CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Mar 1909, p. 3

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Tools for Spring Prairie City Iloosier and Bock( Disk Ilarrows, Lever Ilarrowi janesville Sulkq, Gang and Wd There is going to be an a4vance of 1 Wagons. Better get in your order.. Schi Bri Libertyvii AUCIONEERINGj la ail branche carefully attended 1. FARN SALES AND LIVE STOCK I if RA SAEadMERCIIANDISE reîlI Graduste of Jones school of Auc-, uemu tioncering. Uee ail the new and aId l'ut i up-odate m~ethods, Write for Ititlîst dates. Sales imade anywhere. e eul St att Il HIARVEY M. MANN CANDY Telepi RUSSELL. LNOu EA. LOFTI OUR PRICE LIST - MâLk pet quart 6c. pet pnt 3c, Cneam I I 20c. petr ' 12C. bl I ail pint ....... ... 6c. Buttermillk. pet quart .......... 4c. Cottage Chteus, pet quart...... 6c ALL GOODS DEUVERED Gaads obtanable a! factory s! ail imes. Special orders for tee Creain filled UPOn 48 hours notice. THE GR.YSLAKE CREAMERY Tsi. Geavolake 36. Gravelse. U. Chpr andLaundry CLARr.Nce FLÀGG TONSORIAL PARLOR UBERTYVILLE, ILUNOIS Orders Taken for Razoni Magazneci and Put Ins Order PeldCaf Guaranteed Professioo DR. O. F. BU VBTERINABI Ai5YÂN? STAIf WHrrNE'Y LAW% 305 Wa.ehit Waukegm DR. 1. L oceicE ovIsa J. 19 nouu:-7 ta 10 a.m 8 P. in. £.ildnce on Broodi LIb@rtyvgk D R. r . GJ 077105OTUE lova motui-fram 1 tea Lthertiytk DR. GO] DENT Boum f tO 12 a. J. Ehi Trigi with 1fr. J. L.. Te Re@. Ititî Libertyvill DR.EIl DENT I.'.,. tiER LAKE COi N'n M. IL wOOO, A. M., M. D., President liAI LY. Chicago ledical and SmrgUIca lstitote, t!etl 017 Lasalle Avenue, Chicago, Ici. T I..14tIti. (. .5.b t... a ,tts DR. EDW55 zd-ezuk 1-112- - Gne rai n- f n i, rerett. u eteiIl- -dsti tee,,(tM't Fes.ter tie' te ttu.iiilt, , dbt." tMsial' iWe Lue.c i Mt '-7 t.t ptise tai, ttc ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 'pca iAtttientiond stmstttrun u ietî.î M..c.5 dt7-9 s.s. n5aîEty ITYL LAKE COU14TY INDEP.ENDENT, FRIDAY, MARCH 26, L909 I TAYLOR GROVE. O R Y S L 1 E D E PA RT1~ NMre. De]lb-ewin Kavsta birthiday party F. i DRICE. dito Pline N. Idaughter, Mabelm îint I th ttay. Those F. .preeent werPon No ii:- WaItttr 'r tt, 'sr"v.Walter ee e sOrders Taken for Job W ork Advertieing Rates On Application HnE, GEdna * rniFiavot tbre Hatham, Mabel L ewin, myIwn Med rs I ise erha Hook or It @Zu pet The Rochester Ctihing Colhaî, erected Josie Eddy, Ethel Lewin. Mre s. isorne. Son~ule, tih fihM iei and FIose0 a new el4gu ia front of their store. They A three course énupIer uam servi andi egje Drills Strang. bave aie) added ioifIstrab,1 . new stock &Il preeent report a fine tiie. sDerea~ MimsLily Meade, of! Cliiago, was the to their large ati oif .. itm' furnielîing Tom Hogan was a l% iikegai(-aller rUs fttililir arryLusk, of Lîbrati. Kan., iii ralling Mr. Reed tvaa enterfaîneiýl at ('[lits. alking PIows Mise ('urne V i llmôre, t!fitouti I1fLake, on old inonde here thim luek. Lwueoe udi ejsntMutla ail fi~e lev U. John Wickp acorupanied tiy Misa Mr. and Mrs. Ci.A i isîttrît, arei 0 per cent on Thé muany