CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Jan 1909, p. 5

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fv heaters that r fe 1.haince to save some, y on a good stove. W*M. MOO0RE bas now decided to open ny hbis Ru- pair Sho p ln the Banik Block, Grayslakeý, whiere be can ,fve prompt attention to youirdiepair Work. Wath Clocks and Jo welry re pairedi at sh ,rt notice. • A it wor k guaranteed. Onte triaLl will contvinoee youi of my ability. W. H. MOORE. HAPPY NEW VEAR e We wish goa a Happy New Year and we O also wish gou would take advantage of some of ou reaut hargains in Iurniture. Come in and let g 0 us shtow gau what we con do for gone . Aft el Libertyy lie, Illmnois. GÉa.STRAke GRAND MYSTIC WORKERSof the WOR LD GRAVRAKE LODGE 166 vegJan. 15 GRAYSLAKE OPE RA H OUSE MiusicBy Mason & McCormick's Orchestra COSTME$ FURNISHED BY C. MO0RRIS & SON 6 , Grand Prizes 6 ACstComicady Mos comcalGrou MotComi i Gentlea Most D ed Genteman n vd yLadies of he Msic orke lae" Check Room. Stabling f=ret. EVER(YBODY CORDIAiLY INVITED. GREAT REVOLUTION IN TAILORING. Why go shabby when you Cao get a fine suit of clothes for haH price--which you can obtain if you jon the Suit Club, at WM. JA NNS THE TAILOR. Cig4Lrs and tLaundry Tobacco Office CLARIENCE LAGG TONSORIAL > PARt.O R LIBERTYVILLE, ILL INOIS Orders Taken for Razors Magazines and Put in Order Periodicais Guarantleed AY$ A É D PATM NTMESSAGE ME DEPART ENT Mré, Mary Yule visited sieverai days P. . l(Œ, diorPhon No. 11wihntveinW kgnrcety Says. He Did Not Hit at House W J. otucj_ WmI Thoin attended the gion City Reply to Congressional Resolution it l, bwle Cders Takeon for Job Work 'Advertising Rates On Application p.uitry show and enitered] hi@ pmie orIpinlgton ebickens. He tiook several and,se prize., onre a silver rup and also sold RENEWS LAW APPEAL ACTI[ON during ths aitl:*ey Ch..asdh.of Canada, li.the K otO ray-1-ký Getting Athlete e-fterai for a gond prié-e . idn-theted " l C. Wightman-and funi,0 Betweenbasket ball and bow ling The insuranûeemeeting hé,ld inst Batur- riwashngtonJanm4i-nta spcialMY Mieit Ruth Riley entertained Mime Grayelakelsàdeveloýpiogu atletiempirit. day was fairly well artendedl and theli aUgo Ju ' 4-11 ample mean" te PhKWte Barris, of Chicago, ovèr BaturdaY and White the UrG llat la bwling team liét same oflieers wnreetd esg otehueo ersna ntelgsativê,tbpi Bunéda. i aea iet h mtTusa A. W. Safford andoi n Jamieson timestay Pedent Roosëvelt says: notio consdru ds¾i Ge.o. Bisprhaum of Fox Lake, clled on evening the Gayia igb scimolt'autasce amna hcg>Mna.T teHueo tpeetatives: t1useo mthe t e r ir da 8 ddelecated lthe %Aaudékýon lIut,4nessCode eltuiifé é(1-9Mtla.T h tus fRpee Oý9te n tteoctgril 'fai b 3t", n da"y , ta g a e-asaereceived the resolution (of t nflialgmmlr,éi t' hoe f erpaens t auegn Litwrty ville b-, I r, teauw will pht.,W is. 190(8, runnIng as folloivN • prevernt or at leasrt-tel, anïos «i se. another Ibasket bail game éa rellin gaine bel. 1 huredaly nig tt Mr and Ms y. I it hemcasi, Ther. was contalined ln the action agtainît erbmin.