CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Mar 1909, p. 12

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LA~ OOU~TY' tNDNP»EI~T~ flmA.y, Mh~BOH 19, i~oi~ Waukegan News v IA r M ART drope an th chd e fthtie frst STRÉ?LJUS DEPAR- 'CAUSFD lIER DEATI marriage be made owoers etftthe es- TrfloR TII! w'esT - 'Estat a sln Waukegan. Wldo w,.Secnd We c Lorno The. estate new consista et the borne Mm. Jackson R.m.nmbored forgotten ]i"lslcte and was Fghting Child. on ~Sheridan rond and the business ticket et Lake Bluff. Pundt Re- Mn ocf Firsi Wife In Court for Pa.- block on nortb Genesees ti'eet tisai la turned for tf and Reached Chicago ssion of Estats. Suit ia Now Be- occupied by the Reardon aud Wall, Laie fo r Train. In Dsperate Cab àos Special Master in Chancery. Le.NcDnnugb and Miltimoce stores. Trip Açro"s Chicago He Made Up Deats cama while friands visitad. At onue tinte. Mr. Hinkalon la claiuted Timae and Caught the Limnitad. ______ to bave ow'ned iutcit iîiyperty out nf Is thte niidst of a convmersationi, laie Wanlîegaii andtd 10emoî to bave lteld A hait uile apring on foot iu Wau- M.onday. a[îerînouî. i, rb;. Sarah A. ta deds out the greater ïhare, of tht'i.,kegauî. a race te Chicago by train aud ýJUakstou. widow ni the late Lorenzo culy, whici lie cubher gave away ot a finatl dasb accoas Chicago lu a Cab » kaow as sdel seized w iths î' -ry cîtieatls ttîiacked 'tie departure of Mca. Fred nela ofn th e c i'aid n ba i Pi'îtiand Mca. lames Jackson for ~iurlianite c~r aîdii w Los Aîtgeiea Thursday rilght. John Minutes had died. it was about :20 TARWf REVISIONPîtdmesiecacatdberewa mIntdesrtn s. ae u riîsoi AFFECTS WIRE MILIS miade iu order tegel a ticket te NMca. Shehadbee takin wih af-in- Jackson ti tinte foc ber te make the U. Geore TetttiofiChmitcagfoendWitb snrtie nf lie deîtartutents rmn' limited train onutise Sata Fe. Iad conte ,,p 10 ee bier Monday iig oit bal tinte now the Waultegaii Tbtrsday tbe two ladies, accompal mornlng aud on aceunb of Mra. Hinka- wire milin are delaied to ho about te nled by Pundi, ment to Chicago te ton.not eelig wel ba decde onoe down part efthte miii entireiy. tact on their wetward trip. Mrs. etan ait.feigwi iadb ec.lTed ho The condition wili be about ithe saute Puudt is goittg te job ber husband, Waies wre seaLte inb the home, 225 as It was bli e wintec et 1907, it la on the, ceast for bis beath, and Mra. zkoth herdanroa, wen uddnlydeclared, mven tise miii was runnlug Jackson la going fer a viit w-ith ber nrth Hiierîdn rae, "hn1audely at la very îow ebt. daugiter, Mca. Morris Cooper, InLom teel," and droppeul back in her chair. Tii. plan to revîse the tariT etf the Angees. coun try ls said te be ai tbe bottom t Wipn ait Lake Bluff, Mca, Jackson Dead ln Few Minutes. of tihe moventent and If tbe duty 0on auddeniy remembered that aie bad Mrs. Turner ran tote Jougs borne steel producta la rernoved, a blg redue- bift ber ticket te Los Angeles at ber next door. trom whece a phsyacia tion nf tise worklng force aud a large borne bere. Si. lises witb ber daugit was summoned, and rturned te the rut lu tbe wagen ni tioe emeraînîng la ter, Nitrs. Gcorge P. Fendick on atricken lady witb Nlills Emsma Jones.