LAÉ o ç9N flfýFRDYý A4Jr2, 99 v 1WUW WW ~ ~ I DUAD th meeatChal<t ~ M S uia~mn .U S n ttre meago -tati,îtn k uih'xî MAY EXCHANGE OFFICES ri g T r m p n id c of temanosa ohoea en the niru Geta Tmporary injuncton. (rom Wedesday'a Sun.) RESULT 0F FALL tai ot f an Pity. d ~DIVORCE TODAY .t]ieging tuat ini ,ýI)iintt ijîtut î::l ty I)Superintetdet of Schools A pril :,th. 1909 Erile Mey, aged twehty and a t'nc- onpired to "drue ýhit froit, the ar, thiriking seriously of exchanging man. loth oard nd ro. wi, Mr tale of Illinois, -10 riiiii , il idIl ni n- D'd mon 1)put1the matter up to HiW ittiiSVr i ldebrand at Elghteenth n D," erg elanIiop of Coonty iti cat- lis l inanrcial I OMIrn ý e h ildn Oiiteo h or Theth board and roomd Witu ucerg's ppoion<;ytoetterillott>kg ntngll ontrnsthicagofantheeboatri then and take advantage of aur speclal ra el.hitih docafl ot 0 dts TmloaIy auru- "Il)t'ln"glo streetis, Chicago and toimpsn l oce r utany.the tim of he ear.Kenoha everl das aio t ,,I'éoiffty loday denîandéd an iticit i, on l, noith mille 0f the buildingmr. ln r th e a n te m e of th e y ear . ln the p r n g ti re of Klitrever l aylioo tn e ti tS a leru y"19a silffl t e a eged d efen lan t., til, eron m n the outh-east corn er. i r, stnainetsprlng timholding a sae unliw-e,,wIrk.ippli fir rhIm then itelas, thatyon should get a goal1 Pr«tcecl Business Ede.They tliPPed the blind oun nier .r hand t fnieg htldnai tna n raJaes ie o nro nomi., caiou ond te place to get It l aet The Waut.egan Business three thtis marning to get back tCito rs. h Maich'17 nd tge h, ttet ntor t agn Jq- am bensOisondigthof s ewd Colieile TWO OTHER ACCIDENTS HERE Ciagaccompaned by severa Ke- ARMOUR CASE IS NOW ON ued 'stn hfMed nWslsa À RIOtIT START lis SUCCESS MIAU WO-parents. gve your nuaby n iZo iyAe ep ihf'ed nWsigo ehidren a good Bnineaa Educatton and y-la have loft them the ed off the front end only to be calight The ro. se ho tectair-fflar features. avei eft tant evening for Watt- Best Inheritance jon could-Bet.ter far than maney. Tihe Lawrnce Mahon, Victim Of Fai lnu y the Incoming train as descrîhedCounty Man Charges Attempts 10 Rom 1,;i-t te- alt ,ýýo rAnilour vilJaekrxew I-r to h as btîen lostisight of for the Waukedan Businens Collffl lithe circui4e CourtComgoîtensi Thte questowt looe boit! brothr- Ochool, conu cted by akllfa mi teebers, tesebers ai edueatIonal ZiOn -Cit>t, WiIi Recover, Armenlan Th netwl bhedatrn tr&inivg, teacherà af practicai expelence and teécheua of l nJured by Fiying Handie of Dirt tomnorrow afternoon et Zion Ct) Hlm Financially, te Drive Hlm From oska. tri,-d one- inroe anid now ttc- (Iteighit ars, Mr. Oison la a pros- character. Oc~~~~~Srapar at New Sank Excavations Many luquesta TodaY and Tcmorrow. StAte aud to Cause Hia ocwn Fait, 1119 ittrietiandnilfotigh t anefomCnt ndi COURUS-Business. Slsqt.Haud, Typew rlti.g, ChIlSeevice- ln Zion City This Moring, Soira Following la a linaito Inquests held and Restraining Order Frcm Judge ln County Court. was b,% chance that hie learned of bis Enaigi s. u Pema.ahip. . Message. today and tantarrow: Wright lna lasued at Once. In Cour.n-hrsmepbot.]aieTms O n l r . J s o n rt y C o u r t . 1 11 ( '( " ' it .1l ut it Wt t L i te k , h r o u g h b r eo e s n , i r e b o tt a r ~c t n e T i m e a . Ouit-rreor tJas.e 5C2 fecetat one todDar Iti- tittorne% A. E Case.-filie(ia dis- MeeoMc. ac 3- parocmmýe (Frm Wednesday'sSun.) to determîne death cause. lcflinirtnsanead oo o J. Malone>' (FrOm nWednesday's Stun.) tiens watratnt ftt rnt titnoitiot JMaoemeÇhanic at the United At ine tomarrow an J. (talttnt.