CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Mar 1909, p. 4

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LAKE COUW~Y INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, MÂROH 26, 1909 ,E COUNTY INDEPENDENT L Additfon Libertyvile OFFICIAL PAPER OF LAKE COUNTY OU.. Teoîphome No. i. Liters ResIdence Telepiione No.1141. LbertyvilisREchange Entered at the PostoMce ai Libertyville. Ill., as Second Clans Matter 1155UD WXMKL.Y AtiVtiiTISING RAES HAVE KNOWN ON APPLICATION. *UBSR1PIONPRICE 81.60 PER VEAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE RWAN K H. J US T.......... ............................... ................. ..... Editor IL Mi. KELLEV ............... ..................................... ........ City Editor FRIDAY. MARCH 1 e* î 901,. DEFENCE 0F PRIMARY. Objections which are being urged ta direct priniary clectiot are flot vlike thome vwhlch were advanced agaînst the Introduction ut the Australian ballot systcm and, later, against the personal registrationi ot votera un the large cties-.that the advantage sa wth the regular politîcal organizations and not with the votera.4 This la truc only when thc people nieglect to take advantagc ut the sate. guards provided, and the vcry tact such organizatiafis gencrally are opposedi to ballot rtorm legislation ought to bc sufficient answer to objections along thîs fine. It as asserted that direct primacy clections mean two eiections instcad ot on, but thie tact is overlooked that aIl delegates to conventions heretotore have beer, elected In primary elections, maklng two. eleations under the aid1 sà Then thc elections wcre hcld under the supervision ut the partie@ and theState waa under nu expena.; but 1 think that the argument in tavor et the state bearlng thc expense and conducting the prlmacy election resta ufon as aould gcound as the contention that the ballot ahould be pcepared and aistrlbuted as a publie service and at a public expense. It sa nas generally conccded, except by a; smali and dimlnishing gruup of men, that the State's distribution of ballots fo r genecal elections is a pro- par ftuiction. The tact that the aid-ine politicians flght thîs particular pro- vision su strongly is arm indication thât t destroys a part of their priviiege. 1 itlas averred that the new system gives opportunity tor ail sorts ot manipulation by members ut une party casting their vote toi a candidate to -te placed lupon the ticket ut another, thus inviting the nomination ut weaK J iWandidatteatoc the express purpose of overthrowing theri. This is especiaily a weakness ot the convention system, and is lîkeiy to dîisappear ns the votera becomne accustomcd to cxerciaîng their rights and discriminatioon under the n"es4ystem. 0f course, thcre is nu 1mw by which a selt-governînig community can bie Îaved tramn itseit. It must bear the brunt of the exercise ut tEs judgrnent. If il demmnds men of interior type, it must be permittc.d to have theri, and lbarn by bitter experience hase unseise its cholce is. 1ADVOCATES BALLOT FOR WOMEN. fliscussing the. worid-movement toward seomansa suffrage, Mrs. Clarence Uamadcy. social leader, ciubwoman, and wielfsof one of America's rîcheat mon, takee up tiié cudgeis for her les.t ortunate siaters ln the. tollowing character- lotis manfici: "It la pathetir," she deciarte, '"ta think that thora should be any division of feeling between the wsemen seho hava loeluce and the. womnen who have nn.. "Her they are, divided, as it wecs, by a great aheet of crystal. Tiiey are near togetiier, and yet they are so aeparated that, sehile those on the ane aide can see thoe on the other, they çannot hoirthem, or speak ta them, or rlghtly understand them.'l 1Mms.Msclcay,.wsho la presidient of the Equai Franchise Society, le the. sisoat prominent seoman ln Amenias toes pouaslhe cause otfseemens suffrage, and in the. April number of Munsey'a Magazine &ho discu»ssea reely hec famons for actlvely taklng the. field for eqssal enfranchisment. . Why,5 Mms.Moceky declares, 11ho my-mmnd thie roai Importance of giving women votes would b. fousnd in thie-that s multitude cf practical questions .ewloft unh.eded would be taken up and solved. "W. muet osee aur apportunlty. Thore are fllthy etreets and frighttul teerementstehob. mmde.ean and whole.ome. There are scîroola whlci »ducats the children af the worneft of t.eday, and the» need constant cars. rh*sro ls the Injustice anrd the. oppression sssffer.d by thone@seomen Who have 'smoalteàaliving for théem elvs. "9t lof such a nilatake to lsncy that women wiio have leisisce and maney »se Indlffesent anrd frivolous. Nothing In the world couki be lots true.." Mms Mackay not only defenda the women cf tii.114M0" but points out "nny wasyaln which wocnen aofail classes tan work toward civic bettecenent .through thse agency ot the ballot box. Seing a leader ln the moat exclusive social circles of Amacîca, Mrad Molaeky'a attitude han attractsd wldeepread attention. 8is firaI startied hec Irlandde by standing tor alection and deteating hec opponent 50515e years mga i» the achool board electlon at Roslyn, Long Island, whirre the. Makay cauntryh home le jocmted. Since that time Mrm Mackmy has taken a keen Intereat ln8 political matters. AS HOPKINS VIEWS IT. (Unèder above caption ex tinfeti States Senator Albert J. Hopkins lnsued Saturday te thne press throughout Illîi oie the followlng ntatemneat. Of course Iioplnks' personni view of the situation, andi pubuisebet by the SUN only wltb a vlew to givlng Its rentiers bell iie et the questionî.) "Tii. saner the. members cf the leglalature corne ta realize lie tact that tiie canteat foc the Senatorshlp sa betseeen Hopkins and Shuctlett, tie sauner the dead IoCk wiii b, broken. These Isea are the. only avowed candidate& ln the field, Focs and Maton are conccded ta, be out ut the running and tic nmen sehu are vating tor themn do not dlaim that tiere is any hope toc ticir' succeas. McKlney, Lowden, Sherman and Caihoun ail disavow that tiey are candidates and aIl advîse thelr triencts to vote fer Mr. Hopkins. "Ofthti 126 cepublîcan members, 79 are ioyally supportIng Mc. Hopkins. 18 ln the largeat numnber thst are suppactîng Mc. Shuctlett; this laves 29 scattering votes tiat are given ta men wiio are not ceally candidates. lir thele 29 men seilI get down ta business and take ticir chuice between Hop- Ikine and Shurtleff the dead lock seul b. broken; and the. cesponsibIlity of the. dead lacit resta as much with these men %* with the. 18 wia are voting wîti Shurtleff. "Out othle 79 men who arc nase votlng for Mc. Hopkins, 6 at theri are cisteide of Cook County. Thece are 12 men living daen in lie state wha are voting agaînat Hopkins who are lnstcucted by thelr dIstricts ta vote foc hlm, Who weree nstructed by the state vote ta be toc Hopkins and wiiase couchtes won* carrled by Mr. aHpkins, and tiese 12 mec personaiiy pledged Mr. Hop- kins lhat they would vote for hum, ut la now about time that these mien had carrled out their instructions and pledges and had abeyed ti, mandate of tie people. "One remackable tact han stood out in thua entIce canteat and that la that ti. opposition huaflot been able ta bcing ane single charge againat the private C*Us-Cter 0f Mr. Hopkins. This laisrcuetnotnly of the. conitent betoce the #l.0"ltuc but of the content betoce the. primary and the contet betore the Psepb eh the election. He ha* alood like a calumn, tour square ta aIl the Wilde that blow. Flecce as han been the figiit agaînat hlm noa stain la found o. h1 piste or senatoriai record. "Cesigisalasnase engagedl n the. impactant waflk of revlslng the tariff. Tb* fallac Of th*eIlilinois legisîsture toacst Pcamptly un the ce-electian of Mr. 0N6pidma ha.l deprived Illinois af a place an the finance comimittoe ad af the