îrnîbesied. Hickory street, Pundt dropited trou The. dector arrived jut as lira. Hiuk- At pîrenci tte ttîll is ni cunuitig the traini anîd cught tbe next norti sIen waa dying, He tated hat frein atî w bore ucar its tnoul capaclîr, hoîîd itoute agaîn, th frs o te ttcksie adben iientculaint, adîî dicldfîrtîec Sîriiitiîîg t.,tl~ eoick bhomne hi beyond helît. At licou, Mca, Hinkston jaý oirto10b, diie'ilithte ni ar future. got te ticket aundbîîrriod back to had bad a ligisi attack anîd the physi-Stien tt' ciiti',iiit inýafalecttd catch anotior trahiî toc tîtecity Wben clan bad aîtendeîl ber. fh vas on a-ar i,,ii d t, 1. lie t carlîod lie Nnrtlwtii tChicago counirtfthis thal Msic. Tturneri decldc'd 1i Tiiilii l Id itîci' lcîtat ti t, rait- depo~t it wtts ions t timii'for thi tt ta remain miiber.îiîg ai Itîtît itin oitne fits îtmachiies Fe iiiitied to lie Illliiie ont ont is leti WiVth the deatit. Frankt 'iolîtfoîl, ab ta lut il till oi ~nlîcrs litisuit trîi. Heîîîîru'îîd I t ab cîliiifrot nphew, s'as suintoted and senît tole i tI ciffi li itd iiolfttiotf t l.c icîîîîîtiiii tîtIli, pligtit grain.sto iclIttices ni litautnt. lie' _ t ir n ig "I ach t ataiiti v u Is$ mainedi the bomtet'lait iigbt. 'rs t iw nd aîtimu i iges redîttid. l'or"' antd if i tînu'titîî 'i îoti îîg.*", sui(jtî î Hinkton ad ben i IIIheal fo a lytiis w as onue nirte bast aS itg drimer, "Jonp lit" . On a read galler long tulle but ber death sas a sesere deiiartilieiibiolflicenîlli, in magen, but lit -utsatcdl for tite Sauta Fe deon shock and was entirely uneapected. la now claînte nbe onue et the 10w- Orce tbey narrowly tiaaed colliaion Few Relatives Survive, est. with a afreet car and the clone abaviE Relatives let by Mrs. Hlukste0 are 3-Iiattres pring departotent, run- wtb other riga were nutuerous. i two sistera, Bra. Mary Moulten and niog but thre. daya a week and work- waa tbe wildest ride Puudt bod evei Mrs. R. L, Beach, both et Indianapolis, men are expected blgger eut in inie. taken. lad., a napbew, Frank Moulton, efthtui 4-Spring Mill, runolng low witb a raaahing lto tie Santa Fe depet clhy, son et Mcm. Mary Moulton. snd large stock en band. Claimemi te ho ho was met iiy anuiuslser wth a de a dau.ghter-in-law, Mrs. Lizzle Sel about ho shut down ,ublrely. mand if ha waa lb. man wîti tise Lo 1"~, et Minneapolis, Kan., and two Wrkmenou et li ll are greatly &ngeles ticket. "Tes." repîbed Pont gasudchIidreu, William aud Harvey alarmnem over thbe future and ara be- '-Thon duat," eaid tise usher, . they'. sons of Mc. Sollers. levlng dire resuîts are te fellow. hioldng the trahIs for yeu."' Pud Born in Philadeiphla. While Il la nt dllultcly knowis, the "dulemi" ln a finlsa prinittsud eaugh Mrs. Hinkston waa bornsi Philla- report among them ot at th Ue propos-thbe train jusb as it was tarting. deiphia in 1844, makiisg her age 65 cd tariff revialisn la responiîlle fer lhe He delvered tbe ticket aud Irled t yesr. She came wast wh bec tam- conditious new prevailiug andfofr any rest Op on bis way honte. ,Stardn: Hy listise '5Os, lhe home being madie more reductiena is workbng lime or for Cailtofula la