CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Nov 1908, p. 1

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j»r e A andWAIJKEGAN 'TRELYSUN 7 Von r VLIT NO S LIBERTYVILL-E, LAK.E COUNTY, ILLINOIS, FRLDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1908-12 Pagts vigtted but gves a tain ides of tbfý PROPOSrD !L!CTRIC NSON ASt ILIL scope of Ibe trip. Bg OPIIINLJED Tbe gi.l of the iutorwatieii glcaned ROAD TO ELGIN un the viita la Ibat ther countiel onietwt h esunofa Atty. Pope quehttOfid Rghtl cf Jury uiiformiy psy lesfor work than iLake inc tâent îh t ssunRobertan 10 Tr Cas*15dWao Bntaied Iat ther counties bat-e a0 toTr J*t adge Fr s i e county physîclan sud psy for bttoee Wynn n regard td hi* proposed Wau- tY JMe Fost.vîil h y another, the irat vîsilte th@ kigan, Rookfoi'd and Elgin Electrici Great excitament s'as ercasilîtd flt -t» circuit court wheu late Saturday1 atteraom *fter heaitadbeen retîîcedj c a tinUance lu the case et th* fflazon Mtg t'ttuipaîiy agalutt >'v)"sIel Sîcan et Zion e.ily Attorttey Lobu D. Pope cbaiienged the array of thse Jury, lu otiser wortls. îuesloiied Ia nriglt to try the case. and s-as cils' Ialined by Judge Frost. f. Pope hast offered aunsifdavil le se- cure a continuance ou bebsîf of the1 s' anefacturing cempsuuy and the mat- t er wasaoppoiied hiy AtlclteY Justin K. Orvla, the 'court fitaity upholdlug the Orvis vies' ce tht Stimmitilde. Attorney Poîete be raileuged lb.- array ou the basîs that the îwelve lun thse box bad beeîî uiered Ithe option of returuing le îry cases tht, week or heing excuuued sud the Is-elve had taken their cholce antd relurned. This bie mintained was justificationî fer the, challenge sud the -jurisI upbeld im naly. W Thea reaull s'as tat iuost At the dociset fell toe ueis. as the court's de- cîsios'. meaut Ihatl eth-asby agreemieot on the jury attorneys would flot bave te try their cases before il. Noue o! thetn seemed te lie ablte te .>gee. The Haaiti cas.e wilii 1rohabiy go avr to tbe nexl terni of court. The casem tha i îlilie tied lîy csic senrt e! attorneys to the jury anaros being weeded eut sud then aspca jury s-i ha catied br lise other casels s'bera te jury la uisputed. te arra'. chalie-nged. Court iter adjeumnedi outilt ulut rhirt>' Monda>' mornng. Judge- Wrightl lbi la c avtse titi jury Use opion tolun u 10lixcase- or flt. Persants bauuîg casesa st ton irisl aI thia terni ot court lunti- circuit court are iding ou11tabYs> arent toS kadays foloisina lbe challeg etftht srray li'Atorne>' Johut 1) l'oie Thoni day s-heu he questloneil the rîght of the ju-y 10 try a ciae.t-ils chal lange s'as upheld b>'te ciort andîlas r rmuetI ciii>' Iose s-ho ane- s-lliug 9g te trial nus'. A uilit t uýit ef a'o- s-hicb s'ere isel otriI i t,î tiiswlen of court snd in 'slirh centlnuafldu hati heen refttîed liyte reurt si thua go over tete uexi teri îf t Daecember t-rnu etcourt. The case ofIlle PPIe Ofh' tii' ittIatù oftIllinois -I ah. agalisi Staîthe>'BIi hep ut Northt Chicago wio 'sas sr nuu ,.5.illchrge 1stleît. aud Ibat a tajiecisi offirer, su- .irdr n Iuila . n îî'r'so f-the -peer. la beld lu otuber coeunties. llite detailed report, wblcb la volunt- iiioti wil lihe ireseuted ai the wtt.x meeting efthIe board. ARREST WIFIE BEATIER 1 N NORTHI CIIIAGO Man Just Rleased front Jal'Raturne Home te 1Trent mis WWO « ' i, a Most Brutal Mannar. 