COUNTY UNDEPENDENT A [ ra ib'tvil OFFICIAL PAPER ÔF LAKE COUNY COPELAND, PL!ASED WITII RESOLUTIONS TioomN. a i i-aUtNo.s1141. lnoS TelsvN Oc lite i.sec Illtoeed at l e Ill_ - Secondrîvlte Matter MU& U wzel) RfflMAUXAPPUIATON, Says His Anticipations for the Future auauwss~ i it'{Ii~ 5'Tsi 55of Lbertyville are Soon ta oeRIPTION PRICE $1.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE Become Realîzed. fM « . J ST .. ..... .. .. ........... .Edtorl'ittliirg, Kan., De. (;, 'os E. M . KELLEY ... .... .. ... .... ............... ........ ...... ... ...ty Edito r ili Ilit 1 :ci- lEt i: y lr p p rc n tais ilîg the rel utîî us ailopted lit the FRID Y, ECENIBE; 1. M,ý.Lîht,3 t>Ville lliiiitire in I V ilu lLiiit FRIDAY, iEEMBEl~ I. 19Oi' îeîîrcîl iwtlîthe laîîgitîe'used lu tue liy ttihiip tirGavikanîd FatheerScnluî ftrr1I ad IhialluILIIau ilt i ces iithîceanîe If the change suggested at a recent confoirence of county supecîntenulents roni alttr iii-tii ariiuethe,-<ati l,ie. -%%*l theti. "ae superintendent goes into effect the old fashioned school district aîii îtlîir' tii liitl the teautiluiI ilum-.h wM paa away and in Its place te township wili be te educational unit. A wlîîîh îî fdemnii îîîîr vilag~e. Itti te ri ciiiU TISind iithe (101laiftHioeliplea8e W#t wiiilbe preaented to thte legislature titis winter providing titat the control I ne exevecillîgl.y. 1 ait) gladi to bi resolved Of public achoota be taken from district boards and vested in a township aiiiid dclari-d t, lie 'net altugether hall ed com bsin .o ll lected by the people. lir a iiser Iiy ail eple aunilg %wlicn, 1 The preçioaltion lioes flot necessarily mean that any of the rural scitools ltttc eil A elituile ni th5 ieac- witi b démontinued, but that they ucli be maniaged 80 as te conserve expense ,tiohn(]-litare thîît 1 uni îlot h ttiiali 1 msd fureti the best possible facilties for pupils. lnstead of iaving a number %vsi houight to e Is I icl celoe tinie et gradita in a saili aciool thte pupils could be gathered by grades in se* arate l'l't lut the gri'itsct armet Hiuie tii gehoola and thus b. enabled to pursue their studies to better advantage. îaikirîît ,, t t-i îîu-îî î-it iiitiidtic This would be but an extension of the preseut township high school la, . ilvit iîîîiîcr te nul' îîîî)d ast1 av. 1 aui ta ait te scitoola of the township. It would malte pupîls eligible to any gla1ltii1-e lut ighîit lii tlle gitd eo îîple uçitool of their grade in the township. The proposed townshilp scitool corn.i uti îaiîn r i uilearst Il iîî' i mission la la have jurisdictian aver rural schools aone, teaving higit schoots ,îîihaîîîî dcaluit ri hl uîîv.-rh i-îîiiîîgan- under the same reguatons as a imientu, but in course of lime the boards iiilîir tling 1 ilois'je Illat in lily teesiu %Wfi prç5ably be merged. aoi nuitv.ille,. ni'cl',amitiuo lins hein tii Titere ua every argument in favor of te propo sed change and no vaîîd beils'f îî andîî 1, , )dail I le iood 1I eeuld lal against 1. An îmagînary argument would be that of distance to be Vili-ti Ill iImniil liti ý C1- l1 î 1 r*velsd by sonne of the pup:ls but that has alieady been solved. A simitar lîreiliiriidtiî-î',l te Itritlier iu(titoir. iiy tratem prevails in Ohio ani in some parts of other statles and it works per- I tiiciil lii 2G y-are.'I lin will hidiîii a i fectlt. Durlng thte portion of thte year when thte going or weather is bad the 1 i l',l lit 10 Nvli ge iliat Litirt v- autoiissend teams to gaier the pupils in the marning and laite them t la hcatlle ieoj1,i, iii mmIi ,Iiîiii, al.large gejicol, returning tierr to tneir hornes in the evenirg. The expense for cloing .I-iîiil i Cliiîigii and afii glaîl, tl i>iIîIc ~Is la niuch soaller titan the saving hrotîgitconsolidatiiig clsetadiusrliliiclli o -(ati.