tee exetiug a: ln Atoi, 111. There she maried ber wagea that rnay resuit. streitueus foc me,", la hls exprimaiu Tbat huabauf, a telegrapb eperater, Fereign couritries can preduce flue oet he affaîr. and traveled te mauy cities witbhlm wire proDducts chesîter thaîî tie uiii _________ util hiadeaL. .oft tuacoutry, if la claiuted, aud Sbe was uarriedtoLteiorentzo Hiuik- wîth the passage oi a tariff tiat OBJECT TO SUCII stOn in St Louis, tii1888uasd canme miiliermit the forolgu gonds au entri' SEVERE DISCIPLII w-tI i bu te \aukegan. Sue bas lived witioîît îIîît, big 1roteetî e uteasure ___ herseveer ince,. Nr. Ilinksinu di'd Iiiionu thpart of tIh, steel couip)aut is ex- Aliegation ia that School Teacher wi Februacy, 1906. Tie widow' bas been tieted Innocent But Harsh Methods In staying wiii lilas Muay Mctlnnald. Furtitcr laiittaiîtoig te worl, Pnsad Novei Penalties on Pupils thi ln the Flynn block~,outil asat Fridai', nen, la tuait ail officets msio receiied Have Acoused Much indlgpaiion an w-heu aie again opeîîed ber Sheridan over $1.000 lier tear received big cula May Laid te Investigation. Tv i-aad home, lu wages. Children Involved. A coincident ofthie deaih la tisat the Oiral Mrs. Hinksten waa a ister et A Sad Death. Oown at Fort Sheridan andin otht orn k Mter o! bIs mandthesbc-h one etflth. sadmest deatia that bas iitary poste whenan mn fficar, asp ondWasa ate o bi mohe, bthever causemi Waukcgau people te nlshment, commanded a soidier1 betog aunts. Mrs.MouhonaufMrs.Beah. isemourus oecured Suuday aterneen at walk In a ciicie a certain number sitrs, rrM i he ad re femlBesach, thetiiree wheu Mca, Beriice Marie Par- times the act was called cruelty ir lits, a te or e ftu naap lige-ker diemi tha ber chlld migitlilve. & h wlarc"om n-a, the entire country mnsw-llho mamie later. Saturday nîght lira, Parker was Now- up ieS a soUill aide mais s Mts nl inso sae taken frein ber home t 140 Nerth aserts liaI a ittle cbfld waa mai Msythteaife s Hinkaton sat. treel lto te bospilal sud Sunday at te do thse same tiiing by a Waukegi t he se ofdeno Ma, bkhon, hiree she passed away. achool teaciier. He ase says tisaI tieasIatere ta lisednatieis tmanHer ltilbaby ts alive sud la ding an giv-e the em. efthle eiuld, t nuuouy. Ai. Il ho'avedt Of nain mat+)- eacerAutoh.ns.a1etu ever. Befora a speclal mater n cisaocery, Atorney Paul MacOuffil, are now- belug beard proofa bu a suit against Mca. Hinksbeu, aud. with her deai, tauglea Usat w-re at Oirsi cous- flaed to Use huabauda aide nay isow hie amded te by prospective ones on her'. .M. linkaton was firsi narniemi to a Miss Eliau Meulten, Fise cidren sur- vivcd her deahis. lIns. AI Berry-nysd Mc. C. F. Wlard. ot Waukegau; Mrm George Parluele.etofMiisneapolis, Mini.; Mca. lDr. Shugart, of Chicago, snd Loreiszo Hnkaten, et Portand, Oregon. 1LUTa Mr. Hinkaton was otarriemi ta Mmi. Sarais A. Bellaca, ne, Misa Sarahs StitieL No childi-en came ofthtie unioni, but Mm. linksti5n had-iad oe sois. whese wIf.. Mc. Sellars, lsa tili living In Kansas. Ante.L1..iall Agreement. lie lather, William C. Parker, efthUe real estate fi-m et Joîlge sud Parker. Mns. Parker was Mies Berulce Ma- rie Reilly, eIder daugiter et Mrsu d Mci, lhmas Rellly efNorth areet. She w-a 26 years 01f sud hiam livaf bu Waukegsu about six years. She w-a bons near Wadsworth. Dtsiog ier ce- Bidelsce bu Use city she hal mamie friands et Il who met ber sud her deati w-lt e oeofet Ilose most in- cereiy moasciem. 