CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 12 Mar 1909, p. 7

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRDAY. MARCH 12, 1909 MI&ehA Fhiurry and-husband to road in .N E 1-4 Sec 21, Waukegan. Vogt. 79 acres In 8 1-2 Sec 7, fre- W D $6000.00. p.-and bring the paicks," had causeed that antTw'l W D $6000.00. J B Schlosser and wife et al to J C TIgllan, offee o htrne ileTenw w buoetk sy«»o»i John Walenter and wife to P M E Theobald. Tract of land in 8 E 1-4 ing Reno, who outranked himnhe9wa. LaoeCounty TItie & Trust Co, Meaigher. 30 acres in S W 1.4 Sec Sec 34, -Newport Twp. W D $225.00,aoderscpled to nhideoraed foes t-i YOd n $|0 Abtrct f ite, his urated34, Warren Twp. & 25 acres ln N W John Sadauski and wife to Vida ter tbought that the two commando MaeonfTmple B. TWa tuan, Ill. -4 ec . Lbertyville Twp. W D P Taylor. 5 lots Dreyer's Su b,.North comb ined, which numbered 400 men, [Copyright I, 0,byAmerican Press Ass- Losl Ga ,8cy $5250.00. , Chicago. Q C $1.00. . would solon take mesurnes to geit intocato. j'ul j GRNCE Scy HI C Edwards and wife to John Ches- T A Dufrst to S2wen Johnson. Lot L WFU action . But the apfpeals of sulch of- "You must IadmIt." I said te oont W E Howell to Truetee of Square tek. StriP 29 ft wide West fromtMar- 4 block 1 Durrts Sub on west side, ficers asi Benteen, Weir, French and Haenant while we were pocaing the Dea M & D Co. L.ot in Village of kett St. to the R R & N of lot 1, block Waukegan. W D $1450.00. ,ttestola-n eewthu vih dc f arca tamr ta h Lieryvll. D$40.0.18( McKay's Add., Waukegan. Q MSwnsnad ietoTba The last seen of Custer as hie start-fatee mperor was mpolitic." Jamtyles VlacDto4Augst0HurQand D00. Je snsont24aan an d N 10tri ftobased into the ever to be rememubered bat- "Not ait all There was always a wife. Lot 18, and 8 1-2 Iot 17, block IW EFSunrderin iand wife to Albert lot 23, block 2, Winthrop Harbor. \' W N.IM1YWULA OYhti of terLitlie Big Honwas when, meb mtho his mad ess osil 67, North Ohicago. W D $180000. Sherman. Lot 1, block 2, Brookside D $1900.00. vhat nt.anerIntherciger and What ethod ulthhere possib hegly Absalom Clark et al to Wm Th om.Addi, Wlankegan W D $250.00. Tobiaàs Jonsen, and wife tolS MCuster. making a wide detour tri faithve esei n tvw hat afrairte sup. 40 acres in S W 1-4 Sec 19, Ne wport Lottie IH Smith and husband to Elli.,Swanison. Lots 11, 12 and 20, Jensens ¯~ on f trlsOfInta f lthrear of th vIllgeli,orwhat he wressdIntervnew pwhiche stiroru Twp. W D $1.00. za>oh s 10. Ilys 2 and 3, block!Sub ln block 9, Ladd & Geo Add., wr would be)incl nNete with- sns heycnnswt thouhtkas the rear, Imediate ln a builiating psto? Cora A Pierce and husband to P A If, i luff. \V D $1800.00. \\aIuk.Igan. W D140 out giving ailnea, t f fthepwrTesrc ysrn ado nhs"he secrt hstoy o tht afai1ha Houghton. Lot 1, block 5, and ad. 1:E C(- Lumibard and wife to, MII E J 1) Shoahan and wiffe to Rlt iaw. campaign of 1q7 a i',tthe \uinn er Iv:as n! e- l, ned y(M f al tii ertineverbn fi blishu h e Itwsounlee joining Village of Wacna Ialb N 1-2 lot 3, leubof block kinfs. Ir-is , and 6 block 2, Highland northernl Sioux and their from \ h n e til - dtervratapl n w om r ta he esn e $10.0ee HihadP r. W 5 0 ak. W D $000the south, the Sioux and an s-1in-Il , ',fb. idles thre m rr and his chaincellor. Fan k C Nieland IfI e)toMabel F If Kuebkor and mwif., toa \m n ne .J J Ilira ,W\VC Peters, iuIlivi<Ii T ( affa r own asthe i 'usav(r1un e ranr 1, C1 f Ga r ad a no te olypesonliin M it lch i ban ltc , t .:, Kul-bker's 1st Add, Lakl zu Ther catastrophe