LAKE COUNTY INDENI)ETNT, fPRIDAY: JA-NUARY 29, 1909 E kF COIJNIY INDEPENDENT f Additional LUFertvil tOFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAK<E COUNTY A. P. Shrld1o ft Soîrlda.v for MNrrsti- F, p a e l 1rr.. ire ex jie rr r ir o lii lar a week rand wili Isîrver .sFerrrl lecture@. ges Telepbhose No,- 1 Wrrri certeiceTeleponre Nt).1141. Lrertvrrrle 1:x-hkilrrre H 1Davis hIrîre Irinentertrrlning 1 j Mutered ne," h rrfLterttiertyville. Ii.. s seod srtN, Morer fartier frrx ron ao ýtri div, ,Iv tiIre V1*0DvE' O OFi ,1-rrN.5N 01r MWNOi ' "Ia ,t veek tIL, i edu iCI dlu, nir Tru rwd aý% ~UBSRIPL0NPRICE Si150 PERl VEAR SrRICTLY IN ADVANCE -l1ii I iNtINjrrroýiv tjrîvMle 1 i-eyx Ispe iafly NI ie,- ire lIr'r l #AKH. JUST.... . ... ......... . ...Edtor 4 Ti. I,tioiril 4r"r-n oI lg n a u'MV. ~.M. KELLEY... .... ........Oity Edilo ' lrrlorr ujrlry r. riv a v oII attended ir r nther , uouirîrîr! trit-,r r liec Iolgegatiit By census tabulations just publiished Lake county is given second shlrjarnd a birr i tlrirortlitrti. paeof honor in this judicial cruti on of drvorces grantedin Tn."l m 1tiRý the ten years enýimg in l1s06. igît 'rrirt tt t Iri irrkt[ri-o r .'l. Wrnnebago, largest county, leade, McHenry le next, Lake next, 1rri; nI rtrrlrtrrr lrrtrofti Irt rîi antd Boone, amallest county, is ast and best from itire standpoint of tire er ur1l'rriirr Iroo'Nillit lui]. thre anti divorce acvocates, due to iteemnailipopulation. Vi bU lrrrr trier fbrurrg i ror Here is the detarled staternent as issucd by the Unte States r a r, 12t thIr: rlrlcc rr r, ttO rr ' i rrr V 'i, e 11 tirt -etr 1i nr.t - 1'1, t r irr cerreus bureau, names and fgures on couaties in whicir there sn little irn-r.vr l'rrr-v l irirrurrr'rrd fil il' or no local interest iavrng been ercluded: A r, ~g . .lrrtoI, i The ceorcus bureau ias jut issued tire tabulated drvorce statistici ir irroî rrr rttr nrIItrîr for tire various states, giving the divorce records of eacir state and tre 'ftI ti,rg-t r0.vrltrI"rrrrr county fcom 1887 ta 1906. The Illinis figures, by ountres, are in -Ergirr sîrllrotloir v rrrrrrtrýdfrl trr partas foliows, tire irst figure aftter thre namie of the county sn tire 1irl, tr orrrr r'ri irrKrr population, the second thre number of divorces granted over the perrod rI idM.ý UzlPa mentloned; Kane, 78792-1,492; Kankakee, 37154-446; LAKE, If Orrou il taie l'rey'(-rrnîr ai,'rtir" vinrii tire lrrrvîrtr lrr-rorre rIFulir o u vi 34604-304g; La Salle, 87776-1,W4; Boone, 15791-275; McHenry, noritrace rr.r Irrie prîrerti, rirrthtarll1 29759-345; Winnebago, 47845-809. rrv l"rrIo.î'r. (rirîi Lrxntir.