CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 5 Mar 1909, p. 6

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WOOD MAN .PLEAO riOT GUILTY (F'rom Wedneday'm Son. Indicted prisoi'i5 piead to the varn- omcharges agalust theni lu the cir- eIit court this ait ernoon, lterruptIfls the progress of the Brauner-Sage xiii ptestng case. Four prisoners piaad 'aîfitta the charges against them ad were sentencad by Judge Don- n zelly. 1n John Burgess plead 'not guil ty" te the charge of murdering Pri- ate Rayburn ait Higbwood aud the cou*'I appoited Atorney K V. Orvis ta dfend hlmi The case mas se. for trial next ieeh but Attonîteý OrNs l lied for lime to irelîrre aud it fiuay be granted> Sentences of 60 day s in the couty jail were lmjîosed ou William Mtuier and Fred arnis and 10 days on Aug- nt Wichnîaiuon their ieu of guiliy to acharge of larceny. Huter and Garnis broke into4a car at Barringtou on the niglit af February 3 and durnped but a numiber of sacks of cernent. Then they Induced Wicnan to carry it kway lu bis wagon, the thr"e divid- Ing the spoilI. Krikar Hooigan pead flot guilty to bis charge of attackig itu s1h a deadly weapou. su ilh iii ent to nord er and as ha stated sas making arrange- reots to relain an attorney did îlot have one appointeit Atorne> Beu gamin Parmelee was apîîolnted for the deuse of Andresu Pogan subo 1,ead ntgilty to a charge of larceny. At- torney Clarence Diser s'as appointed ta defend Lewils G.' Browning on a sirnlar charge anîd îles. Given Another Chance. For the theft of a pochel book~ con- tainiug quite a supi of îuone, Geo. Svlar vas given a jail sentence. on bis pIes of gulty. lui place of a trip ta the penitentiary. as a means of gveug hlm anohar chance to straigbt- nup. He la a mere boy and Itla bis tint offense. About four mçnths ago. Bilar wasa dinklog st a lAke street bar wth a frieud aod wban the friand pâld for the drinks sud dropped bis iuoket book I nto an outside poaket, BsiIar's hand sllpped itt the pocket andi took the Iurse. Then ha ducked Oui Of the saloon but a Policeman Who naticed, bis suspicions egreat-ru s slo hss hmsdgta Confession Iroun hlm. In the case of Henry R. Amanu, ae- Cnsesi o the murdar of is steui sou ou the Fout Sheridan raservation, a motion ta quash the indictuient ls (o ha 'heard tomorrow muorniig. su n pies vas atered. Chares F. Iledicits aotîaared to a charge o! sdultarî sud fornication and with hlm brought a physicians certificate that Anus Klilge, indictesi wth hlm on thae sma charges, seas Ill vlth aPpendicttis. Ha plead fit guil- tàr andi securesi a continuation ofUbis *ces. tirough bis attorney, W. C. Up- ton. Joit bonds o $500 sere givees fo« his appearance for trial Wth Use conclusion of the pleasi- in, the wili case was rasunias. The defense tas examintug ils situasses, do- iag 80 befora the plaintiffs, as, ln Cases wliere sels are contastad for allagasi unsounasa o! mmid ou the Paert of ti-a selmaker tha burden o! Use proof resta ou the defausse 10 show the maker of 1the will udiossessa souns ind ut the lima o! its execu- flou. Wth a large înutur ofl t-nit asess disposasi uf, circtuit couit o iie'id thus moring usihbbhecase of Mrn-, I'u Branner again t bî'u îuuîtlîî' . S s. Margaret Sagi. uiua unti'..