'barles Roekelmaun Sunday evan- luîg beat bts wlfe Anule Soeckelmsuu ot -North Chicago lmb unconselutioi nessud would probably bave kilied bar hast net offiers of tbe las' Inter fenad. it la ssîd. Lat wealt lickelmaun wac arreat- est sud t nlad hefore a Northt Chicago justice of the jesce ou an azasuit and battery charge. He wasaond guillY îbut aecuned freadom wben haeîirovid- ed te uecessary bail. No soonenliîad lheararived ai bis realdeuce. wbicb la located just west r f North Chicago sud outslde of the city limita. t<an bie agalu assaîîlted bis wlfe litas muat brutal maurtier. lier tase teelb s'en' knîicked froni ber" inutb lier face s'as beaten te a v pull). Wliai Sheriff Elvin Griffe an- 1riv'ed! on the scene ber face s'as mi- t recogiizable. t sas bleeixiîg front y mas!'. gatîbes sud the blood bad aliat- tened ail o'.er tuie ktcbeu furaisb- luiga. The wife Iay outil tht' liir ita Seri 1couscioliis cuiditlee. Soeckelinîauit asanaire, te-d îîitît cmnpait of t h ic' fiabrot hîr B. A. Rieienachiielder. Tbat Saeckelntaîtîi lias led a liai I lîe duriîîg theiast few ' earmî has it lîen irovent ly ait exatîiat mii ifi' tb -Chicago brttlev.elt lie bas tieeî le lodged liiiIis jlaceut of sh liIou rs fraqueut iccaluiis ou te saniei tc harges as lie bal tîcen ai resteil lu Ibe local aîttboritles. ; Vu'bet rtos xamt Iin t,.0wslheillI Soeckliatiii stated tîtlhe did no! it-aitotebeat uit bts w's t bl Iat hk bs ad just goie ahiaîci t lîtutlk tîîini 11 'shat lie sas dbing. be NIre . -ut-tlt i t i I i sii -crions coniltioni ai h-'r re-.îiituî'e a e North Chbicago. I Folowsingu inîthelii' r itti rot hell ir hy thle citldi etioit Smixihy t"litg tol golowliig uie issault. Siict-utliiiiliitocl be laiton to boom lte road by te loca- tion of an immense industry, the Auto- matic Roller Bearing Company of Chicago, at'a western gale- way, the village of Gurnee. afternoon tOe îît lOn, tuontotera rot the proposedl neus maîtufacton>' sud air- ueed thaltbey would bc bere laten activeiyt te ueet Gurcee pee- ple aud te îîake choice of a location. What Plant Wit Do. Thomats R. 131urchart,. îrealdenl. Thomas Wu. Iteitiv. secretaru'. sud Isaac A. George, treaserer, are the beada oftite Aulemaîlc Rlier Bearing Comtpany, wiicb proposes te manufac' ture lu an imme'nse iptant empîieying huîîdreds i; ofu)a clniat role-r bear' ing thal cou b.- tîed 'us berever a wbeel turna." Letlî'rs patent for the lesriitg bave beau gractadl the corporatien sud nos' :s ile for the Immense plant la belng sougbt. Guruet- belug a trautly cou- tessed favorite. 1. A. George Io the inventer oethue sutomnalic liearing. He la a Chicageant sel luîtwn as a me- chantes] geutus. What Statement la. The litea important tenture ef the da)'s devetopetucts lu regard te tiri road hewever la tbe prelimiuany statpe tent inade bv tir. Wynii audl is oa- turtie', ('laii'e C. dwards. lu regard te di-tliho ie cîroJert, tbe ftest of- ficiat stateient >et issaed. l'h.' Clatt-uietl cto ble filoee eluerIt> i.> aiitlei on it iaucittg tii rosd. The' jresn lîl tera runs. The îrcîused comîîaîî' aIlbull tii uectîîtg iUnes- trerîl iaukegan s'îstet'ly te Ror-liord. sîîutbwesteriy lu Elgin, ati.t torth'sesterlyty iiFox Lake sud Antlech. This ]lie will al) prox'tatse 75 utile-.. Co nnecti ons. At lîtu' 1reeult rtte ibere aie îbrougb connections tram Chicago via Elinlutote Rckford. Freeport. Belol aud Jatiesvltlle ibat the read wIlce] uect witb aI hoth Elgin and Rltanctte ou the s'est aud soutb branches. A V. aukegan t uili ceunect wtb th( Chicago & Miwaukuee EiectrIe wbiet Luîîw etititecta ('bicago and Milwaukee Ir ilîl aIse luold a lune front a con xcîîîeut pint on the mtain lina te Fi, Lake and