'bu the 29Us et lait April, sise was m&rried to Mc. Parker 'sud Use1w-O bemi maide hheir home wi.UsMis. Par- ker'. mottser, just w-p etfttha Reili>' home. Survivlusg Mms. Parker, he- aides ber huabauf, mottar and lttler, are 1w-e isteri. Itoseesud Olive, sud three bretisers, William, Raymonsd sud Bert. &i Use tiraot t er narclage, lirs. Daii Causediy a Fai. Hjinkston sIgued auaub-nuptial agre.e- James T. llcKee, et Lake Ftorest, mnent. vacatlng al clalups tu iier buis- ideui fcldii mur.mlng at 4:15 siter bais'aprepecty in adveut oebissdeati. ty (i> laus n iîeof uuu-iafl 'Wlsn the deati came, tie agreement iowilig a faIt mî thle reidence et hilt wai lilu inte courts iore and suit 501n, uI iat..' oresf (oiiege luslrîîelnr, wai entered by tie eblidren trem tlie Febroary'.10. TIrt marriage foc tbe i state. hMS. tiri-ti-e. mmm t5a s'ealihy torchant of liuîn. %Io_. isa been visiting bis Hinksan ceteted and tIse suit has son. ()uiillie uigt ofe Febrtiary 20, been is litigallout oser ionce, uow ho- lie aruse aiilî!u iretoritingtu ebemi ing before the. specisi master lii cbau- stumIld ti a1 isîtumb step l'tween twO ce-y. Mc. Hinkaleus claini was liai "eul ansd fel down a flight ofetaars. His sou aroe. s fufnuf that lie tati- snwUt~ptii.l contracta are ne longer or bad receivemi a baf wound aI lhe s-cgnzed Is Courts O law. base e! the bead. Tii. tuer was un-i W1hh Mis. lBiskotoi'a deahh, iser rel- couscieus sud bas been so for bwenty &tives. gslabers, ueplsew, grandeidreis. days exeeptiug a tes heurs ah a Ibm,. 5,5 4m~gto-I5sWmal le ieieftcl- Thie verdct as aceldeolal deati Mds adjgetusy k o lb. 5UIt, Oi i5 ie ot wngtedevelepmais et a blooM WALJK~N (~55The above are tmornfe the precePts WILL ~ B~~flT laid down hy A. F. Sheldon at the Gor- (iiv' t E Tton hall mîldwlnter meeting of Lake county teachersata Lake Forest Fr1- Gratetul for liast favors that the day. litIle liad ha@ graJsted thena and tait- Mr. Sheldon urged,.the fullest possi- lng recognition otfIlhe tact that ha ia ble devlopment for mnen andi women now 111 and suffering from th.efe'- l order to get the gresteat share Of fects of an operation st th. hospital, suceesa. the Cubs Athietic Club may ln the Professer Walker ef Lake Forest near future give a beneflt for Bld tbld of bis niethoda ln xmusic, saying Hoolthan, weli known featherwelgbt, that music dosa not bave to bie boru and gtudent at the North school. loto a teacher ln ordar.that he or ah. At the saule time the Cuba may may beach Il. and ahowiig by bis own 5take occasion te give a benefit for classes the trout of tii statepeot. Frank Cros3on joat receutly out of le made a great ahowlng and la gen- the hospital &fter an attack of typboid orally comniended. tever and oeef et iiwmheel borsea of Dciii driii-drll"i"lathe, secret o! bis the athietie club. mseii knewn succes. . Hoolihan a Favorite. Ms. Gudrun