CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Nov 1908, p. 2

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la thie ety fromn Fildar O M e o . D . S o r k e r s u d t~abelteir monthiymet- Uohayvs»Ang aud foud thir = lthed, a very unmual ~q SIacnembmnerdonated 100 $b.*%rW lfond. Why not hotd àmâbd eploleh tht treury? r, 0"MM. Clarence Martin, Weho bm living on the Russel farm Sigmor.baVtenare moving ho sw faronthiemiles aouth of il' Myewarkem aof Mizpsb odce 149 yul bold their auosi electio dimo on eveniug, Dec. 9. i. Deou o! thn mont important IýOz tihe rear asudcl membera rsqusted ho h. preset. Takselig ban lotl eth beid at atadbail au Thureday evenilug, Bapke's full orchestra of .fle, viii furulsh tht music and a $15..laaeetred ho ail seho attend. l~tcordial invitation ln extended. t &LOO0. Supper 25e Per Plate. w sud haggage viii ho carad for , a charge. Everyhady corne sud Pso dti Ure. f. L mpbi bas let the coulract for ose bgbçiig plant for is pavillon " leke sMore snd expecta ho have t 14 for bis opecing dance ou weede il hld their aunual mS. tolcrs on Tneday evolu, &Udilmemhersarem requestedl sege PrusA ae a trip Vo Chi-ago ~U Manm bis reglar trip to Mmr'B . Pl ate, W.. Blckusee ~isp vers Chicago visitors at &l à, MssSiele .vidi lrleuds ,W i aobklgMsd oliet at %i ery. H««M"&Shneider and L am re @m'Viau on petit jury * :tie veeli. tU6nJr, visted relatives n' MWrs.Wm. Blcknnsevisited M M*mo verk ou the. uevFroeblick hqn Io completedanm tÉay vinisoon lombe to putl on a grarel roof. $irpehe part y vas beM lalst Batur- eveakug ilu hoe ramCharley itbuet g b. suuivreraary of ber venion in dancig. A lunch vas , 1 'loc, alteêr vblc aU tmiei or tWer homens lhlug tira 9-Any -o- happy birthcdari. Prejtm sud Wn. Tank ane ~a "wlunacin lHeniau Hafer'a isôa4 tb lant of tii. lat ts veet. eJO*fi« a t barrel et extra fancy Bod via aPPWes au OnuL Jr.had ile afortune sbotse vFiile ho'a HUucs enry. lu .hr.,ddln DrWeelt. O!Barring- îehq*sle ho a 0e à l 1m. 4C,» Wph bas tbe chicten pox. , tyPsyne spet Suay aihis 'ry 1tyane trmuacted 'msin M ýr4-kofll Monday., lb 14440' AMdcet.Itat vesk val a-.w Rti.ssarmwort in leviating ber um e o. Brainerd. Aa" s Pycç-leat bomne alter - f*oabaspie. dome Decter, of Nortihcago, MO of our atreeta on day let laod line* VanPlese epet ut tkt tWer parente bere. JEhls aden of (bicage apenlt hdlsita Çak Doiph sud 807et estertained 1Mr. ERerst, of syOa" M. Nevton, o Rock. MM-* Payne sud tirs. Mary issdMr. Clama Vanloru, o! , stof let veet. ýDlephrbas had bho boueold = Wd o Nortà Chiafo, sere M _ bouse for ber soma b]ojer tarted for Spring"ll neigt.Re vas sent by tii. . 