î Nrs. Narkus, proprietremsa 0fthe SutitttIi dIl. S.Rottets o- Ut ta liigftor hint andtiother, A. States naval training chool, w ho fe ll w ho d led Of the effecta of a al au Ilotel Schw artz , w a s this nîornitîg k n ir j f o t o p o e t thirtY-fle fe*'t (rom a building ta a the naval training station. grauteti 1 a divorce before Jîtdgp THESE MAY. WED, t;ktgtnîi fot toeta cernent ioar day before yesterday, Toulght At seven at Fox La,,otl- r %right, ber huaband flot entering an h(te1t srh1o ti-i lie ortaiis on ître and sauffered acute lntern4l inJuries, the remaîna of William u t aparnetewfesdtocli- Wtiiî Rei ioli. lgiatt trhto.>N trai tawd. one w a om- died at elght-foriy.nlve at the Jane Taînorrow at three cirer the remaIn. ,dren belng prescrit aione. Thita ends Park, iii., i); letia Lochtn, Sher ntdfrVlaeCeko i îi McAlister hospîtal titis marnlng, sand Ofi MeY.ace htaueasesto eemrilI..3.nedfrVlgeCrknteCt- AM à,l.the Inquest willlbe held tomaorrow at ____________________________ a aehtcasdaentinhr mrile ii2 zetns' ticket litiMontagne. fne. aloneeYarrlved lu Waukegau nf hbio morning jouit hefore twelve and _____- attend the Inqust. The dea*lh l x.H i o mon, whose resldence la lu Chicago, lesthree chlldren. SUk Pt casC U rnsJ e es Mahon sla mprcved. Taffeta 1k licPetticoaîs, fine C n akt e Lawrence 3lobon, who yeaterday ruëtling lçind ln beautifut Sp drn's atyc Ctept neit tel thirty feet from a Zion City bulld- ragaprolrspiatt-gondtvyes, fo torowat uz b 18much Improved ntt bs rosi- gomvaue orrewrowa den-e iodai and white partially par- a]Yzed. mlairecIover. lie regalineti dl consionottesdîtring the nliht. asloed for a drink of waler, and wlohed ta knoww erhi-ett was. lie did fat kuow of he acchiet This mnrtîlng at Zion lily anun-Nm et01e. 12N huae tct Pos 2 known Artueniaut won bit lu the head erasm hle Pon 12 The folloiving editorlaa fl pared tir the Iying handie ofa irtsa ap in The Rockford Register -GCa- - Wrkfing ou excavations for the new hir go.u d l zete, March l2th, 1909l: înjured. M&Sb. mmed Rt ais oet o t T he Ro gister .azette has refrained fro ni editorial discussion f the j .di . f @ d a u s h t c n n y r e m t h dLadies 3& finch Covert C oats, beautifu t li ght A beautilul ascortment. Ail the latent styles - shades of tan in semni-fitting or tight fitting cial campaigu up te this tirne, prferring to await developments lu the pending nwlnvge.Ht frdes ea.Htefrmoes srelie wt a ftorstntm reapportienment bill et Springfield, tepassage cf Which might change the SUICIDE 1VI4INmSdrtet anme tiued wtih tatteta or satin, somened situation materially. The judicial prîmarles are set for Tuesday, April 13,' laity. Quality. Style. Ail of thons character.n Thelce are handiomne garmenta thal sett r- however, sud the indications Ara that ne legilative action chaugaiug thc ZION R<AIL DEATO sisaeom i i âata ay@oe ulrya 1.0 u pca ensa rc boundaries of thse "rsent district willlbe taken lu turne to affect the ccml4ng l ot dUpiliate under double cur prtce SettWdtsa rs primariae The judicial primarisa are ncw ouiy a littie oer four weeks dis- - Our Snturday aud Monday price tanit.Thea dînuer tendered At tile Nelson hetel Thuraday night to the presut ACîaoMn taigRdLa.