CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 15 Jan 1909, p. 8

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fi1 iaceAnts par liste sach ms*rtiOEI leliis vuthha2 cs ifREAL ESTATE 13-if Fit SALEt.'-.i it t t -n FOO SALE-1LeTi-Iotaa tynni e'dvtiiu is tii, ttcn ci FOT SALE-SALEn theîn lW- Ji 20 ,kwar Utectln i-'Inn' biýe.ttd tî J.-ouaiî. 0 Wtt eR. Li 15îtîl- I s4iprousd lha Alsi iw aveuhi J.Guu;î-.o-uî-r FOR AI-E.4itii7-suaisi-aa ts ru taAmt"d ur a- tu'anpi N-st)ru - Lais oet~.10, , aIla u tiijt11a--o-t ai FR SALEU PO AL-%Ood ond band eoras-t laquiet Lu Warrsi, Liberrii..lit. FOR SAt.E-Seemud-haid cuttter. in goüd codiLion. nuc-e Ii ie 14-if QRSALE--Corui@borvsn. p-rfict q4ditioq,.17 stop. .25. /io uqunre 1iao $85, $SM) >dowu.$24 b<Oîîiitr. O1I 4v.nk&C., Agei-ry for Kiîîîhali piAsso..liti FORSaLE-A large qnahîiry oeleer hall. lbit $7 pur toi; pr.-aed $8.50. JOIN #Uow, IRockefelle-r, luI. 1" ÇOU S$ALE-bat of yellow et-rn on the eo<, , #21 psr ton deivei-ed. Joux 0ie.Riickefellhw, In. 154a FOR SALE-500 buehpit 'of eatr .er. W. Oq. Imeosà, Liberty Vile. 1- FOR A!Obieball eIf, thrpes weeks no' pure bred latîlPrî $i. H. Ïk 'oULeT, LibertYVllle. lii 16 2 FOR SALE-18 h. P. geliiu' eniglue, la good eondition and a lutt01if ilulin>e nnwhbinei-y, tisirîne, etc. Âpjly SdeM * Hlprenniox, Derfielîl. . FOR SALiE CI4EAP-Or tr'ilde ftir firebs Cois.,. pringets tor tatligtick, 6 ta iM h. p. gasolite enitn.- in g-A îo idittin. Addrssa Box 49 A., Route 1 Liwrzy- ville.,Ila. MONEY TO LOAN I MONEY TO LOAN-On iîîitprtired fatit at 5 pi-r mit. DxsaN &A rFi-m. I .FOR REN'T FOR RENT-7 roouie ititne. lnjqitirýt tif J. R MÀOg 16-tf FOR RENT-7-room blonge on ifshiiîl 'treet. Me.S.M. A. PROTINE. 16-tf FOR RENT-We hnvi- a fow gpuni mod- trn bouseî and iats tii r-t. Dystoxo . A r «I r. 144fl *<ANTEO-Lif eub agi-nts wSei' thiough,- ut Lit k" t- iit i .r Ir thle oti ilinile lin. ii)f îi,- suttuîîîliles. Cailouan rA'À'gI-îti'A, Mîtt (Ait Vo,. 144 I LOST azMdFOUND eoutaititg i Mar. ettl a Itica- ,is-d tt-fet to W-st tr---t anud "-et onlis lt-i -avelne. Fî-iii-ase uýaIidresm owui-r at itc Wadewortii, litaj 'Imu*m aith lîtisi-ti "t it-peIztipi-l. - lie ueserefui-a t, îîii i. -re 'Yiiis ù, 5SU on retord tf a i-ugh, 'te o deepe dv.ltinijt neups ýoh'ts Peliy'n Roui-y and l'mrbhm et îv~aat aui-sthe mototAtlntet I ~1 a .1 -I it t Clothig CAP, to al ers And wi11 C4ntinýue for Seveu D St' oes and, Fur Men's, boys' and children's seasoriable garments at a fraction of their original values. WE MUST 1-AVI THE READY MONEY. Everybody in Waukegan and its vicinity knows that for real genuine Bargal giving- no store in this city can beat The Columbia Clothing Ilouse. The reason is plain-We buy an<4 seil for Cash on-ly; buying strictly for cash compeis us to turn our stock into money every seasoil. Yoi ail know what unseasonable weather we have had until the past few days.- Consequently we find àur selves w ith an almost complete stock of winter merchandise on Qurllands. Realizing the necessltylô, quick action, wve have deckled to tuirn'the whole stock into Cash withln the shortest possible time. TIh prices on everything in the store will be v educed, regaedless of cost, value or former price. Just thtil what this means to you-about $15,000 worth of new, seasonable and high grade Clothing, Shoes a01 Furnishings at -almost your own price-an opportunity that no economical inan or womari ougbt t miss, as it1 seldom happens more than once in many years., Supply the wants of aIl, not only for tlîi winter, but for the next one as well-it positively means à great deal of money to you. Don't forget tt date, Saturday,,Jan. 16 to 23-7 days only. Columbia Clothing Ilouse, 116 Washington St.,.Waakegà OVEKCOATS MENS OVERCOATS AT ALMOST HALF PRICE. Sfor a lot of good a-aria overcoata and nîstera, in 3 9 blacit. brown, grey, etc_. nearly ail ses. Fîlly Worth up te for 4ena astyliab over- cot-I lutack. oxford 1 95 gray aud darit bIne. very been cf llnlug aud finishiug. Positive- ly Worth tram *$10.