$iILPAtR 0OPI.AKE ÏDoljUNTY pellS t Srt Vaer fr mles t»a 1*I t -- er my tëk1 STi.aOM Xo. i1. UtIdiLRedt~dence Telephone Nfo. 1141. Ubertyvllle Exchange An lnvesttgttass among Lake canTl- ty fermera W a tOlen started by a 'fessa as the Pesieffce at itryvine, lu., as Seoesdgl lams Mater 817N reporter.a 00-- WWS1.y. ADVESTiSING BATSi. ADUos 82Mw ON APPLICATION. Sîmlar Interviews were oltiened. Ail esserted the same peculiar cau- S5 ItIIIITI0N PRICE $1.50 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE ditions. -s; was estlrnated Tuesay ong thatat easthal orthe wella of tlie fANJC H. JUST ............................. ................................. ...Editor county bave gane dry. Otliera are on thse verge of tollowlng ln tlie saine SM. 1CELLEY ...... ........... ...... ............... City Editor course. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1908. TIIEVCQULD If TIIEY WOULD BUT DIDN'T * WHITNEY A CANDIDATE. flic SUN notes with distinct. ploiasure thit Attorney Charles Whitney Old People of Zion City' Eiaped 1000 t,%*ukegac la a candidate for judge of the circuit court in the seventeenth Miles Only ta Change Their * "Ila district. Mnai. 1 M..Whtncy !a an able man, ancet the deina of hie profession. Like - .wry lawyer who aspires ta lead, hie8 ambition la the bench, and hie years rnaokN DNv -fe bioree the> bar, hie success, hle standing ln the community, and the fact thî t eloPlng niesrly 1,000 mlles and secur- ta*& çcouty ha* not hied s Judge ln the circuit for twelve years ahauld al lng a marrlage lîcense at thse office of *vMehimte far harin an à ictry.Judge Hasseil, Heury' C. Fairbanks, a.tlIehm taa tir earlg m a vcto>'.aged slxty-four years, and Mrs. Mar- , aret Vessie, aged itfty-four, liotli or JdeFAN APPRECIATION 0F JUDGE WRIGHT. ion City, Ill., declded tliat tse>' dld isdsPobert H. Wright, anc of the aquireat men an the bench of the net want ta marry, and Fairbanks re- .wveath judiciai circuit of whtch Lake county la a part, should be re- lurned ta the offlce with thle license. at.etad es circuit Judge. tie stated tbat lie had gane ta one of Me M.hould bc onc of the three Judges ta be chosen next June. tlie local mulisters sudlie liad edvlsed > ille Wrght has servcd anc termn as çýircult judge and has earned the lili agaînst merriege. When It came Sfrlendship of ever>' member cf the Lakte count>' bar, ta sweerlng 'as ta tacts lu. his state- A citizen ofBelivdere, where ha hie an elegatnt home and a ice tarnily ment made wlien secorlug thse lîcense -tu whlch ho la devted heart' ad seul, he -surrendered a law practice of Farianks coutended tliat lils religion ,sb.AO a yeàr ta 'laIte tht bench at $3,500. He ha& served a term and naw dld net allow hlm te swear, but lie et- sol sa ilhle practice gene and his health shittered b>' hie devotion to hie flrmed that thse statemeuts were cor- 'mark hould net be retired.1 rect. Ater returnlug thse license Fair- Tii. SUN le confident that a grateful people wiil net retire him. bauX-a announced Iliat tliey luteuded Judgc Wright succeeded Judge Charles E. Fuller, Congreuamn Fuller, to returu ta Zion City. He liaîtln bis aââd had not becaon the bench a long time wheni the bar discovered that lie possession a osarriage license lssuc-d mwas, and indeed ia, the hardest working jurit le the