>SI E HIN' S STORE U Open for Bus!- 'ch 201h. 1999 -t SPE $15 SUITS $15 DRESSES I Murray Building, Waukegan, Ill., Opposite Uejn'5 Store LTY Skfir It's Doflars $1 in Pocket S for YOU i 1.~ you Buy New Sklrts at Ladies, Attention!! 1 - Recgnzng the advantage tous of buy ing from the manufacturer one particular lime of garmenta in immense quantities at one price, and believing that the advent of such a business in Waukegan would meet a popular demand for garment.. at these prices, we launch this business with the assurance that thrifty wiornen throughout Lake County will be delighted wlth the op- portunÎty to save money on their new Spring Suit, Skirt, etc. You -will here flnd greater assortments, and we make the assertion without fear of contradiction, that at Our special prices these limes embody more reai menit than can b. found in garmenta ini other stores at even much higher price.. No effort has been spared, no stone left unturned in the effort to gather togethen in this new store, garments at these price. that ill eclipse ail previous efforts at value gi.ving. Corne to. our Grand Opening Sale on Sa- turday next and grasp this opportunity to ' save. rts That Are a Joy to Wearer rs Elegant French Voile, Chif- fon, Pana- ma and fine Parnella Skirts, choice :$54 When you corne te our Grand Opening SIale and look over our im- mense stock of ]Xdies' fine mew Spring Skirts in elegant French Voiles, fine chiffon Panamas, fancy parmellas and etc. You will be over-joyed with the values that are within your reach at the one popular prie, $5.00. The values offered in thus lime are tremendous. We will excel all previouis efforts and give values neyer before dreamed of i Wau- kegan at this price. The materials and tnimmlngs will b. a marvel of beauty. The workmanahippla guaranteed high-class; these are no ordlnary gar- ments that can b. plcked up every day, but garment. that were se- lected with the etest cane in New York City, many of them neally worth up te $10 Evenyr areti the entine lot goes on Sale on Grand Opening Day at the one special Prie. Buy Your New Spring Suit, Saturday,r' Price $15.00 Wihen you corne te the Grand 0Openmg of, Our new -store in the Murray Bldg and look over our immense, stock of elégant OPrmg Suit ini fine chiffon Panama, handome French Serges, fancy parmellas, etc., hù the latest, hiPleas and semi-fltted effOOtB, with guaranteed satin Uinigad hadoetnimnnings, you Winl b. on- vlncedthat you can wear just the kind of clothm you Want by choosing from this large and carefully selected stock at our most U"tomishÂnglY low pnice for your choice.of the entire lot $15-00 Save PMuch ?Money on Clothes ? BUJY ON GRAND OPENING DAY AT OUR LOW PRICES. 'We will pu t on display in our new store on Grand Opening Day, an immense quantity of the mobbiest suit. that have ever been brought te- gether in amy store in Lake Coumty. The styles are guaranteed te the mewest, workmamship and linings of high quality, and ail we ask for your choice. of any suit in the house is 4 Deal Miss.Tis'Sale. Thle Dargaim UO<ered are Woumwiui Z $15 Costumes si $1-5 Suits imSATISFACTION GUARANTE.ED N The Way to Save Cut down your Spring Suit bill by coniing te this Grand Opening Sale and se- curing one of our Suit. at $15. This is one of the quiekest ways we know of to save from $10 to $15. The ideal Suit that is suitable for most amy occasion. Exquîsite Dres-a ses for Spring, New Models $15 The styes reprisent our own ef- forts combined with theIidem* of foremost tailoring establishment* not only to iqual but te elevate the style standard eft1h. regular $15 costume and to s*erarsm poo. sibie aurpasail previnus efforts ln valus giving on Ladice Fine Dr..- ses a,,nd Costumes. W. have me- compilahed this end te our entire, satisfaction. Pritty Foulards and Meesilinesa-Dashing Sprlng Styles extra quality matirlais, eiabooately lrimmed, skirta havi the graceful fiere and clffiging linos. 