âs y the next t Samtday nIightbeteen Lkthe Wau- atxiita edti ii Gayeldketét, , t iré ibi i itl , ,idsundry civil appropriation bil) which branch of theb governément kemail a l othsh oi ndtbe raytlake will bevitorou Tlb igh sho ibrta myo o ipassead ogare t itslast session and be- IAska Careful Reading ef. 0 hlighl sho.Don't failtoasee It. basklet bâaH toamut. play a ret[Ilay -ane a law W provisionin rfrneto rthe Several frtmiliheeattenrded the Fa- gamne with the un ftn u si it1 bd Martin watsaciagov sitor thui su dentme;anetservic in the ar ut1aa I doti mirs' lostitute nt Lake Villa Tuesdlay, legile a week fr om ui t i-daytoghi t on week. wh\ereas, in the last annual message or attesatmn ht" Mi*. Adettsi Morrill sumilber motber, of Jan., 21 IID Ilthe xp. t to wAinloe M r. and Mr@. A. K unin spent last, the president of the United States to the ofn the congererien hw e Fux Lake, vwited fhers léiaysunels frteGe aat bieteéi. he Fbt vnn tL iatwo lhoutssf or ogress It.was sated 1 fibn • resie weet Thr wlilma rsrr rtuk nA n G(ra>tlake fine aup ril hn-ket balli]referencto that proýtalion, "It is nolt too being invesytigated by the see Thrw ll e rad uk al2il atII ClemlentWimr n;Elmer IBurý. (",(tage prayer n mgthis week atmchtoay that this amendmtent has le men" or "thait congtvlrsau AMonris al, sowlund Lae, Jat2 .left. forward; Mn abferight lor- tehoule of Mrs. Batr.fbee o net only and could lbeetofbene--ascttebthtmte tun. orris a itn il furani-h ehe'-e ar; e. ar i-- ,tigto und;0 lttai. criminal iaisses," zn,1it 1W satitd ytâ ote tm.Agodtuegurnedto all are; nr ýif,1-i w IdT iigh tirdMesrs. ThomasKhid.], .1LBonner,wayfrther tated, "Thée chier arguément not make any such etateme ni who. attenid AthrRaIifL ul Ti i he . dmonids and %% o Creilimneach i nraoforth,- provision was that t.ée issage. MortieVer 1haera teaun thast won the laun ,iover the 'A au- ls os heps ek - congressmen did pot themselves widh to any such sttemnet abutet There was no sêchool Tuesday on kegan, Humine~COlen le,,Ir ridaynright b-i rs h at vkle investigated by recret servicAnei-woe me rot alWl acedunt Of the Farmersé' Institute amt Althiough- they h-- lihad but it t1eý Alfred Spafford hadi a runaway Sunt- and it was further statedt,"But if this is a hlYmtwt 'ake Vi'la. training mi ath aies lh- lut Up a good day miorniling A hoit bruite and parted nont considered desirable a special excý-ee etIOne event th« »b* The Round Lake Marnons wfll give. an qpick gamne which privelito1b a hittle thre Wagon and upset thre wagon in the tion could be made ln the law proibitinz gress In any old folko' danceeat sounid Lake ln the toot amach fur watik.gii The litre up ditch and cut uns hoçrsevpry bad, also ,hésune ofg the secret service 'forc' sieec. on he cun near fut ure Watcth for the date for thle bowling tamis an follo wé: throwing Alfred to the ground- - would bg emtrberst ti ha o y o tinl Jamte Ma, k-f t d»Idav afternocon for U'ay-lakteHey l--rý, Vivtor Pliniet. C. E. business meeting was held at the' what actualy wa" done and strie to ously resented, te Dp= Johnsoimn, Florida, wht!t be wl join hié Geo. 8ranidstetter, Iitey ln ar-s, L-Rloy h oule of Mi,és Hazel Tbain lamt Fridlay prevenit or at teast to hamper enacrinat at tac g wife and" ber parents and remain the test Hunt. Liberriville-E-,d Wells, Harryland a very plesan eveniing was sépent. action against criminais by the ex\,ecutiv, ndiscriminate of th htr "t The a.dies' Aid tSociety imet Thursday éras, The pave men e g or fheiconÇ>gressinen, Wisee"d Joe Upilly, of Libertyville, traneacted m ý.