Wau-kegan News__ LJK!AN LSf A PROMINENT MAN Censervative Business Man and Wonl Uked. Was One Turne Mon- tioned as Possible Candidate for Mayor. Again Waukegan bas bast a proni- met citizen. One of its foremost resi- * dents passed away viten Frlday mara- lag at 6:30, frlnk C. Loomis of Jurjian atvet died. Ho badl been confined to h is be witit beart trouble and hrigbtu. diasase for five weeka and bailhi-en baiing for tbe last Year. Mr. Loomis was hnowa ta almoat e-rory one ta Waukegan and commamd- ed te respect of the vitole citY. AI- though sevoral tintes inentloaed for' mayor and asked to rua for the office, ho always refuai and titrougitaut bis »jte bore nover tooku active part ln pub- lie M11. Ho was a quiet busineas tain. Was a Forty.Nlner. Frls lie cotalaed msnY expoiences. bowever, among tbent a trip ta Clifat-- Mnlte days cf'49, Ho bai livel in Wankegan for thlrty-flve y-ars. On bis tnp te, Califatnia ho vont by thte wsy ef tse Istismus of Panama. Tite ship Cu whicb ho taok passage tram te lathiaua vas wrecked off seutbern Cai- ifrnia andi homadie hi% way fram te wr«à ta, the goldt Slda on foot He ai nnioney la Clfornia andi return- ad ta Chicue ialth IL. Mir. LSows»abora ln Ruabvle. >New york on Christmas day, 182. Ho affl inhm bsDative tlava natl the trip tu Caflfornia andi on bis rture frony tb. - s ctled iChicago. Hoevws as mmber of the fit-t vountoor fire do- -tere. Corne Here lin 73. ianl1973 ho camne tWWaukegan and ~atte a coi and hvery business. He mutauedinhiiis untill1889 la lit ySrfixe ciltren dieti cf diphtbori wftba ceveiteen day-s andi vere hurled tagetiior la Oakvood cometerv, He nover recoveroti fron t telr bas and immnstetly- attervartisld ot hie * lnhesa and tetired ta private Ilue. Wben te ai rtcame bore ho boughl anti lveS on vitat la nov thte Cee farti woet of Waukega. Ha did not reniait on ft long, hoveven, and acon movo, loto the home on Julan street 'aberf he lived untIlbis deatb. Hoelasnrvved by is vife. former ly MIss Anna M. Seliee, o. t 'on hý wus marri-ed on June 6, 1876; titre oblidren by- is firat vife, Frank 0 Baut Chicago, MA . tBia RIchsecue: of Kansas Cify, and Mns. Adie F. Cal lina. of Mlwaukee; and one nephov Chmnrles A, Bila, o Bath, New York. Camae Front Prominent Family. of te Piakerton detectivea and iearned thai the same aviadier gaI $6000 t Muscatine, la.; $3,000 ait QuIncy and $3500 at Sioux City, la.1 Atorney Winter bas aise received aE hliter tram the Trevet 3 attis bankingt firm of Champaigo. statÀag $2500 vas1 securcdj there by a forger ln tite samo nianuer and that a reward of $500 ha s bei-n offered by the ankers' Associa- lion for bis arresi. WAUKEGAN SPE-L LED wiTH %PADiLeFT II FTUR rings suit-division witb Flan people. Johnson moantime gat back tram bis Canada trip, discovered that bisI wlfe was gone, taund oui with viton and wby, and ai once piaced adver- tisenments ln Finnish newspapors offer- mIng a reward of $25 for the capture of the two and preseniing iteir pictures. 'One tof bis cousine lii WeukeganA-re cognlzed the couple ln the Cummilnge bu-dlivision, gave the police the Uip, 'and Chief Tlyrrell made the capture. Wife Good Weeper. Saturday nlgit. mstat s ekot the, tn,, te , s wfe ndler sffi,,ity haut errived, here ta ide, the huaband sa Waukegan affinity mai? came aiong. Yesierday morming ho There have been some affinity casas vislted bis vite ln jaii. Site provedt witin a single week, details en twc herseif a gaod weeper and mnased up of which hae'bon auppresed by the the hushatds back hair, se bis hesrti theis la fice until there are further was softened and viten te case came1 deveopments. to a climax hcfore Justice Weiss tiis Following are the cases as they morniag he paid ber fine an ber prom-1 have corne to a climax* . Ise ta bu gaad bereafter and took ber 1-Edward Norton under arrest ai ta bis arma agaiit. Kalispell, Mont. It vas an affectiag igitt. Every- 2..