'LAKK COUfT? INDUoeJCN]rnNlT, 1FYIJAY, DECIEMBER 18, 1908 E~1OSTRATION 0 F AIWEE .FLOUR ___AT TH1ý JO ELI TRIQGS1 GROCIERY AND MARIKET SATURDAY, DI2C. 19;-'08 Corne in and try the delicious Bread, Biscuit MWd Cake made frooi this laanos Mimnesota !Iour. A trial will conwince you. Two Phones. 25 and 3 Uibertyvllle. 111. STOVES Ihave got-:hem in alstyles and izes. carry a large stock and buy in large quantities and can rnake prices as Iow as the lowest. TH-E UNIVERSAL is one of the best lunes in the country. Superior to aIl others in Operation, Quality and Finish. Every Stove Guaranteeci. Ho Bo EGER, And gjou onlg hu a rew more daga place jour order M!N9S We have a dir sud would be pleas Sarely we have soi propr..te gOnt. EVEF J. B. AM 1 . HANBY1 * g i i j ave to for fURNISIIINGS irect wire with SANTA CLAUJS sed o pacegour order with hm. 'mnethintg ht will make an ap. 0 RYTHING FOR MEN- ORSI3 & CO.: BLOCK, LIBERTYVILLE LTIMI5 is HI2RFM ash ail Coal at our yard before de- after weigh.tng. Nothing but Coal putla your bin. ,ange and Egg, EnneI, Wash 'ed Egg rig Splintand'IfldcBlock ing Question Solved 0OW Féeci, Sugar Gluten, Dalry Flour Mlddlings, Bran, Cern fleal, 011 Meal, Red Comb Poultry Feed _ONS- RMERCE R BI~RCOMPA Ny~ LIBER TVYVILLI3 epl ouko AN IEAL UýU.Rl3A VIIAGE and soe you AN DEA SUUR8N VI.LOE don't 11 Misa Betb B3acklsy. of.- Waukegun, Mme Edua Hubbard, of Aurora, IIL, Je vlited relatives hers Satardel. viitiug elatives bore this week. Born to Mr. and Il re 1vd J. AIlleian, Mise, Maille Lesiter aud Neli Gri8wold Suuday, Dec. la. a nine.pouud daugbrer. were vigitors ln Chicago Tueaday. Mm. I, S. Warren and son, Leslle, will Umc Eva Persona, 01 Arnes,' la., @pent leave in a short Urne forSan Ilenitu, Tex. SunldlàY at the borne of ber oncle, Frank Il. L. Howe lot last week for Clinton. ie la., wbere he wilI jonubis aife. H.v wilîî Now la the tirne tu do your Cristma he gone seveas weekc. ahuPPiîg No need to ave your money GIoId plated ollkof French design at PlCturi.s in pastel carbon, etc. at $1 89 art o-ell'e drag store. Run 30 Be.eawaek,. Your frlends would ike one boum swith one windiug.frX e. alsucethm A nleelly framed pieture makesa a iret- Oartedfuanpnslaith clato Xruai present. li~O ~~ a afull relîanjemtes outra 1port a ;&IIute lin o ten tam 5 ene Pt. Lovels drug @tore. An ideal Chritmas lies. Ida Duncan, of San Diego, Calai., gitt. bas beau a gust the tunt week at the The Young son of John Dollenumeir borne of Mir. and Mrm. F. Grabbe. la reportediiil with scarlet levrer. The Chas. (ialbreath and wjtp, ot Chicago, house wac placnd under quarantine @pont Sundav nt the borne of Mrs. (jaI- Tuaecay. breath'n motiter, Mro. A. W. Waldo. Tout Dreier leit Monday for Detroit, The W. C' T. U. will mpet ait tbe borne Mich., wbere ho auj joli, Mr. sheldon on1 of Mm. lînnie Dyrnd Tuenday, DecW()tk couinected tijtb the Sheldon School 22.St 2:11> Subjeet: 'What Makes tlh of lCorresponancue. Wheela GOii'Round"'The Ch icago aHorne Sale attracted1 Lihertyvilleappeara on tbe Itatof great rnuy Liberty ville homemen to, t heCity western circuit race meetings for next thîs week. It Je probable that soreral of veradthe, dates are fromt J uly 26 to the good tonna will be lbought up and W lr"e amounnting tu $25,000 wilhrought to the LibertyviI, tract. 