îoui11un tathau's vili The juryinvuas h lled ilut morulug asud the irstt iti' suuas cahiasi sbortly haforc ulonu The case Isat10 ha a ard foîttli ona ansi may iast the reat of the Wceil, Jusige Donuetly la, beasng the case, .Attornaî'a Heydecken sud Parlîeee are reprasantiug tha llialtiff and At- torneys cooke, Popetansd Pope the de Mirs. Sage claiuîîs ubat ber father vas of unsonndl iouieîî ha made Usehe wli sud that lien nîther unduty uInluenras imin iithe îîskiug of ItL the contet o! ttue v-lit fottousad a refusai ou the niothcnr's hart 10 aitose the daughtar to sea ber fathan dut'ing hie lat iliness, It ilacilîed The casa attractasi gresi attention ai the tima. hMrs, Saga lices on (bhesinut street. The dauglta's horneia lli Washinigton. W.hiI Stand* ln This Case. -Anttier weul cotastIng case vas eid ttis morning wean Jusiga Don- seU.y enterefi Jusgmet la favor uft(ha deïeisse lu the case o! Auna Baecher vu. Fred H. Frye, axecutor o! the sili o Jahanna Rosse, her mthar. Fait- «iM tao ie p te an ausseer to ber butl dusat vas Oed by the defeuse causad jadgment ta ha anteresi against bar sued an arder mae allosiug tha e iti to atutd. The daughter clalmei un- dmitaflusase ons the part o! (ha exeCn- toaisndunsoundnesaf har mthrs Mind. The. partis Be ln Barnlngton. or««ceontempt of Court. Trsdivorce caseé have trelaved ateticu rouatise court by orders 80 AK COUNTY g x1KTi FéRIDAàY.1MRH,,.t~ as to wby ha sheuld flot be helsi ln Iy weapoih wit5 inTteuýt ta 11 200 "iraun n nýh ds redwowa aualBcael cnnemp a cort Gehart as r-bons.mare toVarde the ,vancemant o! aur your new fid of labar." dered ta pay tmoay îny Andraw Miler, alias George Smith, ^ r mo.Asalwe uie onU.outlsrlhtr temprar alionylarcany, $100. 1 ct thmM.ot salwe ug Dnel.£utY'§flhfr wble the suit was pendlng at the Aadra'w Pogan, larceny. ;$100, lie stands lu the front rank ot his pro- ward, and appreciative of the persan- Decamber term of court but hau faiiad Lewis J. Browning, larceny, $600. tesian, and lia beau aur city attor- ai merits ao! Attorney Smoat fiom a ta do su and nmuet answer for con- George Svlar, larcany, $500. -ieY for twenty-twa years, durtng long association, paisi hlm tributa lu teunut as a resuît. The case was set Franki John Burgess, murdar, n whIch imie wa have always faIt, tram the teature asidresa of the evanfng, on the cati for bril.I bonds, a legalstandpoint, that the Intareste dafinlng hie enviable position as an Notortous G. ieil Case Agaîn. of the'city wara ln sesebande. Mr. The ONeil case. notorlous during lIIL N A KSatbsa i ie aa ed attorney at the Lake county bar, as a the December tarmt on accotait of the l ng part ins any underîaklng tanding public servant sud as a private ci- startllng aud unhllevable charges iIO.I1RIS3 SVU'.lJItowards the general wlfare of aur lzen and student. that uusband and wlfa made againat People andi bbe improvemeut of the thare who umade addresaes wera eacb othar lu a flight for the cnatody (From Wedaday'e Sun.) cttf.' F. D. Everati, pressident of the Lake of their chilid was revived wlien the KennethRSunoot, for twenty-to tt la ot generally knawn, or If County Law and Order Leagua and cblld wss awarded to the custody of years attorney for the Cty of Higli- known, parliapa we have faled ta au aspirant for usayor of Highland the fatier on agreement of the Cotin- land Park, and for 20 yaars attor. give hlm the credit wicb le justly bis Park on MNr. Robartson's