-Mrs. Kinge, Fox Lake saloon body, including te justice, who la in- keeper's affnity, tried to fiee, county ured ta such sbghts. wept. ln face of trial tcniorrow. XIt as afier iis ibal Justice Weiss 3-Two women arreated n Wash- sprung a ni-w one la the affiity gante. ington treet saloon Saturday night. The womans affinity, Frank blaki. 4-The Johnson-Maki affinity case was fined aise, but wben he came ta ends in police court thia morning. rake up the change he found that bis 5--George Ray case tried aI Wau- cash f el short of tite amofini needodý asu, Wis., on the 20th. Hi- aise turned on the tbars and ai titat the bueband was once more so Siteriff Griffan Monday received a te- moved that he dug again and paid the legrant-omKaibapel, n, ta balance of Mfaki's flne. lte effect titat Edwazd Norton, one of Justice Weiss suested that be Waukegan'e ea.liet aMfnity citasers, adopi Miaki but ite demurred. altbottgb la under art-est there on several char- te ibreef lefi togeiher and may bave gos. gone ta Worcester in one groun. The taiegram Inquired vitether or It wa a good capture for the police, not Norton vas wanted bore and_________ Oberiff Giffin telegraphed back. "No prosaut, hm thre. Itis sspeted A Religbous Auihor's Stmterneni. that Norton wanted a tfree ride home For noyers] yo4rs i va8 afficted wlth kidaoy trouble and at vinter 1 vas ad thougbt bec culd gain sympatlty suddeniy stricken with a @evore pain ia and freedont here. se the sherlff's of- my kidaeys and was conflaed to bed fiee did flot take te effet- up to tam eiit day-s unahie ta gRet ut) vititout Lbia ovor. assistance. INy urine contaiaed a tbuck white seiment and I pa8sed sente 1 Norton eloped om ankegan itear- froquentiy day and night. 1 commeaced lY a venr ago vit bis vifes sister takmng Foley's Kidaey lterudy, and the after a varled career alang the nnrth pain gradaaliy ahated and inaliy ceaéed s sore, and Wankeganites hope aa sd My urine beeame 1 nrrmal.I1 imer f uliy recomend Fley's Kidney Remedy. bis alleged art-et In italispeil i vl.FRANK 1B. 14)1ELL. Jn CLOUIS J, YEOMAN of ; THE OPTICIAN Moruno fam aes fMv orkone Bis theclose ies career for soetUlme te corne foreont amiles o NewYork Hie Fox Lake "'Affinity", Flees. c Isibar vas aneof te cariest setters a s.Ira. Ilinge, all-ged affiity to cf~ ~ ~~t -tnbil. a i iret pottuaster, Fux Laite saloon keoper, 'abo vitb ber andi vas a member ai the Nov York lover fscod trial fa Justice, Weiss' egilature. lMs mother vas related courtTtsaMna onn rc la orer ic-Pealen Hoa (ot flee Fox Lake for Chicago 'aither e Hie wo rothrs re oth ead On part of ber gooda hait gone, anti only 1 Chtarles, vas a member ai congre"s i the prompt Intervention of a constableoa and a promineat man, was la Parias aveti the day for the case. t duriez te Germen seige and tir. me .Klngea preseace la Imporant t j,;, searcheti for iini nîany years as'ber buband asserbtstt e mhidE withaut soccesi, and id lta find hlm boritlier a fi-v days ega la the saloon. nintIl ie bd returned t10 