seventeenth circuit, lu Illinois. There la a tantallzing air N. can do mare wonk in a single day than an>' jurist Who ha& ast on the local of sssstery about tlie case. bomi l n yeurs. Besidea this hea snoted as a men strictly honesttand uprlght in bath Brakeman Killed ln Wreck. flvte*acd public life, the prince of goad fellows, and thse best friand whom Baea edro h otws- young lawyera of the circuit have on the bench today. enlrae Bestl die re ! t Wortwt, Te elect hlm the support cf Lake county. la necesaary as Boone l a a on the new Northwestern west of Ke- uaui cosnt>, tht smnallest of the quartet in tht circuit cf Lake, Boone, M- C_ lae wo Sne> teron Nenry awd Wintflbage. --..'-et- to S-n-y- - - --on JUDGE DONNELLY. Whlle for the ther judgcu in thia district the public and bar entertain pr.fqnd respect, admiration and confidence, It adda te thes. le the case cf 4edge Chariet H. Decneliy, a dogre cf roal frIccdship amaunting te love -iOar.Intitmas association i.ecjoycd, seldom accerded a Judge an the circuit This great heortcd and campaniecabie jurist poaseames a peraaniilty at '~a» tdial and dignifled. Me la th. mont approachable of mec, yet withai aOdlw.t and earced In hl* profession. Hie degitioncanmd decialens are sound and profound ln the minds of «m bar, mand fmir and jut In the estimation of the. public. H. âhould and will be on.et the three judgcm chosen next dune. Juige Doccelly le botter icnown in the count>' than hl* associates an «a o mui ad clo.er te the peope le conscqucnco. He la "Chariic.Donnelly , Sla fcurt te a oreat mac>' people andfosses noce et hie dignlty thereby, "* A omem the kindlier acd truer frlend because et hie apprealatian cf the »bo4 hb.arted cteem me honestly expressed in corne et the homilier manner-. U, ber. le splendid tribute to the man and judge in the oft e)F *Iftlefseofe this or that litgant fram rural communities. T'ber. Io truc regard ln the universal appreciation of Judge D tg b.#.maaa emonad attorneys. Thmo a idevervlng cstem nfor sterling quailties in everybody's 'ftJud9ge Donneli>'. U lt la great to b. known and beioved as a dispenser of "Square1 **We" *resuion pictures Judge Donnelly as the publie views hlm. UPI1frAVAIL Of wy of property rights ta bin VOUVA ON CHIICAGO en Vlv's churcli o Mne cf Oowie le Graeted WithWA Large Cho ruse Amena and Seema WA ER FAMINE IN. te be Regarded With LAKIE COL Respect. Claim That Unlesa Ramn Fal 'the They Will Los. Thousands lh osto of ZMon descended upon. lara. Çhllafo Bunday under the leader- 04p of Wlibur Glen Volîve. Wltli some1 Although Lakte Mchilgan wl knlaac.!o the glor>' of John Alex- iMillions upan millions of gell eailler Dowle daya, members of the, water la one of the county' ,pAfftollc eburcb, 1000 strong, march- booindarles, Lakte county tarmel mi, tram the Nortliwestern rallway1 even 00w aofferlng tram a wate ilsatlen ta the Studebaker theater, lue whlch unilesa weather corË ,wkere vas Inaugurateà a movement change promises ta endanger loir the rehabllltatlan and recrudes- lierds to the amaunt of thousai imee Monzî. on thousands of dollars. Il Vollva preached ta an audience ilbkh lled the theter to overilow- ,.sg for tvp boum,. Ma sermon doat »M the. frailta ato manhlnd and va. f *m wemkmeaea ot the fleali. Celle Suoleer "lIag." Ils extarted men ta gîve up amok- ~ addrinklng, and îîkened men U"lfl tobacea to hogs and cal]ed ~ #4-, l bearers to joîn tIhe antI-to- a oemaîa)IY Wmade reference t:u ieza'nder Dowle, once to crît- hiatar mîstakes lie ied made. erWbe»iver thie ame ofthtie found-. the b.fa.ith as mentlonedi t wes wltb tervîid denthlsisastîc pressed 'l'lie nglner ,ii5U oth legs eut off. Mie naie wes flot kuawu this main- lug. Fîve cars strewed thse track. Thse accident la one Of the most seri- Oua an thse new hune thîs fer. Chicago physIcIens were warned b>' Healîli Commîssloner Evans that fallure ta, report caseir of consumptaln woold lie follawed by Prosecutuon. The noUmber Of cases of death have been langel>' lu exceas of thse nonaber o! cases reParted. Thse engagement la anuouceed ut Magrt Connue Booth, daugliter or Mr. Edward Booth, of Waukegeo, ta Floyd B. Hartuan-Lake Farester. jTicklinw. tiglit couRhe tan lia sorti> and quickl>' loopeued witb a pre.criptiouî druggietâa aie disperîaiîîg ever> wher.'asu STOVES Theres a frost upan 1th. pumpkin-l Wonder what il hears? Someîhing tao. ha$ shockcd th. corn and made il hide its cira. The golden, harvest is hiere-ail the signs of work well done--of prosperity and plenty. It's tirnes like this we like t!) tell about our line of Jewelryj, though it's not at ail a question of Seasons with iie. Day lu-day omt-- ail the year 'rounfd, it's just the same --dlways satis[actorg. A. H USS WATCIIMAKER Wn JFWELER LIBERTYVILLE, ILLIN OIS.1 The tu rkeygoblbes gieefuil-y ad wase fil 1r, e Ht doesa ol ses his finish-soon-upon e pialler. Thanksgiviog wiiI soon be here with it'c Jîy and feasting. Here's one thing, at any rate, to be thaîîkful for, our line of Coop)er's ,Uîderwear. It canse,;genuint, thaukOg-ivilg whierc. ever it in known. Onîe try will tel yolu why. G-jvc YOurself calise to be joyful at this lime of the year. Ilesdquarters for Mayer, florsheim and Menges Shloes E. W. PARKHURST SCMACK B cà LII3ERTYVILLE, ILL. Ihave got them in ail styles and size. carry a large stock and buy in large quantities and can mnake prices as Iow as the Iowest. THE UNIVERSAL ;a one of the best lunes in the country. Superior to alý others in Operation, Quality and Finish. Every Stove Guaranteed. ii. il COAL TIME IS HÈRE We wash ail Cuit! at our yard bmfori' (le- livery, after weighing. Nothiîîg but Cleain Goal put in yoîir bin. Nut, Range and Egg, Cannel, Washed Egg flocking, Splintandl md. Block Feeding9 Question Solved Pioneer Cow Feed, Sugar Gluten, Daisy Dairy Flour Middllngs, Bran, Corn lclea, 011 Meal, Red Comb Poultry Feed ~LUMBER COMPANY LIBERTYVILLE............ 'v ~GER. >anneity Dr ti. 5h îp's ttoug 1hReuedy. -AlI j tt i.~ no0 ver>', ver>' Stff.ent tisau cotomon- 5W Wt W 'a iing Cougli uîediciriea. No oiiî, n.,clloro- fr" brui utel>' nothiiig battIsor uI,- sOre' Theeder ltav.' of a huritieeEI ....E l/ m' i ~'s D>eae," lonîg healmeg iuontainou@ abruti, gire. ah( thse curative propu-rtiea lu Dr 8hoi,1's G E N L E M E Coumb iR..medY. IhoselivsaetI. ioN.r ro oisiinthse mtsrdist,,iirîg & J > ug nsi- < ub a d to soothe &A lpai the no 8:A o g t e F i .tneogtb- MlItîîld, for salutyssBalte al<îne, alwav i iidD.SIIopa ,It qart witt per- Fidng ou'Il find Tadadtu I,-tiru.edîîm 4li,,levntopen rhpyîiungesr qfitingsttie thatdsuits tiabes. Test 't yaurselIl and fte. Sold a 0 b-. ALLDEAERS-s the liveliest of tastesf JNTV - - a~~~s weIl as temr le Soon Tobacco CO e ksbdedan qieTe-T of Dol. fiesbud n ue l 1 ogo CLARNCE fALAGOur Styles are T s chier TONSORLCorrect to the a"dot"# ens fare IETVOLIL Shirts, Neckwear, tJnderwear, JEtc. Corne and dtlons ____________ see for yourselves, prices within range of every. 0U rtheln Ordera Taken for Razors S body's pocket. d Magazinet and Put ln Order- sd s p P e io d i ala u a r a ts e dE V E R Y T H IN G F O R M E N 0 J. B. MORSE & Co. 01BUou AMIfl CLEARANCE SALE HANBY BLOCK, LIBERTYVILLEFR D In ordt'r to close mt rMy F I t ..k I amn elling at a _ _ _ _ _ _ _A greiat reduction in prie 81itl DRY GOODS :'a:eaaea.a.: ~aae~ 1LADIES' NDERWFÂR. ETC. *D nrsim.m Telnt. N. 49 a. ,,-- 'li1) Iny entire tock of Lattie' Shoes whichl are tho wel-known 'Edward Sttwood make and too fanîlliar to the Lberty. ,Ms$ced choir of 250 vlees, what ji pitbl ic to need au 1 n. iW 01 the great chioral raniza- tr-i dietioii. sondS b>' Dowle, occupîed tiseAPLAIGfT m #.-e Studebaker ansd sang ne- A W ht-INGMî h AT onshm imga durîng tise service. tNftI lehtcmshm itmUVU@ Reaches volume.j fr ni isur establi-himeit OQU Zîoniat bymns the great there's mure to be JuIapsîre. *t100 JOneainud tIse chorus j'l liFc lat will suit yo- iêm aVou 1 aSl ta great vol-I tht-tbill wil suit Yîmî anîd MOb Uf& ntatda ithe time wiIl be Fatief'ac. en the pan et tlnltlNoed an No 110 d aVoti'e and bIs tuy dly isafP. : ta u>tUW Mi on. Ore., plidlteit, nothingun.- %sW41,u111lu, CObtoaga, coupi ritumabe ",ea1ation etI$armhre, are tp aMRS.wM. A.PPROlTINE. Zilm c1tey - 9#r4tw in. ____M. _.________ ~to bhoMwMar, la ,tii1. tPCA ATTNIN Ta out of Town Ordera And Shipping Trade ----------------.a a Lilier.yville Ezehange and CONFECTIONER I rtgville - Illinois .LS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED )ELIVER TO ADJACENT TOWNS ------------ .- a.... A clergymétn writeo: "Preventlci. Hexamethylonetetramine. those littis Candy Coid Cure Tablets mê VTiee ho, -e h- useli',f a Gprman .working wondýr le my parlish." Pm,- chentical whieh la onie ,i eht maDyt vPntiios rly wil cht.ck a cId 0 -r . tiltut-e inelletitts ilFl,,'s Kidi.'> h ndp lFtndj Reatt.tv. lrenii, n s grippp, ina vpr>' Iew oa ns. - rcoggtîund b>' mudiu-ai -t it oitsand yen> ici are suo@sesand barmies, N~u hitflmaureAdgo tad Qùnnnothlnu bar*ah cor - susuruîpka aune t-d olp8t"e Vfl-, fIrn I.vprîsh 'it lees ebildren. Box 'nl iefrte'uieTk of 48 at 25c. Sold hy .- ain 55 S'eam ut sne you notî,' ALL DALER. au' v rregula-itiem and svoid ae att-but ALLOfASAS ualady. FRiNsi 8. LovELL. USE Qrn & Crosbyj's %EDAL ILOUR It's made for you. for sale byj & FREDERICKS TYVILLE, ILIOIS relephone 30 E GREAT SEMENT COMPANY Ys NOV. 139 7:30 P. M. 1 he Largest and Best MÔV;ng Picture Show Travelinq. Great Colored Feature Pictures Drames. Comedies and Spectacular films. Over a Mile'ot Moving Pictures Illustrated Sonos. Specialties. W. M. CONWAY, Lecturer, WiII Describe Pictures. Admission 1 5c and 25c. DR, GOI DING DENTIST Bourg A tn 12 e.m.,-] t-nA p.m. J. Eli Tnigupu Building vîtIs Dr .J U Te> iu.-PIsone 19 Rt,, Pitti, e1092 Lbertyvi]W Ilinlois JESSE S. HYATT IVIL. E\OINEER AND SURYEYOR Lll-tyvllll I. Tol. 851 05, lhFfANK A. WINDES Wli kat in. MMM eU-- - - -11-1 7-- f-.ý - : 1 . - - 4. ý1- - M- CHURCH