Inspostsi ervlces 0f Mc. Hopkins ln revislng tuas tariff. "Sn.nesesZCapee ccasionaily deciace that Mc. Hopknins on a certain date will moalt a 'supreme effort' fur re-election. Thus la lntcntionaliy dons te discoumnt hic vote. Mc. Hopktins madehie 'Supreme effort' sehen h. suit- ,nltted hi* elsîme to tise republicana ut the. prlmacy ballot box and hils efforts seere usscsOful and hs won the. flght. He now aseaits tie executian cf lthe seUl ofthtie peop;e. Nat oeily arat the republicana thcoughaut the atate seriticg !lattos ,us-glngthse members of tic leglalatuce ta stand by the pcimary use Anrd 4alee Ms-. Hopkins, but newapapecs araeserlting vigacous article*sin thîs Born,to Mr. and Mrs. Fran k Cleistein, Wednesday, March 24, a daughter. A number of Odd Feliûws tram the Libertyville lodge attended a meeting at Highland Park last Tueoday eveunig. Mc. and Mr@. A. *F. Sheldon were viitors becs tb!@ week. Tbey will take dfl their residence et Sheldonburst lu May. Cla. Boyes recenitly purchased a e automobile, a Jackson, and experts to lie among the motoriste as souri ad the weatber permits. Be mure to attend the Mystie Worker card partv svliih wil] le bied ini thvir hli n ti nxt Thursdl y evisiuwîo, April 1. Ad uiii4 sio o la i.. l'lsy il o uyse lave a goiid tîluie. The Metiiodist Suoilay ochooli s r- ran4iog foc a tine Eamter priigrinî. M rd. K' H. Juet is cliairwaof iithe rîiîmittee and is a3seiteil b.î Mrs. Wire, Mis. Yoiung and otber excellent wo.rkers. A. P. Sheldon wiIl addrceqthî. regular mneeting of "The Study Cmlub-at.the Sheldon University rooms -)n next Mon- day eveinîng. Hie the', é wîll ic aen man and business building. Tbe, publie is ini- vi ted. The cboir of the Metbodist i'burch will give a musical entertainiment at thne M. E eburrlî, Fciday evening, April 2, cousisting of a cautata, Ea-3ter Praise." readirig, viollo and vocal solos. Pcoveeds to go to choir fund. Admission, adulte 15e; chiltirsu 10c. A union temperance service was beld ast Sunday nigbt aItbe Presbyteriain cliorcla. The siugring was fucoisbed liv a inaie cdiurn and the principal addce8s wosnmade by Rer. i-l. F. Lawler. A fond was raiseed for the local option dam- l)aigii anîldishevoters lîcesent clected ollicertioand apîoioîed roinmuittees. lies [ iiii L.Ha ai iiiitt af thle park A sciine chr bu u lrca n rd an utile sermion fm- t1e M ci hou ut rongrcgatii nla st Suri-î dai>iv norniîig. Mir. llatiîiiiît as a î'lonsiiaie îof M r.Las 1er inte lerrrtt ilioiial lostitute. 'i'ilil boîre lic w a,, entertaiîîcd at the Methodiet pacelînago anîd by lier. and Mrs. J. B. Marb(,ullin. A clever 25 cent siiceced "No-tirili" cillfes Strainer Coupon M4 îiow put io eacb 25c package oI Dr. Slioip's Health cifece. Look for itl Ninety large cups of the very fiiest coffee imitation ever made, tram oen 25e package. Thnn besidesi the satisfaction andi flavor is perfect. Sold by CORLETT & FREDERICKS. During the cernent show st Chicago not long ago Dr. E. J. Brown pnrccbs.ed thes Lake County rlgbte cf Lb. Jackson s-Ystel cf cernent ecnstructiou and expects to bave a publie dsmons[ratlon bers as soonas@tih weather wili permit. A Il kînda cf buildings and dwelllngs are biulit by thia systein ata very rssauable cout. Tbey are not bilît wlth forme but ssthing enticsly new and novel lu the way cf1udénent construction. Obiluary. Fred Fick dieci at thes home of bi@ parents, Mr and Mca. B. Mu. Fick, li'day alternoon, Marcit 19, aged 89 years. The lumerai waa itelti rom the fana north cf tins village Suuda'y atternoon, [tev. J. Van de Erve paator cf tbe Presinyterlan churci officlatiug. ,inter. ment lu Lakeoide cemetecy.. The deceaseed wae a caripenter by trade but for thte paat Ove years badl hem practiually an invalîi oGwlng to thb.logs of one o! hi@ legs. He wa.euoe of Ibis. oblîdren wbo cMe &0 this country wltb MIr.dadlia.Fîck froin Gommany and basIlveti Most cf bis$lMe wilt bhisparents