America ikeepers.t again. She bas eblpped ber guode ta Chica-P Ail is familv lived la an alvanceti go an.nmil, la Ielleveti. intended to fal t age and Ht. Loomis imselît -as 8low ihern wben ehe vas intercepteilt years aid hst Christmas day.Iis aftu-r a sharp chue. fathet- diod at the age of 84, and a co- Arresi Regular Affinity. e incidence la ihat the faibers birthday Saturîlay ilght the nigbt police ai' vas thte seinte as te sons. is sîster rested as "affinlly la a saloon unr vas 72 yearold wben ahi- dir-d, and Washington tt-iet and Sunday slitef bis brother Chatles vas 82. vas fined and chaseti out of tite city. A cumniui with. her liedinluturneÈ WAKEA SINLR and vas no agt WAUKEGANSWINDLIE The police are death agalnst 'ho UNDER NEW NAMIE game andi root t out wherever po- George Hoover, allas John Seck, Ray Cage Wednesday. 1 lias a new namne, andit hi saId tb mn The chargea againat George Ray. «John C. Luti." tinder the namne of a Waukegatn maut, made by is allegeti - 'eclK" the notoricus Hoover swind- affinity, Mrs. J. H. Raub, waIlho trioti lai Henry Wedge f Waukegan outin la Wausaitt an he twentieih of this of *$MW0 on a deai ike that which he rntnh, Wednebday. andi Ray faces a juat worked ln anville uader the îeiîetlery sentence Ilai claimed,- namie 'LutzY" The Wauki-gan police. wlîa mîailed l-rank Johnusou. of Worcester, Mass., ot 10000 circuleas tbrough tue rouit- relue ta Waukegan Saturday- night ta try, tbougbit that cvery policenuan ln iiimd his wlfi-. Emba Johnson, anti ber te tate et least vouli recogmîlce fti i o(Y, F.ranmk Makci, laget in la al, Beek-Haoover lutz on sight, but mi-was ,,,di luit, hart Bn meitet i e the sigbt able ta put enother one axer runlIe itiho î,eld isvîtes fine.,iou ber police o!f Danvlle anti beri-e 'thei- rhmotus et-ms. iteM part ai ber lac- po:f-ti i, a bli t il as dierovereti thst Danville. M., J an. -A'i "- uuwtt.mo rie" but sadtibenti, Edin Winter, wbo vas iuînrood oui ti fmuult uith tirs. Jaoson for a! $3,500 lest iecit hy a srnotuomb w itd- hr ehpat ul Jas, mtaforged the naei-futWilifii u N i tu-toibw-he-t-e hoes 10 umuuofthe Caurtaoy toa edee t lathe latter mu fsrm..upon vbich hi- gave e niaim tît *i mFstet-iv olr e -for te amoutit, todey recelveti a Jit- ht-u(I- wormus ticature fve doarste telr front Attorney George S. Skinnet-, tiium bo apueotevo n of P81nmcetn. Bureau county. înfarrn- amui lit-r lover, Fio the police 'atîl for lag in t Iat the writer vas svindleti onct-ogiiwbat îhey déserve for their . a* nt .. *lnt.,..4ic mi..the.saine ishors. mmiatà', Jlibrum7y 4, 1907, by a asan w» ~ aO etheàe nofaiJohn C.tue 4 rtebi lathes ame man 'aho ,NPp wmmat o s & tatea Î. puc«% beNmgte hlatth. banda Advertîsed for Missing Wite. Wile Joltas3on vas paying a visît ta Canada his vife elopoti 'itit Maki and mter vanderingshot the country-te tvo finally came ta Wakegan ibère tbey- settieti la a houa. on te Cent- Attornoy B.V Orvia waas PPOIuted a ommitteo or one to detrmine if it would ho Possible to have Battery C firo the prelideatial sainte during eh t :OMMITTEE ARRANGE ÔR:WLIKCOI£N DAY The adoption of motions ta have ail te rei-uta uf Waukegan and the ocuniy wba ever saa Lincoln es tecial- ly invited guesta vitit seats 0f bonor ,t the Lincoln ceatenaary celebratlon, ae secure permission, If possible, for ho flring of the presîdeatial sainte by Battery C, ta neye a Lincoln relie dis- play et the celebration. iad ta have tho newapaper records of the evonng