CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Dec 1908, p. 7

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LAKEÇirOUT Y INDEPENIiENT, FRTDAY, DCME S 95 E'LL agree to do for you the best job of personal deco= Srating yotd ever had done, if you'il corne here the next Litime you needclotbes. We'l hang sm HaIrt, Schaffner & Marx fine clothes on y'ou. If you want to give some man a pres- *ent heIl like, look at some of Our. good thlngs to wear. Neckwear' of ail kinds; gloves; hosiery; fine shirts; goud underwear; canes;, uinbrelles; mufflers; Iounglng robes; smoking jackets; bath robes; fancy walst coats; pennants; college posters and bon- ners and sllppersof agilkids; leather novelties ln shirt, cuff, collar and handkerchlef cases. Our great shoe store, the talk of Lake county, is' teeming with ail the latest and newest of everything for men, women and children in the way of shoes; high cut or regular cuts slippers, oxfords, leggins, rub- bers, etc. Yager's "of course" THE GREAT WAUKIIOAN STORE 121-123 NO. (cncssee St Cnpyight 1909 ly H." iduffan.&IN ... -- M-av"g-,e pe...... e ..@..*..e....**.e.e e e -RI rR .. RFUNDED eV Ir 11. To~~~~~~~ ~~ atet f ocuomrk Abeautiful and valuabte ouve. uponp prchases f $5 00 onmrir irceto cverybocly. For Five Days, commencing Saturday, Dec. l9th, until Chrlstmnas Eve. This wil give the people of this community t he greatest opporturity to buy their H'o11y Goodà It hlas ever beeà offered in this state. COML EAR LYr AND SECU KE TH LT AGAMN. MENS OVERCOATS Mens fine overccats in satin inînga, oyfords, black ard cark bine shades, worth $1200 for . ý. ý................. ...............$.50 Mens ail wood overcoala, fine black kcrsey and meibons, litesl fashiona, regutar price.$15.00. Now oaly ý..... ................ ........$950 Mens extra fine btack overcoats ia kerey. vîcunnas 'ancl mettons, titis ceatistapostiveiy sortit $22.00, only --. -....... . .$15.00 30mens evercoats, regular $8.00 ancl $1000 saluez;. Vour choîca $4.00 YOUNG MENS $1200 OVERCOATS Veur choice ...................................................$575 Mena '.îlk mufflers, worth 75 ait . .... 44G $2.010 muffi'r-s aI . ..................... $.00 Mcrns fine dress shirts in white and att new pat- ternt, $125 and $150 values for......... 88c MENS HEAVY SWEATER JACKETS Mens sweater jackets, wolt macle, colora arc oxfords or oxford wit blue bordera, $200 va- lues for................................. 85C Mens $250 sweater jackets ae........... $1.0 Mens heavy ail wooi sweater jseketa, extra weii made garmeals ia plain oxfords ad x- ford wilh navy or maramna bardera, alto Ith navy and wiite jackets, peaci buttons, posI. tively worth $400, 00w oaly........ ....e7 Boys sweater jackets in oxfords wllh btue and! red borders, peart buttons, $2.00 values foc $1.00 H ATS Hanidaone , new blocks an the smarlest styles for young men, Oew shadea. Mats for oider anud more conservative mea, blaek and new celorings. Ct prîces on ail our hats. $200 Hala for......................... $100 $250 Hala for......... ................150 $300 Hata for.........................2.00 SHOES éHOES Buy choe now for every meraber of the famiiy -but do il rtcw. Can you stay away f rom igeit offert as these? Mens fine drest shees in blucher eut, $2.00v. lue fer.............................$.3. Mens fine sitear in gun moela, cuItad caîf, lace and bluchar eul, ncw ldsta, «.@ê lues for ....... ................. .. . . Patent id skln back Russas and @Un rmtAi caîf. A shis f besuty ad excellences, values for - ....... .... Boys drees and schoqý shos, $~ ~j for ..;.............,......... ... 100 pairs ot *disea .toli, *Il ntw stilIR tively vort U~o id *.e<t91 5 Ruit e sfor vpOIu.0 J8q Mena $11.00 suits . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 6.50 Mens $1200 and $13.50 anits . ...... .. .. $8.75 Dreass ntIs in black, itrown and green shades, rcgutarly Godd at $16-50, only . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1250 Mens $2200 suilsa aI ........ .. .............