CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 20 Nov 1908, p. 6

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11H L -', oFelotAï.l PApE F fLAKE COUNTY The Noveibes Mrkît Day' eau a laecided improvs,îmglft'over tbhellut ont uablch was hem' lI October. Tii. day Y*wobtefO~ No. i, &tairs Rttsidoceuu Teopbiui NO. 1841. Libentyvilie Exohntiue was a Mont eze7tinnal euefur lobr" t te PUOue t Uerlffe. l..or,8,ÇOn Cles attr' November and by a"t~nogon a larg y~ ~iii5et Ie '~some aiLlbnIyiIi. f OiudClaMaler' croued boit gâtberedTeaune linat<i -c. BUs WqzK,Yr. AD"ftTICLI!O RCT SAliS KyOwnN OA PPLICATION. atreetia snd there was live stock Ô( al CRPINPRICE 1 1.50 PER YEAR STAICTLY IN ADVANCE ow iOepe co hofut,-ngl. Tbro re@t Wh on smeor day hesiden Satur- ýýîlIMpNHm. JUST_.......1......... . ..................... ...... ................. Editor day. 1t la Olteni raid tl'at rompetîtion le te INeof traits and competition le the KeM' ELLEY ....... ................................City Editon lite of Libert4yrille oniae Martel' Day ______________________________________________ ibertyvilie-as a trrlding conter te gain. iogjpopuianity and people ara heginnltng FBJDÂY. NOVEMBER '20, 1908. bud ont that their wauts iu suy fine eau ha suppied liera. The International Live Stocku Exposition, whiih willi his year be hîld 1iTe eflitea nDouePemtSN l thietn- la Chiceago from Nov«u as301htao ecember 101h Inclusive. has proved sucit ville was to bave a @4ating rink wase the a trlunuphai succeas. ithehýmiau lclpitehnomenal growth, lhas so widmned Its object of muni joking comntuta scb odue.tiooal Influence and bas. scored as audit a popular attraction ta ait classe., i h aesdaqatrpg duria ment l intii. Issue goes tu sul»sentlate %uaotlthe managemeilt founbd It nscea.ry 1a extend t.e dates, thua offering titoeatament. The opefing niglit ha. çxhibitors greter opportunilea, givlug visitort more comfort aud grantlug beau metl'for nazI Sarurday, eveulng, 11,05. mont directly conncted wilh the live stock lnduslry more lime forNov. 21. Thte roller skating craie ba& itud andr«e&O.hein wide spraad sud broad caml fur lte paont tîvo yearI3 but up tu lihepran Théo educatiocual Influence 1hà1 raiates fronu this exposition cennot hi tinte there bas neveu been san aCaI.ila.,ble. overetlmated, sud a. the. llv* stock Industry la te sery llue of agriculture loor lu tite town t Iblue sd for sncb a ssedtiis gréât exposition lta right am, no progressive fanmer or feeder con iturpose. Thte feu roller ekaterutitl are alffrd te ignore it. )n1 owO n ve beau .sittlog arouud and sighing for a rink and tbe-i as a tant The fate of the American farmer les, 10 a conadieabul xtînt, bound up resoh would hunmdle tbefnseiea ofl to wfti thie succes fai*hîskoeping live etock. Thet.*r csrsilta hie son te Waukgan to gel relief. To lte youuger hlv im aucii-raiuing on wiii bring lie. bout rasta, e h.In ah ildren wbo have heen using thececment guvo *, the onos ugh wats ln the sumunar che upuevnt willl et tiie "nternstional" are of such a 'nature thiihey will flot ouly rcirate canlainiy ho a italditit dellghti. This 14«114, but aiea asaure ultîmaee uccest; qosquentiy, hoieshoutd nol overlook neue venture is hscked by eliabie parties this opportunily, taite advatage of the 10« raiiroad fanes, acquire uch aud wili ho unden uefficieut management w ho guarantue ltaIlite floor wili ha louons ai thia expoaition as wii prove bbeueiail to. hlnititi performance kapi orderiy go that ladies sud ecitdren of hi* daiiy labane, aud also give himielj and famiiy a change, aud peritape maY anjoy the %port. Tite building to muait needed recreatîon. ho uoed as a rnu ith ie oua built for the _____________PiIlipe Mauufactnrtng Company isst epring. Thte flouor ba beau put in perfect The republican