. gnstioaland hardeet fouelt Jtidge O1aM . IJaà y A'thoUgb'Itt wll probably b. orne tInte rr4vder case in Lýae oeuty hiatoiy eue. A V684ict o! being Wkty et yet bhefore if la radY for presentation lias een revived ta interest. The niurder was retuwned ad a lits »n-tu the. govern gr. Somne surprises mreut toward the pardon Io but tenice wL' gIvan by the. bench. Km-~,among the signera of ie petition are FO arl starter! but no far han received eger wus taken ta Joli et and thls lIoôhaid great encouragement and wil un- the ninth year of hie service. pKi-uegleid w hudoa o doubtY edyb carried to au ending Thie qtimp Irueiger was on, te a girl, are now living w1th the brother »@m il the elther succeasfully or flot. at WLI the *hooting a! hiewf e W t-Lalce Zurich. Th.- boy Ib about letSOUSL W W lU10 Aiready pettions bave been circu- wasa ndieted for It and for aima shoot- 20) and the gil.VIo 14. She in a generai ~ Avyad ated in the neighborhood of Kruegers mng hMo ather-in-law but was tried favorite amnong the nelghborsofotlber old hume, Lake Zurich, and have ire._fOr the wile niurder and sentenced aoce b>' Sâd *Piti celved many signers. Som$oaf the on that charge. At the sae tU ime __h___ ____________jurymen wbo convicted Krueger bave firedl a @hat latta hie awn breat in in' Mion City now belleves that It bas; heen approachee l aim. The. mavernent attempt at suicide that failed. 1Vliva on the rin sai that recent BROTHER STAffS MOVM ENT bas been started i>y Fred Krueger, a The. amalleat sentenlce that con be cor decisins hove exhauisted his brother, 11w living on a fatamst Làke given for murder la 14 years and resourcea notirt h be lino longer lie Zurich. i caunlie sbortened hy good hehavior to able 60. hattie. It Is ai-,o currently (Costlued on me .) JKrmeger was convicted for the mur- nine years. Krueger ban been a mo- belleved that b. will loue ihe town KrufflrWao S.ntenced for Lite Af- der Of his wife ln 1900 atter the del prisoner a d If lhe h dbeen ,ev-and city elections as 1ir leofle are ter Mardest Conteuted Trial ln hardeet contiested trial that wu, ever fig the 14 year sentence would bave masslng agaînst hlm, awl if they stick Couile Of County. Hat Served ine held ln Lake county. Attorney C. T. heen released now on bis good be- myleal odfs ji Modal Vears and Pardon la Bated lieydecker contested as states attor- havior. The tact that bies serving, Oh This. His Two Chldren Living ney and waa aslsted by Attorney lite sentence prevents Ibis but bis FOR RENT--For à or,,f t carsi, With Brother et Lake Zurich. Pau, Macfflfi and Attorney Bon good behavior la the main grounds on1 tram May 1. The Uiijnglon l-iiotel - ~~~~Smitbhzsaw a circuit ludge in Chicago whicb the pardon willlibe s.ked. anstbe.Hibru îrsc BY efort beig mae tbut et that Urne ln thei. ates attor- The petition wl be presented te ceosfuily by lte S<ih,î ti,-- ni-a By ffot, ein mae o secure a'ney's Office there. Detendlng Krueger, Qovernor Deneen anking that Krueger Iiy for the past elghî xî, thave Pardon for Ge.orge Krueg'-r. ncw serv- were AtlOrneYs. ýWhitueY and Upton, be pardonord or tirat bis sentence 1e for sale 6 good teamnsof ît ,-an young ing a lite sentence in Joliet peniten- asliated by Attorney Charles S. Cut- commuted. With the encouragement ,hre rk abriu, I ay tlryfo ti.mude o bs it, heting, noieJudge ln Chicago. tirat, bas been received 50 far the, Waukegan, 111. Phonie ut' 1 2w *MI sýMMR THE ALEX HEIN COMPANY l11ie COu'lmncg Saturday, arch 20. i YGU ARE INVITED TO AlTENO I Iýn off ering these wo'n<hrful Advance Sale Bar-I I Exclusive Dlsplay of gains, we invite ydur conisideration o1 what * Iremnendous Values in E N . probabi y the most extraordinary annouîîoement * vaists ever pu b]ished by a retaul