(10 ta $1200. ~f or a choce selection ci Men'a higtu grade oser- 8.4 coats. Standard kerseys andt fancy material s, Neyer soid for leas 4han $1350 tw $16.09. Sfor a splendid Une of Men's Overcoats, madie cf 9.* fine al wool vcnnas, fan- cy chaviota meltons and kerseys. Strictly haud tal nloreti garmenta. This seamoni's best modela. Worth Lrm »17.50 tu 8%0.00. 95for yonr cholce of ail our very best baud talloed overcoats, Worh frein $2500 IV $30.00. Madie of the very bot Importedi aeriai%, tilk, serge andi satin Ilnsti. latest auto modela, one of the beet bargalos ever offereti. YOUN G MEN'S OVERCOATS. Sfi- .er uici.en o! a V. ]:De- 0! 3y0unz meu 'S'er- * 9 5 (r, ts in baý-tu .leolive andi fancy patte-rns. Ail uizea. relly Waorth tram $8.50 ta *12.00O. YOUNG MEN'$ SUITS» 3 servmceaeimnits, a goaid 14 to 20 yeara. Fuit>' Worftrom $8.00 ta $10l.00. 09 for >our CholceOrf*Il Or 8.95 yows nits,*f steds. bine serges mad fane>' pattea. itricti>' firt lase garments. gesulue bargatne. Worth $12-00 to 1.0 1MEN'S TROUSERSo. An extra pair of trouers V-II alays malte yotir suit IaM twice as lmg Md' at the folloa-Ing pries Y>uOU igt tu( get ta-o or tbree pars at tet,I 7 cfor mnsduetrog erttonsd.0 1.25 a n eet ac Worth$2,5 thepa&ir1 1.95 a par fur men** rzod wIF ziod, aWeil fttlug garsinsto.WorthI 2 pair for a gaadt~wSetiJ ,11Iflz sie lebtyllehs peuerrug. Wor* SPECIAL-FE-LT AND SUOSIU-S COMISîNATyioN. 1.95 rl fo o rmnabuwavy fww wrth $3.00 per patir. MEN9S CLOTHING A good selection &! handsomel, styiish garments, tucl madue up, perfect fittiug at lesg than the co«t- of maî- teriil-s. 5 7cr Men's c<jeod Suits in faat'Vvt-i-- $3.95.Viot±i and Cassifileres, well inAdi-(1)- $3.9 tula worth front $7.50 te $10.00. for a large selectian of Men's well $5.95 made guits iu dark mixtures, aplen- <id wool materials. PositivelY wOrth $10.00 to s12.Oo. 5 for Méns land8omely tailored (lfali amid $7.95 Winter SuitS. Made up ef fine m'0o1 T$uitigg, in new popular patterý9, Worth (rom $12.00 to 1400. $ ~ for Men's up-to-date, winter Suitm, ~~7.Zj ade up of ail wool inaterials in neat, $9.95 ~stylish I)atter£wg perfec.,t in fit and workmanship. WNorth up te $17.50. ,$11 *45 for a. splendid line of 'Meul's Fille szteds «and isalîneres, in this sea- sons latest cuts. Biseka bluesl and fancy pattt-rtîs, Worth up te $2000. for your choice of a neat une o Mens excînsi- S1A45 vely talloeait Siteta nbisait, brown and neat PO- $14 =-5 putar patterng. strictly ail utool materlals. vs-y beet faivonkmansuhip.Slta that ysaly sell at $2500. Men's WorIhiîg Clothes backor I roun aIl sîzes. Wortb i ý, 5 2.5for Men's heavy cordnroy ceats, rvril 275or blanket lined, high cardîîroy 'c-ol rs, double breastêd ktyles, full,' wortiî *4.00. 2 5for Me' heep lined brown luiek oas worthf400.- dfO4 for Menwheavy sheep lined cerdurov ceats 5 'D double ireasted, high fur collar. . A ophen- dlê eoat for outdoor winter wear. Wortht $7.00. if1.95 for 3Men's evy :aikbine chiîliila Jtn ,pJepffl eturm cot. Worth *F40. 9cench for .31en's heavy Overails or Jumpers. »CBlue, black or Rtriped, ail sime. Ileg-tlar 75c 3cfor Men's heavy black sateen overshirts,. al ies.Worli 7.5c.1 9c fer a large lise of extra. good a-uong shirts, ct- brayes ait drlle, bIse, grays, strlped, tllacktae. Aiu 39C eulrft- anS Sn~OES of Quality 'i siugle.