%- i r.qtirinq the services offterne r trchers. 1 iver ii ii iiltliiIny litil iginig Thte sctuool tax is cole-ed i e same under te independlent district sys- St. Mary e i iuliiil tii tut-icit'le1li teffs and il la te sanie titrcughoui l'e townGhip. The moiiey ls spent where it 151'lig thec Sistc'iMin-y Il iîîiîî%Nt irili vtit do te most good, and sitei e an additiorial teacher is necded o-e i5 iii îfaitnd 15 jtl; it>iiiîicitcii lit yiiir' teille lit, a titi i tii îaku' filelvllig' ahi pie. Under sucit a syýtem ititere il; no waste. Better classificaton of pupls .-i tî.îîlii-Ir i-r it icinc. t ives better facilities for leachirî; and beter scitools are the ,esult. lnstead nie tel, il ii h a ut i is cii'- (Iqîthe of ter being additionial eylpeiise there iS greater economy in th management lu-t *iiii)slr girleh, i il vhlliii ii W1 thte chools and eey liai- paid by tte taxp,.yers buys a dolars wrtit i, ii iiiiir li is l tit,iii iii of educalion. icut kil iiiii iaIt. iisri<-icii In many ownus there are secadent scitool districts. Thte number of are licig iu î-l ur deiîliliîig is jaupils is diminîshing and n i Ficut to keep up the scitool. Some of t': a[iMt andChes ae astbecmi n Ijaîtî i iitioiii fir LibeitvVillc %il i citools are already dni from nuîh decay uiohr r atbcmnjheIl~, ,or, th .,l 11, v vel. V :oo morlbund. The cnly re-nedy is to attach te territory to another district or c iliimiau te adopt te Ohio plan and inake the towsnship a district, v.hichis by far the btter plan.-Joliet Herae,.- Boardf Prote Dr. Draper, New' Vrk's comm:rnssioner of education, is eudeavorîng ta as- %iliige hîîuîd %il ,1(j certain wty te scitools lose titeir pupls. a trouble that s as broad as the îîîî htnîay elî-ilg country. lu New Yonk, te lasses begîn n te thîrd grade and continues in 'eetig cinli-il te uni-r increasing ratio, as the following table shows: - ilEriclI.- Tiitirollî, First grade . ..129,009 Igi', t ml-hI. 1) us, lu - Second grade . 133,477 Ilcl Mlliiiiiil-.îi Thitrd grade -130106 mdc cul1 M ilicthl, Fourtit grade 126962 ee, ii i1-d. l a ii1id us Fifth grade ... . . . . 119,025 .11i île Seiii l-I 1 ), Siutitgrade . ......102.836 Plie rejil i rtifthei- lbt Sevenlt grade ....83,729 ri n-id ti, ihecl in, Elgittitgrade ........ 65,061 t, char oa t i li i î iliiltcgatli ici N-cill ai Total aIl grades .... 890,205 trasirers replilt iaudit W. suppose every scitoOl 5/5cm lunte country will show similar ex- Un îîîtîîîîîof kaiser perlence. Dr. Draper bel-even titat thet ourse in the hitgitr grades is fot yet bils acre alliu ed and, adapted to the needsofa the pupls; that te education is eiter too "abstract" irawýn (i h le liii- or toc duit aud unprofitable froni titeir point of view or that of their parents. Voi, ili te ito There May be conisderable Ment in tiis view, but there are ater causes, shuiîiîlIfio , glucîîl no doubt witch can not be îguored in devisiug a remedy. Unquestionably E'f. V i. Att, -i- fl5afy boys drap out of the hitgier grades ta go ta work, nat because te .tiliii ............. cocur s tac,0duIl, but because af thte necessîties at home. Brightt and lu- GH.Ti E Le, tri-t avi dustrious boys oho have pass-ite severti grade fiud many opportunitiies ta îtîiiiîr li-all, slr,-t t, work. Thier parents ueed thte mouey, and the boys lake thte jobs. IL lietlcc, tih-t aioik