MheIwnst of Eatîng w r have severai patrons-judges, of - epicurean defghs-who pronounce our pjeaMUu thç verll best. You will get the besi et Wut bg buging here. Many kinds [rom wikhdto1 select. and each the best of its kind. home-Made Sausage and tlome=Rendered Lard fresh [very Day J. ELI TRIGOS GROC[RY AND' MARKET SALE Ten Per Cent Off on ail Children's, Misses', La- dies', Boys' and Men 's Arctics, Storm O vers, Feit and Socks Overs. Ladies' Wrappers, size 32 and 34, worth Si.25 to $1,50 now .79( 2j yd Colored Table Lnen, worth $1.25 to $150 now --.. ... .....................ooc to $100 i1 4 yd Brussell Rug, worth $1,25 to SLSO ........S$l'Io Lot of Misses' Butoned and Lace Shoes, wort h $125 to $2,00 .... ................. .... ........ 74c Lot of 8oys' and Mens' Rubbers ..... ...39c Lot cf Mens' Articis........... ............... S 1,09 Wotnen StipPers........ ..... .......34c Boys' and Mtà~ses' Sweaters....................... 79cc Lot cf Men' Wool Undershirts, worth Si 20 to $1.50 .79c Lot of Mens' Fleeced Lined, worth 50c ....... .....32c Lot cf Boys' Jersey Shirts, worth 50c .. .....32c Smith & Davis Libertyville, Ii1. THE TEST 0F NATTINESS o isi't 50 much in the* Itailoring as itis in 0 -. the quality jof the wearer's linen-his* Shirts, Collars,* Cufîs, Gloves and lie. one glance at io * him and you can size UP -is idea of sig le and qualityj by they I ME~NS IIJRNISIIINGS *he wears. No guess-work in Our new stocks, but 0 full of surprises in quality and variety. We venture* ~to preict thai a visit here wîiI Save gour time, *patience and purse. Nufi Sed. jJ. 1B., MOR S E&cos.* HANBY BLOCK, 1-IBERTYVILIE ' LAK4 COUNTY NDII>IENDENt, FIDAY, JANVARY C2, 10 LIBER TYVILLI3 AN- IDEAL IIU1URIIAN VILLAGE Il Richard Kennedy, of Lake Forent, wa a vidtniu.nti-rn Tun eday. Lewin Mason. of Watikegan, @pont Suuday titir fn-nd8e bie. A L. Sinith, rot Chit-ago. was a gtieet ot A. F. Sirnidonton Tuemday. 1 Mitcheie tMilttary Baudti -îtten-t at tire Untinetturcir Thurntiay e-ening. XX ieatoijtiSmtti, a ph * eteul iîntrortrtr oil Dtrit, t,i-ns a guent toIA. Fu. Mis. Ltintlieenn lt on Mtînday for a a a--hi- nmcm t luer homeinu Kttis Citi-, Mtt Muînnfr ita u- -,nilrîtattetnd ti- Oui Timu [ance ut tirayelake tt)nt.niorw Tite ruiler rrîk isnsot aos-n ino-m Wfiiii Xetiuiday and Satutdii3 Mn-.tuud Mrm FF- .Munmit, îttire Gtrattat it u-k FEtîrr, lt the tirtiofte w.-ekItîr tint'nouttha.ent. Inîternatminal Stigzared Feed il-t ait sne n tit mn unît undimnpntt nte - ir tetek. For suie by inutc. LuttiEt, Con. Chue. Forfiriûhi, Ry Weh. i ving Erîty aid Edwat-i reer tnniin tahtIj ergoite it Waukgan un Suiday. tien 8riiie. ,operatirat the îtew &ipot. lftbt ttFrduyuinClut fnrlitutte, NMotnt. Il,- iramtakea uniten-i"ki nan- aunof re Item s àbout people you know and some you 1 don't ganl Dymond te at prent tacatîd ln De. Idoines, la., tvhen-e hmi wîrking in the Juternet aithi Sebnlnnr S-roui ut Correepondene. Mn. aid UMm. Paul