1 p e hurig up. Since the annanucemerit of the Mlik e L- >nd for the latet eog'Nesth Soutb arnival St the Lîbertyrîlle Blokt eech ern Skies," unly 25 cents. Sold hy Misti session dndo a number ut ekaters rehears- F. J. Druce, tirayslake, Ili., Young & loîg foîr tbe Ilaurkating event. Prives Lynch Bron. and the author, Mre. liî ron 'vil' Le givet for skstind li well as for UuOlhy, Libert> ville, Ill. 8tf lirety aud grotesque costumes. 8 Wednesdav was Market l>ay and To the membere of Columbia Lodge,% thuugh 'Komewhiat roulât and raw was No 131, M. W. W- Ail nauvevemnsd 1remarkshly wel-attended. The crrwd dnuFînute paid hy thetiret of januar, did not arrive untîl alterouon but manv S)U9, ana new8eecruîarv 'nl L e installed toîutalvanîîîge of the @aie day lsud and everything must L4 traigilteued op Pthere was coniderable lire stock sud hegîluuîug tha Dow year. otber articlea ta be luuud u sale. L. J. LotiE, sec. tJuline Trpîow returued liondsy front of Th pOlOmcreceived the 6 rgt stampei tho aouthweet wlîere lie ep,-ut e.vernl the new.iieaonday. The rwo centr weeks travelling iî aParty wlthW. tampa are or lightly êifrnteade M.Hat hruhTexasund Old heîo-rîîntbe old and the profil1e of George H. l-letMHathiugh Criti Tx WsehinKtan Whmcb le us-i lon tbem was sue lxeiit M etun Copuehitaî, oTxde lrOm Raoudon'e buet 1)1 tbis illua-. su epc l e tunwtiuasot huaforether. The etaîiipm are veryt rIme. eat in design aud muibPrettier than H. E. Mirn and C. L. Pratt, of the old lune. Waucondu. J. L. Bracher, of Gurnee, and The dieplay windows eliiut towu area W. 0i. Sutplon, of Dundee, attended a donning theirbholida,, attire and tbat ar meeting of the Wauconda Munuîng C> Yuu ycb aheelvngpri beld ithe îetioaank:rohast tebaacularly wortl» Of mentiuon for it is veryB aleoun.to i a ltM ounay ui.arlY and taattaiullv demigned. Theo alteuoaALM B. Colby Mercantile Comnpany aloa It bas juif leaked out that a Liberty. bave a niee disbPlay sud ail rthe umrchants ville gîrlm bruten rib le due tu ber Con- seem ta have made opecial efforrt t maten tortiona in trYing ta fasten hi r etfirt ta their stores attractive.0 ber walet in thehback, @&,Ye thil Wauconda Ture achool hoard hbia iutorrnd the Leader, That dotesut compare ta the hillîgcreitclascea of the biglbh cl tbatP storY told hoem of a Wauconda girl wbo fnxur flax or penDante rauinLe put up cpraiued ber antle trying ta get a No. 10, abure that tempe uf ku)wledge-i ut nu foot in a No. 2 édice. leue fosohies muet Mces.Or tbe uild. The Lihertyville Camp of Modern loir willi ne-d »a nepw roof befote eprîng. n Wradmen will give a Critmas bail st Titiseie a very diplomatAr way of aettllng the tawn bail on next Friday evenlug,t i tfidîlculty but People in tbe enrrond- Dec. 26. The Wooduqudanua are lug country mimhr easily uietake the r fainons for their large crowds snd Ut aoeolhiî(use for tie hattlet4hip Maine 0 event wîll d(oubtleca prove lnu exception. cimilit up the D,@ pPinles river flyig a P Mumic by Hapies Orchestra. Tickets -#a::inal code ut the U 8. navy. r5enta. Supper extra. On laet Thuruday eveniug at the reg- in Ià. R. Laugbliu. muical director of the