nhotb, this w'lil forma a ci rîrt lit' froutu Atirera aitd Elgin t Fox.L.ake and rirehUe troie "u' e $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE.: VUL. AV 4,&. d about lits ietii ute retîl or te On'e tt(I tou0t1t1lie retluuîltiîlte th Peterdil iluaitgedi il t. men iîecausî' ýe tbey gui i titi ,,ti- uk before iglît m- Ibirî I ti i1W thh110111t9 Anoîber toiti ix how pî-týl,u', ut lte aI the oet di- fice inî iltlu,' eý-i -tii'i ln ears et bis to career. il,' at'.tt,, ituhe lit a trenten- e- dette ait te îuuîlîI' t tk aîtd stîs and en. Greateat Growti Nos'. The Geeîîbatgh audt ýe Tlîîîîîîîn caes cuîîed w itb tse abieg'd caese or i mmcraiit>c iunovt cu-i bui V\ohi va su d hehit1îwesen , hd îîîuîcî .set- hacksts te advamu"f et bcsert mii Iii utous -lt -muBrcyant joins hauîds wiltb the c t, If repotsînaret' iibe credilîtJ. tut tIli îmgswcitt it tire- sîurnaiutx ilitimuuîreis uof fottii'sera. al The lateat la titat Zion City ha$ dia- owned Mm Jane Dowie an'd hem son Gladstone Dowie. Receniy iin aunlItervies' Gladstone Dos-la stat4d that ha wshed uever again tu hean o! Zion Cil>'. Nos' Mon Ciy cotes fers-ard aud saya tbat il bas houg bad Ibe same tblug iluinîud lu regard te the tatous "Lady Jamit" sud tisee uukssed. BRADLEY CoNrESSfS TO MURDER Of: SMiTit * etw. ruiiticattons were adided * o thte c as ofithie murder of Clif- Stord Suîlth ot Llbertyville, for Joh tith o ie tadley formperly ef Kejiocla watt brouglit. bak frein Denver Friday wheu the SUN Ipat-upd by Iuquiries that lte mur-* "dered man's wldow bas soid ll of b er property ai. LibertyvIlie and* "left for parts unkuewn. " The Smiths were stracg-rs ln "Ililhertyville and the womaitxusy " cot be iocated agalu. It la sait!* "bowever that she la not important "0 tthe'case. Dsenver, Colo., Nov. 12.-Jobn flvas Iey, allas Frank Waltèrs, PTeVt0fiUte being taken back te Kenoohl. wbmre he la alleged te bave kilisi C,.L. Smith, rallroad contractor. FIldaY CM- fessed the mordier. He sait --A mac was robbed la 09Mp ad Sinlth cailed me the 4.blef. i« was returmba along the taaek At nlght when ha dreve bY. 1 baled »*M aud told hlm he w-a fnot mom euough te get dowo and flgbt. WbOn 1i 4*w hlm leave the wagon and reaeb for 15W guin 1 shot hlm lbree tim«." estesu Outa"t asaili e kn ,mag - -- ",,.d iigiedreteat ,,se lk-a 10-1mn- e was centitited tbis week Ijtetbe 10bs h becI um 's a arr.sledThursday urati t e tiictdwt îedretcbiuisedtb îtrti îusne. tter atlu evns I ther words the wife sud soitetof e )ecemher terniî e cort ue oui- in iiu t Northi Chicago amui lrougbt aitainimtcins.Van Vl.urguititi tbe maux wbt) Ma>'b oiii Ove. telI vre eea ftenlg s inuance s'as grnted folow'iultthe te ibis cii>. isittn bt' sas loded iîuOperatîca of Road. uegotiaîed 'sith u t tiyfer a W~an- tit uumoret haîîsusîîecîed îbhahthere telocmiuutt>sud Inrl ftutde r lli haleuglng of the arraY onrte qies-tht' Lake Cotitî jaut ar t'uititht- evei Itour s'lll leave kegan righî ot t. tir the detîutct t, Itiuttiiî the meve. that Bryan setou onrlayan i oudrwl lit ire our tu lewillbe leldmiti ti,- nverit>cfteptu oesbi thermu-is Y FOR At S.,fl .lnnge tenilt i hecen l le'ilori îcî îutî h'ît'î.