Mn riiýek returnuni Saturdayevening IroniMi],% iîitkmeehi-n- thîy sojotin-ted tire [iunt niekr nten-inr a'an-k at tire Arîninur iiina iinuino tu ire nenuioed at ceii. If you hart- lîrînitînn e ri, ii reitreni, iti.,cabiniet nrnrk nifnut rt« mmvsto file tirni-tenon i n- -îtn ieiit i vlt oit Ligie nepair wttrk iof i-arn-iii t înt The ilittte two-year aid i-ur or Mr. ani Mn-. lGn-rge Hutchtiiin, a tii- n---rai oîiiein ti ttt the lin. . t tronta chair at their home la-t i M rî.îi-en aîd iroke an arin. 'Finpijui-iJîneîin-r unie -en nit uni tire criti -r--i nnn lion ie nieti P teniypr t in -unti-n i- Sm-e that t on gi-t ,îtinîn-r-i - n iiiluviii- dollrnnetnt n-mtt1u te awti -.ito Coiriami nie mua o it it.,dt -- i-it Drt. C. Il. Sherman, t- an-ltiknoanW on îîext Satirday. Jaîîîîrn 231, rît art-ýh tttnîî he a-ii ttmpreparn--ttii t-t rrnn iee aid mt lat â-i-ý ia-une trie-no t-nti-dfric 'iHiopntrai n' - i- -in-nnt- (att and bite urrîîîîed Alti-n. La Malauine, of l-iktii1 Mrm. M. A. Siarle, mot1,ii ,f NIi. ; t,1f tire ltî'-ntlintt n-1nn-nd a fi-,-.t-nenks tIze-. a foirer reidi-t tI ' -nf nu ili hie nrelative.n ilntht and Lub-! [ iti inn- it'er hI itîtn j, i-lt riiiSti J ant9. aitei- a loîng tihi- i. i -i P. H f. s-ithtuandt aie i- tn4rIin 'Vas inn-d troi t Ela tri ,jl1 ti-. VI.n-.dynéur i-trninig trion tiir, nt uIel, rLnwi Tin-d"-T h ii i-nolnifn ni-le t i.. b t e î,-ntî n-ntn tin t ,î,o~r" ninn.rn-d itir. Ctn ii r - i.- t t ti illiim. Jonhn %u-ini I k iin The Sholdonn t îîî,îî Pi. Ct h %li-Criiîn-k aloil F-jo ii [r-ier Iaji-s t o tffer leii-itsIsi i -ninig iii-..i.,~ -l're-iha@ a itofilationitaniiiirriirini iil t1e4lient magazineîe. tnitir ilsti tnti Mis i eii nk Cievelaitnd îsen t en- raI livennîn it h andr(oidtdni tetn-roi ltia, ni iiiHeirr tteInuit eak%,-i,-k ne n. tntd fine mone niglttn, nnltrtitît, i -iir tte fltterai Of< i Ni i-e t t-, reni ing. Of icou rîe alil ttrji.. - i ii ni-n i r itrnther. gratis. ini k Xilahn lt Motnday mlinni tnig Tinemernîners oI the 'tilli n Fian d uiIiîî inn -An l%,Mîle w sil fin-nn r their hunntarnie wiep ntriînin lait meeceIt ttekm on,,a trip IbrougintintFrnday evening eat the lînnîtîn rt yn -C. l'u-tti itnt tie,. N Durund and aile. A vn.rtti-nfin,-i-il .i. IV i Xl inirlanad gile. t Hutrot,, ;roiiram waa apleattiprit-eint oftliti S- n ... tItik ihave us-et, t' thnni e it-e-rt itg.Carde ttire hl.- intrinri-i P-Inn.tniin ,ttn on tbb otii, te.the large party- aich tnt ,ii îred atit i RniiîX iiii-t. Et. ltu ift-iitv mOntARmn-eabiy eotrttitnid Lonn-h ni ii -teri-n ilthieinn' tern tri r indur tht direetinnu nItlin. 'reni in, iry tnt r1oo-i ni eteinig Tint nireo îk .(Cininîo the i-i-îtiUtte- un niliuniltatr- 11-idl-i byasppe.-ou iinte iatinnof the -iri-lir-n hliai it ii, ii unt ei i.t nulilen-it,i nlt he ltnv. Dr. 41 S \N- knrin-s nil Tl- V C i T U- ni-ilitiet ut tt-Inneti u inniihie .t tireIt-Ltintvt ii- 'reelit ,ion \11X t-Ir- rz,- icini.'u..i-i itn el rltui-h for tnit Sunda ' vrmmmtiti nîtn o;i -tln Sillîn-et - 'l)nftjlriei -o eaning. Tinh itae a-trnatpoitttd nih.