CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Feb 1909, p. 2

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t d id IVANHOE lues Avisi Payn as he orne over Sun. day and Modsy. Edua Bhepbard ig vlsitiug Mises Nellies Drce ai Druce's Lake.à Lois Smih returned Friday froni a two ueek's visit in Waukegau. t lime Junior Uome Mimmoary Society 1 mMftâs aturaay aternoon ulili Mnl. Preak Dolpb.-E hIse uiDo ochool Monday ih belng Geow sWashlugton'a birilidai'. lhst Suydsr sud !aauly moysd into the auner ruoio! Idr. Meer's building. lb@ choir wulli le beldiis uelFriday eycshag uiih the choirster, Frank Dolph. Tb* public spfrlted mmn o! ibis town uiid forces and filued the creamer7 le boulait wesk. AU"Él baby boy came lait Wednes- &W Btht to rmû. is future borne wih Mi. and Ms. les Ward. John S beipherd snd Rudoîpli Dorfier1 rstunes froni Round Lake-8aiurday mtercoouh ers tbey have been employed st rmour'm lcesboume. AUi itereted lu the organization o! a LiterM7 Socety uil mes! ai tbe scbool bous hurmiay eveing. Mardi 4. Announcemcnt. I bsrsby announe myeei! a candidate for ibe office o! tai eoletor la the toua ci lrsumont. Sabjet tW the pleesure o! tbci eh us acaucus. Reepscfuly. 22-2 H. C. FAYNE. Collcon'mNotice. 1 viii he ai the Irsuioe @tore everi' B§alurdai' until XMrdi6 tWcollect taïes for thm town 01 Fremont. Hgresy Lugacg, Collecter. 19-4 DEERFIBLD Mies Lula Piagge, o! Chicago, visite.! at homu. ceveral days ibis uet. Mn $Mile Gallousyi@i visitiug in lad"&u Misé Isabiel Biederetailu. of Highland! Park, vioiteil ai boume ovri Sundai'. WiGaovai' sud Woodrnan Vodd spentfflatuday asud in r uLa G range wti telatdvea. UmissViolet Caig. ut Waukegsn, le vlsIiluwili ibtheluteieio famili'. A Washint ahliliday pati' wse bellai ts horeof )Miss Cana Enter MKolai' veulug. Jobs Woodnin vielteil ai home Sun. Thse Misse FraMeisand Jocephyns Diedoetadi md I&L. Bambin atteuded the. "Euijal" ivecat iOrchesra Bil 1E - -@Die WAUCONDA DEPAkTMýENT mi"e ieadevIeve Emfnger. o! Volo, spet Henry àManuWenitoeChicago Bat- part o! ibis wsek wth Mdis May Malman. urday to visit for a couple nt day. -,rlh MiesAiv Whelok eteraisda hie son, Loo, and wiii retaru hoeutby nMser o! friee Bunay eniag a ber way of Waukffan sud the home numer f fieno Eunay venns t, arof Mr. and ir. Phl Maan. home northio! town. AI! enjoyeda&very Mie aie eerwolebene- pleamaflIevenit'g. Mn ai §yrwobsbe m Miss Mary Rommai and Fred Thomas piosed at Mms. trriwortb's during the winter usai to Lbertyville Monday were rnarried Tuesday by Justice Jo8. ubere she boai ecured employrnt for Bame at bis borne in our vilMge at 2:30 the summer. p. ii. Mises Mary lietz and Richard itz, o! ivarthoe, acting as witnese. W. S. Farnsworth returned from Botli aie respected ynung people ofthîe Mexico Cty, Mcx., Sunday to apend a ciîniruity. The bride being the elde3t mont's vacation witlî Mrs. Farnawortb danebter, o! Mo..i.,. Rommai and the and children sud assist lunrnoving ouito grooin the third son, of C P. Thomnas' the Farasworth feai about one and a Thcy i-wll maite their bomne at Lake hlai miles