__ occupants of the bouch, Judges Frost, Douueliy sud Wrght, which was at- A cago M ad SeuRd eof On .ri tendqd by practically the sutire bar of this judicial district, iucluding tweuty- uiy om beadRuu fObner four mambera of the Lake county bar wtuo favor the re-sectilon of thse prae ntru-inDpt rgcC, sent judges, won s mont sîgnlficant demonstration of sentiment ou tihe part Entrng in eot raiaCr of te lawyesand realy open the Judical campag. It wlll start lymen crsAne fMntFnigu .d Fox59ke la entiltlad te au opinion as te wlso the judges ln this circuit ohould b for the next six yeara. lu the pet tise judgas have served tise people at a salary of (Prom Weslesdays Suu.) $SM50 par yesr. Under s law paaeerd by the lent tegialature the usw judges A few houra aller the body ai one satis,, Lake last enoamer had been dîscoir- The. Rogister-Gazette le trougiy lu favor, for serlous resseto thse re- ered hy huntera ibo waile4 out aterSm r Ne a t T io dSu s nomination aud re-election of the. prescut judges, Mesara. Front, Donuelly a cripleti dock, a man, suisectedtu ~ , 75 tailOrocd auiteasuch as are sell ng for 1250 te $16.00 a few e sud Wright, and Il bolieves tisst Uiey will bc_ oven-wielmlngly euoudb eatap pdfonthleaden f cacis style, ail uew aud attractive, al ahadesansd sizes. Just ta oP tise ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o eolrgris tpry tUcrmrlalApiad gnattecfone train lu front ai anotiser andCre a t htr ln suitdcm SATURDAY and MONDAY, your chu ce at judicial election lu Juna. met bis death beneath the wbeeiî et In thse firat place the Register-Gazette belleves that permanency lu thc Zion C'ity; and the daya toiliai trag- judlclsry le s thlng mucis to bc desired aud tisat se long as circuit judges edy %ras t,, f<'1ni, j condluct theasiveesud their courta lu s mariner aatisfactory to the bar sud William 'iundt, a Chicagoan, and aofî<X ~Ç J added exprence ad mokas their legal service just tsat mucis more valuable Fox Lake tout smmner, lu September. -. mmw 95 ta Iltiganta. Il was beçausa oftiti lmse belief that thse tramtera of the. con- Mudt. accomPanied by Joe Johnsoun t~iWomneu sTaiicred Suite, a W-est variety cf handsomne new 1909 stitution provlded Ilfe ternme for judges on te faderai beucis. and Sam Russell, hoth of Fox Lake t, lored modela go on sale Baturdsy sud Mcnday At big reductiuns / Judges Frost, Donlly aud Wrght have reudered honest, able, efficient bâti appropriated a boat adgneotSplendid materlals and excellant tallcrad styles. aud Impartial service on the bench lu this circuit during the pait six years ta0irab; and that sas the tant beard ,Tise Conte are mestly hipless, titres qusirter length, n varioua s i j1 desigrns smartiy made with faucy pockets sud silk tr>mn uga ued -s sud saâcihao made a racord which enitesa hlm te re-election. There has af them untîl the boast as round, i - h s atin. Skirts sre the gored model fash oued ln varloua styles. - heen ne word ot crîticiani or complalut from auy ccuMn thei district and no with seines, drooplng airer ItB aides Materisis are Frenci s"res, fine panamas and diagoual sisadow good reasoren a svaced wisy any one of the throe oîd iudges should bc aud Russell eutangled In the nets, - Thie oa re in1&l colresu d 0bly a. lA diplaced ai the com ing lection. They have nt Il tim en taken are of the w lle later Johnso u's body wa a fou d a T hèpse retad $lu ail0 la sd 0 bvlseck, t5 court work lu «Il of the counties proînptly eud thoir deciaiconsalu ail cases have 1ltoatlng about. t been rendorsdmit tout tsar or favoir. Athaugh It udts father, motiterimeelo utfn Pama ButuiN sVe gDrss This judicial district la comprsed of four counties, Wlnnebago, Scons, aud liter, sho resîde at Chicago, ISIrtesena lo r f ieParm e f utee Nd ; eenng Deasen for ~~~~~~~~~ ~~ ~ Sit lacncantyle av s ealeutjuge.Mr.Wistuyfohr ourh cntstatacndrth boy 0 thirreltiv ailn Mceury and Lake. Ouly thrce judges ar" to b ciseen, oc lt la Impossible apent mauchtlime and rmoney ta re- t wîîh satin sud buttons, onid &a the new colora, atest spring n foroac cont tehav arecden jdge Mr Wiany, hpicath ontdtntsty etesbdyff hei rmodeeaiaandpa spestle, aiel, for judiclal honora, comas front Lake county. He ilas gentleman, s lawysr ef efforts sere unaoaîîîng.jS bargain fosrtomorr0w good standing and the Rgisterszette hou neoukludword to aay against Ti onn ta etrly.a..............**5*5*5nt**...................****55*5 5 398******51 hlm. It believm tisai somane dy, whsn a vacancy occura en thse boucis efthis hiets Nlan n tan Wtl Durl -circuit, by reàscu of death or froni sema other cause, that Mr. Whituey or were out btnting tbey crippled a dock - tome tiser member of tisa Lake ccunty bar. will b. chouan e flil tise lce, near Crait Apple Ilalnd and flllawlg wthout oposition l don: t elee t oeffetatisaepeople utti tise faitof(Cie water fowl came à p-- cemlug piaiswl eieoe ftepeetefcetjudges togrstlty tise tegil pcal fMnsbd ambition of tise gentleman froni Lake. llOatlug lu the Open trater benealh If litigeuta in Lake county lied been neglected sud court work permitted the surface. fa te sufer by tise preseut judges ties ituation migist b. dîfferent, but fertuustely The spot at wblcb the bttdy wa. this le net tise case. Judgea Frost, Dounelly and Wrghst have loolced «fier round was htween it esort knwn 8uums ant4rss Bargains Skirts and W aist h a court work in Lake county as dilgentiy as Viey have lu tise oeier ceunties as "The Frog," wbere the body now lu tisir district sud have neyer faiied te promptiy suswcr ail calle from tise lm, and ('rab Apple bar of tisai ceunty for tisir services. Tise mont alunificant substantiatlon of The dlscovery was mtade ut seiren Our new Spriug Sulà, (p finest serges, flue panarici oehfo ainaseie oo i tis Mtatemnentila Ut. facitissi tweniy-four promineut rnsmbera of tha Lake and the huntsmen lmmedlateiy tel- ms I ei oFr~ec ua oor- uenschtVope C gfon edaand eatde tii selma county bar came to Rockfornl te attend tise dinner Tisuraday evenling, aitiseoir ePhoeed ('oroner Conrad tacamte 10 no»e. Cepsuisgeu A00Ieoaq.,taupe, mulberry, imokes elaburateiy ti mmcd Witsatin sud buttons, some owu expeuse, snd aIl of these gentlemen declared tieseacves trongly ln tise sene and boidth ie Inqueat, whlch plum etc.,also blacl enior Choice. uttise stitytioe;ecttoa aus h favor ef tis e -I-lsction ofthtie presnn judges. Tisey have no quarrai wlisth ook place at 7 thîs evenlng. tiseir fllow-townemsu, tMr. Whitney, but are satisfied witi tise present judgsa Laler lu the day, at about nlne-fiity, sud believe that Lake county aspirante for tise bencis can weil aford t0 walt a man bellel'ed to haire been E. Mey, until a vacancy ceurs, wiien thiay. feel certainthtia a judgeship wili b. con- Junîpei frot the bead end of one ceded to tisir couuty, wiihout opposition, train anti over the fonsce tisat ospar- hiembers othtie bar are brougisi luto close sud constant contact with tisasites the tracka lu Zion City dapot - v 5 ( $ judges on tise beucis. Tisey have à btter Opportunity te become acquainted onîy ta rteet bis deatit beneatis tise naturel tisitishe endorsement of tise bar et candidates for tise beucis ahould IHe sas reintovtsi to the uudertak. ecroil effecte lu r%se, seseda, eld blues, copper, etc. 1 ~ 5 targe tabtes cf New Waisamin tailn ed and al over isave mucis welgit sud Influence wth tise average voter. Tisa lawvyera r r u ooe ordwamt Tucked sîsevesanad lacs y5k.. They're ail big vatuesi embroicdered diesigna altso net and taffeta mnatcriaia, b. tiat aud tise voter whc follcws teir advica lu aucis mattere will not go The tratn from wih NMey jumaped ~liJ\- fer astray. Tise endoreemeut of Judges Front, Douuelly and Wright by prac- w.. No..v- ou9 sîthJsudUnega" t tm