Il la unforlunate, ndeed, titat sao many abandon te scitools aIttis stage S..1Deidi. ilravuIng -- J.T a i- rii) .. ai 1fe, for il la a imne witen the school course is becomning af peculiar import-~- pciiîilcit-et i ane .w"l respect ta wiatever vocations titey may citoose. No doubt scores I uc iitiilcsii1hi 49 tem teave te regular classes wititte intention of continuttg thier studies 'W' F Kassiiu uals -. ai hoe J litenigit scioals bal ram nc case o anotterthus s o N \îrtî 0l hore ,. ii \%'iîi. laýi-îek Coe,,i1011 ipracticable ln Most instances. 'Naltionîal '%Jeter Clui -iw One remedy for the losa of pupls woutd seernita be a campaîgu of educa- Northlihouire Elcýi-ri-tCi lio amoeig parents. Parents aitoutd be Made tb scetatit isa serlous n- luiuin l-ccLhi juee to a chitit1ate hlm out of scitool ai t tis lime of lufe. Grantîng te E. Jn .i.-i'-. slit useds thitIMay eist n Multitudes of homes, ut migitl yet be Possible n manY ('uns Hî,lîî. ». .. hisUnces 10 malte furtiter sacrifices for a few yeara la lite end taIlite boy'si J. W.Bulttr....... aarnlng capacîly May b. greatly au9 mented because of te instruction titat t 'teclty Kaer uas rh i-I i lit' , uli- -tecourse afzidz ater te evenlt grade..11ii1 ou l iIle. i Thte vasl numnber of inefficient boys aud girls now engaged in commerce Coli ,ht.uhîmr iailu amnd Iedustry proves te folhy of pervnttung children ta drop ouI of scitool Inlîile. eîertei thl1 baie. hey are measurabhy prepareilo i .ndcr efficient service.-Houston hîîîr.- i'litm k-ilDi Font. Tlie i ituct mîtf'hri Tite lalet phase of thc rural miait package-elivery camtes from te head wat,-r iMîa,01on -uth Park Avenue tise of te service aud n te ton of a proposition taI the rural iehîvery be tluc euiîtieu't ,c uui-ecped. SeLychded b utililed fur packages to te lîmt of il pounds veigit foc distribution tram luti.MoitionmI lit. Tire contract the centera fromt wiicit the carriers go ouI. Tiis itas te advanlage n te fi l ill'u a lî,nr-iîueh nmain &Ddtu ire taser tawn of permuling the use of thte delivery for te local mnercitanto sud boîardl iihlictCd ilii tIis ilause îiltîg 10 ,lveeini-tta ýiune illtage sIxmth tsir patrons out of town, wîlhoul nslîîutînig a dcluvery for mercitants at a liheIiCt h unstliDe lu t ilaand-inhe distance; whicit avois one of te enlanglements of te earlier forma Of te muualer ize wan',Dnt îîougit adequate faposed service. it wautd bear with sanie iardship on te rural mercitants uu Ca-me of i re, la maey cases, as il woutd ual be open la Itemr use but would open a c m A pietit ion was read fromn a nuiubpr ut petîlion agaiit tem, witen they are performing a useful service sud can 1 irt e ruditeroukatnîg unIsud ee u-býting exst only witite support of atlte business open to Item. Thte euistlng it a noi@ature (un acouit of tirs nuise aîud systemof distribution se generalty against lite innovation, aitougt thlie mail othir etij-t-tionatlIt fialunes patnons are favorable la te udea-Rocittord RegiserGazette. Mimvid l'y Conet tirattirue petition he lurdhi murr uutil the net eh lietiig fur i Lv tii ~~~~~rý lu ml niarid______________lthcr investigation. Seconded hy 1 wiîî 4 tic l .. W. îiantliuurl, itur iutl t'ittmu îlml 'iiltt, a ticnecf $50 fper 3car was - ýI Littl'Nauii iîlt. ttc tue i t ilii leitcd ui the ruIler skating inik te be every alu nlay Imii g u ulirIlui 1ti- 'ulpuls-i -trnty na ac.Mhrj 110 colleit lfor tc \iulllîuilii ii-iiucui-u- f ce. Il l- liîit -r amui -inc iltellt -arotion lOorpanor terli iiuei. t D tefll,rty ili luM11111,liî1,i mnd I-i,. rAh C. Mmri r unrnitur-'A udonratioum(if $5 te itleronad anud Veunon, DeurIlell ndISullhe-titihil ttIiAlpea Chliuat hIron his uilt)rlidgp Indit& rpciveulfrot îOu-u. A. JOH E.itaIA i.h ,- t i lii -i - Mivlii' - [ everriîiY cii mg.Th,!