CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Dec 1908, p. 4

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MW$d-s. rom th. Mikado'. Land le liai litla sinoerely Tce M@ý Thast the Peuple of Eah WIIjý I Have Confidence in gr 'Goveim.ft BSIa .11.1Frend- OËWotwSe and Comm;mrcl R e- pile -WI i e Fully Oeveloped. Ihllstao. Dec. 1.-Tii.notes em. >4 letwen tisa Unted States MW "deniéing their policy in' W u t, UI" iicshavebeen tise Ot ofcorrespondanebe. e ýV y ci tate Bet sud Amýbassa- -ý vere made public. Ac- ip gtise deciantion are tvo oÈte from Mr. T-ksiira sud ona Rt fottise frmer *xpresslng t u frsuk avovai etftisa ~piyand intention efthtie tva Wela tihe Pscific vould not oniy In eslreagtiieu relations et friand- but would raterliy contibute be praservatien of tise general sý aidtise latter deciaring tisai 'eprs.eaaon et mutuel understand- a welcoma to tise goverunent of rhted States." oelotter, lenvisîcisla luluded thse Wàtk ionl dated Nov. 30, tise day rhiaI tise exciauges teek place. lIste depsrtmentVs expisuatlon of bts follov: 1 llbstance o ocloratlon. tri th. vs etftise two govern- OlU to enconrage tisa free sud wetul davelopment eoftisir m"on tise Pacifie cossu. JU peley oet ohhgovrmaents preotai te the mantance et i exlting statua quo lu tise r.- *_ubeve metiond, sud tish taise et the principal ot equal potuinty fr commerceansd lu- pls.y in Chine. 'hr ara determiued to pro-' rra tisa cemmon interesa of al W In . blua hlsby supporting by paci- means at thaîr disposai ,a fflepondence sud Integrity et #M sud tisa princîpie ot aquai .Metinty for commerce sud iu- ofr e ail nations in tisat arn- IIèuld any event ccur tbreat- 1s0 the status que as above de- kifed or thse princîie ofe euai pstuxity as above defiued. It Mat« for tisa tue goerumenli oomunncte vtis acis otier arier ta arrive tans under- 014ea le vishat Mssures tisey igr' omalden It nstul it, taka. Ib.sactlon Setween Friansds.* W»»setier Takaiinsid: W-m hMt antire coufdejFIn tuiha » -WIS ta M 1 m1 « M'un tiv lmE have lise enUË»os se e their mum - t, ' kM , - -, il 1h. deatic u l. ~l M la icisg s» Ie Vlbo. evlug t. ais aMdaothng te lnidm ltail latereoura. Mi couim ri tl.. vin b. fuilLevece FiIE THREATENSM lES bUre. lll.Osuned _0ay on Wblch Bride Plame. Break Out lns lmprovlued Do by Mer Own M-and New, York Morgue Nemi Marlanna I, Docto Delly VlsltedCemetary tuer Marianne, Psfac.m -Msuay ef thelIqFoa feig-H a er bruisai. berned a»d aafgiaibod 1 n lrlOfaIieH s e red ui tenithe depthsa 0ftise minau Itd isMIaPracîla. e c,ý«uuu he 0f tise Plttahnrg-Buffal Coeai cempmuy Loved Hlm Se -Muac 8h. Ddnt narroly escapad complet inesa- Want Hl .m ta 01ive AttentionS Even tien visen Seof etani nakovu enin ta Patienta. 1breke ont lu the temporary morgue. The improviseS morgue le a partly, New Yonk, Bac. 2-Depressed isy an completed tire-story structure le- apparently.uncontrollaisie melancbolla catdai atWest Zoiisrevile. MShifl.visissantdlm Icebes- asvdnst, and etiser Inflammableouv me- a autdhi ic tesi torts] ltter the liners. Attendsuts on-. rideofethie vite on su lil-omened dey, tinguisissi tbe amea. flday, Nov. 13 last. Dr. Randgiih P. _____________Hsasa dentst, euded iis lité by sval- ein son. ATTACK BRITISHI CONSUIL Ho vass kneelli on thé gravé of hie vite lu Woodavn camtery sn hé Crache Commit Outrage Followlng drark thse fatal potionsud a watciiman Race Rot. wth Germant. wvis seo ays ago ia prevented is Praguse, Boisemis, Dec. 2.