î,otiriy1 mver. L'lraatto trrmie lrrr %Nrk i . Tire progres that lae maklng in eectricity le being demonstrated in tire LEL siectricai show in oberatron at the Coliseum in Chicago, which sa berrrg at -________ tnded by experte frrom ail parts of tire country. To enumerate tire various -and.d r.-. s on .exhbiton ai the place named would requirea ScInool Notes. column Ibr mors andi It would seenttitiat witiin a few years almost everytiring Miarout Wirl. lir. Irreor tirer-tr) r will b.e eectrîcally operated. One point however is strîl to be considered and arrrounrt ir I reo trat la thre clit. In manyedepartmelts such as domestlc science the espenise (rtile lrrterîrrv hàrr Iabsntrirour Wlo usig attacirments intvente i s beyond reasan andi sellrng prrces wrll have 1r(lr Iunt .lîrlre n'tr.'erîl'r rers'ttr- lie be revised iniorder ta popularize tire use of tire same. Waukegan eis n ar -lir..1 r...IttrWoek. tsrested in trs mattere as tire time le at irand miren current canbe had for Rrrlrnrt %%',rgli rt ror' rrartiirg eii-it ail purposes. Etectrlclty purchase i n reaeonably large quantitres is to be linN el-lIirr taroitrîr irrlretie ebtaîne i n nearîy ail big citres at great reductions from eschedlules in elle tfi- fa t ,r1lrr,iro l "lioffl enya few years ago. In lrgiting better lampe are in use, requiring lestuCaric1 lrg1r-gi 0nr r.-adrrr. U ltrirîr 'drrr liirrent andtIn every departirient tremendous rmprovement ea siown. in this mri riri-ritjr'rt lilrr-rrrrrjr cty it will be foutuS econonrical, or shoulti be, foc power purposes andi tire Sinre fîthter thirri rrIrîrir uil.,Iar' pirrrr Tirrr trr'rrit r mlJ-n tireI er.r r rI local plant siroulti prove an important factor in tire development of tire Ii t i e o i on 1,lt r grtIdi.r..r- irxi resources of tire district. t muet be borne in mimd however tirat prîce de- yeao. pend., lpon volume of current produceti and a generous patronage should Twrr uew r.rijer'lo are o rri'rrrtitis hiduceslewer priais from time to time. A good polrcy in tire c:lnduct of ail secieeter, sotlig.lfiIrtry 8AnI lroîrri puli srvcecopraios e o haeeconamies and increaseetiprofits wrthir l'I. ire to foIrgi tb rirogîr thé c"nsuming publia and it e iroped tirat bile mîli prevait in Waukegan. errrrrl rrr r,-Jijrr' rrer'nrd thirrî rr'rI i t. ir'irrIi-r ' i litrg virrle o Il e... .eee e ~ 22 fit S. 44 fi Lot ],,Bock 39, )Wau- roret in tItir iliî er'lo'rîtin]ririrt .2 rtri TIaegair, Q C D $1.Salurday, Jirî:. lii Stotrehttitire, o.n .A ee 1(ltiPNi Irais 01 e r-rt i urrrrg-rrr rtr ÀlEstgte mrTransfineviiomgti-st ! P83t \VV2312 fi N 150 fi iblock 4 plitiirril ýjtîrit i io'rirte Ni ,,Il rrr- r - W IW-t Johnîson r rnd fr' lu A i. rogran ir »srat o ite, ile iuriled lSeveraltr no'of irîtgerrril iîtî rrte À.beracs a Trie t rl s 1. reroroeed ltart ,lot 67, Rarirla Vo' n $7001110.