CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Feb 1909, p. 8

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Wakégan News At day .AVE iObn~ summoned Officar Sehuer wbo made ViCûtUM Or JOU!R w NUROM M te arreat, at about aix in thce eaing- n "1* U 9 ~A1ND NTS Payuec s aameut and repeteut tiis § O T r ii elrniug Arménien Secures Revlver and At, dcs àbà ily lMau Finod tor Drawing Knfe "-Bum11 Cupld Brought te Book. tmst i MnWoHdTae h e* a treut Car Couductor-Other Thursday mornixng Justice Weias About Hia Penn Englth. sof Newe af Police Courts. br ougiti a uegletful eu pdtu book wheu 23 -beu uaited lu uîcrriage Minolas Waitukus. aii ard 900-o! WhfiIcDr. I)oerbeckel«, a Xaegalo co Elizabeth Danbarita, the alter utf llicaînsclie caniSilsKlo-thei doea~ eepedjut aroniSttie wsitl la ebarged hadl loved net tihan "kidded" hlm about iis pîool- lini et hr f is office to wasb his banda siscît' but t0e well. tinowledge o! tte Engli language, cal ~SVneasYjut atentweve lie cs- The case bas t'ragged out for t'o aughed et hlm. and called hlm names. mi] ,W*gesdy, jst ftertweve, he as-aysansu sofutthe grooms friends ui'nday at-ternoon inear three. ho A. or tg»ron wiieni e had been worklng ' I ~eIedbimcl, Ie uniadams.~ 'ueal for Inerfurencu until the Arpllotuulatiii Pool roîllt 535 Oak q b«etalgoldsu fiie d oit xxoîîh jîîdgc lotu s tand. tretwiiîe Kaloutlati sas saiing sai ,àa osî antfiis$400.h vot dieu, K. Ooigan drew a revolver and wl Thean. Wheu Une doctur raturned. le Sanitary Drinking Caps. . ilnd lwu atots point bian ta' ia f- or aulitDmer pald hlm for ttc extnlilItinig -use ibis and dont becomue a înUîî- lgd ountr f et tvo aId teotit nootsanad departed In ber, ut uar tent clnt'," la the satata- Bot sots missed. îîarrowly giaz- no "&ace. ýThe detiet did nt diacover lion wlh twict membe's outhlie Lake iug Kaiuostlai's torsu, and Kaloostlani, ci bis bas util ater te hadl rel'irued Couiltî' Tuburculosla Iîîstitte ane dis- wlî la tLe largîr man ofthlwxo, th, fr-nm dinîner, uver au heur later. VTtîu rilîîti uc coulihiiieulplit'ygi ralds'il h bls us toi'.saî'nued Ilîlî11, l' lt vas tue, late to follow te susperct. put r dnîiiii cutis. Thelîu int aad itaudud iini our 1tetce police, n Preteuded ho b. Allen. t0 acquainît te pi-otiteut the cit5,wihl Offla-ur TryoO îuahing te aresi. of Tue uatmenIf b wa a enta Ihln iseTtc Incident sas te sensationi oft tbiei.!.actcd dlfferently troin ottcîs I la it i îlanî 'ofthîe iîîatte t PotiteAîienîlsu cotony Qu because tie actuatty tad is'0 roois ex- plhace theuclips un te market tere at Meant ta l4il Hlm. W, ti'aeted.c i " cajnuot gut anyone to Ilal ail interiew Fridat' Oosgan sc He also pretenited tu Le unabie t10 launulie thuiîeî tcosi. we son't pluce tbld is o051 stul o speak5' Englitsu d taltiet troiuli'. t ho'n,îon the 'mianrket,""saiul Di. 'uat 't"I manl to liil lie ; h eal-ii-ld but not an brokeulyt Iat te dutiit lns- uson, dy. m'oi noeinttalutof-Calostlil B agi'ia u d14 not tumble titat tiesas an Amrl îlt tri mateielloney, lîtit creaitu lie nmade fuan ut nie. le calted lii,1 eau atter ail. iteult' . îasîesTwu uays ugo i'etcl em The man was short, tout aud Tth'*îîîox cîfuct lu a geou one' and Ilasns L- ad nnie aand t1îmade up ily smooth shaxen anîd Ladl hi,, tei e thi' îîslltulu desarces praiala for tati- îîiîad îu gel ecx lil rlght wth hlm. îug Il ni). Ttecucps thut' arc dstrib- "Su Frîdat' I bougitt a revolveri No other offices were x'hatud an far îtiug arue te 'Purlfol(l Aseptie Paper and cartridges for six dollars wten 1 ala knewn. liniiktlnd Cîîp," îmade ho Canmbridge, found Kaooutlaun luttc pool nonti I One cetmate pacsc te vaineu ol\Mas.The cupa mat' ie nud niant' ahot at hMiwtthUe Intention o! bit-t the gld stolcu t $100. but te ptt- tilîfus tîctoruthrow-lng away. tîng hlm Iilte breast. t mlsaed, tie i siian claims that $400 wortt sas --gralited me, hookthie gîlu away, sud i taiten. Was Ton Strenuoua. tthipolice arreated mu.' Flued for Knlfe Drawlug. iecuetrm rldiewa t Kaloostiau Ocutes Story. S. C. Payne otfZMon City Wa Thurs- s wid scuai show, lu that bier Lîsand Kalouatlan saya that tie dld fnotilg day morning llued $5 and cesia lit'Jais- cîiinîalhrbîesteued lushoot lier. ý listes er lu OsîganLat tiat the r tceWilliam F. Weisfor taving tact isitije llaîw bel-ibond uff, stie ' eleit ncd iu tili ulght dnawu a potato parnug tinife i ni(,'ges. nud tlu ut a ballet throtngt ' waiitloIily aîid sithiout cause, é4n electrie ruad conductor. , 'le, site asserts. Mn.. Adutphînu Lue- Tecag gis oiaiI t - Ëay",ewa dr-unie and aften taving h)ier of Atiocit Ilasîîiug 4cr a divorce tenitît tei murder anSdtecae came -, essc a , dve day old tranafer in paY- sud tlrough Master in Chaucent' up ali onuthis aftenioon. sment of hie s and getting Itb a Clarke tas obtaolned an Injuoctlon - -aOW - Ui th onducter, vas put off prcvetlng ber tusaid froinisdphos- Tlireatenin lmv fiib.,esa wit celilidren t' O èka et athelIn. lln court station, lug et $21.000 Worth o! prupcrty. is quickly andsaev cal ilîlliy Preveutics.1 '0110T6lhe vKlt9d thse returu e! the car Sheeays theclmax came witcu tce These little (iandy Cold Cure Tableta1 trid anemtlane o Sd Ue nmehusand GutatLe-pcn drve ersould always e at haud-for prompt- fad tredMeatie ý fnd henam habad, usat oéerdrve er1 n@i fes Inalliruportaflt. PrevuiitiilScon- 94 xmabèr of Itheoicuuctor. fromeinlieouse ne uOctober, 1908,ad 1 tai n noquinine, nething ab or '*ban Uic canduCW e«raud I se tbreitenod her tinat ae staycd ackenlng. Tbey are Iudeed, "te sttet seacou tisat Payaie, drsvirîg lite pu- uxder a trac ail nlghb and tu thein utalus." Carri-dna pociiet or pîr"e. tUe Dgam.. vot tac hlm andi offered mornng sougbb refuge wIth rei&lveo Proveaitas ai-e a gnuifle saieguard fe*The'linaoeductoi- t-icir hlm and Ilu Chicago. againot colds, 25e. BolS tv __S*ALE 105-107 Genese Sreet 1~ EDMAN'S IigIey bimlding W.ukegan, 111. ea We are preparlng to miake extensive alterations and no add several new departments p ur store,,and es we e need space for our large stock of ring merchatadise, g1 whlch Is arrivlng daily, we have dëclded to m~ake a clear- lng sale of the balance of our "iter stock at prices tt unhoar of before even at tlil. tiuie of the er h articles are toc, numerous to ltemie, thcrefore we wilI mention only a few of -them. You -.hould neo miss tk seelng these garments. n ti SALE US NOW' ON AND WiIL ONTIN COATS FUP,%SSUITS, ^bout 150 of these garmeuts in We have several elegaut fur There are mlot minywlnter suite every material and style. S0m coats in near-seai brook m uk left, and every ome ho$ beom ful 50 !rchtes long, trimmed and eIShn the bet Posab,,,and Jap m nkýien additon 1<> recluced to but a fraction of aune. These coats have sold furaete, separate scarfs and their touet Broadclothe, fancy as h1 gh as $500 and w. wil muffa of squiroi chinchillatripes and nooveli ceIn the t close th em ocut ut 1cas titan cst .lap mink, black lynx, fox and best ahades and styles. Corne to manufacture them bise vwoif. We dont want te and see the fine suit for 9.98carry iver a single article and have made prices epecially ALTERATIONS on Ail (jarments FREE and Perfect Fit Guaranteed Fine , Fne New Panama C~ .N4w EeEing WVV t s L ~and New Vole -"Sk ts5*j Baverai styles to select from, These skirta are madlein the__ lacean auembroidery trimmcd, latet gored effects of the bet 'OeIU long muskater uicevez. 