panly laein position ta carry out ane af ils pledgîs $o shape sud te large enougit to uccontui. lte pople at 1h coming short session of congres. hy enacting tite postal date quitte a cnowd. .avings baulu layr, wlilch has airi ady bien psssed by te senali and' la now peudiug lu titi houa. ait unflnishadF business. Titi paîform of 1908 piedgee Man Wanted. the pauty te prompt legisative action on titis qu estion and te progrosse aiŽ "q wsu to ad vertige for at Man,', was rosdy made on Uis miasure wouid appear 10 malte It unnîce*sary ta continue lte tantliig information offened by a discussion of lit untîl the. next congreis. deunura umises aabout twotity-three, "and The mur te popoaed plan le discussed the more argumenta and 1 mit il.wold o.tlea ltelmcago p tucugor are sdduced lunlse favor. lunttie curnent Issue of Van Nordçn's Mag- @he futhar questloneti a nucarnt J.l ona "ies, PoV.maalr Général Meyer argues Ihet tite adoption aoflte postal sav. 0f the weli.known etoeeantas Friday luge bank "ystemu would sulve the panic question. Hi hilleves litei unîin- afternooui. o hîk [n repli 1tutequestion o htkn ferléed Immigrants who have Impilct confidence lunlte Amorican gov of01a man @hositeatuud @sisld: *1 waut #6"%l but do uit understand 1h. commerciai beuking systonu Sr have confi- a youug man botween lte aguta of 25 sud dnc~e ln it, wauld b. gladtia trust them monty ta the/governmont inslead ai 85, su Iibman preferreu. lia mu.t oendos t ab,ýW Ho ayqthot tat yor mre tan 72,00,00 wes snthave a lutile monay sud bu lnduetnlouuti W.~t M. eypbita laI yîr mre tan 7Z00,00 we 1 se ra isunagoud cook sud itomsekeeper add *reed lunmiey ,rdore. On il: po pint Gonstat Meyernosyé« ai mate im a Roud walfansd amnwili- "I fava thst 459p755 postal orders wre drawn by Italiens alon.. Thiti.lg t'O go on triai 10 prove abat I say" ir4te averged 041.2, sud the total was more titan $19,000,00. W. kuowu Wbe'u queotionad as1w wty site wanted 'tes tfis ast uniwesnotsenthom b . spnt.Tit buk of~ ~. .d.d advertise in-Chicago and tî int h oule the tM vet m wa nt snt ometa o pen. Te blk f t vnt dde ob iesld @he knew enougit about lte te 1h dopelto t ho bonite lu ltaly. Our inncial 1 Institutions foltlite uee banhelore of Libetyville tu not wat a t me, llglied l" Oe of Ibaun. Tbay bava been laid over :r pe »trgnrlbelleves t hWaonto ony it tert long and luta cheaeftlait open tulita ~1* eeleetr geera tht ttis mOUit i mneyw&t alterair do flot irâprova wjth aea.Nu i want ',_,mIrInan hoarded lu différent ways. would be placed lunte savings banks ofai nlw ouea ul shop. Woru letoverès. but thé p$.Bteffl. departuient, sudtlies find Ils Wsy bIla circulation aud perfarm 01 course. i 1 can't find one du Chiciago 1 ift *see$len li heépend of la belipvedi by thon. wito have made iluMay bava 10 mata tthe hast of wit 1 owdyet he ystm taîtit oul li unnidte fl ankrs nutad f a can flnd.iere. -'i~d~ 0 hoeystm ltaI l wold . auaidta 1. baker lnsead aiedtri. Seing neable tu learo tite rata for sucit méb as nm"y b*nkere seem tela hluk. Thetsasvlug of moue>' le largely a habit auvertising in Chicuago paper s sie seemed *a thnlb marst the muail deposilor accumulatea lite more hi désirées tatee hie tu lbink' thatosie muetrouaks a tnip 1 ýîa oeunt grua. The eausl Internat rate 10 be pald b>'te gov.nnminl wauld Chcago sud Icarn for itaral just boue rou muni ber matrimonial venturue would lý!«p attrait lt.e depeails aetaonswho underslaud the ba1lkilg business aud coMan(sudthen perbape site woîîid aiso i-. uve .enfldoc. ln the bonits, but l would swei lte volume af moue>' lu advertiae at bome. Watcb lte classifled t.ý 'aar c ulaionby diawIécupo.