tha1 ilover 3,"ili-a, (11! M it. I(>ai 1vhal lo 6,D $200(i.00 grillant General (Custe(r ; What, you?" lt' maclm go & 1chain lot, 70, Cory's drl, \ Iau IlPPrice and if toalMichail yTw · ; 5 "e lom an"was an e tfaie. e a L A d ht' oe ' o kegan. W D1 $530i0. in 1,l>t, iiand 7, Prl sSub ofIA-t FrankIr temrrzgair and wIfe to -John live forever lin Indlianhi',e s _b es>,s 1tl f'] - Ing ft, to you. Listen. There J J Moran and wifet o ta W G sý I ighwod.W D1) 0 I. JrI- W 1-Zlot :3 block i1, \Vaukegan In the summner of 14 C, ilSher Ii :j' Cj, iwasfthen)Iin Willam s service a man Stenzel and ife.80 acres in SIc 9, to J F Iryl. Tract !in Ses a i iglns. W 1$1-a.if.fIdnjsentltwTexpidblo u tIl wo m he o nsult hane e on matters West Antioeh and Mellienry Couty. Deerfield TwI, Q C $65l 1%C A Cumini ú iigand wife to Wel-was knlown alis the inorth , ,l, ' ipi, iryi B m a far ratthian eveing thn Bulow. S W D $7600.0).Vida IP Tay.vlor trfolne Sloaausk az and wif, l>ts 4 and 6 bloc 17 He ment Gafnerailiuser %w l hil! ,v- h mlain sdepy fl a r ethsl ingel was dur, igte e period J IB Schilonser and wife et al to B 5lots IDraye-r's Sub, North hiago auikegan Highlands.W D $5.00u. t aar rm otMa i-doluhh wasoeof the imany fauses of i ltimeay with thlate emperor C Scloesser, 10 acres 8 ED 1-4 Sec 34,4CSE0 John Umown and wife to J B Dowveloin to scout In the niorth aid m>th-tht warped lis jdmnt it i! I ot>etween th dsoe agestiry-Ie-n Newport Twp. W D $1200.00. C G Hluse and wlifeta C L Nelson 14,5 acres in S W 1-4 Sec 9, WVauconda West of the Black llim and li, r urn 3vhen 11t wals "msinedd eeritrean oud av be atrctv LnaABemuanhubnd t got 4, ItvInla Woods, Highland IPar wp. WD180.0.through the Black 1H11ills l, to hs Terry soedhsvsmpýal1I thv nndconto women hadl he taken any Interest 0 L Watson. Lot 1, block 73, High- C L Nelson to, M S Heylman. Lot C A Cummings and wife to JohnpstAttesmtmehsm<-1.idnenhmafrthIdanrainhm.luhewsaroocd land Park. W D $L-00. 4, Ravinia Woods, Hiighland Park. Wý Sumrioncei. Lot I10 block 15, W'fauke- nel Anson Mills from the <b, artmeint was tdisovered. when hle ordered himL woman hauter. John Grimm and wtfe to J R Run- D $31700.0n0. gane Highlands. W D $250.00. o hePateeevigtll Iant a< i e nnt ih e ay Wietr aveling inoEypuctrnge Yard. 109 1-2 acreIn S 1-2 Sc18, JELneadwfetnml oc-Estate of Geo Gidley (deed) toucifledrailrtsoadtwlin,*yI-in an r ael nwthapry fyu cuty manec :ilSs an:2,Grat wo xpditon o cou th Scwaere, Io dsmen from New York, among them a Easit Antioch. W D $10,00.00. 1) D $wao or Adlph Sandberg. Lots 2 and 3 But- country, the Big Horn b i ni iHigBldyKlanotrsndakthMssRbcaWy.Seadom This la the same farm thtiat Beck lAttie A farnstale and husband ors Sub.,Lbetvl. W D $2204-00. Horn mounftain countryal ,retiurn tral fllow it. If-Ie strui k the trail over and remnained with her fellow alfas Hoover, bought of Grimm, and I \'a ,,i S) r, r)n Si-s7 toanýna IMeyer. Traz torfland in see by way of the Powder rl r intry Ind fol;,v i l Ilt a fraplid ]pa (Ilonilthe travelers by permission, hiaving, fitwas fogdtenaedo h edado~ lxR F rey t T, l Q Co ila)eof ,Marly A HlIgton (ee back to is department. I %nas sent to -2 n.111,1 ' 'li of .111-lul Ai l int understood, been graduated fromn targi e tenoma f,500e frdnnd Wm. acr Cin S W ýla Ee 1) 121I vrI §9-% 1 IMguide Colonel Anson M21 efei"Ithe-tr l- iRobl ad el adIschooil the previous sprIng FHer trip Wedge In 0October, 1.407. \% Y$ 1 il. The two commandsi, one unfde r < iller "!I IIl t nl- was Iintended as a finisher to hier edu- F W Ca erona.l if t T P 1 