-trial îvjll ovine on that emir shoesare' jirst a littlt- hetter tban the. average shoe<s-and <nir pi-iceii are -îniderably low-r thaît Yen pay el]Se- wh<re: justIlnote the- felloiiig: a pair frMMshe i~îas tu<-ler $1.4,5 c-t. Regular $2.25 vatliee. j,ý9 a pair for Men's fine dr"s s ,hoe, madle of * -~ gun sietai caif and storun ealf, iii laee or Blucher eut. This seasops most popular laî>tt. Worth1 1j.40 a Irair foIr Ikoy's fine Shoc-A, for eîtlu - i 1.5a pair for i arge Une of Ladies fine '31îoeu<, 1.9 apair for Men's hea-ty, one-bîsekie ar-t i-s, 1. 5 a pair for g splendid sele-tiontuoe Ladies' *oJJfine slios-,.;ail new lîîstm, alil izem. 1osi- tively Worth up tW $3.50. 2 5apair of Mens fine Dress Shoes ln patent kid. Rus- S e5-la and patent caif. Regular rustomn made, neist 'V-fail and a-inter last. Worth up ta $400. Men's Wînter Underwear. 39C eah for Men'g exra heavy fleec- lined au- 3 dt lu t-r, shirts o)r drawerts, ail sizes, fîill.y ticlfo.. Meni's heavv ail îîotl tnîro 89C ear>li or graîy, sIlirts o dNermttl, fulsz, Positively worth up te $1.50. 95C for 'Meu's leavy bine liai-un-I overslîirtg, &ar buttns breasted, double f rouit>a nd hack,lrg peal bttos. teglar$1.75vans 9ceah fer a lairgo lot of Men'gstifbesom n id 2 a nerligee shirts,, ail g>oot colora. .nearly ail sîzesia great bargain. Itegular $100 values. Q~for Men's fine negligee Shirts, white anti ail 391E lors, ail size%, Regular 7.5e vaaine. 85C for a aery large selection of Meî's fine dress adnegigee shirtf, white pleated and fancy patterna. Ail new styles. Worth up te $1.50. 5cfor Men's heavy gray sweater coats, plain or 7C blue etlged. Vuîîy worth $1.50. 1.5 for very heavy gray wool sweater coats, Worth $2.00. 7Sfor Men'a fine all wool lilver gray sweater coats, irei or bine btrtered, large pearl buttons, ruýl taqh 2 7 lOuait. Werranted te boldt (bir thape. Worth1.. E.>A.tlcte wWs be found just as represented. lifnot sattifled we wRI' cheeffully ex- chnettie- ortIe or refu pd the price thereof. Corne early.l -i J. B. 8INYIN, Manager t z SPECIALS BOYS SWEATER SPECIAL 905c eac o a large line o? bori- 1 -olored bordera.Wo rth UP toe100O MEN'S SUSPENDERS SPECIAL- 9Ca Pair for Men% fine Bt>ted- i " ers. a s-pl@nidld assortmesit et iis-avy or lîgla weght. Worth Pp tôl lO- pir. NECKWEAR SPECIAL. "for your choit-e of a han* - saine Une of men£ wlde mdi tour lu and tics, aIl thîs4 seasons pak lrus. W orth 15e es-h. MENîS HANOKERCHIEF OpECIAL 3Ceaeh for yonr choie of meus ~>faot color Turkcy red, fadlu bItte or white iîandkercbiefs, 9004" large sze. W orth 11P40 IOc each. O0c sacb ,for a complets lise of finenen collant, ail sise«, aIl nea- stylks. île oualtty. t aN'S HOSE SPECIALS. apair fbr mens iîeavy ribbedi 61rc gsox. grym ix3 . . gulai 1OC qnality. 2OC a pair for mns extra beailý wolsox. ngry red or bIna nilxed. worth 15c a pair. MENS GLOVE SPECIALS. 2capair for mens beavy (lued- m2- ulesitin or a-col yarn Mit" tens, fully Worthu 35e a pair. .4 ca pair for mens .bea#Y RUt * . # i l e a t i t a r g o e , g u t e t n mitttns, heavy flee e ud, d*uble, stftcbed. fully Worth 76c a pair. SPECIALS for5tu boys heavy reeter cOMt% 1.95 double bresated ' biXh totia. collars. Worth "3 0to $400. Ir 5C for Childrens nuits, emaillo Sfor childreus Seat overcoMo4, 1s.5 ai gondi uizes, Worth uP, f0 95c fr yor caiesof anlexee>4- 95c ll arelne el mens fine xataf, stiff or soft %hapes, black M.4 colora, ait ls-. ail new Popular stles Worth tram $2.00 go $2.60. SPECIALS IN CAPII. 5,for mena eavy aintr lbq 25,gond tigritcolon, pIOnd ta soc'Vaiues. 3 ceaeh ftr -mens beaVy 39C p», tur lime bar*d,,$ e' legula76olevaluo. - i rît r- -- OF HIGH GRADE 2e! 1

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