(II hal rirr recr 1ii rOrrit ri rtrr11arr io i t MasotriTeurpIe[rig. V orireo Oi r ii' Anna E Mcefiaia iraîrti f MoiatliraE rrrrr.tteirorior rrire 1,r,%r-t k LOUls J. rl 0 rti). Derrbitonr atr<t Il Z Drrarrd, Q C$1.____________ T A Snri)w'arrrlw-lie ta t' FSar 1,'r, Emma A. Howard anrd lranfd 10 lots 6, 7 andt 8, blocik 2, , 'rro' Srl.,r Notice ta Srockloders. Matiaes Berner, N, 1li(ti. ot li0, N,,ar-iciîago. W D $5,21r0.0'ttire srorrIriorfrntire Erirrrrr,r Block 1, HowardriPtk, Fox Lalie. trB Sycrard-fet lMra For'eler'rLîrrribrl,ilar'rîîrarI r t $250. ney. ~~Lois 6, 7 arrdiS. iBlock g, ar~ lliednd rtI is unr rrw I r irtlr' la..rrli JF.' Vasey to A. O. 'tasey ,oprk E. Sub, Northr Chîrago.WD$21 0 tIStaterrfI lIrt i îtoriandta a'lirt lurayS socre.t'i"îira Or i e lry giNeir 1-2 N. E. 1-4 Section 12, i War.'na orler Palmter and i or to jarre it nttIrlie atr egujrrlr irua roeetirg Twp.Q C $300. Palmer. Lot 8, blocko 1, Bîrîret 'filtie Boaril rrllirret torre orî sard Fim.rnoriît C. Sye n ieto l'. Pierus' Ad1D 0. lllerrlu iii ierrCo , a mirrt10on rrrasro ,ler C. E.los35anrsd 3, oi 46 Wse ddLaite Vilta. Q C D$1.00. secoderdanrd eurriedth îat a speeial rîeet- buri arks rnd lots I and 36. ,iilock Jarre Palurer to E t' Tia3 er. Loit 0, rrrg rîttreri"f îirf aId Errjirtoroel hum arkrendlot b ard 3, [Bck lock 1, Burnets Add., Lakce Villa. %lr'ter inrrrrrr Co. îîr' alied puirsirrarr $6, North Chicago, W D $240. W D) $1.00) la law, forrfirerutlrorre ru ehalrgrur tIre Cosruty cierra ta H. . Indwarrls An:.MCln art Remn ira' IeusaIn tri r pi arro rin Eiraiarîsd Lot in N. W. 1-4 Section Il aird Lot AnaE clnhnt oam n)Ier rLurîrer 'Cri tu Lrbertyorlle Loin- ta 8. W. 1-4 Section -11, Last Aniiocir. H.* McClanation. N IU/ acres luti 1, le ' ier trrrrrrreeet i i and j acre lu S. E. 1-4 Section 13, Lakte Forest. Wr D $100. hutilioe rtrcoy di-cide u[rini. 'West Antlocb Townshipr. J M Kemp and wtfe to J S Harlan. Nriw tlnroie ile [ursrur-ce oI raid Lot 17f Biockt '. Dreer's Suli , Northr N E 14N EE Baast fCreen Bay arir rrofitire lii rad ioiDi retore. No Cthe Chicago. yureerrigurrl, trng a riiart f rthtir Lots il1 and 42, Blockt i5, Arnostierde 's ti.d, S-r 29, Shieldsr Ta î. Q CDB r iri'ett(rrsoirsain craprratiro. dori bi Auld., Waukegren. $30i0.00. Il a l4periai meetinrg trItire staririrlderg I Strip adJoinlura Lot 1, Block 18, Me- J S Harlan and wlfe ta J E 011rof ni oorllporrlritrirrr.tur ie leldl ltIrle ay AdWaukegari am ar ad.Q 110 eio1 Irîofri nid erri Irtratrora lu thie Kaye Adds..m. QC D $300.00. %iiîr'nIi Lilritf iir tir Ie Cruity If i Lots 10 rnd 15, block 12, War1iniurrr i J E Cis arîd wife to Mabel S Iflair Lake anti SIatr'oful lilîar. nu ther 25t1r 1Lot 22, Block 6, rnd L.ot 44.,IBlockt