l 11,111and if. to II, W rdand one under Mills, camne w I, oin m fi ':Ihad b'l' Iry apd tebc ation F ParCasth aiWauk taan1,Tw p A 7, reisilvered 'No-Irip,' murdnotingdistane ne at n \\¯,tni wer iel li A mpain:,, .wh"Trengzel had nover biefore ?allen un- Carran. m 1-4 acres in S-e-, If. mn,r 6 \r\"rl') 1l f no pt 1m1 in,, on the(, Powder river, thlu,, ne pr lp fi, Il., y e oo nder the i eneof one rof your uncon- Twpj. W D\V 20 n 1K . m wfeu eo rsoo lat aninta: )111ers and s- r i al ho etInlfn<utis el g il F fCn e w a l e t a h I fr 10, 7 Il and 7. Kor f'Nb . t tfu il. and lhlding fa consul l, --ltation Thi, du His ideas of w n enew derived rom Lawrtnen ,ydoni4.Grann'Au en andIr "r f finl 2.7p' ka l The try Vwas thIen comparaivi l % ui: iwnn th e eman fraini of nobebood 811ub i o M 29" e Fors \li te iatimf.Itiont, and ori e ce t t the scouts, bunn r, , 1 trap , I r , ' ,tI ntt , n'm re esecaly fr m n1l f,28 " bper - fima ie d ster lten years [bis senior who $Do fr, l CORLETT & FREDERICKS. Afieimarched'fromIliukept house for hbini. Miss Wray nde d reR con Il i m ade nt I r is igthe ruinas(of .fi"¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯u r" he madle a:,the f teno of K ru k ith im u fn- The Alex. Hein Co.Il til"",1 .i"'"r ue I", , l 1fi rxHlring u-in, verylha r 1r-The inext heard of Miss Wray ishe and th n erd toIr ah1 mwas Iin 1:erlin. caerndby an cen- Saturday and Monday we will Un In.Tis mee,(tling filhetwo ireYdifrnprtfrmhawhh put un sale the greatest [tne of ,;Iomax;fodfr, asthe last tinæ11 .11, r tu I ih t 1 l --he wasl supposed 1to have traveled mi fti gneal It was 11 1u tlr's en ilw 1 rlrflur lit-wIth In Egypt. She haid not been ithere PLEASIG AND ELIABL n god wereconfired nia "ra a era se i edhscmalThey an d din lithe proper miltory life and dinied with the late emperor PLEASING AND RELIABLE demnonstrated(. Therefor> althoughIl 11, formation.• and the now dowager empress. She GARMENTS AT $s:z.50 ou e Dr ss se g-el(rnmenits Intention vwIa f, o ep leba tan-h itl i orofent some tim. ostensIbly visitin. The espnsethatweeaveout invaders of this sectioin (nmlny of Iutel and Colo neteen wieIth tw ~Custer fdecided to, take this as a stand. Trongel's old maid sister, and while he toou advtetseaento vrse ntk onya .the iriitbeing arrested by thre Il-1 compauneotobnel up th arwtpoint. He sounde the recall and tried there alhe was riding, driving and Sample Suits et $I2.5o ha« These are perfect fitting r- taersh, t e eortgwretas falre, for the park ltraIn, injIIr Reno was or- tocmke hidiso He adio turehisrhnig. acpfsinwt h been ra1y flatterng, and Ments, and they confe in the lit impracticable to airrest It. Tifis dered to mardh strarighit on to the Lit- never Bo brave sas when they get any "One morneing Trengel was summon- provel beyond à doubt that the most handsomne patterns for broughit about Irritation on the part of le Big IIorn, while ( ustor would move one's back to thema. On their retreat ed to Berlin by the emperoir for con-- womn f Wukga an Lkesprngwea. atrias rethe Indians. During '75 and '76 the obliquely off to, the righit, mailking a de. tp the hill half of his men were killedi.: ference. Your connutrymen were get- Couny1kno that wedgive ustietaslit. Mtras r 4 whole Dakota nation, the most powaer- tour of somte seven. ar eight miles and: The rest took up positions, bttheI. ting rathler too thick with the Japl- what n at edvertise. Satra y flIninsadthi ale, Pitee triking the Latne Big IIern at Vwhat dinsbeting so elated at killing so nese to please his majesty and he de- and el to the harangues of Sitting Bull and hie supposed wioulhbethre lower end many of his men fromt the Little Big sired to head them off. At this Inter- S These nobby suits ln the new Monday..