98 materils.a j F rIe g a'. Oak &sitce.. LATE Lake lddi aery, wner ant ce N Putc É he ale uartý id veat Oet eti d a irth w1y lorti quart sec. west uhn heni. Bout] 84. lUe Bout quai iont Lhe quai sert i uend Dav I-en, eaci 'nui thal ers 26 of aa the te E. Wei of the we Wo: ut o3 te; hor soi ln Ia wl sal on a tii th lit il 61l e, sa. Circuit Cuffrit 0et lAU ity. Màroh Term, Ar D. 1909. le Drue, va. Jeunie Davisson, dW. Daviseon, Leurs K. Double- Florence E. Brooks, D»Ibert yMary Druce aud "UnknoWli 's of that part'of sectIons 23 6 Township 46 North, Range 10 of the Spd Principal Nlerîdiali,, red as tollows: Begining at N. E. Cor, sald Sec. 23; theuce lon tne etatlineo!of salitSecs. d 26 te a point 97:68 teet south ae N. E. corner of sad Sa-c. 26; e west jiarallel wlllichenorth of sald sec. 26, 920.7 feet to the r ot the Fox River Road, 50 i; tince North 32 degreea 50 iem West aloug the center lîne. ald Fox River Roadt 754.05 feet le west liue of the outh east 7tur o! Uic soutit casl quarter of sec. 23; thenîcu loîtîl 0îî said line forty elght and niflety four hwidrcdthe feet to a point 739.2 south of Uic norlt siWest cornler ald quarter quarter sec.; theuce nwesteriy aloug the northeast- liine of aaid Fox River ftoad te, Intersection ut said iîortlî auster- Une wlth theuauttit he of the ih west of thle souith est quarter saldl section 23;i. heure eist 3 teet outhe aouth line of sald lh *st quarterutoltheaoutli east rter of sald aiec.23 lu the south Icor. of the sald (illSrter quarter .thence noril it the quarter tin lîne lu tthe norîh xxest corler le south eusI îînîniî'îoutsaid 3ee 123: thence cusi nthceust and st quarter auetîîionlw747Ai2 fted: fe north 23 degrees and 10 aitea wcst 10tu Ififh ii ie outhtt it wcat quarliýr if îte nnrth tast rie uf utald s e '2 ý;thincn -i-esPt .4 tedton (lait fil ,.rti r -,i et iln eto Uic nortl i %iestcor-,outhte t weat quarter iof suiîlnortit east frter of sad sectiuon 23; ihieuce rh on isaIdl quarhter iclioîîlino to uorth weat cor.utfîthe nurtit east erter of section 2. ilcucu 'Rai on ton lIne to place utfitegliiiîîuat" in Chancery Nu. 1110. atlstactory Affldavit. thtthle de- tants, Jentie flaiass .Aulf ired W. visson. Laura K. Doubleday, Flo- ce E. Brouksa, n 't Deut Xx cc h reslde ouItî,ofthe Siatu ut Il- lis, auolt hîrofiasi îifQt lw e'ru- ýupon tbern QI, st'ny fi' iii, suit at te dfenant, "iikownown- Boft Ilat part ot sections 2.1 and Township 45 North, Range 10 East 3rd Principal Nierîdian. described. follewa: Beglnlng at lthe N. E r. Baid Sec. 23; thuoce sout ou ýeast lino of saîd Secs. 2a sud 26 a point 97:68 feel seutit ofthe N. .corner o! sad Sec. 26; titeuce est parallel witt the north lueno!o .d sec. 26, 920.7 feet to the conter Ethe Foi River Road. 90 called; sunce Noiirth 22 degrees 50 moinutes ,est along the ceuter lineo!ofaaldl ox River Road 754.06 feet to Uhe rst line ut the eouth eat qartier f te soutit east quarter o! sald sec. 3;neuece nortit on said vwest lino rty eight and ulnety four oe iudredths feet tu a peint 139.2 feet outb o! thte north west cerner of ali quarter quarteir sec.; tJience îrthwesterly aloug the northeasteriy [ne of said Fox River R.nad to the [teraecU4ou o! aaid northteaateriy une Itlth the south itIano of the nartnwest larter o! tbe soutit cast quarter o! ali scetipn 23; thence weat 648.23 feet on the south lune o! sald nortit weat. narter of the south east quarter of oald suc. 213 to thc noutit west