I 'y. Pari N E Y4f N E 14 East o a dîofuFr'triari. A. Il I aii t tr 3, Barlett's Sui., Laite Forent. CIGeen Bay R0ad. S,,t 29, S7Ieiuds Twpi. c(1 10inthre'alteriro,irtut whîclr tiroi Lot la S. W. 1-4 Section 28, Wr-Qrr 100.arrrplaiceardeî'rrrîîrrrofîrîr Ltigitig tiirern couda Twp. "P Yeomn anard Nwfe ta D A Wells glmeerfLuidrior atiiti rti vlErLno- Lot 2, 1[Bock 1, andrtLot 41, Bockt 2. I.tr2Mnd2.lbr2Yerrr e-rvri . tir rCo.h allie uvile assid Rîvenburgirs Suli., VenrioniTwI. Lt -5ad2,bok2 emn&I-rC rse te rt l ss Lot 16, Blockt 2, Cirîings Add., D0irgias' Sirir.W'auiregan. W nrtDIottlIît5 iria i ter'rrIir tir, i irDe Waukegan. $701.00.a'rdrsrlaaiiir'irate' rîrr Lot3, lok 3 ClesAdd, LkeDa' te ii rietyville, I litrors, thir Blotff. BoI ,(irsAd- le Maria Soeeri o lCk E Soi Irr, Lot 7 t,,elIt-tiitrvt irojri .trrtrriit l IIt LaBlf ,TxDe Highrlanrd Park Building Co. 10 Marî t.uty A. (ýt-ribi-irti.lu1 Fred 'r'lisonr r riri t tr iortrvtItr W. Yoe, Lois 4 rnd 5, itock 62, 11gb .Lots 1 toi 6, .loo'lo1, Itord du-Lac Eritoriror ter Irîuirber Ca. Ir- ;t Ilaud Park, Q C D $1. Bluoffs, Q. c.i., $2. H. C. Edwards rand vite ta Rudolîri lverîr ts'rervuirantrîlwito aAngrtL ST RB C LB Vau ressen, 40 acres IliiS. W. 1-4 Sec. DeClar. ILot , llori?,i Wi enn q Add., LESTER O13 VACATION j1. Av-on Twp., Q C t)$$600.Iltighlad Parki, \V D.. $1,1.0-O AC TO John Magnuson rnd oofe 10 Johnfl T. J.Strilîrandtri îe la1I.. Hall- Newman, Lot 13, Blocko 5, ('unrrrrlrrgs finir, Lois O8tord 9J rniotir SuIt in L.ester B. Colliy. fornierly clty eltitor & Cas'1 Add. to a Wuiegan, Q C D Sec 12, \Vesi Arrtorir Twp, W. D, ofthtie Laite Connty Indepeudent. whbio0. $105. $1,600. i tire weelulyta ise of tire SUN. [s Cathrerne Mr. ttîuzlk and liusoirn 0 ottie N~ichlrn-,arrd irusbandoor here an a visit from Fart Worth. Y. C. Zairnle. Easi 1-2 tLot 7. Bock 8,î Franrk Piern'on, Lais 7 ta 11, Block Texras, wirere ire bel' down tirelidra Exmoor faddli.0 Iighlanrd Park, W D 6, Stri., Voatrlegan, W. D., matir critie and feature desit for Ber-- $500. $1.400. erteeun montirs on thre Fart Worth Fbrankc Caiveri rnd w-ite ro E. S Telegram., one of tire big papera In Omîverir. S. 100 ft. E. 200 fi . Lt 242, C. Flîrgails anrd w te lu Fred B.tire soutir Lake Forest, Q C D $1. Dooitiler 1Lot 6, Graity & latîowellrr Tire Telegram put np sucb a Augostus BeBona rnd wiie btuEv- lrîd Srrli, \Wariiooian, W.iD., $1t healtiry lrand of competition trotlits lia Wrenn, N. 50 3,. lý4,at rivai tire Star irougirilt uorarnd Wrexi's Add.. Hirglandr Park, , D Notice, îornred tire Star-Telegrattirnd Mc. 1300. ' Yoru rire hIreY rrrfi-rdthtiittire toîlrrIli Catty s'as offf5ced an advance Ib po- Hattle E. Trlpp andeud rsnd ta L. îtOtrnlcietiit SIrerf teeriiNor. 