CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 26 Mar 1909, p. 8

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FiR.DODY IS TIIAT OF- WAUKEGAN MAN Wff.and ifwhOtinl8W of (im À. Fd lave fe« Chcage This «iurlg FELO MISSING SINCE MAR. 18 Grave Fears That Feid Ha@ Met Wihh Foui Pay as Whan He L.ft Waulegan Me Had $0O on Persan and Had Juat Purrhased Melody ,in Smithing Deparlment, and Wlshed tb Live Mere. (IProm Wednesday's Sun.) This morning Mrs. George A. Feld of Waukeg&nansd A H. Campbell, of Hoopeston, Ill., ber brother-mn-Ian, laf t for Chicago In the helief that the body of Itea. F. Feid wmuId le fodnd lu the Cook counly morgue, sud by this ac- tion an interestiug tory of a dlsap- pearance lu Waukegau hecame public. Feld, who le a inuou 49 came he about two neaks sago sud purchased tha Melody tin shop, run lu couuec- tien willi the Meiody hardware store. Ou Mardi 18, afler a very ahurt resideuce liere, Feld dsappeared with $500 on is pacson, sud the fludiug of tbe body ef s middle aged man lu C'hicago yesterday caused the rider 10, lasse lurriedly for the city wtb lier brother to fSud eut wbether or nOfl thle body la that of ber liusband. Feld originally came fren Hoopes- Ion, but lter resided and badl a huai- nsse at Granite City, wheu lie ra- mo4d bare aler tie purchase of the local business. Ha ras kindly sud affalble and made friands readily. Feld wus five feet six or sevan, liad dark haîr sud a black moustache. was lghtly baid, more durit clothes sud overcoat, and ras a tlusmltb by laile. H.ow Dîsappearance Was Found. The lutI seau of Feld ras last Thursday eveiug rbeu he et to, is roins, with Mr. sud Mrs. Walter Dran. 322 south Geneqea street, changed ils clothes, sud left, not lak- lng bis lnggage nith hlm. The nexI iast turne ras Tbursday morning when William A. Melody, whose tin sliop Feld hal purchasad. satmte minuleasebissBhop sud go west on Washtngton treet. lteld bail beau eemplainiug of Il- nasa for Ire days, havlng s bail colS, sud Mr. Melody hadt advlsed hlm te go to bis room sud take soeasim- ple remedias for the cold, wblch ha ead ha would do. Thursday morulng bu cama down, satld ha did not feel Ilke workiug, sud declarad is Intention of gettlug soea tableta, for bis cold. Ha ra)1ked up Jorards Pearca's drug store, but dld flot anter, golng maRI on Wasliiugton treat, sud that ras the lut Mr. Ml- edy sar ef hlm. Gels Latter From Wife. Mr. Melody, bowever, thouglil lit- tle ef this as ha lmagiued tial Fald waa home takiug care of bis colfi. Saturday a lettar came fron Fldes wlfa te Feld sud Mr. Melody lu the evaulug stoppad at Dren's le deliver It onlito Sund that Feld iad nt beau tera at Il but hafi chaugail bis clothas sud gene away, no oue knew nhera. Ha at once wrote te airs. Feld there- foeansd lat night laIe the wite sud ban broier-l-lar, aMr. Campbell ar- rived frein Heepestou. At the Boston Heusa the proprlters dld nt kuew Feld, as ha had taken onty trausient meals there. Mion Clewv Falia. Then a clan devalopail that Felfi may have gene to Zion City sud this ras lookeil up wltb ne rasults. MONEURS CARRY RAZORS (From Wadnesda's Sun.> Yeu, and They Shave on lhe Rond, Toc, Do Trrampa. Ouaetofthe lterastlug slght ata tae police station takes place at nlght rban the trampsansd stay evers"' coma lu sud ara saarcied fer kivas sud razors. Theua ara nt permitted lu the celle of thé cty lait sud the sergeatsa desk la lltbarad each niglt it rtt apous taken. Cotrary te tua geuaral Impression, nomaetrthe wnuderers ara the reas article sud ara looklug for wurk. !Tbasa genarally carry razors sud shaaewbaraver sud rbenever tiey oea. te try te keep neat sud fit ora job. Msuy a lacent man la lodgad lu the City jail oser night. WAS PARHAM INNOCENT? - (VIS Waiaesday'aSun.) At lima nigusf aisubseribera te 24Mior Ity w4 ~ePlacetethe fol- - baO,- oe Mr. W. . VIve Win ySe tmIy. ise uda xplaflt wbst becama ut the ltter whlch the O Àte tata Ama.Hall