near Libertyville. Two sears h. aponit lu the weet anti aoutbwestecu states and il was after titis absence that ho ceturned home a cripple., BHie bealtb bati been pear sIncs a boy cf about six reen andi at varions times durlng thte paat year hee bat been. lu a very etitàsai condition. Hebegan failing about lwo weske and alter oue woek's ilines. paased away. He leaces liesides bis parente, tbree broîbece antiOies sisters to meucu bis loss. The fumerai wae largely attendeti. Card of Thanka. we wisb to tbank the many triends andi neigbbocs for Ibeir kind help drîring the illilnss andt tunecal cf our lieloveti son. B. M. Fax ANI) FÂSIILY. Notice of Color for Sallois. iSETION 35. Annionriement id heceby madie tîat thie coliirs focr te Pciiîîacy Ballots ta be used lîy tric respective partis at a Primnir Elýetloii ta lie belti on the l3tb day ot A1iril, A. tD. 19109, ini tbe county of Lake wihllie as tollows: Itepuliîcan Party, whiite. tlemoccatic Party, pink. Proliibitlou Party, green. Socialiat party, yellow. llatcd trie iStin day of Mareb, A. Dl 1901). AL1nFIZT- L. BHiDFE, County clerk. 954 Wire Fecce. 1 wonlti like to ask tins farmers of Lake countythat bave lissabu.ying (tbat good quality feuce> if tin stsays wece of Lte same size, wire anti qualiLy as the latecal seires, wbat would ie lte condition cf youc feues totiay titai now pracllcaily wortblese' We are offerlug yon a gond stif xgtay of same @sîe andi qnauity wice an&lte lateral wlrae. We Iuvite youc inspection. Sesl want ad. AmaxnîcÀs I'd rather bc a resident 0f Jungles wild, than President Sorne people are ai- ways looking for trou. ble. You'1I fiîîd no trouble here. We give nothing but satisfac- tion. Nowhere will you find a better line of Dress and Work ,SHOES than lîcre. Iry just once That wîil tell. E. W. PARKHU.RST Schanck Block, Libertyville Look at our Window Dsplay Ile hiaits and kicks; fle mu Iters "Oh!" IJpon a brick lie breaks his toe. Yimu eau t fool ail the people ail thîe tirue. We doun't foui tîeîin at ail. It's a case ut square vie- goods andl a fair deal. Our LUne of WATCII!S is exactly as we represent ft. Good ail the tîrne. Try us-today. A. lIILSS Watchgnaker end Jeweler LIBERTYVILL!. ILL. 300 Square Feet two coa-ts to the gallon, that's wbat THE SHrERWIN-WILIdçs PAINT wviil covcr. And on a good surface it wiil covcr rmore than tint. No paint xviii do better, and vt!ry feu, paints . IM do as %vcli. Maximum covering capacity, easiest spreading onmalities, longest Wear, and greatest econorny are what we claim for S. WV. P. It's the one safe paint to use. Aiways gives satisfaction. If you want to save money in painting let us show you the way. We seil paints for ali kinds of good, painting. SOLOD lv YOUNG & LYNCHI BROTHIERS Libertyville, Illinois We also carry a line of Alston's Paints. Wall Paper. Corne and See. Chase & Sanborn's IFin e Winn ers Circle Blend This cofree is always Altura Blend fresh roasted and fancy South Sea Bllend quality. Cail and get Perfection Bllend a isample. Prices and Seal Brand quality guaranteed. CORLETT & FREDERICKS Exclusive Selling Phone 30 L B R Y I L ,ILL. mInarE FE x Unio, Libertyvilie. State cf Illinois, ilounty of Laite, as. ln tite Circuit Court cf Lakte County. Mothodiat Services. John N. Tanaaevlcz vs. Mîke Rako- Preaciting iuy the pastor at 10:80 and wsky, Mary Rakowsky andi Josefs 7:30. Mise Hawk will leadth ie League Tsaanovlcz. Gen. No. 4014. at 6:45 in considering the topît, "Tins Ligbt and tb." IL la temper- Public notice la hereity given titat anus Snnday lu the gnnday sebeol. by virtue cf au order and decres sen- Strangers welcemje lu aIl thisée services. tered ln thte aitove entltled cause ln sajd Circuit Court at lte Decemiter A Relîglous Author'a Statement. Tertu A. DJ. 1908 titereof thte under- 11ev. Josepht B. Feeperman, Salisbury, sigueti, Matter lu Chancery cf sald N. C'., n ho ls tins autitor cf sevecal bootk@' Court will, onu Tuesday tbe ZOtit day writes: "For several yvears 1 was cf Aprîl A. 1). 