î t 'atiàigaitor Redkford andita cai onm Clarke raltixaýifi- the Cbicago, n tirle îîvertbrow utoflVas e txuae ut ,5rl iacnmn A UL I ry csestefre Ie lresut juryb>-thi'itruti ut lu Nlucbthe haift itr vill leave ton Wauke- Waukega sîud Ni il ii Sore. This re-tioIto tajoril> sud tiîat the uîn is auy mlu t xpesion leIttheAT Attorney Johnt D Popie Tutsday af- gat ftr Elgi; ibis s-tilghv& bhalf resentative u I'ttui"-s. uî'mr teîeiuyia ee iol ernomon. Cause cf Oisfs11wvniat UnitediiSed fes Ardescy ten denigI The suit brougiti by Samuel IH.GEO. W. TURNER UN bFox u iiatuoht et'e an VadeasitutI ttîîos-fuuuîudeîi Thiseuîesseti: rat hleCueo ifao.Uie Sâe ry 't aiIkei.amu tndtht- jîitiom i a o u ai sîu .utif't<uhot Ti ic srrau rst b The cause of te diafavor la atheged Experimentai Woak usaiMaY Biradibury' et a., supelîsut. agaluai CRITICAL CONDITION ILake- îabiuîg mîucb ofthIe giftiortoteuies "f"o b ar tteDsle.Etbha Turner.liîiiig haiLAKE aneeswitn Tbe people of Zicu City' daim that -- PbliiIp Maiman toormeregedldamagesr- iai t hoitut'fo tr trxtLak ttte;atiFXoAK lite folwers etfte language lispire- r.Dwesd e o putl am uefiuidrprairmBH*s uccurred b>' the alowlug of the de- Geoige "'iuue.fme tiut vr iI utrfrFi ate:u e fendant te foet up bis os-n acceunts le ejîmblican central couîutttee nember taie juuitloui lite trahi'îidcd' PUSD ieutibd. evlelanmea !bive ftina.fuusiina sdfltune weod cofrmrespoet a r lb -a H*1 Artghurd H.b crcIcortst i ie r u eelar utetuidStates Oi' car uotig u. lo cktird and lb.- lIme iiipreachiig di'.vine besliug Is elnlg ete sae staî sn hda ttonfrfieliS.~ .ludgrey A.Thu . I Frosl ibis, seek. service at Fort Sheridan, '-e 's tte ctig h Iit re tie fe ront Anoîher Body' fronithIe Party'efThree te the îoîmgues propagande.. sd tle, thette otas ay s'lth sbath airstaip nd balMsoalw Sk'ta Atore' .T.Hydcenrpreacuts transterredIo tea Kansas itust. le ne Fox Lake jîîîîetuoîî îoFex Lakte. Lake Dsowned There Recovered Lasi Moverment ta Worlm Wide. ascieI thaud dol l as'ot an etharShd s F071bawiâU nky te plaintiff wilc Attor'ney E. V. Or-ported ai thepoinlt of ipath froi air-Marie, Chanînetl LaIe aud Auîiocb Frida> Muruitg. Hmî'evert itis does net affect tbe bIes fver u thouaddars rigtuoy belona The sbstanc u isFoert 15' a8'* vis la acting aB coustifor t.'le edicitis. wi ne i as uteheteitactthuai tire gift o!fîougues utove. ilso et htrgtul eog TeSbtnec h iotl w etaluRititirsaundte lie. tDetu> en sorldi 'ide aîtd thataIa tige lthe estate. rent goestp aith11e d5tIMI ttr7i"i feen sit t, ugla stthted thatth- ILale Fnidat>atheslit btitireo'tir-keMoreteIhanfotIbIs Etgi.yLare sidyldeu1y Crndmett la et asingl Morethan his tey ar sai anhBewsit gh, abyrorthirn, agHrot'ed frointthe art>' posat ontt'sest te a Il la cocecidil it t ut'ili brng asoner Eds'ard Ct'i of Watkegau bonitd Bryant faites leadershipî t im htlcasi tiipu tn i ent l advancsle~ edut1W m~ * re'ugCe.a oroatOl.agîntChcago beapitai for, au operation man>' people aies frent the s'ascalled ripeu tu t titeFox Late uhat i,reali>' au Important, if soute- Doie airait tstil tcentaiion ns en ilpa «'- Marin Svele. fon Signa sud ietterlngs, wblcb Itt ln eaned uîay bc tee, late. Elgin adIokfr cuetos shere a telephoiit- message aald that DFleu rat liafav ore.-b te tentisu nsicielit compalie, jke ot labO Ha s'asarte ClîlcagjuryalurdustiIron W k rodcnetosds the body of a secuttt iros'ning virtint whist bysterîcai. relgionsi entbuslasm. Raa ard bout ere auy lu Jusicg e wsbçougbt t hcgcaudy rmMauea oncinada f Sunday isd tititmnd. The ebaracter of tBryaut, lie ilt alî, l. ara hed iBao n h lh tosiie aetiscenpratrivehooB$rtisace ThRuyd'5ucourt TedictmInlaver. Dr. Turner la a former resdtiet syon eecau reaidiiycee the 1issibili Coroner Tayli, il! aitbis bone i, lhartacabute reproacb. The nMost thae ilb- -et etal*s oftse dof etnd avedil u avrHighland Parndîtgsu d slct>huesn Il>' et the