retireinant. sel fuir Loth sides. The cbld lise been nay for tbe city of Lake Forest, was due, for Iuangurating and carrylng James H. Shields, Mayor Jackson o! iti the care of a veat aide woman. Ilast fiigt aIgnaIy bouored et a meet- thrangh ta, a surcesaful issue Our seat- Lake Forest, Mr. Putuam, J. F. Cosb- The div orce case of Adaîphine loE- I Mg of the Highland Park cty coun- rsstem. lie, sud ha alone, il was .nvc redu fteHgin peragaitfst Gustaf ,oeper wssadia- cil. sebo nceivad tba ides 0celustalling Park Staba baiik, sud Seectary miissel tuom iei dock-et. flie difficul- Mayor Robertson arranged the de-1 our seater worka by apecil assess- Thomas Quayle of the Lake touuty tes oi thea ion bsiug appareutly taill of the avent hald in bonor of meut, thareby glvlng us' a complete Lase and Order Leagne. beau setlled. the uoted spcal asseasmant expîert and cheapar w star supPly than any Mîr. Smooth responded feellngly 10 Anl smusing oierslghî wass oud sud gue.t.s0of spacls.l honor were other City sog the north shore. The the Iributes paîd blut sud for the sshen the case of the Gazette Pnb- 'lro aid Jackson andi the clty succeas of tha undertaklng la ani- gits îr seuted. lie was overcome lsblng Comîpany agaliist Lake County, council of l1&ke Foreat and Jusige danced ly Il e tact that the plant sud su 1h emiotion. Rarely bas sncb a tri- wss stricken froîi the docket. The C'harles Donnally of the circuit court, equipunant aie -alI pald for.,vth - a bute beau pald a man lu Lake county. case 'vas stîled during the flacember usho ibis morntng statesi lnaspaaklug substanti al balance to the credit ut Following the pregental loua thare tarni but failure to notfy Circuit of tha avent, "It seas the niceat avent the water funsi. sas a thlrty minuta recasa givan by ('lark Brockway bad causi It ha put 1 axer attendad." "This Iso ony one of the msny lm- Mayor Robertson to give tUme for on the dock-et for ibis tern again. Judge Donnlly sat on Mayor Rob- portant public Inîprovemauts that ha bauad abakilugs sud Inspection of the Settiément was made li the case of, ertson'a riglit and Mayor Jackson on bias beau Instrumentaliflb briuging gfls. Fri.d Vogler. hyIr. J. Pittsway. 'bis bis left lu the council chambar. about duriag bis long career as a tiext fieuîd, vs. the Chbicago and Mil- A set of engrossasi resolutions were servant of the pjublie, and wa fbe ngAt frlfoue iaSunou th ie regreat1o- watîkee Electrie by enterlot of a îresented 10 Attoruey Sunoot by MJay- that aur citý la loslug s h ighly ra- uhebl for Caloru s oan the regreo judgment for cosIs on the plaintIff or Robertsonu as a token of the as- spacted and public spilrkted citizen as rut at hc ewsa ra aud the disuissing of thi' suit. teem ilu ,,hcbha la belsi lu tha cilles weaU as an alelansd taleutedl officiaI]. nibr uwlc i a uon Miller Defends Trotting Association. of Highlanud Park sud Lake Forest,. "To you, Nlr. Suioot, t1suould ssy,_________ Atorney B. L, Miiller was ueclareiland in faei aioug the entira lake as mayor of ihe rity sud on behali salgiîose1 vr or couniset for the defense in tbe case nf shore. uf the city couticîl. il affords nme asi-Tht te la llut uisitliexla îd. four.