~n à sunkuis which la new eltiter itoarded cOlUmn. alr sonttt forelgn counties which have th. postal saving system-Omaha Unjuatiy thi* SUN calied te resolution passed recently by the La v Ç&M~ny. Mod"losi uoiation fonbidding and disapproving te ue af phyaî-d oirWaes ln news Items concerninq birtha, dathe and operatioun, a freak rebbivuton. - Oi... reasoning reveais the resolutlan as the most reasonabie 'thing Tih. standpout thal the Lake county physiciens took lae ium .The. phyulcian, likeoevery other prafessional man, depends or should »epur en ie skWS Silon for hi@ patronage. , . Iflu.o depends on proficieucy *Io"1 for patronshe wiil strive for an i4frsmse fer i1. uhicit glves hlm a standing smong th. ptients wito corne io btimid liay affords hlm a permanent reputation. l .~ f*physl#sno unsiilled and poaaubiy but not necessarily' probably 's*Mo iyca geltheir noms* persistauitly before the publie sud aetîrat a« (t#» qiastui thnla no Inducement witateven for au increase akili Andtalent le tîhe profession. 1KM la the.profoshêiséiai tthios of the case. Ift le uiurely enother wCay ostatiuig that physiciens wit malte use of 14h. j"ueta sproad the news of thei pures do ual need ta work v"ry lard -,esouently, the man who dos nt adverlise must improire ta get a itpuIationansd th resLtatulpatronage. - Meuuy dusppointed candidates willl echo te warnlng, "lStay out of poili- 0,ce"h* . samu advlcs te young men in general given by Alderman John ooaukul of "de Folset"-Bathhouse John,, of polticel notoriey-in addresalng *a chldron of 4 Cattalo panit a15churcit fair. He ham leÇu in poitica In upracticil way sel long h. oughtl te kuow. "Now titis le what 1 want you kids ý,I.fs osber; Stay out of poltlics," ho sald, "Be good citizen&; gel a busi- É"efgar owu; aud If you can't do that, worlc for someone aho ha* a good p.a. Rmunber, thait honeet labor and itavlng e happy home and e .hyla b~ ttehttn holding an office titat le alwaya a dlsappolntit ut1 _ipt. f*ui.mbor what l'm talkîng. about." Was ho dating enbitious hop*4 «j youl te suce*"d hlm? He. was emphic &o bout te personai cosl of puma- rotl oI itioe. "Ne, boys, ho-added, "«doii't go Int poIItIca; if yoU do you'i ýýl odvy. Titis le strailet. Talcs my advce. aud youll nêven run for office. kP'&yUi holidd loe-oil, thht al't ose b.d-for you might quît then. But If At. ls il o«. That Io, your peace snd itapplnessies»Il off. You don'tC m'as yursolf any more. you'vo soId yoursslf teathe public. You're jet servent. You ant enjoy t.Jys of privateI ile eyou. could 04 f aA ei..,as the polsa"y&." Coughlin lesa pot i hroeif, having dous, 'tys tthe lyric "Osear Midnight of Love." "urs Unchauged. tb -bord of equiatlali a mith's figuras s. sisemeats on iota, lend, priperty nemain uuch.î te word frmlte ae tax -*bo remaini .Mat si tem* # te maet l.40t ma k.1wusbyw»tn Tlcklisog, tigit cougits mn hae urely m haa and qnlckiy Ioosanad witit a prescription they 'duugetme atrs diepeneiuug evry*bere ae Or. Rbliop'a Couru Lrnedy. Andl itlaI oouls ver>', very diff,.rsuv Ibsu ccmmoni engad congb medicines. No opium, no ciioro- stete orun, abotutel>' notbiuff harmit ornun- saie. Thé tender leaves tuf a b anuleas,, i tae ung inug utounlalrous a ugir.. CoughBemedy. Thoa icve. bava lb. pows uer Mt h e i.moas dialreoug cough and to soohhe aud beailb.he moet et, 01 sobilire bronchilai membrane. Motbsue cruah- aboniâ, for slit>" eeakealone, lw&av Cors denaadDr. SboQp'&li CS* wtb. gsrrf re yublethr.dwip egveiîtoe@vontbeyouuev booTest 17,6 0q&isud p Mthodist Services. A progtam furnisbed by the Home Xiaonary and thurch Extenaion society wll buued et tii. morning service next and, sd the. sermon *Iib. upon theu work g f vluociety. TbeevenInýoubjeùt aiibe "Ethico andgpirftoallty.' liane H aven ln to Iesd the. devotlcnai meeting ot the League. W. welcpune visitorseta ali services. Dr. Shoop'a Helth Coffe. bu created (ront pure parched grains, malt, nuls, rIe-no