IËMBMR 9 to 19, 1908 > ad ouo-bhU i nloo of eorn, the il aide by ide, will b. lncludedi In oen netion wth <çrn, f roti for growiiig It. to marketing enit in lua gl!or a~umber of 'cox '*111 b h6 bwaIat tble Expoeition- m for the roand trip vill be offered ÇI CAQO AUIKEE& ST. PAUL RAIL WAY Ly blocks 1 vM i hococupied by the ýùj .and a. *pWuçd lU.t oattraions jýmang*4.The aeclidaye 1are a« -codes » Mo s. We*aes. sud Tas-., Du. 9516I -UV u -assie-'w se-17-00WAsMiDued Y ~ r$dsyOse. l-CswbY ltocCota lie sai Os ePssas lSabday, Dc. 1-i-tUadey. ILte5A inU any ticket egeut of the.- it*a,kst. StPalalay or from- CLÊ W.M.WINOi TWAY 4s6wtkooW. bl e lige (I%~we cou show go. to<u 1 value.that wuis M)WiIarthIm, thre modeto' ~v i#t ueUre. If pet MOW OeMM that Y" - muet IER ipiontNo. 46 &ad CONM'CTffON!R 140TELS 04ND RETAILERS SUPPLIED WÊI)lgtlvcft TO ADJACENT TOWNE Homes For Bal*. tlon*.u ie.oW ekFana o ois wba i for t101 sal bio 60dSSO 80 ~~offroa 1100 tw Io ed. =1 e"T. .saIfthMe buete frman optn- by itoar 94 the foot 0f Wg. Ue- tisee- kIsao ptois lu" islad.'Yiê mrstect tâm itihe ham -a cSstriscwdlua pelim ii A'leitowuïp ôthse stet lavla puitnbAmeabto s*a nuo 0ftrom t t iVe tv iso b*i-cO dollars. Mm.r, lrciserelioesteted bis lete butera h&«" e ieevioila" stt-lele-v by sisootine- before si d &*oe-fai mmde-il. TIsevaidef la on tise wer pat promiisas tîslanSdteoffedoa1 -tuer chan" efe durtes witliin ,Wlfal thse unotce of Vou a uctia Io pimteaS I o e IadepdM t h i 4 z,0 eeadsrs. Wlmet ,more d toak up tb e-, a Ab atej iickwa otfeRU "te sldio time tbse oYet*UMt appmultaolqt hturned a 'verdict, but it sIik îW throw , nse4 astmaatei- tWe-iIMl . M I 5uyIIOith ease. Tt wat thauglt fi10N *IT TIV!çrtive practçe4 and bas been t ti thealut ofrluk Clope of Racine, but lthe Andafen VoteShows V LRe t1bl h e adi omSandlnlg officer of Bat- Racine min ucarried inaurance ta the Anesn Votela lh et AgitauetioInHie 1qy 0,Boote Ntiônai Quar& hi , omoulit ot $4,000 ln several frateruài- ejual I f h fAitto nH has beeu lu comisiaon pearly fii-, cempanles and itlai probable that the. 'ii, tllo lelatihe officiai tate- yearsandis evtaV yeer of ts existence widow will have ta stert suit ta col- ment of tihe represlentative vote i haste an d. ietg o ieb- ec1nlectpne adwi o the eghth distict bowln ~ try ueS, an, the niationaSl an identification by the coroner'$ jur-y Stern b~t hutif 16%voes > -iard an ta-l, Mr. BSmlth. He betore paying. Stemb eatOhutl$ 10%. OtO IDla accounted on" of the best and Mst the istrct.progressdive miiautlcomandans lu A clergymu writeal: "Pi-venticffe 23 0thét st. Het lhas81ien made a sac- thons ltie Oalsdy Cold CurTaelae cens as asltiit postnie-t0i-. ehis wn~al ali.", Pro- Attorney Rm(ti wliii t te undor- veatiaesursiy wiIl check a cold or tise d tood, open oncein i the Wright huilai- grippe, lu a very lew bonre. &ud 're- lue-, with hie tether, Asseasor W. B. TSauc ainosa ue "sd harmmesa. No Smith.Quinine, nothinsslibaithnor ickenicg. '0t , Srnth.Fine toaleveralhroutines. ciudreas. Box of 48 et 25c. old by KILLED 13Y TRAIN Al.l.DULAL.SR. IN THÉ! YARDS H. Erickson, 308 Spi-ine- treet, wu s iusle-stly killed l lathe yardso!te D iess Chice-o eand Noethwestirn jaliroasi et struc by train umber twelOé HairGe trin the eiderly man waa pîle-gup Remotds yOlShv ow coas!at tht aide of thet ti-e. lHe a iincU18g h l i.causodby ro- àounàed the warulug whistle and ta germa $111ofotsoff Uo ir. *ail evidencos h appeartai as