put an the archives et the Lake Coun- .y Historical Society and the decisbon ae ash J. Hamilton Lewis and William Mason ta be the main speakers of the evenlng were the tala business trans- acteti et a meeting ofthbie general corm- miîtee an Lincoln Day et the SIN of- fice Monday nigbt. Other Important business that vas done vas the reterring ta bbc finance comrnittee te chou- 0of souvenirs for the day wbicb 'aIlho soidte tadetray ý.exes, the adoptiag of an autlino for the progrant for te evening, and the plan ta have Battery C bave an encempment ldisplay for the back- ground ai the speaker'& plati atm. The report of the speaker's commit- tee la Witicit Rev. McGlnnis stateti that iLs members bai declded Lewis and Mason vould be most popular speakers for the evenlag vas adoptai unanimously and the committeo vas a8ked ta secure the tva If possible. Tc Invite Special Gueste. The cornrlttoe decided unanimoits- ly bu draft a general Invitation teaait residc-nts 0f the clLy and caunty wbo have soi-m Lincoln, asking theni m ata- tcnd the celebration and bu file their naines wib bbhe secretary that they rnay bo assigned seats of banur. In liai wiîlî luis snggestion aiiotb&ïr ibat a pi-tare oai Ibe t aken and gbv'-n ta the IlislnrI-cal Society asen met wlth uaniniaus appraval. The tva suggestians vere referred ta tIh- pub- hicitY carnnuttee te ho carried aout. A speclal commlttoe cansisting of Pt-caltent Moody a! the Historical Se- ciety, Attorney C. T. Hey-dockor and Secretary Robert Iagails vas appoint- ed te take charge of a display o! Lin- cola rolca at the. cobebration anti the tallter of collectlag one vas referroti .ta thent. -e za, .s.wvw - $1.00 Undersits Now' Blackt mercerized petticoats wotb, eew ........29c. CarfLare Re- funded.. ~ S Satisfaction Positively 32 N. G.eeee M. Guaranteed. Sais continues r Before Equslled clarton If s olted fu apopiatefr a~fI &~ paolation. I flot the f isateor a Illllh ery---rrice No Obwi.i tho occasion. Bo ventrs bocided On. $5, $6, and $7 Hats, ont Souvenirs ta o, s old for defraying large assortment, speCia Pxpenses of the ceibration were flot lecided on lest night but the mat- oer -Ivas roferred ta the finance com- mittee vitit paverto act. Titroe ex- 50c Dressing cletsouvenirs were showa ta the Sacques, comm-dttee. One was a souvenir pro- great values gram. anotitor a smal lincoin tag and o the ihird was a metaai bear of Lincoln, ln different sizes. A number of each woui probably ho, decided on. 19C erPue e With the referring of the soovenir WtuJEEAN purubases to the committee, s Mo- tion that the Women's Relief Corps be asked ta talle charge of selling the l~ souvenirs vas cart-ied and P. L. Auis- to thent. A suggestion that Captain A. V. Bargains Neve Smith of the battery be invlted ta make an exhibition camp as a backs- At Tour ground 0f -tit.speaker's piatform as, F TiR 3s Own M I Out-big cie a part of the decorations of the baill coatianed thro was ,iecided on. An affer front Cap- $.0sts lym s >r tl tain Smith ta bave several af bis mon. go o stey mst as e e ar t ln uniform aet as ushers for the even- go7noir .s . i. mal da ing vas acceptod by the comnl'toýe. prie, special...