1hey would b. good values at *15 te $M850. Our price on the entire lot to oneiand ail, speolal ~PM~MP~N ciation] Jonan artin Stokes, brotb«pk wrtubuoiness togtherfor l.su$ Yeats. They rnade rnoey, but î*bc John died Martin touaS griat %18 cuitY ln mttUing op the hqudsq, John's oldeet on Petetr, e.xla# t hlm oncle woud aborb the. dosA »en .interet bothered and delged onle la Sc bi fashlon t at, a a s~ poule cornlng on, what waa left oft tl f r's ea w as s goe etangled th&t S COuld ouy b. lqudated aller à adtsu management. Martin SJtobes, brckol down lu beath, turned the whole mot.. ter over te hi e "Ww snd lut pgrts unknown. Ten rears later hoa nopurei, a altkly looking old mn, but wth meu appearsoce Of hadint profflrmd. Peter Stokes liaitrneauwhlle mved moff $20,000 frorn the wrek. hoit ef wbtb. ot ourue, belonged to is nle. BUt Peter tunlaled accSout show that the lrm bd been Inolvent. Hie omet. looked thern over, stdieS themm& baudeS tb.rn back te hMe nephew wop» the rernark: "rr sorry, Peter. that you g«t noth- lg out oft.IL ut, after ait 1 Mayaà* have been *way mo long for nothlg. 1 ave ne chldren toenejoy whàt 1 ave accumulated and ha,. Setermlned t. eveit te 700 and your Mortiers. 1 wlI plae It la a mtfety deposit cmpj.ar Vault and tel] 700 were 1 keep the ey. Ater in, eat], you cau n ua1e the box contanlg the ourIt1e@, and they wliI b. yorm itout &Dy Witt and tetamnet on ry part. AU 1i mk from 700 la a bar. plttance me long as 1Ilire, whch wlU be t mont but a 1w Re tok a Iong, at evelpe fon hi@ pcket sealeg wth lewa1Mmai, a" d w r te on k, "I i ,.th l. pr pe t te Mr nphew, Peter Stokes, Mdiebi siBter, LydIa and <race Stobu Th1% worda bore that day. date and! wu igned by the Senor. «This plan," e saIS, "leau.at uW déath nothng te b e ed. By a wM. an s tate rmuet b . lq- ldte S the nm ê as a..mbusiness. And you knw that le Sw tnd ln g up a u mlnos. tho er.W à a bot t ablkag. Yen ave on. mui be S work tu ettlng te affira t je" S Cs Martin Stokee w» hno psy. WWbt buom nature ow by th thoMe Iton. The envela1,. gnustt a box t, thePldellty Trust eonpay, sud bête 1'e nephewu and olesaceepted thesif; nd heconditions wlth ime- rlty. The anvelope was fat enougb u mornu>noe twenty or thhlt ane or If the property wmm ln stocks théer alht b. atwce aum ny certificats&. - Thmn te whosi the glt waz MM*4 ~4muieS thlr mcl t. ore au Uliv Etht.hrn.T.. odeclined th 4.. R*fi reteS a Uttle cottae, whee hu kept boume by h ei f Hfe lIdi mtit * lg te hie npew or alecem about tle Spayient of the. rent, but It wuam by t],... Ho ald nothlag about au>~ CD pIs,ý but t],y opeued accouta ft him et provllon tores, tough thay m cretly lamtrcted the. trademrnenf» keep thern poMted mite the aunh.!i teodmon wau bhelu rediteà w*hL 4 i At t],e uetof the i sea yer Pete S tokes iured up the amount expos- Sd oet about *.$E0But theownesra09 the, astate, whlch could net b. useS tII atet' the dour. deati, foe.lng that Vf they appoarod n4ggazdly the. douer .Wght teks back his 9gfltt xedeàf ior hm n ddltional $400. maklag a to. tal etf*1,00. This they couilln, I.bsPlng wltbJ. hun. Teodman rernained fer a tW»l 4 er Thelia Indeed, thé doctoes bills amnuted to saverai hundred doaII&M Mes lortmg cpbew aanS lee, beggs,! hlm tu com. and liv. wIth t],em, that they zmlht the. botter administer te bis erfort But he malS be Sldn't w1sh tu b. a hurdea on any me. amulut tb.. that 1he7 weuld net h. thé ]oer by a cent for what rneey they ex- pendeS upon hlm. Aller theI. IatSv pomrhle health beco.m erYM gno, a&d rematued so for thr.. yeasm, w ho died rather suddenly. Betorq tIsa .15 mai breathed bie laut Peter Ute9o 4Mgred op that the amout expadêd effl hm aS amoeusAt. elacty 89.88. But there were tueastr ou- penses te b. palS amouutlng te amito 4M. Howeer, dmm.lm nele wlm dend, bere wold eu.neS edtu, I extravagant la Iis refflet, adhal.. sole,,!t. eut th. amenaI dowc te,0WM The g,51 thng Peter did whos bk nid. waz prouenc ead wu. te' ta e . hl m e y r l ug ft o r n b is p e r b e md. Seblmg th,. .mtety depesit heg aRtrIfor the trut Company. lm W>. bus ezateS a promise that he WOUI mot open the envelope til the dm7 *ftM tbe fiera, the mme ae lnaMet vIll. Rrlnng tgeb.peeket bos..-àe locked Il inl is dosk anS wated. The rnornlng atter the fumerai the hfmlly gathered l ln b ary.loeoke,! tb. dor, tk ot t],. enveIope a»4 tore Il open. Wltblu were flmeA Neces et hlank parchmeut, on on et Iwhwa writtta- Martin Muin &u connut w1th teos Stokes: Te expm&dture for mai M1k etokM, iMeo; te &Mount dueo riai U I tk» SM Aeoa as« Peter read this poethumumuý an&, exclalmlng 'Sold r tom e ,ý tamp on L i@ lte, Img "The old Ingrate, t],. ol4 ý - But that as the«d Aet-t for they co"lA ot eg wbnetteuu I -g I I I I g I I I N I I I E I I I N I I ~r &uloegan