CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Dec 1908, p. 4

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î o 1f Ife~ zba* tfI* SI 030'PE t SYAR STRIClTLY IN AOVAWCÊ .... ...... . ....... Fdltowr ....... ......... ............. Gfly Editop -> ttDAY DEUMBR2-5, 1908. k" Camuot OuM4in lu apeelal,*eries of articles for thre Houston eot,t EM;ý'Yexà dutin itire 1, ocioption situqtion lu Georgie; i4Wnw è 1 s~"--A4 in otier. studios#ttir -value l ila caî e1 W* upenthe poit-of #$*rvatime end tire manner of aIlpplicatIon. JWOtliýtgthÏxn% 5s i *ipikyod ta prove plauaibiy both that drurtlcenneIl il î dSpe.0ýtion tUS decreasèd tI a gratifying ratio aud fliat 1l ,hidt*IW et as imaiatprate, What they really imnply ta iargaly gues$- dio4edl Î;. Ml" farecorder's court shows athat for the tiret ulus ÏV,Ïf 19W, thé. lst ysir.M lquorUcenes, thre sumber of drun les w»'-~ ý"itws'e soin pemqd in11W& under rauto wide prohiiîtion, the number .¶lat lu à cssdltgbbuiowinsg fer prohibition, and it la coinewhat bytertordetof, oeladerneanor cases for the crne pis-ted, viz, - îq mntlw ý6 lbe ,006f; for thre tirat inle menthe of' 1908, 8090.1 " oedlit Ii, fireavntage of littie.more thoan ous-third as mia"r nad by .,4t4ir, wey thre figures -sOSiff fote l another @tory>. By iet fiW 'ut,.sit*inl190M, tndirs abte wdie, prohibition, the f,'dtiMsItpi.owJanhiasy 8, Febuary 1M ~Mas-ch 13Z, Aps-l 149, ,t* ) 150 ,JulW àtè August 293, eptenbr 371, Wlth thre exoepflon 0 *c moul ra ýiKaotan às tartllng lacs-au. Tire extreme la froni 68 Wi whih oir a vaitty greater ratiptp frt tire total costpilatora exhibit for ,jehe hsolbftohi5t my cite thre decrese rot dru nkonessain tire ratio oif ý$ j1114, sud théa anti.prohibitioniet riey Cite tire incresae in drunkesonsea $W ratlee of 68 teb 371. Pjtlrmrdsosdrty condut casese, shichIr nvoive for tire moat part *lly jand ndlrectlyln stexleants: as thoir cause, were 1030 In Auginit 1907,] 100 inCl August 1M practiCaIiy an aven break under licence anid pro- It la ýefY Opinios fthattie. figures, uotwthatanding theIr apparent non- l fn, taty pro"d iMore for prohibition tran for licence, tirougir 1 can r ~m.1s, andit remaine f0 b. salai, that the fliuwecoves- only nîne ÎUW «the fis-tyeas-ta xpesiment siti tire présent tondencyr towas-d more ,âk*aIo",thrit at tire beginnlng. .An "ual1y Intelligent legiatatos- hae psopoaad fatirtheVermout iaw- tirt tirey enact a slaw màklhg tire intentionsl giving of faims informa- r te k aeswuper un~ offents, puiirbleby1 a fine of $5 f0 $20, saye tire ïF océan ofs-uoont date. :the large neesbpr of personseatili wsdeP tire dlusion that ail newa* b tuly an ud aituaily Il* sucir a law may leeni auperfiucus, and iseir proent publie mon, whisiever thirs utterancea have affecte noUlsier dosr*d nos- *xpscted, o8etplalplung of tire amendacitysu of 'Vol: wtay bues»t ddWnti CC ertain that In fitteen cases out of 'Mpy w.'