- IVi tt ii-i-.i-n t A inn-rn tut entthe, ttth rhurch nil Clii-nîgin LOUIS J. YEOMAN ITHE PIANO MAN Ilii h [tei-n o'nll will hotu Epiîeîîpai Wiiia H Cyreamn-.r olest son nof n--- ie rioue IX ipn ame, aii ornemx t Mr. an-ni Nrm Joi itretînie*'v. di ed Satu r- Sunintintutetîr i t tinre-il.t A < 16. 'oi atn-bhorme i Ciniugni. vo-ii i itti t ir-ex teîded fin ail. Ho,- aan aettknoii îtirit Libfi tle andn carnvosnnnuy fiieiiin t t,) initsmi 'Fine- i bittinîr annd mkatintg on Lake dcîiart lre. Hi wasn.ankitid ritti tnîait Lnrn iit tii te liaittnt a-n-i-kn hanttii % okn it-e uinn..1 nitîtintut iilt ofr i iti-eti i-j- jti ,tilita-. draa ing luege the Lo-rdt. inn diii t i-an-tdurt"eai n rîtso ni rit ii it-r eei.ikerito dheidon-çI)repîîreiîlinor iii-. iiri nin eavnn FHln t n-tt rsi'nitg litai-e ns ut tlîîanhilI. flu nit iof Tire muti iin fi tii-ýniitere renno)vi-d Itneiint iiii. irnitt iilwPoi-it- biiiintg Xtedîiîniav Siuette it-puintiofiithe roueorr nnk in-rn- îtti Ne Imt ,nirit ni-, t nu liti, t tirant roonîn aatir nfiltit ui- i inî ii e r-s han e, deii,1.-îi toiti nîno .t-eii ii I isne i-Of the t , n-ryir- etui i ters Tinutlt-"I mnt e li-t inn atinînni- l ie i.n-gt' ttuhi- tienett ien,- aeil dett1(Iiiuintin1i Tu-rinmitvili tnt int nl arty and uttd mtriterîttheuInn. nniblitrigin ttir rougi so-it l fiiitu-,i -i\1." ien itii tnt l eidi the inotnnntnnrr-îîîi- minore-n tititittan nii nl ... ii- >î Siih ý Ia i t uin break h p'Fnett 1Iltt n L jt tin riînk îcot- liiimi i lîii-ii ii n ir i .Ian 2,4 trtiture.n tain-it Il n hriaren-inlin il-iiiiiiit ii-to-mini inti. rentluri a hîn ai-t ii dri-k et nryiit M rv 1, lie -Iltinat t m is ni vrin g-t tu-uttrtitt, tt-\iinth, ltitim W re Ilt n , îrnni- i n i-ut . Iintltey, tir d'opteiientnirliain- ni - IL HB. A ic.~ gi , [tr- nibi ý,il, . 1 i' n F. P 1) tinrndii inu tythaiive bt-en munl r-nr, ui n-Ni-u-N M. -'Fhe tni e t ii1r-t tia tnia iun Coltui)n, and teitl nîîakî- liiiGraitUunn nd ithe 'ou tanin ii iii o ,titi-luioin t Sîneanînlnightititt ite min-hanc un- iin ni rn-n t-linan XN-unt--iiJ an. 27, [niiattuuit unatt- tor yrtig htniî-; Xednem. îi ut Fn-In3, muPtn Rni;Sut uriday, Fi-t 13 ti-i nt Natetîtine tiw al. Sltenial feut nie- tii n atnnim uu-ent luain, Frý rt,-i i ituui liraspuru-hanu-nitfIni-Wm. Altterirtenpni1i- tit lii neaukhec ti-ue1 atndil tn- pnrbable afttînunionjfuc ie a-ii -i-- a itxrentlnnuk tt-uiThe1 rentauunn tnuiltting anl tue tnt , citk uni ni br i-k birîldting tutnthtiieit-fron. A ina- birniii- niait initîlliit the Presb it tiitui- urch lait wa-tnk Li H. Il Mg-r i nt tr-orît the nona regatîttn w1ne î t i-n lttreýittruiLhnînetinîn-In-en t îi tlt i -n, . eic-On i -cuiituit tt tî atrvo ilnuit finni tut- ni mi vin itnitiili ieateni. Tir- tntiit airn -rpr-ns u mt-nt-n n tinhi--1siniof iitIti- vetr i iangn-n thii tenir1 tirnui--en lu,-ire 'Flue nci-int nt-n a idtt eh ipiheuit-m