1. sitlon xo'tir the ew managementbut ~. olln red lf. . 11 i.N '0 (rfrr tir- tre t -irrt ri ,Nater rit 0., K GolringiadawrreE. 6oiften-..Pe,.it ile iorrlirroce Ifîreferrr'd ta corne nortir for a 'tvue lbt Lot 15, Blockt 1, Kut-lilers Sali., l.rlrertý ille, 'ftrtt .1l.iie rnuri tit.' lion lrsi. .lrertyr'iIIe, W D O$3.0Ç0)f II. u o ir-rnrd PN É1lin ut le rmade a reputation as a news- john ,Gldrng and utcIo11 ir),N torcr rlrirî1 il5rli Godngrraceyi .F-14Sl ,lo Jf I îrl , n il g' rK.'rrc i2wer manoai trt qulitty in Texas Goldng.20 cre in E -4 r eron141 tnd tour go bock. possîbir ulti tire 26, Waucanda Twj. Q C D0*1. Faule W. C. Perrn-tanIo0teo- nelle P. Perrin Lt .0 lînrit1. Laurt B, Ë%-ockett's 5mb. Woîrbe-au, - C D Leouele P. Perriu et l aita Fnnîe W C. Perrini, Lots 10 and I l I~o 1, Crockeet'a Bb.. Woulregari, Q C t) $1. Pgàsfie W. C. Perrnet e al W'C. Perrin, fot 8. Blocit Crocteltir s;u5.. Wmakews. Q C D $1. 1 J H PborVIie and eivife to Ciras Weib ,to eu*0i4d.&. 10 AnîbocliW If l rIm-riit'tî i r e lin Ir r1ab. 'i 1 Âg Irle emiT. a lge r'r1rnele t. knil e rî trrreinge (lti I nr 'sHenitir l ce n.w let i n etus25, r-lt-nojIvlpdrel -No Drijl ,t -l' n trin-' ' ri l U-tir I PoI Tir4 t ltrr i tI11-101iCffr ,. #irldes, rr,st . %'ie't Md..îrlv troon t.,e nts.d tto menait, nute. etc ""ERI ~~'~NC KS. zinre 'orri of iate. noably an arendf arr Postr Cit.,Texas, for tire Broadway Nlaigtînrr.. Posrt City is tire rOnirri il, frîindodrth ie soutiruirnt ty Pont tIre reretot breakfast food mran of Bat- le Creek. Fort Worthiî1t9 tire ciy lin wilo-r Ogdeu Ar orour of L.ake Foreet nov p large parlrlig plant valned t $500.000. Il iras $5.000 1opuatlon'and le an ex- eeedlngly prosperous cty Tire qiI tan of Tucitey .bd ,all bie meal slpped frpm Fort Woitb to (kiveston 'mud then over 5OO. Tirsy dg-he drs-more "crin" niust noow <e deat.l it is 50 hot a spot-that mont y seeros t0 meit. Good îiid iti.28 coClîîîChig'h. TIlat, is, r-rme of tt-enIdo. 0 ac iire "îoî,heas Iris ur hule uf CLOCkS. 1't wrîlil ie litard tri finît better- .rý uar- it Irie nlt -- t ici t b)0 -,i. Yrr11'11 htic îrIr 1. Wh y littr t 1l-darî A. II SS ___________and______ t ' LIBERTYVIb.LE, ILi INOrS. Aîhir!t, o fr'r ,al 'ec lIreland olu rîrrg os lieuttIhe land. Ment %vins. That's why were running s0 successfully. Our line of Magjer's-Florsheim and Menze's Shoes is a sure vwînner- miles aheaci of the ordi'nary kind. One trial will show you why. En W.PAR KHURS'T SCIIANCK BLOCK LI BERTY VI LLE, I LL W HEN your breakfast is dont blame the r-ook until ' IHRD * OP STORELIGIITING 0 STOR o * you find out what kind of 1 iUNGSTEN CLU4STERS ARE coffee shr uses. lt'sI moremi e r than likely the fault is with UNRIVALED. the coffee and flot with the cook. If you hinc the fault is * They enable any store tri use electrie. light at a* with the coffee, change your brand and use 0 c oct which is less than woulcl have ta be paid for any CHASE & SANBORN%'S * other illuminant on the market.