of Ssan Antonio, Taxas.' IO I) I> wrote yen retractiug the story shbe sol hafi telf on Mr. Parbam. aud rhy yeu h f1 Ntt dE did flot resu It to the public congrega ULON 1RUfI FI-SJVF dion as abe requestad, but insteafim read it to s fer of your officrs wltb A IA TC the remark tht it need go no fur- MA C IE cil' thler? Do you flot want to malte thinge _________me riglt? o Also we wmuId lîke to kuow rhare AIIeged Case et MidIMCl Mal the gravesi are ef these promînaut Practice ls Roportod, Proof .mnen who a year age and more ware O9 tIleunder the sod lu a fer mônths le oéh if they contlnued to oppose you? ________ "hnapropliet speaketh ln the naine of the Lord, If the thing follow North ide Woman le Central flot, nr corne to pass. that le. the - thing whlch the Lord bath flot apoken, FiuelIn isto but the prophet hath spoken It pre- Beiig Ibid sumptuousty. Thbu (the people) shaît liot ha afrsld ef hlm" Deut. offciais of otite, Çounty and City 1 18-22. Thare la surely a reason. A READER. aSee to Dtermvlne True Cause of A REDER. Death and Detectîves Shadow Rçsi- CORNPROUCT ISSE BNDS dance of Centrai Figure ail Through COR PRDUCSISUEB 1DS Day n Fenr, cf All.ged Attempt et <Froim Wednesday's Sun.)- Annual Meeting of Big Corporation (From Winedays SUD.) Haid aI Jersey Ciy Yetardoy. This, afternoon the statesé attor. According to a resotution adoptad neyas office, the. cty police suthôri- by the stockbolders of the Corn Pred- îles. and the county offIciaIs ln charge ucts Refining Company at their an are conducting an Inquiet aval' a nuat meeting ln Jersey City yaster- north aide womnan te determine the day the directers ef the corporation exact causa of her doath. may determine to Issue an amount1 The cause of the deatb la bing ln- of bonds against the uer $6,000,000 vstigated bteause allegaed med- plant nom hiug bult at Argo, Ill icat maîpractice le strongly sus- No annual report was Issued. Chair- pectad sd ou thaeaae bln"s a vital- mn F. H. Hall stated that the figures îy Important matter. hsd flot bean complatefi sud that a elsth nut qaopie fuil sccountlng would be malled toe lsdstelqua uabl~l tbe stockliolders as soon as tha BItte- hiug bald ani t Ibis autopsy be rnent la finished. He said that the net aides Waukegau phyalclana Dr. Gabr- resuits of oîerations for the yaar end- man of Chicago la offlcatlag. ed Fehruary 28, 1909, wIll show about With the autope haîf over Ibis ae- 65 Mar cent of the pretedlng yaar, the ternoon It ls atalai that lter. la as falilng off belng due prlnclpally to yet ne definitaeideuce of maprac- the higli prîces. tice but what the offIciais hava up The stockboldera re-elected the re- hrBlesl ntko ateau tiring dIrectors without opposition. tpyl en a eldcoa doors. Shortly after drawlng bis last peu- A police offcJr ail aflernoon saad- sion William Lobmeyer. a retired p o med the residenca of oua cf the cen- liceman, was klied by a througb Cli- IraI figures ln the case lu fear of ught cago and Nortbwestern train whbllansd the fullast Investigation la ba- trYing t0 cross the tracks at D3es- Iug made of the matter lu hand. plaines yesterdsy. He ras ou bI$ The naine of thba rman ovan whom way to visil Mrs. Frank Selpp, a the autopsy le belug held la Mm,. jog- daugliter. rho la M e t Lakte Zurich, enh Connor and Ibis atternoon on thet Ill. Hie lived aitbe home of Mrs. stand the hushand gava tastlmony Frank llomanus, 1302 North Francis- before tha corouer's jury that mdi- co street. Coroner Peter M. Hoffmau, csted maiPractica of tae most deci- who wituessed the accident, helped ed kud. uamlugsa. phyalcias netae t0 carry the body to ScolIe nuder- ona rbo bai atnded hie rite and taklug rooma, rhera lei mpanoled a Performed an ailegai Iflgal opera- Jury and cotinued the case Indefj- lion. ultely. Thee bled girl. SussanB9100.,la~ "HE lï4 ' I i rn lh.?. !ill hé fbrtko e exa mjataaI lsM y . e r~ M eM ate of affaira by Mrs. Connor ber- Jto dâeinmi u .4.hons~.pes