-The race suicide vîtis a revolver on the sanie riets ietveen tise Cecheansd Grmanli spot, vas unabie te rêsci hlm this are assumnlg tise gravest character. lIme. sud prebably viii cempel a declaration Dr. Hase îleS vitisin a fev moments. et martial lav. Tventy gendarme. One of bis ciosast triends, Dr. Philp snd saversi police vere Injured by Goldatein. upon isearing of tisa trag- atones snd a great number of the riot- ady. telS efthte beart-broken existence ers vere bayoneted. Dr. Hase baS lad ince tise deatis et Tise Brltisbi consul, Captain A. W. bis vIte. W. Ferbes, vas dragged trom a tram He baS Sally visited anS placeS car and badly nîauled by the Caecha. fSovors on ber grave; baS closeS -bis home sud gene teIlîve vith isl iter KILLED BY FLYWNEEL l-lav and bad negiected iis practîce. Hia_______ lwok.It vas saiS, baS Chicago W&tcr Mter Inapator CM been iargeiy dropped for some time Toc CIcse te Machnery. beln il its lts deatis because et su Chicago, D c. 2.-Thoma Keonned, ppareDtly insane jeaieusy on ber part su Inspecte. intise cty vater Sapat. tvr î ains meut, vas n'atantly killeS whe, hieFor more tisau a tortnigist hefore isead vwu c ushed inuaa Syvieel. aiiotlng hereefaitcshe bicompalled Ha vas i- syectIng a mater ln to remal. aay trom bis oilicE, baaament of a tactory sud lesued tesud It wv snha vas leavlng tiseir fer torvard. lts isead came i con- spantments te filnme Important en tact vîtis the viseeand sud a amoutSgments thsa se itek ber lite. tom trom bis shoniders. Mrs. Hus wun a remarkabiy beauti- - ___________iu1 ommsuasd the tvo h bisee mar- Train KIlla Manufacturer,.yied but a short Uime. Ciîcago, D"c,. 2.-Watsou H. Tvick ail, presîdent oethtie Twitchéti Mas tacturing con pauy, maker et greceru' YALE STU DENT A SUICIDt sundries, * s mn over sud tilleil hi a psssenger train of tise Chicago sud Ovarstudy Unhînge. t1ilnd and Ne raliread. Laapa Tram 100-Fout Rock. -17.Nev Haven, Conas., Dam 2.-Joisn - Al» Wite, tventy yeans01& aa tu, dent lu tise Yala graduate scisool, cons- Anther Poeeéll Iotum nittad suicide hi Jumping troni the Bouton, Dec. I.-Quantermater B"v top et West rock, a distance ot 100 geint Bird Dovl iM £l rom IJuMret et. otvéila s football game. Tisa White omtempiated taklng bisa lit, la boreéout hi a lettar addreesed Litte Boy te Captaîn Indans.. lais tither. It le belleved bis mmnd lÀacola, Néis. Der. 2.-Litte BOY vau deranged froni everstndy. Bine vwas chomen captain of the Caurlie 1»sraiuaUoe hsa been tiking counsar bdilp football tei. la mat)samaîlesansd plloeapiiy. Term OPEN$ DECEMBER 7, and t opens a great opportunlty to every yotxng Mn or vemmn-it orers you a great opportualty te becomne indepndet, to get a PRACTICÂL BUSINESS TRAINING and get k t i of tise BEOT business training schoots ln tise country-the WÂUKEGAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. No education ha» corne so close te tise vants of the man or womnan vise bas is ove living to make. as the PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCÂTION. Whetber the young man lo to be a tarmer. or a banker; visetiser the voman la to be a housewite, or a soclety queen. botis need sud viilfind t aimost Indispensable, the training that cornes trom pursulng a weli arranged. carefuily admlnltered course ef tudy ln the W. B. C-A Dueinama Education s Essentisi to you whtever vocation you may sMont. If yeu are golng te be a farmer, abeve al you need a practîcal butines education. It takes a greater mental effort for a farmer to predueé and oeil a busbel of viseat at tbe iargest profit possible than kt takes for a grocrte buy a sack et flotur and oeil it again at the market price. Wby should nt a tarm be conducted vitis just as much sytem as a store? Many a tanner ha$ labored hard year ater yoar. all bis lite, wtbout profit, bacause ha did flot know Just vbere he vas ioslng. A practical education secured at the W. B. C. is nt nerely tise Imparting of such knoviedge as la necesary t» make bookkeepers, stenograpbars aud clerks, but tbe vider snd breeder Instruction that wiii eniableyen WIo a succetafully and lnteillgentiy vltb tise affairs of life. À practiçal buin"as educatloe, sucb as yen get aithte W. B. C. lu tise NECESSITY ofet aUmng. It resta entirely vitb you vhether you succeed or tail. Thon get buzy, NOW. Don't lose a moment ln getting tartad. Cal sod -,e uns et once and let us sbev you vbat our students. are doing. 'You may psy hy thse Montb, tbree mouila, six montbs or the isoiarsisip pla. TaIk thse mater over vltb Your tatiser or mther sud make arrangemoents Web.a itis us I)ecember 7, vithout tail. Enter tbe W. B. C.. a schooi, that makes a 8MiI CIALTY ofthibl PRACTICAL EDUCATION. SenS for Catsiog sud Journsl at once aud attend the W. B. C. because. ITS A GOOD SCHOOL. bodr ci " tw aem ertoa Covpe the actèce M £uthorW&» çpmflltted 6%. wi. vos etd t~d'- The. &Ob" *ra déposited là a coa « cka' al»n Tllaûér, ýt he aoir«. left fur bar atteryey, lohW mid: -l vait ïyi ta. p lti. &Shs. dlnectly l tb* grainai.1I ape lji groulla nô-fot ien to bird., 1dou't *Mut to- pen.the witer la a tin box on a suef. «Let thera b. no saryfre. IU vat l'vaO done for athm uln My iuete le't sullfilest lndoraement'for lb. vorld. to oorne.(If tiser. lu cue, vbich 1 don't blle,.) thon no bmu*nirt et thse gales b7 a protemd"o .ibupit Puppet vise knovu ne maro about it thon 1 do lu golng tWmak. 5»Y diffr- ltters iovlng tisat mis. Coma nmaie a suicide peut vitis Walick ara sai W sent. REBELS POSTPONE, IATTLE Capitalof MaIt1 WilIl et salefor 8ev. Port a" Prie«.,Dec. 3.-lh. ex Peed batile betveon tise revolotion- lob sAd the, troupmetfthe govrcument, visicis are otrenohai a few U« i. rom tbl, city. l9 Ukee tW ha deferred for ueverai dap.. .Genensi Antoine Simon, tise nom- mander-hn-chief of the ravoiutioasry fonces iii.docildi W attach Jacmei. which* ils.tisrty mles ta lii ocutii- veut. beforo recqing bis march ou Port au Prtnce POPES PIIYSICIANS ANXIOUS Cold Folowlng Normal Couru., but Mmd of Clrsroh la Feebe.. PRa, m.. lue 1.Tii.popea piy- uiilsa. vhie thqy declsred tisat th. cold fliai wbl* ibe lea suf.ruug le toi- Iovlug a -5 5ja0f courue. expreed aaxioty o ce emat cf bi s eknecq. At the Vuoa the utatament v.. ma". that thehaiâtiitheCathoila ahuris le uot laIave danger. MINM Pittaburg. fec. L-Déegst.m from anl parts 0f lIe Ustâ tt.. cauivos- .d hemro taay la thse opesingammaon 09 thse Amarloau mielas onagres&. The purposof the congrs@ le the. pramotioq.0etuilfoM eate legaton rlstlng te tise mlniag ladustry, tise protetica cf the ormia. or- er. the psal.Otîlo0fiavestors fa mine, aooa m êlIte prevm et ofunnece.