CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 19 Mar 1909, p. 6

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amrNAKF COUNTY INDEPENDENT- OFFICIAL PAPER 0F LAKE COUNTY -O.Telephone No. 1. &tor's Petaldence Telephone No. 114L. Lilertyilile Esutangn matered ut the pýoalornce aut ubertyviue,.niI.. anssecond Cla m ater 193111313WE.III.Y . &lVUaTrnING 55TMB Dt KNOWN ON APPLICATION.f âUBSCRIPTION PRICE $1.50 PER VEAR STRICYLY IN ADVANCE PUNK M. JUST._................. ............... ...................... Edor M.KELLEY................................................................. Cty Edilor FRIDAY, MARCII 19, 1909.1 p my mlrepresentation and exaggerated staternents of ita cent certain ln- 'dlvkiuala are arousing among farmers and land owners ln the Skokie district, a conalderable opposition to the proposed drainage canal, whuch if built will rsclaim thousanda of acres of now useless land and enhance by hundreds of theusands of dollars the value of farrnsin the territory aforesaid. * Arnong the progressive and publie spirited land owners la a desire for this tit rat improvement and they view with alarm the obstructive mnethoda of a low 111 advlsed citîzens who hope to delay and possibly prevent conaumrmation of the realizatian of years of desire and plans for redeerning the valueles acreage ln the Skokie valey. Irrigation ditches and drainage canais are modern and generally accepted Inovatlons which have enriched land owners two fold in the territories where they have been builî. They are no experimerrt and there sa no gond reason for opposition ta the great Skokie ditch. !If the former@ affected are wise they will '1push it along" rather than tend their influence te obstructive measures. Ita complelian means dollars te them. Although the Invecstigation hy Judge McPherson led hlm te the conclusion,k tiret the two cent rate in Mssouri was confiscatory, Itiflot te te taken for granted that Illinoils Is te ]ose its two cent rate on the saine grouod. It la mîst as necessary that justice and fair play ho extended the public, as It la that these things be taken loto onrsideration ln hehalf of the rallroad ad that the two cent rate law ltavtog been enacted, the whole subject should now bec creful lnvesllgated hefore the question ot change la serlously con- sidored. Every state misst be Jîîdged on the showIng of business and because Inquiry revealed that Mssouri rallroads coulil îot ntake adequate returnoOn thre Investntent it la îlot proved that Illinois roads caîteot ilîrate stîccessfully natter such a ieasreand malte money. There are a gond many things to he taken int cottalderation lut tuch an luquiry. The satî should unitho deprived ot a two cent rate because a road con flot malte a six per cent dlvldeod on mIllions et dollars worth of stock t4t la puro fiction. One of the firat titinga necessary in an adequate lnqulry abould be wirat the honeat valuation la, upon which lit la expeoctefi te make a dlvideftd. Anotlter thing te hoe remembered la that tire trial Just madle of the two cent rate was durlng a Urne of great llnancial depregalon. Thre busineaa of the country and of the railroada la now on thre up-grade and tlfla wlll be a favorable factor on the aide of the puhlie ln consldering thre question et Iliij noeand other sates. Th. constantly growing uses of corn and conssquent demands on the Frop in thre preparatory stages of humain food, especlally ln growing livestock, have begun ta, croate a certain embarrasement about the practicability of koepîng up with the futurs demande. t la truc that It ia possible te make much toatiler yielde by th. methoda whlch hava been worked out at the ex- poriment stations, and that will eventually corne about; but lt takes tmre Vins, ta Introducre and secure the effecta of a radical change ln methoda