NDEMT, FRIDAY, MAROR 26, 1909 Scott ' Emulon IfCod Liver M ,Witb Hypo- phopîe should always be kýe inthe bouse for the fouowlng reasons: pyrt-Because, if any mnember of tbe family bas a bard cold, it will cure it. SeCond-Becajise, if the chul- dren are delicate and sickly, it wil mnake them strong and well. Third-Because, if the father or mother Is Ioing flesh and bccomlng thin and emadiated, it will build them up and give them flesh and sbwngdL pourth-Because it Is tbe standad remedy in al throat and kwa ngetio No hlmehold dhoud be wthl- usIL ~~Usiwu Md Doe Freditrlli Mvleiing ii frieude S.4reliati la Obleag. »oe*&Ba hn retarntd home Mndai alYr a veeka visit vltb relativs and hi"& ila Waukegau. mmra.WilnIa Amaunuapent Mouds>' __wu behn r anmotaa±eHnry.- Mm 9 . V. Orvie, aI Waukegan, epeul Sandi aitbone. Bd Hiehold cinade a business trip ta Waukeoei, SatU rday. Bd Wagnerapentfiatnrday and Sunday 1Gertruda Rlling, ai Big Eollov, ie villting vithbehon elter, Mrt. George Hetel and tamaiy. Fraak Wagner wans a Long Grave ciller Sanda>'. Andrev Hletel made a business trip Uu Chicago Satanda>'. Obiiuary. Aten aiiiug ail wirrien andaia ilinees ra oua vssk Lre. Katirerine Rorîaei passed avai Saturda>', March 1Fithia t the homeofa ber daugirten in Chicago, ageil 82 >ears, 9 montre and 4 days. Mes. Katherins tlomtîel vastroro in Gerruaan ou Joune ,182(3 eoming tothiis cuntry tul 1852 and vas manried Mla>' lubth 1e r asme, er osi a arnt Bomuiel, vho dW4À.prii 7, 189. Save cidrea vers bè of ai har tou are living: Mary Baurn, of Waukegau; Carnie Vliacb.oa P reinant; Sidaney Rommel, ai Rockefeller; »a iItmta MUhricir, ai Chicago. Lre. sommei cam rnelom New Jersey tu Wapaoada luin1854 living lu thai as. bhorood iortyons yearo and in li Ui a oved ta Chicago ta lirs witb boe ibungot daughten, Sirs. A. 0. Ulcli viere slle ived until ber deati. Ohe nade mauv friends b>' ber ioviug kinduame Iai ifnhoradeepl ed tire loso of a dean iiend. 1unral was belld Monrh 15 sircain Chcago 13> cars ta Rockeellierthen b>' caniaires ta Caîholie ceusoier> Fremnot Center. liev. Father Leiiug officiating. Card of Thanks. CONDA D PAIU~ H'E MAIMAN, Correspondent and Agent Mies Baby Cook retnrned harme Sanrida tt0n4dbr about 40 couple. ai%' front a week'@ viit with Idr. and lire. orrheter, ai Woodetoek, iurniahad thse C. A. Golding, of Chicago. muic and a very fleasarat tiraS je Miss Alya WheelOck le on tlii sick liât repoted' thi wek.Will Whitcombof Chiclago,spPeut Mrs. T. tieary, who liasr been quite il Snda>' la aUr vilg with hie parents, for the hast twor, eeisisrnuuiimPraved. Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. Wiitcoinb. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mjeyer and farnl>' MisseNMayiaeii alleraIý, oi Avon Centre, naaa'ed imb their oe atis tirs flr$t ai sient Saturda.) and Siday at lier home the week and are lravirrg it instalied h3e. vîtiaail modemn couveiceOisC. Miss Beuhlrra ftvtrrar il tif'<rd, lient Tb@ts ovaprimary w~as held at the TupÈday e tirMMats truby Cook. vilage htall Saturda>' and 1612 votes Mre. E . JSa-iraffer and Sire. Adamas, oi vers cati hich reeuited as illows: Ma Heu ry, m ere Wauconda niirin For Town Clrk-A bL. Powers. 