liinetni) izenr titan uni p rn-tioun t e nirtlittî- itetu tnt nIthe tont e There i inn-jeh tlt t.nomntiti- e ni tf lUiturt 'viti,ti-, uit etniing a Sautle tuni hi-ni un tt i m p rrni ai- arît h aivu tie tuaithuinetin, tint tnenirenter itanre uit] lie nîlttninititi tirtn-it ,[hqi-n-e-n, Titi-- i atent -nie t>iIn rîtbattue a tntîe- C'oirse ut Ifi-liirtiirt i r aill nnu aeiuî nitti-r-unrteii tr aîne' 'gîIlnI a du rn . , tr -s- ir 'OMmmiiLtni-rnt. itli- iî sure plin-mnir trilt tt-front wa in-nt commrne ta gnîtd ],-an it i lu spite nul tie ti- iiintatFritue oiit i the Wattdtttin-nî(iirri-de nt i-le tnaa hall tean tee tirti-tt-laid mary retiptîeu tire light ftauntri- toiutil an t-unît hoUr. Six prizue mniii bei-n nfforeil uni aire awared anft wmc: J. W Broan, bn-t getilmens o urne; Mimi Lien-je Proneen-, bet t .-m tn ,; Cita. iten-, Mont îlntttt- i. tenine einttiltiti .AMIeslenuit, Fagunru uiont uurmmti- lau-es costume; Eddie Xluiin a ni MiAEdmua Ban-ber won thte trîi. n' aid gn-ntlie-n's PrizOi thi-puneaitF 1111. MethoeitiiServeice-s. Next Siua-c ermunî,iig pai-tîtl nu- mur tineoftthre'Ta-i-lui-éNiettHyimonnur a eong @*veen--iiSuint,,,if hi- htimirm auIiii- eun hy tire choir mani iîongnegzanin, o- or atone ail lihe nrrten-td by tint- adit-s' quarté.tte andnitwn ilutthîta aili tt- humii tn-ated bs' Ailin-t niîuitosiy uit--t iinia lriker and Laîrra iwk. Y OU havie no better friend than igour Bank. -~You will find no better Bank thn ours. We of fer our patrons absoluate $aftV, good a And reliable counsel and adiyIce' inhelr mone -We invite gour buiness.. THE! !IRST NAItIONAL BMIÇ UBE9 Service,5 VILLE! Dance Date Ohanged. tOu tî-ituitoi th inntîtîtiîtuet annd itnstaillationnuo tti- Fantetin Sitr fln-tmg tii-tii'1 J att uryt -tne siniiatl Datnetmtg tlu uniranti gîe ite i.tîniat arrmt nFriiity n-n itiittg danaity 29 Tit-nIt îb nnntînnrs 11,n ruine tnt niik i ine inrt3 orne -nf titi m ini- iiitnittli-o ,Iiiti- ia-ti ti it f ibn a plinnty fnr iiuthtbthi-utitaind tnînrît tu n h i-inailI get tii sitar nil darn-inu diiiring tir- ieuring b airymnn Fhii lin-a nntru-eri ratiomn fonitrr -tintlk e , -Inr tîî trrtrr-l- N We îun-e.tinlli i rnîe u i ni-tii i-nnntninotuIti-tintit andî giii-%ititiii. i-utat iniger Innrn-n--nt ut 1innttittenidtint %niritia nî-i-rtltfii- nnurnt iii nttgîarum-n I t lutakn- the puaie r ni nul oin er gnitint ltetc. lîteýrintirnînaî Singuren Fi-i-nio, ton r-ente ii lagI-ly tir- ci--ne vounr îînîtk 1 ) oluvitn, keeîn ui n iaittiunit tnt i-itiConditioi nind ian e io miii niiet iii -n iny oii tiiii ni-or gratin vion liraie -t nr lt-ni-Fnon sale btnB' fiEi ---------- Wheu yoîu wieh Ina snh.crlhe finiFanew magazuine ordier frorn the lew Flagg- îewstantd inithe Praline bhick. ih- n-rpttons taken for alilmaguzttrn-i aid perodtr-ale. 144 Il tîn, en-ii taire Foley'st)icni Laîxativ-e outil the bfluai-e bcorne regutar ntînt tm mot tan-e ta take purgative CeoI iat ti as FnnIlny's Oino Laxative fioitirtly aurei clrni-conntipatiitî anîl itigri Lren-. Pli-aant to taire. h iiiK B. %Ve in-unt, tal thre atteint inofiii i-n tîeni hLakre countty uand adpi~îrng Iiniitti,,n tinat are- giting ttr sie i et întî tino , ir ait it a illpan n mn tr @Ornnîr-tri ou r tatytory an Lit crit.