friprîds f is liztabeth AieSt8gvlslted lir .laighter, Mirs e. oh callers Tue4day 'd. i tigtu ie t Kî'ker& Iîteit inuct LaMon Alano! Iti fîitiilLonga- l)eKalb, will bave a tvit ilay 's % lî'aîion. ilng a iiiilliiiery departîtient titis eiasn. baugit & Alian aisihiteitijliuthorne (un Tiey wilI be bonte Marli 2- M tes. Ilat ti. Jtities spett iiSturday ut account of lkte Chester Wilby as a /liti i( itv raller l,er11s 1.. lre. t(ane Avens,,off t.ertyt Ile, calîrd Saturday. Mi- Ruttîlerta lîttri te amasat Ihirago lin frienîle Mondav Willie flogan wam alNalmwîîr¶ h alleýr 1titirsîla3, Mise Marcia W'jelîectr Sunday Saturday. Miss 1iitittitre returned hottteSatur. it lier sister i l (iiagi ,Thooe on tee ii'k istare :Mrs i, A. anckve iiialtera aeek*cstay a! ,7oid- Misses Ivait andtîl ta I ttus were etSîea, Howard Sîtea, Mn .(ici, Lenîni anu l'Park, 111,gueste o! friends ii Ii t'agi Saturday and Fred Wilb r. lîrJaiiîtui.eattend(1 MI Sîtringer sput Thursday at end Sunday 'iflg them. l,ilcrt2 Ville B. J. Loitue uni lrît (irabbe are Miss Minnie Shea mpenrt Thursday and -Mies Traut t qent Sunday at Chicago in the nortb huyiug a I-av liai of cattle Friday in Wankegau. ,o eme iullard wam a Uicaga siitoir GSat ruey asa ichaviitr Dee ead ie and Jae ecCabis O ~~Sunday.Sard.hae hvn er îwtee Messrs. Belin and Decker and Mrm. Mr. and Mrm. Mootre, f I hicago,' were week. Elzbt eig-. tbe gueete o! (Jeu. Trait and !amily Henry Meyr a Zion Cty calter !,,itedet Jneno!Noti Uicgo barsy.SaurayaIa etr ane le, irînifOS. Meure. Loulie Oarwood and (jp MM. Mason Who bas been spending 'A number front here attended thte St- WIllam. o!gatoge the ln Cicago te the guefit o! her Patrick'& dance.. the !ome'eo nohome ielnt Su uday ai daughter, Mmi. EdiHou kI. Robert Geliig in working at Russell. Warren Heath, o! Libertyville, wae a Stella Shenasa Rusellcenfer Friday. ______________pleaaut cal er here Tueeday. Mystic Wovkers. Mie. A. J. Brewer ha. beau viitiug her- Be sore and attend the progressire Thse Myotlc Workers sertît t(i e ! ste M.FdWily euchre party which wilI be gîven ity the cotning ta the front lnu Gra make and AletLaeh.beeut!ecoln SMyetic Workers of Orayglake a! their rlcipity. Grayelake nuit bls a otember- acecount o! sickuese. rnsllre, hll Tltursday eveDng, April et. Re- &hIpI of 170 with MrineIWin. Kapple as Mis Mary Duran returned !rom lreehmeuts sers d. Admisioîn 25c. preodent. Net Saturtiay eeuhîîg thi8 Waukegau Saturday ad speut Snnday J-r Liîugabangh of te New finît aider willorganrizeait hltiid Lake witere witit frtendê here. Tiif'lT týIteilîsîiefse 'ii'agii Wednee- oven 20 membere willtl'I take i n and a Mre, E. S. Faulkner id visiting lier IWIIKINI banquet eerved. Attiiu'îîîlers o! the parents here, itou, t suit, e te e ocisty are cordially itii ted andl a nîtîn Pisle uwt aW wri 'le tlit i ié-tiof t tig i i otsitîiir. ls Friday eveniog at t t Iîashîku ra Mr. llatlîam, o! Zion iCt!v te aîîrkîng bouvelMeîtiingtiui1irantili.aVîwllifor Mettieea ho itihui(Si- ltig t 1w It ît îttî iil, gregatloual cîtlurtît. 