143. Monday. For Aseeor-C. E. Wheelock, ý126; Mri. Lau itarrts,vwho haaseen vlsiting A. T. Gilbert, 28. ai tire home aifSMr. and Mrs. Henrr For Collectsr-Jno. P. Boadi, 97; Jua. Harris vent ti0 Wankegan, Thuneday W. Davis, 65. vitereshesireyl viit relatives belore For ftoad Commissioter-Gea. Pront>', rsiuning ta ber bore ne aMlwaukee. 55;'. . ok, 47; Ed Babey, 34; Jas. MieCe!a&(ieary, of Long rave, epent MLrra-1Iý.O~~ ece tat 3 8atudayandSunay ith ber parente. eected)-E. W. Brook. 104; Jas. S. Harver Gardinler, Our tawn callector HamU, 9). coeed is booké lait woak snd ont aifJFor Contable, (tva ta ho lected)- the tax ai $10891 but 850 wai D. L. Patnarn, 101; P. Hougbtoa, Jr., retrirnod dellnqueut. 80 L. Brunchean, Jr.. 8. The. St. Patuick'@ bal ai ts aeeide ýd le>' vilicornns p Onpetitioni for pavilon lat Wedneeay evealng w» a rogil eomrmaoner. Lev Little last Un eur an mondeq Snaday Orvil an aur Libert> Mii! Lake'l Rtoy present the ma Mir. Elarry, sundai wlthh Wea punche Mile Radke Mm, aid ti Bort Marc r Thti Mrs.1 ______________________April The Un,.Data vm a t e Ut.dy Frdiy nad U.Mn.sd Mmi. ir,-nýffver, ai Kenb, satucday. viited relative@ bere éunday. i Utile Ev'lyo Wrigt ,ntertinid lier Mime Elael evine @pet Monday iiith h finonda lait Batuiday, t hing ben ioutb Mm .D. Neveli at Busili- . buthday. . Mn..M. E. Lux va, a ci' paieaei mird Willi Cautis, ol.Cuter, Wl., la vlatig Monda>'. I at in IO'Naill'. a i*M er Wll O'Nell sit for Wleconsil, Tiar e Lin acsn. a leaurno day for auothtî car load oai ws. J. MeCormilck, ai Libertîllle, vas lu Oui UM .Geo. Hawkins, ai Lihentyville Wadevati, Wedneday. ' nusi @otnvrldyofls;we th Thur rent na eo itivv@ebevit Mr. Win. Raillng vislted ber mother, alter Mrs. Maaou retaraed home Satunda>' Gea Went l e asa au Moareh ater au extended viei vitb relatives ln eo Bareettwiaa ak au fii Chicago. ciller eea. o i Sire. Chard le spendiug a ev <aye BsBn (iliajare and tamil>', ai Bristol, vint vith relatives in Libertyvilis. spetit fast Thureda>' vih relatives bere. daag Tires iii ho a concert at the chuncb Miss Dais>' Liber retnmned to0 Wauke- The on Satairda>'svsning, April lird. Music gan. <lint viii tas inrniebed la> Nortbwestern Fred Casirmore and tamil>', oi'Wauke- that tUtiverety talent. A nacre deilits an- gan, are vistîng relatives iere. býe iouuaement c iii Ie ittaîe oext v.esk. Sre. S. Trulea, oraCi lrcago, s the guest a h Dave Carlron te ii at lie Ihame near 1aiofMns M, I }rerk. w arkegan. BJ. Strnug, afi fugue aura, sîrett a day The Ladies' Aid Soctrety ciliraert at here recr'atly. 1 the churcia next Tiursday mororrrg, W. T.Wadda-ll is ara tar' rak ist. C Alail jet. The t-an a iran d raidaice St. lPatritk,, iausr To subscribers psyang in advaece we naglt cas lairly w4i attendr'd about i ( make lire foilowirrg excepilonai club tasîng present. .MIl enîayed a fine time. 6 offer: Tire Lske Couraiy Irdependent, I JsanaraladlI> iok eeto the Chicago Daily Inter Ocean an d calers in thevlagussay h Paris Modes, a montly magazine for IvlaeTeta' h women. for $3.60. Deliaquent sub- Wm- RHou vas iu Chicagor Monda>'. E acribers may aima profit by the pro- Mr.. Clark epen.t a day li&t veck in ta i position hy paying up-la-date. Libertyvilie. 1T1 à - - - aturdsd a vehtrs c LOUIS J. YEOMAN Her Ba Brandingi Clerk AugI THE SEWING L. Thes; the peace, MACHINE MAN W be. The ladà We wieb ta thauaha ur iiende arrd relative@ or ontir ind asietaiace dnriîag the llinens and deatlt'i atrdear nirtier. PRAIRIE VIEW MR. ANDt MRs. A. Oi.t.î-_rtit. WEST FREMONT. Till Mitchell leit Monda> ion a viil of a couple af veako vwitb ber aunat, Sre. Penny L. Thoasa, iormerly the West El. Mattetion. ai Hamopshire, 1h13v Freinatconrearpondent ai the INDEcziN.a, DNiaT, but Who nov resitie in McCureSire. Kaenues, Who bai been 0ontilied Soutihakotta, sende 11e iolloving ta hier bed iun tirs pat ves a leable ta lie communication: about again. Il Ul rit anl gve decritio ai Till Mitchell aad Ethel Kostiler spent "bepart o the country>. We lire about Wdnssday and Thuneda>' vitî Lre. J evateen miles nnrth oi Preeba, a Dollenrasien at Libertynilîs. iinivlng towu ona the C. M. & St Paul iailnoad and twsnty--an sosaaiboa Pierre M. and Mmn. M. W. Kastiier anti amil>'g the state capital. Viviue s ur nearesi spent Banda>' at Chicago. tawn fLhoat nias miles eoutb, but vsE lHeny Wsheroheng, of Libertyvili, e bave twa Mores vitin tva miles ftrnm epent everal <aye ai iaet veck vitb is1 ber. Tletie ie a trong talk ofI nning aunt, Mr, Emmna Knueger. au elctiron roat mPierre ta Preoho. The ronds bers arseçrtty gooti. The Mmr. Wm. Ede, oi Palatine, vas tse country' id nt 8 nar> rougit, vs rau guet ai ber parents, Mir. and Sire. S. E. aie Prelo fronirta be. t is rlits a Loomis last Fntday and Saturda>'. dlfferent-e ater livinrg ilaIlinois and Sre. Jrae Ritr'ard eftilaset Wednsday i naaatng ont bere a lire von eau lokam as @pend twa veeke villa ber daugiaters. tar ai you cati set' andi aaat sea- a Ires. Sire.M'ni. Hulciainge, rai Glenview aud There are qiteatein perajle îîaraaing lare, Mire. S. ý Tripaî, cifLRockefeler. lait vaeh tiens vers Ber' rare on the mac aIPreht Bietiivaiaba.<nslvold Casslis andi Sue Masari mitent Sin)da>' gaads anti Iarning tîaarhanery ehippeti vitîrMM. and Maine C. IÈuto, of eertie d. la b>'tirose meniniiii. Tlirere n no LasI Sonda>' Sire. Tulle>' vas stiiketi Indiana bers as i ey have moneti tartber wyul paralilsoat tirs home ai ber West. 1 hava-not ssun an>' coyotes but datiglter, M n. . H. Miascet and bas bave beard thasta banh. «te liane a ircesances basala a critiral condition. lier dliver>' b>' nr iplace titat nons frata dangirtene, Mrs. Williams, ai Virghuia; Preeh sb iPiere ad Mmr. Petit, ai Colorado; have been mn . aadMiv. Iirnk Dietz e"nt Tues- sammoaed ta thebedeideot their îtrickeu da% lu ibeniyvvllls. maîber. The>' ar-iveti Tuceda>' enening.1 r. aid Sire. Johnu Frederieha viited The hlisoso Olhve, Erma and Wallace relative. aud iiende lu Chictago a ev Iitzethaler opent ibreée<aye laitwveskt daJ a lit vek. iiigrltvsi aevle Mimn Marine 9Mers. ai Liberîyvlle, vimiarltvsi aele spat Banda>' and Monda>' oi lait veel lon, A. H. Curchill, olLibertynhl viii st borne. keep office houri ai the poetaffire kton- Mn. sud Mm. E. . Bauman aitendeti day, Wdnodai anti Frits>' tram 8 tu tis EnS. Patdeck'i <ance at Waacouava. il o'nlark a. mn. Wrn. Schovel vas a Rockefeloer caher Li. Haljte, vho bai been sick for the lait Wedueada>'. puei four veeka le greatlyi>'iproved at1 Wn. Loiman transarted business in preant wrttlg. Lake Zunlei Wededai. Mmir. Chas. Bock le quie erlu@îr ihl. Abert Haler transacteti business in Round Lake Thureda>' aitennoon. Frida>' enning Predîding EIder Wm. Mmra.Editb SBieattended lire uerai af Salutte viii prseai 113 te Prairie Viev batconsin Priday at Walworth, Wie r'lurr'h at S p. m., alter the servie 1MKin Rose Frsderiek les pending tac qnanteriy .lonipeirce v ili ho heid. Sun- vseeýein UChcago viitinig relatives ai nlay mmcl-aitg preaeling services vwiii bcr friandle, am usual: Srda>' evsing 1P. E. Sebatte UmiTlle Tekampe. ci Bocheiller, vcr11 pretaiaanal rondaîci communion apant Sunda>' at bonte sert aes it sta- i.nu veryooe le rordially 'lisa-eviea part> ' Ai. iiaiMrioc,.leaitI n'a. 11W Solud6y ugt. Ail repoatrilîagaad trana- Mdiss Helen Tshauuio- aW a ra.atrag eaIhlîa1rae, ibis veesk.ABOUT 'fOLatM( George 'lraat tratipeteta-il Iarui-n an Chicaothe latter laitratr ii>i,rk CCt'MiLATINI; S Franh Enart anil satr lair 'iarr lr ratNie r e fraitiîrgit Tekanaipe, vere Lîle'nt.î ruN, rî a I., i aui ai fe)(4rreit l tr- Satirday r ru1t i, ,rlaarr Vi' Mmre, 'ill Aikaieerfrrent Vm.iaa, rr iaria rortr inmuthe Iia' Graysaae. atir r Mat f.aasb id isiiing in Ciaiizgr, lî r a a Ir ry lart iarid girl shiritiit, fe<ay. ,i rîrarr, laiîrtccal isteelcip aird adai WiII Alkafer vas a Llbertyilile canlan Vie invite >'cîîn business and y ou@ del lait vesk. TH4E FIRST NATIONALB fd iiebold caugbta pickerel in the fl MweyNkhte Bquav Cieek ueday thls veet. HALF DAY Miss azel Berger le an the eick liet. Mie Margaret Bertel, ai Chicago, le vieiting relatives biers. Lir. J. C. Scbroeder, ai Ciricago, visiisd bis parents bers recenti>'. Airs. B. 0. IHinton, ai Rivereide, visited witir ber mother, Mrs. J. Hait lait week, during ber buebaud's absence an a business trip la Canada. Mrs. J. Berger le vleîting relatives ln Kankakee. Forth>' nov agaiusit 11e gnip-.iaî Il cams@ every emaon surel Prevectica- the littIe Caudy Cold Cure Tablets-ofier ia thîs respect a mostcertalu and depend. able safeguard. Preveatice, at the. a.sneeas stage" viii, as weli, aia surel>' bead off aillcommonctolds. But prompt- nees le ali.important. keep Preventice in the poreket or prîrse, for instant use. Box of 43; for 2ûe. sold la> ALL DEALERS. ROSECRNS The Suuda>'echool avili give a fine prograi i n lias cbnrcb an Eaoterllanday. Blanth ireleiver is home "itr a long vieil lanlRicbmond. Sire. Ebojer Faulkner, ai Boniphan, )da., is visiting lber parents bfers. Mr. and lire. Robent Hanter, of Rielimond, are nisitiag at J. B. Linrnay's. Our commlssloner bai been scraping the ruade and improved thein greatir. aIMyth'tree year aid boy vas hadly conetipated, baaigh lferiand vie in an awful condiionu. 1igave hlm tva doses ai Faler's Orino Laxative and the nert mornlng the lever vie goDe eand be vsentineli Weil. Foley' Onlan Laxative aaved hlm lii." A. Wolkuih, Casimer, Wis. FIlAgE B. LovxLa. 1 EVERETT C M. Parnieb, ai Olencoo, visitued inds lîirëSanlday. A îiuiîer tramr bers atteaded the flterai tai WiliiaiaCouney, ai Chicago, on iesday. Johni t>lrrev, rtf cîtieago, epent Sun- day withi irittals borre. ruarr,1 t tutu t liG - u ir e in i t p rle, iauritacnv rerttandr iae a r a\ge ieairr I. F.very niant vire of a utsirifflrand serviceahin batik. or-tac îrtiiatt. B4NK 0F LIBERTYVLLE ls..t Dow r te P ost 0555 A4IANOEJ rBt&e speat lait veekita Chicago. Le Manie Jensen started ta sebol aonday. "ioer vasa Chicago visitar lait kriliand Dwlgbt Dolph spent iast ay nt Lke llorest. ilse Smith;' ai Waukegan, vas sa-en ir tieete the firet aitis eek . mFooett and Emma Radke were ryvfIie callers one day last week. m haley Vaat'ew vliàted at Giage@ Slait veek. yChamberlait sin eb rrrrrat e t il vîsiting relatives5 ad nria1ayiraa naple sagar Seascu. and Lire. Roy Joues aîd eaan, ecalled on r9latives liere lest iy aiternoan. liard Beach @pent part ai lait week ihie eau, Fred, in Indiana. are lulormed tirai Adama Titus bae haaed a valumahle tour-ysar aid colt. eu Eva Brava, ai Wankegan, @pont La>' and Bunda>' vitirMièsEmma e- ra Heves, ai Chicago, speat Satan- and Sundai ih Lire. Ed Heve. the Nimbe Pane. )m ta Mr. aud Mrs. Adama Titus, eh 2Brd, a ton IL babr girl. ire vilI b. a social ait the haine ai M"r Jacohr, Thureday svauing. lot, to help tihe uhuech repaîn tand. m Junior Mlilainar Society mat à m Doiph hlmii terdsr 000Ea. '=&at awyak an article »ro$r joIdlae& azU~r nme M. Omitlb, vho bai hesu leaiuing PhotoutépIlet's trade for the peut liai lniuma lnhie home s Pô"ta àn" kflle& viti photo vIesaoa haq, L.k lana, Gagea Lake. Dîom te and Wa.leoan. Anrone vishlng MWl ai tise n aine m ai caiion hlm. or quiet 'villagevai anoamd to anal activiti nl au emryhour 1*51 zradiay morilng &baut ton minutes 'tva, vian It vae iound that tht rbuilding ovned b>' Min. Mickie, af mgo, and rented b>' Mr. Boyer vae le. Owing ta the direction aif1the id the oui>' buildings whhb ve.in ten vere thase owned b>' Mr. Meyers. lire bad gatasd sucb ireadva>' beforE civsrsd ibat th3e entire burilding and tente voes urned. Vie are in hopeé LtMn. Bayer cull g,,a robiuaiitee tagain aislire anadlias cieluit e uaadý smembers and their iriends are Icordially invited ta attenad. i. MILLUR>N rad tll ti ar t, arritv <tsn ainms iabuanir iMr auIrai n .i,'r -Ni ~ .~ L A M E Z U R IC H jlîirer a iand b rýdiarurr i ,rira ]ii j ROCKEFELLER, ILLINOIS 1 C. 1 Ii,aaan laits art garaýra aua rra'I ruaIraniriaa r"ta et1oa ten. rai l'aalr A itsar t-laere ru luuaoo, atn', r i îiar iai d. a.,raa ra-ra r r iruda>'. rîra ri rurre - u'graurrg taIrat I la-,nrt limait lIl rat,I ataurdait li, ii.r Pa n 'ritill C cura ma1i r11,ragra rua li is.i r, 1ra ), ý 1 r ci aia g atr'Io arlrras, a ind ,rr i.aaî tire riaclt n iar rria i trar..A Iair t Ifa-ara r-r uI rar PO IA IOES PA -iaslrer. nt iri og ira tire - brl,- i inn anir% Thomas rau l, il business trail, ilr. aa l Mrn..W .'l. vI luIte andr Mar. ali d s- Tasetdo>'. Sr la1 I teaaiei iuwlara, pîaîrt) r TpLANT, iai enitprtatinment and haba-tt WIlsri Krge rit lia ylar> .ut I'rrray. silA rn hast arrday.veniug vas1oeil P rayer îmeaetingtras iraId Xeie D IB00and &bout $50 r ce cleaned. evenlng at tuirarme rai Geoar nrrrusaar SRT adrsd anad ninetyi.ne nîrtem Mies Mattie Grillîn 515-rat s illa3 lit Theres eoling In tai lire tava primaries last homre. ipatata .saehmry aitemo(on. There was a big MisseLiaude Cleveland arrd Léonl Strang up t. colla'trr. Henr>'Biens beat netunne tu ta Ioviacte-, %N as.. Mirda>' ta ASIPIWALJL EQUIR andarag la nias votes. Mr. nesume titeir strîdresifor aloisir eeke. wiii rua b>' petition. The Leon Sîrang c'îîî graduaIs tiais Jui r oicre oeie be allslo candidates vers nourinatsd: Mise Minais Carne>' spant Satauray ASPItEWALL *p9* Ce. a iget Froshliek; assessor, Fred and Sna ihtebreflm ai L akn 111h'-1j collecter, Henry' Biens; îoad Sud>1ihtr'mreiîh Sbem. iksUe.USA nen, Albent J. Booft; justice oi M r. Stîrrton, theeîreit a of îlevarh esM fImet laIs >Siehiau BeusnHoigat n .epc e ave sooanrd rois ttr01,>lu. The Gem ai the Potaio Field. No othen ;ectcttalce, Fred Hoait and Mis Watt. IMe(iare ad darigitera., planter dan campare waîbîit. A marveloue loiuer; sciroo tracte, J. C. Etirci, visata Wr'rlei'slaî nutliai la t Osruction tial:drops 99 and a fraction pr w t i r . a rîd Sin. S d H o o l r, ail ti rnig O c e n t g o d . ies ïoiety' ai tie L. Z. H. P. Hall, rand viciait>'. '5 id a surprise pant>'on rauSrmnI. Foster's laurl>' aaitijra eutt irhragra JOHN P. MOEliLINU, Jobber m ast Monday aitennar it Saitida 'v For Cook, Du Psge and Laike Countiti anniversar>' ai ber hirthday. Mn r.al ir..ElFoaen <ranarrarri art raralea leory Sheltser and dauirter. thieuna-raI l a!Mrsn n atue Surartir KeIraral. o stw Ptt ahnr rraa Ladd, mails a trip tir the o Raci tne iraIt Manda>'.r MOUNT PROSPECT It LL, Frida>'. C. E. trapiuMarna '5,28 (ir-at M- Vaeiling le pntting in lthe sioaiy u> iiok,fLuor au Faore-ign. Ile a for iris nov hbaro Ibis ceeha. 62:6i.12. Linen Sîruifforal, leader. edunehe, Jr., ans mils norI af irTe Ladies' Aid Soiacety' îli ru-etio ATI 3 U ck h ibpasimania. Bn. Wei- the elinaii panian Thnrsaiay. 'alrilot. latteudance. Pienie âupper. nirmeyer, lathTrOa Sir. Fred Mn. aîad Mme. J. C. Chape iave a pro- Fotir-Year-Old Percheron SUalion e-policoemauof Cicagp. eiantsd greosive sueuirs part>' lait Fnîda>'. About ty Monda>' mmoîng tagsi bis tinn>' vers present. Scott LeVa>' and pension. When camlngr home Oe. iciraragen a'arrid off tbe 1rrina-s rooon lis galon tire Deepiaines Word tram Chicago SaYs that James- ae gaI oat ut Daspiaines. and jaînisca te naprtîeiug andti iiibe naît n tirs nexi train ta Banniagioa. 50 Mn. leamsyer env a train id tbhinling it vas hie train he tr tirs oppasite eride ta get ou, as a flyer aud ai be ai b all te Dealers Meel. ehe vas @truck andtinlsiant>' Tiar Iuradreal Ire dalesiorie trat tire 'ret Seipad Eaaii Frnki eut ase evening ta identiiy tire trarIv .Sha'rrruan turai'Motdo> îrr l lae et vas hsld Tusda>'aitenaon.- tire ir sa ataracairanieniton af tire Ili ai vii li e held irrois i@dangi-roniis L,'Dlealers' Associrationu.T'e e in C'hicaga ota v whemstthe nul be taken ta Waidaeirîa. Mn. atg ai.tioirMcas c e'icied b> lDr.NV v as 69 y>ears aid and irad a A. U\aiars, vlro sîrakie au laliaif uc ai fiende lu tbe cît>'. Llayan Busse., Ira tire afteraccîith delegates cene takeir tirough th pAT,~2'lll'Ition Steckyards aid in tire ca-eu P IN K tiadALaATINEte pnI'. AtI0 II IN Nire. Pablînan le ecovering tram ber severeillues. Lira. F. Rthode, Sr., lassiovi> recovering tramu ber serions illoos. Mfr. and Sire. A. B. Ablemanu vers guete ni riends la Elgin recentl>'. Mmr. Masie, ai Beraberton. Oregon, vas a gueot aifSMr. and Mmr..0. Arpe aver Suaday. SMim e . French and mathen are viiing relativee ln Wilmlugtan, Ill., ai present. Mie% Martha Mundbaiik, oi Barrington, le a gueet ai ber astert bore. seonsons Ioda>' lrmtes, ablîrornts aod, valous othen questioos ocre discuca- eti. Nev offeers viii be elected ti tirs afternoon session. Tirevives af tire attendhng delegatea vlI he ten- deneti an automobile ride tirnougi tire pants ln the afternoon, Tire coven- thon vi)li ie closed tonlgbt vltb tire anoual banquet ai 1the Illinois Atirlethc club. F. F. Spieglen ban mold bis store goade Simple Remedy for Le Grippe. nu . Stochen, ai Eliahiav.i oa m'ove hors anu na theusiass. La grippe congbe are daugerotas as MisesAmanda Harnaniag bas se tan the>' irequeatly denslop imb pieracona reconered irmthler Illosse ai ta be oui Foleys Hans>' andTarnaonolysitrpsthe agaita. cougir but beals and trenglirene the Oscar Bentier andtai trl bave rettirneti lange soa tana serions reauite need las ta thear homne l in iwauhees.e.Te eun oë.' oe n Andnev aud CharleseFoshet. a iaof l Te enre l 'raieys neanii Chiacago, were gueste oi relativts aralesTan contours no rrao rieat si rerentl>'. a yeiiarw prai'ge tR'fue'suLatitiatem. S 'aa IitL g arr tir, r', a i> a i rgir sa1r a ira , ai bar rtaI.' ii-ci tu u g , tnerri', ME% tii ICKF if & 0SON, At,tare f e c'Lieeritikt- Irai aurai itatrinli. 't'lra'rîaraJ', n'a e st b bv.ý h e en d r en v s o i t a i rrir U i iii a. r ir0 ,tr a I aa, r i o le5 irn arir e [lrrna,'etLîî irrlr'r111urua ar r rs e ur a i l Plut ,stiai tarir, ginitint rasaii'Iy tiara tati ra'ar a- îul u "- a ar i u-aera'aIaiai sim le arun rrta nru , a c- ri r. ae at.raii ileîîsai haie ar e 11ica-ar-raari Shoape Cruglui Rernedte rls emanhabie resqU=senere aseiar the saine riterr111 'a-tnIre curatIve effeet. A e <aye' test vilii dj o.C iTZEneSritt5rt tell. Sold b>'vua MDEI TeeCenîsal ol ente Wret ofheeslst ALL BEALERS. vankeaan. [IL.. Marcir 22. 1909. 2- 43,928 P. S. A. Grannd Svee pstakes aîad Champianshie at Chicago International. Pink in 113e grandest Percheron even iniporteti ta Ataric. Dont, Sirene, ia a,000 ponnd mare vira traces hack in foue liues ta the great Bnillianit. Pink Parader vil!muke the fol- Lovîng routefrom Apnil I ta July I i MONDAY-Prairie Viev. TUESDAY-Diamnond Lake, WEDNESDAY-Rockefcller THURSDAY-Graysmiee. FRIDAY-Nonîh of Libentyville, SATURDAY-Hoame. SUNDAY-Home. Fee $10 t.r.t . ýauut . eýrt Ira r la> tr a trra îlafr.rlraa'n-', ' l er tuiO~ R ra 'N)lle Naiait i anIrrl. I arier ruexa ', fi-ara "fr tt arga Io i trtLrn I dtte I arn .tLrr1 " resso net J. M. PATTERSON Lîbertyvîlle, Illinois *III t ra. 4... ,~ -in nezuein once àa i>ted ruehWônoa Mrs, Erne* Schrq4él îpen a ununbep ary protter was put unlair whýt ivecaii of days laut wesk witb relatives ai Elgin. "bondit te keep the pence" Mrn. Blunt, ai Evaneton, ie spending a But, lu addition.,1bc waî flot allowed iew days with Mrs. fliraru Bartiett this ta leat e the city wbere bce vas reald- week.fat Mr. anil Mro Ut. Mitchel and daugh- --jgîve you th3e clty for a prison," ter Luelia[, sud Mr. and iMr@. Win. Eins- vie tire eourtos way tbe governor A marn 8 pent Sundai' with Mr. and Mrs. of Caracas prtrased It. John Gosewiller. aeonta ltecaeiwtha l Mesdamues John Gosswiller. WVni.l'iris- Lrro htIlte ael ll malln and Geo. Mitchell entertairied a successful revolution, and the memory y nubrortair frierids ai the lîtrna- of of the dar3 s %%hert 1e tari-tiae clty for the latter ias cWdnedy afternorf. A a prison" raîakled wltt inhte. T 1)uth lracear was srve an l al nc sa it giae itaii great pleasure te .d,.îter w deh.slot r sauvaiirrl. throw thre et. gavarriar of Caracas loto Miss .Tila t essa firyeara3l Mis Carnie Wlaitney. q'tgiN e au trire prison for a cil>'." ho e A r srrse îaiy ewaxagir'en iut the hineriaremarked a, laec ld Il. ai~~ ~~ Mr ndMs t eiskol fast Fridauy o-nd evecreg nj;. edt, t ransie ver Long ago the Scotch learned this. Miss Minute Hanse spent a corapie ol The sturdy oid Scotchman must1 1e <aye witb relatives in this vicinit>' last axnused at the recont 'diacoveita" that week. oatmeal j, tire best food in the world. Mrs. Leo Drury @pont Saturda>' and Our scientific men have been niakinÛ . ýunday witb ber parente, Mrs. John exeiet hich prove that Amei- TI Whitney, and childreu. e0rmet Don't tl] te attend the entertatumncus caltuao much fat and grease ande April 2, et the church. nt enough cercais. , Sed Mitchell called on relatives fast The Scotchinen aay » "Look aur - Thureday. nation as prcot. Thet turdiest nation A surprise Party vas held at the home on earth." Still we have one good point 01 Mime Carrne Vbiner a»d ater .ped. ta mak, We inake b.eeroatnsal tIbm las the @voulus la P41ln arnealunch wai served sIter vhleh th;r returnsdt cth téheu« ine.latii. ee houri ni the Th" biiy Quaker Oit, and conslder 9- moralng. klt.heleadier of anl catmm toi b. hW e The Dlamond Lake Aid Socety vili auiwhaee Quaker Oats i. eald in imm- give Mn.ntntaiamnt at thte hurch lai25 orifdcfo Friday @enns, Apnil 2. The club froin u 5 re 0 u tEvanaton viliibave charge ai the enter. th* packigc -t&inug a Pi-ceOf fi- ,talnumnt sud ve vii have.nmre very china. Thse reglai m"apackaugemoll ffin ua k mmeand magng. Thons viii be et 10,- Follow tht zaiple of lbe si$mrnoal and instrumental music and Sctch; est à Quaker Oita brekfait alao o me readinge. Do nt lau te at- tendàai iou cani sel amured that raun!Vti7day. viii set your maney'e worth.' Come and AiU gruGera «Il Quaker Osai bring yoraun innde. Adulte 26 cents.and _______________ tcildren ufiden ivelve, 15 cents. Mesdames '"o. Ray, hu an ad H. e Thte Diamond Lake Cemeter> A-.oeia- H R W R - I ntion will meet Thureda>', April 1e a - >- - 4,U-' p.P.wt rr . -1. j . ki,,ti A l l o Dispatch Disc Ilarrows Sharpened WILLIAM LAYCOCK CO. Libertyjville, 111. Opposite St. Paul Frotghl Depol F. BAU RSTOW MANUFACTURER OF Marbie and Granite Monumeni s Cemetery Work of E'very Description Correspondence boliited i126 Genesee St Waukegan Ruselitumber Yard N 0W, IS THE TIME TO B uY Lumber, Cernent, Coal Posts and MIIIwork GIVE ME A TRIAL F.SHIEAD RUSSELL, ILL CougliCaution Novernclier bneoeMpemrouut wf* a euugh-efui or sism.lm mqIt A o-&uuid fnll me bul . Ta l# limiiDr 'e ulani ene edi l k law e o th lael.And IVBn t olitae lem -'o od il flsr .eeJ.or t e ysICm t5 wlth othnnm îs>t and n th li n tr ae. aii flt on maYt. oui alwy e sa1r e de ho byt dtrWtis.em eu ce. rar. craSrrOrei.Tk nolraas tr C ul Cure e'fuytt "ALL DEALERS" zh rocuhs ewllil you wdeetveîeyae FuUy tyour doctor au tmsk thm abt our îîHeking Atell Chery t Perctor das W. b.ith etiebs Vbo makea the blivtr PISaTh* 3. C. Ayer Company' of Loveli Miss Tbey have heen maklng Ayres F111, fer over aixty yeara. Il you have the. allgbt- est doubt about ualng tua, pilla, IX 'our dactor. Do as b. baya, îlIVYS. -ULed. b, th.J. 0. Are. ce.. L*..fl. N-- FARM NIACIIINERY of ail Kinde REPAIRE[) with Thoroughness AND ý r- pf. Ali Most