though Ther ootoo p fallins har, - ~~~the. old me-n *aï baclrlng out ufthtie ~ ms mcmltl * path of the onrushîne- trinl when stroy theso germa. Ayer's Fluir wthout warng be backed directy iy r e mrvelfrua - mb ~l tiste patit of the train. Vgr o mrvdfrua Tis e uineer won une-hietW stop th is lII cotl do this. Thon train whickir a% travelling tant. AilItavo tlte st 8 nature a metane of stopping the train were eni- Dm dom!oi4gA* iedis8* tc ployed. The. te-s as an lmposalbi- .usv . bo. lty. mwoer y The. train vas atntpped and tht crew D ~ es ia Ticaisvela crnit aatnieitof the train rusheS to his aide only Wta 5 b oq40's W (compileS froin the officiai abatett diacover that he had been lntanuy Recolit dlsot'0érWeebg--o.ig Ua clerka f the several cauntea cern- A card tona lu bis pocket gave thse TbefOi-C, tutcUd ndr of, e inîbîill posine seid district) of the votes re- vîcims addaress. LaIer Agent Mat- ta do le ta completelY destroy the» du.s ctlvtd by candidates for the office of thews' sent a raillmad cierk ta îearn druff germa. Here,ttic sane AYer' Hall rtpresentative at the electlon held e Vieor vilgivethe $aume splendid resuls. tht ne-me. _0.b aJ. c. As. 00 - oWl. S NovSmbA. ROSE,08.The train wbislc killeai the aged per -___________ JSeA.RO tState- son was in charge of Conductor S. R. o o o ooo oo o o ______________honey, bath resîdents nf CbicagO. D!AD WOMAN IS On the 14th of le-t moutb Brick- SDTOB!ALVEson'. dauhter lof for tie nid coun- WE BEG TO AN SAIDTO B ALIE h-y.' Sinca then lie bas made bis - hume with Emil E. Hendarson, an A naw complication came up lu con- employet ot the Gazette. He wras naction wth tic repoited death Otfliard of heariug and had been warnedg Mre. C. J. Kelly. de-neher ot Mrs iiy tihe Mnderions ta ireep off the iT H E L Pedailcord of Grand avenue, lu a rail- tracks. He bas one son living. Ht la3 raad wreck ot west three ionîlis beieved te have bren working for the meo. Arrcan Steel & Wire Ca. at Joliet, Mme Kelly la alie and weil anid Illinois. Ht bas Iived hotre eleven Thursday e- nsighbor quted Mm. Ped- yeara.'e R1 1 r Kelly wass cther the viclim aof an Rasîgnaîlon We-s Accepted. thse reported Seath or had for mone ing Monday was thetormai reale-na- faed grevSIidt or- ta cause worry ben fi-oun, office, ta tale effeet mmedi- written the lttera herseif. aîeîy, of Alderman Fred Beiiows tof SUN readera wii recali that Mrs. the Flflh ward. wtîose suaiden disap- A T* man suppaseai ta be Mr. C. J. Kelys lu tht SUN. secretary teling ot Mre. Kellys sad The resignalion, offered becanse the ~SUTIIWEST COR. 2N death lu a wreck whlle on ber way ta alderman bas accepled a position that a western ranch ta wbich abe had e- l iil nulîpermit ut attention 10 officiail 1nouneai lier intention Of goirag atter dulies, wa% accepteai unanimausiy and a visil vith ber mother. Efforts were toiiowing Ibis Alderman Staalz'moved made ta Sund tht secretary sud the tisaI a special election lbe called lu liii SUN even sent a telegram la whlchthie vacancy for one year sud six The mranage no anaver was recelved asking the months. p$euda correspondent ta give details. 'Me malter was fiualti' referred tao Naw the mother of the aliegeai the city clerk ta caflie-a pecial elec- o - akinq [nis wreck victlmsys, t la repartedl that lion sud appoint a prln'Jay day with thebeleve th l tat be rank tise aid ot the cîîy cmmltteee for the respect, esi taises aud luaws tram later letterebcice o Beiiows succtaaor Jsud mat- liat Mre. Kelly lealilve sud weli. ters wil lie eettled Up inside ot ixty ' ___________-ays.. The clty cauncl doeis not Meet Oto the care SMITtI RSIGNS TO agein until Decenubt-. SMIT REIGNS TOfloor has t> r.re~.s e-s~LAW Eniortained Chicago Picher. Asiiil . mihasisan ~ Fred Ames, i-tneS fromt bis suin and Richar Achbe V. mitha"S n onmer reaidence at Antioch, recently t Mnter of Waukege-n and 5 a l n had as bis gutat Merdece-i Brown, 0O 4" ettaey and @tatisiilitia mani, ha. r.- worid tamous Cuba ptcher, who hunt-0 will be used -MW sionoS hie pont as assistant potmait- e n lhdwt h onyies er andwill resume hie professin of e sud itshe llh ht co nt Ies- 0 law - Mr. Aines shows InterestingPe- 0pic-id d O This la thse substance ot a wull de- lares of thet'Cuba ptchtr'a aiay. 0 se- fined ri;t amatie-Politicie-ns bis Brown bas a lite snambrhilp lu the t Ofl a% 'getI. Anet. Pontmastei- Sithbi---------_à. - aili wma a»« lisa pornin e ierefused ta Rika engravecton a pile-tfsouS goid,0 ad mie a sttetment or ta lie interviaved a aouvenir ot friands made tu Iniesa, t -n v ynoweyer ,fien o f the and a cub's .bead onah chSrifthe AD I S O , r formar postal oficiai vouch for th,; iioith ot thse :uh beafiug a large :la. M SI N gt sd liote tiset -sibhie- few d<ysmenS. Brown proved e- rayai goa<i »d oMeial e-ziiouiiceme ill b ul made oftellow outI -theiks ek regionan b th " lu the as-e sisat me-e many tfut frienata. A!'TZRNOON 2 Oe monatr for t-voand a hit years, ta- May Run for laherif. @qmmtrinstthe fi-t of Me-y, 1905, and huiS- Frieuds have s.eed lieries Thayer, bU l OuLpofie over mince tual date. At tht for me-ny years v.U knàim neas ep-> weters Ume heis accepteS tisa pont ho stated uty siserlif of Laise cpuâty edthout T ~a- la' tiset b. vaid serve hMa toi-mand thoni pey, ta mûirete nmafor siierif. e-nyretu tfor-the profession of le-v. is Wbtn afnsMondsy mmaing -Tisey-a ! Hl neaa> ha h -aento chaon wal lu lite. er was unl ready t a mû. e-y an- ,t f lt l udortoo tht he esinatonnounceaient but steted that me-nyR e-19 taises effact nmre Urne his moulli trieudse eai approatibod hlm sud urgeai s. M ,onria. suSd-iiibecomel ioperative e- mouih hito meke thteiun.' lneri, or noe m e rnel December. Mr. He la popular, 'gell knowu aud ae- h ua mithla preant absence tram thse paiutakilg pnblc servant- th and postoffce, notaS de-ly, led ta -an lu- % e-~ n tise part of the SUN vli th t eadhiepain t.1. na bof 1. p f eawi etoi-vr novrd ariUier eÈ Mto-o..Pi ael H EMV n~esltesof tdy.Tbwi reason enuigh fôr biavihg lu your " hoffes electrie light, anu lee1trie fhttlrobn, an ele- trie toaster, chafing digh, coffée perco- lator, They omt you, what theY cOst us,. and every day thereaftAr you gave time, trouble and moniey- 3NOTHse SHOREt VAUKEGCO. M N Geem üedVAUBGA.I 4NOIJNCE THE OPENING OF IBERTYVI LLE RDAY, NOV. 21 ND. AND ORCIIARD STS., LIBIERTYILLE. * ementwillspar no ains in O is rink higlu class in every, pecal ttetio bin§ given of ladies and childrêa. The wen put in perfect condition o rdson Bail Beau'i"g Skates Sexclusively. Muic wyifle it àth aiternoon and evening j NCLUDING SKATES, 25CTS. CLOCK. !EV!NING 7 O'CLOCK. LI~%I~TY VILLE i SIATiNG:: W. GODER, ANAM BE TE.LOATON IL i», It will pay you to look over ourUn of stoves before you buy. We have tht Stewart and Acorn tint of Oaks. Mot BlIasts, Cast Ranges Steel Ranges Base Burners Perfection Ouil eater SCIIANCK -BROSO .l ] at0f Tg" Or&-e iSdo« ve a