CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Dec 1908, p. 8

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- - - q.. - - -' .-'-...--... AUIstORATOR SCORES COM- fflOP~SIOINER FOOTE 11< RU DO- VITZ CASE. tierom lTnsdaY ' L)aiiY Sun.) main pointa of Rev. J. . Beîiholui aýôrce tho(le Soclalbiatmeetiiig lu Turner Hal mt niglit: i-Tnt. Sociallism to b a following IW Chist% simple teechingas, recoginz- loig evtry man ms a brother. 2-War ta b. simply wholesaie mur- der and true aocialiam to b. against 3-bitter denounceenft of United Mat** Commissioelr Marc A. Foote 69 Chicago for hi position ln the Asdvftz case. 4-l'h. laborlng man under present conditions te b. bound ta a machine wth a bas standing behind him wth upliftod club, k9adinq hlm on unil deauh, thon telllng hlm te "go to heul.' r>-l'h. modern trust te ho th sa- oltaiot& idea of model conditions but with th. people ms the- magnaies. De- cIes'ed John D. Rockefeller ta b. one of the. grattent men in history. Sl-Tii. existence of a treatY with Russiete b. s dlsgrace ta humanity. 7-Tie i.dvldleg of the population nito thi.. classes of squat numbers. l-Class ding usefui, productful leh.r. 2-Cias dolng useles work. Alil competition in trade lncluded ln this cse 3-Firet. those who want work but are unable te gel il; second, tie trempe wiio don't want worlc; third, thei rirch. Tiie fist can.ta b. supporting ail la as. jtoase acdressasial fmaev ;Iiow t» mt radical of socillest ut- tommta a V-nyo e lire tutifui idmI and tha beld bis lelenors fromt etait 1a finish,. J. . Benibol. state sec- reta of the Soelsiit Party, tormerly s ,Blebt ministes ln ChIcago. and %at OW fiend eofSte,. (eo hiieGnnis or tbe Baptlt cclibsizrhled and de lgiel lb. Sochisa.of0<Waulegan in si tm of applarse at a meeting in Itwmer malnlest nigL. Itev. Beutbol la an abie speaker ad ceedry expresses bis Ideam and bis 0 L 1 r'ange frein Socliaimln ls nar- lrowe.t sense ta ve"e of an ideel lit fiat woqld naeke (lie earth a second uiea Two Ilour Addrent. Fm ainost <vo iiourg lhe addressed the meeting lest nlght and fiel le- toîueiterest eimil. "so eetn v beidla Turner hall on Wsshlugtetreet a"d vas si - tendel b>' about tity Ive. 1ey. BenUrol vas ltrodueed' by Robet Oiep. cârgaiser of the go chaliW Party ln Waukefan. He epened hbis addresa b>' dpelar- log ILW t(le only coses Who fonglil Bochailsm were prose Ignorant or So- cwlsnsmand of ecenomîe. le (bis las binecluded Roosevelt and Bryan. WoricIng Mon "Sleves." ."rklng men arc slaves to the cap- ilellMta," bce declared. "As slaves the>' are usettil but asefree mme they vonid Dot b.. The workleg man of tode>' ts bound ta a machine whlle a boss tands behind blm wlili a club over bisl bead. lie la gosdeclail tbrougb ite and when dealli cornes talaibd t go table. -The working ciasa las more braies ln tee minutes than te cap itailesinl tee yeaj's and more inmscl la tee minute tiss e îecaptaliste le tee thousaed years'. Lassur>' on Thrte 1fours' Work. BY laetial maîhematimai figures, Rev. Beeilioi doclared the world couid live le iuxury on the results of two or thre hourg, work a day on the part of oacihîdîvîdual. Under the preseet aysem bce itat- ed one third of the population was doing actual uaefni labor and was sup- porting the entire population, an- other tbIrd waul empiuyed le sense- les&, useinsa iabor by compeilîon ln ail lunes of work, hIlle(the renuaunung third comprised uîempioyed but anx- loss-toworl meii. the Idie ricli, and tb, trampa Whio vere .too, Wse" to work and bave tour if ils of their pro- duction taken trom (them. Trusta, Soclaist Geai. T'he trusts Of today, lie cIi-ilareul. were (lie embodiment of Socicisis biess vith the exception of liavlng a fev insiead of ahi he peoplie at their babis - ."'Thi elîinination of ail waste hý thefcg iasgoal," lie iiai M,~(iv truts lire.- icessfitl ihrongh tiIs John D. Rocketeller 441ii0tiii day lbc recogniaed aseone ocit(lii- gr-aticpi uen Shoot Spaniard-Be President. "ipfr th wh0iii'cîaic-îînu-r shooti a mnon tibis, i-c-i andl îou arc bage- Shoot a ihiciîcaîd îiucn yc are caileul a hcro saddishont a i-îi SPaUiard ln the back aicd >m ar, maiLe Presîdet" lenthio innccIto p'et appiause. 4 Denounces Poote. 14à6eà cam..a bitter dni o-afin i I a WAUKEGAN ILLINOIS Waists -A Practic al Present SILK WAISTS $498. Thie: are stvlîslliflcimde of illu salinie and taffeta silk, ti 111 m>etl yerYatti a<tii cli W illi an d fietuh iwai la , ue d allîoiîsa ( 1 s andistreet colors, as ilak plendid $750 values, at 49 ýýiWAISTS AT $1.98. i3cautifiîiliii i le ofutniv.; veliiîii. fi i la trimniu i(l color,values I, t a i not li 1 f iifficated ai the pr ce . ... SURI<Petticoats As a m-sible ua (',rtass gift ais yoi coîîid ire ni. niede i-l a bea5u ifiti qiiaiiy itifeis sili. i uT. exZre rncl, fulil. A deep shlri.îi anetitihciiflomiue, valuesii Ib fiDn Pie iivicit ffein Qfl at ...- ......- ......--- 9 Sweater Coats Biiy a voman as racaer colt. ai sb ii aiîcuel1y appreciate lb a- a gil Tiese are madle i extra fine vciroî,eiîii arec i -ic zrail aieica leigih u,î cciii firl, iuii, aa iigaii e offcc1 tic it iiii - 1.98 Xmas S4l'e,.ef $12.50 Winter Coats at $7.98 5 ~~~Onue of ies ( S tats wiouldl iiake a 511<11<01 nd it or j îot qua~lh l <ut(-ý(i -da.v, livniîff ural fhot ic h ii- tîn o arei îade v is o lihanîd a fine qualidt too aie Iiîîîd illi sati, s î1iifîttiig, Iîîi 4f eet, 52 iwlit vslonîg, ltudth îiaîii ithgocîî oîaf'sal iv iini lî lite. ff '- and hiai k. NV i- is îl i ai e ) Another Splendid Coat Offer We ai- offeri îg woiî îi s <isal $112-95 Iii iflit>i-- tofore havencici en sliiîxor l1ss 1 han ".>' H Made or fI ii lii iiro<I< icl)h. li-k andk id lors spini liftinîg, soinvic 'pijiitt11 tth1iiirelor i 1< -s h uîuîiied witîtMini, hiittoiis aînilsillz eriliroidery, anîdsatin liîîul Sp ...a12,95~ SPetticoats---AG \ PE-TTCO'AT BAR. G A IJN-Yooîiihave lo admlîn thai îîîî i S 4 rwvcr.;rié'na:; g.,iîi i lotiii iiiifoîr ,-o.iî Iiii n ,Iii-y. 'rh'Y a rc o' of h> di'g caîl cii ru.ti fo] ah Irreil io'0 ii Mak andiciiiii t la . .........5 9 C Beautiful Furs--the Ideal Christmas Gift Fîîrs aro ' îIre tIci îak( an*v w oinaîi a sprefseonli ~ t, iliere va îîîîtlîiqî frcîn li ù'h cl Mlîe <an r 11011c ibr li r'c't eîefit anid eoiîtoi't. ji -lia I *1 5,1)(9)> puàt'asc of the iehoicest fîn's fronti thje EasI crl ual-ket in a z i(ii<i; U) (4111 regitlar 8t4X'ý-k, nakî's <uîr showin g t lie nist eteî in ii kkegaîî. ii vliflpqi arei-«'carfs aîîd sets m ade up iof' every clesirahite kiîd (Pl'furi . lriei's from I 98e îîp Ici'$75.00. Chris!tqmks Sale of Shoei and Slippers You ('an rest assiirfd that al pair of shoes or slippers -w l be gratefully reeeived for a Xrras gift. Our' shoîving of' * Ihcse îîslefîlpeeît is a I1 g( mi~le, prices hciîg righit. WOMENS SHOES - GIRLS SN=1 - The MENS SHOES - The Made <f gun metal and icailicra cOnsist Of 91in Aînericail Genileinian v1i kid wth patent. niftiai d glszi'd kid, and iUnive'rsity maici'. tii, Ini the véry îîewcst iacc* and ittiton, iiiich- laii iiiiand lacv, Preutii rock oak sole, ieflttii'i are pîatent, e-xii'îîslîîiisole'supeclalai -aiZs 81/2 b 2, speciai vcicii, gîls mets!, box PriPP prIce .150 îTl, açici ai ai..........I. 1.5 ai....... I values at ... U.5U lAgents ln Waukegarr for thel aa Red ros $ho for Woen. WOMEN'S BLIPPERS andîl i- i ci s , o'-îf '-a h.r and fî'iî ilac-i arid îîiaît niofnc i rini a ih fi rri .