cor. fthe saîlfîquarter quarter sec.; leocu noth on the quarter ecetion le to the nîoî lthwust corner of tLe tutit asI lqlîarter of sald section 23; hence east on the astan sd west larter sectinl lle 747.12 fiel; icuce nul tit2:3 degrues anîd 10 iiiii1 itus Wiest lu tlîe noî thlîille utthe îut Sest quarnter outhe cnorili cus nartur (if safi se, 2?; titenc e xua [4.43 feet un qIuarter quarter euction ine to the tiortt weat cor, ut the rutit wesf uquarter ut aaldt nurti ast quarter ut sad section 23; thunce mrtb on salîl quarter section lune t.te nontlî west cor, ofthlie uorth east quarter ot section 23; tuence sat on section iUne lu place of bu- tnnlug," cannot bc fouod and that apou diligent lnqulny thelr places o! resideuce canuot be ascertaln-3d. so tmat hiroceas cannot be servcd tîipon them or any o! thnni. aving becia fled ln.llîe office of the Cleric ut said Court, Notice la titerefore bcreby gîxen to the sald steve named and un known defendanta, that thte above îamned C'omplaînant heretotore filed' is Bill o! Complalt luI sald Court. on the Chaucery aide thereof. and bhat a aumnmoos thereupon lqsuied out of sald Court agaluet 811e above namned defendacts. returnable un lthe fiat day o! tite terni ofthte Circuit Couirt of Lake County to be bcld at th1e Court House lu Waukegau lu sald Latke 'oiuty. on th1e FIna tmou- day ut Marelî. A. D. 1909, as la Lt' law requlreil, snd which sait lu suitl pendlîîg. LEWIX'S O. 1ROCKWAY. ct.'rh iVatikegan. Illinols. Jaiîiary 251h, A. D. 1901) Elani t. f liiiru.t'oiilaîiants Su licilor i' PAUL iktC(njUFFIN, Aiior,e. Adjudication Notice. Ithý R is , 'i- , uIlailîîiî ,,i,î.î allisia, l, 1ali'i- î.ii ' . -flil, iiîif i ,,, 5i ,.I e l s t' .1 iii 15e il't-if f un iifo , , l'h'.1, iui _I'1Op Our cut price sale of Men's High Cut Shffl and heayy winter Shoes in black and tans is giving great bargains to men wanting good shoes. Great ânes of splendid Suits and Overcoats, former prices $12.50,' $13.SO and $14. Fancy Suits, plain hardi wearing Suits, dress Overcoats and every day wearers, greatest bargains ever heard of in town. SOur splendip $15.00 and $16 grades of fancy Suits and Overcoats in heavy weights and tuedium welghts. The latest and newest de- signs and styles, ail sizes 34 to 48. Ail the Hart Schaffner & Marx styles go at one great slaugh- ter price. Ail our splendid $ 18.00 and $20.00 Suits and Overcoats. The latest styles and cd the very best makes, the popular Hart Schaffner & Marx kind. In ail the latest colors and styles, ail sizes 34 to 48. 'We fit the hard to fit." in this lUne we put ail of our high priced Suits and Overcoats. The Hart Schaffner & Marx makes, former prices $25.00. Ar the best the market affords in Suits and Overcoats. Ail go in at this one price. Our sale prices on Moçurch and Cluett finest Shirts at 79c and $1. 19 and on Wool Underwear at 50c a garment has attracted many buyers. Our Pants Sale of Men's Dress and Work Pants is great for saving money. -121-123 North Genesee Street, WaûlLegan, Illinis CI4ANCERV NOTICE. realdent of te Stale Of Illinois, anif the above nameel compiainants here-' B3en Ji. Miller, Sollcltuî. ibat upon diligent inquiry hla place tofore fiied their bll!ofu compisint lu f rcidfnce aliot b ai(,eraied ad court, on the Chancerv aide there- State of Illoisa, tountY Of î,aîe, asil sîde ant 0aaetind, faud that a siulons thereupou le- Circuit Court of Laikei OUnti, an,,ihal titilla,, 0f residenve of the saudrd iof 4ald court ugainat the àlarch terni, A. D). 