$15.00 BOYS SUITS. Boys Kneepant Suita, large assartmeat of durable fabricý;, worlh $400 for ......... ......................... .... .... $2,75 Boya $3.00 and $350 suits, only .....-. 111 .... 2.00 100 Chldrena Suits and Overcoats, postvcly worlh $1.50 and $400, Cho c e... . . . $20 YOUNG MENS SUIT$. Young Mens Spiendid Suite la brown, Black and blue serge. Titis suit ta postiveiy Wothi $A.50 for................ $8,75 Arc you worrying about what te 9v. hlm for Christmas? Dont do it. Corne diraclly here and wehI solve 1h. probiem n a way thal viii please yen. From our limes' cf cil sorts of handaumne germent& for Men, Boys and Chldres vear, or fccm our large vsriety of head veer, or our elegant creationt -ln teggery, Ihere are many choînas and etegant things any man or boy woutd bc delighted 10 find in him stock. ing Christmas mocnlng. Mena fine necklies ta ail shades worth 50c at 22c. Mens fine sus- penders, worlh 10e, at 22c. Marns fine dresas shirts, worth 75e, at 44e. Mena neektleu, new styles, hinds&oMe patterns, one tlec a box, re- gular $100 values foc 44c. Mens $1.00 aspendera, one pair in a box, only 44c. HOUSE SLIPPERS For i crt, aiWays the ideat Christmas gift for any and evecy man. Our $1.00 Sippers at.... .... .......... 6c Our $1.50 Sippeca at ............. .... *.00 Our $2 00 Sippers aI . . ...............1.35 MENS TROUSERS Mena $200 treusers et ...............$120 Mena $3.10 troulersa 51...............2.00 Mena $1.10 TrousersAtaI..ý.............300 Beys kreeparntm, wcrth 50cetaI.......... 20e Beys fine kree pente, worth 75o at..44 Mens goochlhe %y fleece lined undervear, posi' livety worth;Q,5et a....................44é Mens fine wool underwear, positiveiy vertit $1.25 and $1.50, now fer............... 88c Qoocd ieavy vool mcox, wcrih 50c aI ... 2t Mevy wool tse; wgrtit 35c aI....... ... 20 dood heavy work*soxilt................. 6c Mohs haindkecchiefo, vorlh 10c, aI .. It.ns goed hsavy work #4irts, 75c values, 43c 5diavy overille and jackets, wertit 75e At 43c 0*enms steepsktn lined ceate, worth $1.75, now et..................................275 SUIT CASES. Cýgnva% and lcather covered full steei frames. héavy leath4r i*bd Matai cornera, tfi hingat, bAat brais aprir* iocks, strong catchs icaiher h4pud1s, ait l igý. qr 0,150 suitcbs e................. 1.00 tirP $200 $dit C00es...... .......... $1.25 *Sb 1 uit ............ ...........*2.75 .......................................................... $8.75 Mar théausrigiti lime.Vou ii 1gst~o -poe wit*a you Viil our ~1 k; *1~ ~1 pi J ;f-'lu j.;. Che A rare&y b FIýP<J. BOINELLE How. 6 dar te tbis Iteart Is lhe stock. I ng of ebildboqd wben fond 'recel- leétion preseulâit iteb view! on Christmas St. Nlck came from front wbllened W'tldwood wîit e v e r y loved oy wviic my Infoy knew. The wlde himney, lte sied wiîcit tood by il, a boise and c) . sortie itooks-l remember them al- sa a doit for my sIster. andI baby bouse 17 c ~ nigi Il, ý,nd tben thb, fUU staeibnl iltocliina, te bonnifui stocking, tise j ('brîsîmils moto stocklng vhich ban« on tbe watt! 'ne veil stuted envelolte 1 bsits'd as a Ireasure au e@rly thaï; lmoru- (. ink 1 opetîed niy eyès sud toundlter. the Nourfre of nitexquislle pleasur@ethe How arde'nt 1 seized I it wtbband$s 1lat vere giowing snd back te my white mbeled bc.d Nwenlwith it I, Iben moo1,0U vlli 1the emitteus of love oveir#ow- log, teas ihappy Iluvitlte mY' ]et dld befoil-the Sauta Clans atocklng, te gerterous slockiutg. lb. Christ- raimts morn stockiflg wblcit bung on lte waUl! ow eveel litrougis l-ils round open top) to explore e- bol, teinpttling btreakfast coutld Ilia , e ile tgnore Il for lon ger ilt nwtathon a minutte or two. And io\%, cacr rpno'ed fcrottalite loi c i .