.cor tl~equtsd1 as4 ,bat lu tour o ttof tire remaiulng five y cuasdu. toirtne t iàueoeuiug or te an effort fe Condense tW'sâiattca ln the, limita ofttreavaliable newapaper e"Ce. ,-Vbu latt t actidoua not exie bacause nuwapapelc mon are by nature 4t t ho tihétseaverag* run eoflhuman boinge. If arises tirs siéser M a« osn 44 das ttth ries of atcossaIluhiriscaling, sud often c~'e -vers: xpeis-blene, ta i dîfs tilt auly tit which la fsus le nnsws.n 40 9r I apepulImpiseseUlàn tiret ail la griat that cornes tri tire ews- 0 àlIl ftd *WM t eveqt*hsW broughrt into tire offe& la pubiished. Tire iý lm c tire bordée* tâelcoft jeecupapeF work ia to slft tira trtiouf of t he ëiW^ otf I*WeirgOd ffered .1d oy. 'epiople wls. *sb, iïc m"seswould take tire trouble tri visit à uewa- Mr gllooJ"t Oi , t*a"b*rppe re otefgres atiey would qulckly change fa ~ wStsd %aàd tir'e r sfrewu wltir iuearlpt tiret irse êf!l~.tadbec uEtmaslealy taise or because lta trutir could nelt b.ese- =-Y ewafppes worlcere have, neithir fine nor need te abs-bats fates. 'w ~ .tir. publlo déception, Tireir fimnud their éeergie are ton ftely 40d la trylnq te wlnsiow ouftirhe trutir fsrn tirsignorant or wlllful dia- Ùeott& wlth whlir fthdy have ta. dcci daily. Offen tire falaeirooda are nimetl8»Wiesd arsle trois tire-tact fiat few people ara gifted with ability *W, t» eact trutir, snd nofilg ciaé, about what they have ceeu or heard, .tIsghe iàiiali e deal witi nmases of downsgit leu, iuspired by ltereaf 1 fi te $%eateeaY firat if tire propoied Vermont law were on tire fides-el aité book, andi woevlgorouely cntors-cid tWashingtou, seauy of nur mnet silon et Itlc o nswould peedily become éligible teo ;mnberahip lunfirat Slin i té wiricir noue eau bîloub w.ho iras net bien fIned lu tire police %V'ýe7tecC-ublic Mon ssis te fiel any sornaplea, about trylug f0 decclve ïIr4Wh5eft ifle te fuIr bunterait to teitlnisloading hafftrutira or lie t b -ofa nfilciel deulls" ire Worthr, as a rule, precisely 11e value of %%Ch rtirey are written. Readeras iro wlll take tire trouble tri ~eé,4 tirads he trsSWettesram Iincident, and tire aendinq eftirhe fieeft t this PacifiewIil sec ho-w utruatworthy were preaied by fâeVàarui 5fflclal itatseffete" wittirrespect te tha» matttra. 1Preoldee fiase secently, sud wiftirte uasel iound aud fus-y, elected M5Io " w éditora bspo made remas a rt displeaacd hian. Vît htébfgI officiel place wlao undoubfedly put ln circulation tiere-n J* 0q*àgton go uudsnutned. »i S&Whiy thée Vemout legisiator sefesretl t0 appears te ail experlenced taon te beà esan o f seaittelligénce. ýtoè4o"mga setfy people Whoo at Cdowns-andi broosi oves- mltakeatof tire pant. W44eolu"iagt inludong»Iltieyoire m*lngtise biggeat mniatake of &IL. ý»,t&IW tMÎe84Iiene tie t Ceulsi01"àpet-tsd te soýiestirng Profitable, r~e fl~l~*dàealviaforr e daut a swlirlit before tram. ov~ier 'ititakua noveir 4spi« *nyoi. lb l possible tirat àê-oà oIstt-aood J: af.r.0parduaed our chances t-L, gt- ~ c~eag lit ' ~baok tie.leat oppostunitiy pour.ut uit Ltite tnke ui luea capable sud wtaves- affecta confidence Il ur s-own strengtir ebtt a 4ur pwse abllity will bc a airbous obstacle toe eucces. Irood ove' uiiaks you havi made. Tirîy are oif tire pesit, and b#j eqn s-sea and rectify tire es'rore ire irsamade. We sorne- Il Ïs ooDWdciy lvi our lives over, boginnlng wiir cirildiroosi W% 4 oidd - 'qlahsiraniot thinga. Perirape we couid, and perirape hÀ»Wdnit. W. nilgit eoid mitakes cue havi made, but, lu doueg acc, tait ose fa fr more Serfýoui lu fhIs-affects uptin our ives. ý'W«,yb*dy makes