%%ir n-atnd ui- ii tstle ortf etn-ien t tit on-i vonurtn1jei-îlîbtîlre tiehe t't--oiini at Sane uirtinn>cv Ast glu-cA aX nt is i n t tii 15n ti 'Fnirte non quinine,uthi ihute-i-r hrmi, nrik-ning in Prerinrs T hei- ltt I- Catndîtiti- iCuiTalt. t n-tan.tny ittgiv A feu- htiirî-ani i ur tiirtti- tîng i-tuu nii rîkenî. Caunt itei- tir îteý l'viett sntn pinaie tIthe iiint tî titi-t irnak hentlieteinîteneaatni nA ni i-ti-t rîtaHi ttit-eecntnnt Atmlirge- tox -48 Plrevetiînt-27ncrtî utinHk nni drugitt. i kîtus. Snld ir ALL DEALERS. Ni- OHtTtmeîî damtes aiti e inn gî -n ti theinîti-nnn iti., tof the Lit innrntti- ir. i tpatiitrtt at tireti tt inhalion ti Frintint cniing .1anunary-22. Mumct î by Vliitary Bantu. This, iltnt a partie-- tiin- yattractive feattri- of tire iit-ia-ýiiî an-I trnty of tir-daîrnce ei-tio .ifl aie ltn3 -l l an orchestra o ix te lnî i-i-in Bin an tn id latiiined datne thi-e sqtuare dmnin-en ani ail titiou etite a il le tut -ithunt ieeiînxî Luit-h wtl iW senrt dn-i itht iiînei-tt-outthe hati. Luit X ni tjrennicat a-ttný Markent I iî tri tintet i-nt tene utti(jtd bv a tai ini th int tnrne minîtket t]ainan aieinie inep anît a tnitnîtî-(r acre nîuîtînîîed oftit r thI ti igini-et biîrîi r 'in .i-ta ta nt tii-[ii tdtiti-lii îtt iai..iteinittie in-l a p-ninantitrit ltitttt tintn-rn rpienin inenenitlire tt tt inîn iniin, nîîtîid iii Ir unt ktnit t iî-anilite dm--yTii d minnt nijn-tiiintr ii-as unit th-e ma-n untlàin rîg îîîîirearket totn ituy andi tîrit nîene ttii i-i ttitiii- efor that guru pou~-a-n lîn~~nîneiItwauna raie riiy daty aird thte vrouddipenn-d iariy' Luit Sui-a-aw"s rmpti-uonus a ity ufoîr rtiuta niat e. It t ie utertîon M asten LuHm i-e J unt,3t miin r onithe tt eîlntnn aand i-ealiittp viini ero ut i-uibririnig wni rein torsemm-be-atie Sglinrî-ted ut a Itouinnng (-tir tait in a stnîna u utitiliai-k arntinte dtibuttent. 'Fie tint s a--eetii lt-l niitit anîd the hoirse ram n rî- J 1 ,V. NI iici n tronut tar airr tt iwi-tzt truek a truie ireakiîîg tire hiafrs. 'TIe Intnt n -eiani d ithttott mluiny Itn tii- eIritg yotinut,e[na u BItit-kettoati ,tita icamnt "Iniinîtg tri Atty matin Maý(i-iiinit n-ront niftiti Laskei- (nt n tyNattittal Bain k tildingr, finîîtnîg tiemneli-ee tit-e then, torsit-o soutit ovn u uîe. Ak tnt-i itir party iunnîndntely itaited tot atnd hîtni ted Itil nIaltelr ter] orClon-k lîtt tire ttttnei ai- c nît mttnle oînird Titi-e-ivin unie tînttifant intetýia îieeiirne on-ple and tiefnt t-ritiar tireJ1 hun i TN iii mot finratnd a ron-ui t titi Tri atiline raitTîne hitnssnn rîneni op titi-rirnd- rught i-ar the mis tran-k. Notice. TIti irisrtatînnetnt il S peciat An-ni-ni- mnent, -Ni,. 