îîîi lc.ilaxtie idc s. J'air ... .... ...98 e CHILORENS SLIPPERS, maile Of giicit itsaiif'in j, <'<cMP i lii a ~îiiî igllc a iii, ul n&s fo 2 iiiî.ial une". JUJ MENS BLIPPERS for house use musce of ecod lgilak anud tan les- therx, soft aid pliable. acycrai dferéeet tyles. Ait"s S e1.prImo. ... ...... 8 BOY$$mo40 u,$ad Yoing Mens patenltto<it, guiiîmetai aid tan leaibier. lull.onand lac.e binchier eut.,leavy leatier soles, $3.50 values. Spectal pr.2.5 01 1111l NX iiie -I Filiedto overflowin4 Christmas, the happiest occasi you Intend to make lad wlth' ,mas buyinq are extenslvenes5s presents., thl.ngs to please each nâ selectlng am appropriate gift wiliI mense variety to choose from, the STREET CAR FARE REFUNDED TO OUT-OF-TOWN CUSTOMERS ON PURCHASES 0F $500 OR MORE. DRESSING SACQUES ao. : pr,-i ililiiii i laiii SI ii :l- 29 c Umbreli-as--» - Va i i niani i- wirîitiit t#1Ikuihrutjý cii . ii .î-i c cl i i.ii il il îtit y cIt,, V,. \c-- l"'i, a 4icN i1i f t l iiii"i j- ii. -ciuil ilv ii, i uicil ii, îii ic c- . , are' ii j , ;'Icii' . i I îicl-c. -,ic-. i. 1 1 -' ii?, Toyland is fîflod wîth Hundrodsof ici, i-i. a lii., i Pri cal ST E ENOt viii at.- <dcli. ljîl hod3. imam nil- an a) ii Iiiciiî- iv iva. . cî-for allil i i c I )- r y> hair. iîiivlng .. , ii. DOLLS, i,. 35 dreIsa o iiîi ii inriz * il iý i ir, ,ilnî,i iiiii ii i . iii nowvIcfs Coaitcr 95C 98C SLE.S. \Il 1-i1[ii DOLL SHOÉS, ,,ii'ii'2i 1 îpatent r :t; l.roii7 5 ( 5 lj I l,,. ii KITCH-FN bET, 'f t - ,rit DOL...HEAIJS. iiii i, iiiii* of. 398 oll ..Cli iES c'rain ti ii i. i-c, O d .75c Pi iceTO TIUK..IIi i Sbis Iltte rtlri 1O - Piece" LAMPS,ei! andîi îortAbl ly decoisI cd, primes r CRUMB TRAY AND'A CAKE PLATES Ha d tnimmle t vii I eulg copper. ueatl>' enabo buiusb bas live ru*e t special ... ........ Other desrlcrk "- ire coffe, s.edtele pcilË pictureg, vl*oeyIl ,$ a Leather Goods for Xmas Gifts Women's Rand Bags. lrctty liardtIo Ilii iîk cif aimoîre îsable gifi for' a lady. Yu<u 'Il finid cii r iiketieiîev large and1 <onille, it ciiibr-aces al Illeiewîxesf SI i l~45ii the îIlost desira)îIe Ivele 'I;lso Itle slii l aiu hs, prî<es lange froli qtIeo $.1> PURSES.'Made of bîiack -ucai naul aiCîGAR CASES. icor iii %&i i.îaci- iigaior I;aihers, a cilertIcin that la oi aligatoîr aicn iad îlî. s i ciiit, ixtrî-nîc-y attractive and ircasonabie $2.lui- îîrlcei, 5ic lu $2.010. GENTS TRAVELING SET. (fcîîî1-.i. BILL BOOKS anîd i.srcicanssfoi men, iîg of a c cih iiiai iciil. krchic-f mad~e of the os selc~t quaîiîiî's of and t Ac n i ciA i m 4.98 Why o Gv a Pair of Gloves A laîl' of gloves are sure to bring fort.h an exîîlession i l gratitude frorn any lady. Ouir sele<'tioni is coîîîl e iiiaid 'oîîîpi'ises kid, io><hi, cape, gainiet, goîlf atid fiiid asli- nilere. LONG KID GLOVES. ciii ccîors, black 1 SILK EMBROIDERED GLOVES. 16 adwhite, 1 hîttoî icîîgihs, -$01butioiiieîigih. i'veIl iig 25 price per pair . shades, speciai aiýi îîuîi...250 Beautiful Une of Xmas Neckwear D ou 't you think t hat a uice neek piecee îvoîîlcl lease the lady'? Corne and sec our ulew sele<'tion1 of stock collars, put upin attractive Xmas hoxes andi priced at 25e and 50c. NECK RUFFS. Made of chlffon and IBOXEO0 ROUCHING., White and co. silk ribiion coinrs, aiso whiite and lorsc, per liox, lino anî 50c. biack(, 98e to $1.69. Wouldn't She Lille a Muffler Wîe have a stplendid Une of crepe de cliene Mufliers, plain and fancy coiors, 11/1 to 3 yards long, at 98e (o $2.00. WAY MUOFLERS,-Kflittedi of the l'nest yarn, Ioias Xî-as box,50 at .....«..**« .............. ................................. 50 1

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