sulatakes.'Mirse noyer seas, aud rover wiil be0 a irunan m.e Iolves withous maklngs Mimtales. We do'f know fhey are mistakes, t IloèteraI rule, until tirey havé hein made.' We do what w. thiuk la beaf 46t 9drs o ut worst, tirrefore, it la callesi a misaairs and tire wirnle woasId 0"8 uit bocause we have been ce atupisi. If It haifus-nsd ouftirhe otirer r. thép w.rid ouit have praiaad un for our cirreussnestansd faralgitedues. $Uit*e a oneiifnes lead te sucete. At ail evant@, do,'t brood over rr, týîttimon lie bus-led, sitir ouly a câlin t a asn you lest you îirouid bd iptad t. a ttt tire sanie nisetake agalu. va, WdIis quaranteed AND= te~tbeaoowa, fer- wIr1 voeibsol4oad Iool<j «Il ~Xe~~&ma Icao. afford to guarantee a~4 >~çjiokid ovft a ifoMd49buoi. C*Wn, iapec ij tc (Wths Lok*é $~i iCift.Butons, Ctocks, S and Noôvdies. I IPrv~to,, You It Pays to Buy, et lluss. j ten leundreti forty-four anti aceeey-elgbt bondreabis (10,,P.7tfet netof th iie ste-est corner of s«Jtisecton tInete,'. tileue nuitS etg!ty-tisreiantd une-fouetht W%) ~idegreeffitemt f0 thevweaf Une of siti etion twenty. thiec nostir to thei pince of ienig ai] lu tige coitntY .f Lakte andtibltae utfIlinois. organleet etas drainage disîtri tc fleiti utie tn,,e of thte Cienk t 0 te CoottCor n t t omniy of Lakte anti Stite uof Ilinois. on ihe twenit, fooctltday ot liecemiter. A.1). til. ant is le non gfilingothe o.Mie t. eMid ('Ccit, Titut thc nuene of the preposed distrieit I leSeat ce Oougie 'Drinaige The itotndo stliereof sm propot-ci sud tetitioncti for- secas heitîrlabor tnc.ted 'hriethfee startitte point. route,. termint sud generai description ni thte proitomed ceoct lu unid d istrict sre as toloirs. tu eit Thatt te satifartitne point for saMi p',pocd court 0f Raid district $ihallti ee t nuie iectttn of thieuarter quarter-. ]ireS in thre suit.tir quarer ut sectittn tme ty. Townshrip fort, ut nortit. Range ecc en et oi the Aiideuli eriditlu. aatd th irtcilino .f said 'buta heeciaebove deecribeteobe embraced in a drainagee ditriýt t gltee urgatieti aidtuce termule t the cort steet teeut te Intertection if tier aturai clennel itecmiite n natural cputiet tu tselandstieseriteetiasefoniiitte Raiti propoueti drainagre district.. by there igitof- tray of ts .Wlacunain »Centrali Railtray Co., in tue nortie-asttbùarter of secion elgiet. Toivrilip lortyfour norfir. Range ciscs-n sast ut the Thîrti Principal Meridian. andthUermute ut saiti worit abaii hi aluni asiticiannet or a variation of sald ebsnel aà airatire het for drainage anti saut 9 rtSsniiea rUtiestucSitranci connuections asWdisve saldlserd. lhenabovedteeeriteed. lu te Ënibracedi fin said drinage district ta tee Z Wnedi.efficienttidrainage andeaaitacv brus- tiftterfruen. and tise prupofled wesri Shall ostisit 0f aking of mach titche. noeopenlng ut soue wsar oureo coursea. artifiil or cfiter- wla, a shh bsi orutieefficient drainage soti sanittry senetits f0 thes ist4in ieretnateore des- cribedtu lite enetreerd In sait! drainage district tu te orgunineti. Teaftithe pettiocire witi pestent 61,14 petitiona Utise ionnty Court ni tise Coutte ut Lakte antiState of Ilinisla attte îxt Januerterni flerecuf, to-wit. ef leu oriocir JO thes forenoon olTuceldae the nlnetfenth