CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Jan 1909, p. 11

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LAKK -toUNrTY 'IiDAY. JANUARY 1,-,,tj n MI-M-AN & SON' Cloth iers and General Furnishers. WAUCONDA, ILL. Beginning Saturday, Jan. l6th, and Contin uing until Saturday Evening, ian.'3Oth;' ALL PRICES SLAUUIITERED FOR FOURTEEN DAYS. * KRead the Quotations GLOVES AND MITTENS &ns 12 oz. heayy Canton Flannet Gloyes. wn rsspecial toc values, now * 6 c h&WsI4 oz. extra heavy Canton Flannel _Çlevet, knt wrigt, reg. 15e values, now... Bc P4=*s heavy ined Tiek Mitten,,. regular 158 volue,. now .............. ...... 5c Soys 25c Muleskin Mittens ...........--I-1Oc Nke'a and Boys' Calf Face Mitteus,, regular ', 50e mnd 60e values. now -... . 3-9e Mes Inlj Horsehide Mitten. an extra UNDERWrAR LA"is 50c fine French Rib Fleed Under- voar, sies 4, 5. 6and7 ...33c and 38c jies'S 50eFleece Undcrwear ......33c ,Mecs 60e Fleect Underwear. ...45 oeo', heavy Cee yWool Underwear, regular $l and - $1,15 values,.. ...79c CAPS Boy% 25ec and 30C Caps. ncw .....19 MensAnd Boy's 50c and 60c Caps, now. 39ce -Mens special SI values with fur inband' 79c Me*s extra quality Dec, Caps,.SI, 5 and SLSO values.......... ....$9,09 SIEPARATE COATS Men'sand Boys' Duck and Caver Chore Coata, special SL.50 and $200 values, nOv ...SI.l9and $159 Mens!iShcp Lned and -leavy Wool Maek, MfaW Coati $4, $4,50 and $5 values- $3.1I9 Bg Sale Ladies' and Children's Coats and Skirts Lde'$15 fine Brown Kersey Coati wih fur collar and lined across shoulders with venc4ian, the greaiesi values w.- bave ever offered now... -ý............. S6.50 Als a nice line of Ladies' Brown and Uey Coats at $3.75 and up, regular $ 6,50, -$8,50, $10, $1250 and $15 values CHILDREItêS COATS A large line induding Blue. Brow ns: ian (cg patteras, prices raaging [rom ', 3 up. Special 20 and 25 per centi ,roduction on entire line. r SKIRTS SThe entire lune of Ladies' and Mses' Skirts ini Black, Blueand Brown Paamas and fa'cg patteras, Will now quate a speciorreefuction e>25 percent. 1.We want t. dJear up our entire stock of Ladies' and Children's -garments and gou can't allord to miss the bar- , às we ore ol[ering ithese goods. i "il i~Ii The senior membef retire from business oni ship Dissolution Sale. Entire Stock, consisting Gloves, Miltens, Caps, 1 nishings and Ladies' and) wîili e re.erved and mang POrtunity, just at the rig wear, we ai-e offerina tl rof the firm, Mr. Hlenry Mainan, having decided to Yu iet aeMn~ accoijot ol iii health, the Iirm wili hold a Big Partner= iw:ys muffle.-s, egùîar50eSell$ter. now' 25C This sale wifl be the sensation of the seasoin, and ourMefe uedrsrgua35 grade - 9e j of Men's, Boys' and Children's Clotiiing, Boots and Mnhayr~oloe,5~le S Underwear. Sweaters and Sweater Coats, Gen t's fur= Sweaters & Sweater Coats Niises oatsandSkits wll e plcedon alenotingMens and Boy's $LOO snd SL25 gri@des, Mises Cat an Sirs il beplce o slenohig ow .7...........dM&M99e Mens $52, $2,75, $3, and $3,50 grades,' j goods will be sold below cost. This wilI be gour oPe = coigt.$.9$i9d23 ýht time, when gou need to fli in gour supply of winterosDa.$59tOnd.3 - - ' ' , - -h e-- ,b« - - . - .h%0 " g n mm n7 Y v , r l u r ca a t , i l OS h i r tsu are marked in plain Figures, and quality for'quality, our regular prices, as al of our customers know, are lower [han ang of our competitors, and when we -quote gou these Sale Prices gou can depend they are Sale Prices. and gou get the goods just as we represent them. Satisfaction guaranteed with every purchase. Qualitq for quality, a dollar wiIl bug, more at Our Sale [han at anq sale gou will attend. We, are here t back this assertion and invite you to L/ALL A/ND 20 per cent. off on Al Overcoaljs. Our Entire [mne Mi Meis ansd Boys' OvIercoat-; will bu placed ou sale. AUl our iiew and uip-to-date ('oats. in fane y Browns, B1ackd and ýirvys, Thise Ii jist the timne yon need a new overcoat. as the winter i-;.j st. startipg, and this Fale is the oppoi tuîity to make youîr sonney conut. We're, siniply raking a Clean Sweep of oUr entire Overcoat stock and will remerve nothing from this great sale. Irices rarsgingIrom $,2.75 to $20.00. 