CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 13 Nov 1908, p. 2

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t e ps> hen 1>t closes at I#uê Comipton, a!1Ein, CaeI an1 aFas! fiands la our village at <JlyncIs vaut tauie-an>', Tues-1 t* deler a largo conîlantent oa- t&Èrees cougi inedicine for whicb Sordèeslait, week. Haenor<prt '01" Co<>iI Geai>', whîc la teacbing .1.o1 et Long Grae pm> aturda>' 1 Mn B. F. Gra hant anti stator, Misa tV*r flutebînson wine Chicago viitoro :114W. atrnoon stage baaibue-n tiicoa- lMe until May' 1,101). ý r. asd lira Heury' Golding le-t> fon WgOtTue-ada>' for a tirai veeku t-lit qu.r. anti Mes. John Golding anti salir.Dauiti eClain accompanied hem anl oi penti the vinter. 14., aMmle. Mantai Theln, ai Me- Elogry. visdites! iti relative@ in car ~aatweek iront Wetnesdaýy until Mm o. utchinoanuantison. James. ut MI igoare îpentîag ýhî w-ek with kt- andilMra H. T. ,Grabait 13. Mainan traniacted business in Mipug'> lseîFI 1y ,Idr. Md Mm. EL.J. Schale,, at lioeur>,i qpndey I witb lMn, antiMrs. B. E Al»s IL C. Kent anti daugiter, Francs. N»dIgas Lui Gîyncb ant i Wnnsa Paat1lai vWwd iîh lMr. andi lra. Joi. toeI &at Cary, gaturday. .1 W. MOICa,,vba bai beainworiing1 mâuena omntait>'for the pats> averal .othw*lt far Harrisburg, P^., Fritay 1 Wb" àsha le tu bi marriedt andnaks bis N**h homo We wiib hlm andi bis briI the t s t of sucaes. XMM7Mertens lkit far ber bomte a> ai 1à ,AlbrtIC»I laent Frits>'. N ikàaeaneomgwe byber tatinar Ur. A" Mms. luter Murray', of aFax. pp o ndamdU vitin eltàves la our »maanI1 asti WlUGery vere Wan¶a PM90 6vWstor.lait vomi." M i budl ongetting a job t the vire .PlIi a I ea but were nat A Iud issas party at thebhome o Mr. î&&J obanlieyer lait Fritiy a vin. *a"a ver>' social affair. 1> vasaa OoÀ ltier> tubbins b>'bisyoung " kIom our village anti commuait>' ati tua..cotumeai vues worm t»' Wpjuestt. Mime ÀAunie Reatuetechir uw prise, a pnmpkin pie for the ='~.tMuuuL Rmtneabuent.e vere serviti 100-a -Tory' enhuyable tira. va.bas! C404 Pratt, vb hka beau in Colorado *,esi> lgiteen mantisa vbere hi a daIM, praves! np lat smmmi rMd ta hWe home la aur vilIsai ,Wek ta $pend the. vinter. l iOaDI ogad la Colorao. m .aama,0 Ciceago, speut Sanda>' 4 > baselinaur village. Gea>' bas rentoti the lira. Je&. barut o! 280 aire@, 8% ralli unrvlmand viliitaie, Ô Illetr la making extensive Uwt. on bis far t teo miles Iidowvllg, buildings flnuew sdbarn u ant uruîhunig vork ta -AMI 4»1 befhilre colt veather ~,Murphy la rushlmg vor> on ie #Il0" ant ili the weatber itaya *01 #&vit reas!forhi p" vomk i yulracticali>' finish ii I on vwilci vilI givo tii car- Iva oIs tafinish tbîir ver>. X.4Xu biafdai building anti a 1 lmprovement for aur village. - ae liram.Wim. Kiat, oa i Wluett, 601 gurus oflira.Tutti, Suaday. &Àb Ms. lisPyleaaitdaugiter, Clara, h epet Satarta>' vitb Mr. ta. .d 5 Ante«. coo, 1as>la, o! Perry Micbigan, bas Mesmd tu bis home alter ipendiag two ýIî vit. b# sion, IB . L aIa eIIý1 f[di@' DOrcssSoclety blti analilJ I 11ue&1»g viti lira. y. R. Moyen i. anti lra.T. B. Hutcbiison Of obsn. vietteti viii8. P. Butchison f aly Tepa>'. Tii>'louve ton uirs.a, Watedsy morning. 4 *lchldrenofaithe Preebytinian maIh sabol wvllbehigiven >11e-m rn aittbe borna of lin. aitdlin. àièer. Saturda>, Nov. 14, a> 1 ssd Ott i.!>fan Texas, Satunta>' be ii ltents ipentiag ae-rsi :;os secoibalth. lesMaulaHughes, aI Baltimore-, lad., MIMUa wttb Mes. Beabam. WîotW Mi Jente' lUne..-lii.. amil 0 là t.klng charge cf the priman>' i..P. Hutchiaan vii5it.t in Wauke- r. V lIaM met viti a ae-ire ami-1 b'w"lle alklag an the straein il M~O lait Waii Be vas inoceeti né b>' a wago nd aid batei.mis- ou lu break, tiait recel,. ssveral W& Re in reportiti,toing nicel>' at me rlting. " M Quel. the Most ecasiornical af 0 C006s. Corne in, w.'iI explain boy prlt andi sais yaunrnmon'sy. Ern. mfflemcr Lurnbsr Ca. of 03Dmtnfultaioo fortbe mati X ".cv7, 1908 Tie i mgi>igratis1 ina l attendance having au 96iS e cent vîtina tadnt.. Wasd olio wedlo.ely vîti an u D m iacOf 97 Perceent but 'og tardîneas Tii seve-ti *ueh in laaviragle-attentiane-, labwti ave-nage diporu.' P te 1 1 &ta ll enrolintnofet114 58 viu vesneithin absent ieWti liUa Jeateattuntiet »me nstig abLIber»' ville tact A~i for Sae or o o D mre, Von 'Now. 14. ESoffcr a a1 (~iacvlallid tii. formes. paratî he aerday amnd Sanday, . Lonia Geat'> matie a trip ta Wasueandi anti Vola lai> Fnida>' eccompanieti b; Geore Kuiebler, ai Palatine. Emil A. Ficie anti Ernoat Sbonnluî verù Waukigan viaitora a couple ai daye lait viek. lir. anti lra. Fred Se-ip. MimSailvie- Seip anti Jeunie Seip vilelne.d Charley Seip anti lamil>' at Palatine, Tuieta>'. Wm. Tonne mate a businesm trip la Barringtan, Monda>'. Auguait Froebuick uhippet a loadi e cati le anti boge ta Chicagoî, Monta>'. He-nry Peppir, Jr., attende-tgrand jury at Waukcgan las> w,-ek. A surprise vran is :llat uste>' e-te-n ing la hîtaur of lins. IVtu. Bilckliase, il hon tiirty(îî)urtli lirt.îday. A large nnîber attëiideci Iron thtiivillug aie front Baniigrun andi Palatine and ail md a liae imeîa. Ttîa-y ail dopante> aboul>t 1o'-lock, wisliing ber many mte happy birtbdaya. Eînîl Frank, who returned Iron Europe a roupie oI wt.ikî aire ba@ bongit out bis blotiers pince oi business. Oit> Frank and tamily hartvmni movdil llfer's bouse. Otto Frank tratisarteti business ai Libentyvilhe. Menday. Kohl Bros. viii oeil a carloati of ccvë viti calveà b>' tbeir aide tex> Eaturda3 at 1 & o'ccon ibo James Uyntond place. Tii Knickerbocker les Company' bai a gan9 o! men bore pattlng a nov cri later o ibmtheaId Bruce lie plant. Gur teaehen, Isa Pavera, ton> thb sebolara of the 8tb grade ta Chicago Wedneadav ta attend a fhow aitith Grand Opera Houai. Otto Frank bas boagit thi houai an' lot o! Wm. Boyenlin the E. Brune sut division vbere bc intenta ta mcvi neti aprlng. Walter Prebiuflit lait Manday t attend a Ciaotradiing ehoul foi plnnibing anti l6tdioBrandiî.g in takingE L-BDe.s cous li Waakegau. Bot Young mon expie>ta hi b at home ovei lluna"ya. -PRAIRIEVIW - J. A. Mso spent Wodueatiay anc Tbnrw.tay lu ChicagGe Mis-JSaniele Ii tuis vee> iur a vii>viti ber .-iater Mnsr. Ebaliîn, ai Downîn's Gmv. liasTill Mitchell visite-t ber @inter Mira. J.- Doltonmeien, cf Liberty ville, Euts day. J. C. We"ling, oi Wheeling, va. Prairie Vlev calier Satunda>'. lira. N. W. Kuetiuer pent Monda>'ai r lgbland Park with bermother an. a i-star. is Ethel apent dunti>' a> huta 1 eturaiing ta tHighlan.d Park Mdonda>'. Misa Olive Ritzeathaler lu ou theiasic liât. Qulte a tîv aI this vicinit>' attentex the lareereil surpnime part>' given Mn. an( Mm ra.Oo. (Quentin ails> Eturday nigi st Long Gmv. liSsaesBertha holtie anti Irma ltltzit thsaerattende thteiteaehera' iutittut4 LtitSatmarta>. Mn. and lira. G. B. ESmithi inalleti fine nov plana la their home lait viol Misa Viola Ritzenthaier entertase( about tweaty af ber Young tbe-ut. las eundsay. Tii occasion beig tii colt Orsan aiber bintjsta>'. lira. E. entertainet ber ais rtan, lira. Frank Tufly, anti chîltrnnlis Tomais>'. Rev. anti lit. Koeneke entertainît t lattar«s hrotbor anti vie, Mn. andilis. Win. Grimeier, cI Manhattan,lIII., oves Sunda>', lira. S. E. Knedler anti chiltiran visite, ber asnter, lir@. 8S. . tanger, iof "viuia EStarda>' anti Sanda>'. S. E. Kuitier luining thora Siutia>' anti raturait hemt 6unda>' eveuing. Little Emmura Sprngui spa> titree daye arlait week withbeho aunit, Mira. Walter Lippe, af Wbseelitig.Mn. anti Mmr. Lippe @peut dunday' with Mn. anti lra. L'ba@. Eprague. Mnâ. Herman 8tilling anti Mime Laurî Sprague vire Wauke-gan vi8itore one de>' ltt vii Services on Suntia>' vih tii: Suntiay achool stitt a. M.; preaching, la&tM.; Y. P. A., 7:30 p. mt.; privaching, 8 p ai. Tueida>' nîght, prayer meetinJg a> E p, mu.; Tbaredaýv aight, oug service and Younig people s meeting, 8 1. cm. A Il ane cordial>' vebcome. City' Men Buying Farms. 1>1in a popular hie!ta> tii Cit' mai Yiarui for rural lUse andtihte rural man for ci' ile. Tii ittie farta ida bas tatou a srong bols! lu thei mmdi ai Chicago people, titousanda of viot bave vititin titelait couple of yeaas secures! countiry hums. Thes operailons are moiti>' vithin a radina oI tort>' milesoa the. cii>'. Mare &mail tracta havi bien soIt viti ilgitien mantis tian lu ai>' previaus fi,. Jeara li the territon>' con- ignons ta Chicago. An illuotration aI tuis Invement is afforintthus acthat a nantir aI journaliste oI that cit' have bongut a viluablieaitata oi 186 aseasnlu tPage conut>' far aubtive-laon purpomi. The prapr»' la isiebratet for ils beau»' andi vhillithe Company' viiriliie to nuit indils!nal mmes, t la the Inten- tion ta have the place a. a vitale retain ite original appearauce. Tii landililen Cia.. to the.vilage a! OIe-ai Blyn. Nag. ulficent Sasuer>' ebaraetenlses tus place. A Cbarilg gien eotendt iroug a 1"i~ section aIfttie wosed lanti, anti a pipnug vater laieoaiton aires reposes in a bia- tif.,ntua baIn, Tii tare.> andtini bigb anti mlling, aftarding ideal building1 aites. AU u>'nonhr 0I cottage. can hi put up without detnoyirgt i puain eque aspect oalibioplae. Tigentlemen via are eBthe hei bthie tsCompany' are1 Of the Chicago Proe Club anti are buvin5 frinntwtvat ton air«a pice, the- pnice bing about 81,000 pen acre. Beau thte pain formaula oui a box ut Pin> Pain Table-li. Tien ask Ycur do,- ton il tiers li a bitter ciii. Pain means congetion-bloot pre ura uoinwhe-re Dr. Sioop'a Pnk Pain Table-ta cie-k be-ad paine, vomanI>' puing, pain an,~ viee-oTry one nt ed 2!ir s7, SoIt by nso'2 " ALL DEALERS. Wben the. notice of your auction salaE le pnlnted In the Independent it reacles 8.000 t-ecters. Wbat mare do yout wanS, -" mb4il t -Ad,ý V' waa ÏlaWauconda a Mises Idtb NICIOII was the guest of Sia mi" ary*Book aib Rollis,, Satarday and gnuday. C. 0. Rusoan, ai Lîbertyvilua, nmade a bnairitp to Vola lest week. a Ulm Maude Waltan, wbo le employed yat Lberty ville vluted ber parenta bore aven Sunday. 0lira. GeorgeBtinger and mi"a Laura Eatlnger returned> Saturday frm an ex terided visi> wth relative@ li the Ifsou thera part of thia tate. MisaNettie Rumaeil wae the guet of drelaiveeatOraystake and Round Lake. Saturday and Bunday. M isa. LV. Lusk and cono3 andi Miss SCatherine Dowell, ot West Eremout, Awere in Volo, Saturday afternoon. Pes Coas, the most econornical af d bard coass Corne ini, we'l axplin haw ta use ih snd save -your monay. Emn- mons-Mercer Lumnber Co. eMish Annie Rosadeutseber. of wau- it conda, @peut Tnesday night anti Wednes- day with ber parents bore. Mesdam>es Kirwananad Raymond were gueesa of Mia. Benijie Wosman a> Round ,tLake lait Thursday. Missfea Reba Eunsn andi Emma Bacon ra viglted the former@ mother who la ia a yChicago hospital lait Saturday. 0. Misa Kate Rosiag, of Libertyvllle, waa ain Volo, tlunday. r- UmssHellen Raymond was the gueit of f iendeaiat Grayalake, Sannrday and le Sunday. le L iVANHoE Dora Doifier wss a Rockefeller caller ' lait Saturday alternoon. Ft . M. Smith epent lait Saturday andi Snnday in Waukffan. Mme.A maoda Hawkins hai returneai a from a tbrea weeks' viit in t Chicago. bh LoaS fmth é-pentlait Tnaaday wlth rt ber a@iter, Mr@. Henry Coudrey Ia Waukegau. I lra. arry Payueaad daughter,lativa apeut the lait of the week t Wauconda. Mr@i. Frank Dartier andi ber moiber id 8POut Part Of lent week ia Waukfgan ft vitiig relatives. r, ard Woad Kindllng, Soit Waod Kindling. Emmons-Mercer Lumnbar rCO- Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, o! Chicago, mpent lait Sunday wlth John Sbepherd a aud tamily. Mira. Jobn Shepherd and eilîdren Pipent t One daY lait week alîh Engene Smith id and lamily of Wankegan. le Six of Los Smith'@ girl friends calle'd et ber borne lait weRk ltriday evenlag ýk anti belped ber ro celebrate ber ninteeiti hirthday. Lunch waa airveti about 10 ,d O'clnek. Gamt- were playeti anti the id tirme paaad very pleainnly for ail It Thome proient were: Dora Dorfier, Mamie Wirtz. EmmaChainherlala, Lizzje, iSertha and Emuma Kuebker. te i DIAMOND LAKE M. anti lra. Ose. Mitchell netannes! 1homo lait Tue-ada>' aften cpinting a ly vioka vitit relatiesnaanti trient. ia Nebraka. linanti lin. H. Blovi anti taugiter, B-aile tartetifor Siatile, Waih., Frita>' evening viere tii>' expe> ttaire hemr futurs bote. Mn. anti lin. 0. Kane anti taugiter, Geaivievi spont Sunda>' a> Mn, anti lin. Pegoa's ot Prairie Vtew. Mn. anti lra. Wm. Ejasman pe> Sunda> a> lMr. anti Mr@. WiliI Iousas. TiieDuamnt Lake Aid Soce--et>' ilI meet viii lira. Geo, Sla>'Thurata>' muning. Hart Wood Kindling, Sofi Woad Kindling. Emmons-Mei-cor Lumber Ca. M. anti lira Gea. Mitebe-Il anti dangi- ten. Lue-lia. apent Sanda>' in Cicagf' viiitiag rlatitee. Mn. anti lra. WiII Hoke-yer anti daugiten. Alice, cpeut Wetneetayiviti Mn. anti lis. Fret Tovanranti ismil>'. Mn. anti Mrs. Cha%. Oit spa>t Witaii- day viti Mn. anti lra. Ge-o, Mitchell. A te-v of laiter James Tovner's friends gave biaî a part>' in honan of bis ixteenti binita>' las> Thunada>' ove-- mg. Fred Tovuen spentSanda>' a>Laie Forait viti relatives. 0 "-- The W. R. C. attmadoti the inspection of thti DiaPlainai corps lManda3r. M Iisa Elwell entertaneti lii. and lMra. E.& Lincoîna, af Crystal Lake, Saturdas and sonday. NdiaiGramo Van Boan ati an ber gîtent ber cousin, Mis Vira Baninaun recaatly. liru. L. T. Pense and lîttie John apsait jTburaday, Friday andi Satairday wit>b 1 elatives ln Evanston. ilB. L. Smith andi family are viuiting ?thelr frianda pro auatory to their de- eparture for Des bo, hre they will mais thoir futurs homea. W"eamsglatito ay0. B. Arps basosu far recovarido fram hs ie et , illassa to b. ahie tma @pendi a lUttAstime in viaiting relatives in Cary. lIra. Bicknaie la under the doctor'a care. Auction bills prornplly pninted ai the Independent office. NotIce of thh. sale printed ln lthepipsr, whlch sg worth mars than ibmpthe POCOf the bis Monse. We bave the Circulation. You 7wlll gel the people. It isu't an difficuit ta aàtreagtben at weoak stomarh l foui Roai at lteorrectly.E And tia im true et the beart and kidaoyi The old laobioned way of tioig the il etomfacli or Eltiuîulating the beart or kidi.1 neye im aurely wrongi Dr. Shoop tiret v pointeti eut this error. «'Go ta tho weak a cl" ailing tierces uOftbthm organe," iaid h hie. Each inside organ bai Ite eontroliag i or 'ineid. nervi." Wbeai theai nervi. Q fail tlwn those organa rani> surely talter. e This vital trntb la laadlng dru«glta everywbere to dippenand recommenti a Dir. Shoopi 8Ileatoratve. A tew da7i h test wiIll urely telI? Bold by AL.L OIALRIL . and d ~mesmt 0ai14%0se Zric, On fTuu*ada>' Nor. 17,1908, comnnleaclngat 9 a'cloek a, um. ths Iullowing deecribe! proper». 35 heat ai cattia. 4 vit Il caleM-e-si>'sde, balane aprlnsaara. mIlicers briferabull, 40) boas! bogo, 20 ehsat, 20 pige, 2 uto nid,1 7 hiati bure., black> 'Barsiaw> 1175, 9 yrs aid, ha>' boise w> 121(), 9 >'rs, wva test w> 1150 ant i 1200, 2 ha>' calt@ a oiag 8and 4, y> 18110 anti 1240, mare cuir, cmin« 2, 1ahlut 8 dos uhIckrna, MeCormick coin butteor, Matjormlck graIn tidt'r, 2 Me- Cormick mowero, -2).01k>' cuitivatora, vralilng- cultivaton, single cultivatuir, set bob aleii. Mlicorcn planter viti check now, 80 rda wira, pulveis->, 2 se-te lever drags, @et dump bard@, eleden drill, îuiky plow, Il walking pîcive. gang plow, 2nanni) w tire neagoni, 2 trui'k wagons, wagon box, miioveling r board, 2 ha>' racts, lIcCorie> h a>'rake waten tank, tank be-atoi, cart,talitk wagon, canes>', hi.>' i'rks, puleya, anti nope, miii tarik, 6 nîilk îaîîî, gnintistone, Lltdiuiel talmlit couler, barr-I caet, w be-el- barre w, Itou kettli, -45 tans bas la barn anti sonta lustoc>, about 45acria can la Pbock dut vîtih inîjer aud other anti- Cleu tro> mentianeti. (ot lunch a> nuon. Usual terme. JOHîiN G. Fni-Tz, Pnop. 3 W. E. Pxvîis, Ano-tioneer. Anotion Sais. Baving solti my farta anti galng ta mavo ta Chicago, I vîlli l ab auction vititînt reamevean the premias 1% mil« soutive> ni Gage-aCornersatajoiniug the Phillîpe mili platforruaon Thursatiy, Nove-min 19111 1o8, moîcn t 12:850 p. t., th@ lullovingtiprapent>': 7 choies cuive, 4 iîavy @p ngers. 8 nihkers; hiter 18 months oId, 2 haliera 6 umnthi aId, 5s hîtate. bhnoataov, roa rmare, 9 years aid, w> 1200; pair hanse blanioe, Deerlng grain hindir nearl>' aow, lictintici moyven, licConnick baise raire, 14 luth valklag plow, 2 moction harrow, aprnug tooti caltlvatar, walklng cultieatar, Prairie4UIt>' see, con&aller, gnintistone, iannlug Mill, 000 lb @cales, gooti'fefatwagon vltb aextra set 4 Inch truck vieeîs, miik wagon, ha>' rai>, set bie-ry hameau, atiadle, buggy Lameai, l>' nets, bue>'y isingle liarnes, 10 airai curanu ine>oc, i4 aiescan taîts, 250 buselshi bte nioati, 40 iabels harley, 5 ton o! tante iay la barn, 45 grain baga, 6 cooling Icana, 15 harr-el tank anti tank beater. r15 gallon ciunna anti butter vonker, 110 It ot ha>' nope, anti ferk, caltiron kette, lava mowen, arka, ehînveha, boa-a, log 0,-'bin. honsebolti tunnitue, 15 aiele Cpotatai. anti otherartielestaouminaua ta mlention. Usual ternie. No properi>' te hi bcemove outil sethtI4tor. Il FaÂtea LenaîsR, Prp. W. H. APPLEY, Auctioneen. ci Auction Sale. &r Eaving deedtoaretire ftnmtii boteI insuineft i wili sel Bet public aucition on thi oIt Wbite fart a>a Long Lakaete-pot on Thunea>, Nov. 19, 1908 a> 1 orbe>c sharp thei iîo ,ving descnribet property: bahrses, iJersey nov, double mc e>ha-> bansst higbt harnesa. @!agie bannie-s. nov sattili, ue->'wagon huai, E Pasaeuger huai, 2 buggies, 2 icatet sure>, cingle wagon, ne-v bob siit, potato cultivatan, large tint, emaîl tint, grindatoni, tiîalng rotamhall, 20) ne-v cane cots, swing, 3 be-ache., 86 tilinig vmontl chairs, 3 tiining routa tabli,i8 à maîl tables, 2 iron be-ta, mattremi sot epringa. large quantit>' of white tuii5 ,dîahies, large coeking tange. heating Ystovo. ail tinta aI bitchea cookinir rutonsila, graphopione anti 21 raconts, quantit>' ne-w lunthet., wasiing outot, vaebiag machine ant i iger, e-tc., dip trou kettle, 5 hoat@, ic rem f ree-son, butter chat-n. 2 lanterna, sail Ion boa>, 30 ÉliaiPolea, ne-vcil tank, quantit>' carpentîn tuolsi, 2 enuite pc.>lampe. 4 ne-v vaîl lampa, 54 ciceacorn. 4 lange vaah hbevie. anti other articlnes te nuiu.ooua te mention. tianal terme. No goota renuetiuntîl se-tte-t for. CI Jus. Toiînovir,, lrop. Marbie Hîttel. rLonig Lake, 111. WALTERî WITEn, Anctioneir. ^notion Sale. The undeesignti having de-ride- tut qu it tannîiug viii smll a>t publiceamiction 1on tiie.loJiu HBoneuurgon feai % mile aOuth anti % mile ve-at 0I Evîratt on Saturda>', Noir. 21, 1908, commîncing a> 12 acr>n, tii foliowing propenty:, Black horai, 12 yrs olti, wc about >à00; ha>' mare. S yrs olti, w> 1300; goond nov, 5 hog@a vi about 175 ]bd- eaul, steIinelbrro, licrOtmie mower ne-arl>' ne-w, Deuing iay raie selfr tiump, Milwaukee bluter, di nchtira Dit>' vagaii, top buggy, ipring wagon, tva seates!bugg9y, 1% yard granelI box nev, Inov ha>' rac>, tire. mie-t bob1 [ieigi, cutter, Diamauti tooti îulî, sulk>'cultivatar, IMa>' oot scraper nev, nev Deora plav, sulky plav, horse ici. a ton coail box, single buggy banes, 2 neta double banisse., 14 tons milet] ha>'f la stacia, 10 toua tlanoti'hy a>' lubarn, 3 tans seond îmop claver 'ha>', 5tans claver ha>' fins> irop, 2 itacia cern2 Zsia, 800 bu. sortes! nan inlri, barrai citer vinegar, 30 galion jar, nov barrai ahurit, new bail hiaring wnlngor, Davis sewiag mtaihine in goot andin, sota, base, lfana, poil Maul, poat augîn, gardle. raire, chaîne anti mai>' otierr articles toounmerous ta mention. DînaI terme. JOHN I PaauîiaOi, Prop. r J. SCsrwtfctit,, Anîtionoer. Auction sale. The undiraigne!bie«g about ta asave ta Monutants, yulsBlsit>public anction vitbont renerve an the ifut. Davsan0 fart on TawnU Lne ruas! ans-haitmile2 mait aI Lititan anti 8% iauthwsmt aI t Libert>'ville, Manda', Novenabir 16,1'08, commincng at 11230 p. mt. titi iallow- lux proper»': 17 cows, 1 név militer C wîtb clb>' aide, 4 apringors, balance w glvlugmlii, bolier 2 yra aid, bolIer 1%~ yr7 aId drivlug boise E yra aId, ,vork barse 0 yra oId, quantlty of tantebay.luban, quantit>'ofailitiha', 2 mtaimillet, R 80 aee corin la nocii-ut wlthbibluer, rI Deerng grain binder. Dg corgnom ci bluter. Janese-ille cern planter ne-an>' nov, tieen 6-tooti sulky nulivatîcil nev, tank beater, boy> raire, 14 in cc waing plout-. 16 inch valking plcîw,c tew bohîls!,e-.har>'tiaming vagcn, e Btarow tire wagon, apning vagcn, 2 tc 1a>' raic-s, anme>', beravy single bane-s, pi hgbt aingli mmres, double bannes., -200 1.lubtadoueinciodenEionom .Audrow J. MoLais, vu Jclard W. Hawkins, Virginia S. Swliburue, Est'- rMe> K. Swvinburne, Benjamin F. Ja-ý cuba, Josephn E. Burciell, Trustee, Ben- jamin F. Jacoas, Successor ln trust, Benjamin F. Jacabs, Trustie, Joseph B. Burchell, Succeisor ln trust, Ro- bert E. Jenkins, Asaigne lan Bauk- ruptcy of Sîmeon andi B. Asile>' Mears, iankrupts, Orville Peekiau, Satanel A. Kean, H. J. Miffiu, W. KL Wells, the unknova awnen or avanar o! a certain promiiaory note for prin- cIpal saun otOne Tiausanti Dollars <1,1000.00) andti to certain intenest notes for Forty Dollara ($40.00) iaci, salti principal and latines> notes being tiateti Jaly 1ot, 1878, anti executeti by Margaret B. Meare anti B. Asbhey Meana, payable te arder'ut themselvei. at Fins> National Bank o! Chicago, one year alter date, salid principal and la- tienet notes belng securetib>' a trust deti !rom aalit Margaret B. Mears andi E. Aablîy Means. ber busianti, te Joseph E. Burchell, (Benjamin F. Jacoba, nucceisur la trust), dateti Jaly lat, 1878 anti fiîti for record la Recorder's Office of Laie Colin»', Il- lisi, an Jul>' lOti, 1878. la book 64 of mortgagei, on page 287, as docu- ment No. 19702, anti thi anknava avaîr or ownons of a certain promis- sony note for Two Tionsanti Dollars, (112000.00), dateti Anima> lat, 1878. -exicuteti by Margaret B. Meari anti E. Asbley Mélars, payable te ondin o! themielves, one yean alter date, a> [Ninit National Bank o! Cicago, Ili-! nuls, vîthImntstthenion et elgbt percent (8%) pin annunt, payable serai- anautîlly, ant i Bten pin cent (10 ) Per asomma, atermaturit>', salt ilt belng sicureti by a trust deeti, date! August let, 1878, framn Margaret B. Means anti E. Asile>' Mears, ber bus. bandi, o! Lake Coninty, Illinois, ta Boný Jamin F. Jacoba, (Joseph E. Burciell, auccesaun la trust), anti fileti ton ne card la recorder's office of Lake Carn ty, Illinois, on De-cimier 24th, 1878, la book 73 o! montgages, on page 92, as, document No. 20581. andtihtiiun known claimant on cialimanta la and te the vhote or anme part of Loi Thirty (30) la South Highlandi Atdi tien te Highlandi Park, (nuw caliei Ravinia), accuntiing to plat thereof necordeti Juine 7th, 1873, la Book 'A' of Plats, page 101, ia Lake County Illinois. In chancir' No. 4064. Tht. nequlsite affidavit for publica tion, iavlng been fileti in r-ienk' uf fine af Circuit Courtt uf Lake County Ilinais, notice la he-reby given to tie aalit Vinginia S. Swinbnrne, Harniei K. Swinburne, Benjamin F. Jacoba, Je sepi E. Burcheil, Trustee., Benjamin P. Jacoba, Succensor in trust, Renia min P. Jacoba, Truntee, Joseph E çBanciell, Succesuor la trust, Rober E. Jenkins. Assignies laBankruptey cf Simeon andi E. Auhiey Ileanu. bank nutu. H. J. Mlffiiuîii, W.K. Wells, lih- uakaown ownor or owaa-'î of a contait, pnomlnuory Ilote toc tiîe princilîti un of Ont. Thoî,sand Dollars, ($1000.00), anîd tutu certain intereut inotes fti Forty Daîlians ($40.10>)î-arh. unitipria. ripai andl interest notes lîcina tatoti .Jnly Ist, 