âetarl- Turélyeei nthe ,ehurch paih>r and dinner wvasa*bove words la that the masjority oZ tIe unfi, od ad bdh buinife shrre Monday. ' eayaaetheam laseýt' hday vein served bhy M is and M iss Bater and M rs. congressmren were ln rear or beiý orý ÉS eamrthnThe UrPau Tuy Wo i attir.La whien th60iey.eredeeted by asll vscore J. H. Bonner. tigated by secret service men si t MrsPal ob wo s t te aknd b tbeLiertcle ea. owve, t -,-congresks a. a whole Was actuated tb, r'I1co-operation between hwmpitailmisexPected bufme in the near is hoped that they wil b le at their besIt - motivs in enacting the prmiên t and congress, and no 0» future. this Thursday evening iind even up .tbe W ADSWORT H.evilg tion: and. thority and dignity o et h.iIII A.D. Rich underwent a suce(ssful sgamnes. Gra.lsisk( amcimis two Whereas, Your éco-mmtee- in the Uie ttsi Op-ration at bis(Ioughtrs bhome on champion bowl-q> , r -n- n juwho W bain, utRadeine, was in the vilage e;,these sstter- t ha" 1 nitd.Statne n O> Latke.$bo Dr vie Tuesday and hi. con- has a mcore of 25f;whue H aIrry lGearé; iéTuesday. and in the hearing 1,-o-sympathy with the raetide 0% dition lmsencouragitng. aIoss>r iahii o e of 243 wIith Thre famiiy of E. Curry bave been con- notôtin the rcr men, for good or for tIr D t Mis RanheCuve, f Mnaileisthsegod bwls n h tamwihhble ned to the houme the past week witl te nuteto several merits, but tin a XIe tir- guest of ber granldmother, Mrs. ageistant» thej, should MI,é,ihetrtyviIle th, ,,P ment of the hone. Culve thes worst ofit ou t1ihar o wn alleys this Siet con iebvemvdi ngress; and. bers; of one pariula ç Ay.Churchill ie spending the week eat Tusdyeenn.,1dcKilzen a fe hve ov ito a. o e ca.., rste. To put togeth railnléi Kia adiy.Mlane.of Solon New dewelry Store. heEvaaLx -pet B.day0aheréometr niewhether lit be the oW r the geit o Mr. nd Mr Jeté Lothe inrormat! on!, 1or judge or senat«'of th.gesofMr ad rsJes ona~W. Ki Moore, who has mbeent tthe J MC.mikofLieryle, wsl hv t cmmnbonse of representatlle bauh.hed of the jewelry diepartmnent tthle (caller Wednesday. IBe Iteahthem a41 wihou MisééEnma Gprlachi tranisaetedl bui- Battermihaill e r te 1past ew3 ears, has Martmn Lux wasn in Waukegan on bubi- t:"ge nss in Ubicaglashut Friday. fo-und it ad visable to open uop a mhop for ne" Aedneay -nstat the seis o ejte Dr Hepme'.8toc.k Food will improve imsewe t ii re b e n. oxe is ntire MiassEtta Carney visited b>ver Banday of the provao -if ins equa= e your stock 10) per cent. A t Grayýlake i oti, rd eha pnd u t her homte inLibertyville men did not them i1- é dèà Mar-ky Lux tand fnimilv ent Sunday at ='«tlgatd aheateda-d... the tailor. Herelhe will puli in a full N. Brown's at Pleasant P rairie- dence com. u he ship ofet 11or 10a Maoi Bail.l Ineof good relié. ble j-welry and do y'our M"r. J Cashmuore has been on the Sick house ofr rx ranted Uç MWt i "ot-rpair mork at ieg.timat- pricem. Mr. list the past wee .cngres-iiler attnrtie "rd 0o1 Jan. 22 thre Mumlons Wgin vetheir MoorplWe iwll kuio,,w nand iwell lhkpd "nd Bartlet t Bros. mhipped a car of cattle eth r ofaers in a Wb aléii ba iand everysd .prii .n b aibuvtue ssuredfhim. ithis week- whetht e- i- l, ai " "nrsorchestra Of Chicago wili b an -réoed de ree-ILin nr' tél mi1.11the maiceand everý thmng ,ilbe • Our road commimésioner is doing ésome resntatives defedîll IMje PURNr'LURE DPALER V don, to ma te evninig a pleaanitl Horace Adams, oif Ingleside, epent good work by puitting the much nteed-----Tentt i t AND) UNDfERTAKER on-. Dua't foret the date and fiw thereo. 