1.lodge o1lbertyvitlease s i~teeGrand Lodge. i ýmJ. A.,Reebetpent Sun. et dilvmAute, la h guet K ghne Woodmau visthed lu vlrowwth ber nister. Mira. e t a osa. teaclI.rl the prlrnary là'ei te hpreast vitlug Mm Ei. d BWsmshj aud S. P. vWstod in 0Waniegau Tneday. g Iii DeToru vlated ah ber bmdiaY le Grayolate. udi Mmrs.Water LeCear sud m LeCtear o Chiao vere the R0 of r. ;.54 Mm. A. il. Mubike Lboeatso! TitIs.ile. Quamuteed Masoule Temple Bidi. Watkmgs, I. H. C. Edwards and vite te, W. L. Beach, lots 4 and 5, block 2, Edwarda' euh. Wakegan. W. D,. $315. Satte Rani of Lake Forest ta Nels Nelson:, lot 61 <Green Bey add. tn, Lake Forest. W. nD, $475, Estate of Eltzabeth B. woodbridge, deà~., to Jskéb Kozil] lot 17, blôc-k 2, Washburu Par. Deed, $300. Estate of julia B. Thayer, decd.. te Mary J. F. Izham. lot 26, hiocit 87, L North Chicago. Deed 1.-25. Wm. Beyer and vIte te Otto Frank, a lot 5, hlock 1, Bruce's sub. Lake Zu- 19 richi. W. D., $2.000.L Jane Kenney et al. ta kne Kenney, lots 10 and 11, block 6, Ttffany's 3d j add. Waukegan. Deed. $4. W. E. Sunderlln and vite ta Agnes R. Suderlin, lot 24, block 3, Brook- aide RIta. Wankegan. W. D,. $350. j. R. Penniman ta J. E. Trlggs. part 1 lots 22 and 23, Llbertyvllle. W. D., $6,000. 0. G. Bt. Peter sud vile to Walter Cape, B. 50 ft. lot 8, block 7, Exmoor add. Highland Park. W. D. $700. W. ' W. Clark and vite ta Henry Peache and vite, lots 5 and 6. Clark'$ 1 .ub« village .t Deerfield. W. D,,$900. Chas. Bteiukamp sud vife ta Jacob E. Lofblad, N. 29%fi. lot 2, block, SundelluS That add. Waukegiit. W. D., $2.200. Mary E. Gore ta W. H. MurphY, lots 34, 36 sud 36, block 95, North Chi- tcago. W. D-. $100. Couuty Clark ta P. N. Tomlinton, &lot 2, bledk 121, lot 9, block 119, lots b2 suad 28, block 95, lot 36, block 88, North Chicago. Tai Deeds. Couuty Clark ho Eil Rudent lot 20, hlock 119, lot 21, block 32, lots 6, 7 snd 8. block 134, sud lot 5, block 121, North Chicago. Tai Deeda. d Anna M. M. (Sidney to Hngh McFs&r- lane, lots 9, 10 and part lot 8, block X4, Highlaud Park. Deed. $1. u W. W. Watsou sud vite ta E. B. r-Williams, lots 1 to 4, sud lot B, Syl- ivan Woods ln Sec. 1, West Antloch. Dent. $1. Presbyterlan League of Chicago ta Mary E. Lyster. lots il sud 12, bloci il, Washbunu Park. Deed. $600. Carlson to G. A- Âlbrecht.i lot 3, Terrrace Lavu ln Bec. 36. West 0A.ntioch Tp. W. D., $2,750. Geo. Ludvig aud vite ta B. U. Wei- r, 65 acres lu N. E. qr. 2ec. 13, Pre- rLment Tp. W. D,. $6,500. J. E. Leiblod .to Chas. Stelukamp. Me lots 14, 15, 16 sud 17, block 22, Wash- baun Springs. W. D:, $800. itenhen tiller sud vite ta Cyros Miller, lots 17 sud 18, block 13, Lake Bluiff W. D., $2.500. C. W. Taylor sud vite ta Fredk. Grab. lots 9 and 10, block 5, WrIght's add. Lii>ertyville. W. D., la$3.200. W. W. K. Nixon to A. 0. Olsen. lots 29 ta 32, block 2, Ntiou's euh. ln Tif- th auy sud Fraaler's eub, lu Waukegan. W. D-. $1,150. Nov. 16, 1908. J. L. Vetter et al t'> H. L. Weasllng, part lots 1, 2, 3 and 4, Cadwell's add. village of Deerfield. W. D., S., 2,000. Highland Park Bldg. Ca. to J. H. Lilole. lot 2, block 26, Highland Park. Deed, $1.1 J. H. L.eslie sud vite tu, E. A. Erîci- son, ot 2, blockt 26, Hghland Park. W. D,, $9.925. K