day ut Jsneeary, A. D tit9W. or as naootemaeeeeter ne eountele ao tiee earti. at titicoon tautise court bose In tiserity ut Wankegaa. lnfiee Oounty ut Lakte elomeatd, ocrupisti tey thes Ceunty Court as a Court gaetso.anti.11 oei inandt tterc *it a itearlir uectea sit teettion. Datteilt hia u4thda, t ecceei.Iri ALBERT L. HFNDRE. fileiera ofite Curofy Court ut Lake outy,.Ilinois i Notice for Bida. Tire un4erainti, cnneuittee ut fiee uoargt of Stupervisera. outhfe-ftntnty utfLaite andi State of Illinois,. eifion titi WM, day ut Deceutier. A. te. 1» et 10 uclwci- a. sm. aethfie Conutt Ciýrris Office In Waokegae. Illois. reccieiecaicti tida. steting for wesa aary fethe ititererc.g-ii enll acf as Conof y Pieaielan antiSurgeon otf saliLaite Conof yfor a peroit ixin nit.. conen-cine nitir .anuary 1. 1liliti.accortiing to fiee ternes ut the mfrinu f tasiet Boardi tf 8uitervieure, ltoit *ItRoeevzti.t, iet the Reard of Suervisors eiect a Countsf y ie ciclietu f0 fet1nudocteerieee ausmiaf ea oitkand forainh al]tirage apd iuetibcinea nîeeary for tire dotorise of ail Couentpur. lun ittlaand iont. dt, nt pay &au ecucaSeR ut saine rassIt- n emergene, cases, netes lue Connt 18t pi, toc titi firt viil Of ste nutttie doctue ont,'. bd triaflte Boardi ut Snpervisera edvêiti luforbide for Cont, Philan caitibitae We Iee tee-ing. ttun9 talary rnitiiriti. resideitre anti nasSe ieluul. Tithe eceuxful teidier oil ee reqniredti u excnfe a bondtIethfie pe at auto ifone titoucaut dollars ($Iwo foti. conitonsed "" tf.stSte. Attorneeyof sait Laite Couty may apectf y. anti ne bldabat] ltt c seunpanieti itva cetlieti ceck ft or00. papable tluthh ra- on f tce Board ut Supervisore. as a guaranfe itaft ti' littdîr rlitenfer loto cruotraet t'etrding te lis bld. ThesIittla ere a 10elect sacte -1anti eu t M. T. L .E Cueinitle'W. F.CLtCW 1W. E. MILLER Notice Io Stockhoiders. Public notice is hirebi' givin iliat on Saturdiay, thes ixfocuth (16I) day of Jaauary, 1909. at the - houer of ftur (4) e!lock ituhiultertoouofsmaid day, f lure vrlii bebeld ase'eleern i hctct bolsiere of tre Sheldiju Univertity Proel, ant Illinois cerporation, at ifs principal office in thre Village te if ertý'ville, rtate of tiliiiota, ta vote one the quesition offilhe ilteeetof the capital stock utfheflicsod Cor, tInfrteîxltws-nty-flve thouestnd ($i,0l0i d0elars to thirty--Ivi tho~ndf 85,01)00) dolîlar@ att neiie titîe gnd place ail ofoekitolders tif raid ceespoaatlon are notifled ttteibe priesint. A. F. SîigtOoe, ANuNA SIiELION, C. N. 1lit. tUtIe. l)ireI ore Of the 8beldOn University Pris. Libertye'Iiie, 111, Dec. 2, 1908. 11-1 Coughm that, are tight, or distrcslng tiekiig cougira, gel qnlck and rirtaise help froin Dr. Shouop'to Cougb ltemedy. ou titis account drtsggiata everyovhîre are favoriue Dr. Siroops Cougli Rëed,'. And it la enieeiy Iras fromoplune hlora- tort or auy otber sitnpefylng drog. The tenîder laves of a harnecs luug-hecling neonnfainuts ebl give to Dr. Shoopas Cteugh Reseedy ils curative, propertiell. Thoesi haves bave dis Po orrto cali thei nnest dlstressing cough and tel soothe and he&l thre Most sensitive trourbial rmttrue. Mothers should, ft* aafety'a makle abuse, alwayà denand Dr. Shoops. 