1Band"ait the Ciro A lait homte. gravel oni the roade. «Il a he d ' ,zuia. M iinois-- - E. Ames 8 spent a day in Chicago the th leenu :ii ..eryday gitise:-! .... ...pas L.week. lin 1 o, tieeth olw ooooOoÛeeeTh e uchire party iaiven by theiladie. lni"Mgm wet. of St. Petrick'.,.church %o"aù,success and wbé ser†e bint t • CarneEOA N of y won Ilm' fthi attpriseand Dennis 1Ibhad proof of serlth u affectjdsa ä McCa(,rthy gentlemen's; âMrs Rai Kelly ing -any mmbeilxr l'Ouheh<sin y any e awot« A; ad Mr.illmiore wonse a.The, will matter as to whi hl Ite <,<dema jgov aesrnt u*M Grayjslake a- Baker ie aneth-rlie the n-ar future. ernment-bas surlsdiciitou.acnq iiwoud A [numbler Of mni nfrom this vicinity aat oncedbe brought, asthwashodoneain the ade buIle t o the city recently. cases of Senaters Mi1tchell and Butrton and MPnzo Webb wras a Waukegan calier and Represientatives Williamson, ]wrr- «te e neday this week.\ mann and Drig'gs at different tihnes 1l-m t Mr . Elmier Curry who has been con since I have been president. This Wi Iioain.Wt M AeH IN EMUranf ned'te ber bied for some time is slowly would simply be doing my duty In the t Restaur nt -el mprovmgx. execution and enforcemengt of the la,, 1There will bo a mask bal] given in, without respect to persans. But i do÷ is..Mary VDeilhorn spent Tuesday at DEERFIELD Bro)we's hall rgrditaswihn heprvic LieryvileUias.Josephipâe Woodimen Ripent several MiuIic byHnean' orchestr. o the duties of the president to repott ft'leb %'lmW n springer spont Monday at das ,n W net,te thi "'wý. ith th® AS.FO AK. to the house 1"alleged delinquenciestii o»,W Mis UaeiaWKistrpefamilv. an 8 of members or the supposed '¢orrpt blls Ne"1s and Unches Served Miss aria Weeloerspent Siunda an John Vetter returned home Tuesday Jack Stratton and >ons are busy filling: action" of a member "n his official es-' Mondaywatlter sitra hi- fter pnin a reothe in Topeka, Kan., their ice houses. pacity." The mnnembhip 1 of the W" tt tbe at all hours "it h hns" rt- C. '. Sorg Mi'es sanliger was quite ick the firet house is; by the constitution paced t Round Lake Elects Officers. Miss Edith Pettis entertainied anumnber of the week. A Grayslaàke doctor was witin the power of the bouse aloane, see »rS wý LatThursday evening Round Lake of her oung frendil at a candy pull calied. in the prosecuuloux of criminals and the whik a> cbad thvir birut city PeLtion and elected 1saturday eveing. %les Hocker fromt Round Lake visited 1enforcelent of the laws the president lem pw h FRES OYTER EVRY DY E-1 Jneti,SEd Luby, MratndThelen,'Mi" %VioIa Rockenbach ie quite Ill with relativPKs here Sna.must resort to the courts pf the Uited e s EdHene, a Ltilran rank quinsy at present writini- iH-rbert Nelson and bride bave returned Iltates.lx t àAmuann am their aldde amen. Claum J unge Recorda 8er May was ionnnatied by the other tive ad 1- John % uoilnan has taken a business luime. ortion of MesageQuoted me o e e smy ruti h srgtrip tol St. Ioui. Severalfro il bereat tended the Farmer'o in the tin1 (and fourth clauses of the n;etbmuàq eeetin Geo Ric-hardson was electe1 Mrs. C. S. Febr. of Gilmeir, Il., is visit I .itute at Lake Villa, Tuesday and preamble it Ls statted that the meanig CIGARS and CANDIES "1IPipH,,,Rport yif eeema7e'tiraa ninr , schoci irm.VW.twell, who bas been sick lasofmyon men themajority of We t.yotel boad eb, their tirmt eet last Satur. for moi b miiug Jane thl. 1909: 'The much,* better, ,h r iècrofb gaud of New Zor da> evenuing w bere impmriant questions fif th rade hbas the hian er this mon"Ith Eva SiPrenson visited her sister at Foxinvestigatc:d by. secret service nen as the speCW st were disOuFId. Thirinext meetng aIII with anit, tenac f9Wi per enlt and Lake recently. ad that"c nessa a whole was ae- vision *et«mW LANR FIE be Iheld 1Sa iturdamy oevening whtenq th-y w ill fou r t rI11meP. T he egh1,t 1h rade Pwas ret Dvsvsie tO.Wli' tu"ted 1by thatmotive lin enacting the Bonet .and Phione No. 19 drd "th i"" o rmsosadscn natnac fnprcn u provision tl <iuëst on.