real coffee in it. Fièe in flavor- Io "made i a minute." No 20 or 30 mninu tes tedioue boiling. Sample free. CORLETi' & FREDERICKS. UNION CIIURCII THE GREAT BIJOU A MUSEMIENT .COMPANY Returus 4o Libertyville with an entirechange of, progftm ÊRI DAY, NOQV. 20, 8:15 P. ,MA. TWi talesta4 Sist living Mdkuço Shw Traing Great Colored FextureFeetures Drames, Comnedi.a sd Spectacular Filme. Over a il* of Movlng Pic- tuiese. lliustratsd Songeansd' Sp.eiIli.. W. M., Vonety, Lecturer, WI Deocribe Picturep. ADWM5ON -1l5 aid:2ec ~CAtWoeFAGG etl'few 54 Puti a STOÏ,VES. The business boom is now in bloom; We rea1ily have no room for gloom. The voice of the kuocker is hushed, bus-, bustling times are at hand and every- brody's happy. It's always that way with us. Our liue of goods in Jewelrg and Watches Makes prosperity for us, happiness for you. Try, and see why. A* H USS wÀTCUMAÂKER ald JWE ,LIBERTYILLE. ILLINOIS. Bills amielite Teddy's seems 10 Say: "l just muet hust a trust" May thie good work go oui. Honest competition makes trade and the betmt man wiris. That's how we gained our reputa- tion. Our line of TAILOR MADE CLOTIIING wa8 best and people soon found it ont. Yon can find ont too -by one trial. E. W. PARKHURSTI sGnIANCK BLOCK LIBERTYVILLE, ILL.1 6a4 48 44 64 O. 40e04 4O~4 * , is, eckwet * E% O s' )à TLEMEN Amoog the rail fiings gou'II Iind quite a littie that suits tthe liveliest of tastes as welI as the more subdued and quiet ef- Iects. Our Styles are Correct to the **dot" Underwear, Etc. Corne and ear, es, priçes within range of everg- EVERYTHING FOR MEN-- )à Mr d_ . b le" e- e v à HAM4BY BLOCK, LIBERTYVILLE LAND SEEKF3R5 NORYHÉRN NEW MEXICO IRRI- OATED LANDS ARE THE BEST Don'î buy qmy frrii.ted 1a"e Q lyou sec our teafutr. 20»00 wmsold 90 far t"t.«masonExcursonsevery two wech. flfl LAND, TITL PERFECT, NÈ.Aà RL R. Spaitia terms, prucea id Inducemes during FRtAUKIL WIRE & CQMPANÎ4k Suite 40, l ' La Salle St. - CHICAGO, ILL. jJI..~ OrFRAiK I. *iRE lIA. Loctu ma 457. LibertyvI&la, III. fhave ot them in alstyles andsz. carry a large stock and buy iii gilarge quantities and can make prices as Iow' as the Iowest. THE UNIVERSAL 18 onie of the'best lines in the country. Superior to ail others in Operatbon, Qaiyand Finish. Evcry Stove Guaranteed. HoB. EGERO COAL TIV1E IS IE3RE We wash all Coal at our yard before (le. livery, after weighiug. Nothing but Clean Cpal put in your bin. Nut, Range and Egg, Cannel, Washed Egg liocking, Splint and Ind. Block Feeding Question Solved Pioneer Cow Feed, Sugar Gluten, Dalsy Dairy Flour MiddJilgs, Bran, Comr leal, 011 Meal, Red Comb Poultry Feed EMMONS - MER CER LUMBER COMPANY TIIANKSGIVING DINER Celerg Olives PA- 1r.-&. Duck Chicke Prime Roast Beet Sweet Potatees Crant Oranges res Cheese CoIIee Candies Cig :CORLETT & FE LIBERTYVILLE, ILLIN( - Telephone 30- Th IlBrawny Muscle( j fthe Work Horse Cornes Frorn Th Food HeEats. e SugrotaHorse Feed isl bdanced and mixed for theL epecial purpoS of making0 rnuscle. A boneand.sinw' Picles key ierries Nuts Tea igars DERICKS 'o builder, it Pommcees the saccharine (molasses) clement in just the exact pro- portion to make the animais relish it At the sain tine, being all feed it is essily digestcd' and readily, assimilated. Ninety-ix Percent of the nutrienSie- inents of- Sugarota Hoe Fecd iare fuily digetble end go to develop muscle, encrgy and strength. Froc> from weed seeds, the t'iure fom SgaoFeeds is i ideal fertilizer. Ail Sugarota Sacks contain fuil weight. SuzarotaD" yFecd, Sugarom ardse Feed, Sugarta Horte Fed, Sutarot SliccpFoed, Su9artaSwinî Fééd, Sugaroa Chicken Feed and Sugarcea CatI Meal amc balanced and mixed. cach fo, ,he exact pu-Pm E.,orwhich k la tab6clfoi FOX &« byw LU. VVIiI

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