'TIbw tut tm 4e o l i hunet t1'9ii iii, Ii th..sti l ] tI ititte lrittaut t trme ai'c t oItît' I tilt tfif tirtît Mie 'T.1) I. Sc eit itlleil titi er îîîîîtlîr US, Proprittor t th,îte th ti.irât tif AIjii. 'dded totiia îthere utlt' susc-vrat e4per t.,e amilas! week. ke, Illinos (t' jroitîot~'eo! the cofin fu lttiry Inities which are iveIt u tînt the trivc of Mr aud Mrs. (Chas. Cashutîre ave sooi ut're ii ta n Mtiuday eueitng tooktug admision willt tm2'anid t35icnts. Utove to Wadsa'*ortlt. 'y alter a lautovy dite. Dont miss it. Teewl ea(ieRcaa h on - - - - -- -o! Launa Stvatiau, Fiday eveniug,I Mari h 21, Ramles wil lus played and retrebhmeut8 sers cd. Everyone coule. Ladies bring cake. LOUIS J. YEOMAN ROUNDILAK Mentit weather la heme every day. JTTERFIELD, Marin uThelen and LyilUîwiler vieited le YTBMXBUN.Thelvillage board meeting weaaeld lu * VTEINET H E .1 JE W .L RDrury a harber @hop Monday sugit. le0. Illinois. A new Mystit Workers' lodge will hi organzed in Round Lake titis Saturday night. M. W. A. meeting wu. held Tueeday L DADY evening 22 membore hslng present. a. 'Y'ERS ' Annoejncement. VOLO Richardson reeignod the clerkehipo andi tgton Street As my time whlch 1 have tu give to Mns. Jim Kirwan la thte goet o! rela- Lac Drnry was put lu a. new clerk. Ln. Illinois my optle department ta@ became eu, tivee lu Chicago titis week. C. Id. Brainard la Heocklng hie new ___________liml ted andtte workso extensive, I have M@.~ ~ i tore. mad ananoemnt.wMtmDr Harry Ncoli and aughter, Rounni Lake la to have a new btand in- TAYLORmae ran eent@ ictlDr.neoeelhLydia, were Mciienry callers Thureday. 1h. future. epeciailat, Whto W111 h. et the Grayake line. L. V. Lusk, of Weet Fremout, Wou Mm. Go. Wicke, of ra.yelake, viited MAI. TRluus aLlia. Pharmnacy every Mondai of! eh week in town Wedneedma tornoon. in Round Lake Tuesday. m. 2 to 4 ad ô t<î- tairae charge o! that deparlment. Dr. Wm Breto! acnd.w.a TOarilo!Is lnfy ethe Iwsy, ppfSehlaerk aan li wpele no mn in Ii6kevietar at the home of!bhi. daugitter, Mrs. MandaY with the Furmet Gieni Crmaery wark H bande rlefermenown lu thekGeorge fiuaon, Monda.y. Co. to set the pries o! mllk for the next §4 Ilhatis, large number o! satiallsd vatienta tbru- MiseBesele and Sarab Hawàard ofasix months but there ha. been no prie. out the ounnly. Il In need of any wonk Grant, were in townBalurday alternoon. madee at presnat. in thi. lino we Invite you ta eaut and eu The Infant eaun o Mr. andi Mn. Robert Surprise Party. ;ALLOVAY, bima. Examin.atlana andi consutatIons Vogt, of StoSfele Lake, was itnried er@ Lait Saturday evenlng Joo Amnon, of Ires. FitoaxaE J. Duucg, Thuraday. Round Lake, wrai the viclhn ofa.urriss IMLL Biu D pr So". Giaiuiate Optician. Mrs. JenDle Coisian andi danghter, parW'. About thlrty of kilsmentis 8 andi 6 ta 8 p. m. §dort, of Round Lake, "pnt Sauraycme and et a pleasant evenlng wîîh nlghl andi Sunday-wlth lte former'o m.Lu nnw sured and every- ne. Dilis. Natice of Sale. mather here. b ad a royal goodt ime. The od Waren . E.churh ian ea pctllie Dunnili, o! Chicago, epent LOON LAKE >LDING contente will now hieldity the truiste«s bere. l. ekwthbrmte Georfe White andi Ialph Miler are rTIST of the (Irayslake anti Warren Md.E. home tram Rochester for opriug vaca- .m-i ta 5 P.m. churvh. Anyone w. hne.ta Urchase Mr. Wm. Buson anti Mies Kats Frottioln. -ge Building the samne please aptily ta !W.