west outotwii where tbey wili Cornrs ovculiyiiig the living rounis mate ibeir future humne. above the creainery. Fred ie a biaçk- Wedneday aîterniion, Fcb. l7th, Mrs. siitb and bas jumt revently binit a shop Shoker and Mrm. Henry Harris asmsted on the lot adjoining the irarery anti is hy Misses Laura and Eva Harris, enter- dçýnîg a miec business. We c ,-ttend tbcmn tained the members o! W. R. C. and 0. Our iwt wisbes. t-. S. at the.boume of the former. There Mrm. J . B uck and son, ut Chiago, were 20; present. The bouse wao dec- are spendiug tbe wcek biest ber latiers orated witb Amnerian Sagel. Charadee bons. aud a flower contest forrned amusement Messs. im@ear an Kubke tiiedand when ecdiwao given s smaii Amer- hesers. Nlimne ls ear adk ubcrtildicanfliag witb a riddie or answer to sai written on the under side ail got busy E. J. Meyeus the Waacouda party and as the mardi @truck np ail Who purcbse bepropsrty knownas were toid t uibteir pantner and ad- the mises ln reaidemce'aud lie will mura to tbe dining rooue bere a bount move tiers in the usar future. lIai repaai swalted ibem aud t100 sooî The utasquerade bail given at Oakland the bour o! departure use apon as. huall ]aet Frxday evening by Norman The W. R. C. obuerved Washiugton'i Ladd use a succes., both aocially and aud Lincoin's birtbday wjth s very finsually; about 80 couples were appropriats program lun 0. A. R. hall, present. The floor use crowded with Ssturday eveniug. The Gi. A. R. uer chbracierc o! svery description. includiag prefflnt. boili copie sud beau tMul costumes. The .- - - - - -- grand match took place about il1:30 Ir~rD 1 X tC. E.Jents aud MiesLucy ouies and Robt. Hanter and ulife. o! Richmuond rMeer@. J. F. Roney, H. L. Ons.ntbam.4 bave been visiting at J. Di. Murra's. sud R. D. Cook gave ont the prizes. Spne le ule eiedthet rizefas erimentand basket sii gveatul M paie Myrti eMaie it gri o!aeTe rosiecran au setocl give ai tfiuest dremed lady; Mir. sud lin. John &cbooi bouse Satunday evening, Feli. 27 *Brown received tiret prize as niceet Bianci Oiver la viitiug lu Richmond, dreseèd coupie; Hienry Stadtield iepi-ý Mies Ira Taylor bas retnrned bomi B ented George Washiugton and received 1 and wiii emain for tbe wuîter. the prize for finesi dressed mue;, Mies 1 There was a gond tmm ont at cburel Winaie Pratt and Rd Bacon for teis udy -muet comic dresed couple; Mis ti la ndýy Jaynes as the museoit dreesed lady Wc will bave tu give the road to Wil and Sag Smith the mot comie dreeed, Oliver nm-. Ble lreakiwg that las gent. !fhs musicwas fine beiugzfurnisbed !coit of bis. b Metgers full orchetra of Woodoct C.G . Northrop le uickiug up quite and ail1 report: a fi e ti me. trade innuli paper. LOUIS J. YEOMAN THESEWING M,>ACHINE MAIN mpeunt lait wesk ltb ber parente, Mr. and Mrs F. (0. Mitchell. Mnm A. C. Rlcbardmu wses Liberty ville caller Tau@da? Mir@. A. G*. liether and chuîdren sud lire Hans. o! U.atne, are sfpeading severai dlays wlîff Iar. sud Mrs. M. A Wagner o! Orsysiake. Nm sSaral Cameron, a etudent ai Lake Fores, spent Sanday sud Mondai' *t W bhome bers. bMissNIa