tlar meeting of Aeille Camp. No. 176,tet APppulo Siegiug Society, of Wsuae nModern îWoudultu the folo W ing offilcera fo, was lu (lie village Tuesaday loaking orsaWere rlected:HBEecnu;Wn date on whlrh ru give a concert hem Buruvi, alvriî E. H. Well-, hanker; W with rweutY-live membena of thr G. PIbruni, ciel k; Wm. (lanuon, eacart; 1 organizatjun. It will pruhahly ls given Jas. Rin. warehnuan; Erneet Brown, se under the asepices .f corne churecb Jr , ellînv; fesse Portene, manager; vi bociity. Dra. (;Iltaliîuy and Taylor, 'physiciano. th The intallatî,,nn wi Le hbeld at the 6ir4t in At a reeu meeriug of tbe Libertyvillla Meetiiig il] jnuary. Saveral candidates lodge of MYcîme Workers the following are tua li ntîated at the mZeting next uffiercé wem tele'ted sud' will ho inelisled Thoursda creitning aunda large attendance at the firet mrerîug lu janusry: Robt, lenepec -d Sehusebele, prefeznt; Mnr.0,,ertell. motitor; Tho@. Pester. hanter; Mm. ,* The capital tick of the W. C. fiaith Mcilînald, secrerars; Ed H ubbard, con- MIg. Co , haviiig beem incruaced irom h ductor; F red Dyer, wa.rden;' Ed Seiler, 8 10,000 u tin î o>00, it le pr,ýposed ta e sentinel; lieu. Lynchi and Frank Lotte, develîmp ines îîlreaîly ranufactured, i @uPervisor. Mfr Sebusehele la thoeecoad particulatly robîesî and Jura. iu addition2 prefecr the lodge lbas had inons ~new lino ecceeîîî)ry tu the bariieslaand 2 arganizasoon, Chas. H. Kaiser haviug hauseëfurnimhiug t rade, will ho itakien op, 8 held the, office for aver ten yeam aaspecltiiesaaîd a j(hbingdaparmeu au 1 was iuaralled with tirot officere will be Institut,,] iA chanîge in the lirm elected ourder tbenewcbsrter. Thelodga Dame sud additittnal huildings e i ao2 bere bas been a very prueperous une san btICipated. Adaîîi tlil, manager of tbia bas gruen oultil it ie Dow the largear conceru. ila utlîî,rirr tfor the foregîulng. fraternal urganization lu tbe village. Li-tvleneiiiýgi;ocud' bide tbc ligrîrit tLiirtyvvlle under 12 The ludutrial cammirtea a1 the buehel il yqu tried. (lrow ad expdu M Ctîren'sa cill)ruvement Association belld htb&lethe policr if the good torene. 1 (ay mvettg 1The illage bi s the- On Monday mo,îîîvv, Dec. 14, Mr. aua 26 daisc uiiofgaThend m14-cto riiug thMlra. WilltantIfWueeler were cnlise! upun 26 dieueforn tewava sd meanefar rshlng ta maure tba liii- ut their lîttla @on, 26 mou, fr te pupsedbosîva tahoCharles Edean. il,' was hum ta thym ered lu Libertyville. A torps of soli- Sa er liuwnFr uttw citarg waes elect-d and tu each ar t hem bl hYwr l igi rmn on seulha îve a letut ame auwhl sh~ip May 14, 1903, the epan aof bie littie 1 wark.tlheIiocuveîvsRthgane ntb,îr o fil8i nig anIY 1tre Yeaa d scavoeu Jllsud oystematiecally sud if each math@, He bai bren ailing for aume 1 h io e iei rkcnciniu îytmeand ttuSatîirdiuv won not thougbt1 ctar budas uk afi en toueinyta ho daugerouv!v i . Thece Young 1 thysgonul vrtîinyo na tlrable luparents bave Su ý,îîiîîturt theun the love,1 that a flot ut the iitscriptions sli eul1ho th lrtwo littié, diuîîhltere and hahy> publi-esd lu the loEPENuEN'r. 'IlILi . o, te ampstby ,il iuy goud eigb. publie deht thai. "iii be a public blemsving boreansd the nierre utf dur Heaveniy sud t l numur thn rgbttha th Father. The funerîni was beld tramt the publice at large cbîîuld kuaw wlia the home On Broadway VI'duday morniug phianthrupieC itizens are that belpi a t10:80, Burisial etLakesida cemetery. good cause. Rev. H. P'. Lawler oîlciating. This l the @enson f th.Mise aille Marie Mason, daugh teraoft Thi latheseaon t tevanr wheu Mfr. sud Mma. 0e.Jil. Mason, ot Prairie w! muet peplPe are puzzlng tb1lr beada View, sud Charles lcîioiPutr o about thristmas prebetlîr. Yîîu are loiok, M. sd 1lre E. W. Prcor, sonLh. c in or aoumethingfor sumebody sud even ertyvills, wseeau,,iî,'îl lu the holy bouda ni the tight wadc tbaw out and @pend s o! matrlmony at rie hume ut the bride'. dollar almooa r fely. %%bere are vau paretîte, Wadnaadav, Dc 16. 1ev. H. gr @pendiug ailtliis mauey? lu ChicagoarP. Lswler, pastîr *of the M. E. chunth, an Wauuegau? There are nîce thilîge tuobeh o paormning the ceýrii.lîy. The weddiug oa touud St hume. Perbape nr as an ex- tlîougb Dt unexpetedla fomtbiug iz0 a rit teusive a hune as selîl ho fouud eleewhem npiesdwearne yal but muantyarticles that wîll matle good e srpime dias etties ude trieud ac. aud noetul premeute.Euy zhat sou tan They wiul ho at lîlîlîleta their friende at bonte sud theniuli antursumethinit alter Jauutary lati n the Dew Cottage eiah,îrate sudount ut the ordîuary lhe- mc.ntlvprhe. y1r rîtro get ît. (ire our neighhiir s chance to Stewaryt avenue llîacMr.n ls Žbrm-n tt aumeutOrte cresnu d dont lkee'P îng Young-lady wlîo cornes oaswell- Ci him011sti unîl il he ear arouuid. tîowu tamlly sud îiîî.îinaur triende who 3lust lîeraîîae the homne merchant sela an 'ieh ber much hîîîi.e Charlie Priur- e' tici ail the rear through dunttstand h mtariJe asaoclated % iih the Hume Lumber at l! tq g90 dontown(lin 01111 grand ehop %uet u eaîuîîîa u wl.ie theli sprey. Myebalieyu e nedayng mnuJ .u8t rtering a promieing the mney. usiness career. FI EN ona atarte for a nailroad station haédcinr tait for an sir-ahip ta rake bim;-Ni,t if ha expetre tr, arriva. Ha tîntes the boeetnsucureart wvaY at baud, &tarte eroansd daen't iter, 1k le tthe desire of every woithy sud Pentenpnfeiuig nian*ta ARMIE ar somaseorthr tîîul îe Thuere lano botter or sucrrway thau thar ioi s Bank Arcount. tat an iy e aud dîn't liter. Oua dullar seuliapen au accunt. fiera e shuw $4.00 a seset wll accumuiata ln aur lýavlags Departunent; Six mqoutha ................ $104.72 Two Vana...................... $428 8 Oýns year... ........l1O Tbree yearn. .............. School Notas. Lloyd Taylor bas beau absent the pset weet ou account of sîrtuvea. Mesldls ae Lcaughlin, Wheeler, Colhy, sud Rapta were vielture ln the firet raam. Maxwsell Kirchner le elet. Mrg Pries vîesited iu the third, tourtb, eveutb sud eiglîth grrades lait weet. SUPeninterîdent Simpson vislted ail ai the grade@ hast weet. CIara Jotbbeim boac beau absent ou account ofoicteeg. f Marjory Wbeelec bas beau absent an ac.ount of the deatb ut ber brother. The Senioirs gave a papar Tueeday marulng during the opaniugi exercices. Blanche Pestercaug Wedneoday morning* Thuraday morning ElviraMundes recited aud Priday murniug Mârie Schanet gave a racitation. Globes sud mapaShtah seere receutly urdered for the grades bave camte. The