store anywhere. Coats- T able N o. 1. S ig Sp cla lot of Lad-] g o p o J e s b i u d g edn o b n e p rt c la t e m - n eo f- by a - l e a ' W a l t s , m o r e e m r o l e r , î a n s ,gr o u p o t m sb n tu e d y t e m o bi n e o -a les moreuoio mrodred matrlle or 25 feriDgs of <iii the departments of our store, this Specially eniicing bargains for 1hie heuse usa, Speclal - -7 @or- 25 effort measuires up as Lake Coanty's Oretet sl.Wmn nd iss'balf Tabl Ne 2.Larg lo cfwhie lan Sleandwe wnt ou o jdge t yurslf y > tallored Sprlng Cate, in Covert Sale an wewantyouto udg A yurslf y colh, fancy mxtures, black Bread- Tale N e rg lotdoed hitenla lng actual participation in its unusual savings. clothi, handeome Worseds, etc. 34- sîlse mbea g read rnts lon This 3 days' event witl commence SaturdaY, in. lenglh, reduoed for $ 8 'oo Sal e tadane. ..4 C March 20 and while it continues every article of lhim greai sale, upacill Tbe o.. nelpteLan, apparel ini our store will be on sale at big redue-0 Talgeso 3 ne TIord Walsts, a i on n gla rcs You can welafford to Stunning new black an dtan Coule,» Lngea ndly mm d e t s, ail f ee this SîYle Exhibition and Advance Sale as 42-lnch length, lncludini Borne hand- W te mess,, for thîris 9of ruch money wlt*ii be saved to you on every pur- Sanie Wooltex Model-Chicago prîteS t_ thedan al or----------------case of Spring Apparel. $1200 ta $15.00O-our$79 ' z Adv______n_____Sale_____..........._______ special sale prîce------------98s « Table No. 4. Ladies' new fàncy> Ir mul, batiste, bengaline and other new lengtM Coats in Wooltex and ther P matsriais; these numberasoel n the ~ famous manufacturera' productions, M) D h.Ught of the sean for $3.00 and ha ît-îîned In flue guiiiitteed Satin p ci *4.0 this lreat Advence ..QI08OQ m ot fiC.ad Taffeta, durlng tl ~ a 8sale Specisi .........-. f5eU N.rPotO c. Witukegan, l. great sdvanc sag e .....,» . 5.0 «11 -. c -0 Rain Coats Umuf b Ç ' C* I Costumes z O Ladiea, 811k Rubbcrlzed Nain 1IJI 'IiJ It US UiIl ups! sUlmw Dresses M Coule, guaranteed t.$ .98 Ev,ery adyw.ho vîsits thîs deprtmt tw i edly admit Thete Dresses at&gS ao re made waterproof, cheap t a 71 that our stock of new spring suits is unsurpassed in Lake up uf fine Nun's Veling and 511k0 County We have put forth every possible effort to hring Malerlale, jumper affecta, etc. 131 fg ahipment of Hous" Irl"«e together a stork sucli as never before has been shown ifl dresses worth every cent uf z jusl arrlved. Choice of an lm- hsvintadorefolhaebe ihy wre. $1.,wi hy mens. lot, In une and two- hsvcntyluausffrshvtee ihyaare. $0, wiielhe..... 4 pece styles, extra «g We are sitowing Buita for this Three piece Suits, can be uaed sep- atpei . J 7U ....p..ai - Sale at $7.98 that will b. a surprise aralely or as cambination; aise Handsome Foulard, Measaline, speia ........ta Yeu. Ai-wool panamas and many two-plece styles; they crnme Satin and Taftela Dreeses, aIl r fancymIxtues, andseeiy Ind n the new Spring shadinge, plain fac itrs hnsmi ie or fancy materiali, in many pisua. made on the latent Spring mad- W*with sa-in, blggest ban 9 lng des igna, apecil ad- nie, handaumnely t r i m me cd, W Charniing gains ever, ut this rceapaceae rZ$7.,.1.98 fo r th i s Sale, 7 W ha miS pecisi-------------... oeEiegant line ut Suit* t $10.00. YVuIs n aur une ut $1800 Suite for this «C Millnery can buy ut this price s Suit exclu- Saie arc deplcted mmny of the fea- L. lln r "Ive in desIgn, fine materials, and turcs that contribute mont ta the M (>Charming, beat express* the In aIl 'the lite clarings, lncluding distlncliveneaa ot the new Sprlng 4ornen's 50c bcuuty ufthlie ncw shpe- aild rose tans, rmnda, blue, gray, madels, The cuit, built on long 0oe > the Beehive, the Mary Garden, black, etc., ut aur extremcly lines, i ot taiiored, and the H seaL.35c 1 0 the Grenadere Turbin. and the 0ow price for th-l 1 kirts have the popular fiare. Lin- Fine lmnpo,ted kind (about 500> utemdeo fine rougý-staraw samle............. 00e cd with guaranteed laffeta; these doz), full regular made; high adempiac ris nalte GetstIdcmn ftesai are recognized at once as $27.60 1 spllced heels and double oles;(f ndetplt rid, ail ie 3-0 ora te S u i eno nteseaan. values; Tremnendous black silk finies wlth lavender M 4 newct coloaofrthly.tOmmedv35n0eW Sate Suitacnu..e...u18.00fl tipped tues, heeis and tope; siik - ewih grent large rases and small, further explanatlon tIh od AvneSaePîeiaes in tans, inowna, gray, îîghî (J) amflowers, tancy quilse, wlnga, etc., qualitles of these germenta; wili Ali $50,00 Wooltex Suite reduccd blue, pink, red and lavçnder; equal ta any $8 h&taaeibe muid durlng Ibis 3 oe f peciai y for this black, wurth 50r, 0 In town, cholce ea... .U4698 pays Sale e,..a ...2 .0 sale.ta ..,.......835.00 pair .... .... 3 C Magififlont Showlng oft ilgh Cbldren's Coats and Dresses - Maerci Sale of Undo 'rmuelins 0 Big reductiais on Childron'a Ceats. Two unusually strong val- Go WNS< .j Class Sklrts ues for- Lovauce seîîîng. Doit miss this opportunity. Cambrlc Gawns, lîpover styles,,amm Hanolsome selection In ail izes; wbile Ibis lot $1,9 broidery trimmed, genuine > B lggest Sklrt sale In msny years. lIts Your unreatricteni cboie........ ....... _. .£ 59C value*.............. 3C M Through an unexpected demi we se- Chiudrensa Coals, fiou qualîîy, cboice st styles, Q n Gowns of matI finish Nainsook, short a cured a tremendous lot of elegant sPecialiy low priceol t .... ........ .... . 9 hematitched butlerfiy sleeve, row ut E Sklrts anta&fraction ut their value, and Grand Ulin.of Childrens Dresses, dalntily t1dm h>ratitching aI neck fsip. E are now In position ta affer bargains med, noatly msade, ail izes ta 14, Special .......O8 voir style, 85c values....... 8 * i ths lns hatwil b.lon reem. Lot No. 2 Includes soinse Cildrenas Dresses In beau It Sheer Long Cloth Gowns, n the effec- * bered by aIl ladies who visît us during titul JUMPer effecîs, etc., ail colors, sitesta4.. 1Y tie areresyllmmdwh this sale. i ie agOuorMUne &eChldrensDes e I uusually andsome and rqws: f Valenciennes a o*ebaud M Panamas, neatly trlmmed, Ihat have SPECIALS GORSET GO VERS , gae e ïn for 15% th n Wouke- IAlilaur 25c Wassi eltsaiat................. .......... 10o Neintook Corset Çovers, embroidery Dn fr h tn$& ..J.$05 Handsome lin. of Flowers tramn our nillinery riepartment, lrimmed, baading ribbosiAn During thi aie for...... 25C value--------------------------------------....î9g drawn, 2ft value...........12 Speclal lot of Sklrto4 n fancy mater- Al aur 25c Vilings,-------------------------------..15 Nminaook Corset Covers, entire front - llIcuIPnms, Chiffon $1.00 Corsets, t....................... ........ ........ fice lhret hestsîtched rufflea, others lace - nidlg PnaaSc Crse.,,at ...... >«**«*,*...... *,*«,,*,«*...............29c trimmed. Spocili val-I whiad liheyandrViles. W$295Cambrfu iietlicoats, 18-Inn floince, strictly talamed, ues at---------------------------- Cholce hl hylsnt.$29 $150 IlualiIY. ths Sale ................... ....... 9c Nainseok Corset Cuvera, embroidery Tremcndaus lot of mont desirable Ladies and Chldren!s 15c Hase, Speciai---------------B anulae rimedth Sklrts In handsome chiffon 'Punama, Giugbam Pelticoats, ae-------------------------......ice....medSetheC fietSudlohcie vieec, No 100 Liberty ilk Ribon, per yard ..........1c 75c klnd, et .................9 - UNDERSKIRIS CHEAP VilesOet., RA WERe somne sictly tmlpred, othere beauti. U D R KR S C E FCsmbric Orawers, cmbroidery and fully lrlmmed. Tremend. , Genuine Heatherbloom Petticoats, deep aibirred ad tucked lace trImmed, ohr lhds ouplend Salein ....*10.4Scrs vlefr------------$,î aIfl t r tesw l- eusAdvnc Sae pie. - ~flounce, extra heel protectoir, genuine $2.611her ntltchcd lucks, U hlgh.lats tureign and dometk md. Petticoats of lie popular new luster cothý,"n effe*ctive tripea, Sample pruwas, lung lothasti Nain- ais, including a few of t*me set uch as uavy, gray, broya, Copenhagen and tiier sprtlsg ok, aop embraidery., r*%Ws of tg Wooltex grment. s hadea, deep founce, sectional ruffle jimmed f lacs and obeath styles0 il special ..... .. .. ..$1.95 values ... .. .. .....va... .. ..s.... . ... .... THE AtSEX HEIN COMIPAWY,; Fi 19tZ 199. LAKE 1JLUFF CITY DADS EMBROILED IN NEW MIX UP (Prom Wedneday' s Sun)l Lake Bluff seems tu be endesvorlng to keep Ita namne before the public. Ater the robbery cOmmltted lacit wli- îý,r during the exciternent of whlch t gainc-d the nasse of the Tiii imr .Te wn' It wao tbohoubîn(-'î*sary to double its police force. Thiswltb other lirecautibuis, baves n -enrd te keep the hold-up men away, lut tbere la lîi-nîr ' doing in LAke Bluff anyway. Teanihters were bauling nnnd, for wbicb îbey pay ta thé illag i, renta pet, lald, t10tuc)!S.Naxal Training Station reccutly. Suddenfly on.. niora- lng the bill road] waH bar, cdeýdthe excuse being "Closed for repairo.'* Sinee tbe teamaters knew tbis to be en error, tbey drove os er the biarri- .ade, upon wbicb a Policeman began the proceediugs of arremt by beating tbe nearest borse over the bead witb bis billy, It is alleged. It bappened Ibat tbe borse c as blinol, sud could fiat defenol himacît, except by running dovi tb. bill wbich be did. 1Atter canforrIng wlth tbe chairman of the street committee ,who had as- sumed tbe reaî,onsibility of ciosing the bill, the Policeman telephoneol the oti1!er offirer to come on the scene and brlng is club, ItlaI sald. W'îtb great bravade, for wbIch tbey are t0 be commended, lbey succeedool lui landing tbe desperadoes" In the lock-up. Tben warrants were made out charging the men witb "resioting ant offirer" Friends, willingly signed Ibeir bonds ai $50, tbe trial beiug set for tbe tollowing week. That samie evening aI lhe meeting of the village board, Ibis street com- mitîee chairman reporteol that the inmd on tliQ bill was from 6 in 12 Inehbvo di-eçi, and was burlng tracked enta tbe niacalamized street at the top, Thrn aut ordinance was paosed, iiialçiiîg North avenue a boulevard. Thirs cas nu douit becatîse tie team- ste, s u,,ed tubs street te diive their ioads oser, It la claimed. However, the loads do netlot eeto bave lnjured t nrurl, as itIs bconsidereol 10 be ilu hli best condition of unir street In toc n tbougb thisay> be for another reason, namiely, tiat Ibis st! cet being ratber obscure, isafnot used as a piea- sure di-ive, tierefore the automobiles of varions rity tatiiero do flot traverse AUCTION SALF, llaiastg old mîîy farmît. 1i ciiisel] at Publiir Anition, orsn myfuimî, 1-% cf a , nrtiî anst of Evs rett. ami tie .-- DI tin le arin. Thumrsday - Marrb 25, 1909, iat 1 o'cliiel,, tle irlow mg prohi- ciytloch.t ?, horst-n. 1 black nore, lt0tI bs . fi t r.-rs mlîl -1ibay mare, 1150, 10 acars nllid:sýri,el niire, 900; i fresh cow, caIT hy sitin- 2 sîr ingera, 1 cow, milk- lrrg; I wagon, 3-in. tire; i 3 sprlng tom t[able wagon,; 1 simngle roui wag- on; 1 bugg3 . i sur;,'> i set surry bar- iires, s, r iounted; i heavy work irinsa. I buggy harness; 1 express hanness; i1ilrCornmlrk grain binder; 1 NI(-t'ortiiiek amacer; 1 MrCormirk lray cake; 1 hay rack; 100 cbickens; 2 lurkn-y bn-ns, on. gobler; 1 riding cul- lisatar; irîa foot rultivatar; 1 borse lice; 1 auikey plow; 1 2-sectlon drag; i grinding atone, 50 buabela carn; 30 buobels wbeat, t bay fark, carrier rope, 8 pulieys, 6 chairs; 1 hall mir- ror - 3 ron bcd steads; 1 0. K. waab- ing machine, i dresser; alsa many otier articles toc, numerous te men- t ion. Termina: Ail goods must be oettied for befome rvntosnd. Hl. B. DOYLE, Prop. X'IREW WAGNER, Aurlioneer. Sumin- of Illinmoms, County of Lake, on. r te flCtircuitt Court of Lake Counly. John N. Tananevlez vo. NMike Raka- ssky. 'Nlary Rakowsky and Jo6efs Tatnaiez. Gen, No. 4014. Public mnotce ho bereby given Ibat by virinmeof an order and decree on- tered inb he abave entltled cause in suid Circuilt Court at lie December Terni A . D. 1908thereofthle under- signcd, Master in Chancemy of salol Court wili. on Tuoaday 1h. 2Oîb day of April A. t).1909 aI lie boum of 0one o'clock in lie afternaon of said day at ltme fronmt door of tb. Court lteuse at Waukegan la sald Caunty af Lake anmd Stale of Illinois, selI aI public vendue for cash In baud ta lie bigiestbibdder the tollowing de- srribed landi and real estale, situated In lie County of Lake and State of Illinois. 10 w'it: Lot Fomrteen (14) in Block Ten (10i) ini \"shbiin Springs, a Subdi- vision, of lie South one iurmdred (100) acres of lbhe outh-westquarter of sertiitcenly-eigbt (28) Town- sblp Forts flse (46) North, Range Tweine (121) East outhle Tblrd Prin ripai Sîctidian (except five acres iii lb. s3ori-ast corner). ELAM L. CLARKE, Master In Cbaucery. Dabed Miarri 171, 1909. P>i09-TELEPHONE- 400 9 A. M.-DELIVÈRÉSÏ I For Fr1., SaL and Mon.--19U,, 2Oth, U2nd K. C. BAKING POW- DER, rcgiîla-...1 9c 25e size . .. RICE, finîe clear w'ite grade,5 1'l.,eeial, Il).5c A.PPLES, ' Iîolt' fruit, 31eea preaul, 8c PINEAPPLE, qlcd or grated, largem 22c P U M P K I N, speeial duiring t1îîs sale 20c at 3 cans.... BUCK"TEAT Flour, full hive polind saek 'special foi' 21 C SPAGHETTI OR MA- CARONI, ena 10e sizeckaregl..ar8c AUNT JEMKIMA'8 PANCAXE PLOUR, Special per package at.....8 SALMON, a fine grade of standard i pack, speelal ean lC JRYSTAL D O M I NO SUGAR, fuill 1 5-11). pkg. for .... 1 TOMATOES, a gouti grade of standard 9c paked at .. . . . PEAS, standard packed ~ Wiseoîîsin Peas, 9 CORN, a verv good grade 'aua l20c <-r,3 cans. MICHIGAN Peaches, sîleiîdjdl for pies, spe- ci tilis sale,(O eau....1........ o BEETS, spleîîdid grade for table uise, per eatî...... C MUSTARED, mît up in a pinit rilk Ibotte8C spec-ial at......8 12 bars of Arxnour's Hanimer or Kirk's Sa- tinet Soap 25 for ...........25 MATCHES, elocing out fili '2th Centîîry lune, sîneeial 2 5c boxes SARDINES, j g t)od< (ofu 'îtdi îiiest îes, spe- uîil, 3 cans jO SARDINES, a splefilhd h îîstaîîl,i-i MINCE MEAT, Rich-ý lieuî or None-S'~uch special, 3 pkgs ..J25c EDSRemember we carry a complete line of SEEDS--seeds in bl and packages. J FollOwing la a fac-simile of a Petition of the Lake Ca. Bar endoreing Mr. Whitney as a candidate for one ot the judges in this judiciai district Te thserndratgnsd me.s,,. i ths .ae cnty Ba1rosýogniso ths faot tht itigation l the is tom..intatht. cotnty 5151th&% etthe s reaont tIns, 510 forsoa. ils.past, the Cira-it Coutrt doket of thi. ounYir ithe tS.fesst ami mostimtportanit 0for arwintSi. udtoli ditztrotv'owt~i tinshetncosedliigtgîon,we sit &nsissllva t take Co.tY la entttse d uri 051too aeSàrosidant iodge oa sUt able tV gins mors orhle tisa ta the holingtasor courat t in te sdistriot. ?5XIIFO5Èto that esd. .6 s oot rssotfty sdOoO tins 000. Chale. Whtnety asea a iOyr sed ma sinatir orttny sand Volt celaitfied to riti ths poGIion. And I hle our onsirs 1ths h. se cnfdiate cor nomination et thens fot indicial PXta&nlas for ons of th u i.1.itaiPositiaiO t. ho filltndeSthels cist UiodI 01Oletio.. l~~1rz 2k~ ixc va-c~:~ r >~2