&nrcitill, were lu McHenry, Thursday aiternoon. Harwoad Eastman lse rs tram New ayo-ttot s ecretany, Grayolake and Warren M. E. iss Catherine Dowell, of West York and viiting Wlth uncle, C. L. tue 1092 R. W'. Ciii nt-i ,. Seey, Bd. Truetee, Mr. and Mrs. Theo Winkle, of Mcfenry, Clyde Preston andi tamily have moved lle. Illinois Grayelake antI Warren M. E. churcit. vere guleste antte BabtelhborneThursday. on Mms. Smith'i tarin and Mme. Smith (irayssake, Ilin ois. 2(l-3 r. ai larw.a eetMcinvlas moved juta the houssvacated by the ena lIr.' Preston family. L SMITH. Ç """ 7'"" '" hursfar afti'ruoon at toue ittti Misses Tessie aud Irena Cuingliatu rlST. URN Efaritît t ,lertj ville occurredtheflc ieatît s1tet Sunday in Chticagot. tY NAINAL t BANK. tiI lai ttih'att old reeldetit ofi lo tt flan auPatteti. tif l'iitagtt Ns tsted Iiand 1 5 i.M. I ltiidcl entertaiued rom- H, l"t18stakîlti t tte cuîity fut ttî stinlat' nt H. sleelau's. t tý, r it i, alzothtîs tl eck.l'tttsdat tîîîîrttttg. He had bl ie l f' tf ît lîttIIIgltt'ý . te eettiltg a fî'w v. MITI tahhda1 sontîlittitu etrwm oltrtet îtiz t I:, hh ' i't i' ati tî~ti lt,iiklie l t eIsl-ti i It F int, h. WVItliteeday antI a"n u Ctiti onditiuin. tton h e 'rtît 55 t hi 'il ~~~day ,lic huI tveeleîtritm tt nit'îi. i ittîii. t ti(lance a tte tiîgs, tbut t htît as ehcku'l , e M tl. Nîd rs.'lths Nfîtiî r NIes, Wilhhîtr taInd iîî Eteru'it. of jIailtît...t'tf tltt iiîet r'smitt, Mrs.lIte'S tt e Practie Waiikuýga icti oi h ontt rtîthes ere il, ny atm ii Mi-t lîtîrteIlook imktti tet Ia fi' î l ul Prctce suil ay ivtoit it te Ir til /.uelsdorf, ot i, MIl nrt ti eM ar Intva viiLuttî lfîrt tii o M r. istî M vs l'red il fi rigm. i t aytu itg i. th ii er irai(nî Itittîî -Ntir [ n p t l\ l."t'luP h LE, ILLINOIS CHlURCHILL MD SURGEON L,-uenrYîîîuîug & Lynît ntuce Itiie listen to Dseeses of do0se andi Throat - ILLINOIS. Watche.s, Clocks and iew*y R"pareti Ail Work Guarandtd SPECIAL ORDERS FOR JEWELRY Promptly FiIled W. H. MOORE Grayslake Illinois i,ttiti.s iuild tien siI!tîcît uittu Nîte XIiehîuh M, C fihuithi l ltreitatalter- tu,,u. jiit.ntSui1it'r uttîtl' e sreu'd. Tlh tRm-Il' s tNuigîliivs ave îrelaiantg tii gis' te î,.tIis'îvýfIlîîîkî'r s 'îîruu'îs' t titi halilttlie it>ar fîtîiti 1'utter nu- tuutî,nuit jt%i t htl'tmade. luter. Pl,,, t fuilt ti ui'Fitci Bl.'Coop1er at fhli lt l e-u li NXlv', luit tnt, tif Nttîtht i siîtet] tif the DllI l'yfît ttu'tite%, ailiys o! titi. 1asfweek. %pesers. tortuait atd Shterman Sîsîmen- berg tuserei n('tituago tuabunlutees Thurns. lut t"f ast ueek. Mli, R, T. Nîtle, NMv. andi Bts.1). C. livîgz atnt] ues llaitul Orugg, ohf Chicago, visittil relatives lier. recsettly. 'I îîî'say eveutug a nutîtîen tof young îs'u'îts tîet uit te torne (ilHaroldi and .