Roues returned Tuesday *hu Makwonago, W l., ubere see@peut tlw-pamt week witb D. A. Ayneiey and lir. ud lire. W. Sbaw etertained the l jttaet' parenta, IMr. Turubuil aud wife, o Wauconda, iassi aturday. Ums Charlotte MBrlde, of Itarring- *ton, uases recet vietor at ber homei 1 ir. sud lir. S. A. Kramer are enter- Udicnug ibeir uece, Miss Etimri Keumpei ai Chicago. l ir. Jobn Roder, o! Cicago, acvom- paulsd by lier aaughter-in-iaw. lire. EberRoder, wene guesteof the former'@ mktber, Mr@. Wm. Knigge, part o!fithe il Erg pchi reiurned Saurday siter a tkue inth'm tay uith relatives. at g .abisst sied Chicago. U!Xr.a&M x..Kilu, o! Evanstou, were lWàtw! ai bhebhnis o! Wili Nerici out T* suit *lng uorthy o! mentiou t7wah4s imwvemst la Our vilflgs * M Poutomeo..Math l.ot I t *» diih Ms to Wia tee mcbaugs. Th *sé flleg uor the lsdrux store hi bomtg iod h.4ib a complets u»u ou 9 S a $060 us ul Wb" W@lh" ",tu eommuuuty. Thes "'Tmple o! Fame" ai the Unir Cburrle Liertivilie, uext Tbursday an, rlday evemnig. A big entert.ainment 1il peopie in the caai. tee tamel, o! Milwukete, lavisiing wlUs friande sud relatives bers. Mr. aud tUn. AîberiWagner aud famîli' pet Mondai' ulilitir. sud lim. Mite aanersd !arnly. iloma Froeick ententaiued compani' Irom t ibmyii'Sattundai' sud Sundai'. lin.Fred Wagner sud isier, Rous, speat Banday i' hiMr. sud Mre. Joe Guernuai Libentyvilie. Rom a aher, of!Chicago, @pont Sudai' i home., Dora Bebus spent s feu days ulili frineataidUenni'. Lena Dlatt, of Waukegaa, @pent s few dayu uli hber parente. Quito a feu toot lu ibedance ai Gmai's- lakte Mondai' sud ail reporte.! a gond time. Johunle Ahart "pntiBandai' aiborne. Mn. and lir@. Gse. Zimuen, o! Long t3rove, van. Grayalake caller. Vedai'. Jas Tius veut tW REgin for anotien treatusent. Cora Titus. o! Wautegau, @petit Sun- day wiili hem brother, Joe, sud vile. Bernard tlUici, o! Chicago, le visiting vîtu bis parente. A surpi-ise pai-ti vas giçen ai tbe îborne o! li. nsd lir. G. F. Wagner lasi Saturdai' eveniîug. Vhs gatieiig vas s 1large one &bout fifiy-live lieing promeut sud ail enjoyed a Sac urne sud vers not in the leasi basifai about sayiug @o. Progressive cuibre usthe gaune o! the evcniug. Fi-et prises irere wron by Arthur Bloehm and! Mrs. George i'lunncui- 8steili. The booby plnzcs hy Mmc. Jos. Titus and Han-y l'fuuimensteill. 1 Look Ion thc Coup)oinuow uvptin es-h 125e package oh Dr. Sboop's Heaili CoSe Imitationi. ,ecleven 25t silvers.! - "No.Drip" CoffSrinen ollene.!on thie Coupon. Besidee, yoa gsi 90 large cape aof Dr. Bboopu's Balili Gobe.'for 25c, 1And tibmnces vil certaluli'ppeuse you. CORqL.ETT a FRIEDEItCI<S WEST FREMOI4T, E. H. Neyera traneaeied business Chicago lait Fidmay. C. P. Thomai »peut Satnrday au tundayin l Libertyvile vimilang relaive Quit@ s few aitended the ybanx foik party at Frosr's lait Satandsy nigh Ail report a good time. lire. Frank Uminci and, sou, Frai] speut a few days lasi use vieiting rel tires sud frieuds la Chicago. Bernard Ulîricli, o! Chicago, speut Su iav sud Monday visiting at tueborne, bis parents. MWe George Fuller