eutertainment Fnldsy evsuing seaz PaO()ly afteuded the groa remipts belug mnly $3 00., Ail this wsa expanded in psying expaucea. The board oi direclore met lu regular session Friday eveuing. The second meeting of the teatbar's reading circle wseshelîtla the hlgb scbool raum) dsturday atternoan. The next Ina seul be bs.ld Saturday, Jan. 80, at 2 P-.nm. Mr. Maxwell wili diseuse Cliapter X lu the mathematical geagrapby. Miess Della Croker uvill diseuse language uvont i the firet sud second grades; Micase ym ter lauguage wort lu the third auj furtb, Mise Wbveler in ulb, tujtu î,,d muzrh gradies aud Mn. L.ulî gramnein wont lu thae eventliatîd eighth grades. On acilount cf the limied rimea ater school the uîsnagvmetraIthe Litîerty-ý ville 11mb bas nedîîred the admislsion tac ha afternon session ta lirten cents includîniz skates. Naew Telaphanan. The Lake Couuty Telepbany Comnsuy anc recengtly inotalled the ftlbawing nese tloPhoues- Cut Out the llst aud peste i Ydur ditectary fe r future refîirence: LInEsTYVILLE S=CHANGE 2636-Albrecht Barman, Prairie Viese 117---Blume, H,, iitur 863-Chrietiau Brothers 188-Foulds, C. S. 2638-Knop, il. A. Prairie Viaew 852-Lyone, Ribt.' 1291-Murrav, A. C. .'l4i2-Mclain, W 5 1222-PeehOse, H. H. 1281-Proctar, R. J. 1891-Protine, M. &. 2685-Richarde, A. C. , Prairie viae, 2675-Scbank, Mcc. Julia 671-Schlitt er, J. W. 2681%--Srancliff, W. H . Prairie Vlew 0 RAVSLARE EXCHANGE 461-Adamm. Geo., 17,5-Carleld, birs. John 44i1-Clark, Dr. W. N. 1l-,1 ý-CleveIand, G. T. 178%4-Hook, J. L. lIlS-MacLachian, W. F. l7234-Mueller, W. A. 148ROUND LAKE ExcpANilE 15-ullivaîî, Eugeuae WAUCONUA EXCHANGE 22Ladd, Norman R. Methodist Servicest. 11ev. Truman R. tGreene, of Late Bluff. wil Presch ah 10:30. The pomto)r 'uli mrach at the uualsvcninigeerii. The cilr are pmpai ngaomepxcýelleut Christ- ias muait tor the àservices aon the 2oth, The Preshytenlan and Methodiit cou- regationaseill unit@ fiur a ounnservice n the aveoiug of tha 27rh lu tuaelitereat if thea Ant-8aliil îLeuguE. RH. Cher- ringron edîtor oif the Amenican issue seul be the principal speaker. Attend the Meeting. The reitular manthly meeting ut the Citizen'@lînprocaitueiît Aeî-atoî ilI ae held lu the village hall oun eut Moidasý evening, Dec. 21, at 8 un'loký A flà .tteudanee indeslred. hBusineassot importance tu Le transa.ted. C. H, Kàiînta, Preýsident. W. C. Rasen sud Lcray Prortar bave taketi the management of the Naew Caeric Boord. Bath are yuîg men seell-ttiiîwn it Lihiarryville sud iuefir many fnieuds wieb thym aucce@s lu tlîcir nae vvenuture. The New Castle in kuowiî ta the travel- ug public es aitttmodern snd up-sa. date hutel sud ir sell nu douttho equially popular under the naew manage- t.ur. niv galinsOi F RChristmas time are often hard t6, 'i Articles to be fonnd in our stock are appe ate at any season of the year and bore yen w# present@ that are beautif al and ortwamnht à as practical and usef al. Nothing eau be mwq isfactory and pleaaini than a piece of -gQo4&j ture, a rug (we have a large line), a etr c a well framed picture whlch adds muich ýi fort and bbauty of yonr home. Wôuwsi a that whlch h6 beautiful and unique. . M it Ï»ý practical good your wife will meo it sud sapz it for that good. Our fumniture corne#co bout factorjes and idnir&ble aud well *md& take pride lu our stock and are glad ob*wI eall. The blg ralitble store gua=teutos4 0. 