1878, anîd oxerîlte9 by Mar ganet Bi Mears andi E. Asble>' Mearu. anti payable te order ofthtemuolves, at Fnrs> National Bank ot Chicago, ont. yean atten date, aaid iprincipal andt latenest notes helag secureti hy a trîust deeti troein aid Margaret B. Mears anti E. Auuley Meuirs. her hue- band, te Joseph E. Bî,cbeti, (Benja- min F Jacobs, ,iîccesn lan trust>. dateti July 1ut, 1878, anti lileti fon re- cord la Reconder's office o! Lake Couty Illinois, on .Iuly loth, 1878, ln book 64 of mortgagea oni page 287, au diocuiments No. 19702, anti tht.un- kaawn oWnen on ownena o! a certain prominnor>' note for Two Thounî Dl)lars, ($2000.00), tiateti Auges> lat. 1878, executet by Margaret 13. Meure anti E. Aeiley Meurs, payable ta ondin of themaelvea, ane year alter date, at Flrat National Bank or Cicago, Illinois, witi Itens> thereon at elgit Pin cent (9%) linr annutu, payable seml-annîîaiiy and a t ten per cent (10%) pinraanm alter maturnt>, saiti note being securnd by a trust deeti fiatoti Augnat lot. 1878. tramt Marga- ret B. Mears aad E. Ashley Meurs. bier busband, o! Lake Caunty, 1111- nais, ta Benjamin F. Jacoba, (Joeepi E. Burcbeil, auccîssan in trust), anti flIed for record la Recçirder's Office Of Lake Caunty, Illinois, on December 24ti, 1878, lin boo> 73 of mortgages, ta Page 92, as document No. 20581, and the unanowa clalmant or clalmanta la ' andi te tie e-bale on Borne part o! Lot Tiirty (30) la' South Highlandi Ad- dition te Highlandi Park, (nov calleti Ravinia). accordiag te Plat tiereot. ecardeti June 7tb, 1873, tn Bock "A" Of Plats, Page 101, li Lake Coîînty, Illinuoistbat the îîiîcv n ifhJI tcatit- Plainant herelofore fileotilits bill of aomîtlat lît sait Couîrt, cOi t ie Ci- eny sitie theneuf, te quiet tite Inlandt te the. premisues irithe. billutf-m mnt"terofuthe Circuit court of Ld&ke ÇoutntY, bebaheld ti thé11Court HOUs" lu Waukeg.n, Il a ld lAki Cant>, on thei finit Monday oft Do cenuber, A. D., 1905, asla b>' lao* i'M 4ulred. and whlch suit la atilI l pliti lng. LEWIS O.ROCKWAY, Waukegan, Ill., Nov. 3rd, 1808. W. G. Strong, Edward B, Wilwer andi Horace W. Nîchole, Jr., Com- plainanit'. Solcltors. State Of Illinois. CoUnty ut Lake, as; la thei circuit court of Lanke Coutîj John H. Duiggan and Sabina, iag. gan va Sarah Leancb, Mary Joyce, Neilll Kinkade, Michael J. Duîggan, Jr., Aggle Duggsnan ad Harvey On- steati. Gen, No. 3479. Bill for Parti- tion. Public notice le hereby given tint by vîrtue of an order and decroe en. tend lIn the above entitiei cause at tbe March Term A. D. 1908 utaalid Court, the uhderslgaed, Maeter la Cbancery of jaid Court, wll on Tuesi- day the 24th day of Nuvember, A. D. 1908. at tii mOur of one a'clock la the afternoon of salid day at the Eait Door of the Court Houaeinlatii City' Of Waukegan, la iald County uf Lake anti State of Illinois, »l Bt publieauc. tion to the bîgitegt and bmat hitder for ciahtii tollowlug descnibeti land and real eelate altuatet Inlitii Cuunty of Lake a.nd State of Illinois, to-wlt: Lot 11, la Bloýck i, la Highland Park, la Lake Coîînty, Illinois, except- l ngB a trip of landi 150 tee> vide off tii wegtenly aide tiereof. &Bnathat Part o! lot 10, la Block 1, la Highlandi Park, la Lakre Couaty, Illinois, de- acrlbed as follavas: Calnxenclng a> the sOutbeaaterly corner o! salid lot 10; thence *runnlng north-westerly along thi eaaterly liai or aald lot 50 fe-et: tience aouthwîitely paraliel ta the soutien>' line of sald lot 217 feet; tbence soutbeaateriy parallel to the easterly liai of iBid lot to tie smath. erly liai tiereof and thetice norti. easter]y along the nalid soutierlylino, to the place uf beglnnlng. t)Dated October IOth. 1908. ELAM L_ CLARKE, 4-4 Master la Cianceny. State of Ilinois, te-ay f lakc',un la th. Circuit Court of Lake Cotinty Bertia M. Cpoke antiC. Franîk Wright, Trumtee vYs.Jamee Richard Municonandi Martiîa Mancoii ;ci, No. 1873 1111 tb Forerose. Public notice is berelîy giveji that eby vintije ot an Onder andl derce en. ttere nd lthe abovet. 'titieftcauseit.d the October Terra, A. 1). 1908, of said Court, the underslgned, Mantc'r ln Chancery of eaid Cou->, viii, un Tues- day, the. 24th day of November, A. Di. t1908. at the. houn of One. orlock iit lie yafternoon of salti day a> the.Fatt Mfain Door tof th,, ('<frt Hnîîut. of Lake Cnutity, un the. City of Waîîkegaîî, la lthe. Couil)- nf Lake- and State -of il. ilillois, Belilut îpublic auction tff tht. 1lhlghest aîîd best bitdîr forn casi, tifc- rfottîîwilig dffucrbot lanti andlneat es tatt. uitfiatedl l11tt.e 'OuntY cf L..ike 1andl State of Illinoiu, aîîd dt.riieîl au foilows. to-wit: The North Oell' Hîîîdr.d tiny <1:i(>> feet of tht. eaut 1F'itty (5o> teet of block aine (9) la the. Village or Grays- 1lake. In the. Coîînty cf iLake., ecord inlg to the. plat theneof rt.curtfinlu the. Recorder's Office o!rtLake Coîunty, lI iligiz, in Bok 82 u ode. Ilage 420. I>ated October 20tlî, 1908. ELAM L. CLARKE, 4-4 Mauter ln Ciancery. Stale of Ilinois, Lýake ýC..urt,_86 In the Circuit Court ut Lake County 111. December Terra, 1908. Mantiel Brothera, 'A crporation vs. JuIlia M. Genry. In Attachmeuî. General No. 3968. Demanti $48.18. Notice la ic'rehy gîven ta yon. the. saiti Julia M. Gerry, tit> a Wnlt uf Attachment bas been sait Ont la the 1 Office a! tiCheni rkof the Circuit1 Court of salti Cauaty o! Lake Bt the9 suit of the iBid Mandiel Brothers a cor-1 poration, anti againet thieietaie of1 You, the salid Julia M. Girry, for For. tY-elgit anti 18-100 Dollars, bealdes la- terest, directedti tatic Sienliffof salid Cýoanty In execute wiicb salid vnlt bai bien retuned by salti Shorlif exe. cuteti by levyiîîg on lie tollowlng meaii estats, to-wl>: La> FIve (5) la Block Three, Highland Park, Lake Connty, Ilinais. Nov, unleai you, tie iBid Julia M. Gerry, siail peraonally hi anti appear belote the Circuit Court af sait Coun- t>' on the fins> day a! the nfut tenta thîeet, ta hi bholtien a> Waakegan, la salid Couat>' on the finat Monday lIn the nianth af Decemier nez>, give apecial bail anti phiad Ita id action, Jutigment vIlI hi entened agalnet you la favar of tii salfi plaIntif!, andtihte prapet>' attaciei soldti t satls!y thes same, vItn conte.,t LEWIS O. BROCKWAy, Clerk. Wau<e-gan, Illinofs, Oct. 27tb. 1908. RINGER, WILHARTZ & LOUER, Plaiatîffa Attorneys. HALF DAY Tue Ladies' Vernocn Cmetery Aseaci- ation villi neet vith Miss Llzzlè Sle-aic Nov. 19t, Mehbera nequue-edtic c h present. Notice. Ail parties knoving debtedtothetiila>, William Chope ral anti rettIe befora Nov. 20. 6-2 Jouie C. CHOPE, Att. you do't ienw 've got ia; dol bllee t; ouwofi't to. Then It la dangerous. Don't b. afrald; but attend to I quik-yo cmdo it yOr.and at1hoe. Take CIMULSION of Cod Lver 011 and Uve care- mty every way. hI"l isSoWId doctrine what~- ever you May th"nk rx6etold; and, if heeded, will save Pie. Wbu " 5>1 asi=ss.=r=hc iame t sk e çaCm« y s.w dad w 'a ."C sss Ihedi A " of tes W ol., am"T & DOWIEE.4» Pest5. N. York clk4p led3al ud SUrgkalçnWÉcfe 617 La3aiuleAaiawa, hýOhaz. lIU Tha a-.I.l,... . rli 1".a ml ' vý . P.4 r=, . saou iefaWi ~ e FI ri..d cruaonterelt *i Bm, .CI,>. Vt lrfr etarahae stan f niod l f tîa o "dSmo a av e. mrk e os. - l'il,,ifWhihowIo , Dr. M,. .nmjns .at fitico h.- ai enhdLfO r nf 14 fodt a Aiuct h1 iontel 1 esa¶ir¶iî.or 20 oe Sris ec aiegalte a-n iura Pas. con..l. nonat .sell a tinake acodla a 1. fOIvem sia i a. aal, a* ot a,, slesme per cent.ui avmua oe me W. atH.niuiln. ut tEeel Shuo' io leaha. u Di un me t fiep wa>nd a rests.he. tu roaian luh. uanial uu telsting sue te inouso .ctrlp bou hti dlrsci t ii Rhe etora v AUW* AES yEBA An>' oal de tarvll îoubata midi' dc la biI vetheti boveis are cou- atlsiei. u vutdoebu If h. knova sn>tblg'mair isuAyoersPllpforicotr recln ttîahIg5alu or the mm1. -'-Mie ~ *1. 0'igo'Oe, X ik.-aS 11 . 1

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