le reported on t lt-k li8t. Mir. aud lire J. F. Roney sud daught Genevieve atteuded the masqutrade IVauconda Fnidmy uighi. C. P. sud Perey L. Thomas lefi Mo lay for tbeir future boume lu MdcCire, Dak. Their mauy friendi usme sonry1 @es iirèm go bat wlsb ibei ail mi ucees. Mr. sud Mns. Win. Loliman@pent Su day at Lake Zurich. Frank j9aitini took poosseion o! t C. P. Thomias tain Feli. 18. There wsue about twenty-.ive w. "tt"nedlIe oug 4 Wparty ai We .pl Dits rSna ight. Pinkt aud lunch uer esred.Ail report gonduime. Baverai froin bers atcnded tie wa ding: danceait Waaconda àjonday un Fred U. Thoumas o! tii place s=d1 B. Hommel, o! Wauconda, usma unit In marriage ly Joeph Haai, o! Wu couda Tneaday, Pcb. 23. Thywy maire their future home ai Lake'g C nere after M icio. f-DIAMOND LK The ladies of the Dlamnd Lake Cou tery Association uli metulith Mis. Md. Ray, Tlureday March 4th, lu forenoon. Ail niemiseriand frlondei most cordially invltsd ta couse. Mr. sud Mms John Rocelpent Sn ulili Mr. sud Mms George Mitchell. Mr. sud Mis. - George Thatcher I chuîdren vimitadi wth eir parents,1 sud Mri. Wmn. Lsrn$er, Sunday. Mime Doris Coope, bo bas bea le Improvianicsly Bsn Davis from Iloua. visted relativs sud friendi a toupie o! de lait week, Mdre. John Dolleumeir sud Mr@. Fra Mitchell vinited Mme. Wnm. Rouis. Fridi A sur prie pariy us gi'en ai borne of Mr. sud Ui. GeolrgeMite Ssturday svening. A good urneP reported by ail. Mr. sud lire. L. Kulgge, o! Liber ville, epeut Sunday wltb relatives bien b John Bodge, o! Highuood, visited Mre. Win. Rouge'@ Mondai'. Mr@. Chariey Sandioru speut SunÉ wit ber liai-ente. lMr. sud Mr@. Staas l'al IRay visitcd in Cimcago, Sund anud louduy. Fru-d Thatcher- spent Suuday ait Linliei-e Harry .Mittlîcll client Suadai' at jRayes. 0 Croup poaltlvely stopped ln 20 mini, slîi Dr. Shoopeo Croup Remedy.( test alous will surely provo ibis tiî iNo vomiiing no disireis. A saleà plesuing oyrup-50c. Sld by AELLDEALER&. .Cod LàverMis thse mas We mead ejymnt Of Nife to When appetite fafis, it restores IL 'When food saýburden, it M th ie burden. When you lose flesh, it brings the plumpmess of health. When worksbard ând duty iuheavy, it nakes ife bright. It is thse thin edge of the wedge; the thick end Ls food. But 'meat is thse use of food *ben you hate it and can't digest t? Soe*'s Emusiofl of Cod Liver 00 is tise foix that inales you koret ymu stoômacis. OUimhb M: m luehoPmua"-u- pmed us »d m *d =203ZA" of et bsWs.M »Mi à DOWNK 400PMNISt.NIWYO* 77n] Mme. M. W. Kuedien has Iuse the guesut of ber siter, Me. B. . Fiteci, o!fiHigh-1 land Park, for seversi daye o! ibis uetk. Cash Maea vas saChicago visiton lasti Thuredai' sud Fridai'. Chai. Webrenberg, o! Liberti' ville, speul several dsys o! lait veek witb bis suai, Mr@. Emma Ki-neger. Ada Frisch. o! Highland Park, use th& guest o! Mn. aud i-. N. W. Kuedîi-r foi-iM pai feu deys. Nyrile Richard @pet Saturdai' and Suaday at Ithe home o! ben sehooliseaclien, Mli. Hook, ai Rollins. Mr. sud En. P. 0. Mitchell usme the gusl o't"mcr brother sud tamli', M. sud 1i-s H. Rqie, o! Dlausond Lake, Sondai'. Mm. Jo.. Richards la @pouding a leu day. uith ber danglter, Ms S .Tripp 0Rokfle.FREMONT. Her .Bigwr JttoCiaoCi-oa saieblea eho gi. îî<.