* irain. Then if the coffee doesn't taste righî, change Scooks. Chase & Sanborns Cofice selis from 20 cents to *W! FLIRNISII TUNGST!EN LAMP CLIJSTIERS 40 cents per IL, and ifts good. *UNDERYLAT RAT OR METERBOASIS. CORLETT & FREDERICKS CALL WAUKEGAN 268 FOR DETAILS. LligERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS~ NORTHI SHORE !LECTRIC CO. Telephone 30 *230 N, Geneste Street WAUKEGAN. ILL, FRD OCII!I LlitovdvEelaueDISTINCTION SPECIAL ATTENTION BAKIER *and CONFIECTIONERT N A SUIT 0F GOOD CLOTHES. DicI * * jyou ever take notice of neat, well fittîng 0 Ta out of Tewn Ordere ietsll 0ioi o o ILibetyvile Illnoisgarments? Certainly o have. While yo . q -0 pass tle ordinary suit of clothes incifferently you will0 AntiShipin Trde OTES AN REAILqS UPPIEOstop and examine one that is well made, whether of And hipingTr E DOELS ADVERTAD;JAENT TSUPPLIE eperfive m-aterial or not, for it looks much different WE DLIVR T ADACETTONS from the ready made suit. Clothes made in our shop _____________________look different and are different fromn the average. _____________ <~ That is why we are in business. Some people Sdemand good clothes ancd we are here to furnîsh >1N' .. t D them. Why not you? ' A. W. LICMT'FELD '-* LAKE-.COIJNTY AGIENT IFOR BRUSII RUN~ABOUTý LIBERTV VILLIE. ILLINOIS The. INDI>PENDeNT ,end DaIlg Tnibuqe or lInter- FRED CROKER Tailor and Draper 0 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. Morses For Sale. VountajilMearow 8tock Farm 1%~ miles rît rth or Wrucrruda, I1Ihba crrnstrsutlv on lrard an* for male at lowerîuj nark'eý peit a large stock of ai] cla. of tIhor"s eità.lilofor tihe r9WI and aIl farte work. express and draI*ý ufol and ssrvieereal)ie Iran 1100 Io 1600 lb.Pris$80 b 3200. Na pluma Crac ta Mountrein Msadow @" ' bore. wrk n tsfrrm.Alaecirnbati4 e, and lavold riait of tsieknes. Ali 0" aulreed oSidellves arpsa~~ h SSTOVES I hfve got them In all styles and sizes. carry a large stock ard buy in large quantities and can make prices as low Superior to ail others in Opera'tion, Quality and1 Finish. Every Stove Guaranteed. SHo Bo EGERo FDon't fool Awayj Your Timie Lookin.9 for reed and not linding ih nt gouÎr ?îeighborhood store COME DIRECT IQ US A Large Stock Alwa!Js on lland r~Buffalo Gluten Grano Gluten Daisyj Dairy Country Middlings White flour Middlings Bran and Oil Ment AR ed Co mb Poultryj food ASPECIAL M1ocking Valleyj Coal forked. W! BOTl GAIN Wtl!N YOU TRADE WITII LIBERTYVILLE Phronre 47.ILNS