\ hIRay, o.uttirnes', flit ra g' totirfie. fIr tf thte Pe eOig n'as Hunt in titening to tIti.piitigvaph i wthî ti itaiy cooic t'c'vthds rnnivtisbau t piet-es were played; fthi Xltee lîtuste Stvaug loi k huir lare at tIi' 1iii iatitul] NangsItu lutost o! the tati tet tnge. altîr ituginug for a ime tli'vfla ..tgartîtîs t,,the ausîîem'îent o! ahI th. . îîrîeeîu t s ie NI tses Bessie St raiigIl il 't St risit'e-il arr, Elleti aitttni ii u, t'hIttu% s, Nîser I( lîtrenîs r /tiii'et tX ,.,tht'.i Stnutîg. ('lister tntttttt I.liii ttI aytit îlt îtî Wcddlug etattonery donc a!l tne INDEPENDENT office ta correct. -iitk 'k Ivî ofilKenosha, sua, iin \'to N it-ssu t'Il-&ili Nti lvr.If '<t Eei lIa% ant itsihiier transat!ý , .îîlgîîîu "11 pý1tt 1w pîîîStL at VuNtgu lunday. .,, s utmiliiiago it I u tttrdîattgtt NIes. .A.rT!IQCH %lii,. ttf-ui'tftvn.' XX't tîîtîutustutu"] li MrpvEd l' hittle soIt] ter htutstthItt it ut tiiîtsutflrste. v'i gitod. i ut t i iiMouday. J, fi N, i, te cguut totI %l'S. I..i' Atittual tiii îetitîg hpri'Sattît as* vIt"It'i *as la rgclx' tîttended, a hu8Syday fît r NIlvai tNlI r '. jiIluOite tnd tit]NIr Autiocli . attdlNs Iliilm, iis ,ited imi Wauk, gatu Ttc ut eiic cxhIititionat tîte ehictinViitt'iî titeatre Satttriay sveuîug a as tavgt', l ( shî' ICliiiago. a Iiili 11tIt4 attended. 'ult itmiitIti 'rIîstty te vlan cliii nuSuit- John Huit k, v diî'd at his hittite un tItis II village 'ute,îiyalter a lotng antd laintuu JtA, Mf tuf ,t f Jr., îaud lattty hase siuuge wîtii tati, rotitttcfatýe, iiiout'I iti ttiItheibose tîtrmerls oeuiied ii Anitiochis 1t'>have anotiier phfySiri'an, . 14Ait.îOff' Mn. Bebei. tusl- ii tlmove ilito thýtc ,N!îr E. Xiliaut, 'ise Lad alo a etttrtdarian EAST FOX LAKE, ' Mn. KeyeS, wa iiiutl occupy tIti. Mrs. 1, X . lîlgr efatt1utnt TtIti Liti ~ ~ ~ ~ a li titt tN ls 'Tuesuay.Xi MrM mA r oî Wau kegan. %as as it f vs(N ia l Ia as p tte sulethtueIlntti M ns. l'uutt euadimk j auflivri îg ti tii inflIant tuti irtetli taien lIre. Jtu's ilfînMibas ltn 'i t-eet etuk tIti liant i--1, ttht rtetu iati,,'u MIlvs. jo, tshuîurls evtt'îtk ithi a cietulilitut. ,.fhdisaaes. M vs. Mat Xolmet'ba Iivistthu"tt W. S. It'utsas a XN auîkegan vîsîttîr Tueeday. The bitkit hall girls are îuî"pantîug lot' anotiter gîtîît soon. Low' Pares West Every day from MNarch 1 to April 30, low farem to Pacifie Coast anîd to inter. nmediate points, via trie Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry,, and Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound Ry. Descriptive folders with complete in- formation regarding fares, stop-overs, train service, sent free on request. F. A. MILLER rGeneral Pamner Agent Chicago W. W. WINTON District Pasenger Agma FINNIGAN'S FORTUNE3 A Brilliant ThreAet Comedy to be given by the young people of Grayslake ai the, GRAYSLAKE OPERA IIOUSE Friday Evening, March 26, 1909- CAST 0F CHARACTERS Larry Finnigan. a brick mason , - - Mr. S. C Garrisoq, Mrs. Fînnigan. with a desire for grand opery Mn,. S. C. Garrieon Patrick, (heir son. with a fondness for