large earnitt.s ftontsucb a LibertyvIlle sur italtu le tave te etali> uinded Mati lu Zion City' sud Gft of Tongues Ousted. experinetatl etMàetus -Uttp. asa oltcin.lnelapopse.resideulce, heurt- 't'- sommons t0eue of itasisiogressive cilizens. If The uert nes-est thiig in Zion Cil>' MScrs aetlise to t keW$io" le- SM E, REIFO R M S IFO R ~~~The Route Outlined. Th noe rilien auie l Joh son, Russell be blieved chargea htar o- i s h tte P raily- it o a rtïe lgo» eo ý rpr SOMER!F RMSFOR Bam LaneruferAutmobie. Front Waukegau te Elgin the rond sud Mentis, tise a;i"of Cicago, are Irtg abouttconcerniuig Lake, "Brother longues people bave beau oosted froti nd sud h"4tia« 1154oissi Otssl4 et it, LAKE COUNTY overiffGriffu ..i.alylca trip wil Pae through Gurnee, Druce Lakeid e haveaSodiatesudagym: saueombad -lIt lt e.bcryunt t he u Amiisrtion ii ng be ae saug, Itld 10h'W" bb cCÇi s tb p o e n a n g ju r y m e n f r th e D e c e t- i s l g a o r S t a > m o r u si g . H t- b0 g r s l v u o e t As tie esul t a visit o b Lak ie rb-ntermc etf court. Juro s se ne a ise jnction . W auconda . Bar lgt n, D ito- tng r discovered is lbs, 'et In a l , a g e s e a d b te t co snty auperviors lu tso coMmitteen u lpoenaed foonthe ext tso weeks dee tb Elinl. searcis of t e boatround ttm R. ud dra'- W here Work la Beng Extended. ave distured the so nt of ov aru Boioon. ties I«= lý o q* o! thé Octohen term no! court ws-bleis Front Wueg te okor illotg lu ase-is totlitithtila.igled lu t Folles-uta are cotutties s'hera the meut pestofficecdents s'ho complaîn- 001111T on t nat aB e *01ý t0t, te arons00ntls f te tat lstnos' lu session. The sherif wss On-t he sesamne,. teFox Laite jonrction, te body eo! Jehnson. Since tisat lime s'ontof the "Latter DaY Raînisîs' laed fer t he pote a cltnad or- Hie ainofa iN aiOOB*tm seek lise tollowing reterma s a>' le-peled le ocomplets- bis trip front Deer- t e -h fo r selnd baMue hbasdyWecagdortesfflWt Iustit.sied at the ne-t meeting o! the fie-d id sIla lbarns lanlaru lied te thse thon teVole, McHeury. Woodotocic. Ueptups hte-scbf r tts t u onte basy eing extauîded Padeadtesote.mseitalret U7- bord front axIe of Use machine as a lantp. Marengo. Belvidere sud }tockftird. s'as feund Fnîdat. Jautaut Missietianies report succeas. Tismie osed epans sre, rr eulnu"UL$ 1-heretanaaofa ont pys-Tise gas lu the gas tank brud beeuex- Value t Farimera. The bcd> fouud îs tbat Of Simon Wles--Thls îpeuple, the Welsb, ual-pem ant ditiibatty ae 1-Tsereainngo!a cuny h auted ou a previenss nnsud tise RuSnell and tht' ghasîl>' diacover>' urali>' responsîve te religieupearmlanRSentLD 4 Âl5tic cosut, lu oOsuae%0i. 2- T ie m a rial outting c ow n o ! 'as m ade - I u ule heurs sd c vered a o s-ersa long lie propoaed route - slj Point f lan d eut th t' ak a she u bh lu r asb nîm mte ra vee o v r edu k t prces poid for b los n ohlib ita c fo e fty m ls e-constderable . taken fro nt stunilar au led lu a net tattiround titis bled> r a u b r .T É D I E N U R D c a t a t lm m Pý b l lc ' p r n t i n g j o b s e le c r l u l t r lr l a î , ' r a il w y s t r c ui g - a is e e n ta n g le d . îuîîe sîo m e u m sî s u c es a .l o u S a r v it o 2 ndhu dve - v e a l a p, p lu c t A t l ut e m i ke , t h é , r * S.