20 per cent. Discount on Alil. Whetlîer, you need ait overcoat or not yoti wil naeyer regret the purclîase at our vcs SE[ FOR, YOURSELF. *20 Per cent. off on ail Mens and Boys' Cassimers and Worsted Suits. 15 per cent. off on ail Blacks add Blues. New is y<îr u rtîîiyferl a big sa mi Su its. le r Suit ýstock i ew n up-to-date and the values ar-( the biggestmid hest yoiî will have oppoî'tîîity to .Ntciire t-is stasomî. Voi cati afrord to buy, wlieths-r iii îeed of a îîew suit or not. We tilter ahl suits fre of charge and giiaraiitee a perfeot fit and entire satisý faiction in every respect. Sîiits priefront $5.00 to $20.00. Nothing re8erved. Ouîr dis- cotints ot 20 per cent. andi 15 per cent. apply to all Children's 2=Piece Knee Pant Suits Fine new Utne', iîscltidiîug Cassimeres, Worsteds and Blumu Serges. Priceis rangiîîg frorn $1.50 Io $6.50. \%i will nlow i ilte a special reduction of 20 per cent. on entire- line. l)ou't inis, this big opportniiity. WVe are the Exclivhe IDealers litiWaiîcmuda for the famOeîîý R ed h o loîs)ie t o1'ad ilhos and they have earned tuie repitatiomn as the' best wearing shue 'n the inarket. Made lo 4hiul dthlronighout, solid leathur soles, full vamps and stituh.--I with silk, emi we are offorîîsg. lor this sale, a special dliscuît of L-, er cenit. iMen's and Boy'. 50e work shirts, extra full eut and A 1I make, now ........... . 3e Boy'. faney dress shirts. reRuM SOC value, Dow .....................311W Men's lancy drec, shirts, 25c, Soe and Si values, now ..........39c and 79c Boys" Knee Ponts' Regular Soc and 60c values .....39C Reiglar 75c values,...... .... 59C Regular $1,00 values ...... . 79e Men's Ponts Mensa Heavy Kers*y and Corduroy Pauîs, regular $2 and $2,25 values...... 9 Men's fine- Cassinicre and Worstered Pants, prices rangiog fromn $2.75 up, 20 per cent discount on entire line, Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines We have several first-class second hand Organs and Sewing Machioe, which we wiII close out at :aRIqî Prices. We are also agents for (ke Celebrated Crown Pianos.Asd Qg~ also Baldwin & Schultz Instrumnts MWi Singer, Wheeler & Wilson and New Horne Sewing Machines on whlch. we wiIl quote gou sýpecial cash or time ahy re not imarked up at fancy prices MInitS Ji oes in box cal l, \ <Jou ut-aid patrnlt leatherz, -thu ha'i!st tues al id Iact.;iltsýadfio I-t valutes on tlwe marketofa IntuetrSengMcie ad then reduced but agil have been sold at Ï2.5,0 $3.00, 53.50, $4.00. W<- wiIl now piiete ;. pecial fiiu-coîiiit (f fi'ii I., te 2,5 per cent. Lare,, LlnIntuet rSwnqMcie 9very close magjas and these reduc- select stock, an opîîertnritx lor.exeeptioéial hargains. a1umn ýos now mean exceptional values. ' Great Bargains in Ladies'Shoes, fine Kid and Box Caîf leathems We will flow quote a special discountîof 25 per cent on entire lot, S ve yo onJ Wormn Winter footwear [or Men and Boys. PeiUs and Socks and Overs and Overshoes. A Il fistqualitv lliiubhntiiî, noe -cceî)iis, bcst wParing goods on the market. Alwayo sold at excep)tion. ally close pirecs, but we mnust éican them up now-. The winter is ju-t now belor' us anîd it is your îîlîportîînity tii fit veiireseif euit'for the' balance of the season. We will qnoto a special discouînt -on eutire huie. Don't wait until sizes are broken. First corne, firsts-erveij. t ~J/ H AN &SOIN, thes nWAUCONDA$ ILLLP ww ru à à 10% - -. IT

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