Thoînpsou story toiler, d hd Hoolhhan .by bis niails quiiai elated folk inre legendm and toid taicy Ilies, by his adepiiess in the flance art laIes. Site is the officiai atnry teIler dwith thse giovea. by' liiignod msnîk it 'tctago socletY. school, and by tIe ti' re'îigth ofI li', lacrrEW'ilson anid bIstwo Scotch gond cliaracter, is. a c' iiiii faiim li'girls sang 'toîgs snd Mr. Wilson told The boy la bigb pit)in is studies,jn ofl antilu*oug and<i tnry, s wellalol(en nil luiis I tiei cs and ~I n1ýIlOc'tai.s 011. d ilb Ou fellons Iboîils of tii' eigiith grade ai beclug industry lui iti relation te lite, gii North, and is îiot'd for- bis indua- witb magie lantecu alides. Protes- try and good nîatuire' sor Parsons iectured as told lu an. lie bas apîtoalci before the Cuba other colurn. Athietie club lu utisîches lu boxing Tbce bundced altended and Profes- clore than once and bas showed a oSipnprsd. a* urpcialng skill wlth the glevea, due ________ Le C bis father's training and bis own )courage. You needn't be afra;d. How M-e Was lnjured. Oedyald h a enrae in Bld was tcylng athletic atunts wiîb Onh ayaladuy wof ba d beein ear adI breon stick !il sbeool boy faahlnn the caret oleixr iteodfsiiC rceniiy wben t soute unkuown otani Virginia borne at invited 10 visit th( ue escie tnsî n noer kitcben of a great Chicago intel. Shi )n tlonit l now neci'satu Tîte Cubsa mancd to go, bol was aicaid.We basve been an 1lvased w lb liant fav- asked wiîy, sbe replieti, "imafraid I'l ors froin binitlit Itiiet'lthougiît sec stmcthiflg ual wvill inrevedsîo th f a benei and Fitthle sauie tinte the my appcite for itotçI fmou" Site w'enl e i teliaya hIe di' lt 1l ict'i bt nîe to aîîd bettîtd cvcryth itig deligltt fttly cleff leFranki (roason mu iile tîtiade lunî,part ond Itoustîrivlera(,tnsiderc clcanlines to iLlt abenefit to lii i i i it'I~ rîty fîr ti o.all thal's w I1y Q1'sîke d ýd le le ,I )y SS Cr 1. , n h e ei ili biý,,oC iln tiitigoa lîlm tiii ' nînll lt îu,'i' 1 lcr li'. tie grain ii i ni of l i î2iildeulle' almiii tiior î h etmlll', r I tI~irotigh'lt tlre t t, t I t 't titittmxiii ci '11.1 t il ' c!ua. ig bui eilcî 't1 CItlb aii iîîîriu1111tri r gaîîî mî'll sel ie g.t. :iii1i> ii tt t. t nil ' a ý,ý I "o 't w l o Itiomus bbt. -laîtd * ar ch asi gle rain o [on c~ . -_ __- . vu [or 't de- oAs re db ghI te Jng and ;on NE, vih t-à nd rwO deruttan from thi- lithi fat lraihe bout efi ides otuch.i COLORED MAN IS k KILLED BY TRAINa Workmen at te w-Ire nails were c horrlfled Saturday merning wheon o going te work. iiey aaw the maugled rermains et a negro lyiug lii the ditch bealde the Nortiiwetern track, just sentis o! the, office efthle nilîs. Ai about tise saine time. the crew of tise 7:015 setih ound train aaw the Corps, atnd reported from Nortb Chicago te the local offices. 