neckties Mr. Henry Kuehbk Rafferty, Larry'sfriend Mr. Frank Lafflo Dutch Jake----------------- .Hm Katy.his prety daughter - - - - MissOyacihRk Cousit DeMorney, a clever adventurer - - Mr. L F. AI"as Lady Hannah. Lovejoy - - - -Misa Mud Tuer SPECIALTIES Ghost Walkensc..Mjs.Riley, Miss Strang, 'Misa Ales1. Mr. Hoo&e Mr. Smilth. Mr. ilmcktife. Grand FantsWoucFstcMigs leP n Geisha GfrbsceîMIs atueehlUI.Mes. 5Wightmsin. Mrs. Meade. Mr*. Pester, Mes. lCuebker, Mes. Hook. 4u" alDàedor'u'mes J. W. Buliaed. Admission 25c Reuserved Seats 33C Seats on Sale at Kuebker L Hoem's Stoe Congregetal dCburh Benelt Cuwtafn et 8 otlock &Iý Eeeybody "M"bes~e t ow'I RUBBER wo we i ,-- goods, YOU OeuIs' *WW141Y beer« et àbetter and meulerlim of eubber 0"odm lm Win i w them .No eubber boots there-motyet-emtmoueh u e r. id lag ci pttisng ina lim Md muglg the. docte, to pruom , two for flmrmm e do mm ed to o phcin . our eubber gooàm-tii.y spek for thecu4 esand, ciam la an lateUhgemt mam md kam.'.."thei.Dru« O8relsha t» fi" .place Sot eubbee good Mmdkeisemens hie Puae" hMu Oue Phymklaas' md Suegeonu'Hot Voter BDmp et $LOO poultloy' cannot be beaten GRAYSLAKE PlIARMACY FLORENlCE 1. DRUCE. Proprietor. PIANOS Ihase aI my home severa! styles of the IILI) NIN iAý NOS I Invite you ta cait and ses e PRI CES N THE REACH 0F ALL GEORGE E. STRANG. Undertaker and i censed Emifalmer ÛItAYSLAKE, ILLINOIS ~~i,5t#i5t5t5t.. - - I.--- 1 HAVE IUST RECEIVED a nlec W all rapei-li, of Wall Paper. I carry it in stock s0 you eau corne and select it and take îî home with you. Sidewall, Ceiliig and Border #Ai sold by the rail ai the same pre. All Rradeeu 6c up (o SOc a eOlL, Reginald B. Godfrey, - - Grayslake, 111. RtE4iU SStE LLeii rTeh, ttt~ tsff Soeiett' will uuetin ie h t ritlit itsday uttînnti, AplI. tritItirs ee t îalty ri.tueeted tii le -'-sutu. lisituirs neleome. tiIh.I Ns I ns. Sel tut NWiloîn, tidSet uýj. gi'istiv' tiit i ige ttlitW'i. NfIT-. ' ieiuritiet inttolttS11tittutat R.Il. %frriek Nilcitu wan tutu Attiti i tt li it i ck NIt ithirililu NI t1tindl I ns. J i utIturuestahi' tv,,, Pi],fw Clti.igoIi t iittunuone day last weî'k. 'Ilîc i,'tetatk tif a lî,îVîîtlio u ll t t lin Ittvt XXifliuy, o!fI ugeile, tîaîfeN I rutiunlucre f oo i kfît r fîtrtlîeraut.u pnofeeeiuittl cal1intis viclity Tuesday. uttuitî'iuut-tîter DR. G. D. WIT-ERS PH'YSICIAN AND SURGEON Special Attention te ALL CliloJNIC DISEASES I'speeiaîîy of Slomach and Bowels PRIVATE SANATORIUM tbily rp-r....1ubsenuilon ant -rc tn. Raisrssml Write toc Inf6rmatlon andi A ppolntmelits. d'ilcc"Olinura' Sh.,'dan Rond ant LAKtE BLUFF Tresudie Avenue lii.ele (irai'.Curpetetr, o! Pleasant Praiet sîsitf a eoupîle ut! tiys at J. R. Corra' lît e ek. e ns. R. G. Murrie ivas a Waukegai s tettor Tuuesdny. Mrv. an,! lre. .Ilîn l3tnner »Pela Mnltitay' sittiNI ltiBnuer antiDavid Gran(it titi NI i t, i usrcttirued fran e l.I. J. murnie t.8eîuending a days with "lx àMurie anti !amlFr Kenosta. lMrm. Murnie le quit* .10k, Asta Corriu watt a Kenohm mouday.- 1

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