--.. other medlicine men to prepare og f the jindian il lage, while Rten" mwas Horn up toi the bill and the failure of view a number of dIfferent mtter rnhiphforclssrit rk- Ldisoclre hitatthbres aath, to gather their leto t atu r 1I" Reno toa ttract the Indians continIual- were taken up. all of them of Impor atest--h-wll nsayles te adns'cooye comingtsbalsdoadwncuethelth Little Bigfr -i II al orn, tanceie]It in Europeancomplicatlions.or, anc l Eropa Tren-atons Ten laes wilgoon sae ga n or housewear. They comne in rllngrange rifle- theoy could, j'l no wq a s til kIlp on o m 'lIl airot ail l t littglniisý.l.,-glnbnl ofrne wt h thebigureductiond price i iGstina sh rlheban n view of the i I, l' Ittrateon iCuster and foutght h111imto peroir iwas naccustomed to jot down the the ig educionpric (iinSaturdy ad ut n andthe Lmahering of war I, i afi ,1; dea th, points dIlscussed; also William's views. Monuday, pa l. r,,rs m thi nr, il-m ie lFih i ,-d' r: 1,ly t ga il apfint On rtrigta his schlass lhe found 2 c I. nil-ii the i n i:Sttes tr- uhihe u. Ilut.hewa. 'wve. iss Wray, iwho hladt rema ined during Silk Rubberiied Rain coats, i 1ou Nmnadbsasec a i itr n a handsomne satin stripe, guaran- I. 'lIr : . : i nl Me tl% il lirt11de i h llhm he ru ite dwih her teed rain proof;a barga i a- . eaIL r r1'.:n (1r abloun Il i t e dd Hoe thing ed h ad nio ever urday and Nlonday atnt .1 d si o . e f mud hfi a tli: i t 11-dne (1be fi fllie ossed ih s n teoo h th n n umI Stedfasly ot f)r ra ride wiith the girl wvho had ÇD5 ýI'I fibhan lu tr ihier onhi:' nuatdhm Il a f: 1 1 11- I, 1:, 1Il 1 jontnfr they foulght n lly , hping and "Tha lmt w s ithe hast he thoughit of the expec't l 1-li IIting fo>r r-e frcm nt hi,-h notebook till thre netIl on g. T e n n enl i i ofi tlw- Idu n Iil neýer camie, buft sIcedd in keepjing he hurried to the litbrary to find it -f i[fij l IlU Ii tl up the fight for somne timle. Thre In- gonfe. Breakfast was waiting for the 0 Hri ' l, r ini a lclfs inna t 9fie ians, well tarmenil vrhem ust h ad not yet comre down. Giaial . razy Io, erse I it-inthe-Fal, ng inmbers, elrcling and riding rat After waiting somie time fo he te (,:il. Ilrse.spee , kept up a continurous and et baron sent to hier room. She as well 94 7 0 9 8 Cr it tle Ig Nan., Grassq and manth alers. fective fire, while skirmishers and as the notebook hadl disappeared, C At fist tI le I an were taken cm marksmien crawled through the grass, "The consternation that seized a n lltely by surprise for they wevre so pleking off officers. In th e meanwhile the baron was nothing tothrat of te numiierous thatinthey hv adfailed tir keep Reno Mwas still lying on the 1hillal-epr wenTngletteBli "ii@Ht lt fiesu 4ill ist nt e irear theycould hear te eot s n and told him the story. The polcee CrfundedSaPosfctenl saw o n ers Ro. fin te fithat sBeee, aeir, French and ther were notified, and the secret service ,,a , IIIlI). rise tat B riteu,ýý"er, renh an alier men got on the case ln a hurry. Not on all $5 00 G uart e ed e lli a wa ro thesaw ir( continuel ther ifsrn ia it ie a train n Germany that was not un- PurChases fztlt ' "llu a",-11";1""lt""ing remainied threr(, until aillwas silent. the sreIIhvn ealddsrp Pucasson Every auam wh he tatrue iumitriof Indians eventually killing Custer and saioofes, e a i. detai aledsrp Or ve. ra$aItR.e e iOam ,t ough e failed to every one of is gaillant band. Reno to catch hier. A boy excited some sus- or ovNea P. .Tr1ns.aeneionSt -z- recogmw n a If;ilt i s filne. l, Im dmount- was kept annoyev d by the savages unitil pico.btg cuath rne WAUIP.0. 