'hefieîigiti. unîdenlifled, iad been stuc ii klu a nrth boud train nonie- tiiiîe îiutinglue niglîtMat la alîîîg the t it utiatiî,îvt ti' brîd iîîi )Ilutaite l ii I iei' abut tonîl l l 't uîîîd iîu I i t i ir uast(Il utto tii' dîtuit about l..r lt' ltii idiot tnt Whl i qi' iilid f0 theIî, LItuîl tutiti fî îîît Noi ttIih lutcage, tie sectiontcrea' wen ui o ii'lplace ni tise accidenti and bruoght thiti body to Wauliegan oi thle baud car It waa thon reioved to pu- Nnting s'as feund on tise man te ta ideniy iiîand the exact timof ebhs r o beiug struck could net i. learued as &d thi. body was coîf wien fouud and bi..te accident Wight have occucred ah andi any Ilote during tic nigit. lae The coroner's jury llouday merning tan returned a verdict ln regard te the ne- Lhe gre killed on tbe Nortbweatern Sahor- tise day mornIng tisat he bsan unkuowu, li tai becornme te hia death while eltier the, Incident, aud w-Il do se tomorrow. rtdlug or waing, whleb la not knowul The story ta tist tise teaceier, for aud liai ai tise lime ho was on the. sone miner offense o! whiei tthe pupîl prbvate Nethweatecn right et way hami been gullhy, orderemi Use ceid te between Thirteenti sud Fourteenth waik round sud round in a <ice- streeta. cailemi a "bull yen" ýn tise army-until1 The tateient liaI tihenegro wa.5 ordered to' top, aud tise child le ai- Dave Ramnson la disputed by' <sor0ed leged te have doueneo util Oinaiiy, people w-be know Ramneen, aisd itlai tiredtolatise point of exlsaustlon, aud new known that tise deui man la net dizzy tram tiie circliisg, thse chld stag- h.. Tise remans w-bu b. pre8ecved ges'ed and would have fallen iiad ho toc a l ime In hope et Identiation. nat beeu caughts It in even assertemi hât le w-euid Simple Remedy for La Grippe. have taiuted hasi he not beasu graiped atout thse hoiyJuat In lime. . La grippe cougbs are dang.rous as The seuils aider a augcy i the bu- tiey ireqneutiy develoito pueumoola cIdent, 'wtich h iclta cruel, aud ai- Foiey's Boney andTarnoonlyotopsth bheugh It took plsS mt before tise cengi but iiýaI@ and strangtbeus the. pimary, promises hat I i t liaIai l possible he w-tii brlug about aunis longo an liaI ne mrous resoite oeed be vestigatibeu. isaism. Ths genéloe ,Foey's Hoey sud It la ass.rt.d that thie saune teseher, Tar contalea no harmiol drugsandom la in who la knewn for ber novel and oi- a yshiow ac ikage, Refus. subailtutes, ginal punisinient. mamie anotiier pupil FRANK 13. LOVELL. staul' for son, mnutlesud wave hus baun up sud down iooly w-us ai-m euitreteied util he could stand the SIILEDON AIDliRESSED1 pain sud exiaustionune longer aud hadl T A IE S E TN te give uop. E C E S M ETN 11. la not believemi Ibat lie teaciec oteat io be cruel or tiat aie intend ~1"Exi s c sur mental as weîî as le foliow 'whai are pronotuniede coldi blodef sandunnecessarlly nerve sud 9y')"u" -taimuscles. body racking penalties but liai site I"D iiitýi1ii flip flops for mental moant tu get etthle chlid ironutalritutu direcIons 10 lrveut repetition ni tise N'keilrt,' uractice oniluird aialte. otteise iaced aalua Itnies tu trt.iii the mental powera. f Eîtt tîIeewiug tborougbly, of "Mv blîrca' ypar obîiiov mit8lia udlv1 gond mxliiiie.sonie feef get ilentyivoe constipated, liad abilgi lever and w55 ihaair, the good oen air, antd exer- inun au il condition. 