- the Wetern Trust sud Sas iugs Coni A gold Nvatch aud chalu, vaýued aicer1e ueasure 10 treseut îoîî with ryn lIrt-vf,,ur iii!s-ï lfi)reland snd 10 isi-Nser-uts the Lilertys itte Trottine $2010, were sîso presented to hl1 u hs engrossed iesuluti,îis, unaul every tlGi*[rl"iii 01-lu Srottanid A'ssocation sud sersred tan ilsys for helîsîf of the Highland Park conucil mously soted liv oosr roliagiis ai the flllng of ai)aîîssser ta the bill of sud thien May or Jackson for the Lakse 1 the council board. as helut du(- yOsi ln e, îîiliiîg îiuvrine u larger thonu the tuliilif. The rase la thie one ini Foiest coîînsel preseuted the attou' recognition nofs nîr lIngitasd faibh- theieset ilkeri tibria-nltales fothe ii s hicb t liv 11p iti' a-La an i mise bics w th aa it s-r sersvice %aluedai utifsers ire l in iit..Is otttha <i V lîî-îîr ils 'i ilus lii4ar bsxa te$ 12 And sir, lt gne c-nue additimuaI oil llî tîiiiIîus iisil iîllu oui a situ t the555OCiitlOf sud huellasîr i n ide 0,-ru a. l su as I r. ,hli wsho, apupointnient of a raceiver ou arcîat lo,,iug la the couaillete aduress sure ou bebsî f nit uir niany friands tral lîld uts t suas u%%ning tii uruig a of aleged on îîathent oun bonds la niflIasyor Robertson, describad as ona lu generai 10 praseuit yott wltb Ibis wpask ii ailîuîg stxiiiili, heurt or suait of the fOuest tributes axer palsi by beantiful gnld su airh and chain as a kidnesym Bis ;rer1tuî-).Sioiîp's i It~estairal lue-us iiireet.I-ult raiglîiit r the Bonds Piaced by Court. oua good man 10 another:nmanifestation of the e'taam lu whîcb aso ý,W pksi Boudasv-are îlaceâ Iis morning bv Gnteen b r era touigt yonara hald hi the uany friands you !altçritg inclut- nir-es This, noîîdoulit Judga Donnally lu the peoptes cases ho do bonor to une o! aur estaenied 1lease bebtnd lu ibis rit)-. I1usili onty *clearîf axîlains su-li lea ltstrali- lias a galuat the ludicted l fenans --w c'--"- enethR. mot --'--- urhersa thtuhen li thaelland ofto lIe gros n s) -upu1t! O in iiularity. lu cstoir eîauusîs ose îsîeui, ~eunî~ .. ~ .~ urîer aY halDrugists say that tlioca whui test tfie i utd.The bonds are as fol. about to leave us and taka up bis fruits sud iiovi'rs you bave occasioni Retorative aveu for a iasv dey's seln lowss No bonds sere furnisbed inbiresideuca lu the stata ot Calitorula. îo.lfok at elîber o! the articles bare- hecisma iuilv couvincepuo tm uisondirful t ani- of tha casas sud the prisoners Wie sincaraly hope ha will ha the vsitii preseuteut. vou selîl e ramîndasi menit. Auvway, dont drug the organ. dare ln the county joli, gainer by the chauge-we know thit o f tbis nîgbî. adsud c yoi-slf M seansble ud u-eeas!i way. Sildt by Kriker Hoosigan. assanît with daad- we shah ha lite lasers. I ueuory agaîn. surronndad by' )our ALL. DEALERS. o o o * o o o o o o o I o o o o o o * o t * o o -J t- U) z o. <n o o o o o o o o o o o o o * o o o o o o o o o o o o o W ATCH US GRWi@@*@@@@@@@ 105-107 105-107 Genesee StreetrDI ftE i Genesee Street WAUft* UUMK Q AKGA WGMEN'S TWO AND TUK.REE PIEGE TAILOR-MADE SUITS NOW IN KEADINLSS WITH AUTIILNTIC SPKING STYLES Womm' &MheuSPINtSUITS The coats arc madle in three-quarter, single breasted, slightly cut-away, the skirts are fuil gored maodels, mater"al are broad- . cloths, worsteds and il-75 mixtuires ......... NEW TAILORED SUITS Charming four-button styles, semi- fitted, withý new effect pockets and back, triitmed with buttons, gored empire effect- skirts ....... 