1. LUCE & Co* Furniture Undîrtklng HtlarwssP.I.,t am LiiTvLE LtiOe ... CVMoO, rasa. ana... Waianr, yO.-.c.. LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK, LIBERTYiVILLE, ILLINOIS. You know our reputatlon; lt ha. flot been the growth of a day, but has been built up by earfui management-at once eonservatIve, progreaaive.and along mate linos. We want your buaines.. Very respeetfully, Christmas Prese*; I FO APiROPRIA I AND uEU ICHIRISTMAS PRSENTS AT THE IOWEST PRIE MIIT Nkt1 Ile'iI Soon COAL We wî livery, Clean Nut, Ri Iiocki, Feedi Pioneer Cc Dalsy FIlmm mVJ 7--bil Was An Old Setlier. 0 Ira B. Riay, seba receutly pasced away at tha hume ai hice u, La Mott Ray, aSI;JT th dvnedae f85 yeamé, sasou POl.N ,.NG Of the oldest living vaideuta o! Lakse cannty sud ha@ bean umurnbd amoaig II% ber citizene ince 1858 sud seau proîpi- I!,ý tineu lu the upbnldig ai thecommquity. T E W Y Ha seas a New Yorker by blrth and'blsie ha.yhood dayoi sevre paced lu much the em e m a ner a@ that iii ail farm er i ld. .,f t w o k o s s o k o n lu the publiehoola hoaeaqired good MEWo n o s bouM p <I16 education aud with bis fîrrher iearned 0 for neWho os tk... 10.lli the carpenror trade. At the agre af cîx-TalrnendCohsw n teeu ha bellan ta matle bis own living oflrioigadC thsw cu 4 but tofltinu'ed ta matle his hume with h od n el bUo aust~ lis parents until lie had aftained his mgosadtl ouo iiatste maluit,. e aeebgan cnmcl Fiveeyears ster hie marriage b he came nd ec no ic l t a L ake co un t , she re hýa i sd a lar e e s m re n n l r « a family, ire ut awhoumsurvive fila. 4 URWiEv s <r pplr m le ma wa@ &ueesteul farmer sud the ncar esr u *tgtupwt le<ue. 8ppe&asuce ut hile Place gave erideuc r nue mi a ihut ihdmtam-I bîs thrlft sud enterprise. B. al.. wurted Wear a suit of our clothes orne. two or amOt? at ie bstrade sud hr menurthIe twiî- ss<ehuce csba Watpsolne SnPPlemented hj1' enterpriee yOu know, th 9e is ..mtN g y o u e Zounfo aaeethoaqie able com Ptenr. fe %was promi- with. to keep well dressed nueastbat gous uently identilled with the growtb sud keep up Wth the styles. pragreca ut the comunuity which bac beau hi@ borne aud seastrue ta cveny d ty ut titize neip. C f I F lu Politica he wasa sWhig ilu aaly lfe F E ) R IE sud cast hiesftiret pracidential vote for I E C laY, but o u the orga nîization or th,? R,'-U d f ~ am g l A P pulilcan psnty ha joîned irai rants, eap. TIAILOR .F l uu DRAPER~~ portingFmeemont sud was up ta the tinua utf bis îeath s etanncb advocalo of its princl ple& M r. ltay nias s a nof f ibertgville ludependent character aud etrong cou'- Ilni vittiona. sWho thn'ougb the ueeful and honorable lite ha led woan the confildence sud gaad simhes utfaIlwitb whou hao - - - - - The obitusry w&s puhlished lu the laat issue ai the INuEpiENl).T under the_______________________________ l)îamond Lake coluimu at wbitb place ha @eteit the muet af bis lite sud seere ho was plaed in hi lat rsing pa. Il jc" IJY Pr A Irb 9 Ir W li - . : ý,i Dear Sir: ta 01 lit w Ti in du eq M e.] li Ir, ýll&%3UI.IAIJLLI UIF ý il - 0