-T isa election by lie board o su- T te L a s' sd O de n L eague is e- ut Ilinoies, In die ns sd Oh io shere I aveeI I U C SS o nue. No r tis C b of ' a sn d H rv e ic al ap li e n s-p *, sof t i eo ..ts M pervlsom oleofon, uuperviuor ceivlng isein utIls proseculleus for Il- the>' have bli-anbuil anîd operated for OId Sellier Oead. KraRnathc meetingîs ne- i es u igebgyars h- eto iiit raiela e ofl tie poor outsiîle tlier nunber te legal sales cf liqoor near tise naval miore tianttiree yesrs; asu ucrease etf itichard Cote Sr. of Bouton tes-t otb AniiaJîtut ..i.tcad10 or Chîcgo natisa n-yul rsaingonmentfle bge of theemoleieamy overame the dstriustion o aid to traIlng station (om su unexpecteil value le fart land lîlng tbree nmiles aln nlet'hie>.t id idSuin,-) Shie Akîgrat on G ieai dc tce Nrthuica go, w e ar canaloion ent ofteMbl r ps~~~ers. ~~~source. Thselilcensed saloonte-epers ou eacb side et the nlght etfs-a>'bas ay" nennigi ud tu' utel sIbi hi. akîmou g Zus a Batt ouve.ts hilul eigb hnt>a lua iscame lng ing iemI etue !Hew* Supervisons Miller snd Quentin vis- lu Waukegaaa objet ver>' strouxb>' te colte le value sastoiles: baud at the bouîse t-t ec Wediîesday Chla-Meetiuaa teid Ibere snd ne- Starovîtz 1la sald to have beeon go year s-lUl be tise etablisMt oth anlId Kane, Will sud tiser conies, compote with tise blod ptgs 'ich are The fint hall mle eot eacb ide s-lu mornlng sud ai. It- administratien ports rendered show apptarent sicisst. fuil o! Highw'ood fout>rod 1ha ha ddd itrigible baliconstation for 1s" audiapsocg large- -cilles Peoia sud paying no license, sud tbey are cetn-lucrease sctording te location tront building Ilu ZiotiCiii utt eleven, hurlai tiInadtioare vidIma o the cout-te- wbc bis herseras lei a s'asf k hezppln ye Rock Island. Iîug te te front for las- enforcemeul- $25 te $75 per acre; ttc second hait lu Lake Moend ru-it-iery. cstal bystenîs Zîec City, Chicago hunîe-d te thieaide- o!ftecoad and t in couwlently expeoe tbM 15o àuper"sonS Suherland and Roeret- Tise>' havte-enpoyad Ateorne>' Suit- mile ou eacb ideafrent $15 te $25Per Tise lata Mn. Coc.,s-ho la eueetfIbe Wautegsnansd uelghhorng cillas lrulsedesilgiti> and bisaig s-as dam- greneatii Uencoage thse sit iiated Boone, Mceery, Wlnue- le>' o! Waukagan for several trials acre; the i0econd nMile en each ide ldest Btters, s-asfilxing a door about bave large- teles-Ings of tise-sectte-ad- aged. He asstaken lu lise- ispitat wies» c Velut kAedUp hflandiStephsenontcomttes. s'hIch have hbonieon tbis s-eek.-Lalc f rent $10 te $15 par acre; tise-third asti g 'e afi n rk nsd PnslalTennessee, bot discbanged as drunis andi antri.good a aies- tau su>tW abek g wgoe el n boeFlonida. Terasansdeasteru sud sentir- jred s-tth the- exception ef pett.y - er sia un5 This Is not tisafll liât of ceenati'e rester. mile en escis aide fret $3 te 1 prbis bîp. arc Statas, as s'ait as Washington lsud scratches.oftexptu«i ok ri acre Tcwnlotsand hly .ruîertYsi G OWTI or II!Idaho, report great outtreakts ot thu ar.Twlosadcthe liopuryat Rn fT Equeer mania. li, 1[ce sýt aud ear o 10i GIFT Of TONGUjES% What a. Follower as tîn i ncret"t" lu aicefi tlt $ (i O \' 'îes ôa follower of t he ' L..Itutr $.>Or)lper lot; retorts anti lai- front- Day Rat n', Glbert E. Fart tir Zioti ts members hated and1 avoided in City ageI)iojrrt font30 te501 1urcen. on City, repested attempts made to There are four thinga cf 'tîterlal* t îtCot Of consruct ut I eqlu tamp it out, and wth twc cf the value la the mîanifestation. cf longues: IrIatest trageteca t'. the hasiory cf 1 l-The iterson speaklng ln tonguî-s thîtes 72 mites cflnînthetrat t atîoîroxblestedlly edilled, refresbed snd tîth ,,les$2 o.u sinle tak' ro-is dite. t iutfl ut eigt 'iviied, .a, rite lloly Spiîrit tottr illate.