~~ lionay ber h ai clle toacise Mn.TomCarlanspeu Budayuhi TAI NOICE Dagorus cugh. Btr177l juron. len motir, lis.Bradley o! Ron O fut. W lro ads or ok es', prlu ogs oah tu A ambr f fiedsgaterd i b O D UT l Heluoi, , OAllC a tC. tp adîi ieira lait Raudsv. form Mary Ca&otit8 Maaret MoisnTeyte n Mary E owem nd HtCeane Paainte - 900"o;W&t Blnkkfrt a anhe m s, 0 îDAMsd«eeul Lz l J C Cochm n e Holoi-s e ie o uh acuh luJo uaga ehn iisnliemve isfmiym gses-oe lonio, F3 lorence Aerie Ian dse W- o ,,osMadJ Rlly ordco aotAyer omiry o . Hoe'm ottagwe.tto Chiao CKi-oaz 9 Inaeute boaneho 7l ama Henry lu s lqs Ahtghe ERme.Esis. C ery Pcoral. E te i mud"ved laushoywser o e wbc lie a M .u mCtu r, 0;lace@pCarSnoilay wOil t ezi N BeuNOTIanEst _______________ jurmotn Cans Wlirovdluter Ca eu , ;MsmtsB ufscy, 75; o tot enmierrn.a rboCrti&les ockottmll er, u cus p Cu. s ile t liciter uild ien bre Ie ltodac O D U dta a r h e rnt usdoe tl sud e henr ttueem oed MsScnie'Gonuettai apergemoGîmÂa b. MLm.mfor saneBoffmaul, ASliHE uatr Ma-th u ng. C ughs-x. Yc e 8thbrha iim a l ray.Jnay teBai-m.y________________ Geler , R ir Kenndy.kA O LOG! man.oy Yuned0 eu Vhs ententalamlash, 98; basketSwaociaî Albert H Rama-, IeNeoatnar« lrkcie otol el Guaeld m Biuseeviiion liodsy D9; a iryrl,;Maar et i on VMyrMaryg0 owln , Wssi Cocranaemi Palht i'e l t uri-l t-h00; Bleanac-he. otrupber8. vithi c wen'b ic- C JbCSm chr e W1HP ocr&nerh-k cAay oodfo uàcto!tI uuiim liredi tJodhd.Asnbout lo ured ie faiyn romîm wssiuîmacbinc. Havcyo aree ut- lm P rca Sel&o i e Cîy o,Mi uaî lham. u ueAy C errbut P eralcaào the bfasket sudcgttae Otoe ak rubed. Leae r ee a t In ( ;Cara: ieuty i-lggs do lE a Ett herry e t o r l.m ocl r o îove Frink mh e B a rbuseines nptlie vomy ba,'in. Phone C1rol0 .)5;îmDell, a kie NBno era atVxle oW K lc.Atyurdco ! i uv bengtyvil le ey. ii-moe i it..ande5 sudta Lots fu 7; Odeuineneuent thar e s suyiilugbetter hvlm Ay0-'s Pui o c J.e F.a Hrko!Lmentyiilguoe n met e ent.was viL.sit- . treesurer sudA Co unt Cerk lurtin . 7t .C.A5 5.Lui.M Theire. r Jos Rieuind bdaiser oe s O N YS! f~ onilnle at H en CkRi ! Wuka na, un- bers ait WSuinda ' s i in onay a la tnio.ty o! Laeu d ta e o! lîluolSmith- -te n e rAioto$(place.Wednetdate r- wshj c nseil Worariit-Iiow i P o ctr lyoluniga ,cseik yrsCerytricn th nba.sevets nd vae rs eldiie bonis lme.ait n onse im et d o s J Parig n-cae o h 2tm day i etwr lth s&ecn Ott Frv Tlannoe suieatim teiy R er an hn 8.W tkgu aentc ha taTxsl f"'&e.Akyu otri i nw s ianer iIbm sda. PI hrlin$n li ot mmmn n ue as !J nAd 17ts i e37 51k S sud i bterthsn yr Pla o cr ibm BarritheoneCon1e06 madewby tmhe hlantmore foot flageo!sWtntleoneHarofotheAlmesce J.C larstsbry. Hm hubau , wfivs sons sud leus andaCuUic Clerko!lilegledorf111la6ibe name7o!CWlrei go., Hailoi- simd Oasr@ dagierno abr oves lisee beeig ida brle,,F JH NY unlitEa. ti l-Hue n h e t y o lu S N oi n - I boredalliy us. imtprnted atrama longsoan o Lakss e d