«. York for the ICOATST AtaL Our entîre stock af nov and tandsoeiecoats 'aI a ha bunebed la titree big lots for speclal Clear-ance tis veck sa -oilows: 115 8447 Costa la aIl colora, vour citoice this week Mt tho itefore on- <f heard of rcu4uction *. Ail ont1-812 -Sa osasna- thing reserved from iei price cuttiig e 57 $15-920i-825iCosas, overy anc aisotnteiy guaranteed la be wortb thesa prices. Tbey- Lgo nov for Cieur-x 7 ance, bikr value... .7 eat-ai-a rSale wyul be ugit tiis ctire week a of Winter (Goods rd ont aI sany price ke out ttip ta Nov parposo of seclting ock. Several Cases Tried. States Attorney Dadys var -)n the biiad piga of Highwood la belag waged 'altb sncb good efferis ibai Llonday morning witb the triais one day- off, te folowing rases vere disposed CASPER SANTV-Plead gullty. JOSEPHl UERNARD-Plead bulily. Fine taken under advisament. JOI4'.N GOEHRINGER-Plead guil- ty. Fined *$0) and conla and pai fine and couta. E. P. DeWolf tiis week sieted in an Interview tbat he la candidate for the office of city ir-utirer and will la abatt Ur nake formai an- nounicernnt o fÀle tact. 1Croup posltively s opped in 20 Min- aur absolate 39 guat-antoe ,now..9 $20 00 Sets, somehiag extrardinary 87 aI this pt-lc. . ..-.7 Car £are refunded. Satisfaction positive- lv guaranteed. ln addition ta the rnanX bargains already off ered il our big cireular wo wiII daily add many others sud give this sale the practical tara whieh hasa1 distingnishod fHein's above al ather stores in tbis vicia- lty as the rosi monoy Bver for al the people. Our finet care la 'biggest values." Resd whist followsanmd -yo"rill @ce the point. Stunning Reducftons on Suits Skirts, Biggest Values Ever J Ai $12, $15 and $18 Suits, one 15at *.00 Skints, one big lot for l8 lotlforaCceara.c. at.th....... tf largan ceate .8 * 10.00 Skirt, niost exoeptionai 57 Dune test alune viilsurei poveths. rntit. No vomiiag, au distrea'.A lndpede Want, Ads BP-rn D ncua Uc ==T.r1 TI,<. sale andpain _5r(ktb. So.d b, I5,>DA1, ~L~AL. 1 IL SaviRnes on Shooes We're Determined tolEClean Up Ail of Our Winter Footwqar as quich as possible --- so Slash go the Prices Vou neyer bought dependable footwear in your whole life for so 1lîttie rmoney as you catn now. We are going to see how quickly we can make a dean up of ail our uines of winter shoes. We have certainly gone to the extreme in price cutting. However, it is the only means by which we can hope to make an immediate and absolute clearance. Clearance of Nen's 11.50 Shoes, $2.95 Your cholce of a splendid selection of the season's best styles In men's shoes, made of superior qualities of patent colt, ylci kid, gun metal box, caif and velour caif lea. ther, lace and button, blucher cut, com- fortable andeasy, and extremely service. BOTS, SHOES, $100 StaunclIy t-onsti-tiîteulof serviceîîhle isatixi enif lea- ther, heavy extenioni soles, lace styleu hlut-Itor eut. Sty- os bs31,,- $1.00 DOTS' SfOES LtŽathetrsu are patenlt colt, piîn uuetil vîci kid andiolîtx aif. mî-sýliiiruî or t-xtrti-ne- ]y hibrli I ts, lace o r hîitton. $300 and $3.M0 value<'s sîztes 2U, ta51/' Women'y s $3 Shoes now go for $2.45 To make an absolute clearance of our $3.00 ,fne of women's shoes we reduce the érice t. $2.45. ln the lot are ail of the very new. est styles, made of.ý the choicest grades of patent colt, "Ici kld and gun metal leathers; lace and buton, blucher eut, medium or high heels. Your cholce of $2 .45 many models at ....... INFANTS' S11013, made of vici kid wlth patent tipa, lace or button style, izes - ta 5. Clear- pilCe, pair ...............39 GIRLS' SHOES N ift-v î < ll îade oif diogol a k id witlh P)at<'itl p iat kid t4ps, la-ve or blittoil, soles, simfs 12 to 2 ai $1.25; sizes 81. 98C 1 = 1 our âpring stoi 1