A. Erickson sud wiet taY. N. Baylins, vest hait o! eoth pat lot 2, bleck 26, 'Hghland Park. W. D., E. A. Ericteon sud vile ta IL F. Peyton. eset bal! of south part lot 2, block 26, Highland Park. W. D., $5.0)00. E. A. Cnmnings and vite te, Chas. Cerk, lot 2. block 8, Wantegan High- lande. W. D.. $1. ltmmons tiercer Luniber Ca. ta F. . Kere, lot 7, bloc 2, Paribnrst & Cunungh=as mb. Libertyvîlle. W. D. $3,000. E. B. Frese te UlIsti . Warren, et hait lut 8, block 4, Wrpnu aUd. Highland Park. W. D., $1, E. A. Cummingasumd vite te Wau- kegan Cty Ocbool District. block bounded by Ridselaud aud tiessua ais. anud Chestnut sud William g te., Waukegau. W. D., $6,000. W. W. K. Nxon in Hans LArsee, lots 9, 10. Il and 12, block 2. Nlxousa a44. to Oakand, Wankegan. W. D, $3,000>. Bl.imehl nadichldren, of dcliii relative.s uuday. eeorfag.u, as eveely THESE WILL WED. )dymorulng in Attempting Joe Ellal, Racine, 27: Katherine bruaaway tesu. He waR a Itilter. 27. ortson tii.rallroad track sud 'bnivas brkeu, he wvasso John feonard. 27; Frances 9. Mur 07 bsdili. At preaent writing îhî. 32. r4tOhebulmProving. 1 WýIlliamn Erdmou. Mlwaukee, 21; P. ter A Jg8h«rarru have dis- Maonlch, 27. aso ud Mr. Stryker has ereMlne 2;EltMlie 61 00,eore.GoreMlpe2; ie nlc, ftldreof tbe Preabyterisn 22- Bth ram Racine. Mnda thèbeiosof tir. and Katherîne -ONel, ii.gbwrood, 20; aiternoon ~ AmeetWesley McKnigh, Fort Sharlan, 2t. Amonm L. leshmah, Fart Sheridani, 29; t4e OMM isdid It Frances Boroviat. Milvaukee, 24. Il ~ ~ John Turne, lthvoa, 23; Louis. iqmdov. foen., rFma U Mils. Mil Mary KUnetc.19* G~eorge a. imb.9wk, LOngU ae tg, Osrile G W*ojtMberg, lit George- Thompeon., Barringtou, 25;+ 1 Mary Wlemuith, 20.+ Milo C. Jeuneu Chicago, 26; De- + ; la.e Pelletier, 33.+ ZEjw+ Mfr. aud M"r. CasinusEseton, of Deer- + fed, vlihied ah the J. A. mason home + Wedneedpy sud Tbureday o!lasat veek.uf Mir. aud Mrs. Wm. Coonretnrosd Tues. + i d&, from Milwaukee. They thlnk Borne+ f locatIng there. MrL #ut. olansd son, Eddie, vere Lietvle rilert rrldny. + I Mi"s Tili Mitchell visited her.relatives + 1 at Llhertyvilie Tueeday sud stojiped over+ fr Market Day, Weduesday. )Ir. and Mr*. 19, telling visited the + latter'@ brother'at Evaneton recenily. + Misss MIlle sud'Viola Rtzenthaler+ viaited with thel r cousin,Miss Jeunele 4 C.uedler, atI lighlaud Park Friday. Mre.+ Dent Bltzenthaler .snd Mrs. Elizabeth Tolly vitèd nt Highvood the am+ day. + Offo. Richards, of Gipnview, in beipiog + bis brother, A. C. Itiebarde, rmadel hies barn. Tiie hanmeot under the barn te coupeted and oniy the carpeuter van + remains tu h. dons. .+ $tud*y servicesa vilîcontînn theganme. + onay echool, 10 a. m.; preachng l a. m.; Y. P. A, 7:30 p. m.; preing, 8+ . m.; Tneeday evenAug. prayer mueeting;+ ibursday eveniug,.vouug people'e meet- +. ung; Thautsgîvlug service Thnreday + EecmswiA h. given hy the Young + Peopie'u Alliacein ti. OGrâe Evau.u+ gencal church of Prairie View,,Thanxs. .+ giving evening et 8:00 P. M. Ali are in-+ vited.+ PitOo.A,.+ Belections ...........Prairie Viese Baud+ Sang......-................... Cougregatian + Song.................................... Choir + Sculpture Leason......................... ..+ Boug ....-.................... Cougregation + Prayer ................. ev. P. Koeueke + S.lection.............. ..LadIes'Quartette 4+ Eseay-Thmawving ........... Soprano hlolcoecompauled hy orgn + sud violin.......Misa E. Rit= .&,air + Reading .................................. + Selfttion.................. Mais Quartette Reasonos for Being Thankful ......... ......... ev. P. Ko*ueke + Sog.... ......... Junior Choir +j Pree Winl ...e...g + DaaoZ gy ....................... + Programfn )@beti ho change. 1 flt&NWu bar b a,'upv E .& onaverse -bas prhaaed.500 Thfipkogiving. A proclamation Iby the. president tof the United *&cm oy min. 50 f hier.l States ï0 America. "u..agaîn thi eason leset hanà5 whan, Renard- faTb. taro le etuaaid on the hattt oftheL ing to hhj antient otiatoateof oue plople, t beceos the duaty 9f the + ~pmattex river. Mfr. Converse and' proaldent îb appoint à dsy of prayor and of thanksglving te O* .g+. m iii spend the winter lu Vi4ýrdj" Yow, #ý yartus naition #pew ln treeigtii nd worily power. + éa$ vil returà to Vrginla la the sprlug. Durln t euy-n d,*quate th15as >apedsies urentry Inte + W. C. Wlkening opened hi. ivery barn th ioi of t< ndepérinet peeples, w have grown and prosperod tr + Mmr. L. T. lhense enterteiued theo materlal th 'Ings te a dogrme nover kaown bfois, and nlt now known + iadIe' Socia Club Thareday, Nov. 12, ln sny tther country. Th-. thjrtscnçMoinles whlch stragglsd &long the. ansd vole eftertaitied right royalty nsu seacoast of the Atlantic and iieeumed in but s fow miles West + @be &Aue knowb ha w. of tidovter'by the. Indlal-iunted wllderness4 have heen tran.formeil We are. glad James Young lale ahah Intotheingihtest eputicwidh th woid as ver son It doaÏn out sgln afer bis very severe lune«s. intoUicmlghl.s raubli wilci thewrl ha eve sen. is dmai isa norf, Naus,, 01 hicago, la V.is7 tretciiss acrosa the. continent frein on* te the other cf th* twO +Ù38grotatives and friends bore this ee Ornaient enceanh, and I exerciosem onain ail"keil the aretie and tro- Mdso ttrnded tihe blrthday party of ber pie rnime. The growthln i wealtii and population ha& surpassed aven*ctan. Mm. MathaL the growth n territery. Nowhore *ie. n the worid in the. average + < ~LK of individuel comfort and inateriai Wall boing as hlgh as ln our for.. +___________IA" ___ tunato land. i Forthever resontha lnmaterial weil hoing we have thua 'Mrs. E. Reroder "pnt Wedneedsy For ii.ver icaon hatnasd Tbursday vlitiog relatives in Elgin. abounded, we ows At te the Aimighhy te show *quai progrose ln moral + MMtie.Bd bitewll. aud on, Jinuie, and spirituel thinga. Witii a nationi, as wth- the individuels tWho + @pntSîh 1fwib r. snd MrésGo.. make up à nation, matailweil heing Ala in dspensable foundation. + Bda echo t :0 Wudiet But the foundation avaita nothing by itsif. Thot filf es wasatda and Su hav e h rgeatndan0. odlket wora. tlin wasted, Wviich lsa&pont n pilAng, h.ap upon heap tAons. + Mis. Aile. Koch, o! Chicago, @peut Bat- tliings whioih minister mercly te theAlc iasurs 0etih. body and toetthe + w'dayl th Peari 1Ray. powr that resta oniy on with. Upon materlal well b.lng ns a +~ Medanmes Turner sud Lubrmanan d foundation muet h reted the struacture of the. lofty if. of theiri. rt + amlly speut Baturday ah 1Mr. and 1fr.. 1Wnx Elueman s. f tAis. nation la propcrly te fulfIllIts orat mAssion and te sccompliish Cooper Vron. are dlggig a cellar drain &il that we se ardontly hope and desire. Tii. thinge cf the body are + for Walter Lenpter..1 goud, the. things of the Intellect botter; but bout of ail arc the. thinga *+ Mr. sud d Mm. Oeo. Mitchell fflnt Sun. of tiic seul; for, in thc nation au n the Individuel, n the. long rin it + day vith tir, sud Mr». Frank Mitebili. las character that cotints. Lot us, therfore as à peuple, et our faces -1 Who sys D5mond Lake le net lu- rc.eltctyegsist eli ad wlh hrad chrlty wlU klnlin.s an + Tovuer andGoea. Mitchell resoutey Ninstevi an wit brad hariy, ithkindlne an + eploedcarpenters last week. gond Wiiitt.wards 91l mon, but with unflinching dternin.stion te +4 rightesneas in publie and ln private lif.. Now, therufore, 1, Théodore Roooovcit, prosîdent of the United Ro Bckefeller la ta have the plesore of States do set spart ThuSsday, the. 26ti day of Nevembor ,ioxt, as aharing N. D. att, o! Esk*ot on, et day of gamerai Uianksglvlng and proyer, and on Uiat day 1 ec-n + d@4lbtiol asaoeftions vth tie faremnot mend tliat the. people shalf cesse frem tUier deily seorle and, In thir. .4 evangellat of bis tîme. D. L ModyA homos or in thior churchos, mot devoutly te thank the Almighty for +. littiO e r@ han a year ego tir. Pistt the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~a maetdgetbosnatiyhvorcie ntopsasdt v a tunion mieeting of tbe Mothodiels the may and mat blssingsthey hvedrPeivedyn the astchadrte +anluPLiberty- pray that they may ha givon strengtii se te erdor their lives as te de- +j vit]e, whohad lIh ra nternet. serve a continuation of thonseblessings in the. futurs.. An attracIon o! e01thet meetipglviertoe in vitnnso whîrecf I have hereunto set my hand and cau.ed + gopeingo e of tii. e me, oulro the tstalof the. United Mtehs ta ho afffxed. gse anso+fooysB Dons nt the city of Washington Uis $lut day of October, n + Foley'a Booey aud Tar citare the air the ysar of our Lord 1908, and te the independence of the. United + passages, stops the irritation in th. Statcs 183d. + throst, eoothès the iamed membranes THEODORE ROOSEVELT. + and tAhe mostobstinatC<iOghdiaeltplJ. + Bore and iuflamed unuge are heaied sud F . . .+ . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . streugtheued, and th. crdid Asexp..lei troai the osyetenl. Faà.NK B. LOvet.!.. Il 4M MARKET DAY A T RUSSELL, ILLINOIS On the C. M. anîd St. P.' Rililwayj and. three miles west of the C. & M. Electuic -Riwaj on the LAST SATLJRDAY Of EVERY MONTII. COMMENCING SATURDAY, NOV. 28, 9'o8 There will be a Combination Sale of Mlorses, Cattie, Sheep, Iiogs, Farm and other tlachinery, Mousehold Furniture, Etc. If you have anything to seli brlig it to Russell. If you want to buy corne to Russell on the Sale Day. A square deal and every conveàMence. Rain or shine. ENTRANCE FEE 25c. ONE PER CENT IF SOLD. (S4"e) 1BOARD Or DIRECTORS. KELLY & McCANN J ALSTED &--SON T. D. /NEWE1L M aL 0 -RETAIL DEALERS IN- & m)wRtos.DEALER 1IN Shocs, Iladw,and Qeneral IL DWRWUE Groceres Hardware Dry %ioods MercI~nd lue. n, !oed, sait. Seeds. B"r. Meds. !urnishmgsand Shees SPDALTES,. weatamiGrahmn leurs. Uat and Smoked Meats GiseDnmssaH Item.MW i icilq Twioe Points and 0115. KI.ofOj, guuadP"ti~ SPECIAL LOW PRICESRs8 i fOtBPhênea ON MARKET ODAY Cueigun.i Fdwar4 lm, aMdi Lverp, F. S. HIEAD .Bu I@f1. «e nft mS RLUELL.- LUMBER .. YARD AiLeg etocmo With boit acommodationé. At dtos igeo nsie rj». your caU for Sood livery service. l'r Prim son Ol~hMg oooeasd go wil conte aÏdu. Fro C...EsewtOKR.r aiyMateral and Cools e From C. M. Z10ctri R. B.RorR.nupsn a n. etic other rallroad, at resuonable rate@.WILun i, PH4ONE F.-. HIEAD - PROPRIETOR ..~e. 1L C. NELLIS MURRUE BROS. W. B. LEWIN, D. V. S. BLACKSMIYII Breeders of Pure Bred K ~ Percheron and Clydesdale Miorses. PRACTICAL VETRINARY and GeuèrWal Work Youg Stock for Sale. SURtGrN Ami e 9 T ROAD IORSel'S srcuTuvRosseilJ.. 111. m i. tad..suakcd ini theworld-which amounts to several millions yeariy.'< Why-Because it has made bo many sickly children' utrong and well-given health and roey cheeks to so many pale, 'anaemni girls and restored to health s0 many thou.%ands in the first stiges of Consumption. O...dtbita de.rtiaauwat, trhrwt MMaet p&W i. wldkh It a5U* »0fdfi 34 iOWr m.Ufite." &" u w w Mad sce= UQWlY.etP4the * eat? lAIO ^*ue.Ua l1. 1lalu bng4 a"wad ".~ W.:M ah.h., aata.t . aay-. = t tý tra td b1 M.1l, L. ua .Ataaafltaa.... O t lo.aa aa.l0 W. av tv lu*ad fllauu.l aa.,,a, f lavoa Dr:ta sauieau Ré,.v.a .al y - o tued i 10 wsk andalU C we thrfoat.1let e rZ oLta. wU ). Î. Zw Vagnni dbereowe h. OOltO0,OfOa neiIU- Dr hop 4111 Ua lt),44e) »R0,od a se asce tymant Giré ma l'u~hiagLb.Rate*rfoa r ra. W.e i H Cr. a hIoA,:hPiLo Es A QaEwtlaT REfl.AYT O BILsor.dna. SUoeA.vigor.and eesv TtaD. hota Lot 1h tMi 'o EstiallieU tohe job1108 Vl Ighéntnodfit tCreo T he 1hdoer 20 yeof expet.- ence mako tl aes mthe uart orekito Esale a oeyong sale s aay mrs cas. otth4sea is"o Lake cost G ie ea r iai.Of at e s f or& @, aim salEs ose r enbs@cotoln Wr. il.a egoAP ÀLE aYo tetw leurtyllie, 111.> QET REDY T ILO

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