sato!fSu lttiniey Vhlo ikeu lc&s of57 OXLMoec owhvi$&mes ta t WSt& imaiberlupth e c23 gtoutea 6R1Oof he PMof aitKiof pam.Wty a iH. CaIdelnday dr ainsi li iova Alls, 1 SW14Se Vua4 by oy ni i la ule ulandtoiilded' i-, vispp mttsson r o ieed of R 10E, ÀD P9M7Asots37d lu 9anmedE P ' ' ' l Tom urplble8t PucW bsci Tyuo s Wo.Br.v ti iit Le. o Mai-y R7Fuledi iso Aof o P6VlatA fe daysto on ahi'. W a mme. mlenl od t fit .lrud fet he li- ag be of Sc 1th e S aror ut.i 125fi o! II.4a. -e co. Rava er u amiliuetson d ela ud hummntu -Man Ofbremietof. DoNk6 socif i o 3 n. ie &Ilt a euMayon eR osiud berothers. veat risotn teve nen' tes n. hye Whhcb o! Heur' Lke.A8dtN E timeBo! dh a rtd unsy t .me lae ic re. adfesî ttic clveuee udpr Aoise om 1428th Way1!4JSe A 2 1909 T5oN Jngtwsq ib wi aîten mled o! amn r eieotic 10Edem dPtn Mn icaboeswhlnl er u hn s bo Convrse saleede e .fouauWgoteraedishiem. atlic sud l As o ay ou tu ie ayo Pleat) N>P&d ANDE Thos. Galiger o ea mi ntombviito m diae wat wu airanVle t t e tm . b EO1907 Seci1Pu tepaihte l out 16 iemt le time vet.the ma 'tbe cîlle eppemIi t ueff. 6lu tiof E 13lu CiNE m AdLot In i Bei-t. lalgen b as merai-d a iug Wdo uOtbr u uebn.10 u,-o drvs uinimrs. 'f e ie samm l-ea iethecreditfollete gsu Ci to a kg Asedo I t3- n u a meh- a yo tBusemandviuil er e nc t au- ipulmll.i e iipioîpe t to-ymes imi e nrtye ý 1 k b- A rk he ie ofsp t - a Mme. Suemusiin mthi a ugh r . detart wlt he i-imre hi' anin tmagtd y edept o o n thi el,- alîl X iîli-c exi i re2,b D s Ia r w h r e vmeitcd1-clausesai Fox LieystftonutoiAosD 1909. lTtie A1) 1911 evu rlfo hsvent eddtesdof. th by hunt lit is ad iet ercle . J. PAGE, Pirasîr MhC n.esesl dpd a.y . tîrAul a e l au e e ad b ther miter aIs lir.- Ason J he. P age ofiuuirth eAo t1) Th .Gaigr asanAnioh ist ohmd aeye eiius unst'ftse 19072 J J dago! JîmmwAsdl"190 andtAND il: tedsbe HeGiibmt luim nealRoun Ami a Cite'li13Ou'11amd 1.,lok 2 lu CIo AddinViiI Lis ud Wwillal moveand theme tic SoitBi ucemssil li an lur Gliaici. s Nezihawe audouth f tLake olffW Assened lu n ameo! ILA A C C Trvnhorhus de. !MnTud M h ehane ir they lm mîtil i il A S HSs i ah ilt isqite srlck. Dm. almWuer Dealt l etii uta . Atl Co icLot 1 lk 5lu BR i te ,sal- k-anoe a lstnin f e d cas i mauma hucha doiiionndii'o!Lh e Fwofneeit eme Mr. __________________ Libertgscaee b "utrigvileu ro schsao 'Ii xflr )lIhel.1 o!se Grelatieuse a oLe.uî. ati?-i.'. oudy 511. l a3 fusasetA Wm19,9.1 D Tusdy p.Ai.Ay hLata dev llie ! li.tie iomJ.AlJ.LotA3Eock 3 rigi a Vou Mr.__and______Arthur________bave_ Shus ib bfretema" ar. Villaeo! LiPae-t-vtle ch se nes l Opoîe i.PuFrih Dpl Dlnedt a Rilbertm l ara riur, Rsound Johti zaus gene tr ks.d touors u a ofH Bui.À Ai94)7Lots 1oc 1909, n.. Froe Popeer old sud M o u mfth.