- i nint or a' iciuthebo hard piassed a lu i i- i i ,t-il -ui hi -l r tire. tutu-s I' 1 a n ii n initu vtue il tiuankii. lîîî uuuiiîn, uiwiiia m-ltpleacart jMoiviul isuv ln-Ilandl Davis hat the v imi ei-uîigiuiiiiilA I-rtr tngranli 1tiictliiitliilhn itil the nezl reglilar Lt an lîh-I tuhe fi~~ igh 1-ff-ili Molutuin carried. Marred No-s '-E-ilui-it-LiI. COIiLET'r, 'iiltagc ('teck. uad~ ~ ~ ~~~~i fi. leetui-c.-a i t- i )i.hi-(u lu uriti-e l i j'ruî t.-îulun-m 9n. . Gooder %sie uuit--t iii nu iuig. Ii-iii liii li-inu li.-l'iiig l, 'scite- le 4M tb, boine of thIe ui,- shi"u- --tîg lit-IlliiJY itiV ti-rhuuuiin theI WaIodeo.daf aernooun ly ji- . b 1i lssul\iiii. i luuri are cuuu 1111110 tue N5a at&or uofliasPres,ti-nui, luiîrulu ,ehuitliuun- titI erti 1-islimul- ilim U L. Ld epreefli-nit uft lhî J uei 'ii,-.mtiiî,viigli t le su îîlîîînu nu- <-ors kAsgfeWagoin îuîaruul u lu r-e, et wcwre ut ,il il-i wi aid liii d euda> 1 b#a*U deflGuinder bhsmicsilcii huuî muuuîn'uuîug tu-iilthe n u-uuvlrs ltpe dbt e lnh-sou ertvlobut lias inunituigîv n tuliii- mcc. hbut Wdni-suly 7 y1 igWho bh li er iu tii- ieujo Ilîcîr adgeofutcouirage iîud dis- uScea The bappy pair hi-t HhiIai-l. 'Plesieuuuursare 'iaid te tue r d a i e sahusfinp, uuknumwe takutugio hart in 1h,- tnili btt he tt hr -%~.~fnoetaurt ~$a, ('16,00ia 01e art dlglitlY watcling for an ~U mke teor ons.b nott.opporlusity to gel the hi-t out i. Mrs. McRaney's Experience. %Ir.. M. Mi-aney, irentiss, Mina., wrihs-'jtwas ettoni o nu'bcd for thlu r imnîluswitb kidney and htdier trouhhe, anîd was tr'-ated by lwu physie- anis. hit faili ni gel relief. No u umnn hungue cati telho w Iatffered. sni I basf 1 uesn juhope ut eves gettig Wei Until t began aking >Fuley'a iduey ftsoed àfler laking two bottes i ti1k a new Isreun, anid olb tMy duty to tell auffer- ing wumen wbat Foil'a tid - Reined. îîîd tor me" atK.LVL. n un luit-, iiiit-r,-u u )t ilum i-ai i ud, ut tilue stroct iolnu tIti a cude cf gravel 1' iii strei-î andl îinî ins talîci. lrishielîtu presenteul E Fherell b. very few things titat she's mis se d When the maien ia through with her lust This lady is certainly bent on having ber shopping list complete. It will be a great deal hke our l'ne of CHIRISTMAS JEWELERY. Complete to the last detail andi always giving complete satisfaciion. You know the truth of this if you know our line. If not, why flot? IA. I S ÀTH4KRanidJEWLR 0. sýesthe oit a Christmiras cheer as he figures up experise. Thitîi iu olirs for a presst-in hîs ini-kel lhirty -rt Such a situation s bound to be remark- ably unpleasant-disappointment always s. There is no disappointment in our lune of ROYAL TAILOR MADIE CLOTMING neyer thie slightest unpleasantness resulting froro gos or Service. Learn by actual ex- p2rtence and see why. E. W. PARKHURSTI SCÎIANCK BLOCK LuBERTYVILLE, ILL1 LAND SIBEKERS NORTlIERN NEW MEXICO IRRI- GATED LANDS ARE TME-- BEST Dont boy any irrigaied lands tlli you sece our lileralure, 20,000 acres sold so far Ihis scason. Excursions every two wecks. BEST LAND, TITLE PERFECT, NEAR R, R. Special ternis, prices and inducements durinZ luly, Write today. FRANK E. WIRE & COMPANY Suit- 40, 121 La Salle St.. CHICAGO, ILL. Or FRANK E. WIRE Lock Box 457. Libertyville, 111. ___________________ __________ la Notice of M;eting. Noutice le herehy given that the annuel meeting of