1350 INpoint of varlety nies 01 style t b e assertînents are un- equali lna Wauke- gan. We ulve yen The Corectstylos Tua m~i Quftity! WOMIEN'S SPRING SUITS These are made in the popular three- button cut- aw iy sylstrlm- med with silk bengaline, and lined throughout with fine 1 7 taffeta silk, ail sizes inI6 5 the new shades French&£ Diagornal SERGE SUIT Smart 40-inch hipless straight Uine suits, empire back, button trimmed, 10 styles to choose frorn ..2 000 TlEreason why we can always give you the best vaIuçs and the TIhighest quality of Suits, Skirts, Waists, Coats, MIllinery and al Ladies' Furnishings, is becuase we buy ln very large quantities for our several stores, located at Racine, Kenosha and Appleton, Wis- consin; ànd Syracuse, Troy and Amsterdam, New York 4 - Very fine Chiffon Panama Skirts, < New long steeve Lawn Waists, tucked and 49 silk and button trimmed, i 3,o9 embroidery fronts ... ....... for ................ Sçveral styles Lingerie Waists, lace and New gored French Voile Skirts, C medallion trimmed............... ...98 very stylsh, 5098Q Beautiful Talloted silk Waists. in aIl 2,99 at ......... ..... the new "haes .................... LVERYTI[JING of Our Wlnter Stock Must Go. NOW Full Len gth WINTER CO-As.*.2,e981 FURS EXTREMELY CM~U' NOW7 Sets that sold for $10, piow 9 2.981 Sets that sold for. 25, pow . 9.98' Scarfs that sold for 5, nôow.. 1.98 iii Broadcloth Coats 2LITE"59 Long Flanelette Kîmonas. . 59c Ladies' Dreàsing Sacques . 29c Heavy Flannelettefltlcoats 35c FieBlack U',dersklrts. 59c SPEC1MEN PRINM1RY BALLOT Villae ofLIberWele, Countge.1Lal en ud Stateet llois Prinarg llection Tuçsdag, Marck 9,.1909 PFOP[['S PRIMRY G[1O1 Ci1!ftN IMRPBARtI For ProisidentFo rîdn l'iote P Fo uisFolrei L'n H. B.. For ' (VaWil (iEO.1 . H.1 R. P.i EGER E Triisteei E Foir T5u'sa F. LYNCH WELLS E SCHNAEBELŽE W rrlia.m Wn 'l'o Fi Varancy, Onua Year lS'teFuir Oua' L'ALBERT FAULKNERI For Coiimnitteeunatix CHAS. F. SMALE, JR D)ANIEL LEE For Trustee (Vote FOI 'rares) SIDNEY. MITCHELL RUEZ OSRORNE STANLEY BATON For TIrustee To FiFVacancye Oua Year (vote ParOis- DANSON WHEELER - For Coînmîtteemaîi 1I SPECIMEN- PRIMARY BALLO-T Village of fox Lake, Countyj of Lake and State of Illinois Primaryj Election Tue.Sday, March 9. 1909 VILLAGE CLERK INilPFND[11 MAil gc iF iN8' PARiY PRIMARY BALLOT PRIMARY BALLOT l'or r,'ieu For t lenk For Trostee A ' ils D . ORNl5i REiNit >LI)MVE1 1 ti FRA'NK il MAUX IN JIAMEIIS HAYiEK For V ln.,iublî it Foian(t tak El El El El l'or Tiruseeas F'..1.(Y.u'JE (' 11 I. OSTII\NDEiI DJANIEL. L. i;OETZ D'AN IEi-. .DEVIN E SPECIMEN PRIMARY BALLOT Village of Round Lake, County of Lake and State of Illinois - Primargj Elecion TuesdagJ, March 9. 1909 275 FOI W on t r pf FAP Ave. F FOF atmre FOF e 11 FOI' auto han FOI' by of D, SFOI' Libe FOI' Inqut FOI oper .nd Cali FOI cour offlo SFOI qulus FOI lots cLibe FOI bli Phu RýllbicmiooPiq 85B10IoI WOc[igilcPuIwQi mIoi PRIMARY BALLOT PRIMARY BALLOT For Prasident (Viote Po, Omo) ElCLAUSE JUN(4E, JR. For Trtuteas (Yote Far Thres.) ',W ni FRANK AMANN SAMUJEL LITWILER WALTER WIIITE For Police Magiatrate (Vote Po, One) []W. A. McCLLNTOCK i~EII 4~*@OU For Village Clark (Vote Par One) GEO. E. RICHARDSON For l'reejîleut (Vois.Fer ((e) AMOS M. WHITE For Truistees (Vote Par Thuya) EDWVARD IHENDEE ED LIJBY MARTIN THELEN 1 ta 1 , por -il 11

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