2, tftr cn-nstruc-tinnotnta cn-i iýetI entn-nr itnt.tiitc n-t-n Ottievilage nf Litinrty ente. il iindue ani payable tut or Molîrt ebtt. I1[t1i09. 16-4 J. B StranE. XVillage Colector. Notice. Vorn are ltcreliy notnfii-d that the lîturtir tuntattincînt ISpeuti1Ameetiteit, No. 1, for thne enîrîtrui-tton nf lwater Ppi-n., tr vîani alves, -te ,tintire vinlage (I Liincrty ite, rînîty tonilLake and istati nil Illintois. ne dite aîîd pa3 able tit or bfi-re Feinruarri 1,-i1909t. J. H. Mmm '. rrtgî Colle-titr. 14-4 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS. Ou.tiTA.*5OOint SUpUe *.M5CoOO Dear Sir: You know our reputation; it has flot been the growth of a day, but has been built up by careful management-at once conservative, progressive and along safe lines. We want your business. Very respectfully, C. F. Wright, Caehier. Lu Ni rnc.nt tCnt ScolNotes. N --F~A Misý1e lii- nalu-lirai ittiptl iritniol G IA 01i îîî-î-îînt out rtt ieult . IG I- N I u E W A [unilfi rtu -hir i t- nbamk un nun-uruul atter trittt ng ut a tee n-i-k titi uiut tmf nueh tii-ni FO R '['nnrn- arc eiglt sn t ro nnnitnt-he svn-n-d g;raue ona't-inn tn utof tm- iruuiililiunii- irhe naibiiiut semnnt bfr t'viiav :I unitnmt-ituinu f it -m-nesa.1 0 Mr n h illuu in i lo m ni-id ri- i-nilui 0mur-e nl k i nt- n ie X rum n um hiifnnry tut ti Miu i.t-ir 2um(tis 8Graiit-tware for lets tliau rdinary Tiîîware pr Hure t nînî h an triiîei ta nuiiunil alipri- ut tin n-*n'ai-iii . T u xtra large sizti, 12t inches, gray enameled NXi-j ut lb y mli gav ire a lrt-to TisV ait Pans . ... . . . . . . . . Tir etlnilutun.ntay -nuuh on - ) (t j t L Haîîdled Sauce Pans............ rapmîntainiiirt(] tnry Iitininn-t-i titi thlins t ipedPrectervo Kettl-Is.............. enîntîn rnîmî. ir,e arfor-u nitit i- Go (ottsizîÎe ieamnîsts 'Tin Dish Pans .......... puplt aeieun ti-tiined aitli thitim Pveny itu eiteni ni iaroiy onu N. B.-Our RIED TAG CLEARING SALE si Bi-ekward Tuitn timtatie NXtntiiuiiW- - i due mort)inutA-ktain tilt oitn-Fntiu Saturdey, Januartj l6th. If gou are Iookng Mitreen. ncae ut aiin ie iggest bargains. oet inte titrdinnlognue oiuI riaY innnting The pinrinn-nt of uniendîtneinluMime- ~9 J A~LIBERTYVILLE Wehh'n raonutwCea.,4 174 1. W u-i 111. Moîday îirt irai benmot acideo as T H E FA I ladites'îioehtnt ahtie ritik, whtua ekutpen and adoniecion ar-e fiee ta Yotinar ladi'n-à Come ajoug girlâsudid esjoy'youroevnis * * loc: 10; NEW DRESS GOODS W ~WISmH TO CALL THE Attention of our Custom- ers to the Uine of New Dress Goods, we 00W have on sale. The Iist includes Ginghams, Per-'. cales, etc., in mangj beautiful fiîg-,ý ures and patterns. The line Is worth gour inspection. SWEATE[ SALE We have also put on sale our entire U'ne of Sweaters ai 50 CENITS ONI THE DOLLAR $1.00 Sweaters - 50C. 1.50 "46 - 75c. 2.00 "6-6- 1.00 2.50 " -- 1.25 3.00 ' -- 1.50 LIBERTYVILLE :: ILLINOIS a. w. ici-si. s., Oaa.., W- S n~i-N. **T. OAS... LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANK