0ÂE OU14TY INDEPENDENT, FIDÂY, FEBRUARY 126, 1909 tleating Stoves We fiave a few heaters that we will make a very' low price on to close oùt. Hlere ii a chance to save some 1moneq on a qood stove. Schanck Bros. Libertyville, Illinois. I AUCTIONEERING laalbranches dareluly attended to. FURN SALES AMLV STOCK RtEAL ESTATE wid MERtCHANDISE, Grauate of Jones sehool of Auco tiomeasng. Use ail the uew sMd utoi-date methds. Write for dlates. Sales anade auywhere, IIAPRVEY M. MANN [RIJSELL. SI IWNOI OUR PRICE LIST MiIL per quart 6c, pet pmnt 3c, <ream '* *'20c, per - 12c, .half pint ...........6c, Butternsilk. per quart......... Ac, Cottage Cheese, pet quart...6c ALL GOODUS DELIVERED Goorhr obtainalrle rt factorv at al imirs. Special rrders for tcee Creain filled ilpon 4 lîours notice. TH1E GRAYSLAKÉ CREAMERY Tel. Gravslakt 36. Gravslake. Ill. Cîgars anrd Laundry Tobacco Office CLARENCE FLAGG TOSORIAL PARLOR« LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS Orders Taken for Razors Maçazlnes and Put ini Order Periodicals Guarmnteed WilI break the worst. kick- iiig Cow iii one week; can be put oul or off iin haif a minute. FOR SALE BN' C. À. APPLEY, Libertyville, 111. '21-4 es I. psluolis.. M. FginI, lem) 5es-55.s.t. ..s.tàh isiefiidca f.~ SY *.is~ p..6..d le Ch. i.tcn.ils.. mcd aimes.. tticb iris., I-il.., Teciers. ttmceer, Simd- ~C/içmeC5.. Cea ami is5sîI~sI. 55. 1*5.,* *,5.7 ~sa.4 ceas. fl~ltins iroSi .55.55 Prolessional Cards DR. EDWARD V, SMITH G,EERAL il A I( 0iie üýrcLu- e& C tr SçreriaI Attentionîîî t, i-,- of u,,lîlF:.%( Ll-r r Il,. Illnoi,î DR, O. F, BUTTERFIELD, VETERINAItY SURGEON. ASSISTANT STATE VETEHIlNARIAIÇ. Libertyvllse. Illinois. CHARBLES WHITNEY BALI-liJ.DAn! WHITNEY F, DADY LÂW YERS 305 Washington Streret Waukegan. Illinois DR. 1. L TAYLOR, OFFICE OVER J. ELI. TRIOGS BLIIO. eotiaS:-7 to 10 a. m. 2 tu 4 and 6 tu 8 P. M. Rseldence on Broadway, opposite Park. Lîbec-tyville,Ililinois. DR, C. R. GALLOWAY, OFFICE or EH LOVELL'5O RPO STORE. 9eOCb-from i tu 3 and 6 to 8 p. m. Lîbertyrille, Ilinois. DR, GOLDING [rENTI ST Hours Mtu 12 aur i.-tu 5p.m. J. liI Triggs BuildiIng wi iiPr,.JJ L. "sylr- hîîe 19 Item. l'hurne i 0lî2 LbertvviIle Ililinois DR. E MH.SMITH, DENTIST. OýVEH LAKE COUNTY NATIONAL BANI. ouRa-S to 12 e. m. and 1 Vo 5 p. m. DAILY. Libertyvlîs, Illinrois Watches, Clocks and Jewelry Repaired Ail Work (iuaranteed SPECIAL ORDERS FOR JEWELRY Promnptly FiIied W. -H. MOORE (irsysiake . . Ilinois Wh.n ln ne.d of .HA RD WARE Cmiio. WT. A. EHSRÀW Succesmor tea J.J. SPO lN ROCIWFEUJR. ILUNOIS Low Fares West Every day front March 1 to April 30, low fares to Pacifie~ CoaNt and to inter- mediate pointa, via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul VOLO I I John Myer,-ot Waîîcî,nda, wasln town GURA YS LA KE DE PATM E NT1 Sunday. EF. J. DRLJC. EdMor Ph~one No. 11 Mies Lîde ttus.,ell. wlîo i employed ln I Wukegan,,epent Saturdey night and Orders Taken for Job Work Advsrtming Rates On Application tuberayi brprnshere. th Mr. ud ira Baa hve ove no . W. N lark bas improved suffi- Tbursday.Cbeo h fiat above the Strang store. cetyVet te 1 t u hie office work. Frank Zuelsdorf, ot McHenry, 6pent Mire. Water Oodfrey who ha. beau lir. and ir@e r Mettons, ut Chicago, Sundey in Volo. suffering wth atelon la somewhaibtter. Wer h useot relatives thers Satur- lire. farry Nicholîs and danghtare. Juda ith wlltat o te lgthday and Sunday. Edith end Lovina, are gueotq of relatives grade history clame Friday alternoon LwBetrrla4 been on the- siet in Chicago. P upon wac Vîmes. fliat has rtcovercr. Mime Bessie Dunujîl, of Chicago, wae et Miesa Florence Effhnger entertalued her lim. Guy Hoo, ofu Round Lake, wes hec home berse atew days this week. 8chool friende at e party WednWady lier@ Wedae.,dn Mr. and Mrs. Pae]îl .tery, of Lake Villa p 'vrning.' Chas. Tbommon ie luit., ick with a were guest8 et tre B. Paddock hrome. lest L. Frank trensacted business et Rock- severe cold. hunday. efeler and 1Ivanhios Thuredey. Evéeybody lindiaelîg titne et the dance ,Mesdames Rayîîîonl eahdl.usk were in Oie Rocui returned Tuesday eveni ng Mondey er'r.iîg i ri %[atin Broc8îhallCigo one day rereitly, front e two uiontlîe' tripin the vet and Round Lake, Aibout 7 couples were in Mmr. Christy Adamns, oh StaC.y vil le, reports a good tille, tedat.l l,bivi8itiîîg lier sîiiter-in-law,,lMrs. C. attenance.Sahrel. Miss NoraBHilercentertnîiried ber Sun- Ber. Toi], 'of l igi,peîit Friday Mcc.Frane Ziir andcf,îilillrsn, if day mcibrol clami-aitlher hontie Tbiuîsdey bersand atteriî,.l î- iîlîîisîrel somine .nyare rp iîîga leir r' eki.lit i.. eiîg. Mi-s Iibrrta Harvey w as ut L.iberty- Mseliaeii i, i te r ut CSagoeî. 1 Nriîlshoir cille TIiursda3 ai ndvatI ,.ie it(bîg, . uni]M crlEil. 1 r Ci c ,lati i r1 Rili i Miz.r, (tif u rue,-,-, a. hr, Miess Gsdd i. 'i ir tri. gîesr of Msm.,t hctFei îtsril a.rute,îîî %Veîînenin W hi liiiirre s rc r. i -da,-t ,'r eek. M rs. Syve ster %Va gnir îiiî ,lrcii Mr. aud Mcc Ail lew White reiur,îed Misa FloreDr, - i iiiLakC.Villa, and Mis. .Sabl rccr- r o mr- , n lý. Tuesdny frontr e r uit u a i ikegan- risted the oehol % I li,____ Mmc. (1,o. 3Mi(Nainara. of Ruissell, was The dance givieilerMolîndate ncr-nîng W, are pleared to reprort tlhe steuiiy the guest of ber parents bers l'iiday. by the ladies i tiie- Frerioîiýt ui. implrocement of Ira. lien who lins.raiy liatt Sulliran returned bhime fron the Catholiri Society iras %rell atteîîded anrd neilected bec duty toc the peettitrese Pre@yteianhooptalMonay. everybody reportset pîleameîir riimroorthe. Now aile reahi7es hec important Prebyerin ospte Moda. upper las eerred uti the Loltua cea- position as the wild gesse hegîn tlîeir R. B. Godrtry wam a Chicagoi visitor tannant by the-ladi,-,. and it bas heen northward fight and wlth a îr-w moe Wedneday. rema;rkd hy moie tiat it was the t, m signe of spring we know aie will lay us C suppar thay avec ae.,in Grayeleke. Fre- mors f resh eggs. lir. end ire. Carlyle Drues are proud 'Out mueitheréfore lie ths home of good On the second day of Februery thes bo wîh rivdcek:doyîuîetun@e un@ raye sbone down hrlght on the uld Lee illamsW&@ Chcag vistor A Dw m M.W. . wil h orau-ground bog. He came ont and eaw bis Fridy an Moiday izd ai Ec m akeS trdayoveing ebehdow, snlftsd aronnd and went back LeaWlIiaa aa Cicao imiorizd e Buno LsteSaurdy venug lto hie bnrrow for elx long wseks ot r.la ad Ms oa. Hoo hcgFeb. 27, st Amann's liaill. We ertend an eubr oeh tReep lien. a edayire. C as. Boot, o hr. invitation ltceail Wood men to boprosent. lme.Ds oeiisep i senta tw dys he eetwee hse. 0. A. HOWAD, lepuiy Head Consul. Our merchants report business on the lire. WM. Pester entartaner] ber 21-2 inesase. ]lir. Ricbardmon le alrsady mother, lire. Barnetable, lionday. adding a large SUPPlY e1 aPrlng goode. Lyno Murrie, ot Round Lakte, wae Ed Lusk reports a good isteady incease Mboe Monday. New Addition. in business and saY& Volo always was e 0 good treding post aven sines Ite location M"s Caille ROulbous. CfPref rie View, Tihe new addition to the ýýNew Boub" ln the forts et the road. wSOhs guest of Mima W hitmore, Friday la about compheted 'iThe plate glass Teuehurt anvrayu b aidSaurdy.window for the store front came Setur- birth uftVhs greete.nencipator and htory liMre. Henry Kusbker enterteined de adth uling je test asguminge teller wes obaerved hvOunr Peuple. Lin- everal young gentlemen and ladies yadah uh a iihdappearance. The 11cm oh the coin wam amked oesde y by a friend how Tuesday eveing et a Colonial party. A Newis ,nbed & larwl og 19 uht oho-ooi , "Y - l w.Peutby il.put lu e lice o! ladies' and gents' chues gond proportion Vo hi@ bodv. Lincoln Dont torgot the hadow social given luhs part that wîll mets Grayolie rsplied, "Long enough Vo nicely rmacb b.v hseliytic Workers et tireir hiall, pipe think that a second Streeter bas the grouud." Thurmday s$suing. March 4. bit the town. John Walton, V'ohoé enterprising con- '_____Y""__________&_ ractor and buildrr, reports prospiects _____________________________________________________ brght for building ai thimseection the conîlng spring, several ni-w dwelllugs in tewn as well as a number o! large tarin buildings. N Henry Stadtfield is conmidering an offer as traveling saeeemen forctle Win- chester Repeating ArmesCo-mpany. Henry tr eairond and the peuple oft Waucondîr a tosthio way for a trihi lu the county seat. THE JE W LER areMîinday twovo ery large timber wolvs wre epored eenwemt o! Vîlo. _____________________________________are_______ofthe__coyote__varlety osîther aethrey on the hlI dog order, Vit w'vIes ro! the argest and iiost ferocione kilîud Tine larger ot the Vivo s describer] Mînstrel Show,. Auction. air buriig a largsiiî ack spîot on Vhs Isît lOn Fel, I! nb o,îurr,-,l tlîe rserond Onlu dak, Match 1, i1909, coînîenc- aide just back of he third rib. a animal Mnsccl shîorw. )wîng tir lth ig ut il a. m. 1 aili nel eit lpubilcr nuc-'ILBR uîuîîy e-tîritiens ttlier bareîen given tr ilonthe tarin orftle laetteTyler A. dîînîuig tIre iionth tlrere wans fot the VGilbert, ue mile west of Ri und Lake, et Mrc. and Mre. John Crawford enter- î'r,,rd expeted as lest ysar, but not- Whbite'etCroeng, the folio wing properrv: tained a number of their frends ast a îrhstanding that tact n large cr,îwd 13 hear] rattîs, 