- and that ttis of ,hs, *whaop9tl amsand the differenttticommit1-ar d n.... n lhesixttherdews sanum ent a thichnor and theaumen3dpi ndup s aoit t,, look alter whatever im-!92 il mattndnc aI h io E ransited busýiness at Integrity of thmconn=Thesestate- tegvrmn pout hu-in ay ariý. The charerurdi mTb eventh grade had onlý;y - metuaeno, stk i acrdn e entmens possitaue1 MISS EMlMA GERLACH, Prop. wl -pae nth atthswe n 0prcn at e nuetadix iad.M rs. Swartztgure went to Florida wthgh ats h ticor of my crmialpssind ih thuls Rounid Lakeb1ý-emsaflourshaig Thee ar twnty-threpon thP rtjl;If tii.witr. te litt e cy aced p y abordof oo hooran tum ho er nithr ary Mrs w¯ill Stratton entertained rela- message referred to ruins as follows: igh, crm.1 ma heW sound niinded men w -ho wVill put luirth noiIr h idring the mnh evPiI of tives fromt Trevor recentLly. Last year an amendement was tincor- ried in the commte every ùdor"° opr""'ioiepre """. - xhom hI.,e b-iIn it? ir aby oaten th°u' ec"e E uhre ro°idiforat°e where rono tei fe AUCTIONEERJNG - h- n" - " e should bie no detai trom the secret serv- bers are reorded,n Mystic Worker's Mask Oeal. grade led mII -deporitmietthavm),g- an Simple Remedy for LaGrippe tce and no gtransfer therefrom. Iltaisnot discriminai:eabiymnto ln all branches carefully Taverage of 91 ner celodent. iiwIgrppýculi iti too eemuch to say thiat this amendment bas ber, who vote&,r&l Th ytcn tkesofGansak ogeiacig arip cuh.tatmybeen of benenit only and coutld beorfbene- w h ateddt-w II gi v, a miasalt1lehi- Fridny e venig develop to pnPumioniia over ntight lire fit only to the criminal classes. Ifdelib- who voted aiu FAR" SALES AND LNVE STOCK at elw opera house SIX prises will heg PALATINE quiiclki eured by rolpy's soney and Tar erately Introduced for the purpose er di- its passage, the RELETTEadJERMN E a warded. restiiinwr C. C. Moreimsiand The m, rePand inifieimed lungs are healed mlinishn h retvns rwraantgreeted with RELETT n MRHNIE sn Ille On hand to supply th, suitm Barold lKnowe is under the do)ctor's ami s mirenýgtlwned, and oa dainwrous crime itcould net e cadbelo btter rde- wreh Gradute of jones school of AC-o enn nun o h unsedb m ondiioni qickyaetd RN '#esathatlhad buesn tlwda oa ratrthis kol Mas,. and cCormek'sMrrhesra.] MridM. B. C. Mather etertaineod LO% oraless extent by the exctv. edso.atc tioneering. Use ail the Dew and fin- tsuipper will he served by the ledies eaie .rSuai en i -.--vrosdprmnsfrtet er.T uM*,°-e met*ds, W4- for of th--i-'i "ne--r-'goud birt hda '-- eraO.u'P - -"'-"=c«weowete e -rn t o dae 'Sles iade yher. tim e is p*r(ýniii' tevery body e nie u ar e lt urI1(r i. . Somtimes.the evidence which enabled us ta drive se t t and go. You ewl have ea goo imhae able to, go to Chicaigo to buiess -SomiPtimes the rond in rockY as you agr e lot a rl"[outof snesd soursgyg ld, 1béràgg HARVEY M. MANN Mr. and Mrs. Charîvs Smlith, of [),emi '"le down the way, somtnms when teoam their promoterse. The.e pr-ncaf RUSSELL.,ILLNO: 4voteexp»cte n ostyou get the mall- bave enabled us to discoveF nome et the a l ILLJNO'S ~~RUSSELL. Plaines,, visit, boeresundttay. est pay, somnetimnes the fellow you have ment outrageous traudeein comineetm1onýuq Rev. Mr. Rilev, Our nlew minlister, was MssGrVeanHorn was confIned to hilel for friendlship'ésBimple sales with the theft of governtment land &1add iopot' entertainied at E. A. Reeve.' Suniday. bel bomte Ib'.icklesm the paist we th,, fedjow who wtill sting you wheng governiment tfimber by gireat creU d l el adby Indtviduals. These Dretons q & ~~Mr. Morey has been vistinla t E. A. GeorgP Iieske is one morset a re nt 3o emcased to e awake. )oie aw enadu oge oe fte vd I4 OUR PR•E LI• Re' and Minnie spent t Sturday and of Palatwo Phaving mnoved on the yoi uihve trusted! often acts the traitor' dsnable n odetnoecur te otide cniS 1o- Sunday, int'3In the city visit ing friAied Christopher ,place. pm t . but yu (can emile fandtgrill again to ftewathetadms o Tnia wy to de nluseu ik, er uart6cper pn C' MimeL,,ise MKinizie is veryslek at Fred stimast has renited the Foskeýtt a-1 tiake a lirand ne w start The worild ble criminals with whom h" oe eto h eiebiá crw20C. per 12C' her. ter'- Mrs Johin Faulkner farcî for t he premen t year.sfil , troubleIs, f y, and hi ma nd han to deal, both thoe opeof'heing in ffvilciU sttermilk, per q .a.t4c utre0ois ant pFnrrtrP Iimiuteat Mr and I g re'd Bk onwill be lti t.tyaitid yare" ,, Ett tyoir j M"t- ,trg.oh Cottage cheese, per quart ... .... 6c Lake Villa Tue-dav. Pas akept busy home elt ihir i f ri-nads j-the tuppelr l, amd when your work is over om•enent. u ception wth..ot minist nde deàre hat 14uA ALL GOODS DELVERED day and n ight testing ce. lat of lths Kéabler rsidence oti Plum a can(Liehave I almborees nion seriousy haterathegerms en in ainate " 1 w r th . M s. s \. Bonerspet a nn.le f Grve ve. afer eb.1stthe detection Of crime and the seuring ot Goods obtainable atfactory at al] times' days, in Waukgan and at tended the justice. MoreoVer. iteot only afretst de- R Spcatrefoltremflld Iinstalltion Of the 0. E. S.8V Whn one hog grets an ear of corn partments outide of the treasury, but lit o00itPPropÇttQIns ti upon - ho noticeyRSERNShPr h w in t rot along behiind tauds to hdIIter» the secretary Of th e inanera whomn i bavej Mr. and Mrs C. M. Gotham pent 5ili- _I r g resry hbleu«In the esorit toutlise THE GRAYŠLAKT CREAMERY da%, at A. C. Corrie. and m - .f and ie and isi ready for a the eplyesofh'ldeatmntitsi Tet reppske36. aysiske 111 The Mount IRest remetpry Roeiýty *w %was magod attendiane art qchur h h b ,it ut t tthe lboatget hism iibtestmpoeet b u trmnto e u Fwe eeRttei Sundy' mrgVg%-veatherM ap- t i thelr'k.,o ervice.It forbW heim troci proventi ýte eu metowth Mcrs Go.LyhvelJn ) tsdadtknit ulmesi. !sin If ia suw wil jump ionsand hlp let-arfraude uonM e oûtf efetóE-.r htEgv Srinerestheor a arebumvit lld. .Peter Gleasoeilahome frote hiI south- him ito IpiItees. Just so it is with tlIvetigLtatin irregulartiesinbranch mintaes men4Dt that teC tershomothrm saebus Or1o rtrip.• As loa aman] isprosperouis and ha@- andaniayoffices and has seriously ere ip-Ivor of the P &vii their uti#cea hoomeses, mon e e can't keep bis friends off with Pled hbn. Itserement* the promotion of iqe 4 asu Dalig Tribune or Inter- mMelvle leIsmbroving 8 s y t; al ve T h a ment hInemu ete mtheScetservice and thi thece o thta or ut an resenstfforer therestriction opraten only me ntra pa e " rnot l nbe ybafre rends theadvatae et the erhiminal, Or the icePake Atetin.r paRtn enII fitertainéed atth but they begzin to do ail the harai pos- woser We have du t act in Libertyve a eetofC. rtbrop Sunday. si be. W hen a nmai starts do wn grade ThechWit ruumnnt in ravor ofthe nee ear loIad lt r ie b i d msa p M@ rwe é C fordand son mipent the worid steps to one ide and greises vs tnwa hithe o ere h ptWants. Trytoë stOS PROM IT'S GIOD S'chanck' Bros. The INDe Øciog one gPÀ

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