1AN, Ii.LnesS. ed tol debt onlflrlin hl, firt ,charge the arrival of Geineral Terry and Gib- without being detacro te Ger WAvàmc^N. ]ILI- li~~~~~~~e vwas r Ieid, n :11asear als I bonis commiand. while on the second dtcife aigbe ntatdt have be b""le ot, learn. RIfwas only a ifday thre Indians set fire to thre grasses ldetectveschaileenInwsttert g ekone, nmirtfona, Ilillt of histui-tocover their movements with simoklook o ut for tatgir.bIt ws ather IDcolrs r men. but ift 1was4thel lack of and drew off. Afterward t'visit to the wapr sp seWtat thdgisey wa. h cha rge ,fh -ub]l lhavef hadl. at least done bis duty and, though de- ufterward ecmet. knwn t thosauhero Reoinlooinaver the(-situation, feated, was not disgraced. They aillus in the seroe.serwnathe ugtern preferred defviesein preference toa lt- Iein rithe proper military formationof a poor profe sor intan Ameria tack. Ile r fosdihe Little Big every officer at his poust and every man' unverty. hatfle adb®twentwnearsy The scoiutsreported to Genera L ter that Iorn fandt toikIuia position on a1 h111,,in line. Custer's body was fournd, andoldVat hat timea wan had ltak foery they had seen tepee. where hie(di[]y dallied aro uutil although all the cithera were mutilated everyhnri oa' olg o the dffernt deartmnts ajacet. te Indanstakin couage t hisap- r scapedhiIlodycsemedto hae whch se waseligble fr copeti GeerlAlrd erytwowa n lae ndit we ans, maetfiht on beruno ch ed sbd exet by ba ethtion. Leaving college, eshe went to command of the department of a ko ma llthe ierer list o ilf t n m en untohs b e atr ibut e om the New York and worked on one of the cmand hfsttheon aFrtSelngwf asotathat lhe lost were l-st wile crossIng gavage foe to his courage and gaillon- principatpapers ere. It fo was t a toand the tto osini departen teLittleBiMg 11rnn eteat oas to try. Is brothrCaptain Tom, and pertasethrbodfrnwsf tosFortheAbrham Lincoln, to taketegt inthlfso tees ie i bohri-aCati ahncrtain diplomatic questions of inter- feldFrot rhere un e the mn Ifjr Reno. aIIn I,h hhaving a good with ra nephew, were amnong the slain, eMst oathe p opl o he United ates. 6 ~~~~~~~~of General George _A. ('noter. General eivil %war renI, Ibog i ide. aiga nsa aiyafl theon. M issWra y h and always known e onGbon h a i omn o llnin the lnwrency on a (lths al. The bodies of :all the offleers vwere thelw antofmey allrriancnequently tohendepartmnt of M.inontanwa ocso e e rtohv cmltlyls ound, withhIle exceptIon (of Dr. Lord, ke t auswacac o tak cmmndofth toos n isde slieyinle 1n IdIanLetnatIIre.IIrigtnadfortune, She w Irote out an interview a partmet, movedown theYellows one asferward i land er I .trsl -sometn men. The lit- with the empelIrr of Germany and sold an oma ucinwihte.Ge-p-ey ae yurrsndhgette' ae!see ee nwIt toa L donpapler for $100.000. aeral Gen orge A. herYek, ontomnefwrcif ;l esoal ietdtewehrt w cpue n o-Sinice sh,, iiuh show Trenger's note- adrdtotake jiithe i I htrpsfrm hisCe- aratIn osrf ndhmo h hl honi G elkad na h h uhteepro' ot h StunnignewPnamaSkrts, ine ne chifon Panma Danty, cisp Fench ollewprtmenhandp (;:ilr]h hithe videntyiunlyredofCuste's prxlu, bd of h il Icrnftiis nt eve thin her enfway no n l rso-wr ar krt n ra vreY ah adfietPnmoSrtn aylfFr LrCe or etr.n.y. he >rsdeo h ila Àente otanyhle ht woe epr aknb h

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