% $2»Jope. llle t toal onakgcusmtecctalorLatter Day a Itie'tnige througbhie lips ln a for- Ranues, Pntegcwing atly nr aneorogte nNt h aee Ban_______ îigcaiY nilith3!e,îl tue t.- biytsltguerstavd ets assumed the importance of a world il1tîjîltîtal vatie. CLEVER FORGER wide movement whtch ta taken &er'. Pi1cmee tîgues when the mes- SENT lo THE ENlIlerjîreted, deifies and astrengtlîes* savant. lb.' asiutîin ms blIt gîvPný H. Vn ~llislngu. tti'titr l .2 The mui attit'd t i'(it alizitji t-'iti,' ý (t1z1tIj-'ar it' îto aa Igu ti Pý.prVanViýsige, lroiwrto.1tItis ectîlia .s et - tioe ciiId heaidtîuart bulle vers tiri ,,i spresen trluthie H.VnVisslugeti Who la itterestedl ters of wblch L4ti Zuoti CiY. is the messages. Tuie wrlter in vlsltiuig wlt bi wle l VlntrOp tifDauei rpat. icwe'S tale many esseniblles, where niessages are heavil,y ihbswfel itrppersou fDnilBynt o given lu forelgu totigues bas beard Harbior realty, or wag trutl lately, was oversecr lai Soutb Afrîca, now 1the severai nmen wbe were once lufidels Monday tried. convlcted aud sent- bead cf the antl-Vlilva factions lu testlfy Ibal spealilqg lu longues by tent e oieet foer ent ibe sgoe.Zien City. tBryaut.,by acceitIng the baptized believerm s'as the cuiy tblng of theclevees"TfegePente-hetiraitled them hoe believe lu thepr- hîs foîgerles sud lbons rile areîyassoclate edtersblî "ir P ente. o aî.rsna Gd W e tbc e 1deais uetting hlm inpproxititatti7 a mil.retal Xitiiess*' wlîli Daniel Atler-i'eceguîzed Goda lîreseuce as the I lion dolars.herry ot Zior i Cty aoitI bv bis declars. author of these messages tbey belles-S l i olanr ea st, m nsa trins lit sermn snt as ag ified is ed, were saved, and ien soug t sd f agreemegnt real eheateneti oftthe sehttrelelvedothe baptism tbemsaelves. Peter Van Vilsaîngen bas noi local agenelwtbtetnt c h ei Another great valne whicb la8 eIgulficaiiCe sud If lnteresth'd bere ai wbhlch teac hes 1h51 lrayer lnspired mnifeat la thrat persona speaklng lu ail la iîterested very slgbtîx îîeihila îstk lu forelgî tIcuîea 's thîtut otber ogues as tbre Spirit givea rit- ofany tievious kuov.Iedge et irtera. rerlance. otten speak In lauguages thal I He ba however knowii te scoresti are uiîderstood by foraîgners ln urt Waukegau mantet whom the unîau- Htstory of Movement Here. owu land, as Weil as by souma lu for-b t icipated kuews of bis suddieu confes- Hiere the utovemeut bas ladait "la ii elainds te whom misslônarleu have8 îsion sud conviction caie like a biow. terestlug istory. It finl sprang ui) beau sent cf Ced. lu counection wltb Dowielsm wbeîî Ses Importance of Movement. gA Fraukln treet yonng tman wss em- SaYa Dr. 0. S. Worreil lu 'The Peu- L- pioyed witb hlm for years anîd a Blier- Dowie first went te the Pacifie aletie tecostai Wtnessi" cf a receut date: e Idan ruadt reaiîy man was a close lu Ibe îîlîîelles. Later ini 1893 be bail "That the prssent la the seasun ofc te queli a title of the glft of 'the latter main' wben the Sprit le te a frendte hm.tongues jropaganda agaiîî. lut 1897 be manlfested lu mlghly power, eau lieeu Van Vilesingenobauandbattbe cscrcely ha deubted by any of ordi- s'as tee deeply in'eolved tei go tarîherh gi ae tdw u aer nuenry spiritual discernment. The wocu- wth is forgerles be confesteil te tw more be drove it oui t fZion. derful revival lu Wales, sud the very1 el fipns wo cuse hisartý,tandthe Astroua as he s'as driven out of reitarkabie werk lu tndis-especislly powr ee Prîtîn îîvdedZioi ~u>lun onîtertioti wilb the work cf Ram- etetribiiiotîwatt Swift..Vant Vlssain- pwroePrin iiae inCt abal-sud