1909 at Lte hour cf oeu atilicte-tiwlit kiney trouble aud lant oclocit in lbea aterneen of saad day I winter i wane uddeuly sîrluken with a &t thte front docc cf thte Court severehlalu my kitinys antiwas cou-.os tWueani adCut 11usd to lied eig bt timy s unable to'get u o s tpV u e a u a d C u t withoutasaîsLance. Icommeucesitaking cf Lakte and State cf Illinois, ssii at Foleys Kiduey Resuedy and the pain public vendue for cash ln baud te gradually aiateti and lfnally ceaseti. 1 hehlgiest bldder tise tollowing de- ebeerfuli, roecmmeuti Folev's Kiduey Rsmedy." FuN B. LovmLL,. crîbeiad ati aud real estale. siluateli lunlteCounty cf Laite snd Stale cf Lot Fourteen (14) lu Block Ten (10) ln Washburn Springs, a Subdi- Violon cf lte Seuthioee undred (100) acres cf the seuth-west quarter of section twenty-elgitt (28) Town- ship Farty-flve (45) North, Range Twelve (12) Eastoethlie Tird Prin- cIpal Meridiau (except five acres lu the south-east corner). ELAM L. CLARKE, Master ln Chancery. Dateti Maint l7tit, 1909. 25-4 Croup pasitively stoppet inlu20 mnîuotes, wlit Dr. Sitoep's Croup Rsmetiy. Oue test alcue will surely prove tinis trutb. No vomiîiug, ne distrese. A safe and pleaBing syru p-SOit. Soiti y ALL DEALERS. 'g I I j 7h i-Namel It Medkiin, Varmis b or iHardware' Low Prices do flot make It a Bargain MIN ('ure and(l1 wilI show you a bargain. It lias been said that ln every fair bargain both sides gain, and oniy the tlhief an(] the suierjif can Fsdi goods at lers than cost. Thte service any varDish will give is governed by the material of which it hi made. The three stapie ingredients of CHI-NAMEL are, pure Kauri Oum, pure Turpentine and pure Chilnese 011, imported frorn China. *I .EGER Liertyville LUffibr Uompany SUCCESSORS TO lTIfF- Finino s- ef erL u in kr C oU]Piany .Jîst a change iu the niame, that's ail. l'le Manîagemnt and Location of our business rernains the saine. Cal, as before, No. 47, Libertyville Exchiange You will find us ready and waiting to erve to the best of our ability. We invite continued patronage and new busiDess. Lieryville Lumber Company E. A. BISHOP, MAiAiR. Plumibing Perfection Yosi cannat ezercile toc much caution inthe sekctianmandapociy- ing ofyour plumbing futures. Their constr ction m d ma D er cf imitallation il of parainount importance ta you if you wouid have good health. The repation of «Ph.o d ' Porceluin Enain. eledW sre and ouiown good aie ordingbigh- clau work injue you plumbing of high characte. Let us esuimate for you. Whethoe you ame going ta build or remodel, it wiIl psy yoei to exmi e efixtureswcehave ondisplay and i, - Set our prices. Albert W. Lichtfeld LIBEBTYVILLE. ILLINOIS The Tale of a Tailore New Spring Clotheo. 0f course yon wish e, to b mnthe best dressers this season. Youi Q want clothes that are correct ini fashioiî, faultless in fit, and garments that will keep their shape j Q and wear well. With our clothing you take no Qchance. You will bie quick to see the superior 0 excellence of the materials and the exceptiolially Shigh grade workrnanship, while the wide variety Q Sof distinctive, exclusive models will surely interest you. COME IN. * FRE~D C1ROKIR -TAILOR and DRAPER * LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS orsesFforSale.M euntain Medw Stock F On. , onea nti"ne-taift uil esn crticf Waucenda, Illinoi,,h a constntly onu adantifoer sale,e t lowet mrket piu, a stocke ta il c lasseseofth rses, suitaile foercthe r ond]a ntiailtariew erk, express a ntd raft, useful and servîcenlile, fromV ice toes hep ountis. P nces $ 8.ooet eS 20.oe.N Np lug. ome to Mountain Meeaow antis ecthenb rsesw wrk o nthe farmu.A il acclimatetia ntia lidr iskcfs inesa. AUilguaranteed o ntielivery asnrepresunted,. 1 FOR SALE BY

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