*o b asarsi 2ndC34Blochk2Wn ls Adhtio VIlag ineMastciuen.imamiaiEndm tba l akdo rcs !UertBvlffAsesed lIn usine o! ILA A C C O Teltl agtroMran im A . Jo1a't li ts -hdm tl x . R J Hanter n h reo eep -lne Ni-s Hlmoe ! luisOnovr Per l hvrohey tion fcs. i- oui1 cadInaiD Ri epireon BAU STO ofck sud3las vWaml, esie condioon. n c uuneIEfimml ick. uslon itdy o! Janke Pre A ss d-de 1e lucr i preeni. u Lsate d . sud et or he tt e omp Aise aiothe saoine Oiinesdai TIswnUACU N0 Mv. Tm anel-l oshcowc l si. th. t - lumouVm. sinela e JauetvlialAs pnmsed i poieS.Pu rih e esied tber b.MugaeinPtWiem, o Re c onctsonowltb on. a es !phase ou us foîbouinenoftouiSmiMarbAisealotG7aBltc km esetlc. aenre cou1yi o lha co f t biec"sin e Jame Muni-te purcisedib o ms Bocf ri. W aRhover, oi-ny Wm G Miss la l iv sd d!yngcren u p tie n fsudlot 32 loksa lu uiîvexlr n ahlgrs adinsaver' iiirionber Iribeýns u iAsdgoSa nis i tlaolier verse u hîclio! lock6 Vllae o!WluD i-9S - M onum enSTO M Bake dwuic in. si h dctr a rteit u theW lmlouw offie suJtt-hoJA.ese P A Gna Eo! Wihi-o la- cait-re n lni -oe edeay es ac bum-rtme a" hun ti pito aror ad Dock A sspia aetiM NU ACAiEsO Fe. Tom DiesEda Kuin ntWskis-i i- oOth- usix . toe.aea mes-.o Lk NM ./4 e icIn2a C m tey WokoeE e d U . i -l opl ntan i edd the»rss ut binto he sudo'o n a tindtem i enfct rs stIdaySttueuMrgiîetilFiday mto maiet e u tond ih on.Ebutexen- Inau eof de illglilone SecIowng14 owie a d G r nt . Tasi the c s maY tcsopGi-st CetuariJameso! Chae cyer.o l lc rht. We re ery orr teRay Ais M'ie l aundiedfts es andb ud FIa. and otlEW3 2 ode13InS ubd4-iioe ue go ivr lahr No otide. By Itte iis. ilî batie te b it cld a rt Bke6EVilagNofW ¼ PtomiHr- ilm n nk ait uicsl ho.anesa icIn State haeydim s plaowffce a n volume orToasm45 dnN E o Wi As Bla- Maried n Lng GoveWed iady, a rblorLoin2dDock6 lu Lan. ox Feb 17, exe t ves ths ccb ry uand plaert d' ilgeo orbCoaf oa e e ecl of TAKE . . i NOTe InC cs brt- iS see pImn tis we dhisae. h- r o n4 N R 9 P0! rd P M. Assegsed F1o aBlondkf 4enlur-aakectin H14iTowneW ne uie n ibmr!.1-tulh. ..lieu Magasine . 4viNlRaE oi-th ChePgcM .A me Id th sne udt WtuhopHabou Dc W osuldihe orsa idummer. usCo. hresMyr A mnoi Nuo tiRemal . Gluoi, iena hs crbas ti bt Cbed bm atoLoie 24 BîNcW V4 Ma3-llleii i-oun.H Ct,WGri D.anSecaxeMns rvt ineri-a olbtwe i esdI noayo E olruseiLae.ii lS Saofllen. EL ak e Cut . L 8i . t rtoso aiear n t o! de a ndmled au AeLan tJa'2910Blok 76Blu ck S in Sun- en. TAK ~iiiC NOIC. .HyEck camW.eoa pug ugntbe r oma45ctIN R412Tofun 45PNMR is emrdo Tetu nk Ela Kan e sandee eM .a gaumi ib olrt bee vouniin lsi durIn- d etl WFi HAditocne. to Lote Nuiai' Join ray Henuitîurusuingiber mee13VsBgis ckass4dln aineg,!A iglandi Ekga Inn aiole moe telfrak P.Unon, uimobiemas treunli u 7Vu e i lag eso th Chicago.________ md- Riu lonmbmasd rtir .on@aof tha ! me a4 pret In ndme ofUmreao! Seemln tr use Taiaisad ae Wo! lois udH a nr&Dockfor ea e mchebu.ticer asmmcl end- CO.aeA 99 desiaiotaxesRorman e B riso! 1906, ien ne ta dcorug u i pposte Ae L J.24 J.l PAG, MAseueslu fou- niae ilTeasuewtonn Luis A. , Vh crtebra pn oeof a nde conP-MAoond ls tatdue o MJney tes ai ibm Ell an ort RolUck courtJ.mldenst ton t mhmomeflon s ur- gA1i07James a-1iLotuBlckbaId lo- 7______ tor boma uimci'o akgu aeBok- lu B'I m -t dtioit y ubivonClii' Conu', Jion r, on te25h a y o! puIg er entsud The ced fom n gala Tte ies t i Auseeseel ab Ime 1ed Jane 1, eorge