1 gavea' bu 'w"'ît doses ef Foley'a OrlnonLaxative and th" -ci..1ail l i te. nexi mornlng lis lever waa goos and "Tisa are the 'greai rules foc de- he 'wu m aohreiy wel. Foiey's Or ue voping weil rouuded maislpod and Laxative saved bis ie." A. Wlkuesi, oa Casîmer, Wis. FRANK B. LOvELL. -oboed." kiteltru. lThe be-t siLice o1t fonds yoo moruing for breakfast. Ibis wonucriul fond la sold lu tires kinds ni packages. lie regular package ai loc. lie large sine famîly package at 25c, and the large aize isrnilY .ekagc containting a fine piece et table china at 30r- LOUIS J. YEOMAN THE PIANO MAN WhatFie ctricity Aen What In the HiomeMenlW ako lcrct i i lri 1VT eW are not ouly referring tiu the use of Electrie Light- Electricity in the Ilome aiso nieans the ability to miake mie of the variety of electrical household he1pý, whieh make housekeepg. now-a-days,I a pleasure in8tead of a drudgery. economical and ssnitsry conditions. wbich arce b- possible Without fthe use o tsmodern agency, WVe wili furnisb estimates for wihng your homne, and we wili give you compiete information conceru îng rates and( inethoda, abmoluitely wl thout charge to you, and without obligation 10o use our service. A tlIephone eal or inqiiiry hy mail w~iI briiig bîîr re1îrescritative b see ou wmlîcuever and s. isre', (r ', u iesire, NORTH SHORE ELECTRIC COMPANY Phone 258 230 N. Oenesee St., Waukegan, Ill. FRIED JOClIMEIM îlw ~4 SSPECIAL ATTENTION BAKER ___________ and CONFECTIONIER STo out of Town Orders LibertyjvuiIe - Illinois: And Shipping Trade HOTELS AND RETAILERS SUPPLIED j WE DELIVER To ADJACENT TOWNS - Corset Covers ( iooi q qtal i t T -siin-ik. uit, I i trituiced ,i tIi ii ' -, i u sa>. Gowns lin uîgit gtW ns î .ed RIt ltri inui i Ioc 1-'Lý Smart Tailored Suits at $15 models that we are pricing at $15.00--- the season's newest ideas are revealed in a most charming inanner in the style and cut of each garment, the taioring represents the most careful workman- ;hip on the part of the manufacturers, while the materials corLsist of exception- alIy fine quaity striped and plain prunella and serge, some are lined with messa- Uine silk and others with satin. They are stunningly trinimed and rare values at the price _______$15000UO Buy a $2.50 SUR~ Waist for Only $1.48 A &ample lot of new apring silk wraists made of gond quaiies tafftta and measeline sillik, 1J tucked fronts, long sleevea, leading colora, aise black. None worth tes han 2.50, sale price 1*48j A Big Saving on Muslin Petticoats--59c Made of vea-y fine quality canabric, eu t fulhave a deeofBonune.sanne trimmed wilh an embroidery ruffte aud(others asti lace. 75e and 6100 vaiues for..... .......... ........J9 Pconomy in Women' s Sample Shoes --$ 1.89 The saving at which mv. piicbated thene satuple shoes Makes possible this eeonomvy foc you..Tiiey originall v retail for 82.50 tII 83.00, lesibers consist of patent gurumerai, viei leid, and o velour ettîf, borne have patent tip8, ail izea ...... ................. .......... 1.89 Corsets. Fine batiste tor- Se ~gdat toîp ýil lace, u lonliii)ýj, upporters aitadhed, t Sc kind, at 39C I l '-j-. ExtIra lt, e qutil ity .widîIlîn ut tun 9 inche.vaIues t , î Ssalle peice per yard 7+c line barreil lawn banîiker- cit.p ain beînstilîbhed, a splendid b.ardain, kpee'l eaeb 3ic ýj

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