the tecîhuiders i-iltue t'mrel National latm ifLilient> vîtte il i- elul in th. iia t'fice uuTu-îay, Jan. 12, 111), î t 3 p. m. fuir Ilu electimut pfl îu hurd cf directore and fur tîme tratus- action of msncb <ter busine-ssîas iuay prprycne tiLure the m-ciriîc J. S. GRIULEY, Casher. Notice Ca Stockhiotiers. Public notice is herehy given tuat un Satnrday, the sixteentit (16) day oil january, 19011. at the heur et four (41 'elock in linsaltermon ofmuîaid u]ay, tlure 2s i beh hetl aspecial ueting ofut lieuiîuek- iuders o!1lime Stieidoo Unverityttremu, an tîlinuuu Ls -irporaliun, at iii piiicihiat office in the Vilage of Lihi'rtYvutte, 8tahe of illinuis, lu vote'un te quetio cf the imurise of the, capital stuicli Of the sai coerporation frem twentY-filvs timiusand ($251,000l.00) dîlana te thirty-lite tluuusand î$3l,,lOht 00) dollars at h iîc tinie and tplace att stou;khiutirsfuî ai corporatiotn are nutified lui Lis tmeseit. A-. '. ltELDili' C. N. I lsl tirectcniiof thi' Sheticu University Press- libert3,ville,Ilit., IDec- 2r 19108.,11-3 Why pay tnre-when yon m'en gel. nul Only go0 ins large cupe utflDr. itiulu s aeait coffee front a U cpackage-tînt a ocupon on a'25e .Iives,-d 'No-Drip" gaffe. traines bpitsdes? Look Ionrltse 0oupot-I put tber luno0w Thte satio- CORLETT A£ FREgOEfICKS.- UNION CIIURCII THE GREAT BIJOU AMUSEMENT COMPANY FR!DAY, DEC. 11 8:15 P. M. The Largest and Best Moving, Picture Show Traveling. See the New film "A Tale of Two Cities" from Chas. Dickens" Works Great Colorei Featuse Feahorés Dramas. Comedies sud Spectular Films. Oser a Mie afMovlug Pic- lunes. Illiustrsled Sangs sud Speciaitiea. : ; W. M. Coumay, Lecturer 'Will Deacribe Pictures. ADMISSION 15 and 25c '"TOVES I j j E 8 a' Ihave got them in ail styles and sizes. carry a large stock and buy in large quantities andi can malte prices as low as the lowest. THE UNIVERuSAL Ï8 one of the best uines Superior to ail others Quality andi Finish. Guaranteeti. in the country. in Operation, Every Stove :-Io Bo EGERo COAL TIME IS HERE We wtuli all( ual at our yard before (le iivery, after %wighiiig . Notlui u ît (,lea n Coal 1put ll vîtlir bli. SNut, Range and Egg, Cannel, Waslied Egg liocking, Splintandind. Block Fèeding Question Solved Pioneer Cow Feed, Sugar Gluten, Daisy Dairy Flour Middlings, Bran, Corn Ileai, Oil Meal, Red Comb Poultry Feed E tMMONS - MIRCIfR ~LUMBER COMPANY LIBERTYVILLE 11-LINII The Best Qualitqj and Best Brands Of NEW ORLEANS MOLASSES FANCY TABLE SYRUP and MAPLE SYRUP can be had at CO RL ETT & FREDERICKS [jjIBERTYVILE, ILLINOIS Telphrw30 The Brawny Muscle ef the Work Horse Cornes From The %id He Eats. id Sugarota Horse Feed is balanced and mixed for the especial purpose of making \ i W " muscle. A bone and sinew i k ~ ~ W builder, it possesses the saccharine (molasses) element in just the exact pro- portion to, make the animais relish it. At the same time, being all feed it is easily digested and readuly assmilated. Ninety-six percent of the nutrient eIe- merits of Sugarota Horse Feed are fully digestible and go to develop muscle, energy and strengtb. Free fromn weed seeds, the manure fromn Sugarota Feetis is an ideal fertilizer. Ail Sugarota Sacks contain full weight. Sulzarota Dairy Feed, SuLrarota Cattde Feed, Suzarota Herse Fecd, Suzarota Sheep Feed, Sugaseta Swine Fced, Suzarota Chicken Feed and Sugarota Calf Mcal are balanced and mixed, each foc the exact purpose for which it is to bce fed. 1 kzýý OR SALE BY TH-E HOME LUMBER COMPANY. LUMBER. COAL, GRAIN AND MIL.L FIEEDSe. 1 - 1 etophone 159. 1 ,