Quand ihad pui-c .haisdo wioli e n a 5 arceo!s CAd he E fB ree ti. Alon to 4Lmm KJt gnaltaesu ba seTInE. ! ib elaisIet ay s lIdis a hes l ae Ibî eSubivision tCli o! an- CHErTnet, oa 1ina TB tvarbn esu ofe!IotWa anod ane or Inciertsezo! n ice auea cts end- of Ju2t Dayo!Jae09 D199 aoit el Dock a es for- thi 14 Boft9S , ecali. mngasth Opolt "LJ. J. PAGE, Assignes.GVEM ATR L ra'mde ialo o!eLi 'e ,Witlr m oup Halro The c __________________ con. Aiso on the 26th day o! Jane A D din s thdeidntyuartPom In er it ,1907 James Muris pachssd Lot 2i B Ay Co r-bmine & Cioferus adlusiO o! Pis e rto l bouellCuraI. Ht 9 lock -7Inla tleitBlubd Highavisi z City [ Cony Iectionis,on he 45 oth Raugf erTcentuoan d ernt m fo srm o!LakeBFrstAsemed lu usaine l ~ 1 Ni. acmsimdta Eofn uhmton mo n theBI oct i na r n oio ! to n loc l e A okea sse I nai neofu.l tisu- olodg-leud Bluff c.d 5 lmion vIiiage at aus ta n over. a Saie Loind thockil Co f rma - .M o of ort lgo, ime s t o u i gstA. more oh.lm drld 'A the i en fronlim At iuchs Veillgie o!nte Po RsSndL. lu.. t luefH a ddii on, V e iageo! uHrbopIncidets - of h ate a iHue o u ville Asmeedayo ue D 190e9. JEh _______________ amt D.lorAscmtod lt 1Bituma 8a, ou- um.h -Bou Se vi rtine rt. J.o snb sobAGulExpAsires. GIouEATRA ivisio L otf Lot , Waslumu Sp abordl 7U'Aisrlrte tthhd ! ae ofA B 1909. Id& on, cii4 i' !Wata Rn ssssdLot e 13evmn8od7d17 a J. J. iepu AEe Lotu. 1Id INI 'sut l &a Caone, r rotueinti' y agtof oal"lc 7I aeBufHreg ilg lad. SectionluLaeTowni4nu' h Range sud The "wo M s lufAf neye metrd «o aeBufAsselI an f S uurne o! rdepllNon- oftiesam Il kThe air m ftowR n lo laite AVo. m ex.pireou lme 2 Blu dauWy o ne 909. Wbi-a, lI et7.'AiseuLt 3 le o [i .FrPklUSELseL seAi,À munhC it, Aselgmusde nfGOmmý 1ui s si lîl tya i he l.o9tlie man'. tho Ad. id iio Vilag ofL iberty- i Aa outhe5,B day o!, Joe 1907 udappe 0aessudgins eie augit siubill mudi aeo l Bluff W.dC.iHioh lpaneÇlaesu ro a sement !andrathbatdaagleoDR. . D. nqTHER dt m E"o u f olI igH lot> o t 27Sar ,»h sud !okedut I it ie laell. 8 rinVhs uhsleWnex eo &Y LoBlock ;uî8L , Wa Biock1SprinsaMli- ma e ! tetco-ai se rugbcud of' Spcii Attnton109 day n d Ciiyomuuf bot 0 Vilageo Wu Topmlh indermnto . J .PGAmge te.k Brank P.or assu- To"fWilui . ravmue; uisomv11esonto!tok. e?"lematld ImCI ONiCDIEAE dey. L ,akme ilurtlnof sdem t heuiom o! iln W i And t1-noyer. ie s ESedSii oofomc mdt«wl t e saune l miuion ofthe stai wulit pcnp e akRasmls e £n. Jair ne luîlie.2 t ayo 10. quert charn" tconokdsultd RIaton ATogRis.pu Diii'F. t i Es, A seIge 0 Gof W. C. aai nst io! tic oiie m a n mus face. d l59:p.M a k e Boslff 71&~ae G ise Be telurudyo jn 90 pean dlts bg yoon ardnuJm"li e Y iegarmistaos 22 - . A H i ltg atie a nd urfhase. se ntofcoai5tCflile D . . R6. .am.sabla e.,tatindfl ,rilpýe fprha e fo Vit' ds mlriltscld ib.e te mon WrlC tIA NfeAN SURGEOdND Oas m ue ail the l ing l oad ca19,ute2 it ans lîttI edetatv. 'me ouseîleA befllis Bok1;ad t4Bl ock17 insu- ura'e te cord l an Dealen Tru Sd i A ttention ol te D A~R - 1

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