1 t can wlth perfect freeuon 50 giseu ta es-en the yoqngeet babes. Test iii osas youreef and neel goo dby A". DEALERS. Unclo Sâm' an-d Cousin Japy taka a nlot on *To keep PACIFIO tire Pacific Ocean. Working hand in hand that's the secret of success. That's what WE do and the resuit îa complete satisfaction in our fine of ?MENZIE'S WORK SIOES No where wilI you find a better line. We say so, because it is so and we're here toprove ît. Try just once and see. Full litie of Meyer's and Florscheim Dre-sa Shoes. E.W.PARKH;UR$ST S~M~JC~KLüeR"tYVI'LLÉ, ILL. ------rt--i. AQIOUT C LOTIIES P E7 , E Bt is asnmuch, satisfaction F; Vion being weII dressed as there is in being weil led. The man who wéars good dlothes once wili wear theni ail the time. A suit of tailor-mode cdothes is Far more satisfactorg to the wearerthan ang other kind. There is some- thinq. distioctjve about the'mo they leel more com- fortablee, bfsse theu have been cut andi it for you indivl4uaellg, in lact, theq are gour clothes. You neyer wore a readp-made or a matie-to- measure suit' in gour Flue Ébat [elt Ébat wag. FRED CROK ER TILOR AND DRAPER Libertyvle Illinos ----------- ** Oee !R!D lm SPECIAITETO To out of Town Orders And Shipping Trade TihbeNo. 48 end CONFECTIONER Libertuville I llinois: MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLJED, WE DELI VER To ADJACENT TOWNS . ami p 0a Morses For Sale. 'Moutain Meadow, stock Pairm 1% miles@ ecrth of Wauconda, III, has censantly on band and for sale et; iowsat market price a large stock of aIl classes of horspessuitahie for the road andl ai] farta work, express and dratt, sud sriefl front 1100 tus 1800 fb. Prime $80 to $200. No pluge 11eeme to Monntain Meadow soes t horueswork on be fartm. Ail aclimatsd and avoI4. risk 0i sieknesa. Ail guar- autesd on delivery as repre«ented. CoL,. F. J1. Btaay. Skating Every Aftemnon ahd tE 0 Admission, Includin S5kates Afternoon, 15C Evonlu s, 25C è! MASK CARNIýVQ IWednïesday Even. SDecember 30, ' Judges wiII award prizes to both Iàdies and gentie-ý men for the rnost graceful. * skaters and the best cos- turnes. ' * ADMISSION ** INCLUDITNG SKATES o 35CENTS "WtIAT SHALI W! HAVE !OR XMA S 9>Nfr It that'. gour problem we can solre It for gou. We have everythiog te moke a0 Christmas Diamer. POULTRY, MEATS, GROI FRUITS,--NUTS, XMtAS 0 CORLETT & FREDERICKS-' LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIIS _ Teephose 30 * START TIffE NEW YEAR RIOIIT SBY HAVING YOUR IIOUSE WIRED- for clectric light. If you are located on any of aur files we * offer to ware it at coit, including fixtures of vous' awa selec"is *payable a little each ilth for two vearse THE CONVENIENCE AND COMVORI of electric light i the home às thui wîîhlu reach of the moderate, incme, AUl classes can afford lt--trom ths IÊM Maul ta the capitalist, The cost of electriçi>e 1*'a Oeac you pay for other imnant, Cali 258 auhegmn. NORTHI SIOR!E EL!CTRIC CO.' 230 N, Genesee StreetVUCGN Cows is ini the Fe 'fou f1-d scw fo mL k. ugarotaDairy Feed bc unlike Sucofn feed, ,it la nt yrt cfor is prjfo uss mUii-Sugarota Dairy Feed îi for milk. THE HOME LUM-BER 4.ý ,LUMBER. COAL, ORAIN.AND, X%».1ý 60660offl e iëKdw 'I', ------------------- 4***".

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