like that. The ifficulty which confronte the agricuitural world juat now je that the high prices have tempted growers ta keep their land season after seasan n corn at the expense of that rotation of crops necessary ta mainitain the fertllity of the sali. The yielding capacity of the land sa beginning ta suffer. The alarrn le going out that the corn producing ares must te ahifted. As a matter of tact every avallable acre has been put int corn and kept in corn under the temptation of the high pricea; and there ae na room for bringing the new areas inta use. They are already in use. Hence the only recourse sa that of apreading the gospel of btler methode of culture from the experiment sta- tiens. This as a slow process, but itles already at work. This ls primarily an agricultural question; but it s one in which the reat of thc world has a practicai interest. There can be no iow cost in prices of the best meata with the present consumptive demand keeping close up te the largest possible corn auppiy, and maintalnisg prices of the later at a high level. High beef, high port and high mutton for the well flnished product eare inevitable when that crop sa belng consumed faster than it can be raised, go te apeak. When torma Ilke that of inauguration day tie up thc counitrys tclegraph service we begin to appreciate that the great means of communication of the twentleth century tg by no means perfect The capitol cty of the United States, on fire witli exciternent and enthusiasrn, the center of a nations in- terest, is cut off almoat completcly frorn the reat of the world. Talk te New York goe by Yxay of Atlanta. And t ls lucky that there can be any talk at a! 1. Every year seas a certain number of these $terme that cripple the tele. graph imenc. They are two kinda; The leetstarme that weigh cown the potea and wres until they break, and lie blizzards which work windy havoc. In either case the countrys business la eriously interfered with. Ctiez have obviated the difficulties of overhead wires by cluaing them 10e te piaced under gr-und. The Ohio legilature in ta closing hours pasaed an act giving to villages the samne right te compel wires te te placed in conduits. Between New Ysork andi Philadeiphia the wîres 00w rn underground, lt eaems feasible and desirable ta have ail the wires of the country removefi from pales and placed beyond lhe reach of the elements. The telegraph compariea would mlot, it appeara, te losera ini tht long run. The colt of tie change would be very great, but lie aaving in expensea would1 begin at once. Telegraph potes, which mut conatantly bc rcplaced, are be- coaelng mort and more cntly. Necesaary repaira along aubterranean lines would be reduced te a minimum. There would neyer be serions losa of buai- ness resuiting froîn alarma or blizzards. And the public would be asaured that tne telegraph sa infalliabte. The Illinois Asaociàtion opposed ta lhc Extension of Womnan Suffrage lu ahowing conaîderable actlvîty of late in an effort te gel asaurance from Congreas tiat nothiîng vili te donealong national lincs lovard giving vomen the right ta vote. The officera of the Association have vrilten letters te ail the members of lheIllinois delegation ln Cangress, urgîng them not h te carried away by the suffragitea, and asauring thern that the majority of vornen coalder the home ta te the proper place for their sex. ThIllinois Associa- tion of Antl-Woman sut ragites sa made up largely cf Chicago wamen, athougi Il ha tome clown state vomen in ils membersiip lista. Itlelamot generally known among wamen that Ihere la a Senate committee who.e duty ltis ta Inquire Inlo the wornan suffrage movement. The corn- iita. was appointed lant year, but ne meetings were held then, and se far thils yaar the committce has met but once. Senator Clay of Georgia le ils chajrman, and senatora ,Ioinston of Alabamna, Beverldgb of Indiana, Burkett of- Nebraskca and Wetmr o f Rhode Island are the other members. The cam- sistllie. ha. a clerk, whose chief duty la ta draw hie aalary of $1,500 a year, *Mi a colored door keeper, who sIceps part of the ime lnhile chair Juat ut. 4111111 the door, a&Mdthe ret ofthtir ime on the committa. table. 