îitiin, te tenir nl rîgrel wvil t miaIvey fall as faîîîy reverts lu oty yoatb'a lîhitaton and itigtîs Ger tite s tocklog wsii it ing on lte val- 111e Sauta f'lana stueklng. the pletitorie slaxkiîîg, tbe (7irietmnas tuora elocklnc witctl bulng ou te watt! But growa people find teres a btaler seniallion as graleful as any lhep faIt long âgo. Il coules witeutey wilnaaa tite siad exultution witcb on Citristmas utorning tbeir owa oft- sItligsho;w. And Liow. dear oid Santa C (laus, let rme petition yoor favor for cblîdren. bot large one* sud amuîtl. Birîg &il te brigitt tes tete fullent fruicttn tirest lit mach etocklng whiieit tt'un cn i)te waltlite wcilty childa s ocktng, te inr irî-Ilîtsstgcklng: yea, fill every stockitîg itîici banogs onthlie watt! AN ANI AT 'tIlle bat rack," 'wticit la th. FOR% ÀN iTI FA CLUB for .a ibm eet at te stock yards, Fat mcen ot the clly lakiog a certain te chief oflicer la lte Leaut Situ atîti fat remeîly bave formed att Anti IIaom A. Deane. one of tei Fat Club of wviicitMay Your Stadow bers. it la rumored, la wearlug s Ever Grow Leas" la te pasa word. of clotites irito which be bas Memiters are called ityte officiai attable te gel in for fifleen yearx. ThitesUNofla naVule. astht e aofts knd are« me Cwhoicd le Coming Soo 1 bl cong e 10 tlie in"t dctl ipe etor ritte Waakegiub tat i as aon ahs kitbared Pi-master Warua wili boer 6f afier which Waukeganitea viii b. litled. Tite'fact tai sites have ual iteenrefused and tat over baaf f appropriation Io available for mse P" leait "leicconclusion ltat a C&DÎO la not far off. List of Sites Oftered. I.oiowing arc iles offered: Homer Cooke. soutbvest ou Utra and Waler. 116,0110. J. G. Carier, Cisyton and Co6uý( C .J. Jonies, soutbvest corner al dan rond and Csyton, 118.00. E!dwA. P. DeWoIf. northWOgt coMëi Shteridan chaI anid Water itiseet, t25 sites, $18.000 and $116,000. 11 R. DaI!y, nortbeant corner'Goumi anud Water, $200 Water street fffl foot. Theo. FI. Ourot, et i. soiithema*t 0I ner Utica and WaahlngteUl. $*M.Wý Thte Treasury Departibeient Na" sorted Io condemanation poeI ln order 10 seur. a site Ilrit4:g ment building at SaIanuanca, 1N. At te lent session ot Controm ffP. wga carrbed by the omhibUM p building bill b secure IL ate. reait of the efforts o Vreeiand of galaronica.& were callaI! for ln Juné lu15,10 departmnent and et the haditj«i w~ offered ona a i te corner Ot'amuso and River streetewa a re Ug by an Inspecter eaiiflctad Supervisleg Archltect's Ô0lkéi looked Ibeto over. as befig tIse adapted tb the needa of te ,goiy ment. The property rums 118 Zo« ('bestnut streot and 100 test on SkyM street and vas off ered t10the . $9i ment for $10.000. The depart"ut l .ildered te price too high,but *ÏM term auxio s tu seur. lteé pro ety 1 e,and roqaested thte .Depàrtment i t0<JIC adow. 10 Instîtute condemnastion# me'm- for Its acquisition by the a suit Thte proceeditiga vii be 60kttB* becn lte U. S. attorney for tlb.o trict of New Yock and viieM u severai montho perbape. CORN PRODUCTS BlEU? D0" ONLY TEMPOIIARY. (P'rom Tuesday'a D&UYv'Lmi.1 Mr. Van Sickia of the ufl" ices ef the (Co r'n Producte a " 4 Compsany ln an Interview WItitý SUN today denlied repoits 1Iat] Wsnltegan, plant was about te be down. "A tenuporary *shut 4owIs i :repaira viii occur about Li, ie te year," ite sali1, "but a ptsg %bat down la news to un he,' "CÇaulyou state DouiUve5l7 1us$é plant vili run for anotbetr yffl tu ( saure condition and capétc#7 alt et present?" vas aaked hims. 1N, can net," bhorreie Report Pormia*nt mo4cr.« The report of te ua$d9" Il apread duin; the ettr* plant b severalempli ees have atat.& d they intended.movin froua Weu- .ontaccolant of ]pLT..he rep«wç1&n sistent sud wIviaie Lmn7_4e1~& teluporary ahut dc!v!it fou'r yePaI the cause. Lb.hern,4eoAu thbe plant la itarely possible. Lanldern "1U«m." Superintendent Lajiderloab,#Ï ed ni) by tise SUN retused 145 woold make no stateunetttt etter denying or a rMi $" porta. "Titere are ton many runum otS te Latk about any of tb*M'1 e "Y" Bsay yon bavea Chicago, (Go abe4d aiad - not ask me as*tI%*1 I se 4ntely notbiag." 1 Pios w S u eetm~ 1hese vculd ibtlyb the. madrity u I i* emplagîldelit b,,lise- eýl e lte pleland Wat*OWX The move ifade vtl1i4 pt0o4i bearussi*bou tpns4 »Odfcud I td libye dppesi «ý IlIélllrd ln New Yoîtirt * Preuietk EedfordvasM lUtDWs New, York viten lte QU~ MUFFLERS.

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