10 mnlîkersi anîl eprîngers, Thurcday evening. Althougb the even- rame oieJ anrd the seatiug capecity of the 2 tivo year old heilere. oone yenr old iug wase tocniy a large number got hall wam nicely occupier]. The show beifer, 4 bead bore"e, team 4 and] 5 years there. Cerds wers the eveninges pastilue ivas opened witb a rouing chorus and Obd, 2 a ork horsms, 40 Shropshire ewes, and retreshinents were erved and e fins proceded hy solos and jolies. The song Shropdhlîme rame 5 ducte, 301 chictens, 5i tue reported. by Marquis Sheffer and Leonerd Hook bushelr. seed corn, 700 pounds timothy Sîmieon Ames' bomracn away ast follower byea jig by Shaffer moerm te be eer], sereral tons terne bey, 60 bumbel week and gave bum quits a oaer. the tret big bit. Dixey Dan sang by potatoesnrowing machinîe, one horse A nubro on pol fti Oîtto Waldmen was extra goor]; as was bey rate, 4 walkiug phorce, 2 d rare cs nibte udt yugohe mor Bowt i tIre duet by Dak White audR] egbnald reeper wrth soeilfrakes, pulveriner, rîding crîny k Fattnded hmtre. hwe (iidhrey. lin. Godfrey drsssed as a lady cultivetor, uneborees utivetor, eightGrylkFndyngt lu the very lateat guwn, brougbt down boras power angine, teood cutter , coco A few o! he nsighburs speunt Saturdey the houaes. Tha Indien impereonator by tbrscher and siler with carrier. 600 evenîng with Mir. and lire. James Jamîs- Mr. Neheon. of Chicago, in hs heei and pound craIes, 240 potinoa cahe, griar] 5011. toc dents was exteptionelhy ins as wsrs stone, Corn shelier, tank heater, fennîug The missionery meeting was beld et the srng and bock aud wing dancing by mîlI, Iuitsr wagon with box, rvoid the bonts o! Mire. Rater Wednesdey alter- Mtr. Hunier, o( Chicago. We have nr rack, in-wrviriik wagon, set lobes, met ron noon. tIre ipar.s te mention ail but cufihcient to trucks, top buggy, two seeted curcsy. Prayer meeting was. hehd et the bornîe sey thar eech and sr-eryons actsd well two seuter] buggy, set new douhîlsbar- o!fXW. J. White Wednesday. tîreir parts rtte-r tIre show a pleneent nec,., i-t heavy double bariems, set lîglît Frîir-st White Ir-ti the hast oftVhs week dan,,' f,,loiwed wlren evrrybody h,.d n driviîg igIacnes@, sheep eheaciiig iîa«'hiîî-fhr Idaho,,heving spent the hiart tien gir,,titi,.witIi i.iiier, ooh trix, shliî seur rith hi-, parents. __________________four Ln l ,iilk tant, six cuitî mut tarî*, month 14 ilk viens, woven arr,- tret, lir andi Misslare Foots Isît Tuesdey forta A Sleighi-g Patty. niai n r articles noV înepritîiiieîb ,re week's r isit with lier ulece, Mca Itulphr h.otTIiiisaiv eing te lai es ci " uti.orSabe-Suniurohf I$10u, an lecber îu îhX' etnII .I Clulernti-, a'ertreateilto a rashl. I.tiltis over*lotà anreilliii 'il, tr mini M ce. XX bron Kinrg and Mrt. Hieihirutda'l hue., uc ru gooshinukai ts. li id rs. uer nî ýar., o h rckory, aliiî,iii)rc i iiTi l heladis n ece iuig ix i' r'Ct interedtft l,,îliNi' ' iitiner last Siaurduîy w rtbMr. randî talii oui o ilihrone and as al]tti,. goîîis i t'iidti isetthdifor. I iii' ýl IonEr W ells. -ilcrrlri- tir'hivirl mb talioe aloîrg a Boutir. t.eýýi-uieBonneti eh Moîrday hicr Book- i i, rîr e i cii'-tbihtryera] w X li icAh.( i i cI lîrîlnbrn lili as goure as a dilegate hi, iiiîr i Mci-. îî iii ir iteable ahong witîr o n i Vi i ii E utlu .thei'huniers' iurtitute. mn eîliran,,'s sliphlliedpsared and JOHNi- ViHhAUT, Clent. Mr. and Mrs. Eliirer Cannoîn msVeit Sut- tier,- tibli na agri-at eurt. Trhe-stnîdie,. îuduv uad tunday vusiitig frieuda un oh the evetirg wece laid over tenutil I GL.E' LP.K lnbron, fil. - uioiiîec nitiug and] alter a shorrt [ins-- N ru Miler n sck agaiîl wiib lrer rld - nec-r meting iii. nuiise ail eujoyer] n Mc. iii]Xrs. Frank Ingrueli expei îolu roubrle. geuiccel goîrd tirllegetting bounseflot et filine toi hiaioth ie lest offlie irre k. NlimsEtbîllit i[rent several date a vety erîr iî,cJoiint rrler bac morer] miii the witli ber aunt, Mrs. Ed hltoce, aitVGrays- Mam.uýrl, arm. bute. Drng Store Lines. Mca. Tua lot, otfX'ukegail,. imitel t'. E topir': Home Misions. Present Il yen are in searebi of a god piano Sundîîy arr] Monday w'îth tbe .Aine, hay Pioneete," iicel. 11:1-4. Vivien wlîy not gst the- Kiibahî' baeker] up tamilI. Blhiiier. leaderr. by teirieptatili.We re olo gens. r. )alýspet Tureay i Chca ', Te Laies' Aid Society will boîr] their he tlerspueurmu.aie are co ags r ii let hrdyi hrgr regiilec muintbily meeting iu the churthi, Thda newoMacvegaznes re onîig lre . ,i,%renre is b11 ut pce8eîit wrîtîîug. Tbîrsîbey.Nier. 4. iunrer r'mll be servecd. Ail the polnlan sîruges uug et thîe Will Ni\il ship1red steck ru the City Mih fat iw nill riron hbe bere.Movîug miistrel chowae e reritained bers. Mouidux uught. day forc-cre (tieurs t'lark wili lmore Vo ]lir e iniportd oliv e oil bn riginal itie. Trothter arîîî and Mc. Frîsten, î,h packages cheper than you are buying Miss Ildion Kapîrle wuc li ront l ,rîî îiuagr rw'îîî rîîrre on fie K. ,. S iiîil This wesk we are grviiig îway tree a miss ,.t, cîîth Monse, whîrî r utt-udjiîig Mi irmgie White 1bro bhectenu brttîe ut Perke Davis' Ethyrnol. Ask Vhe Noriiunetetn Uninersity ni ii honte nisitîtugreiutuee andîlold triendifrlo ns about it. or-r Sinlay..- moit(-fiie loft toc lier boutrs iii Lyonc, Grayahake Pharnrniy, F. J. DiuF, Nt Prop. TIhLadies' Aid Siriety nul a gîlili attendaivie and fine tinn,- ethibe ihonte oh Jameiis Itàiiiiesoin returnedltu Chicago ~ Mcc. Gtic-i-ieim. Thsy x'iil bie ent,- Tur-sia . [le ufi @tili ring on the led- Card of Thenks. taini-d iext Thureday, Marrie 4th 1by ecl jury. i lre. Eh Hurnis and Mes. Ber-t lrarhinr - -The membare ot the tii,«'eIke Epie- et i ie hî,îrie utflire. Harris. F, erybVody WADSWORTH. [t.e copal M ision tae thi enseuo thank- le cordînliy in'ited Vo coin,. _____ ing ai who partîcipater] lu hs minstrl ______ i nlieni RuSf spert e day Milwaukee .C show ast Fiday evening ton thaîr un- on liiainess trie past eset. lDt tirig efforts ln meting the affair a C. T. IIEYDECKER & SON. Aty.. f., Essaie. Mcii. Wiii.hyen east oft trwn is (lutte îlay, .emes. Ws aisewieh tehant al thos AjdcionNte.M wbo attended the show toc their kind Ajdcto oie i patronage. Sgne, Pi-bile Nitices ta herteuy ii-eu ina