie r i c I c isr' iiofshînli lia au ctîurgod ' Titis testlnioriia a7t1Sr'ilc't ,l i hc as i hchI, aqcagdthe 22 ratitwr hallot enterlD5 #,, icîcta-n tciti, ' il tatItt ui'Nai t' Scîîtikîaiî, 24 domen and Icdg-Ing neartias 'Thoegirl i nI i if ç ini i i lta cccnI l i i riti tildin a 'ort The wtioa, Ia' tî 0tlaitn w ii tr3 andfthef ii'lfesite wa'lc " it i l itc'î,i' îcj.'tlin\'aîc' .i tr't'otam ,J io itentt tir Hihsier. l i ,; î ct 'ara' d !î 1 igtit the (,' t' X'c'('oiî'l nlihlllngpr ,(f CG-r.d> 'sell that fbts tf 'tlnes h1t bi nit.i f'cr Oao'inte -t 'i' l' u"'.r tel a'oiaaifil Ut 't ittiitrf ont(S " iti e(d L, tah nata placas, He Wgil Duir ag iî targ inicitts At tort'i "ait, GfI) ii î u n ' i il ci ho il se; 'd iedrî lto te hitial co'a a olîc Rtoth i' h'dlaî tiî i'ii i ' fliaif,',l'la.t bticf athi'rt "id. Nortitweatern train but li& *t w iit 'tolu a ticti cclii t ")"ll natl ai lic' taw to tilie jucry, Iatî ttilien a uliit i nt hut ai fot be aaved. c ald tcîdge ' thiea. a oIId aout lito' ii îxtrenîo tcc,'il. McCartity waa wett kato'wnin Attoney Rth eoîtlnîod hils taitI.(,InilaOrtiair"i 'taon un tlaw i Il-~ so ts otl hr w i tout tiayinglansiy aitea tIintOt ti tîmto fa a alinîl t or rive yearli a' - ilnla'-esof __the ________shore Mr. ic'. Roth'Itihetd you îli doitIu- ilt i1aiî 'n .'ne ie tmlt," shouird theacourt. i canui', lie' csIiitîd, the case woîaîd DEATII rOLLOWS ' t "1 tîought an attornylaid fic', robabl t>li talion to te scîprenie T P I F% righf f0 express Iitl"uun"ias ituahai oaur', ami 'ho a'as douiltfil t tej ho n hnae Iiyn c ' Rot'toth. oîtiiiitiiitlhty ofthlie nct regultatlîî4 (F'rom Sataarday'a 0«), ne' otîtr. woi' ,,1r oute"whti te lase" lrnttic. M ra. Meud Kennedy Ndobye b_ tlnîaed tt iidgoi 'lishît ota cuoti_________ ed wlfe of Mr. Nadotny, aa lp care aroaîg if îutI h" c îîtîll'iltiltshcgaokinetee" d a ay." -' SUN DIAMONDS ARE Cteraof hookin adi, theeM. cu Aitoî'nev Rthqit.tfr!Cpat n c.I.4c Attorai vy cîccii* îriiicr, i'itîg SOn-R M WIi))V iedy af 114 West atreet, dIe ýt' address a, lascfoio, n.home of ber parents il a Waij ttc 'phac lovccii iii Il toianInhtî 10lii Sndal' niorolng at eght 'clo4k., an aîîc cinc l tt ;p " wa'c cit hy Crooks Smash Wnd'w Shortly afler Three weeksaugo yezterday, 41 ocli'.itii fir Iiýiccttl îctriu Th'rc' c Midnight and Escape with Popu- Kennedy wa. tàken stclc at thsll la î1iuî Xiia oic cc'ticbici'saitLIL Le sa turiiy Contest Oiamoiids. of her parents witam she wus yW1 ci ifîî'ini airgi'e lit yon 4arY' lici'SU'N îioptiiaî hpconlest dia- for a t'a days. Later typbffl nîîîtitîtVi ktîcthi,' Inriain theiti i', e I1n îiioic(il'u ilta wee n adlsîîiay ho ho- st n a$Ince site bau !out 9 tas weli as Ititi i ailI loacc IL ta pour - jcîds'îîînîîi ci c~~isl'tircilîîra' eweiry store oin North athteieweniesmd4 tc itesie ati',et a',er ucîioîritnd îy butainbwhtch site 10sf out. Jule Bthe, tredhy heday habrgiars shortil alter tacIve Soaîday The rounerai was held ftoW J accrk, oidi'red a sealed verdict retîtrn-Cuc fteomclt oo oct FitPnnuttttes atter the Juryc veatîns'. Clacho tteImmaeute c ')f. Smash Wtndow With Rock. Tueaa uo'lnOcthr f a ý'l tl.ro PER YEAR IN XDV) i i