M. Wblt., eifao, 40; Ecaile C- mot d.CWfiva IlOkMuaa se tadiul Th hsce nan Interview t- havIng the case lu charge. uIote . ý itri. IAdt ross w« h lid mhnfilýy "Airs. Connor lIoflot under S$tatW's Attorney Dady Vouli flot This evouins Wilbgr Glenn Voilva to hlm by Pscker oanan f Chi- 'y e tat lt thisa afernoon whetber and Âttoruoy ioxb debate at Zion Off0 tOntilglt bt-5 iPfl1Oit Aftefl The' case le thé sonsation of the there wonld or wouid flot be a rar- taberasle oni rhetber the wrd la club. lao round of the ton ras IY anmd bas workel up more excite-»rmut lsaied today or ai any limne and rounzd o-eat. Th e Moral impression Crus a factor. Mefanland oliy (du ient tItan anything that bas devel- the ballet ia that Ibho authorlblea rfll n'Zion la hitaIVoliva bas foUUtithe. wlat he obose and tilt whore hea De la Waukegan lu years. flot soi for a day. world rafber fat of labo. choseand rhenevat h. chose. sus.. IT'S a matter of a good deal of satisfaction to us to bc able to offer our customers such a fine lot of suits and Qvercoats as Hart, Schaffner & Marx have made for us this season. Overcoats and suits; in al the finest Iabrics and patterns; Dew models, smart styles. Ali e nw models and col- orings --- browns, greens, olives, tans, grays, blues and blacks. - . C.a - r.,14-d. te1c bUItS- - -elIozz Top Coats- - $10 to $20 Cravenettes - - $10t$2 Auto Coats - .$15 to $25 s Great Cotheà & shoe Store 121-123 N. Geneoe -St., W&'.ulenan .N'à )P 0F WAUKEGAN _______ I y A Week End Suit Spedial For Saturday OnIy Suits of ail wool material in navy, black and brown, coats strictly taiiored, 35 Inches long, satin lined thorugh- out, trined with double row of buttons i back, .sldrt gored and plaited, with button trlmmlýngsý, workeanshlP and materlal guaranteed. Absolutely $12.50 values go on sale Saturday for. FANCY WORSTED SKIRTS. $5.00 '~ values, in àai colora. panel front, buttop.ý trlmmnini, plain gored, new flare ( ~ ! effect ...... . . . . . . . . . . . Dlaek & Gray Droadelotb Excllent workmnship and fit- Cola tini guaranteed, the season' best styl Retlr $6.50 & $7.50 values Ladies FuIe Beits,25 ........... sty s............ New effeci Polka Dot Hou .5 at .. ......... .. . . . . . . . . 5 HAVE YOtJ SEEN OUR They are the Town TaIk. ft Ight, 00w at the beg nning of. the season, we are seilin SURtS at June. prices, on a pr ft shariig basis, with the whole season before you. This ls.8a proposition that shouid apeai te, every wôman. Isn't It worth looklne loto. leère you coq buy suits from, $7.95 to $50,0, valustbat co not. be equ4W.d eIshe at........................ ..... 12c Ext~sft lcetrlrned Saturday, Last Day: of Our. MlNtery OpeniiogSale We have decided to mnake k a banntr dayi this departriaent and have ad4efl va1new itcf#s at bargrin prices. We thanjc the throÙ s f Our friends who attended our ope-ning and tiak them, for their liberal patronage. il 25cj Your Choice of Six Styles of Ladies' Fine Taliored Suits AMl of the latest edicts, plain or trhnmed coats, and the seasons' most desirable styles ai akirts, the very hlghest clama of workmanshlp, and materlals strctly ail wool, aof the newest stripeai varloius shades solid colors in gray, tan, old rov and ail staple and Meg colon, poultlvely $20 values for Lawn Waists White and black, trimmed wlth fancy lace and cm- beoidesy, also taiiohd and plaited effects.- The seasons' newest cmations, poaWtyely $1.25 and -$1.50 values, a choice of 12 styles, e aturd bargain special at Tailored Street Hats i the new Sômnbretta style. 1.ë95 .We ma ea, i d iv fFine 9 Thest cannot bc dupiae for ont third more. Made of the best xnateials and)he ncw shodfs i sterla, serves blue, black and other Icadlng colors. Fine Black Oîtrich C 1 Ostrich Plumes, al '>95 Phl ......... 98 colora 18-m nlong ...£6 105 mmd 101 G»ENFSEE. STREET WAUKEGAN Car Fawc Reluuied on $s»0ePurekases ALTERAflOtM Par

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