ieut.i iii îr'e Hagecr, oh Chiago, ripent Sun- dan1 Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound D)escr-iptiv-e folders with Complete in«- formîationî regarding fares, stop-overs, train sri-- sent free on request. F. A. MILLER Gentrai Passengen Agent Chicago Distrit PaaemgW, Médis"u A NEW SBCITO r The Lake Countyj Indepeodent The Chicago Dailyp nter-Ocean and Paris Modes : m : Ail for One Year, for PARIS MODES Is a Woman's magazine. cît ceptional beauty and interest- 72 to 80' each montlî. Beautitul colored covers-haudU llustrated throughout-printed on high-gtade paper- describes and illustrates the Iatest IM<,su It's timely articles ami excellent short ad stories are of interest to everU gnember of ten GIVEN ONLY TO SUBSCRIPTIOP4S PAID IN ADVANCE What I3lectricity Mea.~ In the Home 1 HEN We talk of Electricity lu the Home, -we are not only referring to the urneci, Electrlc Light - Electricity in the Hom also meane the abllity to make usof the variety of electrica.l household he1psý which muake housekeeping. now-a-dayt,. a pleasure instead of a drudgery.. It means conteuted servants and convenient . economical and sanitaryconditions. which areArn.. possible without the use of this modern agency. We will furnish estimates for "iingyr home, and we will give you complete informatYin conoerning rate@ and inethode, absolutely without charge to you, and without obligation to use our service. A telepiousecall or inquiry by mail w111 briîîg our represcntative to see you whenever and wherever you î!esire. NORTHI SHORE ELECTRIC COMPANY Phone 258 230 N. Genesce St., Wauki$mn. e rRED JOCIIIIEIM SPECIAL ATTENTION To out of Towen Ordlers And Shipping Trade Teisphons Ne, LIbentyvIlla I BAKER r Libertgville foi1 MOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPli WE DELI VER TO ADJACENT TO% ------------ -- -------- 8iffl§SS**,S*è* RUSSELL Dr. W. B. Lewin la sema bette, v. Howland was entertatned at A. A number of the Woodmen a* o cris' lait Snnday. othîe uneraI ot Chartes Bain .ln )i't forget merket day next Setur- Tuesday. y February 27tb. a R1 oy Palmerton ehot a fox on r. and Mrs. Werner Colby adat w0l. uhter visited et J. Ccawford'oe sM lr@. L. M. Bonner mpnt putO of Vhe week. week in Waukegen wi ti br Mu1 )avid Murris, lire. L. M. Bonner, Mire. C. M. (Orhem. C. Corrtm and Laura, lire. R.OJ.Murrie Mrs. Frank Crawford »4«{, iDoris @pont lest WedneSdaY Witb Cornes were Kenomba dehors " o. John Bonner at Mlîburn. lire. Browè- and lire. (o4 1A. Siver and wife, E. P. Siver and Waukegan visitors one day le, H. F. Biver au, wjfe and John aynor epent the sverîi.g wth lMr. end W,,, MelvIlle ha.m u et~< .. J. T. Crawford, Tburodey. work On the Ic le.s dr. FWenk Newell aud lire. T. D. Mir. and Mr. Spçeso rail @pont a couple of deya In Mil- mon spaît BWNM W1I ukee.r.6" mmlir. J. . 'GRAYSLAKE ),ezBÂKBRY WiII serve yon the very BEST 0F PASTRY .il the while LUNCIIESSERVED on hort no tice 1 We alto carry a fulli une ai Cigars and Confection- arses. I' -- LAUNDRY OFFICE. Phone 19 EARL LOFTUS, Propitor Grayslake -. ..- Illinois and la ww ----------- .«dli