8Senator ,Owen of Oklahoma la about the only member of he Senale who has an active bd~I.w lni wonnauffrage, and he @tire thinga up once ln a white. Senator Esrkobttof Nebraska, who lait yesr trled te pasa a law ettlng solde ane day LAKE COUIITY INDEPIMNDJNT, -l"tAY. )MARCJÎ 19, 1909 'L Addiiooal bM il Tire Lakreoide Cemetery Association wili meet wlth Mrm. Frankt Locke on Fridey, Mart 19. Quiitirg vilii ete wîîrk. Don't fail te attend tire opeairrg oflire new suit ad akirt store le tire Murray building, Waukegen, opposite Hel'é. Souvenirs wiliIte glveo tres10 ail vlatiora and deligirîfol music furrulshed for lb. occaalon- 0. A. Appley sipped ho Dr. Prie., of Aberdeen, Wat., lest Wedbeed<ay more. ing a promnising youig blood iround pup about six omeathe old. The express alone oa tire canine vas $28 50 wiricir yull figures up e very higb-priced dog. The Young Men' SclilClub' viclh tormerly occupied quarter aintire Wey- ide Inaniras disbanded. A wtirlwînd, toruado, cyclone or semae ditnrbing element of tirat kiad @truck tire place lest Wednesday nigirt. Tire roof and tour idles ofthtie building are stili staading. Tire new store tiret la relng opened thens week in) tire Murrey building Wauke. gare promises telire e popular re8ort for tire ladies of Leke couaty wben in quebt et soinething in tire une (it ready-to.weer garments. Tire stock wiii conRsul of iîniy four lineaet fSarments. Suite $15, dresses ,and costumes at $15, ekirts et $5 arnd vaimsaet $1. A meeting vas be Id et tire home et B. H. Miler on Taeaday evening for tIme prpoecf crgenizing ea irging society. A temporary'On vsormed and cormiittees spined.Ilt l pob able tiret Prof, 0. R. Mitchell viii liei 8ocnred as director. lt ilae commnendabie enlerprise and vili i doubtedly lie sucestul. Walter Bond, wiro et varions times; ias beeri a sufferer frontrimeiancbulia andl ut one tinte took a terni oi treatwient et Elgini,iras regain develmi1ed msytupteon8 (it thei ilisease aud Tue*day attermmîci t- teiiitsd t,, set ir,, l tre hoine.liew ai, takien to WVaukegan %Wemieemlay evening a itere lie was tried in tlîe cîîîîuty court and tak.n Co fElgin. Heisnesetmming imin of g(oîm habits and tie laoily bave tire .yo pet h y of mniy friende. A clerer 25 cent ilverri Strii Coffee Strainer Coupon midriow îlot is eleh 25c package of tir. Sitomps Heale le CiiHeur. Loîok for il! Ninety large cupe of tire very tllneet reffee inmitatioîn eveî muade, trom one 25r package Tirei beidia lIme satisfaction end aver la perleet. Sold by CORLETT & FREDERICKS. Tire Leke County Agriculurel Society ires received tram tire st.te board an) appropriation viricir emounts te $92(k and a few orie cent or fnrty per cent of tire prerulume. peid. Lest year tris appropriation vas about $600 and previons te tiret time il lied neyer been over $200. Tire figures show tiret tire fair lo growing and e premlum ist ireing peid in proportion. Tire village vas visiteiliby tire pro. metera of eceurnent raiiroad tie lest week. Tirey have e gond tiring and al tirey needed vas rnoney, a site, e build- ing and e 1ev otirer liminoe. The.v ere reterred te tire industriai corinttee iiif tire Cititensm Improvement .tsumîiation. Trie prmmters t ftire ashet !ac-tor3 ah i steud a nuiniler of tlîeirrîonnding t i viis net long ago el isi ie tib .lerty- ville. '1 ler saimi tirej lai hity mof mnîrmerniîîlal tuey wa ated wa s un iiilimrtunitv tii)spî.rîîl t. Tirer iav'imt Iiiiateii 3Jet. Union Meeting. Tue Metîîdimt arnd Prealîy tertaen ciig r-gat i iis viii iiitP fior a uionili t.imrii'.meeting next Sundayrv,ýi'iîîi lit lImel'resm3terian rîrurcir. i-riîg your lrii'uds and conrte eariy. Notice. 1 'nieli tm annonie t'Olihe publlie tîat i bave liiight th irenwt3pe1er tbuiisie-sof E. 1). Huirburd. Promript reud efficient ilelivery a-il ilbi ry Itotto. i aile locateil il) tire building fiîrrerly used as il m-turant by J. A. Willis.i1 grali haimile ail mv palim erlee ex,-iulsîely- alter Saturdoy, Marcir 2t)t. H. J. SirEELr s-u.ewsdileir. Big Remnoval Sale of Pianes. iOr building lias hememîPldme are cmii îîiFlePdtoii mmmcm swii.;miug tîrice rami ictioii. Bla,)win itmadle pianos,. ploye %r mianios, oriatis, ec. 'l il-îîr iiit lai'. îîmî.îs ta Ne w pianosa a mmlii$250tifor ai27. i'tc. Foîr lu rherinfoîrîmaioni-Pai o, r nrime tii)or speciali nii i rNi tatI i e Il. l-isrirTire Baldw i Coi , ,(;7-1 WVibair A,, 'e ii-isgo 111. Musical Show. Them. ilree ,- To s" ulimi hn-ilIi, iii,' attm tiîîii mt thîî. , li rztietre il Waiit-vaii iilîiîiionda îîr-l 2iml.i. ilim'il t%%itiiiit ut rof miumd f'iius th i l mmat ggaili ettiical iomeil i on th-' roadIii t ailtire ilis tmrmmt îmnor mot mii 'ii'iltg liii iiiraal lîreasî'ritiviins m)ii île îm Cingiti Nea' i îrket tlireHm-raitl Sqiuartýi- tlie. i-.tme)aîr îîuîla uil of motima attire Wlitiey Opra Himise in t'liclgo.Iîitlbmenimstelaiortestagpd produîction ir i Aerice a d dme]sîIo coitiin mire nîîrel feeturve tirai ail file irîlir niasicail'tMmiedîe uymiiîrned. Tire tuem anmr id leatrical nerial ea'ing are distinct nîîreliee, tire latter bieng oîre ofi tire îîst w'onderltiplecea of stage crisît ever perpetrated. t is a wondemîni steel structure weigiifg ever 4100 îmrnds and iluminated withi oser 2000t elpetrit lights. It reqirres tirrue inai-inimts, iciricrtire company corriem, tir iandie tis ion unîderfol lcîtricisl effeit and talles tierree large scere trucks tir transport il from tire baggage. cars to tue tîete idlaonily one of tire rnaoy uoeejie Pleads "Not Gulty." John Blradley and Charles Leoscirer were tire features ofthtie opening day of tire Marcir termeo f tire circuit court at Kenoaha. Bradley vas arraigned on a charge o!fnurderlng Clîfford Smilthrand entered a plea of!"Net guiity.' Loedcirer vaa arraigned on a charge of criminel aesaeult on tire advice of iis attorney ire remalned sileuît ahen called upon te plead and liecutdace trtepe !'o Now when you walk upon the street It's; eitler rain or snow or sleet Ail kindy of weather-youi're neyer sure. Only one kind of goods here-the best. You cau always be sure. The uniform goodness of Otur SILVERWARE has set people talking-aleo buying. One try wili show you why. A. kIUSS, WATCt11MAKERmcd JEWELER LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS Oi** Again cornes Standard Oil i W ,.î0 lipon a mission PMTiNER And make Missouri a very Oily Proposition. Standard 011 cones back. Our cuistomers do. too. Not for the sarne reason, thougli. Their reason is good goods, fair and sqnare tteatment. OUR LINE OI! TAILOR MADE CLOTIIING wins themn. It's uniforrn goodness make.3 them corne baèk. E. W. PARKHURST -SCIIANCK BLOCK 300 Square Feet two coats to the gallon, that's what 'THE SHERWIN-WIWAM.S PAI1NT ~îI C2 f.Anid on a good surface it wiil cover more t]e; n t. o paint %%,Ili do better, and very few paIl 11 ' do as ,weýl. Maximum covcring capacity, cn-s1 't r ti eaîling tiîualities, longcst wcar, and greatest t( cmornx-arc xvhat w c daim for S. WV. P. Its the one sale Jxlîrît to use. Alxvays gives satisfaction. P- you want to save moncy in painting let us show you thie way. We sell paints for ail kinds of good painting. SOLD 9V YOUNG & LYNCHUBROTHERS Libertyville, Illinois Wo alrîo carry a line of Alston's 1aiîïts. Wall Paper. Corne and See. C hase & Sanborn 's Fine Wînners» Curcle Blend Thim coffet. is always Altura Blend fresh roasted and fancy South Sea Bllend quality. Cail and gét Perfection Blend a saniple. Prices aud Seal Brand quality guaranteed. CORLETT & FREDERICKS Exclusive Selling IPhone 30 - gm 1 LIBERTYVILLE, ILL.I LOW FARES FOR SETTLERS, ClHIl- Notice. CAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. 1 wisir to announce te tire votera et PAUL RY. Litertyville townshilp irat 1 arn a candidate for tire office tif tex coilector - and viii very mulir eppreclate your Loy tares tor settiers, eve. Tuesday support et tire republicen cencas. trom Mare-ir28rd te Aprll27tir. inclusive, E. D. HoBEAitD. te Northr Dakota and Montana points Democratic Caucus. on tire nae Chicago, Milwaukeei & Puget A caueui, cf tire Dernocratie voter@ of Sound Railwv. Rates apply to Haynes, tire Towanship ot Litrertyville viii ire ield Hlettinger, Bmnn, Marmartir anid et tire tonnball, Saturdey atternoon, otirer Northî Dakota points, and to Marcir 20, 1909, at tvo d'clock for tire Baker, Miles Citâ. Forsytir, Muosaelirhel, purpose ot placing la nomination tire folloviag fownship offlure: Tovn clerk, Levine, ltouadup, Harlowton, Moore, aaeor, Coliector,cornrisaioner ot bliir- Levlstovn and otiret Monana stations wvy for tier enter district, Ivo justices on tria nev line. Complete information Of tire peace, tvoucSostableo, one scirool trustes and 10 tranaact aoy otirer bua!- f ree trom yonr lobai agent. P. A. MLLER, oem tirt may corne tefore thre meeting. Generel Passeager Agent, Chiclago. 24-5 D Bv O F THE Wvx QUITTEEx. hI-Namel re ItMNoikimo, V.artish or Hardware Low Prices do flot r.make it a Bargain Corne and 1 wlll show yon a bargwin. It lias been said that ln every fair bargain both sides gain, and only the thief a nd the sherif can @eIl goods at leeis than cont. T1he service any varnish *111 give is governed by the rnaterial of which it is S madea. The three staple Ingredients of CJI-NAMEL are, pusre Kauri Gum, pure Turpentine anld pure Chinese 011, irnported from China. FOR SALE BY HaB. E GER Libedryvîlle LuffiCr Uompany 8UCCESSORS lTO TE bffffOllS-meCFCCÏLilifibef tompafly Jîîst a change in the name, that's al. The Maniagement aund Location of our busiînes remains the saine. Cali, as before, No. 47, Libertyville Exchiange You wiIl find us ready and waiting to serve to the beet of our ability. We invite contlnued patronage and new business. E. A. BISHOP, MÂNA;F. ar c nge o at otcwo th e nr premnts rs ey3in je lding impse /ml mo icg de sd mint ali ' t he oe. Meneitr mand opten puan ttcongtrsn xcellnceft hea s and ode ibacdtin o r o wn&l rcepttr oathyipoerbent. Orbety inm lleIl ingi poý ig The TaleanofiasTail o odePocli to ite itlîog Ille R'tutiers ixtirs anse aan 01 <t> wtît lotiex tacrrec ft i fse oti, fau ylotr s <t <t> infit, îîd greptetatill kee1î lythei shat.t ~t> and wear w ell. With ou Illing ouiak T he c Tan e. o f all e qik o seTh uero t> exelence of the bmateiales dths eacesol Y <t wat cl7t grtte arecorkaspietheii wide v, arttty in, fiadgriet ht ilke, hi h exceollietnc fte melsead tes wil riy <t> <>interest yôti COME IN. <t>FRED CROKER gTAILOR and DRAPER * LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS jMorses for Sale. Monotain Mleadowse itFarni,oane andoane iraif miles nortir ef Wauconda, Illinois, has constantiy on b and and for sale, at loweat nmarket price, a stock of - ail classes of irorsen, suitable for the road and ail farmn work, express and <raft, u.seful and serviceabte, front troc te i6oo pounds. Pricea $8o00 te $20000. No * pluga. Corne te, Mountain Meadowvand sec tire herses work on tire farru. AIl acciimated and avoid risk of sickness. Ail guaranteed on delivery as represented. COL. f. t. BERRYý e-_ M----

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