- sary ve.te. Doa the e.0sloua ef lhe esagres adresie. cm tiie. Md ruisteltopim viE b. ililvered by prasaluent me.. &mm&E vhom James J. U1,n XvarILN.HMmrlan d John lau rs mmn an euesuamiUPOn. 1GoverasarStuart ba. @MtluIvitations to the goveraora 0f ialiem tat, sud »»My cftheni bave mltggl dthelir tention o et esgpree.L ARCHBOLD ON GRIILL Dénies tandard Bougt Refner..te Disuantie Thoms Nov Tork. Dis. -Buekl«g ta nun- roal the. puscingovani-lp of tise Secnnty 01 compsas' 0f T« an sd aller compsnlea vhied' the gveras- Mmet charge. ar e caslol by thse uaau&Wrank e. NWI«gg federul eGeesel la th.esuit tao ive thes mc OU l caut, 'ubjeW iJohn 1). .rchbold tW à grilliezSgaoe*-eami"f J r. Arcihold ieULat trefineriée bibean beugist that they mlght ha M.maUed, tbersby rumovins oompe, CAN'T FINO CHiEF'S BODY Mgy 'Worrled Over Sulold.e ofNe- noya Ae.miInt. O=. rauanco. Due. i.Altisou&% jauieroua ýboats have 9Iff sud sU lie Wiliam J, UgS-, Wha dl opurdtram a polieM absuln«,o ,bo&reooveri roc». Commuuainess mud th"t lb. chW w u. vaguW er the seorge.s md outeebsqgrovlng eut orttb. sicIde et t". eopty 1*11 eà Xerist aus. the oiaat etof mint.. esat IstrIctAttomrue'Piqua J. H&- WARim ALLOONS.. Uflý]LESS camaet laémoltem'to alle Ball WIliINaît iSom -edDuc., S-WSeAflattàlave1 *bm liaI il la a 15 ISpb«imlbifor Soit place. asLi5os Ite grtmsit «09gollabia i"--ttue. !Mse greaffl hehgt *a-auoups cas où-aa sioeuemfslli' M *ar dm I leve. m vlia immge le - - f or ubotlsgbak. )0,vU wi hch lie esperlmu. N eob*muala. *~u~e~czs tow -"ophave " ='e ul ~e w8teI3 lg<hm eIeç a, WiIcVR ilIot Ie eeà,eBe. m daimO. Cor. W8w terst..SeBu ek Is Goo"d dlivered any part - f, e Cïty., Spéclai An aottaleèent. TbAth la ou* of the bewtatM ta Lake, Ooýuty to buy aaythtbg in Glass and Chinaware We have tii. lrgest aaartment of the». attiolsemtieued bulow In glmanad C"W, ou utabi. for holidlay priset., b*#,t4 yolmg and old. Soitable Articles for Ladies VA= SCAKE PLATERS BEEEY SET -JAEDINMmES UTLEEY NCEL PLATED WARE SultableAruclesl or Men A8KE TU BCUSPIEDORS BIRSTErNS andbd ~raIIB ofotiie iteme, tob nmuo t cîon. *eosoossomao have a S-to'vcsJef te They bave got to be sold to make ioo for holiday goodi., Flnt class Heaters and Range, and tigbt-now when necded. 20 Per Ceint' Off on eanyi-stove in our line. If you iêîd a stove this should settie. ematters -W.are làtig a beàeÉtlfI- unc of Xina Goods and arc marking same at p"c. mla wl oiltm. Parlor Tables, Library -Tablcà4, -Pedestal, R<kM, etc. Otgr pue!Mwfill «Hi theze gooda to ail who want to buyani und"tm*ad xa1wsThére il a!nothn -i-foeremeted in thm Sstore-os0.JO ______wU, MR11KOF iàXfiéSPKEtç, UiE uf O r- TU10 3 . Ï N ILLIN 0 I. I I t i 1' PIS W intr

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