1909,.Ili thancery. iluo elrs or devisees of Sam- ahoxe naincd defendaanta, returnable Nq. 4136. uel Page, deceaaed .. . unknowfl Own- on the firat day of the terni of the Catharlue Pairmn ansd Carnie ers of or persons intereated ln the Circuit Court of Lake County, to tM Schnelhel 'çs. Fred Wclserabeilui, 'un- ruai usiatu deascrlbed ln thqe Bill ot i belld ath1e Court liousa lu Wwuke- kîîown luira or deviee5 tj liseine Complint. " unknc&wn hiera or dcvi- gan lnusalit Lak'e Cottyo' the.' Page. deceaaed,"" unkilowil owuers or, sees of Ira Stone, deceased." -un- Fîrst Monday of M arcly2 A. T). 1909, -as or- persons interestud inute rei es-knuonLira or devisees of Jonatihan Ila b1 iaw reqtulred. and which suit le tli descrlbed Ili thue1Bill uf Com- llartili, decuased," "unkown leirs or stili penîllng. lilaiint,' '"unknown heirs Or devîsees levl5seecf John Wldner, duceaaed," Lewis 0. Brockway, Clerk, ot Ira Stone, decî!ased, 'uloil Wli iiiiýuowsn hirs or devîsees ot John Waukega, iii. Jan. 25, A. D. 1909. heira or devisees out Jonathian NMati, VXX ett l iee ased, " ot nk n LuhIr s He n Il . Millier. t'urn flatnant s Sollcitor ' dcceai.ed," unkiiovii heWs or ueî î.', of- seuutlleney Nooru. Ieeeus-8. sues of John Ividîler, dec'êaeid," -finil. iiiiliiil ii iisor devcx aes u;l1 koli lieilr' or deiseef' uofXViialo, l,s iCookI, dîeuasud.' u1 THESE MAY WEO. Jolin Weiîl,-r leeua'. X iliii us ux onirs or hoiders utflve cur- Jhn n t l (uir. \Vilh-u undetain uieolef t$200.001 each. t,edi'Iiragn ireses: u4elý ofIleii-v oore (Ni> Oae f Iîil . i 67 andt acured hy ýa 1i arl A Wickiitj. \Vsi canlit. sll(lol Ileri r 'e ut 0 i h\'Ni ur. d,,se, Nlortggo fi riiiinliri an Ex erf, n . 0 :2Amy ~T. H os n,26. ti k o s n îîî s o r d si Q C i X I a o V il jI H . Co o k , w h tc ti M o n g a ie s'a '- v - l 1 w 1 , 2 ; îi litles r i (if Is , 'rfff f fîf s li .ue(! f1îx, lijjiî0 ,li. l ook T o u t iili 2elLîrg, sanie, 20 $21o0.oU> eci. dîîteît MIPh 1 t n,P.TntNoh lrg ?;Oa anît Eue*u oXillifli H. f 'IZo ,1fn l lfO îndel s utlixve i cri lf /ul22truvla, W whec o r Offie utixîu' if t)"'. Oth18i,4. and î'cîîruîlby a Mortgagr, RevoillersrOfiicelfuLliX'irliii rrip Iülln J.r, andffi xl nuis-, in B(ook T ofut rfga", o011il'- 0li f1 gc 1 xhih' rgg - il'î~'Chiragit 'I5-Fraq-,- i122' lllfowil 0wnlersanuîd lîolduî Ii r 111 Iliewie Mrta i!i IeRecordera Office. ci Kîîg31 otf î i i . e e r ta f i n î lo t e s a ! r , ý9 , i 1 ( if t o u c i î t ys . I l l in o i ts . l n B o u t 2 7 o f i K ,R v a i l e r j o n i . MI i ws x a u k e e , 8 ' $ ii4O fl. n , lI u ed A pX i l »I l, 1 8I 6 1, a nid NIo rtg u n ea. o n p a g e 444 ,'" tl i ld w rl i il î J îîd ao n .25 . .4ectîreil ly ;i Nlol'tgagP frOMoali" aînî t îat îîîîoîî diligen-t Iîîqu iry ti Ir Wickuî slielit. ,Jr., aîd X'ifi' ItIia0 îlax" utre0îePu anîn0tbe ieu Iveraulî. wlich Mortgage la re,'orded taiued. ro i hat procusa canuot bue William Faîrmun, for inany yeaw in te Recrderas Office of Lake colin- srved opon tem or eîther of tlîem, reaideut St Loon Lake, and bu..> tytiîolulok2of otag, having been filed lu the offIce of thte Ident f Lakce county, dled la on page 444." fiurk of aalil coutri notIe la there-an hulittpac Lk Sattactory affidavît. that the de- fore herehy glven to the aaid aboveanhulito paca, fendant, William -H. Cook, la uOt a named and unlîuown defeudauta that Mo0diy. Lvey uit.~d vercoat In our entire stock put in tO.-four great lots. 1000 Suits and Overcoats in thâese lots, 'ail of the latest, the newest and best. We will close every Suit and Overcoat, no restrictions but ahl of them will go at prices unheard of before in the history of the clothing business. ~11,975 l'ri

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