tbe Pentecosta.l movemneul 1gen aiwa3 sitlal clalmedl. tîade uone tbe îpeople fllcked lu lits standard sud lu thelUited States-sil go to ladi- t-ona fide transaction and Il i-t' or loir awý frîonVlha lit considerahle rate thstthIe Lord la about ready te i wlh forged paliers onsthe -aite deal nom bers, and lite cecI biail Ils risc. Put i-ils mIghly power uipou thùse ftire latter generaiiy ai fai o siue surylad ottetimes jîîsîîy au-wbo are ready te receive l." uliteri * aitis Hapîpy. tbrice happy, the people wbo tîol.'lýinlu ther siates andit h Ieu l cl'yli <ha andîlVolsvais. ils leaders dîscernt the signa orfte limes, raal ,d other îiii re. ic aciîîg charîges et grosImmoral- lit witb the divine pîîrpose, sud gel tu uhciitt ity, Parbani being clîarged wilt sod Ithe best poessible equipuient fer 5cr- Inltpiacoffice lie hadiad.-kH vice. Those wbo bave the wisdom tu wlth a gI.ti't coter and au titraidei, umy. sud Lake, "llruîlier Tom' as dlctluguisb between the Irue sud the id cent lîcl{t ,-îîeathIî l. i-e w(i.l t tread mnabaltz sud otheni '.'itb breaklîtg nilt aise, sud have the itraclical common1 in the real ititeis onîîthe glan . iit the homîîesrire. sect aso lias two greal seuse net le reject the wboie meve- llanli'. tui a tr'aiîg papitt' itrehi tragedies te ts credît. thatln lubcb meut bacatîse et the salanic coumier- )x o igi al. il lie pro f ion fe t a Iat are lleriulgled w th t e a o'iiitt.attI i-n1îo'eu,tutitacatty aged Mrs. Letitia Greeîîbaig e o n genulue Peniecestal coin, those who ptr fotu. l"wtt'.hardi> -ut îected tif City s'as ternu 1mb front 11mb li1 ait talle the gond sud rejact ùte apurionsa, th( de'ds that lit-cet' d al iteffort tîtcuette ltr riîeîuîatism tif bave great îioslbilies of îîsefulîîess umenî kuii hini taî'gely a. thi ttîsîît-r tweuly two years' slaîitIliig and tha, bettîre thein lu Ibis lreseut mevemeint. e cf the "Ri-al Estat' News"trwbicb Mrs. Adaut Tbcuiison s'as a Wautegaitmnt ai, in iiiniîîi,sat-Ij stsrved le deatb in a ttîrty day fa-,l. AND THEUR OWN )il quaiiîted hiîever mîtb Peter '<att cancer sud tbe fasting basteutîîg lier KPIOW TIIEM NOT Harvey Gates, a. WaukegSait*e sa- pioyed se I teanter.for Robert SeAMOF1 of the >9ontractlflg firm Of '15qWU*f and Smart waa aM ye witnM t O - sled murder of Laroy i.*~~ Smith of LlbsrtyvilIu by JohnbINIMIt iey, recentiy captaired inD.*-Ve<, 0" wlll appear as àwinees for these talt when the case ornes te trial n iC.s nosha. Gates bas told Waukeganitea isl stery of the merder. whlch mmkes àl alîrear lut a pecutllsrly stold bMon doë and nuarciiesa tîlilh. -t s'as walkieg down the tracis 'it5i5 .4- Siltb." he la qtuoted as saylng, "ýwblbr solue, laboners met un and told sutc go tbe other way as Bradley wua lo*t lng fer Smith. "Smith Bald ha s'as net atinsIaM. dld cot cane, se we couttisnetbt , walk. i saal neyer forget tise nlgithL Il s'as pltch darit and nrabrWbb&a Bradley stepped ontI ofthse bruals a the side of tha tracts and n4bst ~revolver fired. Smith feul. We di4 netl linos' but ouly sUsPecte4 thstMMA 4 i sallaut s'as Bradleysa the (Sl*fflg~ s'as se Intense that Ire could. w*4' s euit ouI> a dank figure iu thse gloum .~ Gaies, as a personai ftussd Smith sud as possibly tbheo001Y.eYe wilness, s'ill lie a flgura Of IMPOrtbftS, lu the comlng trial, la makei home lu Waukagan. Fnlday mornlng ai 10:30 8iaer*e Pfennig arrlved lu Kenosha s'ils 155 pnlsouer, Bradiay. 5ud HarVIQY G*EsW et Wautegan, s'bo ldentlifed tise Puisui 1 1 ti Il

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